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7. To fail in argument; to be beaten in dispute: Kapi, v. (Pass.=& : v.n.=nga) : 1. To be close ; to be shut fast: 2. To coalesce; to join its own parts together; to be grown, or filled up, as a wound healed: 3. To be filled, as a house with men, &c.; to fill with solids; to be stopped, or obstructed, as a road, or river; to be full, as a court-yard, &c.; with men or animals; to be filled, overgrown, or closed up, as any small opening : 4. To be covered, as the earth with grass; the sky with clouds; the river with canoes; to be overgrown with weeds; to be overspread with vegetation; to be fully stocked, as a place with cattle, &c.; to be fully settled with inhabitants : 5. To be full of, outwardly; as full of sores; full of hair, &c.: 6. To be wholly taken up, or occupied : 7. To be filled with writing, as a letter. Pohutukawa, s. ■. 1. A large hard-wooded tree, mostly found on rocky cliffs and shores North of Poverty Bay, valuable for ships' knees, house blocks, &c. (Metrosideros tomentosa, ) 2. A variety of kumara, having white skin, and red within throughout. Poka, v, (Pass.—ia : v.n.=ng&) : 1. To break into, as a house; to break through, as a fence, wall, &c.: 2. To dig a pit, or hole, in the earth; to cut a hole in wood: 3. To disembowel; to castrate; to geld: 4. To bore the human ear : to bore, or make a hole in a piece of green jade stone:

5. To make a new track to any place; to make a short cut across by leaving the beaten track: 6. To go off at a tangent in the contrary direction from any custom, fashion, &c.; to make, or do anything out of the ordinary way or manner; to exceed what is ordinary or right; to go beyond : 7. To scheme; to devise; to plan; to contrive, or frame anything new; to invent: 8. To arise, or appear unexpectedly, or out of the usual order or course of things : 9. To enter on something new; to begin a new theme of conversation; to start a fresh subject: Haere koe ki a ia, pokaia ake he korero maau. Kahore he ara kee atu i tena i te repo, mo poka tonu ma reira. Ka rapu me kore c poka ake he painga mooku. Ka poka kee atu tana manako ki ena inea. # # # # Whakaoraora, v. (Pass. = ngia : v.n. = nga) : 1. To strengthen; to invigorate; to enliven ; to encourage ; to comfort; -to console; to refresh; to countenance : 2. To mitigate, or lessen pain, grief, evil, &c. : 3. To strengthen the mind under calamity : 4>. To strengthen the body under sickness : 5. To grow better; to amend : 6. To save from being injured; to repair; to mend; to hinder being eaten, or destroyed : 7. To excuse; to extenuate; to attempt to justify: 8. To improve: I hangaa kautia tena whare hei whakaoraora i te ngenge.