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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

My Lobd, — Marine Department, Wellington, 31st August, 1892. I do myself the honour to transmit herewith, for your Excellency's information, the report of the Marine Department of this colony for the financial year ended on the 31st March last. I have, &c, E. J. Seddon, Minister having charge of the Marine Department. His Excellency the Eight Honourable the Earl of Glasgow, &c, Governor of New Zealand. The Assistant Secbetaky to the Ministeb of Marine. Sic, — Marine Department, Wellington, 2nd August, 1892. I have the honour to submit the following report of this department for the year ended the 31st of March last :— Lighthouses. — The only accident that happened to any of the lighthouses was at Portland Island, where the screw of the collar which held up the pinion of the clutch of the machine became loose, and fell through the weight-hole, which caused the light to become stationary for about ten minutes on the night of the 26th September last. The light on French Pass Beacon was not extinguished during the year. At Pencarrow Head several panes of glass were renewed, as they had become yellow through age ; a further supply of spare panes has been procured from England, and the remainder will be renewed as soon as convenient; this glass has been in the lantern since 1859. New dormant panes were fitted to Nugget Point Lighthouse, and a small store erected in Soaring Bay, to the south of the lighthouse, so that that bay may be used when the ordinary landing is impracticable. Eepairs were effected to Farewell Spit Lighthouse, but it was found that the whole structure was so much decayed that it would probably be cheaper to build a new iron lighthouse than to put the present structure, which was built of timber in 1868-69, in a thorough state of repair. In anticipation of this a new lantern has been ordered from England, so that when the new tower is erected the exhibition of the light may be impeded for as short a time as possible. The question of the re-erection of the tower is standing over until the Engineer-in-Chief has an opportunity of visiting the station. The dwellings at several of the stations will shortly require repairs of a more or less extensive nature ; several have now been erected for upwards of twenty years, and so repairs are required owing to the natural decay of the materials of which they were constructed. One lightkeeper resigned during the year owing to the state of his wife's health. At the request of the Government, Mr. T. Perham made an examination of and reported on the various landings at the lighthouses with the view of ascertaining what could be done to improve them. This question is, of course, principally a matter of expenditure. The attention of the department has been called to a new oil called mineral colza, which, it is believed, could be procured at a less cost than the oil now used. A trial of a sample was made with fair results, and a small shipment has been procured with a view of making an extended trial. The saving of cost would arise principally through the fact that this oil would be procured from the United States, the freight from New York on mineral oil being only about one-half that from the United Kingdom. New Lighthouses.—A lantern and apparatus have been ordered for Stephen's Island Lighthouse. The apparatus will be of the first order—revolving, showing a double flash every half minute. The lamp will be a five-wick lamp, and will burn .paraffin oil, that illuminant being now consumed in all the coastal lighthouses. This will be the first " double-flashing " light erected in the colony. Since the end of the financial year a working party has been sent to Stephen's Island to get the tramway, landing-place, &c, ready to begin the work of constructing the lighthousekeepers' dwellings, &c. It is proposed to construct the tower of cast-iron on the same pattern as I—H. 29.


Cuvier Island Lighthouse. No further steps have been taken in connection with the Snares Lighthouse, the Government of Victoria having questioned the suitability of the site on the main island, which was selected by the delegates in January, 1891. It has now been decided that the Engineer - in-Chief shall visit the islands as soon as convenient, with the view of reporting on the various sites, and furnishing an estimate of the cost of construction of the light on each site. Harbours. —A survey and report on the River Mokau was made by Mr. Perham with the view of ascertaining what works would be required to improve the navigation of the river, having regard to the possibility of a large coal-trade. Mr. Perham also reported on the protection of the river banks and improvement of the channel at Wanganui. At Nelson, arrangements were made to acquire the site of the leading beacons at a cost of £200. No repairs or alterations of importance were undertaken at any of the harbours under the control of this department. General harbour regulations relative to the carriage of gunpowder in lighters, to the speed of steamships having ships in tow, and to the passing of dredges at work, were made in February last. A sum of £3,000 voted for dredging at New Plymouth is being expended under the direction of the Public Works Department. Orders in Council. —The following Orders in Council, under the provisions of the Harbours Acts, have been issued during the year : — May 26, 1891. Approves plans of berthages for dredging-plant at Westport. May 26. Approves plans of gridiron at Westport. June 1. Approves plans of extension of wharf at Mercury Bay. June 1. Licenses Kauri Timber Company (Limited) to occupy foreshore at Mercury Bay for wharf-extension site. June 9. Fixes license-fees for watermen's boats, &c, in Manukau Harbour. June 16. Validates examination and allowance of accounts of Westport Harbour Board. June 30. Approves plans of ferry jetty off Quay Street, Auckland. June 30. Approves plans of wharf at Okain's Bay. June 30. Licenses Okain's Bay Road Board to occupy foreshore at Okain's Bay for wharf site. Julie 30. Approves plans of wharf at Little Akaloa. June 30. Licenses Okain's Bay Road Board to occupy foreshore at Little Akaloa for wharf site. June 30. Amends Raglan Wharf dues and regulations. July 7. Approves plans of low-level breastwork, Lyttelton. July 7. Approves plans of wharf on Turanga Creek, Auckland. July 7. Licenses Turanga Road Board to occupy foreshore on Turanga Creek for wharf site. July 21. Approves plans of extension of main wharf, Bluff Harbour. July 21. Approves plans of M. Clatworthy's boat-building shed, Clyde Quay, Wellington. July 21. Appoints members of Greymouth Harbour Board. July 21. Appoints members of Westport Harbour Board. September 23. Approves plans of G. J. Black's yacht-slip, Akaroa. September 23. Licenses G. J. Black to occupy foreshore at Akaroa as site for yacht-slip. September 23. Revokes dues for Mangawai Wharf, and fixes others. September 23. Revokes authority to St. Helier's Land, Building, and Investment Company to build wharf, Auckland. October 2. Approves of Thames foreshore license to T. A. Dunlop. October 2. Approves of Thames foreshore license to G. and W. Lovatt. October 2. Approves plans of Leyland, O'Brien and Company's timber-log booms, Auckland. October 10. Appoints member of Westport Harbour Board. November 6. Approves plans of repairs to Russell Wharf. November 13. Approves plans of Wanganui River-bank protection works. December 21. Appoints member of Westport Harbour Board. January 6, 1892. Makes regulations for election of members of Harbour Boards by local bodies, &c. February 1. Approves plans of removal of solid abutment, approach to Bluff wharves. February 1. Makes and amends General Harbour Regulations. February 15. Appoints member of Greymouth Harbour Board. ■ March 16. Approves plans of sheet-piling face-work at coal staiths, Westport. March 16. Approves plans of overfall weir at Orawaiti Overflow, Westport. March 22. Approves plans of boat-landing at Bright Street, Westport. March 22. Fixes dues and rates for Okain's Bay Wharf. March 22. Fixes dues and rates for Little Akaloa Wharf. March 31. Approves plan of site of W. and G. Turnbull and Company's fishing establishment at Picton. March 31. Licenses W. and G. Turnbull and Company to occupy foreshore at Picton as site for fishing establishment. March 31. Approves plan of site of A. Davidson's goods-shed at Wairoa, Hawke'sßay. March 31. Licenses A. Davidson to occupy foreshore at Wairoa, Hawke's Bay, as site for goods-shed. Light Dues. —The sum of £16,217 16s. 7d. was received for light-dues for the year, as against £15,794 14s. 9d. in the preceding year, thus showing an increase of £423 Is. 10d. Government Steamers. —The " Stella " is still laid up. The work of the Government is still carried out by the " Hinemoa," by which vessel all the lighthouses are attended to, buoys and beacons on the coast or in harbours under the control of the department are overhauled and painted, besides which regular trips have been made to the outlying islands of the colony. A considerable quantity of cargo has been carried for other departments, including railway-plant for the Railway Commissioners. During the year the "Hinemoa" steamed 31,451 miles, was 3,434 hours under



steam, burnt 1,547 tons of New Zealand coal, landed 2,557 tons of cargo, and cleaned and overhauled 218 buoys. Examination of Masters, Mates, and Engineers. —One hundred and seventeen candidates passed their examination for certificates of competency, and twenty-seven failed. Of those who passed seventy-two were masters, mates, and engineers of of sea-going vessels; and forty-five were masters and engineers of river-steamers. There were no failures to pass the colour-test examination reported during the year. Four certificates of service were issued during the year, two being for the Home and two for the foreign trade. New regulations for.the examination of masters, mates, and engineers were made in conformity with the latest regulations made by the Board of Trade. The principal alteration in those for masters and mates is that candidates are required to have served at sea a certain time within a limited number of years. Belief of Distressed Seamen. —The sum of £112 14s. 9d. has been expended during the year on account of the relief of distressed seamen belonging to New r Zealand vessels. Of this amount £116s. was paid for the conveyance of the crew of the " Awarua " from Rarotonga, and £1 19s. for C. L. Olsen, one of the crew of the "Ryno." £108 19s. 9d. was paid for the replenishing of the dep6ts for castaways on the Auckland, Bounty, and Kermadec Islands. A sum of £334 12s. lid. was paid for the conveyance of the shipwrecked crew of the " Gompadre " from the Auckland Islands to the Bluff, and for their clothing and maintenance. The amount of compensation payable to the owners and crew of the sealing schooner " Janet Ramsay," which brought them to the Bluff, was determined after due inquiry by a commission consisting of Messrs. Feldwick and Carswell. It is satisfactory to know that the depots established at the Auckland Islands by the Government proved of inestimable service to the shipwrecked crew of this vessel. Wages and Effects of Deceased Seamen. —During the year the estates of thirty-five deceased seamen have been dealt with. Two estates, amounting to £76 os. 9d., have been transferred to the Public Trustee; £83 13s. Id. has been paid to relatives, and £32 15s. 4d. paid into the Public Account in accordance with the provisions of section 87 of " The Shipping and Seamen's Act, 1877." Twenty-five new estates were received during the year. Survey of Steamers. —Certificates of survey under "The Shipping and Seamen's Act, 1877," have been issued to 197 steamers, of 32,288 aggregate tonnage and 9,841 horse-power, as against 201 steamers, of 29,924 aggregate tonnage and 9,887 horse-power last year. Certificates of exemption from the employment of certificated master and engineer have been issued under the provisions of section 201 of "The Shipping and Seamen's Act, 1877," and subsection (2) of section 2 of "The Shipping and Seamen's Act 1877 Amendment Act, 1885," for the s.s. " Ivy" for so long as she is plying on the Manawatu River without passengers, and for the s.s. "Tainui " for so long as she is plying within Queen Charlotte Sound and Tory Channel in the fishing trade. Wrecks and Casualties. —The accompanying table shows an analysis of the casualties reported. Those on the coast of the colony number 33, representing 17,650 tons, as against 35 casualties, affecting 12,936 tons, in the previous year. The number of total wrecks within the colony was 4 vessels, of 4,453 aggregate tonnage, as against 3 vessels, of 830 aggregate tonnage in the previous year. There is a large decrease in the number of lives lost during the year; being 8, as against 121 in the previous year. Only 1 life was lost on or near the coasts of the colony—namely, from the " Sardhana." Of the 7 lost beyond the colony, 1 each was lost from the s.s. " Hauroto," s.s. " Tongariro," " Alice Muir," " Taranaki," " Waitangi," " Lindores Abbey," and " Auriga." Of the miscellaneous casualties reported, 2 were of a serious character—viz., those to the "Castor" and "Everest," fire having broken out in the holds of each of these vessels. The " Castor " was loading wool at the time of the casualty. The "Everest," laden witn shale, which had put into Lyttelton for repairs in dock, is supposed to have been wilfully set on fire. Notices to Mariners. —Forty-five notices to mariners were issued during the year, of which eighteen related to matters within the colony. The following is a list of them: — Russell Harbour : Harbour establishment abolished. Auckland Harbour : Defines man-of-war anchorage. French Pass : Position of buoy. Timaru Harbour : Alteration in harbour lights. Bay of Islands : Position of Whale Rock buoy. Waikato River : Leading beacons carried away. Queen Charlotte Sound Entrance : Rock reported off White Rocks. New River Harbour : Reduction of harbour staff. Auckland Harbour : Alteration in lights, outer western tee, Queen Street Wharf. Koreho (or Brown's) Island : Position of buoy. Lyttelton Harbour : Dredging operations. New River Harbour: Channel narrowed as far up as Bombay Rock. ' Westport Harbour : Alteration in position of two leading river beacons. Greymouth Harbour : Dredge signals. Nelson Harbour : Red flag on Haulashore Island during blasting operations. Taukupu River : Position of beacons erected. Foveaux Strait: Rock reported off Dog Island. Napier Harbour : Red light exhibited on end of breakwater to show progress of work. Fisheries. — Oysters : It is proposed to introduce a Bill this session of Parliament to consolidate and amend the laws relating to oyster fisheries. On the 6th October last an Order in Council was made prohibiting the export of rock, shore, drift, or mangrove oysters, but so much of the Order as related to shore or mangrove oysters was revoked by Order in Council dated the Ist February last. The quantity of oysters exported during the financial year amounted to : From ports in the North Island (Auckland, Russell, and Wellington), 1,077,480 dozen ; and from the South Island (Bluft), 374,091 dozen. So large a drain on the oyster-beds of the colony will, lam afraid, before long almost deplete them,



Imported Fish. —Some specimens of fish caught in the Aparima Biver were examined by experts in the colony, and pronounced to be grilse ; but some sent to London were examined by Dr. Gunther, one of the leading experts of the day in fish, and he stated that "The specimens are most assuredly not salmon (S. solar), neither are they brown trout (S. fario). They are a kind of sea trout (S. trutta) looking extremely like the Irish white trout. But the different kinds of migratory sea-trout are so closely allied to each other that it is almost a matter of impossibility to give an opinion on artificially-reared fish or their offspring." This opinion is interesting, inasmuch as no sea trout have ever, as far as I am aware of, been placed in either the Aparima or any other river within many miles of it. It would appear that the climate of New Zealand is developing a new kind of sahnonida, resembling in many respects the salmon of Europe. In any case I submit that it would be desirable to continue the prohibition to fish in the Aparima, at all events for another season. By the end of the year the question of whether the acclimatisation of salmon has been successful or not should be determined. The Otago and Southland Acclimatisation Societies have made a recommendation that a further supply of salmon ova should be procured from the United Kingdom. This application is still under the consideration of the Government. The acclimatisation societies are still doing good work in distributing trout ova and fry in the various streams in the colony—the greatest number having been sent out by the Otago Society (879,800), and the Wellington Society (425,291). A proposal has been submitted to Mr. W. H. Spaekman to write a small book on trout fishing in New Zealand, and arrangements have been made to have the work printed in the Government Printing Office. A work of this nature should be most interesting, and be most valuable to the colony—showing as it will do the extraordinary number and size of the trout that can be caught here, and so I have no doubt will attract a considerable influx of disciples of the "gentle craft." Several difficulties having arisen as to the boundaries of acclimatisation districts in the South Island, a conference of acclimatisation societies was held at Oamaru on the 17th March last, when the following resolutions were passed : — " 1. That in the interest of acclimatisation the societies remain separate as at present. "2. That the opening of the fishing season throughout the South Island be the Ist of October. " 3. That the close of the fishing season throughout the South Island be the 15th of April. " 4. That the Government be requested to gazette uniform regulations applicable to the whole of the east coast of the South Island and the Fiord and Lake Counties. " 5. That the question of the price of licenses be referred to the Government to draw up a scale to be submitted to the societies prior to gazetting. " 6. That the Government be requested to draft regulations for netting the lakes in the various districts, and submit them to the societies interested. " 7. That with respect to netting at the mouths of rivers no recommendation be made. " 8. That the Government be requested to place a sum of money on the estimates to introduce salmon ova during the ensuing season, and continue the introduction of ova yearly until salmon are acclimatised in New Zealand rivers, or it is proved that salmon cannot be acclimatised in them. " 9. That, seeing the Fiord Country appears to be under the control of no society at the present time, the Government be requested to include that area within the Southland Society's District." I feel sure that such conferences will result in smoothing over any difficulties, and cause the administration of the law relating to acclimatisation societies to be more easily administered. Inspection of Machinery. —No difficulties have arisen in the working of the Act, but the work is now almost too much for the number of Inspectors engaged. The question of the reduction of the fees for inspection on some of the boilers is one that, I submit, might be favourably considered. Beturns. —The usual returns, wreck chart, &c, are appended hereto. I have, &c, Lewis H. B. Wilson, Assistant-Secretary. The Hon. the Minister having charge of the Marine Department, Wellington.


