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Return of the Cost of Commissions appointed between the 30th June, 1877, and the 30th June, 1898— continued.

2—H. 2.

ijoc . am ;e o: lommission. losi lemarl :a. To report re decisions of Native Land Court re Ngarara, Porangahau, Mangamaire, and Waipiro Blocks, 3rd November, 1888 Executive Commissioner, Paris Exhibition, 19th November, 1888. (See Commission dated 24th September, 1888) Inquiry into charges against C. E. Bawson, Stipendiary Magistrate, 19th February, 1889 Inquiry re boundaries of Tauponuiatia Block, 9th July, 1889" Kaihu Valley Eailway, 24th December, 1889 Representation Commission, 1890 Inquiry into petition for constitution of Onslow Borough, 13th January, 1890 Inquiry known as the " Sweating Commission," 28th January, 1890 Commissioners to represent New Zealand at Federation Conference, Melbourne, 28th January, 1890 Inquiry under " The Native Land Court Acts Amendment Act, 1889," 27th February, 1890 To inquire into accident at Kumara Sludge-channel, 8th March, 1890 Inquiry re F. Bird, Stipendiary Magistrate, 2nd July, 1890 Inquiry into sanitary condition of Dunedin Hospital, 19th August, 1890 Inquiry into coal-workings at Brunnerton and Wallsend, 4th October, 1890 Wairarapa Lakes, 11th November, 1890 Inquiry re landless Natives, Middle Island, 10th December, 1890 Eepresentation Commission, 1891 Inquiry into charges against Eesident Surgeon, Auckland Hospital, 6th February, 1891 Commissioners to represent New Zealand at Federation Conference, Sydney, 9th February, 1891 Inquiry re Native land laws, 11th February, 1891 South Canterbury rabbit-fence, 21st February, 1891 ... Public Trust Office Commission, 27th February, 1891... To inquire into and report on danger to Timaru Har- ■ bour from travelling shingle, 21st March, 1891 Inquiry into purchase of Polhill Gully Eifle-range, 12th April, 1892 To inquire into claims of Tapu homestead selectors, 4th June, 1892 Inquiry into charges by Assistant Master against Director of School for Deaf-mutes, 9th August, 1892 Inquiry into charges against Nicholas Fryday, 27th September, 1892 Inquiry into management of School for Deaf-mutes, 14th October, 1892 Inquiry into charges made by the Hon. E. Mitchelson against J. King, 3rd December, 1892 Inquiry into death of patient Ah Ching at Wellington Lunatic Asylum, 8th December, 1892 Inquiry re G. W. Ell's case, 10th May, 1893 Kauri-gum industry, 23rd May 1893 To inquire into and report on proposed further deviation in Timaru Breakwater, 27th October, 1893 Inquiry re W. Williams and the Kaitangiwhenua Block, 4th December, 1893 Inquiry into charges against Chief Inspector of Stock, J. D. Eitchie, and Stock Inspector E. Hull, 16th April, 1894 Commissioner to represent New Zealand at Commercial and Cable Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 23rd April, 1894 Fox Correspondence Commission, 24th April, 1894 ... £ s. d. 366 17 0 303 9 11 224 8 6 234 4 6 790 10 0 32 18 0 Appointed 1887. 624 11 0 170 10 2 840 6 11 259 14 6 39 15 1 332 17 5 731 7 0 32 12 0 184 9 11 450 0 0 278 4 5 Appointed 1887. 600 7 11 1,224 11 5 222 13 7 3,876 0 0 Expenses borne by Timaru Harbour Board. 121 12 6 6 7 9 98 4 6 73 14 8 100 6 5 54 3 4 308 13 2 557 13 10 Expenses borne by Timaru Harbour Board. 115 8 1 42 8 3 1,097 5 0 78 17 0