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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

No. 1. extract prom thirteenth annual report op the minister of education. Industrial Schools. The management of the Industrial Schools has been now for ten years in the hands of the Education Department. In 1880 the number of children committed to the schools was 241, and in 1885 (the year in which the Hospital and Charitable Aid Act was passed) the number committed was 340, the average number of committals for the six years included between the two dates being 298-5. During this period the number of children depending on the schools for their maintenance increased from 572 to 1,116. During the last four years the maximum of committals has been less than the minimum for the preceding six years, the numbers being (in order of date) 2.38, 228, 190, and 169. The effect of such a continuous reduction in the number of committals is beginning to appear in the form of a reduction in the number of children depending on the schools for maintenance. From 1,116 in 1885 this number rose to 1,129 in 1886, and to 1,158 in 1887, and, having reached this maximum, has declined in the two succeeding years to 1,106 and 1,054. The whole number of "inmates," including those who are out at service or licensed on probation to their friends, increased from 807 in 1880 to 1,566 in 1885, and has since declined to 1,525. The year 1889 began with 1,554 inmates on the school-rolls, 1,106 of them being dependent for maintenance (605 in the schools and 501 boarded out). During the year 169 were admitted to the schools, and 198 were discharged, the roll-number being thus reduced to 1,525, of whom 1,054 are dependent for maintenance (600 in the schools and 454 boarded out). The number " discharged " (198) included —17 (L2 boys and 5 girls) transferred to the Costley Institute ; 6 who attained the age of twenty-one years; 1 who was married during the year; 1 who was adopted; and 6 children who died. The number of deaths has been greater than in either of the two next preceding years, but below the average of the preceding five years, the numbers for six years (including the year 1889) being as follows : 10, 8, 9, 4, 4, 6 : total 41. These 41 cases are distributed among the schools as follows: Nelson, 17 ; Caversham, 12; Burnham, 6; Auckland, 3; Wellington, 2; Ponsonby, 1. The six cases of the year were as follows : At Nelson, two boys of twelve years died of meningitis ; a girl of ten died of haematemesis, having been ill from the time of her admission; and an idiot boy of eight died of atrophy. At Christchurch Hospital, a girl of eleven, from Burnham, died of meningitis. At Caversham, a boy of fifteen died suddenly from heart disease. The numbers for 1888 and 1889 are compared and classified in Table T. I—E. 3.



TABLE T.—Inmates, 1888 and 1889.

Of the 169 children admitted, 6 were received by arrangement with their parents, 67 were committed as "destitute," 11 as " vagrant," 31 as living in disreputable places, 7 as " uncontrollable," and 47 as guilty of punishable offences. According to the police reports there were among them 67 who were not attending school, many of them too young to attend; of the rest, 78 were attending public schools, 21 were attending Roman Catholic schools, 2 were attending high schools, and 1 a private school. Sixty-three are said to belongto the Church of England, 58 are described as Catholic, 39 Presbyterian, 3 " Protestant," 3 Methodist, 1 Baptist, 1 Congregationalist, and 1 as belonging to the Salvation Army. Of the 1,054 children living in the schools or boarded out, 617 are Protestant and 437 Catholic; and of the 471 inmates under control (at service, with friends, &c), 349 are Protestant and 122 Catholic. So far as the police reports afford means of estimating the character of the parents of the children committed during the year, it appears, as shown in Table U, that 52 were the children of parents who probably are not to blame for their condition, and that 31 others ought, perhaps, to be placed in the same category ; while 86 owe their position to the faults of one or both parents (the woman being in fault in 37 cases, the man in 22, while in 27 other cases both were to blame).

TABLE U.—Admissions classified according to Parents' Circumstances and Character, 1889.

The Costley Institute, at Auckland, which during the year received by transfer, under the Governor's warrant, 17 children from the Auckland industrial schools, has submitted its accounts for 1889, and these, together with a report from the Trustees, are printed, and will be submitted to Parliament (E.-3a). The expenditure, as might be expected, is declining, and the net cost to the Government is being more than proportionately diminished. The total cost in 1888 was £13,697 15s. lid.; for 1889 the cost is ,£11,630 19s. 4d., showing a reduction of more than £2,000. The net cost is reduced by a further difference of £750". The cost of the Government "schools for the year is shown in Table W.

