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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives dated the 6th September, 1898. Ordered, " That there be laid before this House a return showing (separately) the cost of eaoh and every commission appointed in the colony during the twenty-one years between the 30th June, 1877, and the 30th June, 1898." —(Mr. Tamneb.)

Return of the Cost of Commissions appointed between the 30th June, 1877, and the 30th June, 1898.

I—H. 2.

Subject and Date of Commission. Cost. Remarks. Inquiry into petition for constituting part of Vincent County as a new county, 27th July, 1877 Inquiry into petition for constituting parts of Thames and Coromandel Counties as a new county, 1st August, 1877 Inquiry into petition for constituting part of Manawatu County as a new county, 11th August, 1877 Inquiry into petition for incorporation of certain land with Boroughs of Maori Hill and Eoslyn, 22nd August, 1877 Inquiry into petition for constitution of Tauranga Borough, 22nd August, 1877 Inquiry into petition for constituting part of Lake County as a new county, 11th September, 1877 Inquiry into cause of Auckland Lunatic Asylum fire, 9th October, 1877 Inquiry into charges against Matron of Nelson Lunatic Asylum, 9th October, 1877 Inquiry into charges against member of Christchurch Hospital Medical Staff, 13th November, 1877 To examine and report on plan of Timaru Harbour works, 14th November, 1877 Inquiry into General Assembly Library site, 30th November, 1877 Inquiry into petition for constituting Carterton Borough, 9th January, 1878 Paris Exhibition Commission, 31st January, 1878 ... Paris Exhibition Commission (Executive Commissioner), 9th February. 1878. (See Commission dated 31st January, 1878) To examine and report on plan of Timaru Harbour works, 28th March, 1878 Inquiry into the working of the Employment of Females Act, 18th April, 1878 Inquiry into claims of certain Natives to land known as " McCleverty's awards," 11th May, 1878 Inquiry into land-purchases of J. Booth, 18th June, 1878 Inquiry into Newton Borough petition, 30th July, 1878 Inquiry into petition for extension of Borough of Green Island, 30th August, 1878 Inquiry into charges against steward of Timaru Hospital, 25th October, 1878 £ s. 0 18 a. 0 10 10 0 25 1 2 6 15 0 13 13 0 101 6 3 370 7 0 Expenses borne by Timaru Harbour Board. 17 0 0 34 16 6 Expenses borne by Timaru Harbour Board. 50 0 0 0 17 6 25 5 2


Return of the Cost of Commissions appointed between the 30th June, 1877, and the 30th June, 1898 — continued.


