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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.

ORDERS OF REFERENCE. Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Wednesday, the 23rd Day oe July, 1930. Ordered, " That a Native Affairs Committee, consisting, by leave, of sixteen members, be appointed to consider all petitions, reports, returns, and other documents relating to affairs especially affecting the Native race that may be brought before the House this session, and from time to time to report thereon to the House ; with power to call for persons and papers ; three to be a quorum : the Committee to consist of Mr. Broadfoot, Mr. Clinkard, the Right Hon. Mr. Coates, Mr. Endean, Mr. Healy, Mr. Henare, Mr. Howard, Mr. Langstone, Mr. Maliitanara, Mr. McDougaU, Mr. Martin, Mr. O'Brien, Captain Rushworth, Mr. Waite, Mr. Williams, and the mover." —(Hon. Sir Apirana Ngata.) Tuesday, the 29th Day oe July, 1930. Ordered, " That all petitions not finally dealt with during the session of 1929 be again referred to the same Committees that they were referred to during the said session." —(Hon. Mr. Forbes.) Wednesday, the 6th Day oe August, 1930. Ordered, " That Paper No. 88, West Taupo Timber Lands and the Tongariro Timber Co., Ltd.: Statement as to Claims made in respect of Liabilities of the Tongariro Timber Co., Ltd., and regarding effect on Egmont Box Co., Ltd., of the Determination of the Tongariro Timber Co.'s Rights, be referred to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Hon. Sir Apirana Ngata.) Tuesday, the 23f.d Day op September, 1930. Ordered, " That the petitions of Te One Haereiti, Hiria Ahuriri, and Tupito Maruera and others, be referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Hon. Sir Apirana Ngata.) Wednesday, the 24th Day 1 of September, 1930. Ordered, " That the petitions of H. Hei, and Himiona Katipa, be referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee." — (Hon. Sir Apirana Ngata.) Friday, the 26th Day oe September, 1930. Ordered,, " That the petition of Himiona Katipa be referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee."—(Hon. Sir Apirana Ngata.) Tuesday, the 30th Day oe September, 1930. Ordered, " That the petition of Aperahama Anaru be referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee."—(Mr. Makitanara.) Wednesday, the Ist Day oe October, 1930. Ordered, " That the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Bill be referred to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Hon. Sir Apirana Ngata.) Thursday, the 2nd Day op October, 1930. Ordered, " That the petition of Elsie M. T. Pitama be referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Hon. Sir Apirana Ngata.) Monday, the 13th Day op October, 1930. Ordered, " That the Native Trustee Bill be referred to the Native Affairs Committee."—(Hon. Sir Apirana Ngata. )

I—l. 3.