Boarded out. Dec, In- De1888. crease, crease. Dec, In- De- Dee., 1888. crease, crease 1880. In Eesidence. At Service, &c. Dec, In- De- Dec, 1888. crease, crease. 1889. > Dec, 1889. Government Schools— Auckland, Kohimarama „ Parnell Burnham Caversham Local School — Thames Private Schools — St. Mary's, Ponsonby St. Joseph's, Wellington St. Mary's, Nelson .. Totals 61 34 .. 211 194 ■ • '.'. 1 501 13 [ 48 14 , 20 9 j 202 11 ! 183 52 10 104 117 11 1 5 "l 8 53 | 9 i 96 122 11 51 20 166 151 10 8 20 20 14 37 28 .. : 186 171 4 ' 6 * • ! .. "l 42 24 245 | 2 44 24 241 : 7 4 39 1 : 6 3 | 1 3 | 36 25 j 471 47 454 I 4 605 j 8 13 600 ; 448 i I 48

Children of Dead. Sick, Lunatic, Disabled, cfec. Of Good Character (or Poor). Mothers lescribed as Not known or not stated. Deserters. Total. Of Bad Character. 'athers described as— Dead Sick, lunatic, disabled, &c. Of good character (or poor) Not known or not stated Of bad character Deserters 3 17 8 1 1 3 12 11 5 1 3 1 20 4 11 9 5 8 9 10 12 5 1 5 33 5 62 20 32 17 2 Totals .. 24 13 32 36 53 11 169


TABLE W.—Cost of Government Schools, 1889.

The expenditure of the Government in connection with the " private ' industrial schools is shown in Table X. The "local" school at the Thames makes no claim on the department.

TABLE X. —Government Expenditure on Private Schools, 1889.

No. 2. Additional Statistics. "Inmates," 31st December, 1889.

Precedent Condition of Children admitted in 1889.


School. Cost of School. Cost of boarding out. Eecoveries. Net Cost. ■v. £ s. a. 454 17 7 1,510 2 7 3,047 2 0 3,206 13 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 538 4 6 219 15 2 1.056 18 10 719 14 1 3,838 10 10 2,405 16 9 3,623 8 11 4,559 10 3 9.057 3 1 7,904 16 3 £ s. d. 773 6 11 1,847 7 4 4,479 16 1 2,330 11 8 Auckland iohimarama Burnham* javersham Totals 8,278 15 2 9,431 2 0 C^ A*l'-«i«vr n -v* rt A T V\ j~* "*-* n f\ C°* S\. f \/<r*lT-« V^ tf I 1 HI /irkU Salary and expenses of Visiting Office: 259 8 4 Salary and expenses of Visiting Officer Total The expenditure of the Government in connection with t industrial schools is shown in Table X. The "local" school ai makes no claim on the department. Total 9,690 10 4 ie " private '' . the Thames TABLE X. —Government Expenditube on Pbivate Schools, 1889. School. Payments. Payments. recoveries. £ s. d. £ s. d. 24 18 0 517 15 0 40 16 4 88 8 8 221 2 11 1,334 5 4 286 12 3 1,940 9 0 St. Mary's, Ponsonby (Auckland) St. Joseph's, Wellington St. Mary's, Nelson Totals £ s. a. 542 8 0 129 5 0 1,555 8 3 2,227 1 3 2,227 1 3 Ni . 2. ldditioxa: Stati: ITICS. "In: :ates," 31s: Decem: 1KB, 1889. Government Schi >ols. Loca] School. •ivate Schools. All Schools. Inmates. Auckland. Burnhain. ihain. Caversham. Thames. o a Ph o to GO S g Nel: G. B. roil g EQ | .3 1 . . £ S O H * © I 08 O B. G. B. B. (5. B. G. B. G. a. G. In the schools 1 105^ I Boarded out J | With friends At service In lunatic asylum . ■ In Blind Asylum, Victoria.. In Magdalen Asylum In Eefuge In gaol Absent without leave 53 48 15 17 1 9 | 70 20 I 111 6 J 24 22 | 87 26 91 19 51 86 98 28 62 36 90 12 57 5 6 44 2 4 24 1 1 153 9 12 1 88 G I 8 I 367 233 GOO 228 ! 252 202 454 389 I 76 46 122 84 182 144 326 248 2 .. 2 1 372 65 38 78 1 4 2 .. I .. ' * ! I •• 2 1 I ■" ' ■ i 1 .. 11 ..221 ..111 1 .. 11 ; 15 1 16 12 "l '.'. | .. t 1 4 57 j 295 95 4 1 8 1 "i •• ! Totals 138 189 279 197 9 I 8 50 26 175 102 896 629 1,525 966 559 1! 34 76 I 1 50 26 77 1,525 1,5 i25 1, .25 1ECEDK [t Co: [dition o: Childre: ad: iitt: in 1889. Govi ■ernme nt Sch. ools. Local School. Private Schools. All Schoo: Is. Committed Aucli ;laucl. Burn iliam. Cave: •sham. Tim: les. Si to Nel ion. o H 3 3 o Eh B. G. B. Gr. B. G. B. G. G. G. B. G. i i As destitute As vagrant As living in disreputable places As uncontrollable As guilty of punishable offences On transfer from other schools By arrangement ] 1 8 2 5 2 5 14 1 9 23 1 12 4 5 0 1 2 3 3 2 4 34 8 12 7 43 8 C 33 3 19 67 11 81 7 47 3 6 1 8 1 24 1 -22 1 2 2 2 11 4 14 6 Tot.als .. 3 89 26 43 14 G 1 17 '9 113 -59 172 I 1 - r>' .7 6 1 17 '2 16

