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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives dated the 6th September, 1898. Ordered, " That there be laid before this House a return showing (separately) the cost of eaoh and every commission appointed in the colony during the twenty-one years between the 30th June, 1877, and the 30th June, 1898." —(Mr. Tamneb.)

Return of the Cost of Commissions appointed between the 30th June, 1877, and the 30th June, 1898.

I—H. 2.

Subject and Date of Commission. Cost. Remarks. Inquiry into petition for constituting part of Vincent County as a new county, 27th July, 1877 Inquiry into petition for constituting parts of Thames and Coromandel Counties as a new county, 1st August, 1877 Inquiry into petition for constituting part of Manawatu County as a new county, 11th August, 1877 Inquiry into petition for incorporation of certain land with Boroughs of Maori Hill and Eoslyn, 22nd August, 1877 Inquiry into petition for constitution of Tauranga Borough, 22nd August, 1877 Inquiry into petition for constituting part of Lake County as a new county, 11th September, 1877 Inquiry into cause of Auckland Lunatic Asylum fire, 9th October, 1877 Inquiry into charges against Matron of Nelson Lunatic Asylum, 9th October, 1877 Inquiry into charges against member of Christchurch Hospital Medical Staff, 13th November, 1877 To examine and report on plan of Timaru Harbour works, 14th November, 1877 Inquiry into General Assembly Library site, 30th November, 1877 Inquiry into petition for constituting Carterton Borough, 9th January, 1878 Paris Exhibition Commission, 31st January, 1878 ... Paris Exhibition Commission (Executive Commissioner), 9th February. 1878. (See Commission dated 31st January, 1878) To examine and report on plan of Timaru Harbour works, 28th March, 1878 Inquiry into the working of the Employment of Females Act, 18th April, 1878 Inquiry into claims of certain Natives to land known as " McCleverty's awards," 11th May, 1878 Inquiry into land-purchases of J. Booth, 18th June, 1878 Inquiry into Newton Borough petition, 30th July, 1878 Inquiry into petition for extension of Borough of Green Island, 30th August, 1878 Inquiry into charges against steward of Timaru Hospital, 25th October, 1878 £ s. 0 18 a. 0 10 10 0 25 1 2 6 15 0 13 13 0 101 6 3 370 7 0 Expenses borne by Timaru Harbour Board. 17 0 0 34 16 6 Expenses borne by Timaru Harbour Board. 50 0 0 0 17 6 25 5 2