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down; to fall in drops like rain ; to fall down as rain.— Gen. xix. 24; Ex. ix. 18. E va, cte ua, ua msd.—Poet. 73. XTaina ana matou kite awhaa. I nui te uanga iho o te ua i enei ra. Whakaua,o.(P*ss.=ina: w.^.=nga); 1. To cause to rain; to cause to fall in drops like rain; to cause to fall down as rain; to fall as a shower of small missiles, hail, gravel, dust, darts, &c. — Ex. ix. 23. 2. To begin the weaving of a flax mat, basket, straw hat, &c.— (Syn. Tauaa, and Whakatauaa.) Ua, adj. Rainy, showery : He wa ua tenei. Ua, adv. When; whenever : When it, or I, shall, or shall have. — Ps. xcii. 14. (Syn. Aana ; Ina.) Aua ano hoki c meinga c pai te tangata ua kuare. Pai rawa taua wahi ua tirohia atu. Korero noa nga ngutu o te tangata ua moe. Maau tetahi o nga manu ua mahi ahau. —After the time that; if (future) : E mate ahau ua noho tonu i reira. Ka mohio ano, ua oti ahau te whakaako c koe. \_Obs. This particle is also more commonly used by the N. tribes.] Ua, prep. According to, &c. (See U, prep.) Heoi ano, ka hoe, me te matakitaki kite ngaru c haere ana i tona kaainga, koia koa ua ana! He pu ano ua te Tirarau. A ma wai hoki c korero ua Nunui ma te kupu whakamoiri mo ratou ? Ka mihi atu ia kite wahine ra; me pehea hoki koa ua ana ? Uaua, s. 1. Sinew, tendon, ligament, muscle; artery, vein; (T.F.) Toro te kiko, a rawa i o uaua ; tenei hoki te tutaki.— (Old charm.) Etau hoki te uaua kiore hei hoa riri mo te paraoa ? 2. Cross rafters of a house, battens; cross rail of a fence : 3. Forest creepers : Nga uaua o Papatuanuku. —Buttressed, ridgy parts of lower trunks of trees ; trees : 4. Spurs, as of mountains : 5. Storms; squalls : Nga uaua o te whitu raua ko te ono. 6. Strong arm ; strength; might: {Syn. Kaha.) Ka mea atu a Mene, Tena, takina mai o koutou tupuna. Kahore ratou i taki; kii mai ana ratou, Na te uaua. E riri aku uaua ; te uaua o te tini, te uaua o te mano, te uaua o te paraoa; homai hei uaua moku. — Poet 67, Eccles. ix. 10. 7. Activity, zeal, courage, toil, exertion; diligence, perseverance, ability, inclinanation to work :

He hanga wliakangaro te whawhai i nga mahi whakawhairawa, he hanga here i te uaua o te tangata.— Matt. xxv. 15. 8. Labour, difficulty, hard work, travail: 9. Reluctance, unwillingness : 10. Rescue : 11. A diligent hard-working person.— Prov. xxi. 5. Uaua, v. (Pass. = tia : v.n. = tanga): 1. To toil, to struggle, to exert, to persevere, to strive in argument: Ka tv a Rota bite whakakiikii a uaua noa ki a ratou. 2. To be difficult; to be dangerously laborious : 3. To be unyielding, tough, hard : 4. To be active, zealous, vehement, courageous: Me patu ano kaua c wehi, kia uaua, kia toa. 5. To be severe, exacting, heavy, sore; to oppress: E uaua mai ana hoki tona ringa ki a tatou. 6. To oppose: Mo te mea hoki, i uaua raua ki a ia inakuara tata atu. 7. To be reluctant, unwilling : Kei whakapono koe ki nga mea i rongo ai koe, a kaore i kite, a ka uaua noa kite whakatikatika, kei kitea c wairangi ana hoki koe. 8. To be diligent, persevering : B penei te uaua i te uaua o tenei waka i te uaua o tera waka, i te uaua ka tapoko. 9. To rain often; to be showery : Whakauaua, v.(Pass. = tia: v.n. = tanga): 1. To strive hard at work; to endeavour; to persevere: Katahi ano te tangata ko koe c kore c whakauaua iho. 2. To be hard, or difficult of execution; of endurance ; of forbearance : 3. To make difficult, toilsome, heavy, hard to do : 4. To be hard set: 5. To find difficulty in doing : 6. To oppose; to cause, or offer opposition : JS whahauaua pea reira ki a koe ? Whahauaua mai ana a Wiremu, mea ana, Kaua c hokona. E hei koia koutou te whakauaua ua karanga te rangatira nui ? 7. To be reluctant; to act unwillingly : Uaua, adj. 1. Strong, able (H.): 2. Diligent, active, toiling; zealous; resolute, courageous; persevering : He tamariki uaua kite karakia kite kura. He tangata uaua kite mahi. 3. Difficult; hard to bear, or perform; laborious: Ko te tuarua tenei o aku kupu pakeke uaua, ko te rori kia mahia. 4. Tough, (T.H.) unyielding, inflexible : E kata ai hoki te raataa uaua nei ki ona puawai papai.