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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.






I. LINGUISTIC. 1. foreign. P. Polynesian generally. Mq. Marquesan, or Marquesas Islands. H. Hawaiian, or Sandwich Islands. F. Fijian, or Fiji Islands. S. Samoan, or Navigators' Islands. E. Easter Island. R. Rarotongan, or Cook Islands. S.A. South American. T. Tahitian, or Society Islands. Mr. Malagasy, or Madagascar. Tng. Tongan, or Friendly Islands. . M, Malay. 2. Home. 1. Earawa, or Northernmost. 6. E. Cape and Poverty Bay. 2. Ngapuhi, or Bay of Islands, Ac. 7. Hawke's Bay, &c. 3. "Waikato. 8. Taranaki, &c. 4. Eotorua. 9. Middle Island. 5. Thames and Bay of Plenty. 10. Chatham Islands.

11. LITEEAET. Poet. Sir Gr. Grey's vol. Maori Poetry, &c. Prov. Ditto Proverbs, &c. Cape Town, 1857. Wellington, 1853. Bible. If the new edition should be quoted, then Myth. Ditto Mythology, &c. London, 1854. the Book, eh , and v.

111. GRAMMATICAL. v., verb; v.n., verbal noun; adv., adverb ; part., particle; adj., adjective; pr., pronoun; *~ substantive, &C.j &C.

IV. SUNDBY. Ohs. Observation. Prov. Proverbial. Syn. Synonymous. JSu. European. JNg. Figurative. Mod. Modern. Prim. Primary.

A, the first letter of the New Zealand alphabet. It has two principal sounds, —(1) long, as in the English words, father, rather; and (2) short, as in the English words, man, mat. It is sometimes interchanged for c, as in kai=kei, hai=hei, taina=teina, ■anei=enei, &c.

Grammatically considered it is of first importance in the formation of words and sentences. 1. It is the termination, or last letter, of all passive verbs. 2. A, short, is prefixed to the names of persons, and to many personal pronouns, when not preceded by ho, no, mo,




and to ; and sometimes it is prefixed to the names of things, —always when personified or bearing a person's name, as a canoe, ship, &c. —and to tribes, lands, stars, —and to names of months and days :— Haere koo ki a ITemi noho ai. Kawea atu tenei ki a Tamati. Na.,' a Mea, a. Hen are, he tangata pai ia ; a Tamati he tangata kino. Ka rere mai a Tainui, a ka v. E tangi ana a Hue ki a ia, ka ripiripia ka toetoea. " Ka whakaatu ake i a Kaukaumatua. Ka rapua a Kaukaumatua " (a stone earring).— Myth. p. 78. Ko te piitake tenei i riro mai ai a Mangakahia ki au, ko te huru. Kua tae mai o au tuhi, i tuhia c koe i a Ilurae, i a Akuhata, i a Hepetema ano hold. 8. A, long, is prefixed to names of persons, to living things, and to personal pronouns, —to form the possessive case plural. (See O.) Nga kuri a Hoani. Nga kai ate poaka. A maaua patu. A ratou kai. Haere ana ratou kite whawhai, tenei hapu tenei hapu o ratou; i a ratou ano a ratou pu, a ratou tao, a ratou rakau. 4. A, long, is also prefixed to names of persons, to living things, and to personal pronouns, to give the substantive, or verbal noun, following or preceding, an active meaning. I kite ano ahau i te patunga a Hoani i tena kuri. I pera hoki te ahunga iho a nga kanohi, me ta te tahae ua hopukia. Katahi ka patua i te tirohanga mai a nga tangata. E kore ahau c neke i te pehanga a te nui, a te whakahee. Eta, ka putake te riri a o matou nei tipuna ki Heretaunga. I nui te korero ate Hapuku: koia ano te riri a taua tangata ! 5. A, long, is also prefixed to all proper and common names of men and women, and to pronouns, whenever the noun immediately preceding is that of any article of food, or of any implement or utensil for obtaining and preparing food, or of any place or thing for storing food, or of fire and firing for cooking food, or of any implement of war, to be used by them. (See A, prep, of.) Ko te pu a Hoani tena. Te patu a Mea. Tenei te kete i ngaro a taku hoa. Te kohua paku a te wahine tenei. 6. A, long, is prefixed1 to the definite article immediately preceding the noun and verbal noun, —and also to possessive pronouns, to give a future meaning. Meake ano ahau tae atu ki kona a nga ra o Tihema nei. Ko a te tau koroi koe kite ai.

Hei ate rerenga ote kaipuke te mate ai. (See A, prep, at the time of.) 7. A long is also prefixed to proper and common names of men and women, and to personal pronouns, to show the natural relationship downwards. Nga tamariki a Hoani=John's own children. Kahore he uri a tena tangata i toe. I taona ai Tunui a Takaha na i.— Poet. 220. Ko wai koe? Ko au ko Tauhou. Ka vi atu ano ia, Tauhou a wai ? Tauhou a Ira; ko ia atu. 8. A, long, is also prefixed to adverbs of time to give them a future meaning, as a mua, a muri; and to adverbs of place, as a konei, a konaa, a koo, a reira; and to prepositions of place, as a runga, a raro, a waho, a roto, for intensification and emphasis; and in a very few instances to nouns, as a uta; possibly, in some instances, for euphony : — Ka hoe matou ka hua c kore a uta c taea atu. Penei hoki c rere ana, ahiahi rawa ake ka taea a uta. Ka hoe raua kite moana, a tawhiti noa, ka ngaro a uta. Ina hoki, i wehea atu te moana mo nga ika, i wehea mai a uta mo te tangata. A, adv. part., when. Ano te hari o taua tangata a tana kitenga i a ratou! Hei karakia i to ratou waka a te putanga mai o te hau. Maau ano c mau mai a to haeretanga mai. —and then: Naau i kii, c kore c pai; a, i mea atu ahau, Heoi. Ko tenei koi noho nga iwi, a whakarongo ki aaua patipati. He whakatakariri noku, moona, i haere tona ingoa mohio, a tukua ana c ia tona kaha ki raro. E peka taaua nei ki tahaki, a taukinikini, a taurakuraku. — Poet., 172. —then: Kua mutu to patai ? Ac. A, maaku tenei patai. A, aha ana koe ? — afterward: Ka ngaro, c kore c ngaro, he paku, a ka nui. Patua, ate kakara ki ia wahi. — (Old Song.) Engari kua rongo ano, a kia rongo; kua kite ano, a kia kite. Tohea ano, a via hoki. —namely ; videlicet; that is to say : Na wai hoki i kii, a hei tango i toku kaainga ? E kore rawa c whakarere, a, ko te whakapono tera o aku tupuna, noreira ka mau tonu i au. Na, ko tenei ingoa ko Poureereere, he rakau na Hikarerepari .... haere tonu mai te ingoa a Poureereere. Ka nui rawa te hohoro kite whakataka haere i te hanga whakahara nei, a te repo (big gun). Te mahi a to iwi pakeha ki te karo i te hanga maaro nei, a te kohatu. I kitea hoki c matou tena pa, a Poneke. A.prep., of; belonging to (P.). (See O.) Confined to—l. Pood; 2. Utensils, implements, &c, used in procuring, preparing and cooking food; 3. Implements



of offence; 4. Wives and offspring; 5. Companies and divisions of an army; 6. Acts, deeds, words, thoughts; 7. Passions: of the subject, following nouns of passion; 8. Actions of elements; 9. Actions of living things, and the active properties of things. 1. Te kai a te tnanu. Te kai a tena tangata. Nga ika a Hoani. 2. Te iimu a Mere. Te kete kawe kai a taua wabine. Te Eu'penga a Ngatihori, 3. Te pu a Hoani. Te waruhanga a te mata koitou ! Te maripi koi a tena tangata. Te huata a Maui. Ko te takoto koa ate taura raka iraro i te raorao. 4. Nga tamaliine a Hoani. E hine ate lioa.— Poet., 134. E tama rongonui ato matua. — -Poet., 232. Te wahine ate Hapuku. Kowai koe ? Ko au ko Tauhou. Ka vi atu ano ia, Tauhou a wai P Tauliou a Ira ; ko ia atu. 5. Ka takoto te matua a tetalii, a tetahi; ano te matua a taua tangata! Ka titiro atu nga tangata o te ope a Takarangi. Q. He utu kupu naana a te tangata. Heoi ano te kupu a te hoa aroha a Te Ueremoana. Hoe noa iho to noho a te tangata ki reira. E puranga ana te mahi a te tupapaku. Aua o tango kite whakaaro a te tuna, kite whakaaro a te kiore, engari ki a te tangata. Kua tomo te waka i te mahi a te ika. Te. mabi a te kabuwaero, a te topuni, a te mawhiti, ate puahi, ate kahu taniko ! E kauwika ana te kai nei, a te keke, a te purini, a te rohi, a te tii, a te poaka, me etalii atu o nga kai reka. Ka nui haere hoki te mabi a te karakia Maori.— Myth., 128. 7. Me pebea i te kawenga a te pawerawera. Myth., 144. Na te kawenga a te mataku, koia tenei omanga. Ka pura tona kanobi, kihai i pura kite riringa a riri; a, ehe ana tera notemea ehara tera i te tikanga a riri.— Prov., 98. 8. Ko te rere ate ua. Te pupuhi ate hau. Te mabi ate werawera. Te ngaunga a te makariri. Ka pau ra ite kainga ate abi! 9. Te mahi a te pu ! Te rere tere a te manu nei. Te ngau ate kuri. Te kakati ate tuiau, Ako rawa ake kite mahi atetuuii. Foot., 87. Kapikapi ana i te mahi a te kara te rakau iringa kara. Te kakati a te rongoa. —of, or from ; noting the place : To mata i haea kite toroa a tai. Poet., 69. Heoi a matou nei, ko a uta aana kai, kaore matou c kite ana i te kai a tai. —that of: Ko ate bee korero. Nohea «te ware ona mea ? Kahore a te pakeha ona ngenge. Papaku a ringa, hohonu a korokoro. — Prov. —those of, the things of : Ka mea ratou kia hokona aratourakau ki a nga pakeha. Taku kupu mo te marama aurei, kei te pai te takoto a te wbenua. A toku ringa i waiho ai.— Poet., 246. Me he karanga a kai pea c kore c tonoa. — Prov. "Whakareka a kai, whakareka a moenga. — Id. Na, ka hee ta ratou mahi, nui atu hoki i a o ratou matua i mea ai.

