Ngā tatauranga kohinga o Papers Past
Papers Past collection statistics
Find out how many items are in Papers Past. Overview of and detailed statistics about the collections on Papers Past.
Papers Past collection statistics
Format | Total articles | Total pages | Total documents |
Books | 7,276 | 61,524 | 422 |
Letters and Diaries | 5,889 | 23,382 | 5,889 |
Magazines and Journals | 1,082,566 | 487,000 | 17,023 |
Newspapers | 101,215,906 | 8,104,741 | 1,075,725 |
Parliamentary Papers | 14,699 | 319,114 | 104 |
All | 102,326,336 | 8,995,761 | 1,099,163 |
Format | Code | Publication | Articles | Pages | Documents |
Books | 7,276 | 61,524 | 422 | ||
Letters and Diaries | MCLEAN | The Papers of Sir Donald McLean | 5,889 | 23,382 | 5,889 |
Magazines and Journals | AOMREC | Aotearoa, or the Maori Recorder | 82 | 64 | 2 |
Magazines and Journals | CPG | Canterbury Police Gazette | 1,928 | 1,498 | 249 |
Magazines and Journals | DIGRSA | Digger (Invercargill RSA) | 3,994 | 688 | 43 |
Magazines and Journals | DSPOST | Deutsche Stacheldraht-Post | 3,030 | 819 | 135 |
Magazines and Journals | FORBI | Forest and Bird | 23,689 | 10,784 | 309 |
Magazines and Journals | FP | Fair Play | 1,593 | 725 | 27 |
Magazines and Journals | FRERE | Freethought Review | 862 | 385 | 24 |
Magazines and Journals | HOAMA | Hoa Maori | 394 | 351 | 44 |
Magazines and Journals | KAEA | Kaea | 381 | 192 | 5 |
Magazines and Journals | KNT | Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni | 48,316 | 29,537 | 3,315 |
Magazines and Journals | KOPARA | Kopara | 1,567 | 1,086 | 87 |
Magazines and Journals | KT | Kai Tiaki : the journal of the nurses of New Zealand | 6,285 | 5,248 | 89 |
Magazines and Journals | LADMI | Ladies' Mirror | 13,653 | 3,711 | 54 |
Magazines and Journals | MAOREC | Maori Record : a journal devoted to the advancement of the Maori people | 375 | 287 | 25 |
Magazines and Journals | MATPW | Mahi a te hui o te Hahi Maori o te Takiwa o Turanga i te Pihopatanga o Waiapu | 190 | 374 | 38 |
Magazines and Journals | MMPW | Mahi a te Hui Topu o te Hahi Maori o te Pihopatanga o Waiapu | 66 | 128 | 9 |
Magazines and Journals | MTHPW | Mahi a te hui o te Hahi Maori o te Takiwa o Heretaunga i te Pihopatanga o Waiapu | 72 | 166 | 16 |
Magazines and Journals | MTROPW | Mahi a te hui o te Hahi Maori o te Takiwa o Rotorua tae noa ki Whangaparoa I te Pihopatanga o Waiapu | 5 | 8 | 1 |
Magazines and Journals | MTTPW | Mahi a te hui o te Hahi Maori o te Takiwa o Tauranga i te Pihopatanga o Waiapu | 17 | 38 | 3 |
Magazines and Journals | MUKA | Muka | 2,532 | 950 | 98 |
Magazines and Journals | NZGRAP | New Zealand Graphic | 221,021 | 61,163 | 1,226 |
Magazines and Journals | NZI | New Zealand Illustrated Magazine | 6,406 | 5,955 | 72 |
Magazines and Journals | NZISDR | New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review | 176,729 | 41,969 | 1,519 |
