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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Inspector of Hospitals and Charitable Institutions to the Hon. the Minister of Education. Sir,— 1 have the honour to lay before you the following report on the hospitals and charitable institutions of the colony for the year ending the 31st March, 1894: — The total expenditure for the year was—Hospitals, £87,060 19s. 7d.; charitable aid, £76,616 14s. 9d. : total, £163,677 14s. 4d. The expenditure for the previous year was—Hospitals, £77,463 3s. 3d.; charitable aid, £76,492 13s. 5d.: total, £153,955 16s. Bd. Increase for the year ending 31st March, 1894—Hospitals, £9,597 16s. 4d. ; charitable aid, £124 Is. 4d : total increase, £9,721175. Bd. The cause of this increase was the erection of new buildings and additions in various places, viz. : — £ s. d. New buildings and additions, this year ... ... ... 11,802 3 5 last year ... ... ... 4,608 15 6 Increase this year over last year in buildings ... £7,193 7 11 It will be observed that there is an increase this year in the total expenditure for hospitals and charitable aid of £9,721 17s. Bd. as compared with last year. The cost of new hospital buildings was very heavy this year, the total being £11,802 3s. 5d., as against £4,608 15s. 6d. for the previous year; i.e., an increase of £7,193 7s. lid. The total increase in hospital expenditure, excluding new buildings, is £2,404 Bs. sd. This is accounted for by the large number of patients treated during the year, there being 1,121 more than the previous year, and an increase in the total collective days' stay of 14,840. There is a decrease in the average daily cost of Jd. per patient, and a decrease of 2-58 per cent, in the cost of administration in the total expenditure. The increase in charitable aid is £124 Is. 4d.; but the expenditure on new buildings, Ac., was £2,768 6s. 7d. less than the previous year; so that in reality there is an increase of £2,892 7s. lid. Owing to the low price of our products, and the unusually bad harvest, the coming winter threatens to be a very hard one, and there is reason to fear a considerable increase in our charitableaid expenditure. In Wellington, so early as the end of April, a formidable influx of unemployed began to cause great anxiety to the trustees of the Benevolent Society, and widespread sympathy was felt for the undoubted hardships that some deserving persons were believed to be enduring. The way in which this emergency was met in Wellington demonstrates what I have always said— namely, that the question of outdoor relief can never be satisfactorily dealt with till it is tackled directly by the people themselves. Three private gentlemen in a few days raised a sum of £600, which, together with a sum of £500 contributed by the City Council, was handed over unconditionally to the Benevolent Society. These gentlemen were associated with some of the Trustees as a sub-committee to look after the spending of the money. This is being done in such a vigorous and intelligent fashion that I believe there will be no more trouble with the unemployed this winter. Every man who wants work will get it. All will get enough to live on, but no loafing will be tolerated ; and it is provided that no man who is able to work and refuses will be permitted to get charitable aid either for himself or his family. This is a new departure of the most hopeful augury that a time is coming very soon when no money will be raised by the central government to be expended in outdoor relief by local bodies, and when all outdoor relief is paid for out of direct local taxation. It is, in my opinion, the only plan by which this young country can escape disaster, due to its investing a large part of the consolidated revenue in the permanent degradation of the people. The only other difficulties revealed by the working of the Act, besides those arising out of the incurable evils surrounding the existing system of State-subsidised outdoor relief are, first, the I—H. 22.

£ s. a.



necessity of defining "maintenance of institutions," so as to make it include the erection of new buildings where such are required to keep the institution in a condition sufficient for the public demand for necessary accommodation ; and second, the difficulties surrounding the questions of settlement. A Bill has been prepared to deal with these matters, which will, I believe, remove all real difficulties in the working of the Act that can be profitably faced until such time as the country and the Parliament have made up their minds to deal with the whole question of local government and direct taxation in a systematic and comprehensive way.

AEEOWTOWN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 5 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 103 Total under treatment ... ... ... 108 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 101 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894 .. ... ... ... 4 Sex. —60 males, 48 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Arrow, 38 ; Gibbston, 9; Macetown, 34; Cardrona, 5; Skipper's, 5; Arthur's Point and Miller's Flat, 5; Wanaka, 1; Queenstown, 1; Maori Point, 4 ; head of lake, 1. Country. —England and Wales, 13 ; Ireland, 13 ; Scotland, 9 ; New Zealand, 52; Victoria, 8; Tasmania, 2; Denmark, 2 ; Norway, 2 ; Tahiti, 1; born at sea, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 52; Presbyterian, 20; Wesleyan, 8; Eoman Catholic, 17; Lutheran, 3; Salvation Army, 3. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 1,246; individual average days' stay, 11-54. Daily average cost per head, 9s. lljd.; less patients' payments, Bs. 6-Jd. Outdoor Patients.— lndividual cases, 33 ; attendances, 66. Be venue and Expbndittjee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 292 7 11 Eations, and fuel and light ... 138 8 8 Local bodies ... ... ... 172 8 2 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 31 8 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 92 9 1 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 2976 Patients' payments .... ... 86 10 9 Salaries and wages ... ... 357 10 0 Other sources ... ... ... 386 Eepairs and furnishing ... ... 25 13 2 Additions to buildings ... ... 18 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 518 6 Interest ... ... ... 1 12 4 Insurance ... ... ... 3 15 0 Commission ... ... ... 050 Other expenses... ... ... 2572 Total ... ... £647 4 5 Total ... ... £637 5 10 Arrowtown Hospital, 25th February, 1894. On examining the records of this institution I was surprised to find that out of 103 cases admitted during the year no less than thirty-five were entered as quinsy. Struck with this extraordinary circumstance, I told Dr. Nichols that he had either mistaken diphtheria for quinsy or had purposely tried to mislead. Either alternative ought not to be possible in a public hospital. The hospital itself is well arranged and well managed. A new fever-ward, containing three beds, has been built, and a good bath-room and closet have been added at the west end of the male ward. The whole has been newly painted by Mr. Dickenson in his leisure time. It would be a great advantage if the swamp behind were drained and made into a vegetable-garden.

ASHBUETON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 16 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 134 Total under treatment ... ... ... 150 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 137 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 6 Sex. —126 males, 24 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Bakaia to Eangitata Eivers, with 6 exceptions. Nationality. —English, 46 ; Irish, 44 ; Scotch, 18; Australians, 5 ; New, Zealand, 30; others, 7. Religion. —Church of England, 63 ; Presbyterian, 28; Wesleyan, 5; Eoman Catholic, 42; Lutherans, 2; Congregationalist, 1; Salvation Army, 5 ; no religion, 4. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 3,316; individual average days' stay, 22-11. Daily average cost per head, 7s. lOfd.; less patients' payments, 7s. 2fd. Outdoor Patients. —None.



Bevenue and Expenditube. Bevenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 570 0 0 Eations and light ... ... 436 14 3 Local bodies ... ... ... 660 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 18 12 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 100 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 123 7 9 Patients'payments ... ... 113 14 6 Fuel ... ... ... ... 48 4 9 Other sources ... ... ... 200 Bedding and clothing ... ... 61 4 3 Furniture* earthenware, and ironmongery ... ... ... 43 1 4 Washing and laundry ... ... 150 Salaries and wages ... ... 465 8 0 Funerals ... ... ... 22 10 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 31 5 7 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 12 5 3 Interest ... ... ... 5 8 10 Insurance ... ... ... 11 18 0 Other expenses... ... ... 27 12 0 Total ... £1,346 14 6 Total ... £1,308 17 0 Ashburton Hospital. This hospital continues to deserve its high reputation for the care and ability with which Dr. Trevor and his staff attend to the treatment and comfort of the patients. I have formerly pointed out the structural defects of the building.

. . . AUCKLAND HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1393 ... ... ... 106 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 1,082 Total under treatment ... ... ... 1,188 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 950 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 122 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 116 Sex. —Bs4 males, 334 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Auckland City and Suburbs, 671; Auckland district, 276; Auckland North, 125; Auckland South, 79; shipping, 37. Nationality. —English, 351; Scotch, 102 ; Irish, 158; New Zealand, 414; Australian, 37 ; American, 17 ; German, 17; Fijian, 7; Dutch, 4; Swedes and Norwegians, 15; born at sea, 5; Finns, 4; Samoan, 3; Indian, 14 ; French, 9 ; Danish, 3; Portuguese, 1; Austrian, 14; Italian, 2 ; Canadian, 1; African, 2 ; Chinese, 2 ; Greek, 2 ; Spanish, 4. Beligion. —Church of England, 596; Eoman Catholic, 280; Baptist, 21; Wesleyan, 68; Presbyterian, 168 ; Congregationalist, 8 ; Salvationist, 8; Jewish, 4 ; Methodist, 18 ; Lutheran, 2; Hindoo, 5 ; none, 10. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 35,814; individual average days' stay, 30-15. Daily average cost per head, 4s. 4-Jd.; less patients' payments, 2s. lid. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 491; attendances, 3,590. Be venue and Expendituee. Bevenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,915 12 3 Bations ... ... ... 1,814 12 5 Local bodies ... ... ... 1,915 12 2 Maintenance of Nurses'Home ... 623 11 5 Subscriptions and donations ... 15 12 6 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 109 15 8 Bequests ... ... ... 992 5 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 706 110 Eents ... ... ... 353 12 10 Fuel and light ... ... 598 10 1 Patients'payments ... ;... 2,587 12 5 Bedding and clothing ... ... 215 15 5 Other sources ... ... 46 7 0 Furniture and earthenware ... 127 14 9 Washing and laundry ... ... 195 15 0 Salaries and wages ... ...• 2,062 10 3 Water-supply ... ... 160 11 0 Funerals ... ... ... 70 9 0 Improvement of grounds ... 135 13 6 Eepairs ... ... ... 522 0 9 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 87 0 9 Interest ... ... ... 69 4 0 Insurance ... ... ... 10 5 0 Legal expenses ... ... 47 9 0 Proportion of office expenses ... 219 10 6 Other expenses ... ... 50 3 10 Total £7,826 14 2 Total £7,826 14 2



Auckland Hospital, 31st December, 1893. The chief defect in this building is the fact that the kitchen and its adjuncts are near the centre on the ground-floor, and is therefore both inconvenient and unpleasant in many ways. A similar state of things was strongly condemned by the Eoyal Commission which inquired into the condition of the Dunedin Hospital some years ago. The Auckland trustees, not unnaturally, have asked the Government to grant them £2,000 to erect a new kitchen, and utilise the groundfloor now occupied by the kitchen and servants' quarters, dispensary, &c, for the purpose of providing more accommodation for patients, which is really needed. An effort ought to be made locally to raise half the money. ' The institution is thoroughly well managed in all its departments.

BLENHEIM HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 18 Admitted during the year... ... ... ... ... 105 Total under treatment ... ... ... 123 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 87 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 26 Sea;.—94 males, 29 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Marlborough, Wellington, Napier, Canterbury, Otago, Nelson, Gisborne. Nationality. —English, Irish, Scotch, New Zealand, Victorian, American, West Indian. Religion. —Church of England, Eoman Catholic, Presbyterian, Wesleyan, Salvationist. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 7,090; individual average days' stay, 57'64. Daily average cost per head, 4s. lfd.; less patients' payments, 3s. 6fd. Outdoor. Patients. —None. Eevenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 617 18 10 Eations ... ... ... 470 15 4 Local bodies ... ... ... 687 9 4 Wines, spirits, ale, &c.... ... 19 16 9 Subscriptions and donations ... 29 13 11 Surgery and dispensary ... 187 18 4 Bequest ... ... ... 50 0 0 Fuel and light ... ... 98 14 9 Patients' payments ... ... 205 710 Bedding, clothing, furniture, and Other sources ... ... 3756 earthenware ... ... 170 4 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 384 211 Funerals ... ... ... 21 15 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 23 8 6 Additions to buildings ... ... 157 6 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 24 3 4 Interest ... ... ... 0 6 3 Insurance ... ... ... 12 0 0 Other expenses ... ... 5743 Total ... ... £1,627 15 5 Total ... ... £1,627 15 5 Blenheim Hospital, Ist May, 1894. At the time of my visit I found that the matron and her assistants had just before had a run of very heavy cases, and that this accounted for a little falling-off in the neatness and order which I had always previously observed as marking this institution. The number of major operations successfully performed by Dr. Cleghorn cannot, I think, be paralleled in any other of our smaller hospitals. The management is very satisfactory. A new ward has been built, and various other improvements have been effected.

CHAELESTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 3 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... ... 37 Total under treatment ... ... ... 40 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 33 Died ... ... ... ~. ... ... ... 2 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 5 Sex. —4o males.. Localities from which Patients came. —Lyell, 2; Nghaghua, 1; Cape Foulwind, 3; Addison's, 5; Brighton, 4; Charleston, 20; Westport, 2. Nationality. —lrish, 21; Scotch, 5 ; English, 6; New Zealand, 4 ; Victorian, 2 ; Dane, 1; Italian, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 13; Presbyterian, 5; Eoman Catholic, 17; Wesleyan, 3 ; Lutheran, 1; freethinker, 1. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 1,891; individual average days' stay, 47'27. Daily average cost per head, ss. 10-J-d. ; less patients' payments, ss. sd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 15; attendances, 220.



Revenue and Expenditube. Bevenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 266 2 8 Rations ... ... ... 185 8 10 Local bodies ... ... ... 145 16 8 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 5 4 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 100 0 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 36 12 11 Patients'payments ... ... 43 8 8 Fuel and light ... ... 23 19 3 Other sources ... ... 0 12 6 Bedding and clothing ... ... 12 14 5 Furniture and earthenware ... 2 16 3 Salaries and wages ... ... 237 19 0 Funerals ... ... ... 6 0 0 Repairs ... ... ... 7 6 0 Additions to buildings ... ... 73 5 8 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 10 19 0 Interest ... ... ... 0 11 8 Insurance ... ... ... 3 15 0 Other expenses ... ... 22 15 1 Total ... ... £556 0 6 Total ... ... £629 7 7 Charleston Hospital, 18th October, 1893. This hospital, notwithstanding some serious drawbacks which I have already sufficiently indicated, continues to retain the confidence of the people. A new ward, containing room for four beds, has greatly added to its comfort and convenience. A new dispensary, lavatory, &c, have been built.