School. Cost of School. Cost of boarding out. Eecoveries. Net Cost. ■v. £ s. a. 454 17 7 1,510 2 7 3,047 2 0 3,206 13 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 538 4 6 219 15 2 1.056 18 10 719 14 1 3,838 10 10 2,405 16 9 3,623 8 11 4,559 10 3 9.057 3 1 7,904 16 3 £ s. d. 773 6 11 1,847 7 4 4,479 16 1 2,330 11 8 Auckland iohimarama Burnham* javersham Totals 8,278 15 2 9,431 2 0 C^ A*l'-«i«vr n -v* rt A T V\ j~* "*-* n f\ C°* S\. f \/<r*lT-« V^ tf I 1 HI /irkU Salary and expenses of Visiting Office: 259 8 4 Salary and expenses of Visiting Officer Total The expenditure of the Government in connection with t industrial schools is shown in Table X. The "local" school ai makes no claim on the department. Total 9,690 10 4 ie " private '' . the Thames TABLE X.—Government Expenditube on Pbivate Schools, 1889. School. Payments. Payments. recoveries. £ s. d. £ s. d. 24 18 0 517 15 0 40 16 4 88 8 8 221 2 11 1,334 5 4 286 12 3 1,940 9 0 St. Mary's, Ponsonby (Auckland) St. Joseph's, Wellington St. Mary's, Nelson Totals £ s. a. 542 8 0 129 5 0 1,555 8 3 2,227 1 3 2,227 1 3 Ni . 2. ldditioxa: Stati: ITICS. "In: :ates," 31s: Decem: 1KB, 1889. Government Schi >ols. Loca] School. •ivate Schools. All Schools. Inmates. Auckland. Burnhain. ihain. Caversham. Thames. o a Ph o to GO S g Nel: G. B. roil g EQ | .3 1 . . £ S O H * © I 08 O B. G. B. B. (5. B. G. B. G. a. G. In the schools 1 105^ I Boarded out J | With friends At service In lunatic asylum . ■ In Blind Asylum, Victoria.. In Magdalen Asylum In Eefuge In gaol Absent without leave 53 48 15 17 1 9 | 70 20 I 111 6 J 24 22 | 87 26 91 19 51 86 98 28 62 36 90 12 57 5 6 44 2 4 24 1 1 153 9 12 1 88 G I 8 I 367 233 GOO 228 ! 252 202 454 389 I 76 46 122 84 182 144 326 248 2 .. 2 1 372 65 38 78 1 4 2 .. I .. ' * ! I •• 2 1 I ■" ' ■ i 1 .. 11 ..221 ..111 1 .. 11 ; 15 1 16 12 "l '.'. | .. t 1 4 57 j 295 95 4 1 8 1 "i •• ! Totals 138 189 279 197 9 I 8 50 26 175 102 896 629 1,525 966 559 1! 34 76 I 1 50 26 77 1,525 1,5 i25 1, .25 1ECEDK [t Co: [dition o: Childre: ad: iitt: in 1889. Govi ■ernme nt Sch. ools. Local School. Private Schools. All Schoo: Is. Committed Aucli ;laucl. Burn iliam. Cave: •sham. Tim: les. Si to Nel ion. o H 3 3 o Eh B. G. B. Gr. B. G. B. G. G. G. B. G. i i As destitute As vagrant As living in disreputable places As uncontrollable As guilty of punishable offences On transfer from other schools By arrangement ] 1 8 2 5 2 5 14 1 9 23 1 12 4 5 0 1 2 3 3 2 4 34 8 12 7 43 8 C 33 3 19 67 11 81 7 47 3 6 1 8 1 24 1 -22 1 2 2 2 11 4 14 6 Tot.als .. 3 89 26 43 14 G 1 17 '9 113 -59 172 I 1 - r>' .7 6 1 17 '2 16