H.— 29.

Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.


Nature of Expeni liture. ;ai: Is. is. Irani Is. Head Office:— Assistant Secretary Senior Clerk Clerk Extra Clerk and Draughtsman Nautical Adviser Marine Engineer Habeoubs :— Manukau, — Salaries Contingencies Russell, — Salary Contingencies Whangarei,— Contingencies Hokianga,— Salaries .. .. .. .. Contingencies Kaipara, — Salaries Contingencies 406 0 0 88 13 8 £ s. d. 400 0 0 250 0 0 190 0 0 142 10 0 300 0 0 462 10 0 494 13 8 £ s. d. 1,745 0 0 £ s. d, 1,745 0 0 45 0 0 0 3 3 6 16 0 45 8 3 6 1C 0 284 0 0 16 14 11 300 14 11 663 0 0 128 16 9 Mokau, — Survey of river Contingencies Opunake, — . Salary ... Foxton, — Salaries Contingencies Rangitikei,— Salary Contingencies Tauranga,— Contingencies Wairau, — Salary Contingencies Nelson, — Salaries Beacon sites Contingencies : Riwaka, — Salary Contingencies Motupipi, — Erection of beacons Waitapu,— Salary Maintenance of leading-lights Contingencies Collingvvood,— Salary Contingencies Karamoa, — Salary Contingencies Mokihinui, — Salary Removing stones from channel Contingencies Nile River, — Salary Okarito, — Salary Contingencies Okuru, — Signalling vessels and contingencies Akaroa, — Salary Waikawa, — Salary 791 10 9 155 14 2 5 0 5 160 14 7 25 0 0 25 0 0 252 8 5 23 10 9 275 19 2 35 0 0 0 12 3 35 12 3 16 9 0 16 9 0 145 0 0 89 2 3 234 2 3 794 0 0 200 0 0 66 18 9 1,060 18 9 6 0 0 0 10 0 9 7 3 C 10 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 0 13 9 9 7 3 50 13 9 25 0 0 15 19 6 40 19 6 19 0 0 18 15 0 37 15 0 23 15 0 44 8 7 43 13 5 111 17 7 10 0 7 10 0 50 0 0 16 4 6 G6 4 6 5 0 0 5 0 0 6 5 0 G 5 0 GOO 6 0 0 Inspecting and reporting on Wanganui River-bank protection and harbour works Masthead and side-lights for harbours Buoy-chain General harbour contingencies.. Pension of J. Heberley Dredging New Plymouth Harbour Lighthouses :— Salaries of keepers Travelling-expenses of keepers Oil .. Stores and contingencies Pension of Mrs. Deck 213 3 6 154 3 5 105 14 8 141 16 7 37 10 0 541 17 0 213 3 6 154 3 5 105 14 8 141 16 7 37 10 0 541 17 0 4,990 7 8,299 16 0 24 14 5 1,520 9 10 1,786 14 10 24 0 0 Carried forward .€11,655 15 1 £6,735 7


Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine Department— continued.

Return showing the Cost of Maintenance of the New Zealand Lighthouses, and the Quantity of Oil consumed at each, during the Year ended the 31st March, 1892.


Nature of Expenditure. Details. Totals. Grand Totals. Brought forward Lighthouses— continued. Lighthouse artificer Stephen's Island Lighthouse (building account) .. Snares Lighthouse (building account) £ s. d. 11,655 15 1 £ s. d. s s. a. 6,735 7 9 164 10 8 43 19 10 212 1 0 12,076 6 7 Survey of unseaworthy ships Departmental travelling-expenses Sundries Charts Inquiries into wrecks and casualties Administration of Fisheries Acts Relief of distressed New Zealand seamen Costs of relief of crew of barque " Compadre " 4 4 0 30 11 6 74 2 4 87 6 1 157 18 6 43 10 1 112 14 9 334 12 11 12,076 6 7 845 0 2 845 0 2 Inspection of Machinery and Survey of Steamers, — Salaries of Inspectors and Engineer Surveyors Travelling-expenses Sundries 2,254 3 i 941 5 1 115 14 5 3,311 2 10 3,311 2 10 Examination of Masters and Mates—Salaries ,, Contingencies ,. 425 0 0 100 18 10 525 18 10 525 18 10 Weather Reporting—Salary 300 0 0 " Stella-," s.s,,— Expenses while laid up 300 0 0 134 10 1 134 10 1 " Hmemoa," s.s., — Wages, stores, provisions, &c. Less amount earned by vessel 7,942 8 7 382 6 11 7,560 1 8 2,114 15 9 170 17 8 Guaranteed interest to Wellington Patent Slip Company Survey of Poverty Bay Less amount of credits to votes 33,774 1 4 397 4 5 Total £33,376 12 11

Oil. Name of Lighthouse. Salaries. Gallons consumed. Value. Stores and Contingencies. Totals. Jape Maria van Diemen.. \loko Hinou Piri-Tiri 3ean Bock D onui Passage .. Juvier Island Portland Island.. Sfapier Bluff D enoarrow Head iomes Island 3ape Bgmont tfanukau Head vlanukau South Head leading-lights vlanukau North Head leading-lights Saipara Head .. 3rothers Cory Channel leading-lights Jape Campbell .. jodley Head Ucaroa Head Vloeraki Paiaroa Head Jape Saunders .. STugget Point .. fVaipapapa Point Dog Island Jentre Island ?uysegur Point.. Hokitika Jape Foulwind .. farewell Spit STolson French Pass £ s. d. 410 0 0 350 0 0 290 0 0 160 0 0 150 0 0 375 0 0 340 16 8 22 13 i 257 10 0 159 6 8 240 0 0 250 0 0 909 807 520 72 76 1,297 682 Gas 860 220 564 513 138 171 559 700 168 526 537 643 569 577 580 926 523 737 886 871 Gas 558 534 221 124 £ s. d. 70 1 4 62 4 1 40 1 8 4 12 0 5 17 2 99 11 10 52 11 5 13 14 5 66 5 10 16 19 2 43 9 6 39 10 10 10 12 9 13 3 7 43 1 9 53 19 2 12 19 0 40 10 11 41 7 10 49 11 3 43 17 2 44 9 6 44 14 2 71 7 7 40 6 3 56 16 2 68 5 11 67 2 9 14 15 0 43 0 3 41 3 3 17 0 8 9 11 2 & s. a. 103 14 2 63 8. 8 ■ 37 15 9 8 3 9 11 18 5 149 12 3 74 10 6 1 14 0 108 14 10 33 17 6 46 16 2 38 12 0 & s. d. 583 15 6 475 7 9 367 17 5 172 15 9 167 15 1 624 4 1 467 18 7 38 1 9 432 10 8 210 3 4 330 5 8 328 2 10 120 0 0 255 0 0 512 4 11 90 0 0 281 5 0 249 3 4 261 13 4 280 0 0 270 0 0 250 0 0 290 0 0 260 0 0 350 0 0 320 16 8 362 7 9 9 0 0 278 15 0 359 3 4 295 0 0 200 0 0 1 23 15 7 167 11 11 70 18 8 69 6 9* 5 0 0 46 17 1 61 3 6 38 19 1 31 0 10 29 3 4 28 13 0 111 14 6 27 7 11 59 1 1 59 13 3 94 6 6 12 7 6 47 15 0 231 3 6f 36 13 10 23 0 11 369 0 5 635 10 10 107 19 0 368 13 0 351 14 8 350 3 8 354 18 0 343 12 10 323 7 2 473 2 1 327 14 2 465 17 3 448 15 10 523 17 0 36 2 6 369 10 3 631 10 1 348 14 6 232 12 1 Totals 8,299 16 0 17,068 1,342 15 4 1,780 14 10 11,429 6 2 * Includes cost of provision! l, £40 18s, 5d. t Includes repairs to tower, £158 3s. 3a.


Return showing the Cost of Erection of the New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

Return showing the Amount of Light-dues collected during the Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

Return showing the Expenditure on New Lighthouses, &c, during the Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

Return showing the Amount of Pilotage, Port Charges, &c, collected during the Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

Return showing the Fees, &c, received under the Shipping and Seamen's Act, the Merchant Shipping Act, the Inspection of Machinery Act, and for Pilotage and Port Charges, &c, during the Year ended the 31st March, 1892.


Name of Lighthouse. Cost of Erection. ?encarrow Head kelson Ciri-Tiri Vtana Island* Paiaroa Head jodley Head Dog Island farewell Spit Nugget Point jape Campbell Hanukau Head 3ape Foulwind Brothers 'ortland Island VIoeraki Jentre Island Puysegur Point jape Maria van Diemen Ucaroa Head 3ape Saunders 3ape Egmontf VIoko Hinou Waipapapa Point ?onui Passage]: iaipara Head ?rench Pass • .. 3uvier Island jost of telegraph cable to Tiri-Tiri Miscellaneous and unallocated £ s. d. 6,422 0 4 2,824 8 9 5,747 7 2 5,513 0 1 4,923 14 11 4,705 16 4 10,480 12 8 6,139 11 8 6,597 3 7 5,619 2 6 4,975 2 4 6,955 9 1 6,241 0 0 6,554 14 5 4,288 13 2 5,785 19 0 9,958 19 5 7,028 14 8 7,150 6 5 6,066 6 3 .. J 3,353 17 11 .. I 8,186 5 0 .. | 5,969 18 11 .. I 5,571 8 0 .. ! 1,427 17 5 7,406 16 11 1,085 19 6 1,322 2 2 Total .. .. £158,302 8 7 * Light discontinued; moved to Cape Egmont. i Cost of iron tower, lantern, and apparatus, which were renoved from Mana Island, is not included in this. J Built by Provincial Government of Auckland; cost not mown in Marine Department.

Port. Amount collected. Auckland .. Dnehunga Whangarei vVhangaroa .. Russell VIongonui ., Eokianga ., Kaipara .. .. rhames .. Doromahdel Cauranga Poverty Bay Napier Mew Plymouth Waitara Wanganui Patea Wellington Wairau Pieton Nelson Westport .. 3-reymouth Hokitika Lyttelton .. rimaru Damaru Dunedin Bluff and Invercargill £ s. d. 3,734 12 6 103 16 10 37 1 11 5 10 10 91 8 1 30- 8 0 . 55 4 5 288 10 0 62 17 1 11 4 4 27 5 1 187 17 8 586 6 7 88 14 9 28 12 11 121 1 8 7 12 3,719 9 4 12 18 2 186 12 4 325 13 7 290 17 5 159 2 8 15 10 2 1,842 16 9 320 11 11 182 0 5 1,755 18 6 1,958 11 6 Total £16,217 16 7

Nature of Expenditure. Amount. The Snares lighthouse .. Stephen's Island lighthouse £ s. d. ... 212 1 0 .. | 43 19 10 Total .. 256 0 10

Name of Port. Pilotage. Port Charges, &c. Total. Auckland* Onelmnga Whangarei Hokianga Kaipara Thames* Gisborne* Wairoa* Napier* New Plymouth* Waitara* Wanganui* Patea* Poxton Wellington* Wairau Nelson Hokitika* Lyttelton* Timaru* Oamaru* Dunedin* Invercargill* .. Bluff* Biverton* £ s. d. 366 15 11 10 17 10 £ s. d. 2,771 14 10 101 1 11 48 11 11 £ s. d. 3,138 10 9 111 19 9 48 11 11 42 13 0 616 3 7 68 19 10 623 12 11 98 16 3 3,349 15 2 56 0 7 199 1 6 353 14 10 37 5 1 112 9 4 6,082 10 7 128 11 0 1,489 6 1 5 12 4 7,819 6 6 2,225 17 4 1,265 6 1 8,808 11 11 12 2 3 3,485 16 0 8 6 6 42 13 0 103 6 8 68 19 10 37 0 2! 94 2 6 ; 2,319 10 8 30 9 4 83 5 3 353 14 10 28 6 7 112 9 4 794 2 2 128 11 0 1,489 6 1 5 12 4 4,594 10 4 533 9 2 648 13 6 4,829 14 2 512 16 11 ! 586 12 9 4 13 9 1,030 4 6 25 11 3 115 16 3 8 18 6 5,288' 8 5 3,224 16 2 1,693 8 2 616 12 7 3,978 17 9 12 2 3 1,160 15 4 8 6 6 2,32S' 0 8 I .. Totals .. 40,189 1 1 18,999 11 4i 121,189 9 9 * Harbour Bo! ■d revenue.

Nature of Receipts. Amount. Shipping and Seamen's Act:— Pees for shipping and discharge of seamen, and sale of forms Survey of steamers Measurement of ships Examination of masters, mates, and engineers Light-dues Merchant Shipping Act Inspection of Machinery Act Pilotage and port charges Sundry receipts under Harbours Acts Sundries £ s. d. 994 3 6 1,049 10 0 4 15 0 144 10 0 16,217 16 7 88 3 2 3,570 0 2 2,549 14 8 50 5 0 22 19 10 Total 24,691 17 11


Descriptive Return of New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

Return of Steamers to which Certificates of Survey were issued in New Zealand during the Year ended the 31st March, 1892.