CHRISTGHUECH HOSPITAL. 'Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 94 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 1,255 Total under treatment ... ... ... 1,349 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,160 Died 92 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 97 Sex. —B7o males, 479 females. Localities from which Patients came. — Christchurch and suburbs, 925; North Canterbury district, 270 ; Lyttelton, 68 ; Dunedin, 2 ; Kaikoura, 7 ; Napier, 2; Chathams, 2; Masterton, 1; no fixed home, 7-2. Country. —New Zealand, 501; England, 355; Ireland, 222; Scotland,- 115; Wales, 52 ; Australia, 45 ; Tasmania, 8; America, 10; Germany, 10; France, 4 ; Norway, 5 ; Denmark, 5 ; Austria, 2; Sweden, 4; Turkey, 3; Portugal, 2; Italy, 2; Finland, 1; aboriginal natives, 3. BeUgion. —Church of England, 613; Eoman Catholic, 310 ; Presbyterian, 208; other denominations, 218. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 39,960; individual average days' stay, 29-62. Daily average cost per head, 3s. 9d. ; less patients' payments, 3s. 6d. Outdoor Patients.— Individual cases, 970; attendances, 3,145. Revenue and Expendituke. Bevenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 4,430 19 10 Rations ... ... ... 1,785 18 0 Local bodies ... ... ... 3,737 2 8 Wines, spirits, &c. ... ... 19119 7 Subscriptions and donations ... 100 . 0 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 790 14 0 Patients'payments ... ... 507 12 8 Fuel and light ... ... 646 1 2 Other sources ... ... 11 11 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 367 8 6 Furniture and earthenware ... 281 18 4 Salaries and wages ... ... 2,726 2 6 Funerals ... ... ... 21 4 0 Repairs ... ... ... 176 12 6 Additions to buildings... ... 10311 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 58 18 11 Interest ... .. ... 22 18 6 Insurance . . ... ... 54 7 6 Casual ward, Lyttelton ... 74 11 1 Other expenses ... ... 380 13 8 Total ... .. £8,787 6 2 Total ... ... £7,682 19 3 Christchureh Hospital. I have paid several visits to this hospital in the course of the year, and on every occasion I had reason to be satisfied with its working. The great drawback caused by the want of a nurses'



home is now being removed by the building of what will be the most commodious home in the colony. It will be seen by reference to the appended tables that a very decided reduction has taken place in the average daily cost per head, as well as in the average time for which individual cases remain in the hospital. A very striking feature of the management is that the outdoor patients are so numerous. The Akaroa Hospital is simply a branch of the Christchurch Hospital.

Akaeoa Hospital. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 4 Admitted during the year ... ... ... .... 27 Total under treatment ... ... ... 31 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 29 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Bemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 0 Sex. —2B males, 3 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Akaroa County. Country. —England, 9; New Zealand, 8 ; Scotland, 3 ; Ireland, 4; Denmark, 1; France, 4; Germany, 2. Beligion. —Church of England, 17 ; Presbyterian, 5 ; Eoman Catholic, 9. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 744; individual average days' stay, 24. Daily average cost per head, 10s. lOd. Eevenue and Expendituee. Bevenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. rom Government ... ... 202 4 0 Eations ... ... ... 127 6 4 erived from North Canterbury Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 640 Hospital Board, of which it is a Surgery and dispensary ... ... 42 7 0 branch hospital ... ... 202 5 3 Fuel and light ... ... ... 22 6 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 150 0 0 Other expenses ... ... ... 56 511 Total ... ... £404 9 3 Total ... ... £404 9 3

COBOMANDEL HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 1 Admitted during the year ... ~. ... ... 11 Total under treatment ... ... ... 12 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Bemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 0 Sex. —l2 males. Locality from which Patients came. —Coromandel. Nationality. —British and New Zealand. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 153; individual average days' stay, 12'75. Daily average cost per head, £2 4s. Ofd.; less patients' payments, £2 2s. 4d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 172; attendances, 944. Bevenue and Bxpendituee. Bevenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 487 8 10 Eations ... ... ... 52 13 8 Local bodies ... ... ... 200 0 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 23 0 10 Subscriptions and donations ... 218 14 7 Fuel and light ... ... 10 7 8 Patients'payments ... ... . 13 0 2 Washing and laundry ... . . 6 11 3 Other sources ... ... 37 11 4 Salaries and wages ... ... 236 8 0 Balance from last year... ... 25 14 7 Bepairs ... ... ... 2 12 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 2 16 10 Other expenses ... ... 2711 Auckland Hospital ... ... 101 3 0 Mercury Bay Hospital Committee 411 18 2 Total ... ... £982 9 6 Total ... ... £849 19 4 Coromandel Hospital, 27th December. The total number of patients treated in this hospital during the year was twelve. On the date of my visit the place was empty. All patients who have any serious ailment, and who can get away, go by steamer to Auckland.



CEOMWELL HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 4 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 54 Total under treatment ... ... ... 58 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 51 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 3 Sex. —49 males, 9 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Bannockburn, 7; Cromwell, 18; Hawea and Wanaka, 3; Nevis, 4; Lowburn, 1; Victoria Bridge, 3; Mount Pisa and Wanaka Eoad, 8; Morven Hills and Tarras, 4; Clyde Eoad, 3; Dunedin, 2; Northburn, 1; Hawksburn, 1; Speargrass Flat, 1; Bendigo, 1; Clyde, 1. Country. —England, 16; Scotland, 11; Ireland, 8 ; New Zealand, 13; Sweden, 2; China, 5 ; Australia, 3. Beligion. —Protestants, 45; Eoman Catholic, 7 ; Confucians, 5 ; atheist, 1. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 1,236; individual average days' stay, 21-31. Daily average cost per head, 10s. IOJd.; less patients' payments, 10s. lfd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 30; attendances, 43. Bevenue and Expenditube. Bevenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 582 14 5 Eations ... ... ... 93 14 3 Local bodies ... ... ... 170 15 10 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 819 9 Subscriptions -and donations ... 124 7 6 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 22 6 3 Bequest ... ... ... 10 0 0 Fuel and light ... ... ... 17 810 Patients' payments ... ... 43 11 2 Bedding, clothing, furniture, and earthenware ... ... ... 7 13 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 377 2 8 Water-supply ... ... ... 29 10 0 Funerals ... ... ... 13 14 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 35 19 7 Additions to buildings ... ... 3160 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 21 10 7 Interest ... ... ... 519 Insurance ... ... ... 550 Commission ... ... ... 13 9 0 Other expenses ... ... ... 19 010 Total £931 8 11 Total £702 2 0 Cromwell Hospital, 26th February, 1894. I found two patients in this hospital on the date of my visit. The matron, Mrs. Wadman, who was at one time matron of the small asylum at Porirua, had everything in good order. I was sorry to hear that she had given notice of resignation, for private reasons. lam glad to see that the daily cost per head has fallen from 14s. 2|d. last year to 10s. IOJd. this year. The Chairman and committee, and, indeed, the whole district, take a very great interest in their hospital, and, as on all the goldfields, the patients are very generously treated.

DUNEDIN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... .'.. 103 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 1,028 Total under treatment ... ... ... 1,131 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 952 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 83 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... 96 Sex. —698 males, 433 females. Localities from which Patients came.— Dunedin, 488; South Dunedin, 81; Caversham, 31; North-east Valley, 25 ; Kaikorai, 22 ; shipping, 21; Port Chalmers, 20; Mosgiel, 18; Mornington, 18; Waitati, 25; Middlemarch, 16; Eoslyn, 16; Leith Valley, 15 ; Green Island 15 ; Waikouaiti, 14; Palmerston, 10; Oamaru, 9; St. Kilda, 9; Maori Hill, 9; Milton, 8; Lawrence, 8; Forbury, 7; Balclutha, 7; Naseby, 6; Outram, 6; Burnside, 6; Hampden, 6; Invercargill, 8;



Clinton, 6; Macrae's Flat, 6; Tapanui, 6; Eavensbourne, 5; St. Clair, 5; Greytown, 5; Shag Point, 5 ; Taieri, 5 ; Hindon, 4 ; Timaru, 4 ; others, 156. Country. —New Zealand, 399; Scotland, 248; England, 217; Ireland, 158; Australia, 28; China, 15; Tasmania, 10; Germany, 9; Wales, 8; United States (America), 7 ; Norway, 5; Sweden, 4 ; France, 4; Denmark, 3 ; India, 3 ; Canada, 2 ; Prussia, 2 ; Austria, 2 ; Eussia, 2 ; Belgium., 2 ; Burmah, 1; Spain, 1; Pretoria, 1. Religion. —Presbyterian, 419; Church of England, 322 ; Eoman Catholic, 206; Wesleyan, 54; Baptist, 42 ; Confucian, 15 ; Lutheran, 14; Salvationist, 13 ; no religion, 9 ; Church of Christ, 8; Christian Brethren, 6; Congregationalist, 4 ; Jewish, 3 ; Methodist, 3 ; Primitive Methodist, 3; Tabernacle, 3; Bible Christians, 2; Believer in the Lord, 2; Greek Church, 1; Plymouth Brethren, 1; Unitarian, 1. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 36,220; individual average days' stay, 32-02. Dailyaverage cost per head, 3s. 9d.; less patients' payments, 3s. 2Jd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 1,692 ; attendances, 9,234. Eevenub and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 2,903 6 4 Eations ... ... ... 1,867 3 8 Local bodies ... ... ■■• 2,662 2 2 Wines, spirits, ale, &c... ... 172 4 5 Subscriptions and donations ... 202 5 4 Surgery and dispensary ... 802 8 3 Patients'payments ... ... 987 10 4 Fuel and light ... ... 611 2 0 Other sources ... • •■• 229 14 5 Bedding and clothing ... ... 59 0 1 Balance from last year ... 56 15 3 Furniture and earthenware ... 222 1,4 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 2,212 1 6 Water-supply ... ... 68 0 0 Funerals ... ... ... 15 15 0 - • ■ Eepairs ... ... ... 359 8 9 Additions to buildings ... ... 2,607 7 8 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 83 5 9 Interest ... ... ... 10 0 Insurance ... ... ... 33 11 9 Commission ... ... ... 17 19 9 Other expenses ... ... 313 2 1 Total ... ... £7,041 13 10 Total ... ... £9,446 4 8 Dunedin Hospital. The administration of this hospital continues to preserve the high character it has maintained for many years. The nursing staff, since Miss Fraser has taken charge, has been contented, loyal, and efficient. The medical school, in its relation to the hospital on the one hand and the University on the other, has during last year had some difficulties, now happily .removed. I have always believed that with tact and mutual consideration the difficulties which have arisen in the past might have been avoided, and a serious injury, both to the reputation.of the hospital and the medical school, prevented. It is extremely difficult under the system of local government we possess to make any legal provision as to the composition of the governing body such as shall reconcile the somewhat divergent interests of the hospital trustees and the University. Even a dim idea of the importance of the medical school to Dunedin and the colony ought of itself to suffice for securing unanimity of action on the part of the associated bodies. The medical department of the hospital5 is conducted with vigour and efficiency. A new laundry is urgently needed, and is now under consideration.

DUNSTAN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 4 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 44 Total under treatment ... ... ... 48 Discharged ... ... ••• ••• ••• ... 38 Died ... ... ••• ••• •■• •■• ••■ 7 Bemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 3 S ex± —38 males, 10 females. Localities from which Patients came. — Dunstan district, 13; Alexandra South, 5; Matakaimi, 5 ; Baldhill Flat, 4 ; Ophir, 3 ; Moutere, 4 ; Ida Valley, 3; Galloway, 2; Cromwell Eoad, 4 ; other places, 5. Country. England, 13; Ireland, 13 ; Scotland, 6; New Zealand, 9; Victoria, 1; Tasmania, 2 ; France, 1; Finland, 1 ; Syria, 1; China, 1. Religion. Church of England, 19 ; Eoman Catholic, 12; Presbyterian, 15 ; Greek Church, 1; pagan, 1.



Total collective days' stay in hospital, 1,552; individual average days' stay, 32-33. Daily average cost per head, Bs. 7f d.; less patients' payments, Bs. Outdoor Patients. —27. Bevenue and Expendituee. Bevenue. £ s. d. j Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 289 19 2 j Bations ... ... ... 151 18 1 Local bodies ... ... ... 215 2 1 ■ Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 22 1 3 Subscriptions and donations ... 79 16 0 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 917 11 Patients' payments ... ... 5150 Fuel and light ... ... ... 27176 Other sources ... ... ... 33 3 4 Bedding and clothing .... ... 12 5 2 Balance from last year ... ... 198 6 1 Furniture, earthenware, and repairs 14 7 8 Washing and laundry ... ... 012 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 375 0 0 Water-supply ... ... ... 100 Funerals ... ... ... 800 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 16 310 Insurance ... ... ... 12 19 6 Commission ... ... ... 1 10 0 Other expenses... ... ... 17 14 6 Total ... ... £867 11 8 Total ... ... £671 7 5 Dunstan Hospital, 27th February, 1894. It is contemplated to extend the ward accommodation of this hospital on a plan which, after some modifications, I approved. I found everything in good order, except that the ventilation openings in the ceiling of the wards required to be improved by tubes crowned by Boyle's ventilators or torpedoes. There is no other change of importance to report since my former visit.

GISBOENB HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 13 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 163 Total under treatment ... ... ... 176 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 149 Died ... ... ... ... ... 15 Kemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 12 Sea;. —139 males, 37 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Cook and Waiapu Counties, and Borough of Gisborne. Nationality. —British, 162 ; foreign, 14. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 4,579; individual average days' stay, 26-02. Daily average cost per head, 4s. 6fd.; less patients' payments, 3s. 9d. Be venue and Expenditube. Bevenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... .... 514 11 0 Eations ... ~ ... ... 199 11 1 Local bodies ... .... ... 340 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c.... ... 12 19 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 136 19 11 Surgery and dispensary ... 45 2 5 Eents and interest ... ... 53 10 0 Fuel and light ... ... 76 16 11 Patients'payments ... ... 187 0 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 70 11 1 Other sources ... ... 4 19 6 Furniture and earthenware ... 11 14 0 Balance from last year ... 98 14 5 Salaries and wages ... ... 515 14 2 Eepairs ... ... ... 57 5 10 Additions to buildings ... ... 146 10 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 12 13 1 Interest ... ... ... 0 8 7 Insurance ... ... ... 9 11 3 Sanitation ... ... ... 20 16 0 Purchase of property ... ... 102 1 10 Other expenses ... ... 12186 Total ... ... £1,335 14 10 Total ... ... £1,294 14 3 Gisborne Hospital, 30th March, 1894. A ward containing eight beds has been added to this hospital, at a cost of £400 for the building and £100 for the furnishing. A new wash-house and a new mortuary have also been erected. Miss Stewart (the matron) and her staff manage most admirably, and the medical work is most carefully attended to. 2—H. 22.



