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Whakau, v. (Pass. = kia, = ria, = ngia: v.n. = kanga, = ranga, = nga : 1. To make fast; to lay fast hold of; to cause to be fixed ; to become firm; to be bound, secured, or fastened on : Me herehere rawa ka whakau ai i nga taura. He taiaha i whakaungla kite kura huruhuru kaakaa. —Ps. xciii. 1. 2. To fix or fasten on, as on the top of a high post: Whakaarahia c ratou he pou, whakaukia iho i reira te maatenga. 3. To build tip, support, sustain, buttress; to strengthen by supports; to be cemented together: (Vhakau rawa he herepuru ano mo nga rauawa. — Gen. xxvii. 37 ; Ex. xxxix. 18. 4. To establish; to confirm; to make permanent: Me tino wlialcau tenei runanga. Ma koutou c whakau mai ki a matou. Ps. xxiv. 2 ; xxx. 7 ; vii. 9; Marie xvi. 20. 5. To make stedfast, constant: He kupu whahau naku ki a koe. Ma tenei anake c lohahau nga iwi c rua. Tera ranei ratou c pai amuri ake nei, kia whakakorea tehee, kia whakau kite tika ? 6. To strengthen: E tv ana te Keepa me tona huata c whahau ana i tona matua kei pakaru. Heoi ano ki au ko te ivhakau anake.— Ps. xx. 2; Isaiah xxiii. 33. 7. To bring a canoe, &c, to land ; to run a canoe on shore; to beach a boat, &c.: Ka titiro atu. ia, me te whakau mai nga waka. Hei waho na tau mai ai, engari mo te ata ka whakau mai ai. E hoa, whakaungia mai ki a au to waka, 8. To fix the gaze on; to look on stedfastly; to set eyes on : Te tangata c whakau ana i ana kanohi ki tana ahua pai. 9. To light, to kindle, to catch as fire: Maau c ivhakau taku rama. Whakauria te ahi, kia hohoro. —James iii. 5. 10. To maintain, to keep up as a fire : He mea ivhakau naana, koia ano te kaa tonu o taua ahi. 11. To inflame, to increase as strife : Ma te tangata totohe te ngangare c whakau. 12. To perform, a travelling ceremony: Ka tae atu kite ana ka whakau pahi marie te ope ra. Whakau,«. 1. A ceremony performed by a travelling party on entering into a new or little frequented district: 2. A support, a buttress, hands, " girds," hoops on a cask, &c.^ — Acts, xxvii. 17. 3. The lashing, girding, binding, fixing, lacing, of anything : Kahore i mau te lohakau i te toki nei, kei te titanga noa. Mo te kupenga he ivhakau kite hao. 4. A supporter, protector : ; Te whakau o nga tamariki, o nga wahine, o nga tane. 5. Anything used for the purpose of

strengthening and supporting,—objectively and figuratively. U, adj. Firm, fixed, fast, immoveable, stayed, steady, adhering, unshaken, stedfast, constant, established, permanent. U, prep. According to; agreeably to; in accordance with : Tena ko raaua, v a raaua. Kia pehea rawa v aana ? Ko te tangata kore hoki o tou v au. Na te nui raia v aau o te kaainga, tee matau ai koe. Heoi ra, v, aana, ehara i a ia ake. [Obs. 1. Used by the speaker of another or others, not of himself. 2. Used mostly in a common conventional way of assenting to, agreeing with, something said or related; but sometimes ironically and sneeringly. 3. Chiefly confined to the N. tribes. 4<. Sometimes written Ua. (See U&.)] U, intj. (H.I 1.) 1. Denoting, disagreement, discontent, unwillingness, not disposed to do : 2. Something like alas ! uttered at hearing anything displeasing, regretful, &c. (See below.) U, part. Used in poetry. 1. Indicating sorrow, regret: Rapurapu noa ana, kei whea te uri o te tangata? v, c! Te whakamau ki tawhiti! hei nui mo te rau! v, c.—{Old Lament.) 2. Indicating disagreement; unwillingness : 3' Sometimes at the end of a line, complete sentence, or distich—particularly when v is the last letter or sound—as a semi-chorus, or prolongation of the last expressed thought. Ua, s. 1. The ligaments of the back of the neck: 2. The back of the neck (T.) : 3. The neck (Tng.) : Ko te ua kau i maranga. Engari ko etahi i whakaae ; tuohu iho te ua. 4. A vein, muscle, tendon (F.): 5. Strength, combination ; as for fighting : Maana c putiki te ua o te pakanga. Kua ara te ua o te pakanga i te haerenga atu o nga hoia. 6. The implexed, wreathed, thick collar part of a shaggy flax clothing mat: Ka homai c ia he ua pora, na mamae ana toku kakii. 7. Rain (H.T.R.) : 8. Fig. tears, when dropped on anything : Tenei taku pukapuka te whai ua i muri i a koe. Ua, v. (.Pass. =ma : v.n. = nga). (H. Malay, tijan.) To rain; to shower