School. Cost of School. Cost of boarding out. Eecoveries. Net Cost. ■v. £ s. a. 454 17 7 1,510 2 7 3,047 2 0 3,206 13 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 538 4 6 219 15 2 1.056 18 10 719 14 1 3,838 10 10 2,405 16 9 3,623 8 11 4,559 10 3 9.057 3 1 7,904 16 3 £ s. d. 773 6 11 1,847 7 4 4,479 16 1 2,330 11 8 Auckland iohimarama Burnham* javersham Totals 8,278 15 2 9,431 2 0 C^ A*l'-«i«vr n -v* rt A T V\ j~* "*-* n f\ C°* S\. f \/<r*lT-« V^ tf I 1 HI /irkU Salary and expenses of Visiting Office: 259 8 4 Salary and expenses of Visiting Officer Total The expenditure of the Government in connection with t industrial schools is shown in Table X. The "local" school ai makes no claim on the department. Total 9,690 10 4 ie " private '' . the Thames TABLE X.—Government Expenditube on Pbivate Schools, 1889. School. Payments. Payments. recoveries. £ s. d. £ s. d. 24 18 0 517 15 0 40 16 4 88 8 8 221 2 11 1,334 5 4 286 12 3 1,940 9 0 St. Mary's, Ponsonby (Auckland) St. Joseph's, Wellington St. Mary's, Nelson Totals £ s. a. 542 8 0 129 5 0 1,555 8 3 2,227 1 3 2,227 1 3 Ni . 2. ldditioxa: Stati: ITICS. "In: :ates," 31s: Decem: 1KB, 1889. Government Schi >ols. Loca] School. •ivate Schools. All Schools. Inmates. Auckland. Burnhain. ihain. Caversham. Thames. o a Ph o to GO S g Nel: G. B. roil g EQ | .3 1 . . £ S O H * © I 08 O B. G. B. B. (5. B. G. B. G. a. G. In the schools 1 105^ I Boarded out J | With friends At service In lunatic asylum . ■ In Blind Asylum, Victoria.. In Magdalen Asylum In Eefuge In gaol Absent without leave 53 48 15 17 1 9 | 70 20 I 111 6 J 24 22 | 87 26 91 19 51 86 98 28 62 36 90 12 57 5 6 44 2 4 24 1 1 153 9 12 1 88 G I 8 I 367 233 GOO 228 ! 252 202 454 389 I 76 46 122 84 182 144 326 248 2 .. 2 1 372 65 38 78 1 4 2 .. I .. ' * ! I •• 2 1 I ■" ' ■ i 1 .. 11 ..221 ..111 1 .. 11 ; 15 1 16 12 "l '.'. | .. t 1 4 57 j 295 95 4 1 8 1 "i •• ! Totals 138 189 279 197 9 I 8 50 26 175 102 896 629 1,525 966 559 1! 34 76 I 1 50 26 77 1,525 1,5 i25 1, .25 1ECEDK [t Co: [dition o: Childre: ad: iitt: in 1889. Govi ■ernme nt Sch. ools. Local School. Private Schools. All Schoo: Is. Committed Aucli ;laucl. Burn iliam. Cave: •sham. Tim: les. Si to Nel ion. o H 3 3 o Eh B. G. B. Gr. B. G. B. G. G. G. B. G. i i As destitute As vagrant As living in disreputable places As uncontrollable As guilty of punishable offences On transfer from other schools By arrangement ] 1 8 2 5 2 5 14 1 9 23 1 12 4 5 0 1 2 3 3 2 4 34 8 12 7 43 8 C 33 3 19 67 11 81 7 47 3 6 1 8 1 24 1 -22 1 2 2 2 11 4 14 6 Tot.als .. 3 89 26 43 14 G 1 17 '9 113 -59 172 I 1 - r>' .7 6 1 17 '2 16

