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Agitate, v. 1. To put in motion; to shake (fluids) : whakakarekare; whakapokarekare; wHakangarungaru ; —solids : whakaoioi; wliakangaueue; whakangarue ; —as the earth by an earthquake : ru; katote; 2. To disturb (1. mind) : whakararu ; whakararuraru ; whakakurarutaru ; whakabepohepo; whakamaanukanuka; whakaohooho; —(2. body) : wiriwiri; wiri; whakakorikori; whakakeukeu; 3. To consider; to discuss : korero; korerorero; tirotiro ; uiui; rapurapu; haapai; liapahapai; 4. To excite into tumult, &c. : whakataratara; whakahauhaii; whakaara; whakamaraDga; _._ —fig-: ;. , tahutahu. Bind, v. 1. To tie together : here ; pona ; taroi; —as two cords : nootiki; —as the pales of a fence : hohou ; houwere; whawhau ; —as a bundle of reeds, sheaf of wheat, &c.: paihere; —as rushes, in building a house (whare); nati; 2. To enwrap; to involve; tie up, as wounds : taakai; takatakai; 3. To confine with bonds : here ; herehere ; whitoki; 4. To fasten together : here tahi; herea kia kotahi; 5. To restrain in any manner : pupuri; puripuri; whakakaati; 6. To oblige by a promise : whakaae ; 7. To ratify ; as a peace : hohou ; 8. To distress or confine by infirmity : whakamatemate; 9. To constrain; expressed by (negatively), c kore c ahei (it cannot) ; or me (must) : 10. To make costive : whakamaaro ; whakakikii; whakapaapuni ; 11. To sew a border on an edge: tuitui nga taha; 12. To make hard, or firm : whakamaaro; 13. To be obligatory : mau j

14. To contract; grow liard or stiff: whakapakeke. Birth, s. 1. Act of being born : whanautanga ; putanga ki waho ; 2. Lineage ; extraction : iwi; 3. Origin; beginning : timat-auga ; orokotimatauga; 4. Rank: rangatiratanga. Blank, a. 1. Void; empty: takoto-noa; kore; 2. White; pale : maa; ahua-maa; 3. Pure, entire only (as a blank falsehood) : kau; anake; 4. Not containing a ball: ■ kau ; kore; he paura kau; he mataa kore. Come, v. 1. To move toward : Haere ; liara; aim ; anga ; makara ; —with mai: Very often the verb come, is dropped, and the tendency toward, is expressed in other words implying motion of a particular kind or quality, and almost invariably followed by the adverb mai [hither) ; e.g. : Horo ; hohoro ; oma ; tomo; lieke ; peke;eke; piki; kake ; ara ; nau ; tauti ; &c. ■ 2. To come from a place : haere; hara; ahu ; anga; oma; 3. To arrive; to be present: tae ; liui; mene ; tapeko ; 4. To advance; to move into view : to appear, to come out from : puta; whakaputa ; 5. To sprout; to spring : tupu ; tipu ; pihi; rea ; 6. To become: mea ; meinga ; whakamea; 7. To change; or be formed, —as butter: puta ; mea ; rite ; 8. To happen; to come about: to come to pass: mea; mea ano ; 9. To come, in futurity : puta mai amua; puta mai ano; or by tera ano; 10. Come, in the imperative, is commonly expressed by tena. Come, come (meaning haste): tena, tena, or hohoro ; —introducing a threat; warning ; &c.: heoi; heoi ano ; kaatiramata;