Magazines and Journals | NZJAG | New Zealand Journal of Agriculture | 64,281 | 51,764 | 606 |
Magazines and Journals | NZPG | New Zealand Police Gazette | 58,367 | 41,171 | 2,795 |
Magazines and Journals | NZT | New Zealand Tablet | 296,309 | 100,241 | 2,747 |
Magazines and Journals | OPG | Otago Police Gazette | 1,737 | 1,025 | 161 |
Magazines and Journals | P | Progress | 21,046 | 7,178 | 214 |
Magazines and Journals | PIPIWH | Pipiwharauroa | 3,868 | 2,065 | 185 |
Magazines and Journals | REOHO | Reo ote Hokowhitu-a-Tu | 31 | 12 | 3 |
Magazines and Journals | RIU | Rip It Up | 30,600 | 8,671 | 252 |
Magazines and Journals | TAH | Te Ao Hou | 7,060 | 5,183 | 76 |
Magazines and Journals | TLR | Turnbull Library Record | 2,784 | 6,861 | 91 |
Magazines and Journals | TOATAK | Toa Takitini | 2,388 | 2,271 | 116 |
Magazines and Journals | TPRSNZ | Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand | 9,483 | 63,750 | 88 |
Magazines and Journals | TRSBIO | Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand : Biological Sciences | 216 | 490 | 40 |
Magazines and Journals | TRSBOT | Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand : Botany | 376 | 895 | 66 |
Magazines and Journals | TRSES | Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand : Earth Sciences | 197 | 448 | 24 |
Magazines and Journals | TRSGEN | Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand : General | 158 | 445 | 34 |
Magazines and Journals | TRSGEO | Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand : Geology | 744 | 1,668 | 94 |
Magazines and Journals | TRSZOO | Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand : Zoology | 1,297 | 2,691 | 224 |
Magazines and Journals | TUTANG | Tu Tangata | 3,905 | 1,824 | 36 |
Magazines and Journals | WCHG | Waiapu Church Gazette | 14,881 | 5,128 | 424 |
Magazines and Journals | WCHT | Waiapu Church Times | 515 | 148 | 12 |
Magazines and Journals | WHIRIB | White Ribbon | 25,907 | 9,834 | 731 |
Magazines and Journals | WWARA | Arawa Guerilla | 858 | 160 | 13 |
Magazines and Journals | WWART | Arty AnTiDote | 75 | 28 | 5 |
Magazines and Journals | WWATC | ATC Observer | 455 | 244 | 11 |
Magazines and Journals | WWBLU | Blue Light | 160 | 14 | 2 |
Magazines and Journals | WWBON | Bonjour (New Caledonia) | 41 | 11 | 3 |
Magazines and Journals | WWCN | Camp News | 9,809 | 1,180 | 159 |
Magazines and Journals | WWCNN | Camp News (Northern Command) | 1,539 | 252 | 33 |
Magazines and Journals | WWCOR | Corsair Courier | 18 | 4 | 1 |
Magazines and Journals | WWCUE | Cue (NZERS) | 2,086 | 1,386 | 41 |
Magazines and Journals | WWCUR | NZ Services Current Affairs Bulletin | 926 | 991 | 63 |
Magazines and Journals | WWDIT | Dit-Dah | 37 | 9 | 4 |
Magazines and Journals | WWDOW | Down the Hatch | 91 | 34 | 7 |
Magazines and Journals | WWDOZ | Dozerdust | 868 | 300 | 48 |
Magazines and Journals | WWDRA | Dragon | 103 | 28 | 1 |
Magazines and Journals | WWDUF | Duffy's Gen | 197 | 88 | 8 |