—the parts of: Momona a hiku, momona a tara. Naau, c ta, c abu ana i a te tai kii, i nga motu. —the people of: Na te mano kotahi o tera i uta i patua a te Tumu. Ka puta te rongo o taua ope ki nga wahi o Taupo, ka bui a Taupo, he mano nga tangata o Taupo; katabi ka haere mai ki te riri, haere mai a uta me te moana. He pai kau ano ra kite whakarongo atu a tawhiti nei. Kahore a reira riwai ? He hanga w.hakama hoki ki a mua. —the sayings of: Taku kupu, ka tv i au a Meiha. —the doings of: He mea nui a tera i mea ai mo matou. —the fruits of : Ko te tangata c rapu tika ana, mona ano a te tika: ko te tangata c rapu hee ana, mona ano a tehee. Katahi ano ka pae ki tahataha, kite mahue, ki te wbakarere ; ka tutuki hoki ki tona tutukitanga a te kuare. A,prep. Until; till; (time,) to the time that. Ka whanga nga matua a ahiahi noa. Nc ho, a too noa te ra. Ko koe ano to matou hoa, a tae noa ki tenei ra. Ka tatau atu te tangata nei i nga ingoa a poto katoa.— Myth., p. 201. Ka tiakina c ahau, a ora noa ia. Na, noho ana ahau ki a ia, a ao noa te ra. —to the place that: Nana ano i haere, a te wai nui ra ano. He arulie ta ratou i kai ai, a to ratou taenga atu. Ko te wahi kino rawa tena o taua ngahere, a tae noa atu kite putanga. —unto, even unto : Haere i auarohe, a te mareretanga ki Piako nui. Ka na te akau mai te huarahi, a Whangaroa. Ka na Tarawera a Hotomahana. Kara Hakomiti atu te ara a Paritangi. Momona ake i taku hiku a taku tongahau. {Old fable, Bel to Codfish). Tahi mai ana i te ihu, a te noko atu ana ; tani mai ana i te noko, a te ihu atu ana. Ka piri tonu ahau ki a koe, a te mutunga ra ano. —throughout: Takoto ana tera, a toru noa nga ra. A nga takiwa c haere ake nei me tahuri ki te ahuwhenua hei oranga mo tatou. —to: Ka mea atu ia, Haere mai; a arahina ate whare kee i roto. Moe tonu, a ka ao te ra ka hoe a nga pa ano i nohoia ra ano c Paoa ka v ki uta. Kia wawe au te kawe a te rae ki Horoboro c ! —Poet., 146. —towards, as in direction to a place : Ka rere Da runga i nga hiwi a Torohanga. —(as to each other) : Engari kia pena ano tana whakarite me ta te pakeha a ia whakapakeha, na ka tika. —with : I kiia, kia poua a rimurirau a maaua rakau. Ho mai kia kai awau, me haere a toenga korua ki to korua kaainga. -by: (noting the cause, or instrument), Maau c korero a mangai atu. I rongo a korero ahau. Ka kiia a ngutu atu, ka kiia a ngutu



mai. E haere a waka ana. Haere a waewae etahi, haere a waka etahi. (as to sell by,) Ko te hoko o te whenua i mua, ehara i te mea utu a eka.. (as by time,) Xi te tuku a po, na te awa poreterete. —Poet., 227. (as by land,) Haere te moana, haere a uta. (as singly —to call, count,) He mea karangaranga a ingoa tenei huinga. Ko tana tatau he tatau a po. (to go by,) Ka timata kite Waipuna, ka rere atu a te huarahi kua oti te ruri i mua, a tae noa kite awaawa, ka piki a te Puriri, ka tae kite nehenehe. —on : Me haere a waewae atu ahau. Rere a waewae ana nga morehu ! Ina hoki a te Wenerei ka haere ki tua, Ko a taua ra koe kite ai. —at: Titi tonu te pari o reira, he papa kohatu a tatahi. A te tuponotanga ki tetahi wahi pai. Tapore ana a waenganui o te tahuu nei ! -—at the time of (future) : Ate tau koroi. Ite atea ate waru. Tena pea euaa te awatea. Me tiaki eau enei mea mo a te ngahuru. Ko ate po ratou haere mai ai. —in : (in. the time of; in, denoting the place :) Nana ! Whakaaroa ano a to mariretanga. Tawharu ana a waenganui. —as; even as; like, like as; in the same manner as ; according to : Here a manu tonu kite hopu matangohi — Old Song. Tupu a hue te kai. E haere a kaakaa ana te tangata. Ka ngaro a Moa te iwi nei. I pupuke a wai te roimata i aku Kamo. — Poet, 73. Ka pakaru a waka c taea te raupine mai. E noho a tinana tonu ana te wahine te tamariki te taane. — Myth., p. 152. Ka korero a reo tangata mai taua manu ra ki a ia. He ua a nehu. I korerotiate kupu ki a ratou a ratou hoki i ahei ai te whakarongo. Maau tonu c hiki te tamaiti nei, homai a tamaiti ana kei kino ; me rahi kei moe taane kee. Itepo ka nohoia a wharetia, ara ka runangatia. Ko nga rangatira i noho i runga i te atamira, ko nga tangata katoa atu i noho a hapu i tahaki atu. Notemea kua whakatangata tana paru o te whenua, a kua ora a tangata. —and, conj., joining sentences, not words. {See Me.) Haere ana matou ki uta, a hoki ana mai ki Nepia. Ac tana tama hoki; ako Hoani tona ingoa. Haere atu ana tera ki raro, a mate atu ana. Ko mea ra tona papa, a tokorua aana wahine. I wahiaiho c ia taua pa, a patua ana nga tangata. ' —but; notwithstanding : Kia tohe tao kite hoki; a, c hoa, ko ahau ki mua. Ka noho iho kia ao ra ano te ra; ate mea c ngenge ana raua ka moe. He nui to matou pouri, ara mo te taha kite tinana kia noho tonu mai; ahe nui te hari o o matou ngakau i haere pai ia.

Kahore he rangatira o tenei whenua, a ko taku matua anake. —wherefore : such being the case : very well: since it is so : {rebus sic stantibus :) "A, tenei to ara." A, waiho ra. Eui ana matou, He tono pehea? A rapea, ki te mea ka turi te tangata. —consequently : therefore : Kua hee noa tona ngakau, a ngau kee ana ia. —and if: Ahakoa nui te moana, me aha ? engari me whakamatau, a maana ka totohu, he ahakoa ; a maana c v, c pai ana. —in the sense of, —gone with, swallowed up, destroyed, eaten, singled or marked out for capture, death, &c. : Ka tokomaha nga tangata a taua awa: (moana, wai, pari, &c). He umutao a wahi c. — Poet., p. 105. Ka whaia nei te kiwi ate kuri ra, mau rawa atu i roto i te wai. —meaning,—the same as; one with : Ko ahau a Ngapuhi, ara no taku matua no Ripa. —denoting food (elliptically) : Ma koutou ano a koutou, kia kaha ai te haere. Pau ana a nga hoa, katikati tonu a tama. (Fish). Kua maha a nga hoa, kaore ano aana. —used before the word singled out for inquiry, comment, &c.: No konei tenei kupu, he mahi haereere tonu hoki, koia a Tourerere. Koia tena kupu a to putiki, me te rukuruku, c rua hoki nga kupu. — used sometimes, for the definite article, te : Tera ano tera putake mate, tona taunga kei a katoa kei nga taane kei nga wahine. —conjoined with names of places, means named by, or after, the discoverer, &c. : Roto-a-Kiwa (Kiwa's Lake) : Roto-a-Tara (Tara's Lake) : Te Matau-a-Maui (Maui's Fishhook, Cape Kidnappers) : Te Atua-a-Mahuru (Mahuru's difficult pass, or peak; a culminating point of Ruahine Range, which I have several times crossed). —emphatic, intensitive: Ko a tenei ra ahau puta ai ki a a. Ko ahau kua whanau i mua, kua kaumatua ahau, kua whanau a ia. Ka mea mai ano raua, A wai, eta ? Ka mea atu ia, A. Horo ra. Kihai hoki i hamumu atu a te wahine ra. — intj., of command ; silence ; stop; Ara hoki ko taua hunga, A I kaati te turituri. A koutou, c moe nei, c ara ! —of calling attention, there! here! look! Ka kite nga tangata ka karanga, A ! he mann, he manu. —of surprise, of sudden discovery; A, tenei. — intj., of sudden indignation, or disappointment (pronounced differently from the last). —of calling to come on, as we sometimes say, Come. Ka mea te wahine, A, haere iho kite whakaruku i a matou. A, used for ka in passionate exclamation: A tae te hoi o tenei taurekareka!