No. Petitioner, &c. Page. I No. Petitioner, Ac. Pag* 175/30 Aperahama Anaru .. .. 7 107/30 Paerikiriki Otene and Taha Otene .. 8 100/30 Pakawau, Aorere .. .. 7 157/30 Chappie, William Allan .. .. 10 182/30 Paki Ihaka and 2 others .. .. 6 114/29 Pakihikura No. 1, 2, 3, and 4 .. 4 Final Report .. .. .. 11 319/29 Poutahi Hapimana (deceased) .. 6 406/29 Haenga Paretipua and 24 others .. 5 22/29 Hahau Block .. .. .. 4 357a/29\ „ „ . J" 8 22/29 Rangi Raroa and 22 others .. 4 206/30 / i° ra 01 '' •' \ 9 98/29 Rewiti T. Kohere and 11 others . . 9 166/30 Hamu te Karaka and another .. 8 100/30 Riley, W. R. .. .. .. 7 108/30 Hara Roera .. .. .. 7 114/29 Riwai Rangihuna.. .. .. 4 81/30 Hare Pomare .. .. .. 6 92/30 Rua te Kanga Kihirini and another.. 6 124/30 Heni Putiputi Roki .. .. 9 305/291 f 5 205/30 )- Himiona Katipa .. .. 9 216/30 J 10 .. Schedule of Petitions held over .. 12 33/30 Ilori Teira .. .. .. 6 .. Special Report (re Chairman) .. 11 Special Report (re Clerk) .. .. 11 107/30 Iritana Waimatao (deceased) .. 8 .. Special Report (re late Sir Maui 3 Pomare) 92/30 Kapui te Rangi Cemetery .. .. 6 320/29 Kawhe Toheriri .. .. .. 6 99/30 King, George Edward .. .. 10 124/30 Taikatiki Block .. .. .. 9 104/30 \ p _ 186/30 Ta Karangi Matetu .. .. 10 136/30 / 'I ja oela • • • • • ■ 166/30 Tamaku Himione (deceased) .. 8 122/28 I Tamihana Heta .. .. .. 3 108/30 Manawaora Lands .. .. 7 406/29 Te Haenga Paretipua and 24 others.. 5 406/29 Mangapoike A Block .. .. 5 321/29 Tihi Whanga and 9 others .. 5 205/30 Mangatu No. 1 Block .. .. 9 223/29 Tipiwai Houkamau and 5 others .. 5 305/29 \ / 5 266/29 Tipiwai Houkamau and another .. 4 216/30/ Mangatu No. 3 Block .. •• \10 , .. \ _ . _ / 3 114/29 Manutotara No. 2 Block .. .. 4 157/30 j Tonganro Timber Company .. | 1Q 357a/29\ , t . . .. , / 8 230/28 Tunapahore Block .. .. 4 206/30 / Maraehako Block .. •• \ <J 175/30 Tutira Block .. .. .. 7 98/29 Marangairoa Id Block .. .. 9 321/29 Tutuotakaha No. 2 Block .. .. 5 82/30 Matene Naera and 42 others .. 8 186/30 Maungatautari 6b Block .. .. 10 99/30 Motatau No. 2, Section 59 .. 10 230/28 Uru Rewiti .. .. .. 4 136/30} Muhunoa Block .. .. .. 7 124/30 Waiaranga Block .. .. 9 Native Land Amendment and Native 9 296/29 Waihou Lower D 2 Block .. .. 5 Land Claims Adjustment Bill 82/30 Waimamaku Block Burial-places .. 8 Native Trustee Bill .. .. 10 82/30 Wairau North Burial-places . . 8 319/29 Ngahuia Tuta and 4 others .. 6 129/30 Watikena Taonui .. .. 6 33/30 Ngaruahine Hapu .. .. 6 .. West Taupo Timber Lands and 3 33/30 Ngatitamaahuroa Block .. .. 6 Tongariro Timber Co., Ltd. : Report on Parliamentary Paper No. 88 33/30 Oeo Block .. .. .. 6 266/29 \ wu , , f 4 113/30 Ohuia 3 and 4 Blocks .. .. 8 223/29/ harekaluka Block .. " \5 129/30"| 122/28 Wharekauri Blocks .. .. 3 81/30 S- Oturei and Okapakapa Blocks .. 6 113/30 Wliare Paora and 3 others .. 8 182/30 J 320/29 Wi Ngamaiaia (deceased) .. .. 6 33/30 Ouri Block .. .. .. 6 296/29 Wiremu Rikihana .. .. 5



KEPOBTS. Special Report. I have the honour to report that on the motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Sir Apirana Ngata, it was unanimously resolved, — That the Native Affairs Committee desires to place on record its high sense of the great and distinguished service rendered to the Maori race by the late Hon. Sir Maui Pomare, and also of its appreciation of the work done by the late honourable gentleman as a member of the Committee ; and further expresses its sincere and profound sympathy with his relatives in their great sorrow. The Canoe of Fate, " Tatataeora," has taken an illustrious Chief from amongst us. Haere ra ! Further, that this resolution be recorded in the minutes and reported to the House, and a copy of the same be forwarded to the relatives of the late honourable gentleman. 21st August, 1930. [Translation.] Ripoata Motuhake. E whaihonore ana ahau kite ripoata i runga i te motini a Mr. Williams, i tautokoria e Ta Apirana Ngata i paahitia te motini, kaore rawa he reo whakahe ara, — E hiahia ana te Komiti Mo Nga Mea Maori kia tuhituhia tona whakaaro mo nga mahi nunui whakahirahira hoki i mahia e te Honore Ta Maui Pomare kua mate nei, mo te taha kite Iwi Maori, a me tona mihi hoki mo nga mahi pai i mahia e taua tangata honore i tona nohoanga mema o tenei Komiti; ame te whakaatu hoki ite nui o tona aroha ki ona whanaunga e noho mai nei i roto ite whare mate. Kua riro atu he rangatira i roto i a tatou i runga ite waka i a Tatata«roa. Haere ra ! A me tuhi tenei motini ki roto ki nga meneti a me ripoata atu hoki kite Whare a me tuku atu he kape ki nga whanaunga o taua tangata honore. 21 o Akuhata, 1930.