Magazines and Journals | WWERK | Erk's Work | 41 | 54 | 1 |
Magazines and Journals | WWFLAK | Flak | 276 | 96 | 8 |
Magazines and Journals | WWFUN | Fun Fare | 47 | 20 | 1 |
Magazines and Journals | WWGAZ | Guerrilla Gazette | 22 | 4 | 1 |
Magazines and Journals | WWGOAT | Goat Island Groan | 46 | 18 | 4 |
Magazines and Journals | WWGUN | Gun Flash | 356 | 84 | 21 |
Magazines and Journals | WWHIGH | Highlander | 172 | 26 | 13 |
Magazines and Journals | WWHQHI | HQ Highlights | 104 | 25 | 12 |
Magazines and Journals | WWHQHO | HQ Hornet | 9 | 2 | 1 |
Magazines and Journals | WWKOR | Korero (AEWS) | 1,638 | 1,166 | 37 |
Magazines and Journals | WWLOW | Low Blower | 27 | 14 | 1 |
Magazines and Journals | WWNAU | Nautical Nonsense | 12 | 4 | 1 |
Magazines and Journals | WWNIA | Niaouli News | 18 | 6 | 3 |
Magazines and Journals | WWNIS | Nissan Nonsense | 47 | 12 | 6 |
Magazines and Journals | WWOBS | Observation Post | 422 | 52 | 11 |
Magazines and Journals | WWOOJ | On Our Job | 78 | 36 | 9 |
Magazines and Journals | WWPAP | Papakura Parade | 102 | 40 | 5 |
Magazines and Journals | WWRANG | Rangiora Gunner | 105 | 54 | 6 |
Magazines and Journals | WWSER | Serial Waves | 178 | 100 | 18 |
Magazines and Journals | WWTIKI | Tiki Tabloid Supplement | 42 | 8 | 1 |
Magazines and Journals | WWTRA | Transit Tramp | 35 | 16 | 4 |
Magazines and Journals | WWTWE | 28th Heavy News | 118 | 40 | 7 |
Magazines and Journals | WWTWN | 29th : the Voice of the 29th Battalion | 78 | 20 | 3 |
Magazines and Journals | WWVICE | Peoples Vice | 170 | 59 | 15 |
Magazines and Journals | WWWAR | War Wit | 1,709 | 380 | 19 |
Magazines and Journals | WWWHA | What Knots | 59 | 24 | 3 |
Magazines and Journals | WWZON | Z1 Courier | 55 | 22 | 4 |
Newspapers | ACNZC | Auckland Chronicle and New Zealand Colonist | 1,733 | 344 | 86 |
Newspapers | AG | Ashburton Guardian | 1,888,573 | 130,535 | 22,041 |
Newspapers | AHCOG | Alexandra Herald and Central Otago Gazette | 132,144 | 17,349 | 2,292 |
Newspapers | AKEXAM | Auckland Examiner | 9,075 | 1,225 | 304 |
Newspapers | AKTIM | Auckland Times | 890 | 228 | 61 |
Newspapers | ALG | Albertland Gazette | 143 | 44 | 11 |
Newspapers | AMBPA | Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser | 243,324 | 25,866 | 6,593 |
Newspapers | AMW | Anglo-Maori Warder | 475 | 104 | 26 |
Newspapers | AONUPEP | Aotearoa : he Nupepa ma nga Tangata Maori | 23 | 12 | 2 |
Newspapers | AS | Auckland Star | 4,141,064 | 280,737 | 23,356 |
Newspapers | ASHH | Ashburton Herald | 26,307 | 3,030 | 773 |
Newspapers | BA | Bush Advocate | 312,248 | 24,711 | 4,061 |
Newspapers | BH | Bruce Herald | 326,485 | 34,482 | 5,388 |
Newspapers | BOPT | Bay of Plenty Times | 983,909 | 79,802 | 16,474 |
Newspapers | BPB | Bay of Plenty Beacon | 99,250 | 12,013 | 1,598 |
Newspapers | BRATS | Bratska Sloga | 169 | 18 | 4 |
Newspapers | CHARG | Charleston Argus | 225 | 48 | 12 |
