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Cuvier Island Lighthouse. No further steps have been taken in connection with the Snares Lighthouse, the Government of Victoria having questioned the suitability of the site on the main island, which was selected by the delegates in January, 1891. It has now been decided that the Engineer - in-Chief shall visit the islands as soon as convenient, with the view of reporting on the various sites, and furnishing an estimate of the cost of construction of the light on each site. Harbours. —A survey and report on the River Mokau was made by Mr. Perham with the view of ascertaining what works would be required to improve the navigation of the river, having regard to the possibility of a large coal-trade. Mr. Perham also reported on the protection of the river banks and improvement of the channel at Wanganui. At Nelson, arrangements were made to acquire the site of the leading beacons at a cost of £200. No repairs or alterations of importance were undertaken at any of the harbours under the control of this department. General harbour regulations relative to the carriage of gunpowder in lighters, to the speed of steamships having ships in tow, and to the passing of dredges at work, were made in February last. A sum of £3,000 voted for dredging at New Plymouth is being expended under the direction of the Public Works Department. Orders in Council. —The following Orders in Council, under the provisions of the Harbours Acts, have been issued during the year : — May 26, 1891. Approves plans of berthages for dredging-plant at Westport. May 26. Approves plans of gridiron at Westport. June 1. Approves plans of extension of wharf at Mercury Bay. June 1. Licenses Kauri Timber Company (Limited) to occupy foreshore at Mercury Bay for wharf-extension site. June 9. Fixes license-fees for watermen's boats, &c, in Manukau Harbour. June 16. Validates examination and allowance of accounts of Westport Harbour Board. June 30. Approves plans of ferry jetty off Quay Street, Auckland. June 30. Approves plans of wharf at Okain's Bay. June 30. Licenses Okain's Bay Road Board to occupy foreshore at Okain's Bay for wharf site. Julie 30. Approves plans of wharf at Little Akaloa. June 30. Licenses Okain's Bay Road Board to occupy foreshore at Little Akaloa for wharf site. June 30. Amends Raglan Wharf dues and regulations. July 7. Approves plans of low-level breastwork, Lyttelton. July 7. Approves plans of wharf on Turanga Creek, Auckland. July 7. Licenses Turanga Road Board to occupy foreshore on Turanga Creek for wharf site. July 21. Approves plans of extension of main wharf, Bluff Harbour. July 21. Approves plans of M. Clatworthy's boat-building shed, Clyde Quay, Wellington. July 21. Appoints members of Greymouth Harbour Board. July 21. Appoints members of Westport Harbour Board. September 23. Approves plans of G. J. Black's yacht-slip, Akaroa. September 23. Licenses G. J. Black to occupy foreshore at Akaroa as site for yacht-slip. September 23. Revokes dues for Mangawai Wharf, and fixes others. September 23. Revokes authority to St. Helier's Land, Building, and Investment Company to build wharf, Auckland. October 2. Approves of Thames foreshore license to T. A. Dunlop. October 2. Approves of Thames foreshore license to G. and W. Lovatt. October 2. Approves plans of Leyland, O'Brien and Company's timber-log booms, Auckland. October 10. Appoints member of Westport Harbour Board. November 6. Approves plans of repairs to Russell Wharf. November 13. Approves plans of Wanganui River-bank protection works. December 21. Appoints member of Westport Harbour Board. January 6, 1892. Makes regulations for election of members of Harbour Boards by local bodies, &c. February 1. Approves plans of removal of solid abutment, approach to Bluff wharves. February 1. Makes and amends General Harbour Regulations. February 15. Appoints member of Greymouth Harbour Board. ■ March 16. Approves plans of sheet-piling face-work at coal staiths, Westport. March 16. Approves plans of overfall weir at Orawaiti Overflow, Westport. March 22. Approves plans of boat-landing at Bright Street, Westport. March 22. Fixes dues and rates for Okain's Bay Wharf. March 22. Fixes dues and rates for Little Akaloa Wharf. March 31. Approves plan of site of W. and G. Turnbull and Company's fishing establishment at Picton. March 31. Licenses W. and G. Turnbull and Company to occupy foreshore at Picton as site for fishing establishment. March 31. Approves plan of site of A. Davidson's goods-shed at Wairoa, Hawke'sßay. March 31. Licenses A. Davidson to occupy foreshore at Wairoa, Hawke's Bay, as site for goods-shed. Light Dues. —The sum of £16,217 16s. 7d. was received for light-dues for the year, as against £15,794 14s. 9d. in the preceding year, thus showing an increase of £423 Is. 10d. Government Steamers. —The " Stella " is still laid up. The work of the Government is still carried out by the " Hinemoa," by which vessel all the lighthouses are attended to, buoys and beacons on the coast or in harbours under the control of the department are overhauled and painted, besides which regular trips have been made to the outlying islands of the colony. A considerable quantity of cargo has been carried for other departments, including railway-plant for the Railway Commissioners. During the year the "Hinemoa" steamed 31,451 miles, was 3,434 hours under