Name of Lighthouse, j Order of Apparatus. I 'escription. Period ing Light. : Colour of Light. Tower \. built of I >wellings built of Date first lighted. Cape Maria van J Diemen 1 1st order dioptric Revolving Fixed V White Red, to show over Columbia Reef White White, with red arc over Flat Rock White and red White Timber Timber 24 Mar., 1879 Moko Hinou Tiri-Tiri.. 1st order dioptric 2nd Flashing Fixed 10" Stone Iron Timber 18 June, 1883 1 Jan., 1865 Ponui Passage Cuvier Island Portland Island 5th „ . 1st 2nd Eevolving 30" 30" Timber Iron Timber 29 July, 1871 22 Sept., 1889 10 Feb., 1878 Fixed Red, to show over Bull Rock White Pencarrow Head Gape Egmont Manukau Head .. | Kaipara Head .. ; Brothers 2nd order dioptric 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd Iron Timber 1 Jan., 1859 1 Aug., 1881 1 Sept., 1874 1 Dec, 1884 24 Sept., 1877 Timber Flashing 10" 10" Fixed Red, to show over Cook Rock White Cape Campbell Godley Head Akaroa Head Moeraki Taiaroa Head Cape Samiders Nugget Point Waipapapa Point .. Dog Island ■ 2nd order dioptric 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 2nd 1st 2nd 1st order catadioptric 1st order dioptric Revolving Fixed Flashing Fixed V iof Timber Stone Timber Timber Stone Timber 1 Aug., 1870 1 April, 1865 1 Jan., 1880 22 April, 1878 2 Jan., 1865 1 Jan., 1880 4 July, 1870 1 Jan., 1884 1 Aug., 1865 Revolving Fixed Flashing Revolving i ; 10" 30" Red ! '. White Stone Timber Stone Timber Stone Stone Timber Stone Timber Stone Centre Island Fixed White, with red arcs over inshore dangers White Timber Timber 16 Sept., 1878 Puysegur Point .. ! Cape Poulwind .. j Farewell Spit 1st 2nd 2nd Flashing Revolving 10" 30" 1' White, with red arc over Spit end White, with red arc to mark limit of anchorage Red and white, with white light on beacon 1 Mar., 1879 1 Sept., 1876 17 June, 1870 Nelson 4th Fixed Iron 4 Aug., 1862 French Pass 6th 1 Oct., 1884

Name of Vessel. „. HorseTons p 0W er of Register. g ngines . Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Kemarks. ihuriri .. , ikaroa .. dbany .. dert (yacht) dexandra dice dpha .. mtrim .. 31 43 8 73 3 36 36 45 129 260 17 28 8 5 30 4 20 30 16 45 7T 16 80 24 10 30 12 15 16 9 40 95 24 GO 24 99 4 25 3 20 80 Compound Non-condensing Screw Paddle Screw Paddle Extended river Eiver [Gleaner. Launch, formerly Launch. Extended river River Home-trade Launch. Formerly dredge lorere .. irgyle .. Australia wonia .. iwarua.. Jarstow 5eatrice Jeautiful Star Jella .. ?en Lomond Sirkenhead Slanche Jritannia Srunner Janterbury iharles Edward .. ihelmsford Jlansman Jlematis Joromandel iygnet .. )espatch )ingadee Compound Screw 100 32 8 146 12 33 55 18 108 333 Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Stern-wheel .. Paddle Stern-wheel .. Screw . River Home-trade .. River Extended river Home-trade Extended river River New vessel. Tug. Formerly Kavvau Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Paddle Screw Paddle Screw Twin-screw Screw 123 70 336 5 68 3 24 393 Triple-expansion Non-condensing Compound Home-trade Extended river Home-trade Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Stern-wheel .. Screw River Extended river River Extended river Home-trade Launch. Twin-screw ..


Return of Steamers to which Certificates of Survey were issued— continued.


Name of Vessel. Tons Begister. Horsepower of j Nature of Engines. Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Remarks. Douglas Durham Eagle Echo Edina Effort Elsie Enterprise Erin Ethel J. Fairy Fingal Freetrader Gairloch Glenelg Grafton Hauroto Heathcote Herald .. Hestia Hinemoa Huia Huia Ida Invercargill Iona Jane Douglas Janet Nicoll John Anderson .. Kahu Kaituna Kate Katikati Kawai .. Kawatiri 60 54 138 20 30 70 3 6 12 8 30 4 6 15 11 30 85 75 123 250 35 85 Condensing Compound Screw Paddle .'! Screw Home-trade Extended river River 9 13 15 CI 4 Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Paddle I Screw Paddle ) Screw Extended river Launch. 33 23 95 211 156 297 1,276 94 370 Eiver Extended river Launch. Late Despatch. Condensing Non-condensing Compound Stern-wheel .. Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Screw Eiver Home-trade Foreign trade Eiver Home-trade Eiver Hopper-barge. 'do 8 25 6 10 50 65 22 90 24 40 4 5 8 24 70 15 43 15 30 20 120 40 4 20 12 1 4 80 5 80 25 90 15 300 38 15 8 60 530 40 3 75 3 25 33 17 8 60 5 25 30 18 18 20 9 100 120 92 26 80 14 70 50 70 Condensing Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Home-trade Eiver Launch. 12 123 159 75 496 Compound Home-trade New steamer. 99 4 Foreign-trade Extended river Foreign-trade Eiver Launch. *27 286 31 124 52 133 28 5 41 4 39 20 Condensing Non-condensing Compound Extended Eiver Eiver Home-trade Extended river Home-trade Eiver Homo-trade Eiver Home-trade Eiver Extended river Dredge. Kawau Kennedy Kina Kiwi Kopuru Koputai Kotuku La Buona Ventura Lady Barkly Lily Lily Little George Lyttelton Macandrew Mahinapua Mana Mana Manaia .. Manapouri Manawatu Manukau Maori Maori Mararoa Matau Matuku Mawhera May Minnie Casoy Moa Mohaka Moss Eose Mountaineer Moutoa Murray Napier Nautilus (yacht).. Neptune Nile Noko No. 121 No. 222 .. Ohau Ohiiiemuri Olga Omapere Onslow .. ... Orawaiti Oreti Osprey Twin-screw Screw New yacht. Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Paddle Three screws .. Screw Tug. Compound Non- condensing Launch. Twin-screw Screw New launch. Launch. TugLaunch. Eiver 4 39 Compound Non-condensing Compound Paddle Screw Twin-screw Screw Paddle I Screw Home-trade .. Eiver Home-trade Extended river Home-trade .. 205 51 51 55 1,020 112 45 17 118 1,248 50 3 340 Foreign-trade Home-trade Eiver Extended river Foreign-trade Tug. Non-condensing Condensing Triple-expansion Non-condensing " , . Screw Stern-wheel .. Screw Launch. River 48 110 20 Compound Non-condensing Compound Home-trade. Eiver Launch. Home-trade Extended river Launch. '(36 Non-oondensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Paddle !! Screw River 90 48 32 44 21 15 394 502 411 73 4 352 20 283 138 138 Non-condensing j Compound Paddle Screw Twin-sorew Screw Home-trade Extended river Home-trade. Extended river Foreign-going Home-trade .. Launch. Dredge. Non-condensing Compound River Home-trade Eiver Home-trade New steamer. Launch. Twin-screw Screw Paddle Eiver


Return of Steamers to which Certificates of Survey were issued — continued.


Name of Vessel. Tons Eegister. Horsepower of Engines. Nature of Engines.! I Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Kemarks. Ovalau Paeroa . i Pearl Pelorus Penguin Phoenix Pioneer Planet Plucky Poherua Prince of Wales .. Progress Pukaki Queenie Queen of the South Result Result Richmond Ripple 767 45 9 18 442 6 5 13 29 749 4.87 200 850 75 16 7 12 180 6 ' 5 8 40 128 21 50 110 1 40 10 23 105 7 Quadruple - expansion Compound Non-condensing Screw Foreign-trade New steamer. Extended river River Compound Non-condensing Home-trade Extended river River Extended river Home-trade Foreign-trade Home-trade Launch. Compound Triple-expansion Condensing Compound [vessel. Meat-freezing Dredge. 121 13 18 495 Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Foreign-trade River Home-trade Extended river Launch. Paddle Screw Compound Non-condensing Foreign-trade River Launch, formerly " Te Uira." Rosamond Rose Casey Rotoiti 462 99 17 90 109 15 Compound Home-trade Extended river Non-condensing Fore-and-aft-screws Screw Foreign-trade New steamer. Rotokino 1,263 135 Quadruple - expansion Condensing Compound Rotomahana Rotomahana Rotorua Rowena Ruby Sea-gull Scotchman Snark Southern Cross .. Spray Staffs, Stormbird Sumner Sylph .. Taieri .. Tainui Tainui Takapuna Takapuna Talune Tarn O'Shanter .. Tangihua Taniwha Tarawera Tarewai Tawhara Tay Te Anau Te Aroha Tekapo Te Kapu Terranora Tongariro Torea 139 864 576 74 19 30 12 158 3 40 137 94 5 1,071 47 370 58 1,284 22 20 1,269 1,028 50 1,544 50 199 63 9 45 450 172 30 24 6 10 10 50 3 20 40 35 4 155 8 22 165 20 255 12 15 16 250 12 10 5 250 14 270 25 94 25 18 14 50 14 20 20 95 30 292 80 20 5 16 16 12 16 8 15 256 30 25 90 64 12 12 Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Condensing Compound Non-condensing Triple-expansion Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Triple-expansion Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Paddle Screw Paddle Screw Paddle Screw Home-trade Foreign-trade Home-trade Extended river River Extended river Home-trade River Extended river Home-trade River Foreign-trade Extended river River Home-trade River Foreign-trade .. River Foreign-trade River Foreign-trade Extended river Foreign-trade Extended river Home-trade River Extended river Launch. Launch. Launch. Hopper-barge. Launch. First N.Z.survey, Dredge. New steamer. Launch. Condensing Paddle Compound Screw Twin-screw Paddle Screw Tuna Victoria, Vivid Waihi .. Waikato Wainui Waipara Wairarapa Wairere Wairoa ... Waitangi Waitapu Waitara Waitara ' Waitoa Waiwera Waiwera Wakatipu Wakatu Waverley Wellington Westland Yankee Doodle .. Zephyr 93 6 63 56 391 70 1,023 48 '40 26 Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Condensing Non-condensing Compound Paddle '.'. Screw Twin-screw Screw Paddle Screw River Extended river Home-trade River Foreign-trade Home-trade Foreign-trade River Extended river River Home-trade Extended river RiverExtended river River Extended river Foreign-trade Home-trade New steamer. Launch. *27 Non-condensing Compound Twin-screw Screw Launch. 6 1,158 95 77 262 35 6 8 Twin-screw Screw Paddle Condensing Non-condensing River Launch. Screw


Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended the 31st March, 1892.


Name of Person. i Rank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. James Mill Francis Augustine Binnie ... Charles Harold Rookes ... William Walker David James Watson _ Arthur Henry Austen William Herbert Johnson Dan Savident Johan Abraham Bergquist.. Johan Mathias Rondahl Henry Ernest Maunsell Frederick Ferdinand Nilsson . Kenneth Bligh Skeet Joseph William Holdcroft Frederick William Joslin .. Murdoch MacPherson Edward Alfred Stenbeck William Douglas Reid John Hollinwood Arthur William Hill .... Sidney Stringer .. ... Alfred Feast Alexander Perry Robert Stewart .. George Allan Broad Thomas McMillan ... Peter John Ewing Robert McKiniay. James White Claud Augustus Moore Orry Andrew de Lissa Cowin Thomas Charles William Ancell Daniel McCallum Joseph Barker Jordan. Archibald Allan Thomson Arthur William Wightman Norman Henry Wigh t Donald Campbell Coll McDonald William Gilmer .. Isaac Thompson Herbert Charles Frazer Godwin Edward Anderson Ludwig Peter Friedrich Fretwurst .. Frank Gray Henry Arthur Rutter Hugh McGilvray Christian Svendson Niel Taylor Robertson Martin Jensen Gabriel Gabrielsen William Tinney Edward Shaw Robert Read Frithiof Wilhelm Hultgren Duncan Cameron John Robinson George Nicholas Homand Thomas Christian Christiansen Thomas Bright William Frederick Bines Joseph Corich Solomon Finey Edward Joseph Adlam John White Jacob Edwin Stevens William Reid George Wilson James Williamson John Hodgkinson Robert Johnson Alexander McKenzie William Robertson Alexander Helmbrecht James Hambleton Harry Montague Langridge . i James McFarlane Joseph Low James Ure Russell Edward William Titchener Patrick James Hickey Charles Richard Massey George Robertson Croll Harry William Budge William Henry Tizard Master Ordinary .. Second Mate First Mate Master Ordinary .. Second Mate Master Ordinary .. Second Mate Master Ordinary .. First Mate Master Ordinary .. Only Mate Master Ordinary .. Second Mate First Mate Master Ordinary .. Second Mate First Mate Master Ordinary .. Only Mate Second Mate Master Ordinary .. First Mate Second Mate First Mate Second Mate First Mate Second Mate First Mate Master Ordinary .. Foreign trade (renewal) „ (renewal) 17 April, 1891 .. 17 „ „ .. 28 „ „ .. 1 May, „ .. 6 „ 19 „ 19 „ „ .. 21 „ „ .. 26 „ „ .. 28 „ „ .. 28 „ „- ., 9 June, „ 7 July, „ 27 „ „ .. 4 Aug., „ .. 26 „ „ .. 26 „ „ ... 31 „ „ ... 4 Sept., „ .. 12 „ „ .. 16 Oct., „ .. 16 „ „ .. 16 „ „ .. 16 „ „ .. 16 „ „ .. 16 „ „ .. 16 „ „ .. 2 Nov., „ .. 5 „ „ .. 5 „ „ -... 10 „ „ .. 23 „ „ .. 23 „ „ .. 11 Dec, „ .. 23 „ „ .. 23 11 Jan., 1892 .. 19 „ „ .. 28 „ „ .. 5 Feb., „ .. 5 „ „ .. 5 „ „ .. 3 March, „ .. 19 „ „ .. 28 „ „ .. 15 April, 1891 .. 17 „ „ .. 11 May, „ .. 20 June, „ .. 7 July, ,; .. 6 Aug., „ .. 17 Sept., „ .. 28 Nov., „ .. 4 Dec., „ .. 3 March, 1892 .. 3 „ „ .. 2 April, 1891 .. 2 „ „ .. 1 May, „ .. 28 „ „ .. 28 „ „ .. 7 July, „ .. 20 „ „ .. 24 „ „ .. 26 Aug., „ .. 26 „ „ .. 26 Sept., „ .. 1 Oct., „ .. 1 „ ,/ .. 14 Jan., 1892 .. 4 Feb., „ .. 19 March, „ .. 15 April, 1891 .. 17 „ „ .. 17 „ „ .. 22 „ „ .. 24 „ „ .. 18 June, „ .. 2 July, „ .. 2 „ „ .. 22 Aug., „ .. 9 Sept., „ .. 16 Oct., „ .. 26 Nov., „ .. 11 Dec, „ .. 469 669 670 576 671 672 673 674 G75 531 676 636 570 568 677 629 678 607 679 680 544 202 400 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 612 634 689 690 691 692 693 610 632 694 695 651 696 697 5,347 5,348 5,349 5,350 5,161 5,351 5,352 5,333 5,353 5,354 5,355 3,201 3,202 3,203 3,204 3,205 3,206 3,207 3,208 3,209 3,210 3,211 3,212 3,213 3,214 3,215 3,216 193 96 226 170 227 228 191 133 229 124 230 231 232 Second Mate Master Mate Home trade Master Mate Master Mate Master River trade 1st Class Engineer Foreign trade 2nd Class Engineer 1st Class Engineer 2nd Class Engineer 1st Class Engineer 2nd Class Engineer 1st Class Engineer 2nd Class Engineer


Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended the 31st March, 1892— continued.