Paper No. 88. —West Taupo Timber Lands and the Tongariro Timber Co., Ltd. Statement as to claims made in respect of the liabilities of the Tongariro Timber Co., Ltd., and with regard to the effect on the Egmont Box Co., Ltd., of the determination of the Tongariro Timber Co., Ltd.'s rights. I have the honour to report that the Native Affairs Committee has duly considered the abovementioned paper, and begs to report the following resolutions : — 1. That the Committee, having investigated the case, is of opinion that the Tongariro Timber Co., Ltd., has not been able to substantiate any claim against the State. 2. That the Committee is of opinion that the Egmont Box Co., Ltd., has legal rights to the Western " A " Block, and that these should be defined by legislation or a fresh agreement. 21st August, 1930. (Minutes of evidence vide 1.-3 a.) [Translation.] Pepa Paremata Nama 88.—Whenua Rakau Hei Kani o Taupo Rato me Te Kamupene KaniRakau o Tongariro. He whakaaturanga mo nga kereeme o nga moiii hei utu ma te Kamupene Kani-Rakau o Tongariro, a mo te taha kite Kamupene Mahi Pouaka o Egmont a mo te whakakore i nga inana i tukua kite Kamupene Kani-Rakau o Tongariro. E whaihonore ana ahau kite ripoata kua whiriwhiria e te Komiti te Pepa Paremata kua huaina i runga ake nei a e inoi ana kia ripoatatia nga motini e whai ake nei : — 1. Kite whakaaro o te Komiti i runga i te uiuinga o tenei take kaore i whai take te kereeme a te Kamupene Kani-Rakau o Tongariro kite Kawanatanga. 2. Kite whakaaro o te Komiti i whaimana i raro i te ture te Kamupene Mahi Pouaka o Egmont ki Rato " A " Poraka a me mahi he ture hei whakamarama a hei whakaatu i aua mana me mahi ranei he kirimini hou. 21 o Akuhata, 1930. (Meneti o nga korero —tirohia 1.-3 a.)

No. 122/1928. —-Petition of Tamihana Heta, of Chatham Islands. Praying for further inquiry into family rights in Chatham Island lands (Wharekauri Blocks). I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 27th August, 1930.



[Translation.] Pitihana Nama 122/1928, a Tamihana Heta, o Wharekauri. E inoi ana kia uiuia ano nga mana o nga ropu whanau ki nga whenua kei Wharekauri (Wharekauri Poraka). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti. 27 o Akuhata, 1930.

No. 230/1928. —Petition of Uru Reweti, of Kawakawa. Praying that the recommendation of the Native Affairs Committee of 1915 be brought into effect. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 27th August, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 230/1928, a Uru Reweti, o Kawakawa. E inoi ana ko te kupu tohutohu a te Komiti Mo Nga Mea Maori o to tau 1915 kia whakamanaia. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti. 27 o Akuhata, 1930.

No. 22/1929. —Petition of Rangi Raroa and 22 Others, of Hahau Block. Praying for relief in connection with the Hahau Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 27th August, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 22/1929, a Rangi Raroa ratou ko etahi atu e 22, mo Hahau Poraka. E inoi ana kia whakaoraina mo Hahau Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti. 27 o Akuhata, 1930.

No. 114/1929. —Petition of Riwai Rangihuna, of Pakihikura. Praying for relief in connection with Pakihikura Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, and another Manutotara No. 2 Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 27th August, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 114/1929, a Riwai Rangihuna, o Pakihikura. B inoi ana kia whakaoraina mo Pakihikura Nama 1, 2, 3, me 4, a mo tetahi atu Poraka mo Manutotara Nama 2. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a tc Komiti. 27 o Akuhata, 1930.

No. 266/1929. —Petition of Tipiwai Houkamau and Another, of Wharekahika. Praying for reinvestigation into the allocation of the 28,000 shares awarded to the ancestor Te Hakarere in the Wharekahika Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has 110 recommendation to make. 27th August, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 266/1929, a Tipiwai Houkamau raua ko tetahi atu,. o Wharekahika. E inoi ana kia kimihia ano te putake o te wawahanga o nga hea e 28,000 i whakataua kite tupuna ki a Te Hakarere mo Wharekahika Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti. 27 o Akuhata, 1930.