GEEY EIVER HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 40 Admitted during the year ... ... ... .-.. 118 Total under treatment ... ... ... 158 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 85 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 21 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ~. ... 52 Sex.— l33 males, 25 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Grey Valley, 67; Arnold, 8; Dunganville and Marsden, 30; Greymouth, 24 ; Brunnerton, 9; North Beach, 12; South Beach, 2 ; Kumara, 2; Westport, 1; Nelson, 1; Victoria, 1; shipping, 1. Country. —England and Wales, 48; Ireland, 42; Scotland, 20; New Zealand, 17; Sweden and Denmark, 4; China, 8; Canada, 1; Norway, 2 ; Victoria, 1; Tasmania, 1; Austria, 1; Azores, 2 ; Germany, 8; Switzerland, 2 ; Isle of Man, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 50; Boman Catholic, 45 ; Presbyterian, 26 ; Lutheran, 9; Confucian, 8; Wesleyan, 8; Baptist, 2; Salvationist, 2; Congregationalist, 1; Swedenborgian, 1; Quaker, 1; Hebrew, 1; freethinker, 1; none, 3. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 15,868; individual average days' stay, 100-43. Daily average cost per head, 2s. 11-J-d.; less patients' payments, 2s. 10-fd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 199; attendances, 573. Bevbnub and Expenditube. Revenue. & s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,089 0 2 Eations ... ... ... 640 4 2 Local bodies ... ... ... 535 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 50 7 2 Subscriptions and donations ... 423 17 9 Surgery and dispensary ... 56 1 9 Patients' payments ... ... 44 18 10 Fuel and light ... ... 113 5 3 Other sources ... ... 4 18 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 56 11 8 Balance from last year ... 54 18 4 Furniture and earthenware ... 12 10 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,223 16 0 Funerals ... ... ... 20 0 0 Bepairs ... ... ... 34 18 9 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 50 2 0 Interest ... ... ... 13 18 6 Insurance ... ... ... 30 0 0 Other expenses ... ... 36 14 3 Total ... ... £2,152 13 1 Total ... ... £2,338 9 6 Greymouth Hospital, 21st October, 1893. Since my visit Dr. Morice, sen., after many years of faithful service, has resigned his position as surgeon to this hospital, and the trustees have appointed his son, Dr. Morice, jun., to be Eesident Surgeon. I have some doubts as to the wisdom of this arrangement if it is intended to be permanent, with a proportion of eighteen patients who are fit inmates for an old men's home out of a total of forty-three. Miss Boxby, one of the best and mpst experienced charge nurses in the Dunedin Hospital, has been appointed to the position of matron. The individual average days' stay is 100-43; the next highest being Westport, with an average stay of 94; and the next Eoss, with 88'31; then Picton—a veritable old man's refuge—B4-93; and Nelson, 75-88.

GEBYTOWN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 2 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 33 Total under treatment ... ... ... 35 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 32 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 2 Sex. —33 males, 2 females. Localities from luhich Patients came. —Carterton, 4; Greytown, 10 ; Featherston, 5 ; Martinborough, 4; Kaiwaiwai, 1; Morrison's Bush, 3; Bast Coast, 7; Wellington, 1. Country. —England, 15 ; Scotland, 2; Ireland, 6; New Zealand, 7 ; Australia, 2 ; Norway, 1; Sweden, 1; North America, 1. Beligion. —English Church, 23; Boman Catholic, 7 ; Presbyterian, 5. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 891; individual average days' stay, 25-46. Daily average cost per head, 7s. 6d.; less patients' payments, 7s. 3fd.



BEVENUE AND ExPENDITUBE. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure,. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 195 11 3 Bations, fuel, and light ... ... 92 4 7 Subscriptions and donations ... 118 4 4 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 18 0 Patients' payments ... ... 900 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 19144 Other sources ... ... ... 600 Bedding and clothing ... ... 194 Balance from last year ... ... 63 0 3 Furniture and earthenware . ... 150 Salaries and wages ... ... 195 0 0 Bepairs ... ■ . ... ... 1 3 10 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 14 17 6 Insurance ... ... ... 4 10 0 : Other expenses ... ... ... 2 14 6 Total ... ... £391 15 10 .Total ... ... £334 7 1 Grey town Hospital. This hospital continues to be well managed in every respect.

HOKITIKA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 28 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 137 Total under treatment ... ... ... 165 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 126 Died 17 Bemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 22 Sex. —l34 males, 31 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Westland. Country. —England, 41; Scotland, 36 ; Ireland, 28; Germany, 15 ; Italy, 2; New Zealand and Australia, 39 ; China, 1; America, 1; Switzerland, 2. Religion. —Church of England, 50; Presbyterian, 44 ; Eoman Catholic, 50; freethinkers, &a., 6 ; Lutheran, 5 ; Baptist, 3; Salvationist, 1; Wesleyan, 6. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 8,273; individual average days' stay, 50-14. Daily average cost per head, 4s. lOfd.; less patients' payments, 4s. Bd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 174 ; attendances, 340. c Be VENUE AND EXPENDITURE. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. & s. d. From Government ... ... 1,017 010 Bations ... ... ... 565 0 5 Local bodies ... ... ... 605 8 4 Wines, spirits, ale, &c... ... 49 1 7 Subscriptions and donations ... 341 13 9 Surgery and dispensary ... 94 19 9 Patients'payments ... ... 87 14 6 Fuel and light ... ... 104 2 8 Other sources ... ... 14 8 0 Bedding and clothing .... ... 8 12 5 Balance from last year... ... 59 12 10 Furniture, earthenware, and ironmongery ... ... ... 22 15 5 Salaries and wages ... ... 712 11 3 Funerals ... ... ... 12 6 Bepairs and new tanks ... 313 3 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 53 18 9 Interest ... ... ... 0 7 6 Insurance ... ... ... 21 14 0 Commission ... ... ... 4 5 0, Other expenses ... ... 64 18 6 Total ... ... £2,125 18 3 * Total ... ... £2,016 12 9 * This expenditure is for thirteen months. Hokitika Hospital, 24th October, 1893. This hospital, since its reorganization, showed for a. time that a strenuous effort was being made to make it less of a refuge and more of a hospital. I am afraid, however, that the local conditions are again making themselves felt, for I find that, whereas last year the average stay was 43-69, it has risen this year to 50'14. There is a diminution of the daily average cost per head, notwithstanding that the actual expenditure was for thirteen months. lam glad to see that the percentage of cost of administration is moderate. A new bath has been provided, of very primitive design and inferior quality. The remaining baths are very old and battered. I found everything clean and orderly. The doctor is very attentive to his patients,



INVERCARGILL HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 19 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 269 Total under treatment ... ... ... 288 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 240 Died ... , . ... ... ... ... ... 23 Remaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 25 Sex. —209 males, 79 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Southland County, Wallace County, Lake County, Stewart Island. Country. —England, 74; Scotland, 63; Ireland, 38; New Zealand, 76; Tasmania, 11; Germany, 4; Victoria, 10; Austria, 1; Switzerland, 1; Sweden, 1; Portugal, 1; China, 2; Syria, 2; India, 2 ; Belgium, 1; Chathams, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 86; Roman Catholic, 55; Presbyterian, 111; Wesleyan, 11; Salvationist, 9; Lutheran, 2 ; Baptist, 5; Methodist, 4 ; Confucian, 2 ; Christian Disciple, 1 ; Greek Church, 2. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 10,105; individual average days' stay, 35-09. Daily average cost per head, 4s. 4-J-d.; less patients' payments, 4s. 2d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 801; attendances, 2,013. Revenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,166 15 10 Rations ... ... .., 579 15 0 Local bodies ... ... ... 1,115 5 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c.... ... 39 12 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 55 12 5 Surgery and dispensary ... 166 0 5 Patients'payments ... ... 99 15 11 Fuel and light ... ... 161 8 2 Other sources ... ... 229 15 4 Bedding and clothing ... ... 79 4 11 Furniture and earthenware ... 81 1 2 Washing and laundry ... ... 52 14 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 798 15 6 Water-supply ... ... 3 5 0 Funerals ... ... ... 20 18 0 Repairs ... ... ... 109 10 3 Additions to buildings... ... 249 5 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 23 8 0 Interest ... ... ... 32 18 7 Insurance ... ... ... 9 18 11 Other expenses ... ... 50 9 0 Total ... ... £2,667 4 6 Total ... .... £2,458 4 5 Invercargill. Every effort has been made to remedy the structural defects of this building, and I am bound to say that it has been greatly improved in many respects. The ventilation is much better, except in the female ward, and every care is taken to make the best of this antiquated and ill-arranged hospital. The Resident Surgeon is competent and attentive. The nursing has been greatly improved. There is some falling-off in the number of patients treated, and the average daily cost per head has fallen from ss. 4Jd. to 4s. 4-J-d.

KUMARA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 9 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 76 Total under treatment ... ... ... 85 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 69 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 Remaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 7 Sex. —76 males, 9 females. Localities from ivhich Patients came. —Kumara, 25; Christchurch Road, 12 ; Dillman's, 16 ; Larrikin's, 12; Westbrook and Greenstone, 13; Waimea, 1; Teremakau, 1; Morgan's Run, 1; Hokitika, 1; Kapitea, 1; Beach Road, 1; Otira Gorge, 1. Nationality. —English, 21; Irish, 24; Scotch, 7; New Zealand, 17; Austrian, 2; Italian, 2; Canadian, 1; Swede, 1; German, 3; Australian, 1; Welsh, 3; Cape Colonist, 1; Chinese, 2. Religion. —No record. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 2,846; individual average days' stay, 33-48. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 7-^d.; less patients' payments, ss. ll|d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 124 ; attendances, 23L



.Bevenue and Expenditube. Bevenue. £ s. d. I Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 538 16 7 Eations ... ... ... 193 9 2 Local bodies ... ... ... 208 15 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c... ../ 40 2 7 Subscriptions and donations ... 151 7 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 44 310 Patients'payments ... ... 97 5 0 Fuel and light ... ... 76 14 1 Other sources ... ... 14 9 4 Furniture and earthenware ... 27 8 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 395 13 6 Funerals ... ... ... 30 0 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 78 5 4 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 11 9 9 Interest ... .... ... 3 2 10 Insurance ... ... ... 8 15 0 Other expenses ... ... 3516 6 Total ... ... £1,010 12 11 Total ... ... £945 1 1 j Kumara. There is nothing new to report about this institution. It still possesses and deserves the confidence of the public. The new vigour which was introduced at the advent of Dr. Myles is still maintained. At the time of my visit I found there was considerable public feeling aroused over an alleged case of nursing neglect. I took great pains to get at the facts, and came to the conclusion that the whole matter simply amounted to this : that in small hospitals it is not possible to secure such unremitting attention night and day as is afforded in larger and more fully-equipped hospitals. The cost per head has risen from ss. 3d. to 6s. 7Jd.

LAWEBNCE HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 10 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 121 Total under treatment ... ... ... 131 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 116 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... 6 Sex. —84 males, 47 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Tuapeka County. Country. —New Zealand and Australia, 47 ; England, 35 ; Scotland, 14 ; Ireland, 29 ; China, 2 ; Denmark, 1; Germany, 3. Religion. —No record. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 2,687; individual average days' stay, 20-51. Daily average cost per head, 7s. 3fd.; less patients' payments, ss, 6d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual eases, 65. Eevende and Expenditure. Bevenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Prom Government ... ... 267 8 10 Eations ... ... ... 286 9 1 Local bodies ... ... ... 260 2 6 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 23 2 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 140 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 100 6 10 Patients' payments ... ... 243 3 9 Fuel and light ... ... ... 81129 Other sources ... ... ... 817 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 29 13 4 Balance from last year ... ... 445 15 10 Furniture and earthenware 7 11 0 Washing and laundry ... ... 010 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 375 0 0 Water-supply ... ... ... 10 0 0 Funerals ... ... ... 240 Eepairs ... % .... ... 12 2 3 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ~. ..'.-, 9 16 Insurance ... ... ... 3 15 0 Commission ... ... 13 15 6 Other expenses ... ... ... 28 2 4 Total ... £1,226 11 11 Total £983. 5 7 Lawrence Hospital, 2nd March, 1894. I found this hospital in its usual satisfactory condition. It is well designed, well administered and the doctor and his assistants are most attentive to their duties. The cost per head has risen more than Is. per day.



MASTEETON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 9 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 86 Total under treatment ... ... ... 95 Discharged ... ... ... ..,' ... ... 87 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 Eomaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 5 Sex. —86 males, 9 females. Localities from which Patients came. — Masterton, 16; Whareama and East Coast, 27; Pahiatua, 3 ; Eketahuna, 17 ; Brancepeth and Taueru, 8; Bideford, 3 ; Mauriceville, 7 ; Gladstone' 1; Martinborough, 1; Alfredton, 6 ; Napier, 3 ; Wellington, 2 ; Palmerston North, 1. Country. —England, 37; Ireland, 20; New Zealand, 19; Scotland, 9; Germany, 2; Sweden, 1; Syria, 1; Eussia, 1; Mexico, 1; United States, 1; Queensland, 1; Victoria, 2. Beligion. —Church of England, 40 ; Eoman Catholic, 17; Presbyterian, 20; Wesleyan, 15; Lutheran, 3. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 2,473; individual average days' stay, 26'03. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 2-|d.; less patients' payments, ss. sfd. Eevenue and Expenditure . Bevenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 533 16 11 Eations ... ... ... 178 6 5 Subscriptions and donations ... 420 18 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 336 Patients' payments ... ... 91 0 2 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 102 16 7 Balance from last year ... ... 102 1 4 Fuel and light .... ... ... 31 1 5 Bedding and clothing ... ... 15 5 6 Furniture and earthenware ... 45 8 2 Washing and laundry ... ... 1300 Salaries and wages ... ... 286 18 0 Funerals ... ... 3 0 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 16 4 6 Additions to buildings ... ... 3279 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 19 15 6 Insurance ... ... ... 15 0 0 Commission ... ... ... 29 15 9 Other expenses ... ... ... 886 Total ... ... £1,147 16 5 Total ... ... £800 11 7 Masterton Hospital, 23rd April, 1894. I happened to visit this hospital when improvements and alterations were being effected, and I am willing to assume that the great falling-off in the cleanliness and order which used to mark this institution was largely due to this cause. I wrote to the Chairman calling the attention of the Board to certain matters which require rectification, and I have no doubt that by the time of my next visit they will have been put right. I observe that there is an increase of Is. sfd. in the cost per head per day.

NAPIEE HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 20 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 420 Total under treatment ... ... ... 440 Discharged ... ■... ... ... ... ... 368 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 27 Bemaining on 31st March, 1894... ... ... ... 45 Sex. —3lo males, 130 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Hawke's Bay and adjoining districts. Country. —England, 125; Scotland, 52 ; Ireland, 60 ; New Zealand, 172; Australia, 12; Tasmania, 1; Germany, 2; India, 4; Norway, 1; America, 3; Wales, 1; West Indies, 1; Finland, 1; Denmark, 2 ; Sweden, 3. Religion. —Church of England, 189 ; Eoman Catholic, 102 ; Presbyterian, 106 ; Wesleyan, 15 ; Jewish, 1; Christadelphian, 1; Lutheran, 5; Salvation Army, 7; Methodist, 2; Baptist, 6; undenominational, 3 ; no religion, 3. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 10,567; individual average days' stay, 24-02. Daily average cost per head, ss. B|d.; less patients' payments, 4s. IOJd. Outdoor Patients.— lndividual cases, 1,020.