—used for aha (poetical) : Ko te a c Hura. —used for ka (poetical) : 'A roharoha c, aku parirauiti.— Old Song. | See Poetry, 109, 182, 401, &c. —used for Ma (poetical), Poet., 272. A, is omitted in very emphatic narration, incantations, &c.: Ka mea nei Ngapuhi. Ka whakatika ano Nga puhi. Ho !ka kai Tv, ka kai Rongo, ka kai te Whakaariki. A, is used in poetry, at the end of a line; meaning Yes, truly so —followed by the i, expressive of deep regret at the remembrance. He waka utanga nui taku waka, ko Torohaki uaua ko whakamere te ika, a, i.— Old Song. A, is also usedin poetry, chaunts, songs, &c, as a chorus or refrain— Poet., p. 91. A, s., the collar-bone (6) : he a no te kakii. — Syn. Paewae. —the temples (7) : nga a o nga kanohi. —(T. the jaw). Kapautea waiho ekoe i te whare. — P0et.,~p.130. A, adv., yes : common term of assent. A, or Aa, v. (Pass=i&: v.n.—ing&). — (T.) To drive wild animals by a long reach or sweep, in order to surroundor catch; to drive away ; to drive singly, or in a flock; as domestic animals. (Obs. The ancient primary meaning of this verb is nearly lost.) Patua te wai kite hoe, kia aia ai nga ika ki roto. Maaku c aa atu nga poaka. —See Arahi. E aa ana a Hoani i nga kuri ki waho. Aia nga manu ra kia rere atu ai. —to urge; to expel: Kua kore a Ngatihotu i Taupo, kua aia c te patu a Tuwharetoa. Naana i aa te tangata ki waho. —to drive, to carry away; as smoke, dust, insects, &c, by wind. — (See, Aahaere.) I aia atu c te haute hanga namu nei. Aia atu, kia peratia me te paowa ahi c aia ana c te hau. Tee ai he hau ki tenei wahi hei aa atu i te inati waeroa! —to be driven away; as man by stench, &c.; impelled by fear, &c. : Haere ana aua pakeha i te aainga a te piro, no taua kuri mate. —to thrust aside; as brambles, &c.: Aia atu en a nga tataramoa Id to rakau na. — -fig. to be driven away by ill-treatment, neglect, &c.: Ka pena mai koe ki au, he aa ano tena lnoku. He a mai i au ki tawhiti mau ai.— Poet., p. 103. Ka tv ra a Hurakau, ka hoka i tana patu me a ki tona uma.— Poet., p. 126. Tenei tonu hoki enei nga tangata a koutou c a nei i te moni kite poho. A, Kai- s. a driver: one who drives animals. Aa, s. manner or act of driving, in order to surround, to impel forward, or

catch; or to drive away, or expel; or to drive before one: Ka kino te aa manu a te tamaiti nei. Ko taau aa poaka tena ? Aa, part., denoting time; signifying the extension, continuation, or duration of, the action or purpose expressed or implied in the verb which it closely follows : very much used in narration. Haere tika tonu atu aa tae noa kite awa. Kei konei tonu au c noho ana aa kia oti ra ano te taewa ka hold ai. Ko kino tonu ano ia, aa noho iho, aa whanake. Me penei ano te whakarite i nga hee aa takoto ake nei. Ka nunui te tai aa ka tapoko te waka. Ka kawe ka kawe aa waengauui po noa! — prep., throughout: Kia tiakina aa c toru nga ra. Used in beginning of sentences and narrations; meaning, And it came to pass. — intj. Used by a party in dragging canoes 3 &c. : Tena, tena, aa! Tena, tena, aa waa! = (Pull away, pull together.) —used in wailing, as over the dead, and at funerals : A tenei au c, c tamanei,nei,aa,aa. — Poet., p. 140. Ka mate au ki taku tangata, aa. — Poet., p. 302. Ati, s. (T.) a patronymic prefix, pointing out the name of the progenitor, or ancestor, of the tribe or family : a word prefixed to the proper name of a tribe, — meaning, children of, descendants of. (Ngaati, which is the more common prefix, is the same word with the plural article added.' — Syn. Ngaati, Ngaai, Aitanga.) Ko to te Atiawa rangatira tenei ko Tahuaroa. [Obs. I. Adi (F.), is a common prenomen to ladies' names, equivalent to Madam, Miss, Lady, &c.; was such anciently in use in New Zealand ? See following quotations, and note.] Te wahine Ati awa. — Poet., pp. 134, 159. I te nui Ati hine. . . . Ka hari ra c te wahine Ati hao.— Poet., p. 341. Tenei ano nga kuha o te Ati c tuwhera atu nei. — Old Legend. Said by a lady. —an ancient name for a god or demon : (See Kahukura's invocation at Sawauki ;—Te whakarongonga atu, te ati tipua; te whakarongonga atu, te ati tahito.) Ka mau i reira to ika i te ati. — Poet., p. 260. Kia rewa nga ngohi a te ati. — Poet., p. 197. [Obs. 11. Ati (T.) a haul of fishes.] Ati, strong intj. denoting perplexity with vexation: No te marangai ? Kao. Ati, no te hau tonga? Kao. Ati, no te hau koe, &c.— Myth., p. 17. Ka kii atu a Maui, E kore c rongo mai ki tena karanga. Ka kii atu te wahine, Ati, me pewhea te karanga ? — Myth., p. 26. Ka mea atu tana taane, Ati ranei he whakatina ano tou c mamae na koe ? — Myth., p. 128.



Atiati, v. (Pass. =a : v.n. = tanga.) To drive out, or away from; to expel; to chase; to push back; to repel; to urge by force. I atiati ahau kia haere atu. i . Hei huna riri, hei atiati riri. Wahi iti kua mate ia i runga i tana malii atiati; nui atu tona kaha kite atiati. Ka peia atu ano, ka atiatia atu hoki i tena wahi. Atiati, Kai- s. One who expels, represses, &c. Kahore he hai-atiati inaianei mo te kino. AtiatiMnga, s. Atiatitailga, s, Act, time, place, or manner of expelling, repressing, &c. Mo taku atiatitanga i riri ai. Atiu, s., a North-west wind (2). Me te teanga mai o te Kawana Hopihona, i te taha hau atiu ki Peowhairangi ki Waitangi. Atiu, v. To circumambulate. Atiaatiu, «?-. To wander. Atilltitl, v. To wander about. Na nga pei, na te atiutiu, kia ngakau kore, kia . ware noa iho. {Te Hokioi.) Me te manu kuare hoki c atiutiu noa atu ana i tona kowhanga. I to ratou whatinga, i a ratou c atiutiu noa atu ana. Heoi, marara noa atu ana nga hipi i te kore kai-tiaki; atiutiu noa atu ana i runga i nga hiwi katoa, a, ngaro noa iho. Atiutillj s. Act, time, or place of wandering. — s., a univalve shell-fish : Atiti, v. To stray. (See Kotiti.) Keiwhea rate kuri a taku hoa c atiti noa atu ana. Atimaaua, pron. dual. (Tng,). We two; used by a person speaking concerning himself and another, but not including the person addressed. Atiru, s. He kapua kee hoki to te atiru, to te atiru i tau ki whea?— Poet. 3 p. 294. Ato, v. (Pass. = hia., v.n. = hanga.) T. and Tng., Ato; IL, Ako. To thatch the roof of a house with toetoe (cuttinggrass), wiwi (rush), or raupo (bulrush). Ehara tena, hepurepure rererawaia nga toetoe o taua whare. I muri iho ka atohia ano, na kua pai ano, kua ora ano nga taonga o taua whare. — -figTenei, c tama, te whare i atohia te kaka o te waero. — Poet., p. 46. Na mauhi kai ato, &c. — Old Kaka. \_Obs. Name of a disease of lewd females. —'ll.] Ato, Kai- s. a thatchcr. Ato, s., the art of thatching. —act, time, or manner of thatching a house with reeds, rushes, &c. At\l, part. (T., atu, adu; H., aku; E,., adu; Tng., atu, but much more re-

stricted.) An adverbial, or verbal, directive ; —a particle of great power and use, possessing several meanings; primarily implying motion, or tendency, or space, away from the speaker or place; in opposition to mai. [_Obs. In the New Zealand language the motion or action of verbs is always supposed to be from the speaker (atu), or towards him (mai), or upwards (alee), or downwards (iho) ; and is, or should be, always thus expressed.] 1. From ; away from; hence: Tangohia atu enei mea=take away these things. Karangatia atu a Wiremu. = Call William from (where you are to come hither, understood). Tv «£«/=Stand away from: out of my way. Tuku atu au.=Let me pass by,—or, away. 2. Away from; out of : He tono tenei naku, kia whakamaramatia mai to ritcnga marama c t-aea ai te tv atu ki waho o enei kino i tenei wa. 3. From, as going on from; on the further side of: Timatafitfwi te kohatu ite huarahi, —a panoa ki te timatanga atu. Oma ana au ki tua atu o te taiepa piri ai. 4. Leading to; going onwards in direction of (away from the speaker) : 0 Tarawera i te ara alu ki Ahuriri. 5. Further on; in the extreme distance; unto: Haere ana, a Taupo atu ano. Kua riro ra ki raro, a te whenua o Ngapuhi atu ano. 6. Forwards; onward; (in place;) Kia haere atu tatou. Kei whea ? Te haere atu nei kei muri i taku tuara c haere atu nei. Kiia atu ra ki nga tangata, Kia haere atu ratou. Muri iho ka tahuri ratou kite Arawa ka patu atu i te tahatika, ka whiu atu kia haere ki uta. 7. Forth: Ka puta atu tana kupu. 8. Henceforth; onward, in time; from this time forward: No konei atu ano, ara no tenei ra haere atu nei. E kore ia c hoki mai ki a matou, c kore hold matou c kite atu i a ia, kua whiti atu ia ki to wahi ora. 9. Previously ; formerly; before this present time; (with verbal perfect or past particles :) Kua riro atu : kua mutu noa atu : Katahi ka rite ki tana i mea atu ai: He uhunga i turia ki taua wahi i mua atu, i ctahi rangi atu Heoti ano ranei te kakahu ? i rau atu rangi ehara i te pera tona kakahu. 10. Used with adjectives to form a superlative, (and sometimes in common colloquial language as a comparative,— for which, however, alee is the correct term) : Ka pai tenei hoiho: pai ake pea tenei te mea whero ; erangi tera ka pai atu. Kahore ianei tona tuakana i pai atu i a ia?