Newspapers | CHBP | Central Hawke's Bay Press | 351,180 | 23,011 | 4,316 |
Newspapers | CHP | Press | 8,277,703 | 674,454 | 39,213 |
Newspapers | CL | Clutha Leader | 222,369 | 27,015 | 3,556 |
Newspapers | CROMARG | Cromwell Argus | 172,343 | 22,644 | 3,389 |
Newspapers | DOM | Dominion | 2,252,233 | 165,556 | 11,827 |
Newspapers | DSC | Daily Southern Cross | 300,240 | 32,496 | 6,142 |
Newspapers | DTN | Daily Telegraph (Napier) | 2,010,270 | 116,438 | 15,460 |
Newspapers | DUNST | Dunstan Times | 224,474 | 25,799 | 4,245 |
Newspapers | EG | Ellesmere Guardian | 222,513 | 24,112 | 4,370 |
Newspapers | EP | Evening Post | 3,979,130 | 247,140 | 25,259 |
Newspapers | ESD | Evening Star | 2,896,903 | 209,731 | 24,478 |
Newspapers | FRTIM | Franklin Times | 215,082 | 26,071 | 3,750 |
Newspapers | FS | Feilding Star | 1,155,620 | 68,860 | 14,397 |
Newspapers | GBARG | Golden Bay Argus | 45,621 | 6,863 | 1,276 |
Newspapers | GEST | Greymouth Evening Star | 1,372,934 | 123,861 | 15,166 |
Newspapers | GISH | Gisborne Herald | 596,844 | 30,319 | 3,600 |
Newspapers | GIST | Gisborne Times | 1,002,254 | 78,572 | 10,401 |
Newspapers | GLOBE | Globe | 90,984 | 10,304 | 2,688 |
Newspapers | GRA | Grey River Argus | 1,723,590 | 137,810 | 24,598 |
Newspapers | GSCCG | Gisborne Standard and Cook County Gazette | 21,362 | 2,244 | 688 |
Newspapers | HAEATA | Haeata | 357 | 146 | 36 |
Newspapers | HAST | Hastings Standard | 260,087 | 20,660 | 4,569 |
Newspapers | HAWST | Hawera Star | 528,361 | 38,888 | 3,616 |
Newspapers | HBH | Hawke's Bay Herald | 582,612 | 39,705 | 9,567 |
Newspapers | HBHETR | Hawke's Bay Herald-Tribune | 771,840 | 43,337 | 4,369 |
Newspapers | HBT | Hawke's Bay Times | 35,370 | 6,622 | 1,606 |
Newspapers | HBTRIB | Hawke's Bay Tribune | 1,104,149 | 78,989 | 8,145 |
Newspapers | HBWT | Hawke's Bay Weekly Times | 3,181 | 554 | 105 |
Newspapers | HC | Horowhenua Chronicle | 99,360 | 7,072 | 1,883 |
Newspapers | HIIR | Hiiringa i te Whitu | 3 | 1 | 1 |
Newspapers | HLC | Hot Lakes Chronicle | 3,475 | 428 | 106 |
Newspapers | HN | Hutt News | 67,371 | 9,315 | 1,105 |
Newspapers | HNS | Hawera & Normanby Star | 1,129,177 | 71,529 | 12,142 |
Newspapers | HOG | Hokitika Guardian | 573,905 | 43,031 | 7,421 |
Newspapers | HOKIOI | Hokioi o Nui-Tireni, e rere atuna | 51 | 29 | 9 |
Newspapers | HPDG | Huntly Press and District Gazette | 46,171 | 4,455 | 1,117 |
Newspapers | HPGAZ | Hauraki Plains Gazette | 246,378 | 29,545 | 4,532 |
Newspapers | HUIA | Huia Tangata Kotahi | 997 | 367 | 67 |
Newspapers | HVI | Hutt Valley Independent | 12,897 | 1,571 | 471 |
Newspapers | INDU | Industrial Unionist | 705 | 76 | 19 |
Newspapers | IT | Inangahua Times | 368,475 | 33,691 | 9,939 |
Newspapers | JUBIL | Jubilee : Te Tiupiri | 2,193 | 1,178 | 78 |
Newspapers | KAHITI | Ko te Kahiti Tuturu mo Aotearoa, me te Waipounamu | 56 | 28 | 3 |
