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Atiati, v. (Pass. =a : v.n. = tanga.) To drive out, or away from; to expel; to chase; to push back; to repel; to urge by force. I atiati ahau kia haere atu. i . Hei huna riri, hei atiati riri. Wahi iti kua mate ia i runga i tana malii atiati; nui atu tona kaha kite atiati. Ka peia atu ano, ka atiatia atu hoki i tena wahi. Atiati, Kai- s. One who expels, represses, &c. Kahore he hai-atiati inaianei mo te kino. AtiatiMnga, s. Atiatitailga, s, Act, time, place, or manner of expelling, repressing, &c. Mo taku atiatitanga i riri ai. Atiu, s., a North-west wind (2). Me te teanga mai o te Kawana Hopihona, i te taha hau atiu ki Peowhairangi ki Waitangi. Atiu, v. To circumambulate. Atiaatiu, «?-. To wander. Atilltitl, v. To wander about. Na nga pei, na te atiutiu, kia ngakau kore, kia . ware noa iho. {Te Hokioi.) Me te manu kuare hoki c atiutiu noa atu ana i tona kowhanga. I to ratou whatinga, i a ratou c atiutiu noa atu ana. Heoi, marara noa atu ana nga hipi i te kore kai-tiaki; atiutiu noa atu ana i runga i nga hiwi katoa, a, ngaro noa iho. Atiutillj s. Act, time, or place of wandering. — s., a univalve shell-fish : Atiti, v. To stray. (See Kotiti.) Keiwhea rate kuri a taku hoa c atiti noa atu ana. Atimaaua, pron. dual. (Tng,). We two; used by a person speaking concerning himself and another, but not including the person addressed. Atiru, s. He kapua kee hoki to te atiru, to te atiru i tau ki whea?— Poet. 3 p. 294. Ato, v. (Pass. = hia., v.n. = hanga.) T. and Tng., Ato; IL, Ako. To thatch the roof of a house with toetoe (cuttinggrass), wiwi (rush), or raupo (bulrush). Ehara tena, hepurepure rererawaia nga toetoe o taua whare. I muri iho ka atohia ano, na kua pai ano, kua ora ano nga taonga o taua whare. — -figTenei, c tama, te whare i atohia te kaka o te waero. — Poet., p. 46. Na mauhi kai ato, &c. — Old Kaka. \_Obs. Name of a disease of lewd females. —'ll.] Ato, Kai- s. a thatchcr. Ato, s., the art of thatching. —act, time, or manner of thatching a house with reeds, rushes, &c. At\l, part. (T., atu, adu; H., aku; E,., adu; Tng., atu, but much more re-

stricted.) An adverbial, or verbal, directive ; —a particle of great power and use, possessing several meanings; primarily implying motion, or tendency, or space, away from the speaker or place; in opposition to mai. [_Obs. In the New Zealand language the motion or action of verbs is always supposed to be from the speaker (atu), or towards him (mai), or upwards (alee), or downwards (iho) ; and is, or should be, always thus expressed.] 1. From ; away from; hence: Tangohia atu enei mea=take away these things. Karangatia atu a Wiremu. = Call William from (where you are to come hither, understood). Tv «£«/=Stand away from: out of my way. Tuku atu au.=Let me pass by,—or, away. 2. Away from; out of : He tono tenei naku, kia whakamaramatia mai to ritcnga marama c t-aea ai te tv atu ki waho o enei kino i tenei wa. 3. From, as going on from; on the further side of: Timatafitfwi te kohatu ite huarahi, —a panoa ki te timatanga atu. Oma ana au ki tua atu o te taiepa piri ai. 4. Leading to; going onwards in direction of (away from the speaker) : 0 Tarawera i te ara alu ki Ahuriri. 5. Further on; in the extreme distance; unto: Haere ana, a Taupo atu ano. Kua riro ra ki raro, a te whenua o Ngapuhi atu ano. 6. Forwards; onward; (in place;) Kia haere atu tatou. Kei whea ? Te haere atu nei kei muri i taku tuara c haere atu nei. Kiia atu ra ki nga tangata, Kia haere atu ratou. Muri iho ka tahuri ratou kite Arawa ka patu atu i te tahatika, ka whiu atu kia haere ki uta. 7. Forth: Ka puta atu tana kupu. 8. Henceforth; onward, in time; from this time forward: No konei atu ano, ara no tenei ra haere atu nei. E kore ia c hoki mai ki a matou, c kore hold matou c kite atu i a ia, kua whiti atu ia ki to wahi ora. 9. Previously ; formerly; before this present time; (with verbal perfect or past particles :) Kua riro atu : kua mutu noa atu : Katahi ka rite ki tana i mea atu ai: He uhunga i turia ki taua wahi i mua atu, i ctahi rangi atu Heoti ano ranei te kakahu ? i rau atu rangi ehara i te pera tona kakahu. 10. Used with adjectives to form a superlative, (and sometimes in common colloquial language as a comparative,— for which, however, alee is the correct term) : Ka pai tenei hoiho: pai ake pea tenei te mea whero ; erangi tera ka pai atu. Kahore ianei tona tuakana i pai atu i a ia?