• —Beyond all others in comparison of: Taku i pai atu ai. Ko wai atu ia au tana o pai ai ? Kua kiia raai ano hoki ahau hei hoa atu mo tana tamaiti, kia haere tahi ai maaua. —Greater than ordinary : A nui atu te marinotanga, Xi te haere nga tamariki kite kura tera c matau atu ai, mohio atu ai, rangatira atu ai, nui atu ai. 11. Denoting quantity, plenty, &c.: Kai atu, inu atu, korero atu, moe noa. 12. Denoting totality : Kore rawa he take tahi o Paora ma ki taua whenua katoa atu. Ka motu atw= entirely severed. Ka mate atu— quite dead. Tahi mai ano i te ihu, a te noko atu ana; tahi mai ano i te noko, a te ihu atu ana. (as we use, up; all up; with eating and drinking :) Hotnai ki au tena hua kia ngongoa atu. Ka pau atu tena akuanei. Mehemea he taewa ka kainga atu c ahau. 13. Denoting, to continue doing, abiding, &c.: E tv, tv atu : c tangi, tangi atu : Tenei taku poho kei te kapakapa atu ci I—Old Song. (to go on, with work, speech, &c. :) Mahi atu : hoe atu : ho atu : korero atu : E hangaa atu ana. 14. Denoting completeness; mature, perfect : Tenei taku kupu ki a koe, ki to mohio ranei, I whanau mai te potiki whanau hou haere tv atu ? a, ki to kii, ngingio kau iho, hauhake tonu atu ? 15. Denoting, to keep to himself, themselves, &c.: Kaore matou c pai atu ki tena tangata, mo Waikato atu ano tena tangata. 16. Denoting out of: Engari koe c Hoani, i whanau atu i roto i ahau. Ac, i haere atu ratou i a matou nei. 17. In the sense of, all others : Ka matau ia, me te tangata atu hoki kua tutata ia. Ko nga rangatira i noho katoa i runga i te atamira, ko nga tangata katoa atu i noho a hapu i tahaki atu. 18. Other; beside; else : Tangohia tenei, kahore atu (no other). Kahore atu he waka : kahore atu, he kai. Tena atu. 19. Another: Moku, mo tetahi atu : Homai ki au tetahi atu; na tetahi atu i kii. (Give me another; said by another.) 20. Meaning, for another place : Ka tv mai te kaipuke, ka utaina atu nga utanga. Ka v mai te waka, katahi tera ka eke atu, ka hoe. 21. More: Kia wha atu. Kia pehea atu ? Ko te aha atu? He aha atu ? 22. Sometimes used as an emphatic intensitive ; meaning, more and more so; increasingly so; more than : Pai atu! Tika atu ! Hee atu ! Kino atu ! particularly with tango and its frequen2—G. 2.

tative, —meaning, very much more; beyond ; further than any given limit: Haere ake ana, a ka ngaro te upoko, tango atu ko nga peke ka- ngaro. Mci hokona kua 500 nga pauna hei utu, tango atu. Ka ngaro te ihu, ka taea te taingawai o te ihu, tango atu kite taingawai o waenga. Ma ia whenua c whakatupu i nga kai c ora ai ia iwi ia iwi, tangotango atu hoki hei hoko ki nga whenua kee. 23. In sense of behind, —in time, and in place: Hoi muri atu c haere mai ana. Kua noho atu a Mea. 24. In the (apparently opposite) sense of nearest —as to sea, river-bank, boundaries, &c, —but it is used with respect to the aspect forward of the speaker : Te whakamutunga atu o te moana {i.e. the sea [beach] nearest this way towards us). No te awa atu nei te kotinga ki a ia. llohenga atu. Tapahanga atu. He pai kau ano ra kite whakarongo atu a tawhiti nei. 25. Indicating,being present,before one: Noku ano toku whenua, no oku tipuna, no oku matua, a taea noatia matou c noho atu nei. Timata mai i a Kawana Hopihona tae iho ki ahau c tv atu nei. Ko ahau ko Maui, c noho atu nei. 26. Indicating Avaiting for : Katahi ka hoki mai ki uta, tae rawa mai c noho atu ana te wahine ra i te kaainga. 27. Used copiously in dialogue, narration, &c. (together with mai, of which it is the opposite, and both particles should never be omitted [although highly tautophonical to the ear of a foreigner] as they are not only highly idiomatic, but serve to make the whole clear and perspicuous to a native), e.g.: — Ka kii atu ahau ki a ia. Haere atu : ka kii mai ki ahau, Kahore, ekore au c haere atu. 28. Sometimes used absolutely, in the sense of to, —as, to a person; used in narrating a conversation : Inaia te kore ko koe: ko ahau atu (pronoun understood). 29. Going on ; going on board : E haere atu na. Akuanei te eke atu ai. 30. Meaning, — evincing, exhibiting, showing: Ka riri ahau, ka kii atu ki a ia. Ka kite atu pea ahau i o reira kino, ka kino atu. —about : as, Don't throw the water about : Kaati ra, te ringiringi atu i te wai. He aha tau c makamaka atu nei i nga kai ? —in the sense of, there; —the place left: Haere tonu ka tae kite Whanga, ka rangona mai te pu ka tangi atu i muri i a ia. Atu, s. Tangi ake au c Eangi ki runga o Atu c Eangi c. —Poet., p. 375. \Obs. Atu, R.; for lord, noble, or great one.]



Atua, s. [Atua, P.; Akua, H.; Otua, F.] 1. A supernatural malevolent and powerful evil being ; a demon : [Obs. Of such there were many; and apparently, as with other peoples, continually increasing in number, as time rolled by. Their most ancient legends and myths, however, mention a few only who were most powerful and most dreaded, (dii inajores),viz.: Tv, Rongo, Taane, Tangaroa, Tawhirimatea, and Whiro; (see under each of these names ;) among whom are found the four principal gods of Hawaii: Tv, Lono (Kongo), Kane (Taane), and Kanaloa (Tangaroa).] Otira he atua ano nga atua nunui o rrma . . . mci kore he atua nui o namata, c kore c whai atua ririki nga Maori.-— Poet. p. lxvii. 2. Beings, who are said (mythically) to have anciently done the work for men at Hawaiki: Ka kitea nga rakau c ono, tua tonu iho; ka mene ki raro, tarai tonu atu (te tarai a nga mano porohete, ara a o ratou atua, i era rangi hoki ko nga atua hei mahi i nga mea katoa, ki Hawaiki, kaore hoki i takitaro kua takiotioti.) — Old Legend. 3. Idols, or representative images: also a lower class of gods, each being over its own peculiar sphere, as of fish, kumara (sweet potatoes), of childbirth, &c. : A waiho ana te atua i reira, ko te ingoa o tona atua ko Rakeiora; ... ka heria mai hoki te atua nei, ko Rongomai.— Myth., p. 123. Ka torona a Kahukura, a Itapawa, a Rongomai, . . . a,ka mutu te karakia,kamea atu,Katika to ara (to New Zealand) ; ka takaia nga atua na, ka whakairia, ka hoki kite whare. — Myth., p. 83. He atua kumara anake i riro mai,-—ika hoki; ko te atua tangata i mahue atu. — Id., p. 84. Ko Aotea te waka, ko Turi te tangata, tona atua ki runga ko Maru, — Old Legend. [See R-akeiora, Rongomai, Itupawa, Maru.] 4. Imaginary invisible evil powers, beings, or things ; genii; wood sprites ; gnomes, &c.; [See Patupaiarehe, Hakitara.] Ehara ia i te mahi tangata Maori, na te atua tenei mahinga, ara na Patupaiarehe.— Myth., p. 178. 5. Any sickness, disease, pain, or death, —personified.: 6. Any common natural thing greatly feared ; or considered exceedingly ugly, disgusting, or disagreeable —viz.: guana, lizard, stinking wood-bug, owl, bat, &c.: 7. Any strange unaccountable natural phenomena, viz.: shooting star, ignis fatuus, meteor, rainbow, whirlwind, aurora australis, conjunction of heavenly bodies, eclipse, continued severe and unseasonable weather, &c.: 8. Any uncommon monstrous or rare animal, viz.: some species of shark, of

whale, &c.; small strange sea and river animals: Nga ika i te waitai i te wai Maori, he atua anake mo nga tangata. Nga mea ia i atuatia ai, ko nga hapu o te wahine i materoto tonu mai, a whakatahetia ana tana tamaiti, whiua atu kite wai, kainga mai c aua ika, a waiho tonu mai hei atua ngau tangata. — Poet., p. Ixxvii. 9. Any common animal of greater or superhuman power, — which formerly varied with different tribes, and in different parts of the country : Ka karakia ia ki nga atua i konei, —toroa, karoro, kawau.— Old Legend. 10. Common articles of food, to which dislike, or superstitious fear, had been taken. Some few would never touch pork, others eels; and mutton, at first was almost invariably disliked : Ko tera kai ko te aruhe, he atua ano no Tumatauenga. — Old Legend. He atua tonu tena kai, te tuna ki a au. 11. Any destroying cause (seen), animal, or thing,—as fire, flood, rats, mice, cockroaches, caterpillars, mosquitoes; pigs, horses, cows, &c, devouring their crops : Ma te taua ranei c hutihuti nga kai, ma te waipuke ranei, ma te tini noa iho ranei o nga atua. 12. Any harsh, cross, hard, covetous, illiberal, ill-natured, exacting, ferocious, bloodthirsty person: 13. A person loved, but far away; unmindful, or unrequiting: Kei raro taku atua c aroha nei au.— Old Song. 14 Any artificial production, or secretly powerful natural thing (beyond Maori comprehension), as a loadstone, magnet, ship's compass, a watch, musical box, automata, steam-machinery, &c. A carved wooden head, or bust, (called a Puhi,) said to be endued with supernatural powers : Kia riro mai taua atua hei whakamana mo o ratou nei oneone. — Myth., p. 175. 15. A common term of low reproach : 16. Te Atua: the name of the fourteenth night of the lunar month, or new moon. The full moon. —[H.] With some tribes this was the name of the thirteenth lunar night; with others the fifteenth. A very unlucky day or night with the ancient Maori. \_Syn. Mawaru, Otu, Hua]. The name for the Deity; the one true God : the God of Christians.— JEu. Mod. [Obs. It is considered the choice of this word for to represent to the New Zealander a God of love and kindness, was most unfortunate; as such a being as an atua aroha, atua ataiohai, or atua pai, (=a loving God, a gracious God, or a good God,) was a new and most unnatural idea, a perfect solecism to the