No. 223/1929.—Petition of Tipiwai Houkamau and 5 Others, of Wharekahika. Praying for a rehearing of the claims to the shares awarded under the ancestor Makahuri in the Wharekahika Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 27th August, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 223/1929, a Tipiwai Houkamau ratou ko etahi atu tokorima, o Wharekahika. 15 inoi ana kia uiuia ano te kereeme ki nga hea i whakataua i raro i te tupuna i a Makahuri mo Wharekahika Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti. 27 o Akuhata, 1930.

No. 305/1929. —Petition of Himiona Katipa and 3 Others, of Gisborne. Praying for a rehearing of the Mangatu No. 3 Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 27th August, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 305/1929, a Himiona Katipa ratou ko etalii atu tokotoru, o Kihipane. E inoi ana kia uiuia ano a Mangatu Nama 3 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a to Komiti. 27 o Akuhata, 1930. No. 321/1929. —Petition of Tihi Whanga and 9 Others, of Wairoa. Praying for a reinvestigation of the title to the Tutuoteka.ha No. 2 Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 27th August, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 321/1929, a Tihi Whanga ratou ko etahi atu tokoiwa, o Wairoa. E inoi ana kia whakawaria ano te take paanga ki Tutuotekaha Nama 2 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti. 27 o Akuhata, 1930.

No. 406/1929. —Petition of Te Haenga Paretipua and 24 Others, of Wairoa. Praying for relief in connection with their rights to the Mangapoike A Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 27th August, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 406/1929, a Te Haenga Paretipua ratou ko etahi atu e 24, o Wairoa. E inoi ana kia whakaoraina mo te taha ki o ratou mana i roto i Mangapoike A Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti. 27 o Akuhata, 1930.

No. 296/1929.—Petition of Wiremu Rikihana, of Waihou. Praying for an inquiry in connection with the Waihou Lower D 2 Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 27th August, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 296/1929, a Wiremu Rikihana, o Waihou. E inoi ana kia uiuia ano a Waihou-Whakararo D 2 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti. 27 o Akuhata, 1930.



No. 319/1929. —Petition of Ngahuia Tuta and 4 Others, of Wairoa. Praying for relief in connection with succession to Poutahi Hapimana (deceased). I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 27th August, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 319/1929, a Ngahuia Tuta ratou ko etalii atu tokowha, o Wairoa. E inoi ana kia whakaoraina mo te taha kite riiwhitanga ki a Poutahi Hapimana (kua mate). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 27 o Akuhata, 1930.

No. 320/1929. —Petition of Kawhe Toheriri, of Taradale. Praying for rehearing of succession to Wi Ngamaiaia (deceased). I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 27th August, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 320/1929, a Kawhe Toheriri, o Taradale. E inoi ana kia uiuia ano te riiwhitanga ki a Wi Ngamaiaia (kua mate). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria.

No. 92/1930. —Petition of Rua Te Kanga Kihirini and Another, of Kerepeehi. Praying that power be given to the Native Land Court, Waikato-Maniopoto District, to reopen the investigation of title to the Kapui te Rangi Cemetery. 1 am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry, and that any necessary legislation be provided accordingly. 2nd October, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 92/1930, a Rua Te Kanga Kihirini raua ko tetahi atu, o Kerepeehi. E inoi ana kia whakawhiwhia tetahi mana kite Kooti Whenua Maori o te Takfwa o Waikato-Mania poto kia whakatuwheratia ano te whakawa take paanga kite Urupa o Kapui te Rangi. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia a ko te ture e ahei ana mo tenei take me whakarite. 2 o Oketopa, 1930.

No. 129/1930, Petition of Watikena Taonui, of Dargaville ; No. 81/1930, Petition of Hare Pomare of Pouto ; No. 182/1930, Petition of Pari. Ihaka and 2 Others, of Tokerau. Praying for a rehearing by the Appellate Court of the question of ownership of the Oturei and Okapakapa Blocks. 1 am directed to report, in reference to these petitions, that the Committee recommends a further hearing by the Appellate Court. 2nd October, 1930. — [Translation.] Pitihana 129/1930, a Watikena Taonui, o Dargaville; Pitihana 81/1930, a Hare Pomare, o Pouto ; Piihana 182/1930, a Paki Ihaka ratou ko etalii atu tokorua, o Tokerau. E inoi ana kia uiuia ano e te Aperata Kooti mehemea ko wai ma nga tangata no ratou a Oturei me Okapakapa Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, mo te taha ki enei pitihana, e tohutohu ana te Komiti kia uiuia ano e te Aperata Kooti. 2 o Oketopa, 1930.