School. Cost of School. Cost of boarding out. Eecoveries. Net Cost. ■v. £ s. a. 454 17 7 1,510 2 7 3,047 2 0 3,206 13 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 538 4 6 219 15 2 1.056 18 10 719 14 1 3,838 10 10 2,405 16 9 3,623 8 11 4,559 10 3 9.057 3 1 7,904 16 3 £ s. d. 773 6 11 1,847 7 4 4,479 16 1 2,330 11 8 Auckland iohimarama Burnham* javersham Totals 8,278 15 2 9,431 2 0 C^ A*l'-«i«vr n -v* rt A T V\ j~* "*-* n f\ C°* S\. f \/<r*lT-« V^ tf I 1 HI /irkU Salary and expenses of Visiting Office: 259 8 4 Salary and expenses of Visiting Officer Total The expenditure of the Government in connection with t industrial schools is shown in Table X. The "local" school ai makes no claim on the department. Total 9,690 10 4 ie " private '' . the Thames TABLE X.—Government Expenditube on Pbivate Schools, 1889. School. Payments. Payments. recoveries. £ s. d. £ s. d. 24 18 0 517 15 0 40 16 4 88 8 8 221 2 11 1,334 5 4 286 12 3 1,940 9 0 St. Mary's, Ponsonby (Auckland) St. Joseph's, Wellington St. Mary's, Nelson Totals £ s. a. 542 8 0 129 5 0 1,555 8 3 2,227 1 3 2,227 1 3 Ni . 2. ldditioxa: Stati: ITICS. "In: :ates," 31s: Decem: 1KB, 1889. Government Schi >ols. Loca] School. •ivate Schools. All Schools. Inmates. Auckland. Burnhain. ihain. Caversham. Thames. o a Ph o to GO S g Nel: G. B. roil g EQ | .3 1 . . £ S O H * © I 08 O B. G. B. B. (5. B. G. B. G. a. G. In the schools 1 105^ I Boarded out J | With friends At service In lunatic asylum . ■ In Blind Asylum, Victoria.. In Magdalen Asylum In Eefuge In gaol Absent without leave 53 48 15 17 1 9 | 70 20 I 111 6 J 24 22 | 87 26 91 19 51 86 98 28 62 36 90 12 57 5 6 44 2 4 24 1 1 153 9 12 1 88 G I 8 I 367 233 GOO 228 ! 252 202 454 389 I 76 46 122 84 182 144 326 248 2 .. 2 1 372 65 38 78 1 4 2 .. I .. ' * ! I •• 2 1 I ■" ' ■ i 1 .. 11 ..221 ..111 1 .. 11 ; 15 1 16 12 "l '.'. | .. t 1 4 57 j 295 95 4 1 8 1 "i •• ! Totals 138 189 279 197 9 I 8 50 26 175 102 896 629 1,525 966 559 1! 34 76 I 1 50 26 77 1,525 1,5 i25 1, .25 1ECEDK [t Co: [dition o: Childre: ad: iitt: in 1889. Govi ■ernme nt Sch. ools. Local School. Private Schools. All Schoo: Is. Committed Aucli ;laucl. Burn iliam. Cave: •sham. Tim: les. Si to Nel ion. o H 3 3 o Eh B. G. B. Gr. B. G. B. G. G. G. B. G. i i As destitute As vagrant As living in disreputable places As uncontrollable As guilty of punishable offences On transfer from other schools By arrangement ] 1 8 2 5 2 5 14 1 9 23 1 12 4 5 0 1 2 3 3 2 4 34 8 12 7 43 8 C 33 3 19 67 11 81 7 47 3 6 1 8 1 24 1 -22 1 2 2 2 11 4 14 6 Tot.als .. 3 89 26 43 14 G 1 17 '9 113 -59 172 I 1 - r>' .7 6 1 17 '2 16



Discharges in 1889.

Numbers of 1888 and 1889 compared.

Wages of Inmates of Government Schools.

Wm. Jas. Habens, Secretary for Education.