Return showing the Certificates of Service issued to Masters, Mates, and Engineers during the Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

Return showing the Number of Masters, Mates, and Engineers examined during the Year ended the 31st March, 1892, distinguishing the Number of Successful and Unsuccessful Candidates.


Name of Person. Kank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. George Watters Penman .. Bobert Mclntyre Peter John Shea William Hancock Henry William Louis Puller Henry Harold Batchelor .. Thomas Basil Stewart Amos McKegg, junr. William Thwaites Joseph Corich Moss DeGosta Francis Scott George Augustus Avey John James Jackson David Mochan John Taylor Thomas Latham.. John Arthur Barraclough .. William King Henry McDonald Alfred Bruce Coghlan Joel Stubbs Charles Stubbs James Lisle James Power Isaac Fisk William Duncan Campbell Arthur- Edward Moss Harry Child Donald McLean Frederic William Pressley Thomas Holder Charles Havelock Agar Samuel Harris Thomas Martin John Meffin Alexander Rene Joseph Coge 2nd Class Engineer 1st Class Engineer Engineer Foreign trade <River trade 11 Dec, 1891.. 26 Jan., 1892 .. 5 Feb., „ .. 3 March, „ .. 19 „ „ .. 2 April, 1891 .. 15 „ „ .. 11 May, „ .. 19 „ „ .. 11 June, „ .. 23 „ „ .. 2 July, „ .. 2 „ „ .. 7 4 Aug., „ .. 22 „ „ .. 2 Sept., „ .. 1 Oct., „ .. 5 „ „ .. 6 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 21 „ „ .. 2 Nov 3 * „ .. 6 „ „ .. 10 „ „ .. 10 „ „ .. 24 „ „ .. 1 Dec, „ .. 14 22 "„ '„ .. 30 „ „ .. 11 Jan., 1892 .. 5 Feb., „ .. 3 March, „ .. 28 „ „ .. 31 „ „ .. 233 234 235 236 218 1,631 1,632 1,633 1,634 1,635 1,636 1,637 1,638 1,639 1,640 1,641 1,642 1,643 1,644 1,645 1,646 1,647 1,648 1,649 1,650 1,651 1,652 1,653 1,654 1,655 1,656 1,657 1,658 1,659 1,660 1,661 1,662

Name of Person. Rank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Charles Bonner 3-eorge Bernard Holland* indrew Donovan* Edward Wakefield Penney .. Mate .. J Master i .. I Foreign trade .. , Home trade .. 24 June, 1891 .. 2 September, 1891 .. 26 October, 1891 .. 19 March, 1892 .. 2,556 .. 2,557 .. ! 2,558 .. 2,559 * Renewals.

Auckland. We: llington. Lytteltc >n. Duned: in. Otln srPl: uces. 'otali Class of Certificate. V, 'o CO co -3 CO ,-S cd CO •-, 43 od co O ft ft EH CO CO to C3 ft 13 _• 13 CO CO co rt I Cd ' CO m • H 4= CO .m cd O ' d cd ft | H .. ft ft "el 43 O EH S 3 CO -M cd cd ft ft "3 43 O EH •a CO <a CO ft 13 CO ft "3 43 o H •6 CO ro CO co ft 13 CO '3 ft "3 o H Foreign - going masters and mates Home-trade masters and mates River-steamer masters Sea-going engineers River-steamer engineers 12 1 6 5 14 1 1 2 14 1 7 6 16 6 3 5 3 3 4 4 1 6 3 9 7 4 5 2 'i 3 1 2 6 4 "i 3 21 1 ~8 7 23 1 '8 13 3 3 1 4 3 3 1 5 44 10 14 18 31 5 2 5 5 10 49 12 19 23 41 6 i Totals 38 6 44 20 9 29 11 3 14 37 8 45 1 12 27 144 11 117



Return of Estates of Deceased Seamen received and administered in pursuance of the Provisions of "The Shipping and Seamen's Act, 1877," during the Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

Name of Seaman. Balance to Credit of Estate on 31st March. 1891. Amount received. Amount paid. Balance to Credit of Estate on 31st March, 1892. • Edmund Watts Houghton W. Hansen, alias E. W. P. Peterson James McClellan Frederick Augustus Yates Edward Jarvis G. Duke James Hall William Beard James Moore Joseph Emmanuel Leon Bouis Joseph Oakley James Henry Briggs Charles Gustaf Hoi lmen John Blackie D. Erieksen Hugh Montgomery William Henry Thomas William Cooper Pickard William John McNeill J. Ward John Humphrey Victor Ferdinand Person Ernest Muirhead Alfred Bliss John Carl Sehuthe J. W. Foster Alexander Grant .. William Newman William Maekay .. W. Stewart George Frederick Marsden Charles Monk Philip Marriott Alexander McDonald George Laurenson £ s. d. 58 8 9 2 18 4 16 9 0 8 9 0 5 9 0 3 0 1 16 6 25 2 9 0 13 6 3 0 0 £ s. a. £ s. d. 58 8 9 2 18 4 16 9 0 8 9 0 5 9 0 3 0 1 1C 6 25 2 9 0 13 6 3 0 0 19 5 1 10 6 2 £ s. d. 19 5 1 10 G 2 11 2 8 6 16 0 7 17 0 6 10 4 6 10 4 7 17 0 3 18 0 3 18 0 10 19 9 17 12 0 2 8 0 2 16 0 1 16 0 8 16 0 8 16 0 8 16 0 7 14 0 6 12 0 6 6 6 8 16 3 0 2 0 4 14 9 0 0 6 16 0 6 10 4 7 17 0 3 18 0 3 18 0 17 12 0 2 8 0 2 16 0 1 16 0 ll"2 8 7 17 0 6 10 4 10"l9 9 816 0 8 16 0 8 16 0 7 14 0 6 12 0 6"e 6 8 16 3 0 2 0 4 14 9 0 0 *


RETURN of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department from the 1st April, 1891, to the 31st March, 1892.


Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel, also Age and Class. u 6 Nui iber of .ture of Number of Lives lost. Place -where Casualty occurred. Wind. Wind. Decision of Court of Inquiry, &c. Name of Master. II o Passengers. Cargo. Casualty. 1891. April 2 General Stranded; total loss About 2 miles north of Waiwakaiho Stream, Taranaki Bight S.E. Light .. Master was probably justified in running his vessel as he did up to 3 a.m. (the casualty occurred at 3.55 a.m.), but from that hour up to the time he discovered he was close to the rocks he failed to take such precautions as would have insured, beyond any doubt, the safety of his vessel. The Waitara lights had not been picked up; the land could not be seen; and as the master was in doubt as to his actual position, he should have put the ship's head to a known safe point to the westward, or he should have slackened speed and taken soundings along his altered course. The master was ordered to pay the costs of the inquiry. Casualty caused by vessel taking bar at low water in defiance of signals James Meades. Wanaka, s.s., 15 years Schooner 278 26 h 10 Mahinapua, s.s., 9 years Schooner 205 24 1C General Stranded; no damage About 100 yards inside Western Breakwater, Westport Bar of Waitara River S.W. Light air James M. Richardson. 16 Manaia, s.s., 17 years Ocean Ranger, 24 years Hauroto, s.s., 8 Schooner 55 5 Timber.. Stranded; no damage Stranded; slight damage Loss of life only s.w. Fresh breeze Light .. Vessel attempted to leave Waitara too early on the tide Vessel struck on bar when entering Manukau Harbour An A.B. named Joseph Oakley, while engaged washing the blocks of the port lifeboat, fell overboard and was drowned Casualty caused by striking on a ridge just outside Mokihinui Bar I Vessel grounded on shingle-bank when entering Inner Harbour, Napier An A.B. named Thomas George Bartlett, while engaged aloft bending the maintopgallant sail, fell to the deck and died from the injuries received. Vessel stranded when entering Napier Harbour Vessel fell in with a hurricane, which caused considerable damage to sails and hull John Botham. 19 Barquentine Schooner 234 I 9 Coal Manukau Bar s. William Woebling. Robert Huddlestone Neville. M 20 General 1 On voyage from Newcastle, N. S. W., to Dunedin South Entrance, Mokihinui River Inner Harbour, Napier years 28 Lawrence, s.s., 7 years Plying Scud, 30 years Tongariro, s.s., 8 years, Al 100 Lloyds Schooner 246 15 3 Coal Stranded; total loss Stranded; partial loss Loss of life only Calm .. James Leys. May 2 Schooner 119 i 7 1 Goal .. s.w. Strong .. Thomas James Moore Corlett. -John Bone. 5 Barque 12657 106 84 General 1 On voyage from London to Wellington, lat. 38° 30' N., long. 11° 55' W. Entrance to Inner Harbour, Napier On voyage from Newcastle, N.S.W., to Auckland ; lat. 32° 29' S., long. 172° 45' E. Bar of Mokihinui River 15 Opotiki, 20 years Presto, 29 years Schooner 38 3 Grass-seed and wool Coal .. Stranded; slight damage Damaged by hurricane ; partial 1 >ss E. to N.E. e. to ; W.N.W. Strong gale Hurricane Thomas Jarvis Blackwell. John McKenzie. 16 Barque.. 384 10 n 23 Queen of the South, s.s., 14 years Ohau, s.s., 7 years Schooner 121 11 Coal .. Stranded ; partial loss E. Light .. ■ The propeller touched the stones when crossing the bar, and broke the propeller-shaft Edward John Harvey. 28 Schooner 411 23 3 Coal Stranded; slight; damage Off Jackson's Head, Cook Strait .. : When passing through channel between beacon and rock, tide caused vessel to graze slightly on beacon rock Andrew Anderson.



May Menshikofi, 44 Barque.. zzo 10 Timber .. Loss of boats, bulwarks, &c. Propeller- shaft broke At sea, about 12 miles abreast of Oamaru Off Pandora Bank S. to S.S.E. S.W. Hurricane Casualty caused by very heavy gale coming on suddenly Propeller-shaft broke while on a voyage from Auckland to Westport. Vessel put back to Russell under sail, and was then towed to Auckland for repairs An A.B. named John Humphrey, while engaged furling maintop-gallant sail, fell overboard and was drowned. The foot-rope on which he was standing previous to the accident was found to have parted Stranding caused by wind suddenly falling when vessel on bar Vessel touched the bar when being towed out, and, tug not being powerful enough, the vessel canted on to the rocks " Christina" was going up the harbour, apparently without a look-out, when she ran into the " Southern Cross," which was at anchor with her light burning Casualty caused through vessel being improperly moored Casualty caused through master taking bar too late on tide Casualty caused through vessel leaving centre ol channel during strong flood-tide to avoid fishing-smack which was entering the harbour The carpenter, William Mathew, while engaged aloft in making fast the main uppertopsail, fell from the weather-yardarm into the sea and was lost The boatswain, James Cocks, went on the port rail, just abaft the fore-rigging, to clear some of the gear, the vessel rolling a good deal, when he fell overboard and was lost Casualty caused through wind dropping when vessel was on bar John Barnard. June 8 years Pukaki, s.s., 4 years; Al at Lloyd's Schooner 850 29 Ballast.. Strong .. Alexander Stuart Ewan. 9 Alice Muir, 16 years Barque.. Coal .. Loss of life only 1 On voyage from Sydney to Kaipara; lat. 36° 30' S., long. 171° 43' E. s. Moderate breeze Edward Yarn all. 480 10 Huon Belle, 27 Ketch .. Timber.. Stranded; partial loss Stranded; partial loss Bar of Waimakariri River Tairua Harbour Light .. Charles Neilson. 14 42 4 S.W. July 10 years Sarah Pile, 27 years Brig'ntine 115 7 Timber.. S. Light .. Bror Albert Wiking. 12 Christina, 17 years Southern Cross, s.s., 17 years Theodore, p.s., 10 years Manaia, s.s., 17 years Industry, s.s., 4 years Schooner Schooner 59 124 4 11 Coal .. General Collision; slight damage Collision; slight damage Sunk at mooring Stranded; slight damage Stranded; partial loss ;i Auckland Harbour .. S.E. Light J John Tyloa. Martin Huggett. 23 Cutter .. 35 3 Nil Pembroke Wharf, Lake Wanaka, Otago Bar of Waitara Biver.. Elijah Charlton Hedditch. Alexander Thomas Fraser. Frederick Marshall. Aug. 7 Schooner 55 6 Nil S.W. Light breeze Light .. 12 29 Taranaki, 14 years Schooner Ship 1189 21 Grain .. General Loss of life only i E o c k s between Midchannel Eoek and Hunter's Point, entrance to Bluff Harbour On voyage from London to Dunedin W. N.E. Gale .. Horatio Gordon. 1130 Sept. 11 Waitangi, 17 years, Al at Lloyd's Ship 1128 25 General Loss of life only i Lat. 43° 13' S., long. 50°33'E. S.W. Moderate John Sinclair. 29 Elizabeth, 25 Ketch .. 33 3 Ballast.. Stranded; partial loss J-mile from West Wanganui Inlet, South Head, West Coast North-east of Hen and Chickens S.W. Light .. Robert Porter Westrupp. years Oct. 18 Northern Star, 16 years Barque.. 327 10 Bricks and sugar Vessel strained, and sprung a leak Deck swept by heavy seas N.E. Gale .. Very bad weather caused vessel to spring a leak, when she returned to Auckland Gregory Seymour Norris. Nov. G Lindores Abbey, 14 years, 100 Al Barque.. 863 19 Eice and cornsacks i On voyage from Rangoon to Talcahuano, Chili; lat. 51° S., long. 153° E. Napier roadstead W. Gale .. Heavy sea pooped vessel, when she rounded to and lay on her beam-ends, and one of the apprentices was carried overboard and lost Samuel Milligan Nelson. 8 Castor. 5 years Barque.. Wool Fire on board; partial loss Stranded; partial loss Fire broke out between decks twenty-eight hours after hatches had been put on. Master was blamed for not taking greater precautions when it was reported to him that ship was drawing into land. He was also blamed for leaving deck when close to land, the night being thick and wind squally. His certificate was suspended for three months from the 27th November, 1891, and he was ordered to pay cost of inquiry* Frank Richard Whitson John George Groombridge. 2005 31 8 Duke of Buckingham, s.s., 11 years 4-masted 2020 52 General Flint Eeef, Kaikoura .. S.E. Breeze .. * On the 5th January, 1892, the Governor, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by " The Shipping and Seamen's Act, 1877," directed the return of the master's certificate to him.


RETURN of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department— continued.


