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Return of the Cost of Commissions appointed between the 30th June, 1877, and the 30th June, 1898 — continued.


Subject and Date of Commission. Cost. Remarks. Inquiry into charges made by certain Natives against G. B. Worgan, 5th November, 1878 Inquiry into ownership of certain reserves, West Coast, Middle Island, 27th November, 1878 Inquiries as to share of certain local bodies to the vote for £4,000 for roads, &c, 18th December, 1878 Dniversity and Higher Education, 23rd December, 1878 Sydney Exhibition Commission, 21st January, 1879 ... Reprint of Statutes Commission, 28th Januar}', 1879... Mongonui and Bay of Islands electoral rolls inquiry, 11th February, 1879 Inquiry into land-purchase in Middle Island, 15th February, 1879 To make a'ward under " The Inch Chitha Act, 1878," 6th May, 1879 Inquiry into charges against A. S. Allan, Registrar of Supreme Court, Wellington, 6th June, 1879 Inquiry into title of certain Native reserves, Wellington Provincial District, 30th September, 1879 Resident Commissioner for New Zealand at Sydney Exhibition (see Sydney Exhibition Commission dated 21st January, 1879), 17th November, 1879 Inquiry into dispute respecting Ruakaka Block, Thames, 2nd December, 1879 " The Confiscated Lands Inquiry and Maori Prisoners' Trials Act, 1879," 20th January, 1880 Revision of Statutes Commission, 23rd January, 1880.. To inquire into cost and economic value of railways yet to be constructed, 23rd February, 1880 Inquiry into charges against the Assistant-Clerk, Resident Magistrate's Court, Napier, 27th February, 1880 Inquiry into the Civil Service, 10th March, 1880 Inquiry into Local Industries, 12th March, 1880 Melbourne Exhibition Commission, 6th April, 1880 ... Local Industries (additional appointment), 13th April, 1880. (See commission dated 12th March, 1880) Inquiry into certain claims of Maoris to confiscated lands in Waikato, 27th April, 1880 Inquiry into death of prisoner J. Wilson, Invercargill Gaol, 29th June, 1880 Melbourne Exhibition (Executive Commissioner), 9th August, 1880. (See Commission dated 6th April, 1880) Resident Commissioner for New Zealand at Melbourne Exhibition (see Commission dated 6th April, 1880), 19th August, 1880 Inquiry into titles to certain Native land at Waipounanui belonging to Ngatitoa Tribe, 12th October, 1880 Inquiry as to death of Mary Keetley and others at Christehurch Hospital, 19th October, 1880 " The West Coast Settlement (North Island) Act, 1880," 23rd December, 1880 Commissioner to represent New Zealand at Sydney Conference, — January, 1881 Inquiry into complaints of Tapa te Whata and others re the action of the Native Land Court, Cambridge, 6th January, 1881 Inquiry into claims to blocks of land at Maketu, 13th January, 1881 To inquire into and report on proposed deviation in Timaru Breakwater, 4th February, 1881 Inquiry into charges against Superintendent of Wellington Lunatic Asylum, 15th February, 1881 Inquiry into charges against the Clerk of the Magistrate's Court, Havelock, 28th February, 1881 Inquiry into claims of Natives to reserves known as " tenths," Wellington Provincial District, 29th March, 1881 £ s. 42 0 a, o Cost not known. 3,173 13 4,989 18 1,059 18 348 8 5 4 5 6 Extended to 1881. 3,005 17 6 128 6 0 194 3 0 1,523 2 7 Continuous to 1883. 2,167 17 2,732 0 9 3 1,693 U 898 13 4,991 2 7 8 8 20 7 0 12 13 5 37 0 0 117 18 3 20,459 7 1 Extended to 18th December, 1883. 69 13 8 409 6 3 218 7 6 Expenses borne by Timaru Harbour Board. 247 6 4 28 15 6 160 4 0