No. 3. Dr. Puechas's Eepoet on the Auckland Disteict. Sib,— Auckland, 25th April, 1890. In reference to the children under my medical charge in the Auckland District during the year ending the 31st March, I have to report that their health, generally speaking, has been very good, and that there has been no death. At Kohimarama there has been no serious illness, and at Parnell the only case of importance has been one of long-continued disease of the eyes. M.H Among the boarded-out children there have been some cases of acute disease, including one severe case of pneumonia, and another of scrophulotis ulceration of the cornea, all of which have quite recovered. The Kohimarama School has had the advantage of a steam-launch for some months, which has proved of great service. If the Government would provide a telephone either from the battery or from the Purewa Cemetery it would be of much value in case of emergency. I have, &c. A. G. PmicHAS, M.E.C.S., Eng., The Secretary, Education Department, Wellington. Medical Officer.

Govi srnme: it Schi rols. Local School. 'rivate Schools. II Schools. Eemoved by Auckland. Burn' iam. Caverc sham. Thames. a .a o a .h o _ w a . 3 a H o Nell ion. to ft 8 o H B. "] G. B. (i. j B. G. B. 6. G. G. ! ! B' G. i Varrant of discharge Death Varrant of transfer to other schools Varrant of transfer to Costley Institute attaining age of 21.. Carriage adoption 27 4 44 11 1 ! 32 1 7 4 5 4 ii 3 18 1 118 4 49 2 167 6 1 2 3 3 12 1 5 i I 'l 12 1 5 5 1 1 17 6 1 1 i Totals 40 10 45 17i I 35 8 4 5 4 14 19 138 63 201 5 4

Inmates. 1888. 1889. Increase or Decrease. In the schools Boarded out With friends At service In hospital In lunatic asylum In Magdalen Asylum .. In Blind Asylum At Costley Institute In gaol In refuge Absent without leave .. 605 501 118 299 3 2 1 1 5 1 600 454 122 326 2 2 1 - 5 - 47 + 4 + 27 - 3 + ' 1 1 1 16 - 5 18 + ' 1 - 2 Totals 1,554 1,525 - 29

School. Withdrawn and paid to or for Inmates in 1889. In Post-Office Savings-Banks, 31st December, 1889. Kohimarama .. Auckland Burnham Caversham £ s. a. 69 19 4 59 1 0 525 9 5 330 7 8 £ S. d. 869 17 3 440 8 1 2,265 2 9 2,084 14 1



Dr. Peins's Eepoet on Bubnham School. Sie,— Christchurch, May, 1890. I have the honour to forward the following report on the Industrial School at Burnham :— The institution has been kept generally in a very clean and orderly condition. The children have enjoyed good health, with the exception of a few ailments and accidents. The band during their visit to Dunedin for the band-contest contracted " influenza," and introduced it into the school. This laid up a number of tne inmates and some of the staff, —happily without any serious results or inconvenience to the working of the institution. The children are doing well and making good progress in their lessons under the attention of their teachers. The band continues to improve and give pleasure to the inmates. Their playing at the Dunedin contest was received with kindness and approbation. The institution is beginning to reap the advantages of the orchard and vegetable-garden. The Manager and Matron are particularly painstaking, and seem to work in accord with the other members of the staff to make the management of the institution effective and creditable. I have, &c, H. H. Peins, The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. Medical Officer.

Dr. Buens's Eepoet on Cavebsham School. Sie, — Dunedin, April, 1890. I have the honour to report that the sanitary condition of the Look-out Point School for the past year has been all that could be desired. The average number of inmates for the year has been 118, and, with the exception of the minor ailments common amongst young people, the general health has been good. A month ago the school was visited by the influenza, and fully one-half of our number was attacked. High fever with vomiting for three or four days was the main feature; but all made rapid recoveries. One death occurred in the school, of rather a peculiar kind. A youth, aged 17, T. S., was licensed out to service as long ago as 1886. His last master brought the lad back to us on the afternoon of the I9th September, and he died during the night. An inquest was, of course, held, and the verdict " Died from disease of the heart " returned. It is a matter of congratulation that there has been no serious illness amongst the children boarded out. I have, &c., Eobeet Buens, F.E.C.S., Edin., The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. Medical Officer. {Approximate Cost of Taper. —Preparation, Nil; printing (1,500 copies), _2 lis.]

Authority: George Didsbuey, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB9o,

2—E. 3.

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EDUCATION: INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS (PAPERS RELATING TO)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1890 Session I, E-03

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EDUCATION: INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS (PAPERS RELATING TO). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1890 Session I, E-03

EDUCATION: INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS (PAPERS RELATING TO). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1890 Session I, E-03

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