Subject and Date of Commission. Cost. Remarks. Inquiry into charges made by certain Natives against G. B. Worgan, 5th November, 1878 Inquiry into ownership of certain reserves, West Coast, Middle Island, 27th November, 1878 Inquiries as to share of certain local bodies to the vote for £4,000 for roads, &c, 18th December, 1878 Dniversity and Higher Education, 23rd December, 1878 Sydney Exhibition Commission, 21st January, 1879 ... Reprint of Statutes Commission, 28th Januar}', 1879... Mongonui and Bay of Islands electoral rolls inquiry, 11th February, 1879 Inquiry into land-purchase in Middle Island, 15th February, 1879 To make a'ward under " The Inch Chitha Act, 1878," 6th May, 1879 Inquiry into charges against A. S. Allan, Registrar of Supreme Court, Wellington, 6th June, 1879 Inquiry into title of certain Native reserves, Wellington Provincial District, 30th September, 1879 Resident Commissioner for New Zealand at Sydney Exhibition (see Sydney Exhibition Commission dated 21st January, 1879), 17th November, 1879 Inquiry into dispute respecting Ruakaka Block, Thames, 2nd December, 1879 " The Confiscated Lands Inquiry and Maori Prisoners' Trials Act, 1879," 20th January, 1880 Revision of Statutes Commission, 23rd January, 1880.. To inquire into cost and economic value of railways yet to be constructed, 23rd February, 1880 Inquiry into charges against the Assistant-Clerk, Resident Magistrate's Court, Napier, 27th February, 1880 Inquiry into the Civil Service, 10th March, 1880 Inquiry into Local Industries, 12th March, 1880 Melbourne Exhibition Commission, 6th April, 1880 ... Local Industries (additional appointment), 13th April, 1880. (See commission dated 12th March, 1880) Inquiry into certain claims of Maoris to confiscated lands in Waikato, 27th April, 1880 Inquiry into death of prisoner J. Wilson, Invercargill Gaol, 29th June, 1880 Melbourne Exhibition (Executive Commissioner), 9th August, 1880. (See Commission dated 6th April, 1880) Resident Commissioner for New Zealand at Melbourne Exhibition (see Commission dated 6th April, 1880), 19th August, 1880 Inquiry into titles to certain Native land at Waipounanui belonging to Ngatitoa Tribe, 12th October, 1880 Inquiry as to death of Mary Keetley and others at Christehurch Hospital, 19th October, 1880 " The West Coast Settlement (North Island) Act, 1880," 23rd December, 1880 Commissioner to represent New Zealand at Sydney Conference, — January, 1881 Inquiry into complaints of Tapa te Whata and others re the action of the Native Land Court, Cambridge, 6th January, 1881 Inquiry into claims to blocks of land at Maketu, 13th January, 1881 To inquire into and report on proposed deviation in Timaru Breakwater, 4th February, 1881 Inquiry into charges against Superintendent of Wellington Lunatic Asylum, 15th February, 1881 Inquiry into charges against the Clerk of the Magistrate's Court, Havelock, 28th February, 1881 Inquiry into claims of Natives to reserves known as " tenths," Wellington Provincial District, 29th March, 1881 £ s. 42 0 a, o Cost not known. 3,173 13 4,989 18 1,059 18 348 8 5 4 5 6 Extended to 1881. 3,005 17 6 128 6 0 194 3 0 1,523 2 7 Continuous to 1883. 2,167 17 2,732 0 9 3 1,693 U 898 13 4,991 2 7 8 8 20 7 0 12 13 5 37 0 0 117 18 3 20,459 7 1 Extended to 18th December, 1883. 69 13 8 409 6 3 218 7 6 Expenses borne by Timaru Harbour Board. 247 6 4 28 15 6 160 4 0



Return of the Cost of Commissions appointed between the 30th June, 1877, and the 30th June, 1898— continued.