Be VENUE AND ExPENDITUEE. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 907 2 6 Bations ... ... ... 738 15 0 Local bodies ... ... ... 350 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 31 11 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 461 610 Surgery and dispensary... ... 321 5 5 Bequest ... ..., ... 282 3 9 Fuel and light... ... ... 2291911 Bents ... ... ... 70 6 6 Bedding and clothing, furniture and Patients' payments ... ... 443 12 8 earthenware... ... ... 198 6 3 Other sources ... ... ... 537 Salaries and wages ... ... 977 7 8 Balance from last year ... ... 648 16 2 Water-supply... ... ... 715 0 Funerals ... ... ... 11 12 0 Bepairs ... ... ... 215 8 2 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 50 11 10 Insurance ... ... ... 4.8 8 3 Commission ... ... ... 420 Other expenses ... ... 182 4 0 Total ... ...£3,168 12 0 Total ... ...£3,017 7 0 Napier Hospital, 10th January, 1894. The doctor is getting old, and the trustees are divided. I suggested two years ago what appeared to me to be inevitable, and I do not think any real peace is possible until some change is made. Meanwhile the institution cannot thrive. Perhaps a temporary solution might be found in the plan of having an, honorary staff, with Dr. Menzies in the position of House Surgeon. I think bis long service and high character would justify exceptional treatment as regards salary.

NASBBY HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 2 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 107 Total under treatment ... ... ... 109 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 102 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 2 Sex. —Bl males, 28 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Naseby, 34 ; Gimmerburn, 11; Kyeburn, 9 ; Eweburn, 2 ; Wedderburn, 3 ; Hamilton's, 3; St. Bathan's, 9 ; Hyde, 4; Cromwell, 1; Gore, 1; Blackstone Hill, 11; Patearoa, 11; Highfield, 1; Bough Bidge, 1; Bendigo, 1; Balclutha, 1; Ida Valley, 1; Cambrian's, 3 ; Lauder, 1; Manuherikia, 1. Nationality. —English, 16; Scotch, 32; Irish, 19; New Zealand, 34 ; Australian, 5 ; French, 2; Chinese, 1. .Religion. —Church of England, 36; Boman Catholic, 24; Presbyterian, 48; Confucian, 1. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 1,809; individual average days' stay, 16'60. Daily average cost per head, Bs. ljd.; less patients' payments, 6s. 9d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 45 ; attendances, 158. BE VENUE AND EXPENDITURE. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 309 5 4 Bations ... ... ... 101 19 1 Local bodies ... ... ... 232 3 8 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 18 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 96 11 0 Surgery and dispensary... ... 30 6 2 Patients'payments ... ... 123 5 6 Fuel and light... ... ... .22 9 5 Other sources ... ... ... 10 0 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 15 15 0 Balance from last year ... ... 173 18 9 Furniture and earthenware ... 516 6 Washing and laundry ... ... 12 10 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 392 8 0 Water-supply ... ... ... 8 0 0 Funerals ... ... ... 8 4 0 Bepairs ... ... ... 12 1 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 12 0 7 Interest ... ... ... 0 19 8 Insurance ... ... ... 700 Other expenses ... ... 102 10 7 Total £945 4 3 Total £733 8 6 Naseby Hospital, 27th February, 1894. This hospital is in a thoroughly satisfactory condition. The doctor is devoted to his work, and the nursing is careful and intelligent. It would be an advantage if the ventilating openings in the ceiling of the male ward were connected by tubes with Boyle's ventilators or torpedoes.

H.- 22


NELSON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 20 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 90 Total under treatment ... ... ... 110 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 81 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... 21 Sex. —68 males, 42 females. Locality from which Patients came. —County of Waimea. Country. —New Zealand, 45 ; England, 32 ; Scotland, 10; Ireland, 9; United States of America, 2; South Australia, 1; Victoria, 1; Germany, 3; Wales, 1; Russia, 1; Sweden, 2 ; Norway, 1; India, 1; Holland, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 66 : Eoman Catholic, 14; Presbyterian, 8; Lutheran, 4; Wesleyan, 11; Baptist, 1; Hebrew, 2; Salvationist, 3; Plymouth Brethren, 1. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 8,347 ; individual average days' stay, 75'88. Daily average cost per head, ss. 2d.; less patients' payments, 4s. 6fd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 416; attendances, 2,215. Revenue and Expendituke. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 787 10 0 Eations ... ... ... 571 11 4 Local bodies ... ... ... 796 5 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 63 18 4 Eents ... ... ... 160 5 0 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 238 2 2 Patients'payments ... ... 256 0 6 Fuel and light ... ... ... 165 12 9 Other sources ... ... ... 28140 Bedding and clothing ... ... 2649 Furniture and earthenware ... 60 10 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 927 8 10 Funerals ... ... ... 850 Eepairs ... ... ... 34 0 9 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 613 9 Insurance ... ... .... 28 0 0 i Other expenses ... ... ... 26 13 6 Total ... ...£2,028 14 6- Total .. ' £2,157 1 8 Nelson Hospital, 16th October, 1893. Every year I find in this hospital a large proportion of chronic cases. The nursing this year has been greatly improved. Dr. Boor, notwithstanding advancing years, is active and fit for his work, besides having for many years possessed and deserved the affectionate respect of the entire community.

NEW PLYMOUTH HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... .... 15 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 206 Total under treatment ... ... ... 221 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 187 Died 20 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894... ... ... ... 14 Sex. —l72 males, 49 females. Localities from which Patients came. — Taranaki, 71; Hawera, 60; Stratford, 38; New Plymouth, 33; Clifton, 6; Auckland, 7 ; Patea, 2; Wellington, 1; Southland, 1; Canterbury, 1; shipping, 1. Nationality. —English, 60; Scotch, 17; Irish, 45; colonial, 86; German, 7 ; American, 1; Dane, 1; Swede, 2 ; Syrian, 1; Pole, 1. Beligion. —No record kept. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 6,020 ; individual average days' stay, 27'24. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 9d.; less patients' payments, ss. Outdoor Patients. —No record kept



BE VENUE AND ExPENDITUEE. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ...1,019 17 11 Bations ... ... ... 454 3 1 Local bodies ... ... ... 854 1 5 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 58 17 8 Subscriptions and donations ... 603 19 3 Surgery and dispensary... ... 232 15 6 Bents... ... ... ... 12 9 8 Fuel and light... ... ... 159 10 10 Patients'payments ... ... 529 11 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 53 15 10 Furniture and earthenware ... 227 2 8 Washing and laundry ... ... 40 16 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 622 17 7 Water-supply ... ... ... 10 0 0 Bepairs .. ... ... 65 16 3 New buildings... ... ... 849 2 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 34 4 2 Interest ... ... ... 2 7 4 Insurance ... ... ... 16150 Other expenses ... ... 53 11 7 Hawera Cottage Hospital ... 138 2 10 Total ... ...£3,019 19 3 Total ... ...£3,019 19 4 New Plymouth, 22nd December, 1893. At the time of my visit, Miss Blackley, the matron, who has since got married, was absent on leave, and has been succeeded by Miss Fernandez, a very satisfactory appointment. Dr. O'Carroll's orderly is getting too old for his work. The fire-hose was in a bad condition, and ought to be replaced. I think the system of drainage faulty and dangerous to the whole neighbourhood bordering the gullies into which it is discharged ; but how to remedy it until the town as a whole is drained I do not see.

OAMAEU HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 11 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 131 Total under treatment ... ... ... 142 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 127 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Bemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ~. ... ... 9 Sex. —los males, 37 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Oamaru, 70; Waitaki County, 50 ; other places, 22. Country. —England, 36 ; Scotland, 26 ; Ireland, 20; New Zealand, 35; Australia, 5 ; America, 3; Europe, 17. Beldgion. —Church of England, 60 ; Boman Catholic, 25 ; Presbyterian, 40 ; Wesleyan, 2; Salvationist, 7 ; other religions, 8. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 3,728; individual average days' stay, 26-25. Daily average cost per head, ss. 3Jd.; less patients' payments, 4s. 9-J-d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 94 ; attendances, 590. Be VENUE AND EXPENDITURE. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 99 9 4 Bations ... ... ... 210 19 3 Subscriptions and donations ... 92 17 9 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 12 19 0 Bents... ... ... 753 4 6 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 85 16 6 Patients'payments ... ... 89 15 0 Fuel and light ... ... ... 54 10 10 Interest, &c. ... ... ... 187 0 3 Bedding and clothing ... ... 17 6 4 Other sources ... ... ... 13 17 0 Furniture and earthenware ... 19 8 10 Balance from last year ... ... 2819 Washing and laundry ... ... 310 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 500 15 3 Funerals ... ... ... 7 0 0 Bepairs ... , 9 12 2 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 10 13 0 Insurance ... ... ... 5 12 0 Other expenses .. ... ... 45 17 1 Total .... ... £1,264 5 7 Total ... ... £984 0 3 Oamaru Hospital, 13th March, 1894. This hospital is admirably managed in every respect. I have no fault to find, and nothing to suggest. 3—H. 22.



PALMEESTON NOETH HOSPITAL. Number of patients admitted since 21st November, 1893—date when hospital was opened ... ... ... ... 73 Total under treatment ... ... ... 73 Discharged ... .... ... ... ... ... 49 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 19 Sex. —s7 males, 16 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Palmerston North district, 65; Masterton district, 2; Napier district, 2 ; Wanganui district, 1; Wellington district, 2 ; South Australia, 1. Nationality. —English, 18; Scotch, 3 ; Irish, 8; New Zealand, 34; Australian, 3; German, 4; Danish, 2 ; Swedish, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 29; Eoman Catholic, 16; Presbyterian, 8 ; Wesleyan, 8; Lutheran, 7 ; Salvation Army, 2; Church of Christ, 1; no religion, 2. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 1,912 ; individual average days' stay, 26-27. Daily average cost per head, 4s. 6-|d.; less patients' payments, 3s. 9-Jd. Outdoor Patients. —None. Sevenths and Expenditube. Bevenue. £ s. d. j Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,031 10 9 Eations ... ... ... 78 3 1 Subscriptions and donations ... 360 11 1 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 911 9 Patients'payments ... ... 68 11 0 Surgery and dispensary... ... 240 12 8 Other sourees ... ... ... 108 7 7 Fuel and light... ... ... 25 13 5 Balance from last year ... ... 929 2 81 Bedding and clothing ... ... 148 11 6 Furniture and earthenware ... 564 0 1 Salaries and wages ... ... 152 4 9 New buildings ... ... ...1,22613 8 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 63 7 9 Interest ... ... ... 19 14 3 Insurance ... ... ... 23 4 6 Maintenance of patients in Wanganui Hospital... ... ... 464 4 7 Other expenses ... ... 65 0 2 Total £2,498 3 1 Total ... £3,081 2 2 Palmerston North. I have paid several visits to this hospital during the year, and did all I could, in consultation with the trustees to help in its successful inauguration. It has had seventy-three patients under treatment since its opening, which shows that there exists a real demand for such an institution in the district. Its medical care has been intrusted to Drs. Mclntyre and Porter, who take the admissions week about. Miss Dougherty, a well trained and capable nurse of great experience, has been appointed matron, with trained assistants. As a hospital, the institution is well administered in every way ; but as a building, some of the materials were unseasoned, and some of the workmanship very inferior.

PATEA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 1 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 25 Total under treatment ... ... ... 26 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 22 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 3 Sex. —21 males, 5 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Patea, 11; Alton, 2; Waverley, 4; Waitotara, 1; Kakaramea, 3; Waipawa, 1; Kai-iwi, 1; Auckland, 1; Christchurch, 1. Nationality. —English, 8; Scotch, 1; Irish, 6; colonial, 8; German, 1; Pole, 1. Beligion. —No record. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 725; individual average days' stay, 27'88. Daily average cost per head, 9s. IOJd.; less patients' payments, 9s. 4d.



Bevenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 158 6 10 Eations ... ... ... 7651 Local bodies ... ... ... 150 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 3 7 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 6 19 0 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 0 9 6 Patients'payments ... ... 18 15 6 Fuel and light ... ... ... 25 11 5 Other sources ... ... ... 319 Bedding and clothing ... ... 498 Furniture and earthenware ... 29 9 8 Salaries and wages ... ... 200 0 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 7 11 3 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 351 Interest ... ... ... 1 6 10 Insurance ... ... ... 1 17 6 Other expenses ... • ... ... 3 5 0 Total ... ... £337 3 1 Total ... ... £356 18 0 Patea Hospital, 7th February, 1894. This hospital is rendered still more superfluous by the recent establishment of a fine new hospital at Hawera. lam bound to say, however, that it is well and economically managed. I have always found it in good order. The daily cost per head is 9s. IOJd., and the total treated during the year was twenty-six, with an average individual stay of 27'88 days.

PICTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 9 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 32 Total under treatment ... ... ... 41 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 26 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 Bemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 11 Sex. —36 males, 5 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Picton Hospital District, 39; Blenheim, 1; Wellington, 1. Country. —England, 13 ; Scotland, 6 ; Ireland, 5 ; New Zealand, 6 ; Australia, 1; Holland, 1; Germany, 3 ; Denmark, 1; Norway, 2 ; aboriginal natives, 3. Beligion. —No record kept. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 3,482; individual average days' stay, 84-93. Daily average cost per head, 3s. 4Jd.; less patients' payments, 3s. 2-J-d; Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 16. Bevenue and Expenditure. Bevenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 100 17 6 Eations ... ... ... 140 11 6 Local bodies ... ... ... 91 17 4 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 12 13 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 27 5 0 Surgery and dispensary... ... 27 9 8 Eents and interest ... ... 17 9 0 Fuel and light... ... ... 391511 Patients'payments ... ... 27 9 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 7 4 4 Other sources ... ... ... 9141 Furniture and earthenware ... 8 19 10 Balance from last year ... ... 309 14 6 Washing and laundry ... ... 14 19 2 Salaries and wages ... ... 254 0 0 Water-supply ... ... ... 3 10 0 Funerals ... ... ... 11 0 0 Eepairs ... , ... ... 21 12 3 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 11 14 5 Insurance ... ... ... 600 Other expenses ... ... 24 16 4 Total ... ... £584 6 5 Total ... ... £584 6 5 Picton Hospital, Ist May, 1894. It has long been evident to me that it is only a question of time when this hospital must be converted into an old man's home for Marlborough. For the present the local bodies are stre-



nuously resisting this conclusion. The institution is well conducted in every respect, and the patients speak in the highest terms of the kindness with which they are treated, and, so far as I can judge, with good reason, for everything is in good order, and manifest comfort prevails.