Newspapers | KAIST | Kaikoura Star | 104,405 | 11,802 | 2,829 |
Newspapers | KCC | King Country Chronicle | 317,356 | 32,956 | 4,324 |
Newspapers | KOP | Karere o Poneke | 818 | 233 | 54 |
Newspapers | KORIM | Korimako | 3,394 | 1,024 | 82 |
Newspapers | KSRA | Kawhia Settler and Raglan Advertiser | 61,987 | 6,087 | 1,451 |
Newspapers | KUMAT | Kumara Times | 99,433 | 12,950 | 3,286 |
Newspapers | KWE | Kaipara and Waitemata Echo | 18,767 | 2,162 | 543 |
Newspapers | LCM | Lake County Mail | 3,166 | 446 | 52 |
Newspapers | LCP | Lake County Press | 117,578 | 15,433 | 2,660 |
Newspapers | LDC | Levin Daily Chronicle | 480,402 | 42,340 | 6,718 |
Newspapers | LT | Lyttelton Times | 1,722,129 | 160,233 | 18,765 |
Newspapers | LTCBG | Lyell Times and Central Buller Gazette | 1,800 | 304 | 76 |
Newspapers | LWM | Lake Wakatip Mail | 237,391 | 27,815 | 4,466 |
Newspapers | MANAK | Mana (Auckland) | 1,359 | 156 | 19 |
Newspapers | MARE | Manu Rere (Cook Islands) | 55 | 8 | 2 |
Newspapers | MATAR | Matariki | 20 | 7 | 2 |
Newspapers | MATREC | Matamata Record | 205,326 | 22,776 | 3,172 |
Newspapers | MATUH | Matuhi | 2,587 | 1,546 | 136 |
Newspapers | MDTIM | Marlborough Daily Times | 92,775 | 9,510 | 2,431 |
Newspapers | ME | Mataura Ensign | 519,186 | 44,998 | 7,289 |
Newspapers | MEX | Marlborough Express | 1,129,043 | 74,359 | 13,902 |
Newspapers | MH | Manawatu Herald | 368,185 | 31,349 | 8,075 |
Newspapers | MIC | Mount Ida Chronicle | 155,033 | 17,167 | 4,101 |
Newspapers | MKURA | Mareikura | 798 | 256 | 18 |
Newspapers | MMTKM | Maori Messenger : Te Karere Maori | 5,448 | 3,019 | 333 |
Newspapers | MOST | Motueka Star | 11,555 | 2,205 | 403 |
Newspapers | MPRESS | Marlborough Press | 36,769 | 4,958 | 1,196 |
Newspapers | MS | Manawatu Standard | 2,023,041 | 136,365 | 15,263 |
Newspapers | MT | Manawatu Times | 1,712,046 | 126,948 | 14,683 |
Newspapers | MTBM | Mt Benger Mail | 74,448 | 6,347 | 1,622 |
Newspapers | MW | Maoriland Worker | 61,442 | 6,367 | 640 |
Newspapers | NA | Northern Advocate | 1,464,180 | 108,508 | 13,361 |
Newspapers | NCGAZ | North Canterbury Gazette | 41,752 | 5,074 | 627 |
Newspapers | NEM | Nelson Evening Mail | 2,312,321 | 153,879 | 24,972 |
Newspapers | NENZC | Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle | 87,475 | 14,021 | 3,191 |
Newspapers | NORAG | Northland Age | 144,718 | 17,295 | 2,623 |
Newspapers | NOT | North Otago Times | 1,258,967 | 99,570 | 18,744 |
Newspapers | NZ | New Zealander | 83,184 | 12,986 | 2,556 |
Newspapers | NZABIG | New Zealand Advertiser and Bay of Islands Gazette | 385 | 114 | 27 |
Newspapers | NZCPNA | New Zealand Colonist and Port Nicholson Advertiser | 1,950 | 420 | 105 |
Newspapers | NZFL | Free Lance | 78,587 | 22,563 | 952 |
Newspapers | NZGWS | New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator | 7,074 | 1,508 | 369 |
Newspapers | NZH | New Zealand Herald | 4,068,854 | 307,681 | 25,469 |