Subject and Date of Commission. Cost. Remarks. To inquire into and report on proposed deviation in Timaru Breakwater, 18th July, 1881 Inquiry in regard to the quarantining of the " City of New York," 3rd August, 1881 Naval and Military and Local Forces' land-claims, 16th February, 1882 Inquiry into claims of Natives to reserves known as "tenths" in Wellington Provincial District, 22nd May, 1882 Inquiry in regard to Dunedin Benevolent Asylum, 30th May, 1882 Inquiry in regard to Dunedin Benevolent Asylum, 19th June, 1882 Inquiry into dismissal of Headmaster of Heathcote School, 3rd July, 1882 Inquiry into claims by certain Natives and others to the Patutahi Block," Poverty Bay, 7th August, 1882 To inquire into best line for completion of main trunk railway through Middle Island, 24th October, 1882 " The New Plymouth Exchanges Commission Act, 1865," 9th January, 1883 Inquiry into charges against the Master of the Auckland Industrial School, 2nd April, 1883 To inquire into best line of railway to connect Canterbury and the West Coast, Middle Island, 2nd April, 1883 To inquire into and report on proposed deviation of Timaru Breakwater, 18th April, 1883 Inquiry into irregularities in the Dunedin Gaol, 5th June, 1883 Inquiry into petition for constitution of a new county at Thames, 25th July, 1883 To inquire into outbreak of disease on board of immigrant ship " Oxford," and as to alleged insufficiency of food, 9th August, 1883 Inquiry into petition for constitution of a new county in Southland, 13th August, 1883 Inquiry as to annexation of part of Parawai Eoad District to Thames Borough, 17th October, 1883 Commissioners to represent New Zealand at Colonial Conference, Sydney, 12th November, 1883 " The West Coast Settlement (North Island) Act, 1880," 18th December, 1883. (See Commission dated 23rd December, 1880) To inquire into cost and merit of the various proposed routes for the Ashburton Branch Railway, 2nd January, 1884 To inquire into working of Kumara Sludge-channel, 15th January, 1884 Inquiry into petition for suspension of Counties Act in Wairarapa Bast County, 17th May, 1884 To report on -certain Native lands in Wellington Provincial District, 30th May, 1884 To ascertain names of Natives entitled to certain lands or reserves, 30th May, 1884 Inquiry into charges against J. J. Turnbull, Stipendiary Magistrate, and J. L. M. Carey, Clerk of Court, Blenheim, 30th May, 1884 Inquiry into petition for constitution of Ohinemuri County, 7th June, 1884 Inquiry into petition for constitution of Te Puke County, 24th September, 1884 To inquire into the condition of the "Unemployed" at Christchurch, 21st October, 1884 Inquiry into subdivision of Westland Education Dis.trict, 24th November, 1884 Inquiry into titles of certain Native lands within the confiscated territory, west coast, North Island, 26th January, 1885 & s. d. 14 14 0 Expenses borne by Tima-ru Harbour Board. 1,236 5 11 93 18 0 15 4 0 153 1 0 543 10 3 83 19 2 9 9 0 1,034 6 7 Expenses borne by Timaru Harbour Board. 692 13 4 130 11 6 Extended commission. 399 7 7 90 15 11 10 0 0 Extended commission. 54 7 0 250 2 8 43 3 0 30 6 0


Return of the Cost of Commissions appointed between the 30th June, 1877, and the 30th June, 1898 — continued.


Subject and Date of Commission. Cost. Remarks. Inquiry into petition for constitution of Hawksbury Borough, 30th April, 1885 Inquiry into charges against Sergeant-Major O'Grady, 6th June, 1885 To inquire into tenure of Block XXVII., Thames, 7th July, 1885 West Coast (Middle Island) Native Commission, 14th July, 1885 Inquiry as to resignation by Dr. Chilton and others of their appointments at the Wellington Hospital, 1st September, 1885 To report on charge against two Native Assessors of Native Land Court, 16th October, 1885 Inquiry into certain applications for removal of restrictions on Native lands, 30th November, 1885 Inquiry into working of Eabbit Nuisance Act, — December, 1885 Inquiry re, landless Natives, Middle Island, 12th May, 1886 Inquiry into petition for constitution of Waimangaroa Borough, 20th May, 1886 Old Soldiers' and Volunteers' Land-claims, 14th September, 1886 Inquiry as to purchase of land from E. A. M. Stark, at North Shore, Auckland, 21st September, 1886 Inquiry into Secondary Education, North Otago, 17th • November, 1886 Commissioners to represent New Zealand at Colonial Conference at London, 22nd February, 1887 To inquire into and report on proposed north wall, Timaru, 10th March, 1887 Inquiry into charges against officers of Sheep and Eabbit Department, 2nd May, 1887 To inquire into accident, Wallsend Coal-mine, 11th May, 1887 Eepresentation Act Commission, 8th June, 1887 To inquire into charges against the overseer or ganger, Eobert McKay, on Hokitika-Christehurch Eoad, 24th August, 1887 Inquiry into charges against the Superintendent, Seacliff Asylum, 13th December, 1887 Melbourne- Exhibition Commission, 28th December, 1887 Inquiry into dismissal of Headmaster of Kaikorai School, 30th December, 1887 To inquire into the condition of the Seacliff Asylum building, 31st January, 1888 To investigate leases of Native reserves outstanding and unconfirmed in Confiscated Territory, West Coast, North Island, 2nd March, 1888 To inquire into and report on Gisborne Harbour works and financial position of Board, 27th March, 1888 Executive Commissioner, Melbourne Exhibition, 4th May, 1888. (See Commission dated 28th December, 1887) To inquire into lease of land at Mokau by Joshua Jones, — June, 1888 Commissioner to represent New Zealand at Chinese Conference, Sydney, 4th June, 1888 Inquiry into G. W. Ell's charges against E. C. Latter, Official Assignee at Christchurch, and A. E. Bloxam, Eegistrar of Supreme Court, 31st August, 1888 Paris Exhibition Commission, 24th September, 1888... Inquiry as to purchase and sale by Government of certain land at Point Eesolution taken for defence purposes, 28th September, 1888 Inquiry into the School of Agriculture at Lincoln, 23rd October, 1888 £ s. a. 17 10 6 107 5 4 451 1 1 44 19 0 3 9 4 1,658 9 8 69 15 0 551 0 11 586 5 8 62 16 9 52 5 0 Expenses borne by Timaru Harbour Board. 79 15 0 45 11 6 See also 1890 and 1891. 685 17 4 42 0 4 225 0 0 6,853 6 9 85 0 0 776 12 11 95 1% 0 119 2 6 539 3 11 85 0 0 61 17 0 4,265 7 5 158 14 9 120 16 5