No. 33/1930. —Petition of Hori Teira, of Pungarehu. Praying that confiscated land in Taranaki District formerly belonging to the Ngaruahine Hapu be returned or compensation granted. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 2nd October, 1930.



[Translation.] Pitihana Nama 33/1930, a Hori Teira, o Pungarehu. E inoi ana ko te whenua i murua kei roto i te Takiwa o Taranaki i mua no te Hapu o Ngaruahine me whakahoki me utu ranei kite moni kapeneheihana. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 2 o Oketopa, 1930.

No. 175/1930. —Petition of Aperahama Anaru and Others, of Hawke's Bay. Praying for legislation in respect of excess area of Tutira Block. 1 am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 2nd October, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 175/1930, a Aperahama Anaru raua ko tetahi atu, o Haaki Pei. E inoi ana kia mahia he ture mo tetahi whenua he hipanga no Tutira Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria paitia. 2 o Oketopa, 1930.

No. 108/1930.— Petition of Hara Roera, of Ohau. Praying that legislation be enacted to return lands known as Manawaora. 1 am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 2nd October, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 108/1930, a Hara Roera, o Ohau. E inoi ana kia mahia he ture hei whakahoki i nga whenua e mohiotia nei ko Manawaora. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti. 2 o Oketopa, 1930.

Nos. 104/1930 and J 36/1930. —Petition of Kipa Roera, of Ohau. Praying for inquiry into ownership of certain land in Muhunoa Block. 1 am directed to report that, as the petitioner has not exhausted his legal remedy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 2nd October, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 104/1930 me 136/1930, a Kipa Roera, o Ohau. E inoi ana kia uiuia mehemea ko wai ma nga tangata no ratou tetahi whenua kei roto i Muhunoa Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata i te mea kaore ano i pau noa i te kai-pitihana nga huarahi whakaoraora i raro i te ture te whaihaere kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti. 2 o Oketopa, 1930.

No. 100/1930. —Petition of W. R. Riley, of Rockville. Praying for inquiry into ownership of Lot la, Section 13, Block IV, Pakawau, Aorere. 1 am directed to report that, as the petitioner has not exhausted his legal remedy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 2nd October, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 100/1930, a W. R. Riley, o Rockville. E inoi ana kia uiuia mehemea ko wai ma nga tangata no ratou a Roto la, Tekiona 13, Poraka IV, Pakawau, Aorere. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata i te mea kaore ano i pau i te kai-pitihana nga huarahi whakaoraora i raro i te ture te whaihaere kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti. 2 o Oketopa, 1930.



No. 82/1930. —Petition of Matene Naera and 42 Others, of Waimamaku. Praying for relief in connection with their burial-places on the Wairau North and Waimamaku Blocks. 1 am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration, with a recommendation that legislation be enacted providing for inquiry by the Native Land Court. 2nd October, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 82/1930, a Matene Naera ratou ko etahi atu e 42, o Waimamaku. E inoi ana kia whakaoraina mo te taha ki to ratou urupa kei rungai Wairau Raki me Waimamaku Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria paitia, me te tohutohu kia mahia he ture whakamana kia uiuia tenei take e te Kooti Whenua Maori. 2 o Oketopa, 1930.

No. 357a/1929.—Petition of Hamiora Hei, of Gisborne. Praying for legislation to ensure the owners of Maraehako Block receiving a higher rental for their land. 1 am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 2nd October, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 357a/1929, a Hamiora Hei, o Kihipane. E inoi ana mo tetahi ture e whiwhi ai nga tangata no ratou a Maraehako Poraka kite moni reti nui ake mo to ratou whenua. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria paitia. 2 o Oketopa, 1930.

No. 113/1930. —Petition of Whare Paora and 3 Others, of Wairoa. Praying for inquiry into claims in respect of Ohuia 3 and 4 Blocks. 1 am directed to report that, as the petitioners have not exhausted their legal remedy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 2nd October, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 113/1930, a Whare Paora ratou ko etahi atu tokotoru, o Wairoa. E inoi ana kia uiuia te kereeme mo Ohuia 3 me 4 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata i te mea kaore ano i pau noa i te kai-pitihana nga. huarahi whakaoraora i raro i te ture te whaihaere kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti. 2 o Oketopa, 1930.