Date of Name ot Vessel, Casualty. Age aud clpss Eig. g g, I Number of g> g I Passen .turo of Number Place where Casualty occurred. Wind. Decision of Court of Inquiry, &c. Name of Master. I PassenCargo. Casualty. Lives lost. Direction. Force. 1891. Nov. 9 Brazileira, 25 Barque.. 296 10 Timber.. Stranded: no damage One mile inside Buller Biver, Westporfc S.W. Light air Vessel attempted to enter against signal " Keep to sea," and anchored inside Western Tiphead. Hopper-dredge " Heathcote" towedher up river, when she took a sheer and grounded Straining caused by bad weather and cargo being dead-weight Augustus Skillen. years Dec. 3 Everest, 13 years Ship Shale .. Vessel strained and leaking Thirty miles S.E. by S. from Sydney H-eads, and again 200 miles S. by W. from New Zealand on voyage from Sydney to Liverpool Mary Catherine Bank, Kaipara S.W. Gale .. Charles Hibbert. 1680 20 K e b e c c a, .23 Timber.. Stranded; partial loss Calm .. Vessel grounded through attempt being made to tow vessel out without knowledge of depth of water An A.B., John Petersen, while engaged aloft loosing the foretopsail, fell overboard and was lost. He is supposed to have been knocked off the yard by the flap of the sail during a heavy roll of the ship Bruno Mclsaac. 17 Barque.. 413 10 years 23 Auriga, 22 years Barque.. 518 Sugar .. Loss of life only 1 On voyage from Mauritius to Dunedin w.s.w. Gale .. George Essex Stone. 31 Ahuriri, s.s., 5 years Fairy, s.s., 18 years Schooner 31 5 Ballast.. Collision; slight damage Collision; partial loss ■) Entrance to the Iron Pot, Napier Inner Harbour Strong breeze Collision caused by "Ahuriri" not answering her helm, owing to chain getting jammed i in block of steering-gear John Carvosson Tonkin. Donald McAllister. Ketch .. 33 4 Wool .. w. 1892. Brig'ntine 85 1 Stores and prov'ions Shale .. Flint Island, South Pacific Graving Dock, Lyttelton Harbour Near Otarau Point, Otago E.N.E. but fell Moderate, calm Jan. 4 29 Eyno, 19 years Everest, 14 years Ship .. 1680 8 19 Stranded; total loss Fire on board ; partial loss Stranded; total loss Casualty caused by wind falling Ship believed to have been set on fire Arthur Tribe. Charles Hibbert. Feb. 6 Star of Erin, 80 years, AA1, Lloyds Barque.. 949 19 Wool and grain E.S.E. Gale .. Casualty caused by over-confidence of Master in estimating distance from Waipapapa Point light, instead of paying more strict attention to chart, courses, and distances made When leaving the wharf the stern of the s.s. "Awarua" fouled the bow of the "Janet Ramsay " Casualty caused by vessel touching on bar when entering the river Vessel touched the ground when at anchor Edward Lovett Hopkins. 10 Janet Ramsay, 21 years Schooner 41 Timber.. Collision; partial loss 300 yards S.E. of wharf, Half-moon Bay, Stewart Island West Spit, Bar of Patea River Off Outer Reef, Patiti Point, Timaru Norrnanby, about 4 miles south of Timaru S.S.W. Gentle breeze Hello Schenkel. 20 Aorere, s.s., 6 years Parsee, 24 years Ketch .. 44 9 General Stranded; slight damage Stranded ; no damage Stranded; total loss S.E. Strong breeze Strong breeze Light .. William A. WildMar. 3 9 Elginshire, s.s., 5 months Ship .. Schooner 1281 2980 .18 51 5 Ballast.. Frozen meat, wool, tall ow, andN.Z. produce S.E. j N.E. Dense fog came on, totally obscuring the land. Lead was kept going, but, at 7 a.m., when land was seen, breakers heard, and course altered to N.E. Master committed error of judgment in not altering course to East, so as to go out to sea at right angles to his former course. Master was ordered to pay costs of inquiry. More complete survey of coast between Timaru and Oamaru should be made The master and a boat's crew of five men went ashore for orders, but, when returning to the ship, the boat capsized in the choppy sea and an A.B., named Gustaf Headlund, was drowned. The remainder of the men were rescued by the pilot-boat which put off from shore man. William Aiken Bailey. William Anderson Millar. Sardhana, 7 years, Al 100 Ballast.. Abont j-mile off Otago Heads William Jones. 26 Barque.. ;ill8 21 Loss of life * only



SUMMARY of Casualties to Shipping and Seamen reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

3—H. 29.

Casualties on or near the Coasts of the Colony. Casualties outside the Colony. Nature of Casualties. Steamers. Sailing-vessels. Total within Colony. Steamers. Sailing-vessels. Total outside Colony. of Casualties reported. Za q a o . xa • S; hi > o - in hi - in © fl fl o EH m Hi ~s I O © \ O in o a .5 Ei hi O m CD cd fl O hi O m £h? © cd fl o EH o o hi 6% a o O © hi jtrandings, — Total wrecks .. Partial loss Slight damage No damage 3 3 3 3,504 3,330 455 315 1 5 2 2 949 722 272 1,577 4 8 4 5 4,453 4,052 727 1,892 •• •• •• 1 M 85; •• 1 85 ! •• 5 8 4 5 4,538 4,052 727 1,892 i •■ •• ■• I I •■ ! .. " 1 Total standings 11 7,604 10 3,520 j i I [ I 21 i i 11,124 | I i 1 I ! 1 1 85 1 i 1 85 22 11,209 •■ l l i I I I I ! ! 1 jollisioris, — Partial loss Slight damage 1 2 33 155 1 1 41 59 2 3 2 3 74 214 •' I ■■ 74 214 1 ! •• i .. •• ! 1 •• I ■■ I ! ! 2 100 I i 5 i • Total collisions 3 d I 188 •• 288 ! 5 ! 288 •• •■ •• •• ■• Miscellaneous, including damage by heavy seas or fire to hull and cargo, loss of boats, &c, and breakdown of machinery 2 ! I 4 I 4,235 I 6 ! ■3 1 2,927 i 1 3 2,927 j I x ! i i 885 5,120 i 9 8,047 •• 1 '■■' •■ •• •• i Total casualties to shipping .. 16 | 8,677 I 16 1 7,855 1,118 32 1 16,532 1,118 4 4 3,012 3,256 I 1 4 i . 4 6 3,012 7,189 1 1 I j 36 19,544 8,307 •• ! •-. 2 3,'933 2 1 7 jess of life only 1 i Total number of casualties reported .. I I I I ! I ! 16 ; 17 8,973 | 1 33 i 2 3,933 2 8 5 10 10,201 7 ! 43 27,851 8,677 17,650 6,268




Return showing the Number of Land Boilers Inspected during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

The Inspectok of Machineby, Auckland District, to the Assistant Secretary, Marine Department. Sm,— Auckland, 16th April, 1892. I have the honour to submit to you the annual report on land boilers and machinery inspected in the Auckland District during the financial year ended the 31st March, 1892. During the above period 565 boilers and machinery attached, 26 digesters, and 56 machinery (motive-power other than steam) have been inspected, making a total of 647 inspections for the year, 332 of which were done by Mr. L. Blackwood. It is satisfactory to be able to state that there have been no accidents to life or limb with boilers to report, more especially so when the large number of inexperienced men attending to them is taken into consideration. During the year 54 boilers have changed owners, extended certificates have been issued for 5, making a total of 41 now in force. One boiler was brought from Otago, 2 from Canterbury, 1 from Wellington, and 1 taken to that district; 42 have been repaired, and 39 new ones have been put to work, 23 of which were imported, and 16 made here, The latter were inspected at intervals during construction, and afterwards tested with hydraulic pressure to 100 per cent, over the working-pres-sure. Eepairs to boilers have also been attended to, and when the repairs were large the boiler was afterwards proved, the test being regulated in accordance with age, &c. Apart from this, considerable time is taken up with surveys of and repairs to steamers, engineer examinations, inspecting dentists' vulcanizing boilers, and attending to sailing-vessels re lifesaving appliances. I regret having accidents with machinery to report: they are of that description which may be classified as not preventible, particulars of which are given in the returns. The appended returns give the number and description of the boilers and machinery inspected, fees payable, defects found in boilers and machinery, notices to repair boilers and protect dangerous parts of machinery, and accidents to life and limb in this district. I have, &c, The Assistant Secretary, Marine Department. W. J. Jobson.

turn. ier o: 'on ioi! lers. um ier oi uona: ioi. lers. 'ofca: Is. Name of District. Under 5 h.p. 5 to 10 Over h.p. 10 h.p. Under 5 h.p. i 5 to 10 h.p. Over 10 h.p. Boilers. Fees. lUckland ?aranaki lawke's Bay Vellington larlborough felson North Telson South Vestland ianterbury )tago 26 3 87 25 30 5 148 13 62 11 202 13 555 70 £ s. A. 819 5 0 106 10 0 13 6 4 109 18 27 8 13 167 205 30 4 7 13 10 4 13 79 10 26 22 16 105 143 71 6 18 13 4 30 56 127 8 7 28 4 68 174 429 52 89 84 48 405 626 677 0 0 73 5 0 121 10 0 132 5 0 69 15 0 536 0 0 863 0 0 1 31 35 Totals 119 659 116 562 271 631 2,358 3,398 10 0


Return showing the Number and Description of the Boilers, &c., Inspected and Fees payable.

The'above return includes 117 boilers and 12 digesters inspected in Hawke's Bay, but not 10 boilers inspected in public buildings owned by Government.

Return of Notices given to Repair Boilers in the Auckland District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.


iuml ier. Nature of Boiler. 5 to 10 Over 10 h.p. h.p. Fees. Remarks. Under Oh.p. £ s. d. 'ortable boilers itationary boilers ... jocomotive boilers 'ortable boilers Itationary boilers... jocomotive boilers 26 148 2 83 60 4 "551 25) 147 5j 70 749 0 0 5 0 J Employed at 14 establish1 ments; fees, £5 each. J Charged for at per horse1 power of each boiler. Total ... 174 149 232 [achinery inspections (15, 15s (41, nil; ligesters (26, nil 3. each)... 11 5 0 ) ) Total fees fo ir the year 830 10 0

Date of Notice. lescrip iion o: ioi. Ler. ;ure o: Repairs ori lerei 1891. April 17 April 22 April 25 May 5 May 18 Vertical flue Portable ... Portable ... Portable ... Longitudinal tubular New spring-coil to be fitted to safety-valve. Top of fire-box renewed, and dog-stays refitted. New fire-box to be fitted and retubed. Three new stays fitted, and other small repairs to fire-box. Blow-off cock removed from the front to back end of boiler, and check-valve from front to top of boiler. Screw-patch to be fitted to corner of fire-box. Four stays to be renewed, and safty-valve overhauled. Top of fire-box set up or renewed, and new girder-stays fitted. Defective part in front end cut out, and riveted patch fitted. The bottom cut out and renewed. Patch fitted to fore tube-plate, and at corner of fire-box. Vertical stay and patch fitted to the top tube-plate. Eetubed, and new tube-plate fitted. Two strengthening straps fitted to shell below the dome. The nuts burned off stay-tubes at firing end. The tubes to be headed over, and new blow-off fitted. One plate in furnace taken out and renewed. Very much reduced by internal corrosion (condemned). New blow-off to be fitted. Nuts burned off stay-tubes, fire-box end; the tubes to be headed over. Top of fire-box renewed and girder-stays refitted. Two patches fitted to lower part of fire-box. Two stays fitted to the leg. May 20 June 4 July 2 July 27 July 28 July 30 Aug. 14 Sept. 25 Oct. 4 Oct. 31 Portable ... Digester ... Portable ... Cornish ... Cornish ... Portable ... Vertical tubular Vertical tubular Cornish ... Longitudinal tubular Oct. 31 Nov. 2 Nov. 20 Dec. 10 Cornish ... Digester ... Longitudinal tubular Portable ... Dec. 11 Dec. 14 Dec. 29 1892. Jan. 8 Jan. 23 Jan. 27 Feb. 4 Portable ... Portable ... Scott's patent Vertical tubular Vertical tubular Longitudinal tubular Vertical tubular New uptake to bo fitted. Screw-patch fitted to shell at sludge-hole. Patch fitted to the bottom, and two joints pared and caulked. Patch fitted to uptake, retubed, and water-gauge shifted higher. New safety-valve to be fitted. Patch to be fitted on fire-box at mud-hole. One plate taken out of shell and renewed. Sheathing patch to be fitted to bottom, and one on back end ' at sludge-door. Fire-box restayed, holes tipped -Jin. larger, and stays made accordingly. Patch to be fitted over thin part of fire-box. Feb. 16 Feb. 22 Feb. 23 Mar. 16 Longitudinal tubular Portable ... Cornish ... Tubular ... Mar. 16 Semi-portable Mar. 16 Vertical ...

H.— 29.

Return of Defects found in Boilers and Fittings in the Auckland District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

Return of Machinery Inspected in the Auckland District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.


Description. Dangerous. Ordinary. Total. Fire-boxes out of shape ... Fractured plates Blistered plates... Corrosion, internal Corrosion, external Joints sprung in bottom of boiler ... Tubes defective Stays defective ... i i i 3 2 5 15 2 8 7 3 1 2 6 16 2 8 7 Total defects found in boilers 3 42 45 Defective fittings— Safety-valves Feed-valves ... Stop-valves ... Pressure-gauges Water-gauges Spring-balances Blow-off cocks and pipes Fusible plugs in furnace-crowns Feed-pipes Omissions — Boilers without test-cocks 5 2 1 11 8 5 2 2 3 5 2 1 11 8 5 2 2 3 3 3 Gross total ... 84 87

Description of Machinery. i CD CO 8 IS ■■;- i Description of Machinery. B -S CO CD l w (3 o Ammunition factory Air-compressor ... Assaying Baths Breweries Boiling-down and bone-mills Butter-box factory Biscuit factories Boot factory Block- and pump-works ... Brick-works Blacksmiths Collieries 1 1 1 1 13 11 1 3 1 1 5 6 4 1 26 2 Gasworks Glueworks Hauling Hoisting Ironworks and foundries Joineries Lifts or elevators (2 hand) Lime-works Mortar-mills ... Maize-mill Oil-, soap-, and candleworks Plumber and copper-smiths Pumping and winding ... Pumping Potteries Printing Quartz-crushing batteries Eope-works Eoad-roller Sash and door factories ... Ship-building yards Stone-breaking Sulphur-works Sugar refinery Sausage-machines Tanneries Tinplate-works Threshing- and chaff-cutting-machines Threshing-machines (only) Tobacco factory Varnish-works. Waterworks ... Winding Wool-dumping Woollen-mill ... 4 1 7 29 15 2 4 5 4 1 34 3 Cooperage Chaff-cutting Coffee-mills Clothing factory Condensed-milk factory ... Coach-factories ... Confectionery- works Cordial-works Chemical manure-works ... Dairy factories and creameries... Dredgers Docks ... Electric-lighting Flax-mills Flour-mills Flock-mill Freezing-works . . Fish-preserving works Fruit-preserving works ... Fellmongeries Firewood-cutting Fire-engine Furniture factory 1 2 2 5 1 1 2 2 2 5 2 3 6 1 1 2 6 2 1 1 6 6 1 i 20 2 2 1 32 10 1 7 3 2 5 44 1 1 "3 1 7 3 1 1 3 14 5 1 i



Return of Notices given to Fence Dangerous Parts of Machinery in the Auckland District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

Date of Notice, j Description of Machinery. Parts of Machinery to be fenced, &c. 1891. May 12 ... Saw-mill ... Belt of circular-saw, breaking-down saw frame and fly-wheel, and pair of wheels of log-winch. Intermediate and feed-gear belts, crosshead gear of germansaw, belt of No. 2 circular, belt and pair of wheels of No. 2 planing-machine. Pulley of breaking - down saw, emery-wheel, and belt of circular-saw. Five flaws in circular-saw (condemned) Main shafting, spindle end of scutcher, and feeding aperture of ditto, reduced to ljin. in width. Three pairs of pinion-wheels on three strippers, coupling on shaft, and engine fly-wheel. Two pulleys and belt of wiped shaft, and bevel-gearing of buddies. New chain to be fitted. Two belts of planing-machine, one belt of drag-bench, one length of shafting and coupling. Fly-wheel of breaking-down saw, pulley and belt of circularsaw, two couplings and pair of bevel-wheels on main shaft. Pair of wheels of malt-crusher, two belts of hoisting-gear, one belt of masher. Belt of breaking-down saw, two belts of planing-machine. Four belts, one pair of pinion- wheels, and two set-bolts of two strippers. Scutcher mouth made to look upwards, and reduced to ljin. Scutcher mouth made to look upwards, and reduced to ljin. Scutcher mouth made to look upwards, and reduced to ljin. Fly and driving-wheels of pulverizer, and fly-wheel of pugengine. May 13 ... Saw-mill ... May 28 ... Saw-mill ... July 2 ... July 22 ... Firewood cutting ... Max-mill ... July 23 ... Flax-mill ... July 29 ... Aug. 2 ... Aug. 22 ... Quartz reductionworks Hydraulic lift Saw-mill ... Sept. 15 Saw-mill ... Oct. 20 ... Brewery ... Oct. 22 ... Oct. 23 ... Saw-mill ... Flax-mill ... Oct. 29 ... Oct. 29 ... Nov. 4 ... Nov. 13 ... Flax-mill... Flax-mill ... Flax-mill ... Cement works Nov. 14 ... Saw-mill ... Two connecting-rods of breaking-down saw, and emerywheel. Main driving-belt to be covered in at outside of building. Fly-wheel and main driving-belt to be fenced in. Two belts of stripper, and feeding aperture reduced to ljin. in width. Fly-wheel fenced, and under-side of driving-belt. Fence to protect main driving-belt and fly-wheel. Belt of stripper fenced, and opening in scutcher reduced to IJin. in width. Main driving-belt guarded, scutcher mouth made to look upwards and reduced to l-Jin. wide. Six pulleys and belts of wiped shafts, pan and intermediate shafts protected, and four pairs of bevel-wheels on settlers' shaft. Dec. 7 ... Dec. 8 ... Dec. 11 ... 1892. Jan. 5 ... Jan. 6 Jan. 16 Gas-engine Gas-engine Flax-mill ... Steam-engine Flax-mill Flax-mill ... Feb. 18 ... Flax-mill ... Feb. 23 ... Quartz - crushing battery Mar. 11 ... Quartz - crushing battery Hydraulic lift Oil and soap works and bone-mill Two engine fly-wheels and two pulleys of amalgamating-pans. Mar. 21 ... Mar. 28 ... New steel-rope to be fitted. Three pairs of wheels on shafting of oil-mill and driving-belt of bone-mill.



Return of Accidents to Life and Limb which have occurred in connection with Land Boilers and Machinery in the Auckland District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

The Inspector of Machinery, Wellington District, to the Assistant Secretary, Marine Department. Sib, — Office of Inspector of Machinery, Wellington, 14th June, 1892. I have the honour to forward for your information the annual report on the inspection of boilers and machinery in the Wellington, Maiiborough, Nelson North, Taranaki, Nelson South, and Westland Districts, for the financial year ended 31st March, 1892. During the above period 772 boiler-inspections and 651 machinery-inspections have been made. Included in the above numbers are 378 boiler and 300 machinery-inspections by Mr. Mowatt. Although a larger number of boilers in connection with flaxmills have been idle during this year than last, there is still, owing to the increase by new boilers and boilers from other districts, almost the same number of inspections as last year. We continue to find that the bulk of the repairs required in connection with boilers is due to the want of knowledge on the part of the person in charge; as instance, several otherwise good boilers were found in such a state from the accumulation of mud that they could scarcely generate sufficient steam to drive the machinery empty, the man in charge being quite unable to account for the loss of power. In some cases the tubes had to be drawn before the boiler could be thoroughly cleaned ; but, even where this has been found necessary, it is difficult to induce the owners to procure appliances for properly washing their boilers out. The danger of accident to persons employed about boilers that are tended as I have pointed out will continue to increase as higher pressures are used. The employment of better-trained engine-drivers would in a great measure overcome the difficulty, and insure economy in fuel and repairs. The opportunity has been taken to inspect as many of the idle boilers as could be conveniently done while in their neighbourhood, with the object of being able to issue certificates for them should they be put to work before next inspection. Twenty-eight fresh boilers have been added to the district during the year, 9 of which have been made in the colony, 13 were imported, and 6 are from other districts. Written or verbal notices have been given to effect repairs to boilers and boiler mountings, as also to fence dangerous parts of machinery.

Name and Address of Owner. Description ol Machinery. I Name of Person injured. Nature and Date Fatal of or Accident. not. Cause of Accident, and Bemarks. Puhipuhi Prospectors Company Quartz-crushing works John Clark, aged 45 years Collarbone broken, 13th June, 1891 Not It appears Clark was brushing a chip from the belt of the pulveriser, when by some means he became entangled with the belt, breaking his collarbone. The machine ought to have been stopped. After adjusting a planing-machine, Poster started it to ascertain if all was right; when finding a piece of board which was passing through, his right hand was knocked against the knife-barrel, which resulted in four fingers being cut off. The machine is protected as far as practicable. He was working at a planing-ma-chine, and was, it appears, guiding a short piece of wood, when it slipped, his hand coming in contact with the cutters ; two fingers were taken off. He had been previously warned against putting short pieces of wood through the machine. The lad was not employed at the works, but had taken his father's supper, and remained amusing himself where his father was working at the forge rolls. It appears he slipped, and in falling threw out his arms to save himself ; his right arm was drawn into the rolls and severely crushed. It was afterwards amputated. He was employed at a saw-bench. It appears he was adjusting the guide for turning the sawn pieces of timber off the bench (the saw being in motion), when his left hand came in contact with the saw, and was cut off. The saw ought to have been stopped while adjusting the gviide. Manukau Timber Company Saw-mill David Foster, aged 40 years Four fingers of right hand, 3rd July, 1891 Not Henry Cook, Auckland Edward Temadent, aged 22 years Two fingers of right hand, 6th October, 1891 Cabinet-making factory Not Iron-works Joseph Worthington, aged 13 years Eight arm severely crushed, 21st October, 1891 Onehunga Ironworks Company Not Left hand cut off, 17th November, 1891 Not osopliCoulthard, Te Awamatu Saw-mill Joseph Coulthard, aged 47 years



No accidents to life or limb have been reported as having taken place in connection with boilers or machinery during the year, nor have any accidents occurred to boilers during that time. Appended are returns showing the number and class of boilers inspected, and for which certificates have been issued, together with the fees payable; the number and class of machines inspected; the number of notices given to repair defects in boilers; and number of notices given to fence dangerous parts of machinery. I have, &c, H. A. McGkegoe, The Assistant-Secretary, Marine Department, Wellington. Inspector of Machinery.

Return showing the Number of Land Boilers inspected during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

The following boilers are included in the above totals: — * Seven over 10 h.p., each included in two maximum fees .. .. .. 7 t Three over 10 h.p., each included in one maximum fee .. .. 3 1 Ten over 10 h.p., each included in three maximum fees .. .. 10 Also three boilers over 10 h.p. and two over 5 h.p. free of charge for the Government 5 25

Return of Notices given to Fence Dangerous Parts of Machinery in the Wellington District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

'ori le. ;ionary. Is. Name of District. Under 5 h.p. 5 to 10 Over h.p. 10 h.p. Under 5 to 10 Over -r, ., 5h.p. h.p. 10h.p. Bollers - Fees. Vellington* larlboroughf Telson North 'aranaki felson SouthJ Vestland 13 6 4 3 109 18 27 25 8 13 30 4 7 5 13 10 79 10 26 13 22 16 71 6 18 11 13 4 127 8 7 13 28 4 429 52 89 70 84 48 £ s. d 677 0 C 73 5 C 121 10 C 106 10 C 132 5 C 69 15 C 1 • Totals200 69 166 123 187 772 1,180 5 27

Date of Notice. description o: Machinery. vntten or Verbal. Parts of Machinery to be fenced, &c. Wellington. 1891. Aug. 8 ... Aug. 14 ... 1892. Jan. 1 ... Feb. 2 ... Saw-mill Saw-mill Written Written Fly-wheel of engine, and main driving-belts. Driving-belts of circular-saws and vertical saws. Chaff-cutting Flax-mill Verbal Written Engine and main driving-belt. Mouth of scutcher to be dressed up and reduced in width 3in. at each end ; depth to be 1-J-in. Driving-belt, where passing the stoking-space, to be boxed in. Upper lip of scutcher to be renewed, and a strong upright fitted to divide the width of opening in two. Fly-wheel of engine, counter-shaft, and main drivingbelts and pulleys. Feb. 23 ... Cutting firewood Flax-mill Verbal March 4 ... Written March 4 ... Flax-mill Written Tabanaki. 1891. Dec. 12 ... FJour-mill ... Written Vertical driving-belt where it passes through each floor, and a hand-rail on the lower flight of stairs. Main driving-belt from engine to crusher. Fly-wheel of engine and main driving-belt. Fly-wheel, and main driving-belt from engine to crusher. Dec. 13 ... Dec. 19 ... Dec. 21 ... Stone-crusher Dairy factory Stone-crush-ing Written Written Written Mablb'ough. 1891. Sept. 9 ... Sept. 9 ... Chaff-cutting Flax-mill Verbal Written Fly-wheels of engine and main driving-belt. Main driving-belt from engine to counter-shaft; also counter - shaft and pulleys, and main driving-belt of scutcher. All main driving-belts above the floor. Sept. 17 ... Sash and door factory Written


Return of Boilers Inspected during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.


Description of Machinery. J I s Wellington. Mar] [borough. b Nelson Tarannld North. J-aranafii. S <5 3 S3 >6 j ■§ j •§ .a CC CQ p pNβ] Soi [son nth. Wesi iland. To al. 3 Cβ i a Is 1 t>2 I C3 & I Air-compressing Bark-mill Boiling-down establishments Bone-mills Biscuit factories Brick-making machines Breweries Brush factory Bacon-curing Cement-mixing Cordial factories Cabinet-making Chaff-cutting machines Coffee- and spice-mills .. Ooach factories Cooperages Dye-work's Dairies Dredging-machines Electric-light machines Flour-mills Foundries Fire-engines Fire-wood cutting Gasworks Hauling-machinery Hoisting-machinery Hydraulic lifts Jam factories Locomotives Laundries Machine-shops Meat-preserving works .. Phormium-dressing Printing Pumping-machinery Quartz-crushing Refrigerating-machines.. Road-roller Saw-mills Sash and door factories Sheep-shearing Soap-and candle-works.. Soap-works Stone-crushing Steaming Sausage-machines Tanneries Threshing-machines Tobacco-cutting Traction-engines Tomato-sauce factory .. Vinegar factory Venetian-blind factory .. Wool-dumping Wool-scouring machines Woollen mill Well-sinking Winding-machinery Patent fuel Blood-drying 16 2 4 10 9 1 1 7 8 31 1 3 5 1 4 2 10 7 1 11 1 2 15 1 16 4 6 6 17 4 1 *5 2 1 2 8 1 1 2 1 1 2 10 "i i " X 'i i i 4 i 1 2 10 2 5 2 4 1 1 I i i ! " ■• I .. I *' i .. 5 is 1 1 10 1 1 1 " 2 2 2 1 4 1 i ■ • 4 5 8 17 9 i 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 *7 1 2; l: 11 25 1 16 1 15 12 l: 3i i .. "i 3 2 i i 8 6 1 1 1 3' 1 l: 1 7 1 49 13 7 2 2 'e j 2 3 24 4 1 9 3 *6 1 17 1 1 111 24 11 2 1 3 3 2 22 8 2 4 2 2 2 4 "i 35 6 2 1 i .. 1 "l 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 9 1 2 ' 1 2 Totals* 330 5 47 2 86 61 44 651 76 * Included in the above totals are fivi h■draul. lc lifts. fo: wh: fi ;es hi ive boon ihari ;ed ,t tin rati of 15s. each.



Return of Notices given to Repair Boilers during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

iistnct and Da of Notice. description o Boiler. Written or Verbal Notice. Nature of Repairs ordered. Wellington. 1891. April 6 ... April 9 ... Multi-tubular ... Portable Verbal ... Written ... Boiler to be retubed. Crack in tube-plate pinned up and two extra stays fitted. Patch on shell below flange of check-valve. Six vertical stays fitted from crown of fire-box to top of boiler. Blow-off fitted, and plug-hole made for examination. New patch below blow-off cock-liange, and new cock fitted. Fire-box repaired, and several new stays fitted. Extra wash-out plugs fitted. Several new rivets in the furnace, and landings caulked. Mud-door renewed, and plate-patch round the opening. Skirt of fire-box caulked, and plate - patches round mud-holes. Longitudinal stay fitted, and larger safety-valve. New fire-box. New furnace. New furnace. New furnace. Longitudinal stays fitted to dome. Patch on upper part of shell. Crack in fire-box pinned up, and two extra stays fitted. Patch over fire, on the bottom, renewed. New tubes and seating for fusible plug fitted. Patch round mud - hole opening, and under flange of blow-off cock. The bottom plates of barrel, new tubes and palm-stays. Skirt of fire-box landing to be pared and caulked. New longitudinal stay in steam-space. Three extra stays in lower part of tube-plate, and new mud-hole door. The fire-box ends of tubes fitted with ferrules. The tubes to be removed, boiler cleaned, and tubes replaced. New diagonal stay fitted in steam-space. Longitudinal stays rearranged, and patch fitted under the flange of blow-off cock. New patch under flange of blow-off cock. Longitudinal stays fitted. New fire-box, and all stays renewed. New safety-valve and spring-balance to be fitted. Patch on bottom of shell renewed. Two new tubes fitted. Crack in tube-plate pinned up, and new stay fitted. New stud in hand-hole door, and new dog fitted. To be retubed. The tubes to be drawn, the boiler cleaned, and tubes replaced. Two extra dog-stays fitted on crown of fire-box. Two extra wood plugs fitted. Patch on side of fire-box. April 9 ... April 13 ... Multi-tubular ... Vertical Verbal ... Written ... April 16 ... Multi-tubular ... Written ... June 15 ... Cornish Verbal ... July 23 ... July 27 ... August 6 ... Portable Portable Semi-tubular ... Verbal Written ... Verbal ... August 11 Portable Verbal ... August 27 ... Portable Verbal ... August 28 ... August- ■ 30 • ... September 1 September 1 ... September 11 December 22 ... December 30 December 30 ... 1892. Cylindrical shell Vertical Cornish Cornish. Lancashire Multi-tubular ... Multi-tubular ... Portable Written ... Written ... Verbal ... Verbal ... Written ... Written ... Verbal Written ... January 7 ... January 13 January 14 Multi-tubular ... Portable Vertical Verbal Written ... Verbal ... January 14 ... Locomotive Written ... January 16 ... January 20 ... January 27 ... Portable Portable Portable Verbal ... Verbal ... Written ... January 27 ... February 1 Portable Portable Verbal ... Written ... February 1 February 2 ... Portable Cornish Verbal ... Verbal ... February 2 ... February 3 ... February 3 February 12 ... February 18 ... February 20 ... March 2 ... Semi-tubular ... Multi-tubular ... Portable Portable Multi-tubular ... Vertical-tubular Portable Verbal ... Verbal ... Written ... i Verbal Verbal ... Verbal ... Written ... March 3 ... March 4 ... March 4 ... Portable Portable Portable Verbal ... Verbal ... Written ... March 8 ... March 9 ... March 12 ... Maklbobough. 1391. Portable Portable Vertical Written ... Verbal ... Verbal ... April 9 ... Portable Written ... Crack in tube-plate pinned up, and two extra stays fitted. Skirt of fire-box sheathed, and new tubes fitted. Set of new tubes fitted. New longitudinal stays fitted. September 28 ... September 29 ... October 3 4—H. 2' Portable Portable Portable Verbal ... Written ... 1 Verbal ... I.



Return of Notices given to Repair Boilers— continued.

The Inspectob of Machineey, Canteebuey Disteict, to the Secbetaey, Marine Depamentrt. Sib,— Christchurch, 13th April, 1892. I have the honour to forward annual report of boilers and machinery inspected by me in the Canterbury District during the financial year ended the 31st March, 1892, which contains all particulars in the same form as usual. The number of inspections and amount of fees are nearly the same as last year, but there are a small number of boilers I have not been able to inspect for want of time; also some small boilers used only for chaff-cutting for about six months in the year I have been obliged to pass, in order to get time for the more important inspections of those used for threshing. Besides my ordinary surveys of local steamers, much of my time has been taken up with marine work such as the repairs to the s.s. "Industry" and the s.s. "Duke of Buckingham," both of which required extensive repairs. I regret having so many accidents to report for the year. In the case of George Knapp, the owner of mill states he had all protected, but the protection to end of shaft had been removed by Knapp himself, This mill is now used only as a flour-mill. During the year, 51 new boilers have been inspected for the first time ; 35 of these, equal to 254--horse power, are imported boilers, and 16 boilers, equal to 156-horse power, are colonial-made. Of the imported bcilers 27 are traction-engines, and are used for threshing. The makers of these engines are increasing in number. The engines and boilers are mostly strongly and carefully constructed, but I regret to say comparatively few of the owners take any care of them, and trust them in the hands of drivers totally incompetent. There have been no collapses of furnaces during the year, showing that the precautions taken to prevent such accidents have been successful. Should any further information be required I shall be happy to supply it. I have, &c, Geoege Ceoll, The Secretary, Marine Department, Wellington. Inspector of Machinery.

listrict and Da: of Notice. ;e 'esonption o: Boiler. Written or Verbal Notice. Nature of Repairs ordered. 1891. Nelson South. May 11 ... Four additional girders and stays on combustion chamber. Combustion chamber girders renewed. Marine type Written ... May 20 ... Cylindrical tubular Cornish Water tube Portable Written ... June • i ... June 4 June 15 ... Written ... Verbal Written ... New furnace-crown. New neck-tubes. New man-hole door. Nelson Nobth. October 1 ... October 2 ... October 16 November 5 ... November 5 ... November 3 October 8 ... Vertical Vertical Cornish Multi-tubular ... Cornish Cornish Multi-tubular ... Written ... Written ... Written ... Written ... Verbal ... Written ... Verbal ... Bottom of shell repaired. New dog for man-hole door. Patches on front plate for blow-off and mud-door. Compensating-ring round man-hole. Crack in furnace repaired. New gauge-mountings fitted. New patch on shell over the lire. Westland. May 25 ... May 25 ... May ■ -25 ... June 25 ... Portable Multi-tubular ... Portable Vertical tubular Verbal ... Verbal Written ... Written ... To be retubed. To be retubed. Two additional dog-stays on crown of furnace. New fire-box, and bottom of shell renewed. Taeanaki. November 12 ... November 20 Portable Multi-tubular ... Verbal ... Verbal New studs in blow-off cock gland. The corroded part of plate round mud-hole cut away and new door fitted. New plate top of shell, patch in fire-box, and new fusible plug. Skirt of fire-box and shell of boiler sheathed. One new tube- fitted and the others made tight. New longitudinal stay in steam-space, and handhole cut. New doubling-plate round opening of man-hole New spring-balance to be fitted. November 24 Portable Written ... November 24 ... November 26 ... December 12 Vertical Multi-tubular ... Portable Written ... Written ... Verbal ... December 17 ... December 18 Multi-tubular ... Portable Verbal ... Written ..


Return showing the Number of Land Boilers Inspected in the Canterbury District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

Return showing Fees payable for the Inspection of Boilers and Machinery in the Canterbury District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

Return of Machinery Inspected in the Canterbury District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.


Portable. Stationary. Name of District. Under 5 to 10 5 h.p. h.p. 31 167 Over lOh.p. Under 5 to 10 5 h.p. h.p. I Over 10 h.p. Total. ianterbury ... 4 105 30 68 405

Name of District. Pees payable in respect Fees payable in respect of Boilers. of Machinery. Total. Canterbury £ 536 s. a. 0 0 £ s. a. Nil. £ 536 s. a. 0 0 Note. —There are seven maxi] ium fees, including twenty-four boilers over 10 h.p., and 1 boiler under 10 h.p. Gboege Ceoll, Inspector of Machinery.

Description of Machinery. Cβ P CO Description of Machinery. 9 Ti H C3 m CD T3 S Asphalt-works ... Baths Biscuit factories Boiling-down ... Bone-mills Boot factories ... Brush factory ... Blind factory ... Bicycle factories Breweries Brick- and tile-works Carriage factories Chemical-works Cooking and warming Collieries Coffee-mills Cooperage Chaff-cutting ... Cordial factories Cabinet-works ... Dairy factories... Dock and slip ... Electric lighting Fire-engines Firewood-sawin g Flax-mills Flour-rnills Flock-mill Foundries and ironworks 1 2 2 9 3 1 1 3 9 2 2 1 1 4 2 3 23 4 8 3 2 2 4 8 5 12 1 26 "f* 1* Gasworks Goods-lifts Laundry ...■■. Locomotive Meat-preserving Oatmeal-mills ... Potteries Printing Pumping Road-roller Eoad-haulage ... Refrigerating-works Sausage-chopping Saw-mills Seed-cleaning ... Sheep-shearing... Soap-works Stone-breaking... Stone-sawing ... Tanneries Threshing, portable engines „ traction-engines Tram-engines ... Well-sinking Winches and cranes Wool-washing ... Wool-dumping ... Woollen-mills ... I 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 1 3 26 23 2 3 5 2 1 5 26 76 7 2 16 6 4 2 5* i% i* 1 2 4 3 4 if * Gas. t Electricit;



Return of Defects found on Inspection of Boilers and Fittings in the Canterbury District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

Note. —Of the above boilers five are now out of use; the remainder have been repaired, or are working at reduced pressure.

Return of Notices given to Fence Dangerous Parts of Machinery in the Canterbury District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

'escnp; ilQB o: :ec ;s. langcrous. Unary. Cracks in crown-plate Cracks in furnace... Cracks in neck of uptake ... Cracks in bottom of shell ... Crown of fire-box down Crown of furnace burnt (low water) ... Grooving in neck of angle-iron Lamination Longitudinal stay broken ... Pressure-gauge incorrect Patches in fire-box Screwed stays to renew Spring balance incorrect Tubes thin or pitted Tube-plates thin, also side-plates of fire-box ... Wasted from leakage Wasted from damp seating Wasted in shell ... Wasted in fire-box 1 3 2 1 1 1 "i "a "i 2 1 1 10 3 1 5 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 10 3 1 6 2 5 2 3 1 "i 2 2 6 "2 1 3 2 1 Totals ... 18 32 50

>ate o1 uoe. lescrip ;ion oi .aoi iinery. ace. 'ar ;icu. lars. 1891. June 3 ... July 30 ... Vertical drill Boot factory Verbal Verbal To protect gearing with sheet-iron cover. To protect fly-wheel of gas-engine, shafting, and gearing on ends of rollers. To fit safety-catch on chair. (This chair was used to hoist passengers on cathedral spire.) To fit safety-catches on cage. To fit safety-catches on cage. To fit safety-mouthpiece to water-scutcher. To cover in gearing of drying-machine. To protect shafting and gearing as pointed out. To protect shafting and gearing as pointed out. To protect shafting and gearing as pointed out. To straighten shafting and adjust bearings. To box round upright shaft, also to erect sides to bridge over water-race. To box over shaft from water-wheel. To protect end of counter-shaft and feed-rollers. To fence side of water-wheel, box over countershaft, and readjust bearings of counter-shaft. To fit safety-mouthpiece to scutching-machine. To shift safety-catch on cage. To protect shaft, driving-pulleys, and belt. Aug. 7 ... Passenger-hoist Written Sept. 33 ... Sept. 23 ... Oct. 19 ... Oct. 20 ... Nov. 3 ... Nov. 17 ... Nov. 17 ... Nov. 17 ... Nov. 17 ... Goods-lift Goods-lift Flax-mill Wool-washing Boiler flour-mill Stone flour-mill Boiler flour-mill Flax-mill ... Stone flour-mill Written Written Verbal Verbal Verbal Verbal Verbal Verbal Verbal Nov. 25 ... Nov. 30 ... Dec. 11 ... Flax-mill ... Flax-mill ... Flax-mill ... Verbal Verbal Written Dec. 11 ... Dec. 28 ... Dec. 31 ... 1892. Jan. 14 ... Jan. 14 ... Jun. 23 ... Flax-mill ... Goods-lift Printing ... Written Verbal Verbal Flax-mill ... Flax-mill ... Boiler flour-mill Verbal Verbal Verbal To protect or cut oft' end of counter-shaft. To fit safety-mouthpiece to scutching-machine. To protect shafting, gearing on rollers, and belts as pointed out.



Return of Accidents to Life and Limb which have occurred in connection with Boilers and Machinery in the Canterbury District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Nature of Accident. Fatal; or not. Cause of Accident and Bemarks. JabezBhodes, Christch'ch G. J. F. Lublow, Ashburton Wool-teasingj machine, steam power Flax-mill, water power Levi Blood, aged 14 years George Knapp aged 21 years Loss of right hand Loss of right arm Not Not This machine is fed by a travelling webbing on which the wool is spread and carried forward to feed-rollers; Blood was standing on a box attending to this; the box tipped, and he fell forward, thrusting his hand into the machinery. Mr. Ehodes states the lad had no business there. The lad told me it was his own fault. Knapp was engaged carrying out the hanks of flax from scutchingmachine when the end of the hank got entangled on end of shaft, thus twisting his arm so badly that it was found necessary to amputate at the shoulder. This mill had been originally a flour-mill, and had not been inspected since erection of flaxdressing machinery. The machinery was not sufficiently protected ; but the accident was caused more by the floor being littered with timber and spare machinery. Purker was engaged feeding the chaff-cutter; his right hand got caught in feed-rollers, and before he recovered presence of mind to reverse the rollers his hand was chopped off to the wrist. He had .fed the same machine for ten Thomas Wreaks, Christch'ch Chaff-cutting steam James Purker, aged 40 years Loss of right hand Not power The Christchurch Meat Company, Islington Wool-drying machine, steam Eobert Benjamin, aged 19 years Two fingers crushed Not years. The engineer reports Benjamin's duty was to attend to filling and emptying machine, but he overstepped his duty, and removed the cover of gearing, and commenced cleaning and oiling while the machinery was in motion. The oiling is attended to by the engineer, and only when the machinery is stopped. The unfortunate victim in this case was brother to the owner. Whilst engaged feeding the machine his foot rolled on a sheaf, and he slipped into the drum. "Every effort was made to save his life, but to no purpose. When I inspected this machine just one month previous to accident it was then fitted with a self-feeder, which is a sure protection for mouth of drum. On subsequent inquiry I find it had been removed for alteration, and they continued threshing meantime ; it was then the accident happened. Although the self-feeder is only in the experimental stage, yet nearly every machine in Canterbury is fitted, with one, so far with good results. power Peter ChalLeg taken off in drum mers, Chertsey Threshingmachine, steam James Chalmers, middle aged Fatal power



Return of Accidents to Boilers and Machinery reported as having occurred in the Canterbury District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

Return of Notices given to Repair Boilers in the Canterbury District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

Annual Eeport on Woek done. Sic, — Office of Inspector of Machinery, Dunedin, sth May, 1892. I have the honour to forward you the annual report of inspection of boilers and machinery in the Otago District for the financial year ended the 31st March, 1892, contained in the accompanying tables. In forwarding this report I am very sorry to state that trade in all branches in this province has been very bad. I think that the iron trade seems to have suffered most of all: and, as you

Date of Accident. Owner's Name and Address. Nature and Cause of Accident. 1891. 5ept 23 William Cuddon, Fendaltown H. Harrison, Eakaia Cornish boiler. Crown of furnace leaking. Caused by water too low in boiler. Traction-engine. Leaking in fire-box. Caused by waterspaces having been full of mud. Tubular boiler. Bottom of boiler leaking; plate cracked. Cause not discovered. Within a few days was reported leaking again. Found new plate cracked same as previous one. Had plate renewed, and lowered furnacebars 4in. Eesults so far satisfactory. Hydraulic press worked by hand. Top plate broken. Cause, overpressure. Boiler of tram-engine. Copper fire-box thin in places. Caused by the gas-coke used for fuel. Boiler of tram-engine. Copper fire-box thin. Caused by the gas-coke used for fuel. Dec. 1 1892. an. 18 Thomas York, Woolston ,lar. 25 Bowron Brothers, Woolston lor. 26 Tramway Company far. 81 Tramway Company

;e. 'oscripi ;ion o: ioi] :er. ;ice. 'ari iicu: ars oi ■epairs. 1891. April 10 ... Vertical... Verbal To shift up foundation-ring, and cut away bad part of plate in fire-box. To renew spring-balance of safety-valve. To tap plug in at end of rivet-cracks in order to prevent crack extending. To renew spring-balance of safety-valve. To renew crown-plate, also strengthening ring at man-hole. To stay sides of fire-box (is now out of use). To shift up foundation-ring, and cut away bad part of plates in fire-box. To renew patch in fire-box, and twelve stays. To tap plugs in at end of rivet-cracks to prevent cracks extending, also renew pressure-gauge. To renew tube-plate (is now out of use). To renew ten screwed stays. To repair corners of fire-box, and renew tubes. To renew fire-box. To renew uptake. To renew injured plates over fire. To renew bottom plates of shell. To renew longitudinal stay broken. To cut out cracked plate and fit new plate. April 28 ... May 6 ... Portable Portable Verbal Verbal May 16 ... May 16 ... Portable Vertical... Verbal Verbal May 23 ... May 23 ... Vertical... Portable Verbal Verbal July 15 ... July 15 ... Tram-engine Portable Verbal Verbal July 18 ... July 18 ... July 30 ... Aug. 7 ... Sept. 11 ... Sept. 23 . . Nov. 17 ... Nov. 18 ... Dec. 1 ... 1892. Jan. 18 ... Jan. 25 ... Feb. 12 ... Feb. 12 ... Feb. 24 ... Mar. 16 ... Tram-engine Tram-engine Portable Tram-engine Vertical... Cornish ... Vertical Portable Traction Verbal Verbal Verbal Verbal Written Verbal Written Verbal Verbal Vertical Portable Portable Portable Portable Portable Written Written Written Written Written Verbal To renew skirt of boiler-shell. To renew fire-box and tubes. To cut out cracked plate, and fit new plate. To renew fire-box. To renew fire-box, tubes, and pressure-gauge. To cut out cracked plate and fit new plate.