QUEENSTOWN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 12 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 119 Total under treatment ... ... ... 131 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 115 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894 .. ... ... ... 9 Sex. —104 males, 27 females. Localities from xohich Patients came. —Lake, Vincent, Clutha, and Southland Counties; Dunedin, Taieri. Country. —England, 14; Scotland, 22; Ireland, 30; New Zealand, 53; Germany, 2; Holland, 2; Victoria, 4; Tasmania, 2; Wales, 1 ; Switzerland, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 35 ; Eoman Catholic, 48; Presbyterian, 48. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 4,359; individual average days' stay, 33-28. Daily average cost per head, 4s. llfd. ; less patients' payments, 3s. 3Jd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 35 ; attendances, 65. Be venue and Expenditure. Bevenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 361 2 9 Eations ... ... ... 249 7 7 Local bodies ... ... ... 243 15 3 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter, s\irSubscriptions and donations ... 68 8 2 gery and dispensary ... ... 107 2 8 Patients'payments ... ... 363 16 3 Fuel and light ... ... ... 58 3 4 Furniture ... ... ... 73 10 7 Salaries and wages ... ... 420 13 0 Eepairs and additions ... ... 90 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 426 Other expenses... ... ... 79 19 6 Total ... £1,037 2 5 Total ... £1,082 19 2 Queenstown, 25th February, 1894. There has been a considerable increase in the number of patients treated during the year, and a fall in the individual average stay. For a hospital of this size, the salary of the doctor —£265 and a house—may be considered large, but the position held by Dr. Douglas in this community is so unique, and rests on so long a record of splendid service, that nothing need be said so long as the public is content. The institution I found in a thoroughly satisfactory condition.

EEEFTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 7 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 47 Total under treatment ... ... ... 54 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 40 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... . . 9 Sex. —53 males, 1 female. Localities from which Patients came. —lnangahua, Buller, and Grey Counties. Country. —England, 13 ; Scotland, 8; Ireland, 18; New Zealand, 9; Victoria, 2 ; Wales, 1; China, 1; France, 1; Tasmania, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 21; Boman Catholic, 18 ; Presbyterian, 9; Wesleyan, 5 ; Confucian, 1. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 2,909; individual average days' stay, 53-87. Daily average cost per head, 7s. 4d. ; less patients' payments, 6s. 9Jd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 90; attendances, 568.



Bevenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 462 10 8 Bations ... ... ... 216 14 11 Local bodies ... ... ... 75 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 1110 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 307 19 4 Surgery and dispensary ... 74 10 10 Patient's payments ... ... 80 12 6 Fuel and light... ... ... 45 7 9 Balance from last year ... ... 157 16 10 Bedding and clothing ... ... 15 8 9 Washing and laundry ... ... 491 Salaries and wages ... ... 523 3 0 Funerals ... ... ... 7 5 0 Bepairs ... ... ... 32 12 8 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 21 13 6 Interest ... ... ... 064 Insurance ... .... ... 939 Commission ... ... ... 746 Telephone ... ... ... 51 15 10 Other expenses ... ... 44 10 3 Total ... ...£1,083 19 4 Total ... ...£1,065 16 2 Beefton. There has been a slight fall in the number of patients this year, as well as in the collective stay, and a marked increase of Is. 2d. in the daily average cost. In other respects the hospital continues to deserve the public confidence in every way. It is a model of cleanliness and comfort.

EIVEETON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 11 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 98 Total under treatment ... ... ... 109 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 95 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Bemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 8 Sex. —77 males, 32 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Wallace County. Country. —England, 18; Scotland, 28; Ireland, 15; New Zealand, 35; Tasmania, 1; Victoria, 3; Austria, 1; United States of America, 1; China, 2 ; aboriginal natives, 5. Religion. —No record. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 4,363; individual average days' stay, 40-03. Daily average cost per head, ss. 9Jd.; less patients' payments, ss. 3§-d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 123 ; attendances, 213. Be VENUE AND EXPENDITURE. Bevenuc. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 527 9 9 Bations ... ... ... 296 16 7 Local bodies ... ... ... 466 410 "Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 22 0 5 Subscriptions and donations ... 32 11 3 Surgery and dispensary ... 90 8 8 Patients'payments ... ... 102 19 6 Fuel and light ... ... 76 0 5 Other sources ... ... ... 030 Bedding and clothing ... ... 79 1 6 Balance from last year ... ... 232 17 3 Furniture and earthenware ... 67 8 7 Washing and laundry ... ... 1 15 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 547 17 6 Funerals ... ... ... 5 15 0 Bepairs ... ... ... 8 11 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 16 18 9 Insurance ... ... ... 7 12 6 Other expenses ... ... 38 18 11 Total ... ...£1,362 5 7 Total ... ...£1,259 410 Biverton Hospital, 22nd February, 1894. This is one of the cases in which the persistence of one or two local men succeeded in securing for their district a fine new hospital, well designed, and affording better accommodation than the Town of Invercargill. I did my best to prevent this spending of public money to provide for a future that is still remote, but failed. I had an interview with the Chairman, at which I discussed with him the internal economy of the institution, and made certain suggestions which will, I hope, have borne fruit by the time of my next visit.



EOSS HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... 6 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 23 Total under treatment ... ... ... 29 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894... ... ... ... 7 Sex. —29 males. Localities from which Patients came. —Eoss, 18; Donoghue's, 3 ; Totara, 2; Gillespie's, 2 ; Ohuru, 1; Okarito, 1; Eedman's, 1; Wanganui, 1. Country. —England, 9; Scotland, 3 ; Ireland, 7 ; New Zealand, 4 ; Wales, 1; America, 3; Germany, 2. Beligion. —Church of England, 14 ; Eoman Catholic, 10 ; Presbyterian, 2; Wesleyan, 3. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 2,561; individual average, days' stay, 88'31. Daily average cost per head, 4s. lOfd. Bevenue and Expenditure. Bevenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 257 8 8 Eations, wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 181 6 4 Local bodies ... ... ... 198 15 3 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 33 19 1 Subscriptions and donations ... 146 13 4 Fuel and light ... ... ... 24 0 2 Bequest ... ... ... 2400 Bedding and clothing ... ... 3100 Furniture and earthenware ... 326 Salaries and wages ... ... 343 6 8 Eepairs ... ... ... 19 5 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 911 0 Other expenses ... ... 8160 Total ... ...£626 17 3 Total ... ...£626 17 3 Eoss, 25th October, 1893. I found this hospital well looked after by Dr. Craig. Its existence, however, is, as I have frequently pointed out, maintained as a means of subsidising a medical man to enable him to live in the district.

THAMES HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 11 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 232 Total under treatment ... ... ... 243 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 216 Died . . ... ... ... ... ... 14 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894... ... ... ... 13 Sex. —l73 males, 70 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Thames and Ohinemuri Counties and Thames Borough. Country. —England, 48; Scotland, 14; Ireland, 34; New Zealand, 125 ; France, 2 ; America, 1; Victoria, 2 ; Tasmania, 3; Nova Scotia, 2; Sweden, 1 ; Norway, 2; Austria, 2 ; Germany, 3; Tahiti, 1 ; Cape de Verd, 1; Wales, 1; China, 1. Beligion. —No record. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 5,811; individual average days' stay, 23-91. Daily average cost per head, 4s. lljd.; less patients' payments, 3s. lid. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 236; attendances, 540. Revenue and Expenditure. Bevenue. £ s. d. i Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 595 14 7 Eations, fuel, and light ... 356 0 5 Local bodies ... ... ... 545 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 5 2 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 3756 Surgery and dispensary ... 99 13 11 Rents ... ... ... 900 Bedding and clothing, furniture, Patients' payments ... ... 305 1 5 and earthenware ... ... 67 10 11 Other sources ... ... 5176 Salaries and wages ... ... 716 2 4 Balance from last year... ... 80 5 11 Water-supply and rates ... 28 2 6 Funerals ... ... ... 4 12 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 23 7 3 Additions to buildings ... ... 30 16 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 34 4 9 Insurance ... ... ... 4 10 0 I Other expenses ... ... 103 10 5 Total ... ... £1,578 4 11 Total ... ... £1,473 12 6



Thames Hospital. Nothing could be more satisfactory than the way in which this old and badly-designed building is utilised by Dr. Williams and his staff. I explained to the secretary and trustees, some of whom represented to me the need for certain new wards, that many other parts of the colony were much worse off in respect of accommodation, and that, in my opinion, it would be unjustifiable to pull down the old wards. The Thames district can quite well wait for better times before demanding new buildings.

TIMABU HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ~. ... ... 25 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 282 Total under treatment ... ... ... 307 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 260 Died ... 20 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 27 Sex. —193 males, 114 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Hospital district, 266; outside hospital district, 41. Nationality. —English, 93 ; Scotch, 40 ; Irish, 50 ; colonial, 117 ; Erench, 2; Swede, 1; East Indian, 4. Beligion. —Church of England, 138; Eoman Catholic, 65 ; Presbyterian, 52 ; Wesleyan, 13 ; Primitive Methodist, 13; Congregationalist, 4; Salvation Army, 12; Baptist, 8; Plymouth Brethren, 2. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 8,075 ; individual average days' stay, 26'30. Daily average cost per head, ss. ; less patients' payments, 4s. 6d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 162 ; attendances, 520. Bevenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. I Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 971 57 j Eations ... ... ... 509 14 1 Local bodies ... ... ... 971 5 7 j Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 33 15 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 36 67 j Surgery and dispensary ... ... 214 10 5 Eents ... ... ... 15 7 6 Fuel and light... ... ... 227 0 0 Patients'payments ... ... 203 2 3 Bedding and clothing ... ... 94 10 1 Furniture and earthenware ... 37 3 0 Washing and laundry ... ... 18 14 4 Salaries and wages ... ... 628 4 8 Water-supply ... ... ... 21 17 4 Eepairs ... ... ... 110 15 3 Additions to buildings ... ... 178 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 39 13 2 Insurance ... ... ... 16 3 5 Other expenses ... ... 6769 Total ... ...£2,197 7 6 Total ... ...£2,197 7 6 Timaru Hospital, 15th March, 1894. I have satisfied myself by careful examination of its working that this hospital continues to deserve the high degree of confidence which the public repose in its management. One point I desire to make a suggestion about—namely, that there ought to be established a system by which the nurses should be examined and certificated, as well as taught. If the staff do not see their way to do this they might arrange with the Christchurch Hospital.

WAIKATO HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... •>... ... 14 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 229 Total under treatment ... ... ... 243 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 209 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 14 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894... ... ... ... 20 Sex. —196 males, 47 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Waikato, 46 ; Waipa, 64 ; Piako, 41; Eaglan, 18 ; Kingcountry, 4 ; Hamilton, 47 ; Cambridge, 17 ; Auckland, 4 ; Napier, 1; Sydney, 1. Country. —England, 64; Scotland, 17 ; Ireland, 41; New Zealand, 103; British America, 1 ; Sweden, 1; Denmark, 2 ; Bast Indies, 1; Channel Islands, 1; Australia, 9; Tasmania, 1; United States of America, 1; Eussia, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 120; Eoman Catholic, 44; Presbyterian, 33; Wesleyan, 33; Lutheran, 4 ; Baptist, 2 ; Salvationist, 2 ; Hauhau, 1; others, 4. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 5,389; individual average days' stay, 22-17. Daily average cost per head, 7s. 9Jd.; less patients' payments, 6s.



Bevenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,112 19 9 Eations ... ... ... 424 1 9 Local bodies ... ... ... 9791210 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 34 13 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 716 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 332 14 2 Eents ... ... ••• 30 1 0 Fuel and light ... ... 12502 Patients'payments ... ... 467 12 9 Bedding and clothing ... ... 39 13 9 Other sources ... ... 53 18 4 Furniture and earthenware ... 49 12 5 Washing and laundry ... ... 7596 Salaries and wages ... ... 775 3 4 Water-supply ■ ... ... 10 0 0 Funerals ... ... ... 15 18 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 56 11 3 Doctor's residence ... ... 559 5 7 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 40 7 0 Insurance ... ... ... 5 10 0 Other expenses ... ... 108 0 9 Total ... ..£2,652 0 8 Total ... ...£2,652 0 8 Waikato Hospital, Ist January, 1894. On the day of my visit this institution contained one female and ten male patients. The nurses number six, a head nurse and five subordinates, all of whom are most carefully trained by means of lectures and demonstrations. The number of nurses appears to be excessive, but is oxplained by the fact that they work only eight hours a day, and the result is seen in the comparatively large cost of 7s. 9Jd. per patient per day. It looks as if the example of this hospital will soon 'be 'followed elsewhere, with, of course, a considerable increase of the rates. The hospital is admirably managed in every respect. The Medical Officer gets £400 and a house, without private practice. This arrangement works admirably so far as the hospital is concerned, but it is rather expensive, and has a tendency, which must be carefully guarded against, to make the hospital too attractive, and admission easy, for persons who ought to be treated outside.

WAIMATB HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 93 Total under treatment ... ... ... 100 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 84 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 Kemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 11 Sex. —78 males, 22 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Waimate County. Country. —England, 13; Scotland, 12 ; Ireland, 23 ; New Zealand, 35 ; Germany, 1; Australia, 13 ; Canada, 2 ; China, 1. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 2,515 ; individual average days' stay, 25-15. Daily average cost per head, 7s. 7d.; less patients' payments, 7s. ljd. Eevenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 504 9 6 Eations ... ... ... 147 2 0 Local bodies ... ... ... 443 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 514 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 24 19 9 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 44 711 Patients' payments ... .... 59 411 Fuel and light ... ... ... 50 4 8 Other sources ... ... ... 14 9 6 Bedding and clothing ... . ... 213 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 494 16 6 Water-supply ... .... ... 47 5 0 Funerals ... ... ... 3 10 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 36 14 3 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 986 Interest ... ... ... 0 2 8 Insurance ... ... - ... 11 17 0 Consultation fees ... ... 16 16 0 Other expenses ... ... ... 82 610 Total ... £1,046 3 8 Total ... ... £952 19 4 Waimate Hospital, 14th March, 1894. This hospital is extremely comfortable, and well managed. The doctor is attentive, and the nursing is good. There were fifteen patients on the day of my inspection, two of thorn suffering from typhoid.



