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RETURN of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department— continued.


Date of Name ot Vessel, Casualty. Age aud clpss Eig. g g, I Number of g> g I Passen .turo of Number Place where Casualty occurred. Wind. Decision of Court of Inquiry, &c. Name of Master. I PassenCargo. Casualty. Lives lost. Direction. Force. 1891. Nov. 9 Brazileira, 25 Barque.. 296 10 Timber.. Stranded: no damage One mile inside Buller Biver, Westporfc S.W. Light air Vessel attempted to enter against signal " Keep to sea," and anchored inside Western Tiphead. Hopper-dredge " Heathcote" towedher up river, when she took a sheer and grounded Straining caused by bad weather and cargo being dead-weight Augustus Skillen. years Dec. 3 Everest, 13 years Ship Shale .. Vessel strained and leaking Thirty miles S.E. by S. from Sydney H-eads, and again 200 miles S. by W. from New Zealand on voyage from Sydney to Liverpool Mary Catherine Bank, Kaipara S.W. Gale .. Charles Hibbert. 1680 20 K e b e c c a, .23 Timber.. Stranded; partial loss Calm .. Vessel grounded through attempt being made to tow vessel out without knowledge of depth of water An A.B., John Petersen, while engaged aloft loosing the foretopsail, fell overboard and was lost. He is supposed to have been knocked off the yard by the flap of the sail during a heavy roll of the ship Bruno Mclsaac. 17 Barque.. 413 10 years 23 Auriga, 22 years Barque.. 518 Sugar .. Loss of life only 1 On voyage from Mauritius to Dunedin w.s.w. Gale .. George Essex Stone. 31 Ahuriri, s.s., 5 years Fairy, s.s., 18 years Schooner 31 5 Ballast.. Collision; slight damage Collision; partial loss ■) Entrance to the Iron Pot, Napier Inner Harbour Strong breeze Collision caused by "Ahuriri" not answering her helm, owing to chain getting jammed i in block of steering-gear John Carvosson Tonkin. Donald McAllister. Ketch .. 33 4 Wool .. w. 1892. Brig'ntine 85 1 Stores and prov'ions Shale .. Flint Island, South Pacific Graving Dock, Lyttelton Harbour Near Otarau Point, Otago E.N.E. but fell Moderate, calm Jan. 4 29 Eyno, 19 years Everest, 14 years Ship .. 1680 8 19 Stranded; total loss Fire on board ; partial loss Stranded; total loss Casualty caused by wind falling Ship believed to have been set on fire Arthur Tribe. Charles Hibbert. Feb. 6 Star of Erin, 80 years, AA1, Lloyds Barque.. 949 19 Wool and grain E.S.E. Gale .. Casualty caused by over-confidence of Master in estimating distance from Waipapapa Point light, instead of paying more strict attention to chart, courses, and distances made When leaving the wharf the stern of the s.s. "Awarua" fouled the bow of the "Janet Ramsay " Casualty caused by vessel touching on bar when entering the river Vessel touched the ground when at anchor Edward Lovett Hopkins. 10 Janet Ramsay, 21 years Schooner 41 Timber.. Collision; partial loss 300 yards S.E. of wharf, Half-moon Bay, Stewart Island West Spit, Bar of Patea River Off Outer Reef, Patiti Point, Timaru Norrnanby, about 4 miles south of Timaru S.S.W. Gentle breeze Hello Schenkel. 20 Aorere, s.s., 6 years Parsee, 24 years Ketch .. 44 9 General Stranded; slight damage Stranded ; no damage Stranded; total loss S.E. Strong breeze Strong breeze Light .. William A. WildMar. 3 9 Elginshire, s.s., 5 months Ship .. Schooner 1281 2980 .18 51 5 Ballast.. Frozen meat, wool, tall ow, andN.Z. produce S.E. j N.E. Dense fog came on, totally obscuring the land. Lead was kept going, but, at 7 a.m., when land was seen, breakers heard, and course altered to N.E. Master committed error of judgment in not altering course to East, so as to go out to sea at right angles to his former course. Master was ordered to pay costs of inquiry. More complete survey of coast between Timaru and Oamaru should be made The master and a boat's crew of five men went ashore for orders, but, when returning to the ship, the boat capsized in the choppy sea and an A.B., named Gustaf Headlund, was drowned. The remainder of the men were rescued by the pilot-boat which put off from shore man. William Aiken Bailey. William Anderson Millar. Sardhana, 7 years, Al 100 Ballast.. Abont j-mile off Otago Heads William Jones. 26 Barque.. ;ill8 21 Loss of life * only