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May Menshikofi, 44 Barque.. zzo 10 Timber .. Loss of boats, bulwarks, &c. Propeller- shaft broke At sea, about 12 miles abreast of Oamaru Off Pandora Bank S. to S.S.E. S.W. Hurricane Casualty caused by very heavy gale coming on suddenly Propeller-shaft broke while on a voyage from Auckland to Westport. Vessel put back to Russell under sail, and was then towed to Auckland for repairs An A.B. named John Humphrey, while engaged furling maintop-gallant sail, fell overboard and was drowned. The foot-rope on which he was standing previous to the accident was found to have parted Stranding caused by wind suddenly falling when vessel on bar Vessel touched the bar when being towed out, and, tug not being powerful enough, the vessel canted on to the rocks " Christina" was going up the harbour, apparently without a look-out, when she ran into the " Southern Cross," which was at anchor with her light burning Casualty caused through vessel being improperly moored Casualty caused through master taking bar too late on tide Casualty caused through vessel leaving centre ol channel during strong flood-tide to avoid fishing-smack which was entering the harbour The carpenter, William Mathew, while engaged aloft in making fast the main uppertopsail, fell from the weather-yardarm into the sea and was lost The boatswain, James Cocks, went on the port rail, just abaft the fore-rigging, to clear some of the gear, the vessel rolling a good deal, when he fell overboard and was lost Casualty caused through wind dropping when vessel was on bar John Barnard. June 8 years Pukaki, s.s., 4 years; Al at Lloyd's Schooner 850 29 Ballast.. Strong .. Alexander Stuart Ewan. 9 Alice Muir, 16 years Barque.. Coal .. Loss of life only 1 On voyage from Sydney to Kaipara; lat. 36° 30' S., long. 171° 43' E. s. Moderate breeze Edward Yarn all. 480 10 Huon Belle, 27 Ketch .. Timber.. Stranded; partial loss Stranded; partial loss Bar of Waimakariri River Tairua Harbour Light .. Charles Neilson. 14 42 4 S.W. July 10 years Sarah Pile, 27 years Brig'ntine 115 7 Timber.. S. Light .. Bror Albert Wiking. 12 Christina, 17 years Southern Cross, s.s., 17 years Theodore, p.s., 10 years Manaia, s.s., 17 years Industry, s.s., 4 years Schooner Schooner 59 124 4 11 Coal .. General Collision; slight damage Collision; slight damage Sunk at mooring Stranded; slight damage Stranded; partial loss ;i Auckland Harbour .. S.E. Light J John Tyloa. Martin Huggett. 23 Cutter .. 35 3 Nil Pembroke Wharf, Lake Wanaka, Otago Bar of Waitara Biver.. Elijah Charlton Hedditch. Alexander Thomas Fraser. Frederick Marshall. Aug. 7 Schooner 55 6 Nil S.W. Light breeze Light .. 12 29 Taranaki, 14 years Schooner Ship 1189 21 Grain .. General Loss of life only i E o c k s between Midchannel Eoek and Hunter's Point, entrance to Bluff Harbour On voyage from London to Dunedin W. N.E. Gale .. Horatio Gordon. 1130 Sept. 11 Waitangi, 17 years, Al at Lloyd's Ship 1128 25 General Loss of life only i Lat. 43° 13' S., long. 50°33'E. S.W. Moderate John Sinclair. 29 Elizabeth, 25 Ketch .. 33 3 Ballast.. Stranded; partial loss J-mile from West Wanganui Inlet, South Head, West Coast North-east of Hen and Chickens S.W. Light .. Robert Porter Westrupp. years Oct. 18 Northern Star, 16 years Barque.. 327 10 Bricks and sugar Vessel strained, and sprung a leak Deck swept by heavy seas N.E. Gale .. Very bad weather caused vessel to spring a leak, when she returned to Auckland Gregory Seymour Norris. Nov. G Lindores Abbey, 14 years, 100 Al Barque.. 863 19 Eice and cornsacks i On voyage from Rangoon to Talcahuano, Chili; lat. 51° S., long. 153° E. Napier roadstead W. Gale .. Heavy sea pooped vessel, when she rounded to and lay on her beam-ends, and one of the apprentices was carried overboard and lost Samuel Milligan Nelson. 8 Castor. 5 years Barque.. Wool Fire on board; partial loss Stranded; partial loss Fire broke out between decks twenty-eight hours after hatches had been put on. Master was blamed for not taking greater precautions when it was reported to him that ship was drawing into land. He was also blamed for leaving deck when close to land, the night being thick and wind squally. His certificate was suspended for three months from the 27th November, 1891, and he was ordered to pay cost of inquiry* Frank Richard Whitson John George Groombridge. 2005 31 8 Duke of Buckingham, s.s., 11 years 4-masted 2020 52 General Flint Eeef, Kaikoura .. S.E. Breeze .. * On the 5th January, 1892, the Governor, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by " The Shipping and Seamen's Act, 1877," directed the return of the master's certificate to him.