New Zealanders. As well talk of cold fire, or of black snow! Yet we find the word has been pretty generally chosen for the purpose throughout Polynesia. Perhaps, from the real scarcity of a proper term, —as well as from the natural ideas of fear, dread, power, strength, revenge, and (servile) reverence, found to be connected with it. Some few Teachers, however, have used the word as little as possible when speaking (in former days) to the New Zealanders of the one true God, and then only by qualifying it. Matua, Matua pai, aroha, rahi, are preferable terms. (See Matua.) Curiously enough, it is the same word, and same pronunciation, with only an M prefixed.] Atua, v. [Pass.=tia: ».».=tanga.] To be, or to act, or speak unkindly ; to be easily made angry; to be covetous, grasping, niggardly. He aha tou i atua mai ki ahau ? I nga ra o mua, kite puta te kupu ate tangata, c atua ana hoki te tangata i reira. Ka atuatia ite matenga, (See 8, supra.) — Whaka- v. To make or cause oneself, or another person or thing, to become, or to be considered as —a god, demon, devil, malignant spirit, idol, or any mischievous or hateful power. (See Whakaatua.) — adj. Monstrous, mischievous, hateful, dreadful, covetous, highly disagreeable. Atua, adj. Monstrous, irregular, ugly, strange, abnormal, unnatural, uncommon. Xi te kahu atua, kahu whero.— Poet., p. 299. E, katahi ia te atua a te he ki nga pakeha nei ! Atua, or Aatua, adv. First, before anything else, in the order of doing or thinking. (Syn. Maatua.) Aatua haere ai kite tiki wai .moku. Behind: on, or at, the hind part: Eapu noa ahau, a roto, aatua hoki; hore rawa kia kitea! (Sometimes written, a tua.) Atuaika, s. A god of fishes; of whom Tangaroa, and Punga were chief, See Atua, 8. (See Punga.) Atuakumara, s. A god of the kumara, or sweet potatoe. See, Atua, 3. (See Rongo.) AtuakikokikO, s. Certain common gods, demons, familiar spirits, &c, said to haunt and torment folks having disordered bodies or minds. He tangata karakia ki nga atuahiholciko, me tona iwi katoa. AtuapO,s. A narrow-hearted, stingy, or covetous person. A common term of the highest reproach. [Obs. From ate,

(excessively disagreeable,) &ndpo (night, darkness, realms of spirits, Hades).] E hee rawa ana, lie mea puta mai i roto i te ngakau manawapopore, atuapo. Atuapo, adj. Sordid, covetous, avaricious, stingy, mean, inhospitable. Atuapotiki, s. Imps, malevolent, mischievous, supernatural beings. Atuarere, $. (H.) A shooting star, a meteor. Atuaraeroa, s.: (See Raeroa.) Ka matika he atuaraeroa. — Poet., 408. Atuatanga, s. Demon - likeness, devilishness; revengeful feelings, and nature; extreme covetousness, stinginess, &c.; all evil and malevolent things, natural or suppositions, pertaining to atuas, demons, devils, evil spirits, imps, &c. Ekore ahau e whakarongo ki nga korero Maori me te atuatanga Maori, kore rawa. —the Godhead, godship, divinity, deity, divine nature, &c, of the one true God. Mi. and Mod. Atuatangata, $. A god, demon, or idol, more particularly pertaining to men. See Atua, 3. Atuangau, s. Pain (mostly internal, in the viscera, stomach, lungs, &c.) personified. Ka karakia atu te tohunga, ina ka rongo te atuangau.- — Poet., p. lxxvii. Waiho tonu iho hei atuangau tangata. # * * # # U. The fifth letter of the New Zealand alphabet. Generally it has but one sound, that of oo, in the English words too, tool, tooth; which is sometimes shortened in pronunciation, but this is not very common, and is almost confined to a few short words, which have a widely different meaning when pronounced with u long (as, kuku = a large mussel, tutu = a shrub, Coriaria) ; and to the letter when it follows i, — e.g., waiu, i ua ano, i uta : this latter usage seems to be euphonical, but obtains also in the Sandwich Islands. U, s. (H.T.R.) The nipple: the teat of man, or of any animal, the pendulous breast of a female : udder, dug. XJ, v. [Pass. = ngia=kia, =ria : v.n. = nga, = kanga, = ranga] ; 1. To be fixed—as a post; Ka u tu maunga, he iti tangata,— Prov. Kua u ra ena nga pou. 2. To be firm : E tu rapea, kia kaha, kia u. Ka mau te hohou i te taiepa, ka u. 3. To be fastened —as doors, &c. : Kei te u nga tatau katoa o te whare. 4. To be steady; to stand firmly;



5. To steady ; to keep, or hold, anything steady : Eta, kia v te pupuri. 6. To hold fast; to hold together; to hold: 7. To keep : Kia v ra korua, ki ta korua i riro mai. 8. To unite ; to join, as broken bones : E v, c mau, c noa . . . Ka it,, ka mau. —Poet., p. 377. 9. To stick ; to adhere : E kore c v te paru ki ona kakahu. 10. To be stuck fast in, —as in mud ; or among, as among thistles, brambles, &c.: Aue ! ka mate te tamaiti, kua v tonu kite repo ! 11. To take fast hold of with the hands in climbing rocks, &c.; to lay fast hold of a rope, &c. ; to grip with the hands; to hold fast with the fingers closed : Kia v ra o ringaringa me o waewae. 12. To plant or set the foot firmly in walking over rocks, —climbing, &c. : Kia v ra o waewae ki nga kowhatu. 13. To set the heart on anything; to take hold, or make an impression on the mind ; to retain in the heart or mind : Kua ?« ke hoki ana korero ki tana ngakau. Kia v to ngakau. 14. To trust in; to confide : Upu te whakaaro ki a ia. Ka v nga tangata ki tana korero. 15. To side with : I wehewehea nga tangata o taua pa, ko etahi i v ki a Bongo, ko etahi i v ki a Pao. 16. To be agreed; to be unanimous: (T.) Kua mutu nga korero, ka v te whakaaro kite haere. 17. To be stedfast; to be constant; to stand fast; to be surely established : Kia v tonu te whakapono ki nga mea c ngaro ana. Taihoa tatou c kite, c v ranei nga mea i korerotia. 18. To be settled, as fine weather : Tenei te rangi ka v, ka mau. — Poet., p. 378. 19. To be secure : Kahore he tangata c v kite ora. 20. To dwell securely : Kia v te noho. 21. To remain on, —as the head on the body : Xi te ute pane, c kore c mate; tapahia. 22. To rest on : No te tokotoko i v te haere. Kia v iho ki runga ki a Hamuera. E v ranei nga paihau o te pa ki uta? 23. To rest a claim to land, &c.: He rapunga i tetahi take c v ai ki Mangakahia. 24. To hold fast to land, to retain possession: Koia matou i mea ai, v tonu matou ki runga ki te whenua, c kore c taea te whakangaueue c te tangata. 25. To fix the gaze on; to stare; to set the face; to look with a bold and impudent face:

Na, tau tonu iho tona mata, v tonu riga kanohi Kua rcohio ahau, kua v atu nei tona mata ki a ia, hei kino. Kihai i v aku kanohi kite titiro atu i te wehi mai. Ka v atu ano hoki toku mata ki taua koroke. Erangi tera i tino v rawa aku kanohi kite titiro atu. 26. To set the teeth : Kia v o niho, c Tangaroa, kia v. Niho koi tara, kia v o niho.— Poet., p. 187. 27. To hit or strike a blow —with fist, weapon, or hammer; to strike on, or at any part of the body : Ka v te moto ki tona kanohi. Muri iho ka v taku kuru ki a ia. No taua tangata roa te patu kua v ki a te Wehi. Nga patu hoki kua v kei te hiku: .. . Kua v a ratou nei patu kei te pane.— Myth., p. 152. 28. To prevail against; to conquer: (T.) 29. To apply onself to : to be hard at work, diligent: Kahore ano au kia v noa kite mahi i whakaritea. Cmai kite keri.— Old Song. 30. To come, to arrive at any place by water (from canoes being run on to the beach): Ao ake, ka v ki uta, a ka koa ratou. Ka hoe mai kua v kite tauranga, katahi ano ka ungia c te waka te tauranga o Kiki. I to ratou uranga ki uta, ka oma nga tangata. 31. To land, from swimming : Ka kau ia, a ka v kite kaainga o Te Whatu, c v kau atu ana ano ia. Maana ka totohu, he ahakoa ; a maana ka v c pai ana. — Myth., p. IG4. 32. To be landed, drawn ashore, as fish in a net: I te wai te koura c pango ana, w mai ki uta c whero tonu. Heoi, kukume tapatahi ana ko tena pou anake, v mai ana te ika ki uta he atihakona. 33. To strike against a rock, shoal, or any big thing floating in the sea, as by a ship, canoe, &c. (T.) 34. To reach, to arrive at any new place, —as by a travelling party of strangers : Ka v ki Matanuku, ka v ki Matarangi, Ka v ki tenei whenua, &c. — Poet., p., 136. 35. To have weight, as words : Kua v ana kupu ki taua huihuinga, Heoi, v tonu te kupu a taua tangata ra ki nga rangatira ope. 36. To kindle, to catch, as fire : Kua kaa, v noa nga waro. 37. To receive contagion or infection from any disease: Kua v ra taua mate kino ki a ia. 38. To thicken, to have consistence, as flour when boiled with water : Kia v penei me te paraoa ka maoka. 39. Fig., to enter : Hoki tapu tonu te pou o Bahuru i te whatitoka, tee wki roto ra, c tokona atu ana c Tongariro. — Old Song. 40. To be high-water. (P. Ua.) Ka « te tai, ka pari te tai. —Old song of the bird Tuii,