WAIPAWA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 23 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 245 Total under treatment ... ... ... 268 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 227 Died ... ... ... ... ... 9 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 32 Sex. —243 males, 25 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Bush, 53; Danevirke, 35 ; Woodville, 16 ; Porangahau, 23; Waipawa, 31; Waipukurau, 23; Makaretu, 17; Kaikora, &c, 36; Hastings, 5; Napier, 5 ; Wellington, 3; Wairarapa, 2; Auckland, 3; Patangata, 6; Patea, 1; Gisborne, 1; Clive, 3; Wairoa, 1; Australia, 2 ; Eotorua, 1; Palmerston, 1. Nationality. —English, 100; Scotch, 20; Irish, 48 ; New Zealand, 58 ; Welsh, 1; Scandinavian, 8; Danes, 8; Australian, 8; German, 2; American, 6 ; Eussian, 3; Polish, 1; West Indian, 1; Shetland Isles, 1; Italian, 1; Indian, 1; Moor, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 131; Eoman Catholic, 55 : Presbyterian, 46; Lutheran, 22; Wesleyan, 2; Plymouth Brethren, 1 ; Unitarian, 1; others, 10. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 7,742; individual average days' stay, 28-89. Daily average cost per head, 4s. 3-Jd.; less patients' payments, 3s. llf d. Outdoor Patients. —None. Eevenue and Expenditueb. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 597 6 2 Eations ... ... ... 470 10 4 Local bodies ... ... ... 452 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 23 7 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 141 3 3 Surgery and dispensary... ... 292 0 4 Patients'payments ... ... 116 6 3 Fuel and light ... ... ... 93 1 8 Other sources ... ... ... 4770 Bedding and clothing ... ... 3140 Furniture, earthenware, and repairs ... , 21 8 9 Washing and laundry ... ... 1300 Salaries and wages ... ... 610 110 Funerals ... ... ... 21 5 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 13 15 6 Interest ... ... ... 9 18 5 Insurance ... ... ... 21 0 0 Other expenses ... ... 3311 Total ... ...£1,354 2 8 Total ... ...£1,653 13 11 Waipawa Hospital, 13th January, 1894. There were twenty-three patients in the hospital when I visited it, and of these five were persons who ought to be in a refuge. It is always a pleasure to me to visit this institution—its whole atmosphere is so kindly, and the public take such an interest in their patients. The management is all that could be desired, and the staff is amazingly small.

WANGANUI HOSPITAL. Number-of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 19 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 211 Total under treatment ... ... ... 230 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 199 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 Bemaining on 31st March, 1894... ... ... ... 16 Sex. —lB6 males, 44 females. Localities from which Patients came, —Wanganui district, 168; Palmerston North district, 62. Nationality. —English, 78; Scotch, 17; Irish, 46; colonial, 74; Norwegian, 1; Swedish, 2; German, 4; Danish, 6; Dutch, 1 ; United States of America, 1, 4—H. 22.



Beligion. —Church of England, 108 ; Eoman Catholic, 54; Presbyterian, 32 ; Wesleyan, 9; others, 27. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 7,242; individual average days' stay, 31-49. Daily average cost per head, ss. Of d.; less patients' payments, 3s. 4d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 106; attendances, 595. Eevenub and Expbnditube. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 399 7 1 Eations ... ... ... 379 7 3 Local bodies ... ... ... 440 0 4 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 34 1 4 Subscriptions and donations ... 7150 Surgery and dispensary... ... 358 15 1 Eents ... ... ... 509 011 Fuel and light ... ... ... 12614 4 Patients' payments ... ... 631 19 6 Bedding and clothing ... ... 46155 Other sources ... ... ... 167 0 0 Furniture and earthenware ... 23 5 3 Balance from last year ... ... 66 5 8 Washing and laundry ... ... 47 17 3 Salaries and wages ... ... 657 110 Water-supply and rates... ... 20 12 3 Funerals ' 17 12 10 Repairs ... ... ... 23 14 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 23 0 11 Interest ... ... ... 0 2 6 Insurance ... ... ... 8 15 0 Other expenses ... ... 65 13 11 ' . Total ... ...£2,221 8 6 Total ... ...£1,833 9 8 Wanganui Hospital, 20th December, 1893. This hospital is so old, so badly constructed, and so badly drained that it ought to be burned. I am thankful to find that at last a beginning has been made with the erection of an excellent building on a site a little way out of town. I hope the trustees will keep to their resolution of building with bricks, and will see that the bricks are of good quality; otherwise, wood is better. I have examined the new plans, and had several interviews with Mr. Atkins, the architect, who has taken great pains to make it a model hospital.

WELLINGTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... 120 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 1,141 Total under treatment ... ... ... 1,261 Discharged... ... ... ... ... ... 1, 014 Died 101 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... 146 Sex. —808 males, 453 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Wellington, 804; Petone, 22; Hutt, 13; suburbs, 61; Feilding, 2; Palmerston North, 13; Wanganui, 7 ; ships, 37 ; Wairarapa, 3; Pohangina, 1; Otaki, 26; Featherston, 4; Christchurch, 8; Woodville, 2; Eketahuna, 3; Hastings, 2; Sandon, 3; Greytown, 1; Longburn, 4; Carterton, 4; Levin, 17; Masterton, 3 ; Shannon, 2; Mangatainotoka, 1; Nelson, 3 ; Dunedin, 3; Pahiatua, 6; Napier, 3 ; Greymouth, 1; Poxton, 3; Manukati, 12 ; Bull's, 1; Ashurst, 1; Martinborotigh, 1; Invercargill, 1; Auckland, 6 ; Marton, 1; Waituna, 1; Blenheim, 3; Mungaroa, 1; Waikato, 1; Makara, 1; Taranaki, 5; Pakuratahi, 3; Paikakariki, 4; Westport, o ; Eangitikei, 2; Halcombe, 4; Patea, 1; Ormond, 1; Ohau, 5; Birmingham, 2 ; Paraparaumu, 2; Paremata, 3 ; Pahautanui, 2; Hokitika, 1; Waikanae, 3; Gampbelltown, 1; Sydney, 1; Chatham Islands, 1; Beefton, 1; Makino, 2. Nationality. —English, 354 ; Scotch, 98; Irish, 145 ; New Zealand, 445; Australian, 18 ; Danish, 7 ; Italian, 4 ; Norwegian, 9 ; German, 17 ; American, 7 ; Welsh, 5; Chinese, 9; Swedish, 8; French, 3 ; Finn, 1; Eussian, 3; Africans, 4; Mexican, 1; Canadian, 1; West Indian, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 508 ; Eoman Catholic, 263 ; Presbyterian, .162; Wesleyan, 93 ; Methodist, 9 ; Baptist, 18 ; Primitive Methodist, 6; Lutheran, 12 ; Brethren, 6; Congregationalist, g; Chinese, 9; Salvationist, 19 ; Church of Christ, 5 ; Hebrews, 2 ; Episcopalian, 1; no religion, 17 Total collective days' stay in hospital, 48,864; individual average days' stay, 38'75. Daily average cost per head, 3s. 5Jd.; less patients' payments, 3s. OJd. Outdoor Patients, —Individual cases, 2,720 ; attendances, 10,850.



Eevenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 6,724 14 11 Eations ... ... ... 2,682 12 5 Local bodies ... ... 3,460 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 183 2 2 Subscriptions and donations ... 515 17 4 Surgery and dispensary ... 761 12 11 Bents ... ... ... 1,705 4 5 Fuel and light ... ... 847 10 7 Patients'payments ... ... 995 8 5 Bedding and clothing... ... 382 7 0 Other sources ... ... 3,001 2 1 Furniture and earthenware ... 78 6 4 Balance from last year ... 356 10 5 Washing and laundry ■ ... 281 18 9 Salaries and wages ... ... 2,615 17 6 Water-supply ... ... 145 2 0 Funerals ... ... ... 38 10 6 Eepairs ... ... ... 164 2 5 Additions to buildings ... 5,539 6 7 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 62 13 9 Interest and principal ... 340 5 8 Insurance ... ... ... 37 1 4 ' Commission ... ... 30 2 11 Other expenses ... ... 112 17 1 Total ... ... £16,758 17 7 Total ... ... £14,303 9 11 Wellington Hospital. A new wing, containing a large new ward and accommodation for the increased nursing staff, has been added this year, so that Wellington is amply provided with hospital accommodation for years to come, especially when the new drainage scheme shall have banished typhoid. The management of the hospital and the attention and. skill of the medical staff, and especially of Dr. Ewart, has made this institution so popular that a new phase of the hospital system is showing itself. What with the closer organization of the friendly societies, and the enormously-increased extent of the outdoor cases (2,720 individual cases and 10,850 attendances last year), it looks as if collectivism were first to make itself really triumphant in respect to the medical profession. Certainly, individualism is in a bad way among the doctors.

WESTPOET HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 15 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 55 Total under treatment ... ... ... 70 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 47 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Eemaining on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ...' .'.. 17 Sex. —66 males, 4 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Borough of Westport and Buller district. Nationality. —English, 22; Scotch, 11; Irish, 15; Welsh, 5; New-Zealand-born, 8; American, 3 ; German, 2 ; Swedish, 2 ; Tasmanian, 1; Austrian, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 21; Eoman Catholic, 17; Presbyterian, 12; Wesleyan, 3; Methodist, 4 ; Lutheran, 5 ; others, 8. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 6,580 ; individizal average days' stay, 94. Daily average cost per head, 3s. 3d.; less patients' payments, 3s. Id. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 96. Bevenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Prom Government ... ... 487 17 3 Rations ... ... ... 316 411 Local bodies ... ... ... 469 12 5 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 13 16 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 33 4 0 Surgery and dispensary... ... 62 5 7 Patients'payments ... ... 49 6 2 Fuel and light... ... ... 33 9 0 Other sources ... ... 33 17 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 28 14 3 Furniture and earthenware ... 59 18 10 Salaries and wages ... ... 410 14 7 Funerals ... ... ... 22 2 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 97 5 8 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 11 17 6 Insurance ... ... ... 7 17 4 Other expenses ... ... 2 10 6 Total ... ... £1,073 16 10 Total ... ...£1,066 17 2



Westport Hospital, 10th June, 1894. I visited this hospital twice since my last report. On both occasions I found everything working well. Owing to a charge of malpraxis against Dr. Wright, and an unfavourable verdict, with which the Judge disagreed, I regret to find that Dr. Wright is leaving in consequence. He has been a conscientious and devoted officer.

BOTOBUA SANATOEIUM. EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1894. £ s. d. Eesident Medical Officer ... ... ... 400 0 0 Matron ... ... ... ... ... ... 79 11 8 Bath attendants and servants ... ... ... ... 350 8 0 Rations ... ... ... ... ... ... 323 10 1 Fuel and Light ... ... ... ... ... ... ml2 3 Furniture and crockery ... ... 471610 Surgery and dispensary ... ... ... ... 1695 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ... ... 21 13 0 1,351 1 3 Received for maintenance ... ... ... 428 4 10 £922 16 5 Number of patients on 31st March, 1893 ... ... ... 11 ■ ' ' ■ Admitted during the year ... ... ... 55 Total under treatment ... ... 66 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 56 Remaining on 31sfc March, 1894 ... ... 10 Average number resident during the year, 7 ; daily average cost per head, 10s. 6fd., less repayments for maintenance, 7s. 2-|d. The time has come when the Government should adopt some comprehensive scheme for the development of the whole thermal region of New Zealand, of which the existing sanatorium can only be regarded as a nucleus. I hope to find the Lands Department bring forward such a plan, with the necessary vote to carry it out. I visited the sanatorium twice during the year, and lam satisfied that it is in a very satisfactory condition.

CHAEITABLE INSTITUTIONS. I have visited all the charitable institutions in the colony, and found that everywhere, except at New Plymouth and Napier, suitable buildings were provided. The Napier Board are taking steps to secure a good site, with a considerable area of good land, within five miles of the town, ■with a view to erect a home for aged people. In Gisborne I found an untidy cottage, without suitable conveniences, rented at £40, where six men are boarded, at a cost of 10s. per week. The rooms and beds were dirty, and the whole place very squalid. The cost per head per week throughout the colony varies from ss. 5Jd. to 10s., according to local circumstances and the numbers resident. I have refrained as much as possible from urging the establishment of new institutions, in the hope of a comprehensive Act dealing with large districts, where the governing bodies should have larger powers. I have in former reports urged that the whole of the cost of what I may call the State children should be taken over from the local bodies, and boarded out under the supervision of the Education Department. Meanwhile, lam glad to find that nearly all the children are being boarded out, mostly in the country, at a cost varying from ss. to Bs. a week. D. MacGregob, M.A., M.8., Inspector of Asylums and Hospitals.



Table showing Admissions, Discharges, &c., of Patients at Hospitals for Year ended 31st March, 1894.

Hospitals. Number of Patients on Mareli31,1893. Number of Patients admitted during Year. Total under Treatment. Number discharged. Deaths. Number remaining March 31,1894. Si IX. Total Collective Days' Stay in Hospital. Individual Average Days' Stay. Average jDaily Cost ] Patient. Percentage of Cost of .Number of Om ;door Patients. M. E. tion on Total Expenditure. Individual Cases. Attendances. Akaroa Arrowtown Ashburton Auckland Blenheim Charleston Christchuich Coromandel Cromwell Dunedin Dunstan Gisborne Greymouth Greytown Holdtika Invercargill Kumara Lawrence Masterton Napier Naseby Nelson New Plymouth .. Oamaru Palmerston North Patea Picton Queenstown Reefton Riverton Boss Thames Timaru Waikato Waimate Waipawa Wanganui Wellington Westport 4 5 16 106 18 3 1 4 103 4 13 40 2 28 19 9 10 9 20 2 20 15 11 27 103 134 1,082 105 3T 1,255 11 54 1,028 44 163 - 118 33 137 269 76 121 86 420 107 90 206 131 73 25 32 119 47 98 23 232 282 229 93 245 211 1,141 55 31 108 150 1,188 123 40 1,349 12 58 1,131 48 176 158 35 165 288 85 131 95 440 109 110 221 142 73 26 41 131 54 109 29 243 307 243 100 268 230 1,261 70 29 101 137 950 87 33 1,160 10 51 952 38 149 85 32 126 340 69 116 87 368 102 81 187 127 49 22 26 115 40 95 18 216 260 209 84 227 199 1,014 47 2 3 7 122 10 92 2 4 83 7 15 21 1 17 23 9 9 3 27 5 8 20 6 5 1 4 7 5 6 4 14 20 14 5 9 15 101 6 •• 4 6 116 26 5 97 96 3 12 52 2 22 25 6 5 45 2 21 14 9 19 3 11 9 9 8 7 13 27 20 11 32 16 146 17 28 60 126 854 94 40 870 8 49 698 38 139 133 33 134 209 76 84 86 310 81 68 172 105 57 21 36 104 53 77 29 173 193 196 78 243 186 3 48 24 334 29 479 4 9 433 10 37 25 2 31 79 9 47 9 130 28 42 49 37 16 5 5 27 1 32 744 1,246 3,316 35,814 7,090 1,891 39,960 153 1,236 36,220 1,552 4,579 15,868 891 8,273 10,105 2,846 2,687 2,473 10,567 1,809 8,347 6,020 3,728 1,912 725 3,482 4,359 2,909 4,363 2,561 5,811 8,075 5,389 2,515 7,742 7,242 48,864 6,580 24-00 11-54 22-11 30 15 57-64 47-27 29-62 12-75 21-31 32-02 32-33 26-02 100-43 25-46 50-14 3509 33-48 20-51 26-03 24-02 16-60 75-88 27-24 26-25 26-27 27-88 84-93 33-28 53-87 40-03 88-31 23-91 26-30 22-17 25-15 28-89 31-49 38-75 94-00 s. d. 10 10 9 111 7 10f 4 4J 4 If 5 10J 3 9 44 0* 10 10| 3 9 8 71 4 6} 2 11J 7 6' 4 10* 4 4J 6 7J 7 3| 6 2J 5 8§ 8 1J 5 2 6 9 5 31 4 6J 9 lOf 3 4£ 4 111 7 4 5 9J 4 10f 4 13 £ 5 0 7 9J 7 7 4 3J 5 Of 3 5| 3 3 37-13 56-99 36-59 30-27 25-06 44-78 37-11 54-56 59-46 33-56 58-27 50-48 54-44 62-87 38-03 37-23 43-07 39-00 39-97 34-70 55-12 43-30 32-32 51-93 37-07 56-86 45-55 39-24 53-87 44-88 56-30 51-98 33-08 38-99 . 52-89 37-73 37-09 2913 39-64 33 491 15 970 172 30 1,692 27 199 174 801 124 65 1,020 45 416 No record 94 "66 3,590 220 3,145 944 43 9,234 573 340 2,013 231 No record. No record. 158 2,215 No record. 590 1 9 12 7 11 6 11 25 14 7 23 19 120 15 '70 114 47 22 25 44 16 35 90 123 236 162 65 568 213 540 520 106 2,720 96 595 10,850 66 •• 4 Totals 836 8,742 9,578 7,938 714 926 | 6,815 2,763 319,944 33-40 4 8i 36-82 9,952 36,713


Table showing Receipts on account of Hospitals during the Year ended 31st March, 1894.