Newspapers | NZHAG | New Zealand Herald and Auckland Gazette | 1,300 | 278 | 65 |
Newspapers | NZMAIL | New Zealand Mail | 335,167 | 76,688 | 1,854 |
Newspapers | NZSCSG | New Zealand Spectator and Cook's Strait Guardian | 47,667 | 8,470 | 2,103 |
Newspapers | NZTIM | New Zealand Times | 1,734,927 | 129,524 | 16,212 |
Newspapers | NZTR | NZ Truth | 178,547 | 15,122 | 1,282 |
Newspapers | OAM | Oamaru Mail | 832,707 | 67,483 | 13,944 |
Newspapers | ODT | Otago Daily Times | 3,450,105 | 258,591 | 27,684 |
Newspapers | OG | Ohinemuri Gazette | 177,515 | 15,197 | 3,804 |
Newspapers | OO | Oxford Observer | 12,448 | 1,930 | 472 |
Newspapers | OPNEWS | Opotiki News | 56,380 | 5,792 | 1,487 |
Newspapers | OPUNT | Opunake Times | 196,475 | 20,628 | 5,186 |
Newspapers | OSWCC | Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle | 66,338 | 8,042 | 1,457 |
Newspapers | OTMAIL | Otaki Mail | 113,897 | 9,374 | 2,438 |
Newspapers | OW | Otago Witness | 1,131,493 | 201,353 | 4,243 |
Newspapers | PAHH | Pahiatua Herald | 988,828 | 97,923 | 13,155 |
Newspapers | PAKIOM | Paki o Matariki | 199 | 82 | 34 |
Newspapers | PATM | Patea Mail | 406,924 | 35,873 | 9,281 |
Newspapers | PBH | Poverty Bay Herald | 2,162,574 | 144,327 | 18,934 |
Newspapers | PBI | Poverty Bay Independent | 8,641 | 970 | 248 |
Newspapers | PBS | Poverty Bay Standard | 40,314 | 4,721 | 1,147 |
Newspapers | PGAMA | Pelorus Guardian and Miners' Advocate. | 176,165 | 18,815 | 3,123 |
Newspapers | PIHOI | Pihoihoi Mokemoke i Runga i te Tuanui | 22 | 22 | 5 |
Newspapers | PSEA | Pahiatua Star and Eketahuna Advertiser | 22,722 | 2,300 | 577 |
Newspapers | PUKEH | Puke ki Hikurangi | 2,269 | 1,293 | 183 |
Newspapers | PUP | Putaruru Press | 89,584 | 9,971 | 1,380 |
Newspapers | PWT | Pukekohe & Waiuku Times | 46,673 | 4,135 | 924 |
Newspapers | RAMA | Rangitikei Advocate and Manawatu Argus | 309,881 | 24,743 | 3,415 |
Newspapers | ROTWKG | Rodney and Otamatea Times, Waitemata and Kaipara Gazette | 91,662 | 14,182 | 2,171 |
Newspapers | SAMREP | Samoan Reporter | 330 | 94 | 21 |
Newspapers | SAMZ | Samoanische Zeitung | 41,298 | 9,946 | 984 |
Newspapers | SATADV | Saturday Advertiser | 13,813 | 3,151 | 181 |
Newspapers | SCANT | South Canterbury Times | 309,623 | 24,752 | 6,241 |
Newspapers | SNEWS | Shannon News | 32,654 | 3,567 | 931 |
Newspapers | SOCR | Southern Cross | 97,315 | 23,442 | 1,448 |
Newspapers | ST | Southland Times | 2,147,834 | 176,085 | 23,453 |
Newspapers | STEP | Stratford Evening Post | 673,426 | 59,157 | 7,743 |
Newspapers | STSSA | Samoa Times and South Sea Advertiser | 11,883 | 1,629 | 405 |
Newspapers | STSSG | Samoa Times and South Sea Gazette | 5,577 | 801 | 200 |
Newspapers | SUNAK | Sun (Auckland) | 355,140 | 20,377 | 1,082 |
Newspapers | SUNCH | Sun (Christchurch) | 324,985 | 27,398 | 2,151 |
Newspapers | SWH | Samoa Weekly Herald | 11,802 | 1,508 | 374 |