Whakau, v. (Pass. = kia, = ria, = ngia: v.n. = kanga, = ranga, = nga : 1. To make fast; to lay fast hold of; to cause to be fixed ; to become firm; to be bound, secured, or fastened on : Me herehere rawa ka whakau ai i nga taura. He taiaha i whakaungla kite kura huruhuru kaakaa. —Ps. xciii. 1. 2. To fix or fasten on, as on the top of a high post: Whakaarahia c ratou he pou, whakaukia iho i reira te maatenga. 3. To build tip, support, sustain, buttress; to strengthen by supports; to be cemented together: (Vhakau rawa he herepuru ano mo nga rauawa. — Gen. xxvii. 37 ; Ex. xxxix. 18. 4. To establish; to confirm; to make permanent: Me tino wlialcau tenei runanga. Ma koutou c whakau mai ki a matou. Ps. xxiv. 2 ; xxx. 7 ; vii. 9; Marie xvi. 20. 5. To make stedfast, constant: He kupu whahau naku ki a koe. Ma tenei anake c lohahau nga iwi c rua. Tera ranei ratou c pai amuri ake nei, kia whakakorea tehee, kia whakau kite tika ? 6. To strengthen: E tv ana te Keepa me tona huata c whahau ana i tona matua kei pakaru. Heoi ano ki au ko te ivhakau anake.— Ps. xx. 2; Isaiah xxiii. 33. 7. To bring a canoe, &c, to land ; to run a canoe on shore; to beach a boat, &c.: Ka titiro atu. ia, me te whakau mai nga waka. Hei waho na tau mai ai, engari mo te ata ka whakau mai ai. E hoa, whakaungia mai ki a au to waka, 8. To fix the gaze on; to look on stedfastly; to set eyes on : Te tangata c whakau ana i ana kanohi ki tana ahua pai. 9. To light, to kindle, to catch as fire: Maau c ivhakau taku rama. Whakauria te ahi, kia hohoro. —James iii. 5. 10. To maintain, to keep up as a fire : He mea ivhakau naana, koia ano te kaa tonu o taua ahi. 11. To inflame, to increase as strife : Ma te tangata totohe te ngangare c whakau. 12. To perform, a travelling ceremony: Ka tae atu kite ana ka whakau pahi marie te ope ra. Whakau,«. 1. A ceremony performed by a travelling party on entering into a new or little frequented district: 2. A support, a buttress, hands, " girds," hoops on a cask, &c.^ — Acts, xxvii. 17. 3. The lashing, girding, binding, fixing, lacing, of anything : Kahore i mau te lohakau i te toki nei, kei te titanga noa. Mo te kupenga he ivhakau kite hao. 4. A supporter, protector : ; Te whakau o nga tamariki, o nga wahine, o nga tane. 5. Anything used for the purpose of

strengthening and supporting,—objectively and figuratively. U, adj. Firm, fixed, fast, immoveable, stayed, steady, adhering, unshaken, stedfast, constant, established, permanent. U, prep. According to; agreeably to; in accordance with : Tena ko raaua, v a raaua. Kia pehea rawa v aana ? Ko te tangata kore hoki o tou v au. Na te nui raia v aau o te kaainga, tee matau ai koe. Heoi ra, v, aana, ehara i a ia ake. [Obs. 1. Used by the speaker of another or others, not of himself. 2. Used mostly in a common conventional way of assenting to, agreeing with, something said or related; but sometimes ironically and sneeringly. 3. Chiefly confined to the N. tribes. 4<. Sometimes written Ua. (See U&.)] U, intj. (H.I 1.) 1. Denoting, disagreement, discontent, unwillingness, not disposed to do : 2. Something like alas ! uttered at hearing anything displeasing, regretful, &c. (See below.) U, part. Used in poetry. 1. Indicating sorrow, regret: Rapurapu noa ana, kei whea te uri o te tangata? v, c! Te whakamau ki tawhiti! hei nui mo te rau! v, c.—{Old Lament.) 2. Indicating disagreement; unwillingness : 3' Sometimes at the end of a line, complete sentence, or distich—particularly when v is the last letter or sound—as a semi-chorus, or prolongation of the last expressed thought. Ua, s. 1. The ligaments of the back of the neck: 2. The back of the neck (T.) : 3. The neck (Tng.) : Ko te ua kau i maranga. Engari ko etahi i whakaae ; tuohu iho te ua. 4. A vein, muscle, tendon (F.): 5. Strength, combination ; as for fighting : Maana c putiki te ua o te pakanga. Kua ara te ua o te pakanga i te haerenga atu o nga hoia. 6. The implexed, wreathed, thick collar part of a shaggy flax clothing mat: Ka homai c ia he ua pora, na mamae ana toku kakii. 7. Rain (H.T.R.) : 8. Fig. tears, when dropped on anything : Tenei taku pukapuka te whai ua i muri i a koe. Ua, v. (.Pass. =ma : v.n. = nga). (H. Malay, tijan.) To rain; to shower



down; to fall in drops like rain ; to fall down as rain.— Gen. xix. 24; Ex. ix. 18. E va, cte ua, ua msd.—Poet. 73. XTaina ana matou kite awhaa. I nui te uanga iho o te ua i enei ra. Whakaua,o.(P*ss.=ina: w.^.=nga); 1. To cause to rain; to cause to fall in drops like rain; to cause to fall down as rain; to fall as a shower of small missiles, hail, gravel, dust, darts, &c. — Ex. ix. 23. 2. To begin the weaving of a flax mat, basket, straw hat, &c.— (Syn. Tauaa, and Whakatauaa.) Ua, adj. Rainy, showery : He wa ua tenei. Ua, adv. When; whenever : When it, or I, shall, or shall have. — Ps. xcii. 14. (Syn. Aana ; Ina.) Aua ano hoki c meinga c pai te tangata ua kuare. Pai rawa taua wahi ua tirohia atu. Korero noa nga ngutu o te tangata ua moe. Maau tetahi o nga manu ua mahi ahau. —After the time that; if (future) : E mate ahau ua noho tonu i reira. Ka mohio ano, ua oti ahau te whakaako c koe. \_Obs. This particle is also more commonly used by the N. tribes.] Ua, prep. According to, &c. (See U, prep.) Heoi ano, ka hoe, me te matakitaki kite ngaru c haere ana i tona kaainga, koia koa ua ana! He pu ano ua te Tirarau. A ma wai hoki c korero ua Nunui ma te kupu whakamoiri mo ratou ? Ka mihi atu ia kite wahine ra; me pehea hoki koa ua ana ? Uaua, s. 1. Sinew, tendon, ligament, muscle; artery, vein; (T.F.) Toro te kiko, a rawa i o uaua ; tenei hoki te tutaki.— (Old charm.) Etau hoki te uaua kiore hei hoa riri mo te paraoa ? 2. Cross rafters of a house, battens; cross rail of a fence : 3. Forest creepers : Nga uaua o Papatuanuku. —Buttressed, ridgy parts of lower trunks of trees ; trees : 4. Spurs, as of mountains : 5. Storms; squalls : Nga uaua o te whitu raua ko te ono. 6. Strong arm ; strength; might: {Syn. Kaha.) Ka mea atu a Mene, Tena, takina mai o koutou tupuna. Kahore ratou i taki; kii mai ana ratou, Na te uaua. E riri aku uaua ; te uaua o te tini, te uaua o te mano, te uaua o te paraoa; homai hei uaua moku. — Poet 67, Eccles. ix. 10. 7. Activity, zeal, courage, toil, exertion; diligence, perseverance, ability, inclinanation to work :

He hanga wliakangaro te whawhai i nga mahi whakawhairawa, he hanga here i te uaua o te tangata.— Matt. xxv. 15. 8. Labour, difficulty, hard work, travail: 9. Reluctance, unwillingness : 10. Rescue : 11. A diligent hard-working person.— Prov. xxi. 5. Uaua, v. (Pass. = tia : v.n. = tanga): 1. To toil, to struggle, to exert, to persevere, to strive in argument: Ka tv a Rota bite whakakiikii a uaua noa ki a ratou. 2. To be difficult; to be dangerously laborious : 3. To be unyielding, tough, hard : 4. To be active, zealous, vehement, courageous: Me patu ano kaua c wehi, kia uaua, kia toa. 5. To be severe, exacting, heavy, sore; to oppress: E uaua mai ana hoki tona ringa ki a tatou. 6. To oppose: Mo te mea hoki, i uaua raua ki a ia inakuara tata atu. 7. To be reluctant, unwilling : Kei whakapono koe ki nga mea i rongo ai koe, a kaore i kite, a ka uaua noa kite whakatikatika, kei kitea c wairangi ana hoki koe. 8. To be diligent, persevering : B penei te uaua i te uaua o tenei waka i te uaua o tera waka, i te uaua ka tapoko. 9. To rain often; to be showery : Whakauaua, v.(Pass. = tia: v.n. = tanga): 1. To strive hard at work; to endeavour; to persevere: Katahi ano te tangata ko koe c kore c whakauaua iho. 2. To be hard, or difficult of execution; of endurance ; of forbearance : 3. To make difficult, toilsome, heavy, hard to do : 4. To be hard set: 5. To find difficulty in doing : 6. To oppose; to cause, or offer opposition : JS whahauaua pea reira ki a koe ? Whahauaua mai ana a Wiremu, mea ana, Kaua c hokona. E hei koia koutou te whakauaua ua karanga te rangatira nui ? 7. To be reluctant; to act unwillingly : Uaua, adj. 1. Strong, able (H.): 2. Diligent, active, toiling; zealous; resolute, courageous; persevering : He tamariki uaua kite karakia kite kura. He tangata uaua kite mahi. 3. Difficult; hard to bear, or perform; laborious: Ko te tuarua tenei o aku kupu pakeke uaua, ko te rori kia mahia. 4. Tough, (T.H.) unyielding, inflexible : E kata ai hoki te raataa uaua nei ki ona puawai papai.



5. Vigorous, oppressive, austere : 6. Rainy, showery : He tau kino, uaua, awhaa. Uaua, adv. 1. Reluctantly, unwillingly : Ko te whakaaetanga i whakaae ai, whakaae uaua. Ka whakaae uaua ake ahau kite tikanga a toku hoa. 2. Diligently; perseveringly; resolutely : Whakauaua, s. Effort, struggle to effect, hard endeavour to bear with, or do ; difficulty, tediousness, &c : Whakauaua, adj. Hard, difficult, tedious, reluctant, unwilling: He ora ivhakauaua. Whakauaua, adv. Hardly, difficultly; done or borne with great exertion or determination. E noho whakauaua ana i te mamae. Ka hinga tera, heoi mate whakauaua ana. I mahue ivhakauaua taku mahi. — Acts 27. 7, 8,16. * # # * Tau, s. 1. A perch for fowls, birds; a rest, or resting-place (IT.); a protector : Hei tau ake koe mo matou. 2. A dwelling-place, residence : 3. The ridge or brow of a hill; a range of hills : 4. A shoal, or reef of rocks at sea (T. under water) : 5. A season of the year, anciently summer (H. T. Tng); a period of time (Eu. Mod. a year) : 6. The tying-string of the neck part of a Maori mat-garment; wrist-strap of a stone battle-axe or mere ; a string, or lace, to tie a boot or shoe with; any long narrow thong or tie ; a bandage : 7. Any narrow, flexible thing used as a necklace, bracelet, armlet, &c.; the short cord attached to a fish-hook to which the fishing-line is fastened; a chord or fibre of the liver, heart, &c, often used affectionately and in poetry : 8. A loop or handle to carry by, as of a Maori hete, basket, bag, bucket, ironpot, &c.: 9. Hanging, suspending, state of suspension (H. verb.): 10. A stranger (H.) (See Tauhou) : 11. The carved end of a canoe; (deck or covering of the end of a canoe, I?.): 12. A counting; manner of counting : 13. The lard or suet of a pig, &c.: 14. The bark of a dog; the act of barking as a dog; (usually of modern dogs) : 15. Old stories, legends, narrations; a song; a recitation : 16. A loved one, a darling, a dear friend (F.) ; a lover ; a son, child, husband :