No. 107/1930. —Petition of Paerikiriki Otene and Taha Otene, of Hastings. Praying for relief in connection with the Estate of Iritana Waimatao (deceased). 1 have the honour to report that, as the petitioner has not exhausted his legal remedy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 2nd October, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 107/1930, a Paerikiriki Otene raua ko Taha Otene, o Hehitingi. E inoi ana kia whakaoraina mo te taha ki nga Taonga o Iritana Waimatao (kua mate). E whaihonore ana ahau kite ripoata i te mea kaore ano i pau noa i te kai-pitihana nga huarahi whakaoraora i raro i te ture te whaihaere kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti. 2 o Oketopa, 1930.

No. 166/1930. —Petition of Hamu Te Karaka and Another, of Te Teko. Praying for relief in connection with the interests in land of Tamaku Himone (deceased). I have the honour to report that, as the petitioner has not exhausted his legal remedy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 2nd October, 1930.



[Translation.] Pitihana Nama 166/1930, a Hamu te Karaka raua ko tetahi atu, o Te Teko. E inoi ana kia whakaoraina mo te taha ki nga paanga whenua o Tamaku Himone (kua mate). E whaihonore ana ahau kite ripoata i te mea kaore ano i pau noa i te kai-pitihana nga huarahi whakaoraora i raro i te ture te whaihaere kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Kooti. 2 o Oketopa, 1930.

No. 205/1930. —Petition of Himiona Katipa, of Gisborne. Praying re Mangatu No. I Block. 1 have the honour to report that, as the petitioner has not exhausted his legal remedy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 2nd October, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 205/1930, a Himiona Katipa, o Kihipane. E inoi ana mo Mangatu Nama 1 Poraka. E whaihonore ana ahau kite ripoata i te mea kaore ano i pau noa i te kai-pitihana nga huarahi i raro i te ture te whaihaere kaore kau he kupu tohutohu o te Komiti. 2 o Oketopa, 1930.

No. 124/1930. —Petition of Heni Putiputi Koki, of Tikitiki. Praying for relief in connection with moneys derived from Hare Pikoi's interests in Waiaranga and Taikatiki Blocks. 1 have to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry. 2nd October, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 124/1930, a Heni Putiputi Roki, o Tikitiki. E inoi ana kia whakaoraina mo nga moni o nga paanga o Hare Pikoi i roto i Waiaranga me Taikatiki Poraka. E ripoata ana ahau kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku tenei Pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 2 o Oketopa, 1930.

Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Bill. I am directed to report that the Native Affairs Committee, to which was referred the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Bill, has duly considered the same, and is of opinion that it should be allowed to proceed, subject to the amendments as shown on a copy of the Bill attached hereto. Bth October, 1930. [Translation.] Pire Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kua whiriwhiria e te Komiti Mo Nga Mea Maori, i tukuna atu nei ki a ia te Pire Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, taua Pire, a ki tana whakaaro me whakaae taua pire kia haere ana me nga menemana e man i runga i te kape o te Pire e tapiri nei. 8 o Oketopa, 1930.

No. 206/1930. —Petition of Hamiora Hei, of Gisborne. Praying for relief in connection with the Maraehako Block. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 14th October, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 206/1930, a Hamiora Hei, o Kihipane. E inoi ana kia whakaoraina mo te taha ki Maraehako Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria paitia. 14 o Oketopa, 1930.

No. 98/1929. —Petition of Rewiti T. Kohere and 11 Others. Praying for rehearing in connection with portion of Marangairoa Id Block, known as Hanhan Overlap. I have the honour to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 14th October, 1930.

2—l. 3.



[Translation.] Pitihana Nama 98/1929, a Reweti T. Kohere ratou ko etahi atu 11. E inoi ana kia uiuia ano te wahi o Marangairoa Id Poraka, e mohiotia nei ko te Hipanga o Hahau. E whaihonore ana ahau kite ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria paitia. 14 o Oketopa, 1930.