Hospitals. Government. From ! Hospital Boards | and Local Authorities. Voluntary Contributions.; Bequests. Bents. Payments by Patients. Other Sources. Balances from Last Year. Total Eeceipts. £ s. d. 202 4 0 292 7 11 570 0 0 1,915 12 3 617 18 10 266 2 8 4,430 19 10 487 8 10 ■582 14 5 2,903 6 4 289 19 2 514 11 0 1,089 0 2 195 11 3 1,017 0 10 1,166 15 10 538 16 7 267 8 10 533 16 11 907 2 6 309 5 4 787 10 0 1,019 17 11 99 9 4 1,031 10 9 158 6 10 100 17 6 361 2 9 462 10 8 527 9 9 257 8 8 595 14 7 971 5 7 1,112 19 9 504 9 6 597 6 2 399 7 1 6,724 14 11 487 17 3 £ s. d. 202 5 3 172 8 2 660 0 0 1,915 12 2 b87 9 4 145 16 8 3,737 2 8 200 0 0 170 15 10 2,662 2 2 215 2 1 340 0 0 535 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. a. & s. a. & s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. 404 9 3 647 4 5 1,346 14 6 7,826 14 2 1,627 15 5 556 0 6 8,787 6 2 982 9 6 931 8 11 7,041 13 10 867 11 8 1,335 14 10 2,152 13 1 391 15 10 2,125 18 3 2,667 A 6 1,010 12 11 1,226 11 11 1,147 16 5 3,168 12 0 945 4 3 2,028 14 6 3,019 19 3 1,264 .5 7 2,498 3 1 337 3 1 584 6 5 1,037 2 5 1,083 19 4 1,362 5 7 626 17 3 1,578 4 11 2,197 7 6 2,652 .0 8 1,046 3 8 1,354 2 8 2,221 8 6 16,758 17 7 1,073 16 10 Akaroa Arrowtown .. Ashburton Auckland Blenheim Charleston Christchurch .. Goromandel Cromwell Duhedin .. Bunstan Gisborne Grey mouth Greytown Hokitika Invereargill .. Lawrence Masterton Napier .. Naseby Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru .. Palrnerston North Patea Picton .. Queenstown Keefton .. Riverton Boss Thames Timaru Waikato Waimate Waipawa ,, Wanganui Wellington Westport 605 8 4 1,115 5 0 208 15 0 260 2 6 350 0 0 232 3 8 796 5 0 854 1 5 92 9 1 10 0 15 12 6 29 13 11 100 0 0 100 0 0 218 14 7 124 7 6 202 5 4 79 16 0 136 19 11 423 17 9 118 4 4 341 13 9 55 12 5 151 7 0 14 0 420 18 0 461 6 10 96 11 0 992 5 0 353 12 10 50 0 0 [ io"o o ! '.'. I I 53 10 0 .. ■ ■ 282 3 9 | 70 6 6 86 10 9 113 14 6 2,587 12 5 205 7 10 43 8 8 507 12 8 13 0 2 43 11 2 987 10 4 51 5 0 187 0 0 44 18 10 9 0 0 87 14 6 99 15 11 97 5 0 243 3 9 91 0 2 443 12 8 123 5 6 256 0 6 529 11 0 89 15 0 68 11 0 18 15 6 27 9 0 363 16 3 80 12 6 102 19 6 3 8 6 2 0 0 46 7 0 37 5 6 0 12 6 11 11 0 37 11 4 229 14 5 33 3 4 4 19 6 4 18 0 6 0 0 14 8 0 229 15 4 14 9 4 8 17 0 5 3 7 10 0 0 28 14 0 25 14 7 56 15 3 198 6 1 98 14 5 54 18 4 63 0 3 59 12 10 445 15 10 102 1 4 648 16 2 173 18 9 603 19 3 92 17 9 360 11 1 6 19 0 27 5 0 68 8 2 307 19 4 32 11 3 146 13 4 37 5 6 36 6 7 7 16 0 24 19 9 141 3 3 7 15 0 515 17 4 33 4 0 i 160 5 0 12 9 8 ! 753 4 6 200 17 3 i 108 7 7 3 19 9 14 1 28 1 9 929 2 8 150 0 0 91 17 4 243 15 3 75 0 0 466 4 10 198 15 3 545 0 0 971 5 7 979 12 10 443 0 0 452 0 0 440 0 4 3,460 0 0 469 12 5 i7"g o 24 0 0 ! 9 0 0 ! 15 7 6 30 1 0 i 305 1 5 203 2 3 467 12 9 59 4 11 116 6 3 631 19 6 995 8 5 49 6 2 o"3 0 5 17 6 309 14 6 157 16 10 232 17 3 80 5 11 i 53 18 4 14 9 6 47 7 0 167 0 0 13,001 2 1 33 17 0 66 5 8 356 10 5 ; 509 0 11 1,705 4 5 Totals | 35,298 2 6 I 1,358 8 9 3,689 11 4 10,432 1 9 25,051 19 1 5,623 5 6 :4,374 13 5 4,088 8 10 89,916 11 2


Table showing the Expenditure on account of Hospitals during the Year ended 31st March, 1894.


Hospitals. Rations or j Provisions. Wine, Ale, &c. Surgerv and Dispensary, Fuel and Light. Bedding and Clothing. Furniture, Crockery, &c. Washing and Laundry. Salaries and Wages. Watersupply. Funerals. Repairs. Additions to Buildings. Printing, Advertising, Postage, and Stationery. For Interest. For Insurance. For Commission. Other Expenses. Total. £ s. d.| 1 42 7 o] i 29 7 6 1 123 7 9! i 706 1 10 1 187 18 4 > 36 12 11 ": 790 14 o 23 o 10 22 6 3 802 8 3 9 17 n ', 45 2 5 56 1 9 1 19 14 4 94 19 9 j 166 o 5 44 3 10 ■ 100 6 10 ■j 102 16 7 321 5 5 30 6 2 238 2 2 232 15 6 85 16 6 240 12 8| 096! 27 9 8 107 2 8 74 10 io! 90 8 8J 33 19 1 99 13 II 214 10 5 332 14 2 44 7 "I 292 o 4! 358 15 1 761 12 ti 62 6 7 • Akaroa Arrowtown .. Ashburton .. Auckland Blenheim Charleston .. Christchurch Coromandel .. Cromwell Dunedin Dunstan Gisborne Greymouth .. Greytown Hokitika Invercargill .. Kumara Lawrence Masterton .. Napier Naseby Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru ■ Palmerston N. Patea Picton Queenstown .. Reefton Riverton Ross Thames Timaru Waikato Waimate Waipawa Wanganui Wellington .. Westport £ s. d. 127 6 4 "138 8 8 1,814 12 5 47° I5 4 185 8 10 1,785 18 o 52 13 8 93 14 3 1,867 3 8 151 18 1 199 11 1 640 4 2 "92 4 7 565 o 5 579 15 o 193 9 2 286 9 1 178 6 5 738 15 o 101 19 1 57 1 « 4 454 3 1 210 19 3 78 3 1 76 5 1 140 II 6 249 7 7 216 14 II 296 16 7 181 6 4 a356 o 5 509 14 I 424 1 9 147 2 o 470 10 4 379 7 3 2,682 12 5: 316 4 11 £ s. d.j 6 4 oj 31 8 6 18 12 o 109 15 8 19 16 9 5 4 e; 191 19 7 8 19 9' 172 4 5: 22 1 3 12 19 6 50 7 2: 180: 49 1 7\ 39 12 6 40 2 7! 23 2 oj 3 3 4 31 11 6 180 63 18 4 58 17 8 12 19 0 9 11 9 3 7 0 12 13 o >\ 22 6 o 1 48 4 9 1 598 10 1 98 14 9 23 19 3 1 646 1 2 10 7 8 17 8 10 611 2 o 27 17 6 76 16 11 "3 5 3 ■• 104 2 8 161 8 2 76 14 1 81 12 9 3i 1 5 229 19 11 22 9 5 165 12 9 159 10 10 54 10 10 25 13 5 25 11 5 39 15 11 58 3 4 , 45 7 9 i 76 o 5 24 o 2 £ s. d. 61 4 3 215 15 5 170 4 o 12 14 5 367 8 6 7 13 6 59 o 1 1252 70 11 1 56 11 8 1 9 4 8 12 5 79 4 « 29 13 4 15 5 6 198 6 3 15 15 o 26 4 9 53 15 10 17 6 4 148 II 6 498 7 4 4 £ s. d. 25 13 2 43 1 4 127 14 9 2 l6 3 28l 18 4 222 14 O 14 7 8 11 14 o 12 10 0 1 5 0! 22 15 5 81 1 2 27 8 6 7 11 o 45 8 2 \£ * 4 ' 5 o 195 15 o I •• 6 11 3 o 12 o 52 14 o o 10 o I 13 o o 150 o o 357 10 o 465 8 o 2,062 10 3 384 2 11 237 19 o 2,726 2 6 236 8 o 377 2 8 2,212 1 6 375 o o 5i5 14 2 1,223 16 o 195 o o 712 11 3 798 15 6 395 13 6 375 o o 286 18 ol 977 7 8] 392 8 o 927 8 10 622 17 7 500 15 3 152 4 9 200 o o 254 o o 420 13 o 523 3 ° 547 J7 6 343 6 8 716 2 4 628 4 8 775 3 4 494 16 6 610 1 10 657 1 10] 2,615 17 6 410 14 7 £ »■ a. l60 II Oj i 29 10 oj 68 to 6 100 3 ' 5 °| 10 O O 7 15 o 800! £ ■• d.| 22 10 o| 70 9 oj 21 15 oj 600' 21 4 O 13 14 oi 15 15 D 8 o o] 20 o o| 1 2 6i 20 18 o, 30 o o 240] 300! II 12 O 840 850 700 £ s. d. 31 5 7 522 o 9 23 8 6 760 176 12 6 2 12 o 35 19 7 359 8 9 57 5 10 34 18 9 1 3 10 313 3 o 109 10 3 78 5 4 12 2 3 16 4 6 215 8 2 12 1 6 34 Q 9 65 16 3 9 12 2 £ ■»■ d. 18 o o 157 6 o 73 5 8 103 11 o 31 6 o 2,607 7 8 146 10 o •■ 249 5 o 32 7 9| £ * d 5 18 6 12 5 3 87 o 9 24 3 4 10 19 o 58 18 11 2 16 10 21 10 7 83 5 9 16 3 10! 12 13 1 50 2 o 14 17 6| 53 18 9 23 8 o 11 9 9 9 1 61 19 15 6 50 11 10 12 o 7 6 13 9 34 4 2 10 13 o 63 7 9 3 5 1 11 14 5 426 21 13 6 16 18 9 9 11 o 34 4 9! 39 13 2 40 7 O| 986 13 15 6 23 o 11 62 13 9; 11 17 6 £ * d.j I 1 12 4: 5 8 10J 69 4 ° ° 6 3 j on 8 22 18 a 5 1 9 1 o o! 1 o "8 7 13 18 6 1076; 32 18 7 | 3 2 10 •• I £ * d. 3 15 o 11 18 o 10 5 o 12 O O 3 15 o 54 7 6 5 5O 33 11 9 12 19 6 9 n 3 30 o o 4 10 o 21 14 O 9 18 II 8 15 o 3 15 o 1500 48 8 3 700 28 o o 16 15 Oj 5 12 o| 23 4 6j 1 17 6 600 £ s. d. I ° 5 o •• 4 ■■ I 13 9 ° 17 19 9 1 10 o .. 4 5 0 I 13 15 6 29 15 9 420 £ s. d. 56 5 11 25 7 2 27 12 o 1,076 8 3 57 4 3 22 15 1 a455 4 9 e5i5 9 1 19 0 10 313 2 1 17 14 6 135 16 4 36 14 3 2 14 6 64 18 6 5° 9 ° 35 16 6 28 2 4 8 8 6 182 4 o 102 10 7 26 13 6! 191 14 5 45 17 I 529 4 9 3 5 0 24 16 4 79 19 6 96 6 1 38 18 11 8 16 o 103 10 5 67 6 9 108 o 9 99 2 10 33 1 1 65 13 11 112 17 1 2 10 6 £ s. d. 404 9 3 637 5 10 1,308 17 o 7,826 14 2 1,627 15 5 629 7 7 7,682 19 3 849 19 4 702 2 o 9,446 4 8 671 7 5 1,294 14 3 2,338 9 6 334 7 1 2.016 12 9 2,458 4 5 945 1 1 983 5 7 800 11 7 3.017 7 o 733 8 6 2,157 I 8 3,019 19 4 984 o 3 3.081 2 2 356 18 o 584 6 5 1.082 19 2 1.065 16 2 1,259 4 10 626 17 3 1,473 12 6 2,197 7 6 2.652 0 8 952 19 4 1.653 J3 11 1,833 9 8 14,303 9 11 1.066 17 2 5 16 6 60 10 6 227 2 8 19 8 10 564 o 1 29 9 8 8 19 10 73 10 7 12 10 O 40 16 6 3 10 o 1 10 o o •■ I I I •• I 849 2 6j 1,226 13 81 •• J I o 19 8! j 2 7 4 1 : 19 14 3 1 6 10 I II 10 O 22 O 5 5 2 o 33 15 ° 34 13 ° 5 14 6 23 7 ° 34 1 4 183 2 2 13 16 o 79 1 6 3 10 o 67 10 11 94 10 1 39 13 9 2 13 6 31 4 o 46 15 5 382 7 o 28 14 3 6 7 "s 7 3 2 6 37 3 o 49 12 5 14 19 2 491 1 15 o 18 14 4 75 9 6 3 10 o 28 2 6 21 17 4 10 o o 47 5 o 11 o o 750 5 15 o 4 12 o 15 18 o 3 10 o 21 5 o 17 12 10 38 10 6 22 2 o 7 11 3 21 12 3 90 o o 32 12 8 8 11 o 19 5 6 23 7 3 no 15 3 56 11 3 36 14 3 23 14 6 164 2 5 97 5 8 I •• I 30 16 oj 178 o oj 559 5 7 064 •• I .. 9 3 9 7 12 6 •• j 4 10 o 16 3 5 5 10 o 11 17 o 2100 8 15 o 37 1 4 7 17 4 746 J 227 o o 125 O 2 50 4 8 93 1 8 126 14 4 I 847 10 7 33 9 o 21 8 9 23 5 3 78 6 4 59 18 10 1300 47 17 3 281 18 9 20 12 3 145 2 ° 028J 9 18 5 026 34O 5 8 .. 5,539 6 7! 30 2 n • • •• Totals .. 18,461 19 5 1,367 10 11 | . [5,179 9 10 785 6 IO: 122 9 5 7,052 8 8; 2,430 16 5 2,257 3 1 |26,857 J8 1! 574 10 I 439 2 101 [2,810 9 6j I1802 3 5 998 6 3i 532 3 ° 517 8 6 4, 87I 13 4 87,060 19 a Including fuel and light. t> Including light. 0 Including £623 lls. 5d., maintenace of Nurses' Home. d Including £74 lls. Id., casual ward, Lyttelton. e Including £411 18s. 2d. paid to Mercury Bay Hospital Committee.