J L . xJ

Return of the Cost of Commissions appointed between the 30th June, 1877, and the 30th June, 1898— continued.

2—H. 2.

ijoc . am ;e o: lommission. losi lemarl :a. To report re decisions of Native Land Court re Ngarara, Porangahau, Mangamaire, and Waipiro Blocks, 3rd November, 1888 Executive Commissioner, Paris Exhibition, 19th November, 1888. (See Commission dated 24th September, 1888) Inquiry into charges against C. E. Bawson, Stipendiary Magistrate, 19th February, 1889 Inquiry re boundaries of Tauponuiatia Block, 9th July, 1889" Kaihu Valley Eailway, 24th December, 1889 Representation Commission, 1890 Inquiry into petition for constitution of Onslow Borough, 13th January, 1890 Inquiry known as the " Sweating Commission," 28th January, 1890 Commissioners to represent New Zealand at Federation Conference, Melbourne, 28th January, 1890 Inquiry under " The Native Land Court Acts Amendment Act, 1889," 27th February, 1890 To inquire into accident at Kumara Sludge-channel, 8th March, 1890 Inquiry re F. Bird, Stipendiary Magistrate, 2nd July, 1890 Inquiry into sanitary condition of Dunedin Hospital, 19th August, 1890 Inquiry into coal-workings at Brunnerton and Wallsend, 4th October, 1890 Wairarapa Lakes, 11th November, 1890 Inquiry re landless Natives, Middle Island, 10th December, 1890 Eepresentation Commission, 1891 Inquiry into charges against Eesident Surgeon, Auckland Hospital, 6th February, 1891 Commissioners to represent New Zealand at Federation Conference, Sydney, 9th February, 1891 Inquiry re Native land laws, 11th February, 1891 South Canterbury rabbit-fence, 21st February, 1891 ... Public Trust Office Commission, 27th February, 1891... To inquire into and report on danger to Timaru Har- ■ bour from travelling shingle, 21st March, 1891 Inquiry into purchase of Polhill Gully Eifle-range, 12th April, 1892 To inquire into claims of Tapu homestead selectors, 4th June, 1892 Inquiry into charges by Assistant Master against Director of School for Deaf-mutes, 9th August, 1892 Inquiry into charges against Nicholas Fryday, 27th September, 1892 Inquiry into management of School for Deaf-mutes, 14th October, 1892 Inquiry into charges made by the Hon. E. Mitchelson against J. King, 3rd December, 1892 Inquiry into death of patient Ah Ching at Wellington Lunatic Asylum, 8th December, 1892 Inquiry re G. W. Ell's case, 10th May, 1893 Kauri-gum industry, 23rd May 1893 To inquire into and report on proposed further deviation in Timaru Breakwater, 27th October, 1893 Inquiry re W. Williams and the Kaitangiwhenua Block, 4th December, 1893 Inquiry into charges against Chief Inspector of Stock, J. D. Eitchie, and Stock Inspector E. Hull, 16th April, 1894 Commissioner to represent New Zealand at Commercial and Cable Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 23rd April, 1894 Fox Correspondence Commission, 24th April, 1894 ... £ s. d. 366 17 0 303 9 11 224 8 6 234 4 6 790 10 0 32 18 0 Appointed 1887. 624 11 0 170 10 2 840 6 11 259 14 6 39 15 1 332 17 5 731 7 0 32 12 0 184 9 11 450 0 0 278 4 5 Appointed 1887. 600 7 11 1,224 11 5 222 13 7 3,876 0 0 Expenses borne by Timaru Harbour Board. 121 12 6 6 7 9 98 4 6 73 14 8 100 6 5 54 3 4 308 13 2 557 13 10 Expenses borne by Timaru Harbour Board. 115 8 1 42 8 3 1,097 5 0 78 17 0