No. 157/1930. —Petition of William Allan Chapple, of Wellington. Praying for legislation for protection of English creditors of the Tongariro Timber Co. 1 am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 14th October, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 157/1930, a William Allan Chapple, o Poneke. E inoi ana kia mahia he ture hei tiaki i nga tangata Ingarihi kua nama moni kia ratou te Kamupene Kani Rakau o Tongariro. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti. 14 o Oketopa, 1930.

No. 216/1930. —Petition of Himiona Katipa, of Gisborne. Praying that the Native Land Court be empowered to redefine the relative interests in the Mangatu No. 3 Block. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner has not exhausted his legal remedy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 14th October, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 216/1930, a Himiona Katipa, o Kihipane. E inoi ana kia whakamanaia te Kooti Whenua Maori kite kimi ano i te paanga o ia tangata o ia tangata i roto i Mangatu Nama 3 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata i te mea kaore ano kia pau noa i te kai-pitihana nga huarahi whakaorora i raro i te ture te whaihaere kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti. 14 o Oketopa, 1930. i

No. 99/1930. —Petition of George Edward King, of Hokianga. Praying for a refund of money for license to cut timber on No. 2, Section 59. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 14th October, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 99/1930, a George Edward King, o Hokianga. E inoi ana kia whakahokia atu te mom mo te raihana tope rakau hei kani o Motatau Nama 2 Tekiona 59. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti. 14 o Oketopa, 1930.

No. 186/1930. —Petition of Ta Kabangi Matetu, of Owairaka. Praying that legislation be enacted restoring interest in Maungatautari 6b. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner has not exhausted his legal remedy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 14th October, 1930. [Translation.] Pitihana Nama 186/1930, a Ta Karangi Matetu, o Owairaka. E inoi ana kia mahia he ture whakalioki i nga paanga ki Maungatautari 6b. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata i te mea kaore ano kia pau noa i te kai-pitihana nga. huarahi whakaoraora i raro i te ture te whaihaere kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti. 14 o Oketopa, 1930.

Native Trustee Bill. I am directed to report that the Native Affairs Committee, to which was referred the Native Trustee Bill, has duly considered the same, and is of opinion that it should be allowed to proceed without amendment. 14th October, 1930.



[Translation.] Pire Kai-Tiaki Maori. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kua whiriwhiria e te Komiti Mo Nga Mea Maori te Pire Kai-Tiaki Maori i tukuna mai nei ki a ia a ki tona whakaaro me tuku taua Pire kia haere ana kaua he menemana. 14 o Oketopa, 1930.

Special Report. I have the honour to report that at its final meeting the Native Affairs Committee passed the following resolution : — " That the Committee desires to record .its appreciation of the efficient and courteous manner in which the Chairman, Mr. Clinkard, has conducted the business of the Committee, and that this resolution be recorded in the minutes and reported to the House." K. S. Williams, 14th October, 1930. Member of the Committee. [Translation.] Ripoata Motuhake. E whaihonore ana ahau kite ripoata i te hui whakamutunga o te Komiti Mo Nga Mea Maori i paahitia te motini e whai ake nei :— " E hiahia ana te Komiti kia tuhia ki roto i nga pukapuka tana whakanui mo te mohio me te pai 0 te whakahaere a te Tiamana a Mr. Clinkard i nga mahi a te Komiti a kia tuhia tenei motini ki roto 1 nga meneti a. kia ripoatatia atu kite Whare." K. S. Williams, 14 o Oketopa, 1930. Mema o ts Komiti.

Special Report. I am directed to report that at its final meeting the Native Affairs Committee passed the following resolution :— " That the Committee desires to record its regret of the resignation of its late esteemed Clerk, Mr. J. B. Hackworth, and appreciation of his long period of service ; and also its appreciation of the services of the Clerk of the Committee, Mr. E. M. Anderson, and that a vote of thanks be recorded in the minutes and reported to the House." 14th October, 1930. [Translation.] Ripoata Motuhake. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata i te hui whakamutunga o te Komiti Mo Nga Mea Maori i paahitia te motini e whai ake nei : — E hiahia ana te Komiti kia tuhia ki roto ki nga pukapuka tona pouri mo te mutunga o tana Karaka pai, o Mr. <T. B. Hackworth, a me te mihi mo te maha o nga tau e mahi ana hei karaka, a me tana mihi hoki mo nga mahi a te Karaka o te Komiti a Mr. E. M. Anderson, a kia tuhia tetahi pooti whakanui ki a ia ki roto ki nga meneti a kia ripoatatia atu kite Whare. 14 o Oketopa, 1930. Final Report.