17. A game : 18. (Poet.) for a greenstone ornament; a mere, &c.: Tau,v, (P«ss.=ngia,=ria,= ia: v.n.= ranga, = nga) : 1. To light on, to perch, to settle, to rest, —as a bird on a tree, &c. (H. T.): 2. To rest, to abide on, —as a cloud on the top of a hill (H.) : 3. To fall from above, to light down, &c.—as an arrow, stone, &c.: 4. To come upon; to light or fall on a person unexpectedly by chance : 5. To happen, to befall, to come upon any person or thing,—as disease, suffering, calamity, &c. (H.) : 6. To swoop, descend, or come down upon : 7. To fall as rain, hail, snow, dew, &c. (*V); 8. To fall on, —as light, &c, on any thing; or as a shadow,—^as darkness on the earth, &c.: 9. To fall on a person, as a sudden blow; as heavy bIoAVS (To hit or strike against, Tng.) : 10. To be seized with, —as with a panic, sudden fear, dread, &c.; to fall on one, —as fear, surprise : 11. To set, to fall in the heavens, as the sun, &c. (IT.) : 12. To fall, set, pass away for ever : 13. To be speared, struck with a spear, &c.: 14. To fall to work; to commence work: 15. To fall, or light, into a canoe, boat, &c, as a flying-fish; (to go on board a canoe, H.) : 16. To meet on; to visit upon : 17. To lay, or place, the hand on for evil (H.): 18. To lose a case, in dispute; to have an unfavourable decision or verdict: 19. To fall on suddenly as a thought, to come into the mind; to see clearly, to perceive: 20. To be on, or rest with—as a blessing, good wish, curse, &c.: 21. To fix the gaze on; to set, or rest, one's eyes on; to look at stedfastly; to settle the countenance; to note, to eye; to observe narrowly; to look forwards (H.) : 22. To settle, to fix the mind on; to be placed on—as one's hopes; to long after (H.): 23. To be able; to be strong enough for : 24. To be suitable, fit (Tng.), becoming.



expedient, convenient; worthy, proper, right (B.): 25. To be like, even as, so (R.): 26. To apply to ; to relate to : 27. To be sufficient, adequate, commensurate; to be accordant with; to agree ; to suit: 28. To fit, to suit —as clothes, &c.; to feel agreeable to (Tng.); to feel easy in, to be at home with : 29. To be settled, fixed, arranged —as a price: 30. To abide under, dwell, trust, reside: 31. To secure, to obtain : 32. To count, to number: 33. To rehearse, relate, or repeat, so as another may hear, heed, or learn: 34. To sit down at once, or suddenly; to seat one's self: 35. To be directed towards, incline —as the ear to listen : 36. To be directed to : 37. To handle a weapon, &c, well: 38. To hang, tie, or gird, on —as a sash, sword, &c. (H.) : 39. To be hanging, or suspended, as a strap, &c. (H.): 40. To be suspended; to overhang —as the stars, &c. (H.) : 41. To be furnished, fitted up : 42. To descend to the bottom of the sea : 43. To float, rest, lay on paddles, or oars : 44. To fall into the water and float as a cork, calabash (whole), &c.: 45. To ride, or be at anchor : to float, or swim lightly, as a sea-gull: 46. To make land, to touch at in sailing: 47. To arrive at a place (Tng.) : 48. To reach to : 49. To storm; to assault —as a fortified village (to fight, to war, Tng.) : 50. To attack —as a dog : 51. To bark, to howl —as a dog : 52. To fall, as tears : 53. To fall upon, embrace affectionately (H.) 54. To squeeze, or wring out (Tng.) : 55. To have fungi (mildew, &c.) growing on one's dead body, bones, &c.: Tau, adj. 1. Heavy,—as, heavy rain : 2. Setting, falling —as the sun (H.): 3. Unknown, strange —used as a prefix: Tau tangata, tau iwi, tail, whenua. Tau, intj. Lo ! used in narration. Tau, part. Prefixed to several verbs and nouns as an intensitive. Whakatau 3 «.(Pass.=a: «?.».=nga): 1. To essay; to try; to make an attempt (Tng.) :

2. To be proved, tried : 3. To try to elicit; to attempt to draw out, in conversation: 4. To scheme, plan, arrange, contrive, consider: 5. To place: 6. To settle —as a people : 7. To go to meet a coming person, or party: 8. To go to seek : 9. To follow ; to send after : 10. To visit: 11. To lead ; to conduct (Tng.) : 12. To seek for a landing-place : 13. To take a canoe, &c, from off the land into the sea, river, &c, to anchor : 14. To ape, mimic, mock; to imitate; to follow in example ; to copy for slight ridicule : 15. To make a friend; to call one so (E. Tng.) : 16. To gaze on ; fix the eyes intently on: 17. To endeavour to sit quietly: 18. To tempt (H.): 19. To set against; to resist; to obstruct; to oppose (H.) : 20. To perform; to do : 21. To rest (H.): 22. To bring upon; to cause to fall upon (H.) : 23. To cause to fight (Tng.) : 24. To administer laws, &c, but more with the meaning of rigour: 25. To be bound to ; bound over : 26. To appoint against (H.); to come upon ; to convict: Whakatau, s. Trying, fitting, scheming, arranging, contriving, tempting, imitating, conducting. Whakatau, adj. Copied, imitated, tried. Whakatau, adt. Fondly, pleasingly, attentively, anxiously, searchingly: I titiro lohakatau ai raua tetahi ki tetahi. Whakatau, Kai -s. A person who goes, or who is sent, to meet a coming party ; a herald. # # # # Tuku, ».(Pass.=a:=na: «.w.=nga). (Tng. P., H. Kuu\ T. Tuu: R. Duku): 1. To let go; to quit; to let loose; to unloose (H. Tng. T.) : 2. To give up; to give in; to yield the palm to; to resign; to surrender (H. Tng. T.) : 3. To set free; to release; to liberate; to dismiss; to send away quietly; to allow to leave; to let go out of confinement, or prison. (T.)

4. To allow, permit, grant; to give permission to; to license (H. Tng.) : 5. To commit in trust, or give in trust; to delegate : 6. To bequeath (Tng.) : 7. To transfer ;to part with; to alienate property; to bestow; to hand, or give .over: 8. To come down, or descend, in time : 9. To dispense with : 10. To permit to proceed, or go on, with a narration, &c. : 11. To give way; to make room for ; to move out of the way; to recede: 12. To cause to do ; to suffer to be done (II.) : 13. To lead forth on a journey; to accompany a travelling party a short distance, as a mark of attention and civility : 14. To send any one to enquire, observe, &c.: 15. To commit one's self to : 16. To offer up, as on an altar (R.) : 17. To offer the last parting prayer for a dying person : 18. To give up the ghost (H.R.) : 19. To leave the world; to descend to hades: 20. To let down, as by a rope; to let drop, or fall; to let down, as a load from the shoulder or back (H.R.) : 21. To let go, as an anchor (R.): 22. To cast; to let down, as a net into the sea (H.R.) : 23. To pay out as a rope, cable, &c.: 24. To let go ; to slack a rope (H.P. Tng.) : 25. To go out to sea: 26. To let fly; to throw, to cast, as a dart: 27. To parry ; to avoid a blow, a flying spear, &c , a rush : 28. To aim a blow; to strike; to come up ; to let fly at: 29. To cease fighting quickly : 30. To let down, as the hands, feet, &c: 31. To kneel: 3.2. To hang low; to lower, as the clouds betokening rain; to lower the countenance ; to look disdainfully : 33. To hang down, as the lips when large and full: 3i. To suddenly become dark, night, &c. : 35. To give the breast to an infant: 36. To give the nose, or nasal salute, by the host to another: 37. To put out the lips ; to kiss: 3— G. 2.


38. To lay, to place, one's words, &c, before any one : 39. To place, or lay out, food, ceremonially, for a party of visitors ; to make, celebrate, or keep a feast: 40. To fall, as snow : 41. To come, or send, forth, as storms, &c. : 42. To expel; to discharge from the womb, &c. : 43. To dye; to stain (Tng.) : 44. To put into water to soak : 45. To put in; to put into; to dip into anything, as into water : 46. To yield an odour; to give forth a scent: 47. To tell what has been kept concealed : 48. To speak hastily : 49. To put, or set, one's hand to; to sign a document: 50. To give admiration to : 51. To leave for a time; to defer : 52. To allow to go, or come—with atu or mai (used as Tae, to arrive, to come): 53. To lessen, subside, as water : 54. To betray: =X; Tllkua ake, shortly; anon: Tukua atu, hereafter. (See Atu 1.) (N.B. —The giving of any Maori examples under these last two verbs, Tau and Tuhu, have been purposely omitted, because of their length ; there are, however, pure Maori examples of all the meanings above given—and of more besides, added since the foregoing copy was originally made. Kiehly abounding in meaning as those two verbs are, still they are not the most copious in significations of the Maori verbs—there are others that are more so.—W.C.) # # # # Einga, v. (Pass.—i& : v.TC.=nga) : 1. To fall to the ground from an upright position, as a man, animal, tree, house, &c.; to fall to the ground, as when wounded or killed; to fall before the enemy, as on the battle-field; to fall to the ground, as a tree through strong wind; to be blown down; to stumble in walking, play, fighting, &c. : Jvua liinga te rakau nei i te hau. Hoatutatoukiteapoapo kaangakei^z'w^aite hau. 2. To fall through error, or crime, from a situation, office, or place : 3. To remove, or throw down, as a landmark : Kua liinga i a Te Hapnku te rahui. 4. To perish: 5. To be inclined from the perpendicular, as a post, house, &c.: 6. To fall on one's neck in embracing; to fall on the face of any one to salute :




