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5. Vigorous, oppressive, austere : 6. Rainy, showery : He tau kino, uaua, awhaa. Uaua, adv. 1. Reluctantly, unwillingly : Ko te whakaaetanga i whakaae ai, whakaae uaua. Ka whakaae uaua ake ahau kite tikanga a toku hoa. 2. Diligently; perseveringly; resolutely : Whakauaua, s. Effort, struggle to effect, hard endeavour to bear with, or do ; difficulty, tediousness, &c : Whakauaua, adj. Hard, difficult, tedious, reluctant, unwilling: He ora ivhakauaua. Whakauaua, adv. Hardly, difficultly; done or borne with great exertion or determination. E noho whakauaua ana i te mamae. Ka hinga tera, heoi mate whakauaua ana. I mahue ivhakauaua taku mahi. — Acts 27. 7, 8,16. * # # * Tau, s. 1. A perch for fowls, birds; a rest, or resting-place (IT.); a protector : Hei tau ake koe mo matou. 2. A dwelling-place, residence : 3. The ridge or brow of a hill; a range of hills : 4. A shoal, or reef of rocks at sea (T. under water) : 5. A season of the year, anciently summer (H. T. Tng); a period of time (Eu. Mod. a year) : 6. The tying-string of the neck part of a Maori mat-garment; wrist-strap of a stone battle-axe or mere ; a string, or lace, to tie a boot or shoe with; any long narrow thong or tie ; a bandage : 7. Any narrow, flexible thing used as a necklace, bracelet, armlet, &c.; the short cord attached to a fish-hook to which the fishing-line is fastened; a chord or fibre of the liver, heart, &c, often used affectionately and in poetry : 8. A loop or handle to carry by, as of a Maori hete, basket, bag, bucket, ironpot, &c.: 9. Hanging, suspending, state of suspension (H. verb.): 10. A stranger (H.) (See Tauhou) : 11. The carved end of a canoe; (deck or covering of the end of a canoe, I?.): 12. A counting; manner of counting : 13. The lard or suet of a pig, &c.: 14. The bark of a dog; the act of barking as a dog; (usually of modern dogs) : 15. Old stories, legends, narrations; a song; a recitation : 16. A loved one, a darling, a dear friend (F.) ; a lover ; a son, child, husband :

17. A game : 18. (Poet.) for a greenstone ornament; a mere, &c.: Tau,v, (P«ss.=ngia,=ria,= ia: v.n.= ranga, = nga) : 1. To light on, to perch, to settle, to rest, —as a bird on a tree, &c. (H. T.): 2. To rest, to abide on, —as a cloud on the top of a hill (H.) : 3. To fall from above, to light down, &c.—as an arrow, stone, &c.: 4. To come upon; to light or fall on a person unexpectedly by chance : 5. To happen, to befall, to come upon any person or thing,—as disease, suffering, calamity, &c. (H.) : 6. To swoop, descend, or come down upon : 7. To fall as rain, hail, snow, dew, &c. (*V); 8. To fall on, —as light, &c, on any thing; or as a shadow,—^as darkness on the earth, &c.: 9. To fall on a person, as a sudden blow; as heavy bIoAVS (To hit or strike against, Tng.) : 10. To be seized with, —as with a panic, sudden fear, dread, &c.; to fall on one, —as fear, surprise : 11. To set, to fall in the heavens, as the sun, &c. (IT.) : 12. To fall, set, pass away for ever : 13. To be speared, struck with a spear, &c.: 14. To fall to work; to commence work: 15. To fall, or light, into a canoe, boat, &c, as a flying-fish; (to go on board a canoe, H.) : 16. To meet on; to visit upon : 17. To lay, or place, the hand on for evil (H.): 18. To lose a case, in dispute; to have an unfavourable decision or verdict: 19. To fall on suddenly as a thought, to come into the mind; to see clearly, to perceive: 20. To be on, or rest with—as a blessing, good wish, curse, &c.: 21. To fix the gaze on; to set, or rest, one's eyes on; to look at stedfastly; to settle the countenance; to note, to eye; to observe narrowly; to look forwards (H.) : 22. To settle, to fix the mind on; to be placed on—as one's hopes; to long after (H.): 23. To be able; to be strong enough for : 24. To be suitable, fit (Tng.), becoming.