Table showing the Receipts and Expenditure of the under-mentioned Charitable Institutions during the Year ended 31st March, 1894.

Receipts. Expenditure. District. Balance from Last Year. Repayments by Persons relieved. Total. Children's Portion of Expenses. From Government. From Bates. Voluntary Contributions. Bequests. Rents. Other Sources. Total Indoor Belief. Outdoor Belief. North of Auckland Auckland Coromandel and Thames Waikato Bay of Plenty Cook Hawke's Bay Taranaki Pafcea and Wanganui Palmerston North Wellington.. Wairau Picton Nelson Buller Inangahua Grey Westland .. Ashburton and N. Canterbury South Canterbury North Otago Otago United Southland £ s. d. 31 7 11 416 15 5 165 7 3 958 13 8 99 0 4 53 4 6 1,204 18 2 £ s. d. 737 15 3 4,839 6 9 1,002 11 6 16 0 5 208 11 9 322 0 0 366 14 2 1,145 7 0 830 16 7 539 1 6 6,623 11 3 272 18 11 168 14 5 901 16 5 344 9 2 325 0 0 1,099 17 4 739 12 8 6,701 6 4 1,114 0 1 549 19 3 7,079 11 11 1,155 6 11 £ s. d. 430 2 9 3,344 13 3 853 4 3 58 7 2 155 0 11 310 0 0 730 1 2 883 7 2 910 18 1 539 1 6 4,267 8 7 272 18 11 165 13 5 796 5 0 353 3 9 325 0 0 602 6 6 453 15 7 6,416 0 2 925 16 8 415 6 5 6,828 19 7 1,053 17 9 £ S. d. 1,121 12 11 47 13 5 £ B. d. 150 0 0 £ s. a. 33 8 2 946 6 5 82 10 9 £ s. a.l j £ s. d. 4 2 0 959 4 11 29 18 0 £ s. d. 1,236 16 1 "11,777 19 8 2,181 5 2 1,033 1 3 481 9 10 713 4 9 2,512 1 6 2,028 14 2 1,935 16 1 1,111 18 5 {15,799 12 7 877 6 8 334 7 10 2,954 11 8 697 12 11 817 5 8 1,708 6 4 1,486 17 2 14,021 9 7 3,153 17 8 1,370 11 8 ■117,066 10 10 2,747 5 10 £ s. d. 689 1 1 f5,738 7 3 1,059 12 5 325 7 0 60 0 0 294 16 6 554 9 1 189 3 10 568 3 10 132 15 7 §5,354 9 6 121 3 0 £ s. a. 513 1 7 4,589 13 8 1,107 13 8 386 16 7 321 18 5 425 7 10 1,517 5 6 1,058 6 7 952 19 10 752 2 5 6,898 1 6 500 11 5 155 14 11 1,148 17 1 654 9 8 554 7 9 1,226 12 6 1,537 17 11 8,116 3 1 1,544 0 4 711 3 11 7,358 15 2 1,682 16 3 £ s. d. 1,202 2 8 10,328 0 11 2,167 6 1 712 3 7 381 18 5 720 4 4 2,071 14 7 1,247 10 5 1,521 3 8 884 18 0 12,252 11 0 621 14 5 155 14 11 2,624 4 0 742 16 8 827 8 11 1,941 0 3 1,709 10 1 12,629 6 4 2,192 18 3 1,040 12 3 15,952 16 1 2,688 18 11 £ s. d. 59 3 6 1,046 13 7 335 1 2 106 3 0 10 18 10 3 0 0 5 0 0 59 4 0 4 9 0J 10*18 3 1 14 0 12 2 0 1.09 10 0 40 "o 0 93 8 7 111 2 6 149 14 5 132 15 7 1,645 4 10 121 3 0 44 19 10 33 15 5 309 15 6 149' 1 7 934"l 0 331 8 10 1,94S"3 8 10 '6 0 31 10 0 1,675' 2 7 •• 745"9 7 167"5 8 35 2 3 105' 16 6 6 2 6 227 10 2 30 9 3 4 7 6 28 4 8 198 17 6 64S 13 8 405"4 2 24 'o 0 164 13 6 •• 52"4 0 6 16 6 8 2 8 43 3 3 1,475 6 11 88 7 0 273 1 2 714 7 9 171 12 2 4,513 3 3 ! 648 17 11 329 8 4 I i;8,594 0 11 I 1,006 2 8 691 19 11 88 7 0 248 18 2 685 12 4 266 14 6 2,389 8 7 875 11 9 265 9 2 3,657 17 4 304 18 3 1,066 10 2 373 13 0 839 18 9 185 2 11 19 0 0 2 12 4 183 3 9 6 12 0 0 16 01 813 8 2 13 5 2] 1,103*11 2 333 1 1 Totals j 7,608 8 5 838 12 6 2,304 5 10 ! 955 12 4 4,324 16 0 88,048 3 4 32,901 17 2 43,714 17 7 76,616 14 9 13,275 7 2 '37,084 9 7 31,091 8 7 3,840 10 1 * Includes £3,372 9s. 8d. received by the Jubilee Institute for the Blind. t Includes £2,383 6s. 2d. expended by the Jubilee Institute for the Blind. J Includes £3,076 6s. 2d. received by the "Wellington Hospital Convalescent Home. Includes £978 Is. lOd. expended by the Wellington Hospital Convalescent Home. II Includes £1,096 16s. 63. transferred from Otago Benevolent Institution's Endowment Fund. It Includes £1,096 16s. 6d. expended on additions to •enevoleut Home at Caversham.



[These Tables are compiled in the Registrar-General's Office.] DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1893.

5—H. 22.

U Orders, Diseases, &c. jj V as ni 'E, \—r-\ to g o S 1 , 1 o c a. O D d o 8 i B a: i 6 o 0] £1 Q u Q ■Ji SI 3 Q o 1 a rt £1 Q CO Oi O Q Q U oi" 1 Q to -C j3 6 I ! 5 a 5 a u j a in o 0 Order i.— Miasmatic. 1. Small-pox 2. Chicken-pox 3. Measles 4. Epidemic Rose-rash 5. Scarlet Fever, Scarlatina 6. Typhus Fever ., 7. Relapsing Fever 8. Influenza 9. Whooping-cough 10. Mumps 11. Diphtheria 12. Cerebro-spinal Fever 13. Simple and Ill-defined Fever 14. Typhoid Fever 15. Other Miasmatic Diseases 12 3 I • ■ • ■ •• •■ • - • 13 __ 4 •• •• 22! * II 2 - l| • - • •• .. 5 'I • • - 2 • • • •■ * '1 •• ■• ■■ "I ■■ 25 22 • • • •■! ■ ■ • • •• 2 4 •1 1 16 1 'I - -1 'I '■I 1 - " 5 • • • • ■ 2 " ■• •I 2 2 ■• •• •• •• ■ ... .. • 2 •■ - - ■• - - - • "I j 2 - - - 3 • V ■• "' 3 1 4 • • • • - - • 3 ■1 - - - - - 6 1 If, < a • •• I 3 1 I • •• • • ■ ■■ • •■ - 1 1 - - I • - i- - .. ■! • ■■ - ••i '" - - 1 • - 6 48 1 3 ■■ i • - - \ 1 •• •• ! 2 " 2 1 I 3 • • ..! 3 13 4 ■■I • i - 3 20 96 - ..I 5 • 2 2 ..I 1 ■ 2 - - " - ■■ - • - • o • ■ - ' 1 • • • •• •• - .. .. • • - ■• •• -! • • ■ ■ — 1 1 28 — — — H - — h1 - - M - Total Order 1 .. H 3 .. • *\ 30 30 .. 6 7 H 135 9 1 10 A 5 - 4 - 7 2 • 7 •• "I I — •• — I — — — — — — — Order 2.— Diarrhceal. 1. Simple Cholera 2. Diarrhoea 3. Dysentery — — •■ •■ •• •• •• •• 1 2 'I •• •I •• •I •• • ■• ■■ •1 ■ •• ■ •• •• •• •• • 2 1 •■ 1 - •• 4 2 - ■ •■ - •• • - 1 to 2 i _A ■■ - •• •• .. ■ • - • •• •• 1 • •■ •• Total Order 2 .. ! — I ! 1 H H - ~ - ~ - H — 2 A 2 1 4 •• 1 I- .. 2 - • - • ■■ • 1 .. ■ .. - 1 • " • • Order 3.— Malarial. 1. Remittent Fever 2. Ague 3. Beriberi -1 1 M — —\ — i — — — — — •• ■• •• •• • •■ 1 • •• •• •I ■ •• O o 2 ■• ■ ■■ - - - •• • ■ - - - •• ■• •• - • •■ - - •• • • •• • •• • •• •• •• • • Total Order 3 .. — M — ~ — - — - H H - •• •• - ■ •■ • ■ 1 • •• ■• •• • - - •■ •• • • ■ • ■• •• •■ •• •• • • Order 4.— Zoogenous. 1. Hydrophobia 2. Glanders 3. Splenic Fever .. 4. Cow-pox and other Effects of Vaccination - I ! 1 — — — 1— — — — — — — — — I — — ■■ ■• "I ■• " •• •• - •• •I •I •• •• "I •■ •• •• •■ •• •• •• •■ •■ • - - - - •• h - - - •• ■■ - - • ■ - •• ■■• •• •• - - • • •• - • - •■ - - •■ ■ •• • •• ■ ■• • "• • • • ..I ■ • .. ■ - - •■ • • •■ •• ■ Total Order 4 .. — — H — H - H - hH - H H H H - H •• " • - •• • .. .. ■ • •• • • - •• • ■ •• •• — — — -A — — ■1 Order 5.— Venereal. I 1 1 - — — — — — — — 1. Syphilis 2. Gonorrhcea, Stricture of Urethra, Ulcer of Groin 34 I •• 2 10 36 •• • • • 16 2 4 2 7 38 2 1 1 ■■ •• •• •■ •■ •• ! •• •• ■• •■• •• •1 9 ■• •• •• 1 •■ •1 " •• •■ •■ ■• •1 "I Total Order 5 .. — M — ;— — — H - - H ~ hi — i H ! H - - 1 1 1 1 H H 50 .. I .. 4 1 .. .. 5 .. ■ • 3 !7 .. 74 3 •• 10 4 ■• .. ■ • .. .. 2 .. .. • ■ .. •• ..



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1893— continued.

X rt o r. V. i S 5 I q 1 j O 3. & IB B p u G U Q % It u ! a it s U Q i Orders, Diseases, &c. i 1 6 q j3 u a \r. — 6 Q 6 & 1 5 5 & 6 \& rt U 2. o U a 1 U i (J Order i.— Miasmatic. CO CO w 0 1. Small-pox 2. Chicken-pox 3. Measles 4. Epidemic Rose-rash 5. Scarlet Fever, Scarlatina 6. Typhus Fever .. .. .. 7. Relapsing Fever 8. Influenza 9. Whooping-cough 10. Mumps 11. Diphtheria .. .. .. . .. 12. Cerebro-spinal Fever 13. Simple and Ill-defined Fever 14. Typhoid Fever 15. Other Miasmatic Diseases I I 1 • • • • ■" ... • ■■ - ■■ II 31 h • • I h •■ 1 ■■ •• ■• 7 1 •■ 4 •1 • • • •I • • ■ •I 29 •■ - - — •1 6 6 •I I" - •• 1 •• 4 3 "6 1 3 •■ • • • • - - - • •i • •■ • • • • • •• •• 1 •■ •• - 1 • ■ - - - - - - 6 1 1 ■■ •• • • • • • • ■• 12 - - - - i 'I 1 5 5 •• ■■ " 2 198 4 1 160 • - • h - * • - • - - ■ ■■ •• 3 3 19 ••I - ■ I1 9 - • h « 1 • - ■• - - - • - - 1 • 1 - - •• • ■■ 1 - - 1 - h ■! - ■ • - - .. - - - •■I - - "a 2 • • - •• • - ■ • • • * * •• j • •■■ • IA • - 3 i| - - 4 1 ■ Pi - 2; ■■ • ■ ! ••! - I 3 • •■ - - " - ■• I 1 .. - • • 5 1 44 265 7 2S ! •• •I I ■• - - - - 1 •• [ •• •• I •• i •i • ■ • • " .. •I I - • •I - i ■•! • •• •■ •• •• I • •• ■• Total Order 1 .. 1 — — — j H H ! - i 1 — — - - — 2 1 5 • ■ - I iid 9 - 16 ■ 4 1 2! \*5 - -^ . - 7 A 2 H 14 - 6 3 - 27 10 ■■ 706 •• ! — — — 1 — 1 — — - —\ 1 u O Order 2.— Diarrhceal. 1. Simple Cholera 2. