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Return showing the Number of Land Boilers Inspected during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

The Inspectok of Machineby, Auckland District, to the Assistant Secretary, Marine Department. Sm,— Auckland, 16th April, 1892. I have the honour to submit to you the annual report on land boilers and machinery inspected in the Auckland District during the financial year ended the 31st March, 1892. During the above period 565 boilers and machinery attached, 26 digesters, and 56 machinery (motive-power other than steam) have been inspected, making a total of 647 inspections for the year, 332 of which were done by Mr. L. Blackwood. It is satisfactory to be able to state that there have been no accidents to life or limb with boilers to report, more especially so when the large number of inexperienced men attending to them is taken into consideration. During the year 54 boilers have changed owners, extended certificates have been issued for 5, making a total of 41 now in force. One boiler was brought from Otago, 2 from Canterbury, 1 from Wellington, and 1 taken to that district; 42 have been repaired, and 39 new ones have been put to work, 23 of which were imported, and 16 made here, The latter were inspected at intervals during construction, and afterwards tested with hydraulic pressure to 100 per cent, over the working-pres-sure. Eepairs to boilers have also been attended to, and when the repairs were large the boiler was afterwards proved, the test being regulated in accordance with age, &c. Apart from this, considerable time is taken up with surveys of and repairs to steamers, engineer examinations, inspecting dentists' vulcanizing boilers, and attending to sailing-vessels re lifesaving appliances. I regret having accidents with machinery to report: they are of that description which may be classified as not preventible, particulars of which are given in the returns. The appended returns give the number and description of the boilers and machinery inspected, fees payable, defects found in boilers and machinery, notices to repair boilers and protect dangerous parts of machinery, and accidents to life and limb in this district. I have, &c, The Assistant Secretary, Marine Department. W. J. Jobson.

turn. ier o: 'on ioi! lers. um ier oi uona: ioi. lers. 'ofca: Is. Name of District. Under 5 h.p. 5 to 10 Over h.p. 10 h.p. Under 5 h.p. i 5 to 10 h.p. Over 10 h.p. Boilers. Fees. lUckland ?aranaki lawke's Bay Vellington larlborough felson North Telson South Vestland ianterbury )tago 26 3 87 25 30 5 148 13 62 11 202 13 555 70 £ s. A. 819 5 0 106 10 0 13 6 4 109 18 27 8 13 167 205 30 4 7 13 10 4 13 79 10 26 22 16 105 143 71 6 18 13 4 30 56 127 8 7 28 4 68 174 429 52 89 84 48 405 626 677 0 0 73 5 0 121 10 0 132 5 0 69 15 0 536 0 0 863 0 0 1 31 35 Totals 119 659 116 562 271 631 2,358 3,398 10 0