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4. To allow, permit, grant; to give permission to; to license (H. Tng.) : 5. To commit in trust, or give in trust; to delegate : 6. To bequeath (Tng.) : 7. To transfer ;to part with; to alienate property; to bestow; to hand, or give .over: 8. To come down, or descend, in time : 9. To dispense with : 10. To permit to proceed, or go on, with a narration, &c. : 11. To give way; to make room for ; to move out of the way; to recede: 12. To cause to do ; to suffer to be done (II.) : 13. To lead forth on a journey; to accompany a travelling party a short distance, as a mark of attention and civility : 14. To send any one to enquire, observe, &c.: 15. To commit one's self to : 16. To offer up, as on an altar (R.) : 17. To offer the last parting prayer for a dying person : 18. To give up the ghost (H.R.) : 19. To leave the world; to descend to hades: 20. To let down, as by a rope; to let drop, or fall; to let down, as a load from the shoulder or back (H.R.) : 21. To let go, as an anchor (R.): 22. To cast; to let down, as a net into the sea (H.R.) : 23. To pay out as a rope, cable, &c.: 24. To let go ; to slack a rope (H.P. Tng.) : 25. To go out to sea: 26. To let fly; to throw, to cast, as a dart: 27. To parry ; to avoid a blow, a flying spear, &c , a rush : 28. To aim a blow; to strike; to come up ; to let fly at: 29. To cease fighting quickly : 30. To let down, as the hands, feet, &c: 31. To kneel: 3.2. To hang low; to lower, as the clouds betokening rain; to lower the countenance ; to look disdainfully : 33. To hang down, as the lips when large and full: 3i. To suddenly become dark, night, &c. : 35. To give the breast to an infant: 36. To give the nose, or nasal salute, by the host to another: 37. To put out the lips ; to kiss: 3— G. 2.


38. To lay, to place, one's words, &c, before any one : 39. To place, or lay out, food, ceremonially, for a party of visitors ; to make, celebrate, or keep a feast: 40. To fall, as snow : 41. To come, or send, forth, as storms, &c. : 42. To expel; to discharge from the womb, &c. : 43. To dye; to stain (Tng.) : 44. To put into water to soak : 45. To put in; to put into; to dip into anything, as into water : 46. To yield an odour; to give forth a scent: 47. To tell what has been kept concealed : 48. To speak hastily : 49. To put, or set, one's hand to; to sign a document: 50. To give admiration to : 51. To leave for a time; to defer : 52. To allow to go, or come—with atu or mai (used as Tae, to arrive, to come): 53. To lessen, subside, as water : 54. To betray: =X; Tllkua ake, shortly; anon: Tukua atu, hereafter. (See Atu 1.) (N.B. —The giving of any Maori examples under these last two verbs, Tau and Tuhu, have been purposely omitted, because of their length ; there are, however, pure Maori examples of all the meanings above given—and of more besides, added since the foregoing copy was originally made. Kiehly abounding in meaning as those two verbs are, still they are not the most copious in significations of the Maori verbs—there are others that are more so.—W.C.) # # # # Einga, v. (Pass.—i& : v.TC.=nga) : 1. To fall to the ground from an upright position, as a man, animal, tree, house, &c.; to fall to the ground, as when wounded or killed; to fall before the enemy, as on the battle-field; to fall to the ground, as a tree through strong wind; to be blown down; to stumble in walking, play, fighting, &c. : Jvua liinga te rakau nei i te hau. Hoatutatoukiteapoapo kaangakei^z'w^aite hau. 2. To fall through error, or crime, from a situation, office, or place : 3. To remove, or throw down, as a landmark : Kua liinga i a Te Hapnku te rahui. 4. To perish: 5. To be inclined from the perpendicular, as a post, house, &c.: 6. To fall on one's neck in embracing; to fall on the face of any one to salute :