Return of the Cost of Commissions appointed between the 30th June, 1877, and the 30th June, 1898— continued.

The foregoing return has been compiled from information furnished by the various departments. Hugh Pollen, Under-Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (1,375 copies), £5 2s. 6d.

Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.— 3899,

Price 6d.]

Subject and Date of Commission. Cost. . Remarks. & s. d. To inquire into and report on certain suggestions and request as to deviation of Timaru Breakwater, 30th June, 1894 Inquiry into the administration of charitable aid in Christchurch, ■] 2th November, 1894 Commissioner to inquire into the working of the tariff of Customs and excise duties for the year 1895, 26th January, 1895 Inquiry into cause of failure of water-supply at fire, Auckland Lunatic Asylum, 17th April, 1895 Inquiry into the management of the Christchurch Hospital, 13th May, 1895 Inquiry into charges against Assistant Chief Inspector of Stock (W. A. Scaife), and Stock Inspectors A. Ironside and D. Kerr, 9th December, 1895 Inquiry re Horowhenua Block, 13th February, 1896 ... Inquiry into charges against the Government Printer (S. Costall), 13th March, 1896 Inquiry into the management of Ashburn Hall Private Asylum, 13th March, 1896 To inquire into accident at Brunner Mine, 24th April, 1896 Inquiry into complaint by Thomas Johnston, Flag Swamp, as to the action of A. Park, Government Veterinarian, 7th May, 1896 Eepresentation Commission, 20th July, 1896 For purposes of " The Naval and Military Claims Settlement and Extinguishment Act, 1896," 29th January, 1897 Inquiry into the management of the HomB for the Aged Needy, Wellington, 12th April, 1897 Private Benefit Societies' Commission, 3rd May, 1897 For purposes of " The Naval and Military Claims Settlement and Extinguishment Act, 1896/' 10th May, 1897 Commissioner for New Zealand at Queensland Exhibition, 1st June, 1897 Inquiry into charges against Inspector J. Emerson, Napier, 4th November, 1897 Kauri-gum Commission, 27th December, 1897 Inquiry into the administration, efficiency, and control of Police Force, 4th February, 1898 Inquiry into charges against Inspector of Stock D. Kerr by Inspector of Stock W. Miller, 31st May, 1898 114 15 2 1,396 17 8 12 8 0 465 1 0 1,266 19 5 339 7 10 111 19 7 812 19 6 56 2 4 Expenses borne by Timaru Harbour Board. 722 1 5 40 10 6 550 0 0 788 18 5 To 30th June, 1898, only. The total cost is £1,092 17s. 8d. to date. 1,066 17 7 50 5 8 404 0 0 4,116 2 8 8 6 1 Total ... £98,914 9 10

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COMMISSIONS (RETURN OF COST OF)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1899 Session I, H-02

Word Count

COMMISSIONS (RETURN OF COST OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1899 Session I, H-02

COMMISSIONS (RETURN OF COST OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1899 Session I, H-02

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