Will see, the number of boilers added to the official numbers—namely, 47—is a great decrease this year to what it has been of late years. At the end of March there were still a number of inspections remaining to be done; and, with the increase of marine work here and the time taken up in the examinations of engineers, I cannot see that the work can all be overtaken. Possibly if you can see your way to fix a special time for examinations—say, about the beginning of each month —this, I think, would be the means of saving much time, and also enable candidates to look forward to a fixed time. Bemarks on Tables. The defects found on inspection of boilers and machinery have been of the usual character, and repairs have been all more or less executed according to notice served. Notices to repair have been in many cases verbal, where only small repairs were required. The only really dangerous one was on the 3rd April, 1891, where, if the plate had given way, no doubt the whole dredge would have been ruined, accompanied with loss of life. There has not been much fencing required, as there has not been much new machinery put up during the year. Accident to Boiler reported. —There has been only one accident, the bottom of shell coming down twice. Notice to remove Dangerous Parts of Machinery. —There has been no occasion for any removal. Accidents to Life and Limb. —There have been altogether four accidents reported. In the first case the accident took place through the removal of the fencing or protection which was on it. Had this been left on, the accident would not have occurred. This accident (B. Miller), although terminating fatally, was not due altogether to the original accident, but to what took place afterwards. Accident at Hydraulic Lift. —This accident ( — Kerr), as reported in the table, could not in any way be prevented. Accident at Twining Machine. —This accident (J. Grey), as already explained, occurred through inadvertence, and could not be guarded against. I have, &c, Alexander Cbaweobd, Inspector of Machinery. Lewis H. B. Wilson, Esq., Assistant Secretary, Marine Department, Wellington.

Return showing the Number of Land Boilers Inspected in the Otago District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

Return of Fees payable for the Inspection of Boilers and Machinery in the Otago District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

Return showing the Number of Steam-digesters and Hydraulic Lifts Inspected in the Otago District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.


.nspeci Number of Portabli Boilers. Number of Stationary Boilers. - Total. Under 5 to 10 Over 5 h.p. h.p. 10 h.p. Minimum Fees. Under 5 to 10 5 h.p. h.p. Over 10 h.p. Alexander Crawford Eobert Duncan 15 20 65 140 7 6 60 83 25 31 99 75 271 355 £ s. d. 393 15 0 469 5 0

Description of Boilers, &c. Pees payable in respect of Boilers. Fees payable in respect of Machinery. Total. 'ortable Stationary Machinery £ B, d. 330 0 0 533 0 0 £ s. a. } £ 863 s. d. 0 0

Inspected by Steam-digesters. Hydraulic Lifts. lexander Crawford iobert Duncan 6 14 16 18 Totals 20 34



2.— Return of Defects found on the Inspection of Boilers and Fittings in the Otago District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

'escnp jion. 'angerous. in linary. ;a. .emarl ks. Portable (17/4/91) Tubular (20/4/91) Portable (22/4/91) Tubular (23/4/91) Tubular (24/4/91) Portable (25/4/91) Portable (28/4/91) Portable (19/5/91) Portable „ Portable „ Portable „ Traction (25/5/91) 2 1 i i 2 1 1 Through bar-stays corroded. Four new stays and gear. No steam-gauge. Patch on bottom. Two patches on bottom. No steam-gauge. Crack in fire-box to be drilled out; two mud-holes to be patched up ; new bottom - cock gaugeglass. "l Two pieces to be cut out of firebox and patched. Eing round furnace tubes. Manhole to be made larger. Mudhole to be cut to get at crown of portable. Two mud-doors to be fitted to portable. Patch at bottom of outer D shell. Patch at feed drum. Patch in furnace mouth. Patches at two mudholes. Patch on bottom at blow-off. Mudholes all to be patched. No steam-gauge. New dog-stay. New steam-gauge. Patch on bottom. Fore-part of fire-box renewed. Two mudholes to be patched. Patch at feed-check and on mudhole. Patch at mudhole. Bar-stay in steam-space; crack in fire-box to be drilled out. Extra dog across crown of fire-box. New gauge-glass. New steam-gauge; new bar-stay to steam-space. One new bar-stay in steam-space. Two patches in fire-box, new tubes, and new steam-gauge. Two new tube-plates. New steam-gauge to be got. One mudhole to be patched. Cylinder-saddle and blow-off to be repaired. Mudholes to be repaired. Eing round manhole. Water-gauges all bad. Ash-pit bad, to be repaired. Crack in fire-box repaired. Mudhole cut; two new rows of tubes. Small patch at end. Bottom of shell out, flue come down If in., and showing fracture through oil. Found joints all blowing-out; top of boiler and rivets leaking. Tube-plate cracked, and has been repaired. Found two plates with lamination, two pieces to be cut out and plate renewed. New tube-plate put in and new new set of tubes. New set of tubes. Water-gauges all bad. Cornish tubular (25/5/91) Cornish (25/5/91) Portable (26/5/91) Portable (28/5/91) Portable vertical (4/6/91) Portable vertical (5/6/91) Cornish (8/6/91) Portable (25/6/91). Tubular (11/7/91) Portable (13/7/91) Portable (16/7/91) Longitudinal tubular (20/7/91) ... Traction (23/7/91) Tubular (25/7/91) Vertical (13/8/91) Portable (29/8/91) Vertical (26/10/91) I Portable (13/11/91) Portable (8/1/92) Portable (9/1/92) Tubular (14/1/92) Portable (19/1/92) Portable (22/1/92) Portable (26/1/92) Tubular (29/1/92) Portable (8/2/92) Portable (18/2/92) Portable, No. 5758 (25/4/91) Vertical, No. 5773 (6/7/91) Portable, No. 5494 (18/8/91) Portable, No. 5682 (20/8/91) Vertical tubular, No. 6019 (31/8/91) Portable, No. 5108 (16/9/91) Tubular, No. 5993 (17/2/92) Egg-end, No. 5316 (27/2/92) Tubular, No. 5945 (3/4/91) "i i Tubular, No. 5329 (24/10/91) Vertical tubular, No. 5562 (26/10/91) i i Longitudinal tubular, No. 5308 (28/10/91) i i Vertical tubular, No. 5147 (12/11/91) i i Portable, No. 5351 (23/2/92) Portable, No. 5364 C23/2/92) 1 1 i i


Return showing the Number of Dentists' Boilers Inspected during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

1.—Return of Machinery Inspected in the Otago District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

4.—Return of Notices given to fence Dangerous Parts of Machinery in the Otago District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.


Inspected by Total. Robert Duncan

Description of Machinery. a coca 43 CO 13 s - ci U C4 ° a-s s> CO o Description of Machinery. a" cS CO 13 Gg U )h CO a -s CO 9 en c3 o Agricultural-implement works Bacon factory ... Bakeries Barrel staves factory Blacking factory Bone-mills Box factory Breweries Brass-, copper-, and leadworks Brick- and tile-works Cable tramways Cabinetmakers Cement-works ... Chaff-cutters ... Collieries Coffee- and spice-works ... Chemical-works Condensed milk factory ... 3 1 5 1 1 4 1 11 2 Hoists Hydraulic lifts ... Joineries Lathmaker Laundries Lead-pipe works Locomotives ... ... Machine-shops... Meat-preserving Oil-mills Parchment-works Poudrette-works Paper-mills Potteries Printing works ... Pumping water... Plumbing Eefrigerating-works Eope-works Eolling-mills Sausage-skins .. Sausage-machines Saw-mills Soap-works Soap- and candle-works ... Soda-crystal works Sheep-dip Starch-works ... Standard-works Stone-crushers ... Stone-cutting ... Tallow-factory ... Threshing-machines Turning, wood Twine-spinning. Venetian-blinds Woollen mills ... Wool-scouring ... Wool-mat factories Wood-working Wire-working ... Wool-pressing ... Wheelwright 28 4 1 3 2 5 2 4 1 1 2 1 3 4 5 1 5 1 1 1 9 63 3 1 2 1 1 2 8 5 2 124 2 3 1 4 4 3 14 1 5 2 34 Cooperage Cocoa factory ... Chicory factory Cooking Confectionery ... Corn-crushers ... Dairy factories Dredges, harbour Dredges, gold ... Dye-works Engine-shops ... Foundries Fellmongeries ... Flour-mills Flax-mills Flock-mills Fruit-preserving Fish-preserving Firewood-cutting Fire-grate and range works Gasworks Gold-mining Hedge-knife works 10 2 3 1 33 . 16 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 6 2 8 3 26 6 16 16 3 12 26 2 3 1 3 2 3 1 1 3

Date of Notice. Class of Machinery. Parts requiring to be fenced. 1891. April 30 Scutcher for dressing flax Opening in drum to be reduced to 1-Jin. May 29 Gas-engine Fly-wheel to be protected by a guard at passage. Besides a number of verbal orders for small parts. 5—H. 29.



3.—Return of Notices given to Repair Boilers in the Otago District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

5.—Nature of Accidents to Boilers and Machinery reported as having occurred in the Otago District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

6.—Return of Notices to remove Dangerous Parts of Machinery in the Otago District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

7. —Return of Accidents to Life and Limb which have occurred in connection with Land Boilers and Machinery in the Otago District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

>ate of Notice. Description o: !oi: ler. ture o: iepairs on lerei 1891. 3 Lpril 20 Lpril 24 30 tfay 23 tfay 24 vlay 25 )ct. 24 )ct. 28 1892. "an. 8 "an. 19 "an. 26 Tubular ... Tubular ... Tubular ... Portable ,.. Traction ... Cornish tubular Cornish ... Tubular ... Tubular ... New plate to be put in bottom of shell. Four new stays in tube-plate. Two patches on shell. Eing round man-hole. Two pieces to be cut out of fire-box, and patched. Eing to be put round furnace tube. Man-hole to be enlarged for inspection. Several seams to be reriveted. Two pieces to be cut out, and patched in bottom of shell. Portable ... Portable ... Portable ... Bar-stay to be put in steam shoe. Bar-stay to be put in steam shoe. Two patches in fire-box.

Date of Accident. "ame and Address of Owners. Nature and Cause of Accident. 1891. .ug. 7 ... Miller's Creek Golddredging Company Miller's Creek Golddredging Company Plate over fire come down If in., and showing signs of fracture through oil getting into boiler. This same boiler, after having the new plate put in bottom of shell, has been reported as having come down again for about fin. I can only attribute this to the use of mineral oil setting into the boiler. )ec: 16 ...

Date of Notice. Name and Address of Owner. Nature of Machinery and Cause of Eemoval. ;ii ... Nil ... Nil.

fame ana Address of Owner. tescription oi Machinery. fame of Person injured. Nature of Accident. 'atal or not. cause of Accident and Eemarks. 'homas Bustor, Makarewa Brick -and - tile-mak-ing chineryAlfred Bustor, aged 16 years Left arm taken off, 16th April, 1891 Not This accident happened at the bevil wheels, which are there for transmitting the power from the engine to the pugmill. These wheels and shafts were all properly boxed in, by my orders, years ago; but it seems they had taken the boxing off for some purpose, and in the meantime the young lad got his left hand caught in the bevil-gearing, necessitating the amputation of his left arm. This accident, of course, could not have occurred had the boxing been allowed to remain on the machinery.


Return of Accidents to Life and Limb— continued.

{Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, nil; printing (1,350 copies), £35.]

By Authority : George Didsbuey, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB92. Price, Is.}


fame and Address of Owner. lescription oi Machinery. [ame of Person injured. Nature of Accident. 'atal or not. Cause of Accident ana Eemarks. iank of New, Dunedin r illiam Eoss & Co., Tyne and Nith Streets, Invercargill Scutcher for dressing flax Hydraulic lift Eobert Miller, aged 34 years Kerr, aged about 16 years Left arm broken,20th August, 1891 Head injured, 29th September, 1891 Not; fatal Not It seems that this accident was caused through putting a large hank of flax in through the opening, when it got hold of the hackle-plate, and tore off a piece of wood by which the hackle-plate was attached, and on the drum turning round it got jammed at the mouth-piece and burst it out (a plank 2in. thick, which he was leaning up against at the time), the force of the blow breaking his arm. It seems he was doing well enough after this ; but, being subject to epileptic fits, in one of these he smashed his arm about, after which thecase terminated fatally. This lift is used to go up to the different flats of the bank for household purposes. It seems this lad Kerr was delivering a parcel to the house up on the upper flat. The cage, when down, is level with the back-yard, and can be worked either above or below. It is supposed that, in lowering the cage, he had stopped in the recess long, and in springing out his foot slipped, and, falling back, the cage came down on his head, holding him there; but, as he will tell nothing as to how it happened, this is only supposition. He was taken to the hospital, but was discharged long ago, all well. 'hcenix Company, Limited, McLaggan Street, Dunedin Pinningmachine, or machine with rollers for breaking dough for confectionery Jam e s Grey, aged 14 years Eight hand lacerated & one finger broken,26th January, 1892 Not It appears that this lad was standing by the pinning-ma-chine, and put his hand on the roller (which is of brass, working on a brass plate); and, seeing the roller revolving, round and bright and smooth, put his hand on top. Another lad called out to him that if he did not take care he would lose his fingers, and he, in turning round to speak to him, inadvertently shifted his hand from the top to the bottom of the roller, when his hand was drawn in, with the above result—loss of one finger.


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Bibliographic details

MARINE DEPARTMENT. (ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1891-92.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1892 Session I, H-29

Word Count

MARINE DEPARTMENT. (ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1891-92.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1892 Session I, H-29

MARINE DEPARTMENT. (ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1891-92.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1892 Session I, H-29

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