Newspapers | TAIDT | Taihape Daily Times | 115,444 | 14,834 | 1,925 |
Newspapers | TAKIT | Takitimu | 31 | 8 | 1 |
Newspapers | TAN | Te Aroha News | 162,868 | 16,694 | 4,250 |
Newspapers | TAWC | Te Awamutu Courier | 169,988 | 18,251 | 2,303 |
Newspapers | TC | Colonist | 1,079,400 | 71,703 | 15,014 |
Newspapers | TCP | Taranaki Central Press | 18,048 | 1,488 | 193 |
Newspapers | TDN | Taranaki Daily News | 2,007,387 | 135,889 | 14,060 |
Newspapers | TEML | Temuka Leader | 352,749 | 32,221 | 8,087 |
Newspapers | TGMR | Thames Guardian and Mining Record | 11,252 | 1,120 | 283 |
Newspapers | TH | Taranaki Herald | 1,123,268 | 84,002 | 15,060 |
Newspapers | THA | Thames Advertiser | 313,169 | 29,814 | 7,500 |
Newspapers | THD | Timaru Herald | 2,245,284 | 200,799 | 23,138 |
Newspapers | THS | Thames Star | 1,282,949 | 90,961 | 18,921 |
Newspapers | TO | Observer | 177,807 | 44,317 | 1,948 |
Newspapers | TPT | Te Puke Times | 156,342 | 16,291 | 3,944 |
Newspapers | TS | Star (Christchurch) | 2,383,579 | 154,314 | 20,994 |
Newspapers | TT | Tuapeka Times | 239,705 | 24,261 | 5,197 |
Newspapers | UHWR | Upper Hutt Weekly Review | 4,017 | 663 | 173 |
Newspapers | VT | Victoria Times | 9 | 4 | 1 |
Newspapers | WAG | Wairarapa Age | 911,085 | 77,358 | 10,064 |
Newspapers | WAIBE | Wairoa Bell | 14,287 | 2,233 | 283 |
Newspapers | WAIGUS | Waikato Argus | 294,353 | 21,104 | 5,189 |
Newspapers | WAIKIN | Waikato Independent | 366,380 | 49,024 | 6,588 |
Newspapers | WAIPM | Waipawa Mail | 479,218 | 38,863 | 9,138 |
Newspapers | WAIPO | Waipa Post | 247,064 | 24,665 | 3,483 |
Newspapers | WAIST | Wairarapa Standard | 84,208 | 10,082 | 2,592 |
Newspapers | WAITA | Wairarapa Times-Age | 250,561 | 15,694 | 1,954 |
Newspapers | WAKAM | Waka Maori | 5,343 | 2,814 | 325 |
Newspapers | WANANG | Wananga | 4,226 | 2,200 | 178 |
Newspapers | WC | Wanganui Chronicle | 2,893,112 | 184,613 | 24,825 |
Newspapers | WCT | West Coast Times | 710,040 | 61,689 | 15,797 |
Newspapers | WDA | Waimate Daily Advertiser | 321,120 | 37,109 | 6,653 |
Newspapers | WDT | Wairarapa Daily Times | 1,424,352 | 112,197 | 18,299 |
Newspapers | WEST | Westport Times | 76,043 | 8,873 | 2,239 |
Newspapers | WH | Wanganui Herald | 1,246,105 | 88,536 | 16,648 |
Newspapers | WHDT | Waihi Daily Telegraph | 332,655 | 27,280 | 7,284 |
Newspapers | WHETU | Whetu o te Tau | 66 | 20 | 5 |
Newspapers | WI | Wellington Independent | 142,109 | 19,799 | 3,930 |
Newspapers | WOODEX | Woodville Examiner | 268,050 | 23,464 | 5,543 |
Newspapers | WPRESS | Waipukurau Press | 247,926 | 25,669 | 4,088 |
Newspapers | WSTAR | Western Star | 267,183 | 27,877 | 6,454 |
Newspapers | WT | Waikato Times | 1,825,974 | 135,398 | 14,756 |
Parliamentary Papers | AJHR | Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives | 14,494 | 316,973 | 101 |
Parliamentary Papers | VP | Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives | 205 | 2,141 | 3 |