I have the honour to report that the Native Affairs Committee held its final meeting on the 14th October. The Committee, consisting of sixteen members, held nineteen meetings during the session, the average attendance at each meeting being nine. Including twenty-six petitions brought forward from 1929, the Committee had before it sixty petitions —thirty-four were reported on, and twenty-six held over. The Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Bill and the Native Trustee Bill were duly considered and reported on. Parliamentary paper No. 88 was considered, and reported on ; the evidence was printed. 16th October, 1930. [Translation.] Ripoata Whakamutunga. E whaihonore ana ahau kite ripoata i tu te hui whakamutunga a te Komiti Mo Nga Mea Maori i te 14 o Oketopa. I tenei tuunga o te Paremata tekau ma iwa nga huinga o te Komiti, te maha o nga mema tekau ma ono, te tikanga tokoiwa. nga mema i tae mai ki ia hui. Hui atu ki nga pitihana e rua tekau ma ono i toe mai ote tau 1929 e ono tekau nga pitihana i tae mai ki tona aroaro —e toru tekau ma wha i ripoatatia a e rua tekau ma ono i puritia mo tetahi wa. I ata whiriwhiria a i ripoatatia te Pire Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori. Ko te Pepa Paremata Nama 88 i whiriwhiria a i ripoatatia ; ko nga korero kua taia. 16 o Oketopa, 1930.




Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (375 copies), £12.

Authority : W. A. G. Skinnek, Government Printer, Wellington.—l93o.

Price 6d.'\

No. ! Petitioner. Subject. 123/1928 M. H. Taliuhu .. .. .. .. Mairangi. 256/1928 John Pohutu and 30 others.. .. .. Maraetaha Id. 288/1928 Heuheu Turei and another .. .. Te Araroa Township. 297/1928 Hiria Pohe and 7 others .. .. .. ,, 344/1928 Ani Kane Roki and another .. .. ,, 57/1929 Rawinia Hauiti and 11 others .... ., 72/1929 Hemi Mahunu and 2 others .. .. „ 96/1929 Roka Tamihere and 11 others .. .. „ 361/1929 Wi Katene Puoho .. .. .. Whakapuaka Block. 381/1929 Roka Merehana and 3 others .. Te Ruerere Nos. 2 and 3 Blocks. 410/1929 Hone Kingi and 5 others .. . . .. Tauherenikau Block. 418/1929 Sophia Barlow .. .. .. .. Mangere lands (Native Department). 45/1930 Te Hoariri Paeraka and 34 others .. .. Native School, Mokai. 46/1930 Hoera Kewa and 3 others .. .. .. Estate of Heni Parekat.u Ahuroa (deceased). 61/1930 Tiwai Pomare .. .. . . . . Estate of W. N. Pomare (deceased). 87/1930 Reweti T. Kokere and 14 others . . . . Marangairoa Id. 91/1930 Tamati te Patu .. .. . . . . 1 Hokowhitu. 123/1930 Hiria Ahuriri .. .. .. .. Wharekahika Block. 134/1930 Hemi Mahurui .. .. .. .. 1 Kairapirapi Block. 135/1930 Henare Ahuriri and another . . . . Ha-uturu No. 2 Block. 167/1930 Tipiwai Houkman and 7 others .. .. 1 Wharekahika Block. 168/1930 Tipiwai Houkman and 6 others .. .. j ,, 201/19.30 Te One Haereiti .. .. .. .. Hauturu East 1e, Section 3. 202/1930 Hiria Ahuriri .. .. . . .. Wharekahika Block. 203/1930 Tupito Maruera and 21 others .. .. Crown-grant 3789. 223/1930 Elsie M. T. Pitama and 4 others .. .. Palmerston North Native Reserve. 235/1930 Ngapipi Reweti and 16 others .. .. Orakei Block (Native Department).

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Bibliographic details

NATIVE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). NGA RIPOATA A TE KOMTTI MO NGA MEA MAORI. (Mr. CLINKARD, Chairman.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1930 Session I, I-03

Word Count

NATIVE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). NGA RIPOATA A TE KOMTTI MO NGA MEA MAORI. (Mr. CLINKARD, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1930 Session I, I-03

NATIVE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). NGA RIPOATA A TE KOMTTI MO NGA MEA MAORI. (Mr. CLINKARD, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1930 Session I, I-03

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