7. To fail in argument; to be beaten in dispute: Kapi, v. (Pass.=& : v.n.=nga) : 1. To be close ; to be shut fast: 2. To coalesce; to join its own parts together; to be grown, or filled up, as a wound healed: 3. To be filled, as a house with men, &c.; to fill with solids; to be stopped, or obstructed, as a road, or river; to be full, as a court-yard, &c.; with men or animals; to be filled, overgrown, or closed up, as any small opening : 4. To be covered, as the earth with grass; the sky with clouds; the river with canoes; to be overgrown with weeds; to be overspread with vegetation; to be fully stocked, as a place with cattle, &c.; to be fully settled with inhabitants : 5. To be full of, outwardly; as full of sores; full of hair, &c.: 6. To be wholly taken up, or occupied : 7. To be filled with writing, as a letter. Pohutukawa, s. ■. 1. A large hard-wooded tree, mostly found on rocky cliffs and shores North of Poverty Bay, valuable for ships' knees, house blocks, &c. (Metrosideros tomentosa, ) 2. A variety of kumara, having white skin, and red within throughout. Poka, v, (Pass.—ia : v.n.=ng&) : 1. To break into, as a house; to break through, as a fence, wall, &c.: 2. To dig a pit, or hole, in the earth; to cut a hole in wood: 3. To disembowel; to castrate; to geld: 4. To bore the human ear : to bore, or make a hole in a piece of green jade stone:

5. To make a new track to any place; to make a short cut across by leaving the beaten track: 6. To go off at a tangent in the contrary direction from any custom, fashion, &c.; to make, or do anything out of the ordinary way or manner; to exceed what is ordinary or right; to go beyond : 7. To scheme; to devise; to plan; to contrive, or frame anything new; to invent: 8. To arise, or appear unexpectedly, or out of the usual order or course of things : 9. To enter on something new; to begin a new theme of conversation; to start a fresh subject: Haere koe ki a ia, pokaia ake he korero maau. Kahore he ara kee atu i tena i te repo, mo poka tonu ma reira. Ka rapu me kore c poka ake he painga mooku. Ka poka kee atu tana manako ki ena inea. # # # # Whakaoraora, v. (Pass. = ngia : v.n. = nga) : 1. To strengthen; to invigorate; to enliven ; to encourage ; to comfort; -to console; to refresh; to countenance : 2. To mitigate, or lessen pain, grief, evil, &c. : 3. To strengthen the mind under calamity : 4>. To strengthen the body under sickness : 5. To grow better; to amend : 6. To save from being injured; to repair; to mend; to hinder being eaten, or destroyed : 7. To excuse; to extenuate; to attempt to justify: 8. To improve: I hangaa kautia tena whare hei whakaoraora i te ngenge.

G. - 2.


Agitate, v. 1. To put in motion; to shake (fluids) : whakakarekare; whakapokarekare; wHakangarungaru ; —solids : whakaoioi; wliakangaueue; whakangarue ; —as the earth by an earthquake : ru; katote; 2. To disturb (1. mind) : whakararu ; whakararuraru ; whakakurarutaru ; whakabepohepo; whakamaanukanuka; whakaohooho; —(2. body) : wiriwiri; wiri; whakakorikori; whakakeukeu; 3. To consider; to discuss : korero; korerorero; tirotiro ; uiui; rapurapu; haapai; liapahapai; 4. To excite into tumult, &c. : whakataratara; whakahauhaii; whakaara; whakamaraDga; _._ —fig-: ;. , tahutahu. Bind, v. 1. To tie together : here ; pona ; taroi; —as two cords : nootiki; —as the pales of a fence : hohou ; houwere; whawhau ; —as a bundle of reeds, sheaf of wheat, &c.: paihere; —as rushes, in building a house (whare); nati; 2. To enwrap; to involve; tie up, as wounds : taakai; takatakai; 3. To confine with bonds : here ; herehere ; whitoki; 4. To fasten together : here tahi; herea kia kotahi; 5. To restrain in any manner : pupuri; puripuri; whakakaati; 6. To oblige by a promise : whakaae ; 7. To ratify ; as a peace : hohou ; 8. To distress or confine by infirmity : whakamatemate; 9. To constrain; expressed by (negatively), c kore c ahei (it cannot) ; or me (must) : 10. To make costive : whakamaaro ; whakakikii; whakapaapuni ; 11. To sew a border on an edge: tuitui nga taha; 12. To make hard, or firm : whakamaaro; 13. To be obligatory : mau j

14. To contract; grow liard or stiff: whakapakeke. Birth, s. 1. Act of being born : whanautanga ; putanga ki waho ; 2. Lineage ; extraction : iwi; 3. Origin; beginning : timat-auga ; orokotimatauga; 4. Rank: rangatiratanga. Blank, a. 1. Void; empty: takoto-noa; kore; 2. White; pale : maa; ahua-maa; 3. Pure, entire only (as a blank falsehood) : kau; anake; 4. Not containing a ball: ■ kau ; kore; he paura kau; he mataa kore. Come, v. 1. To move toward : Haere ; liara; aim ; anga ; makara ; —with mai: Very often the verb come, is dropped, and the tendency toward, is expressed in other words implying motion of a particular kind or quality, and almost invariably followed by the adverb mai [hither) ; e.g. : Horo ; hohoro ; oma ; tomo; lieke ; peke;eke; piki; kake ; ara ; nau ; tauti ; &c. ■ 2. To come from a place : haere; hara; ahu ; anga; oma; 3. To arrive; to be present: tae ; liui; mene ; tapeko ; 4. To advance; to move into view : to appear, to come out from : puta; whakaputa ; 5. To sprout; to spring : tupu ; tipu ; pihi; rea ; 6. To become: mea ; meinga ; whakamea; 7. To change; or be formed, —as butter: puta ; mea ; rite ; 8. To happen; to come about: to come to pass: mea; mea ano ; 9. To come, in futurity : puta mai amua; puta mai ano; or by tera ano; 10. Come, in the imperative, is commonly expressed by tena. Come, come (meaning haste): tena, tena, or hohoro ; —introducing a threat; warning ; &c.: heoi; heoi ano ; kaatiramata;



—To come about; to turn; change; &c: tahuri inai; —To come again— ano, with proper verb as: haere mai ano ; hoki inai ano; hokihoki mai ano ; —To come after; to follow: whai; aru ; aruaru ; —to come; to obtain : tiki; —To come at; to reach: tata; taea; ■—To come away: haere mai; puta mai; —leave: waiho, or mahue, atu ; —To come back : hoki raai; hokihoki mai; —To come by; to pass near: ma, na, or ra>, reira, with mai; —to obtain; to gain; &c. : whiwhi; riro mai; —To come down; to descend : haere iho, or mai; heke iho, or mai; peke iho, or mai; hohoro iho, or mai; —to be abased : whakaiti; whakanoho ki raro, or meinga kia n oho ; —To come for : tiki ; —To come forth : puta; whakaputa, —To come in ;to enter a house, &c.; tomo ; tapoko ; —to arrive at a port by water: v ; tomo ; tapoko ; —to arrive at any place of rendezvous : tae ; hui; mene ; rupeke; ■ —to enter in a body, or mass; as fish into a net; smoke into a house, &c. : hawhe; whawhe; —to comply ; to yield, &c.: whakaae ; tuku ; ■ —to be brought into use : pai ; tango ; • —To come into ; to join with : whakaae ; whakauruuru; —To conic near ; nigh : whakatata; —To come no near (in seamanship) : kaua c whakahaangai, or hapai, or whakatata, ki to hau ; —To come of : pal a mai, or iho ; often expressed by no or na, with proper pronoun ; —To come off; to escape : ora ; puta ; putaora ; —to take place : rite ; raea ano ; —To come off from : waiho ; mahue ; whakarere ; ■ —To come on ; to advance : liaere mai; ahu, or anga, mai; tena; —happen to : tau ; paa ; ponomai; tae ;

—To come over; to pass from one side to another: whiti; whakawhiti ; —to change sides : tahuri; riro ; mutu ; —To come out, or out of: puta ki waho ; —as the sun : puta; —as anything from its head, or socket, as a chisel, &c.: maaunu ; marere ; —to become public ; to be discovered:, rongo ; rangona ; kite ; kitea ; —to come out with : whaaki; whakakite ; whakapuaki; —To come short: kore rite ; tee rite ; hee ; —To come to ;to consent: whakaae ; tuku; —amount to : utu ; nui; rahi; —recover: ora ake ; oraora ake ; —To come to stay, or dwell: oti mai; noho tonu iho ; —To come to the end of anything: mutu ; poro ; tutuki ; pau ; hemo ; —To come together: hui; mene; huihui; whakamene; —To come up : haere mai, or ake; piki, or kake, loith mai, or ake ; eke mai, or ake; peke mai, or ake; —To come up to : whakatata mai, or ake ; —To come up with : rokohanga ; rokohinga ; mail; —To come upon: rere ; taua ; tau ; with mai, or atu ; —To be come; wholly, entirely : poto ; mene; mine ; peke; tapeke ; taweke. Dark, a. ■ 1. Destitute of light: pouri; pouri rawa ; hinaaki pouri; pouri kerekere ; 2. Wholly black: mangu ; pango ; pokerekere ; kerekere ; 3. Partially black : mangumangu ; pangopango; tu-a-mangu ; tu-a-kerekere ; pouri: 4. Opaque: pouri; pouriuri; 5. Gloomy ; disheartening : pouri; vvhakapouri; whakapouri ngakau ; 6. Obscure; not easily understood : ngaro ; ngarongaro ; whakapeka; koro maarama ; kore c kitea ; pakeke : 7. liude ; ignorant; kuware ; kore mohio ; pokerehu ; mohoao ; 8. Dismal: kino; whakapouri; whakamatakutaku; whakawehivvehi; 7. Concealed: huna; 10. Unclean; foul : poke;

Authority: George Didsbuet, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB2.


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A COMPREHENSIVE DICTIONARY OF THE NEW ZEALAND TONGUE, INCLUDING, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, G-02

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A COMPREHENSIVE DICTIONARY OF THE NEW ZEALAND TONGUE, INCLUDING Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, G-02

A COMPREHENSIVE DICTIONARY OF THE NEW ZEALAND TONGUE, INCLUDING Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, G-02

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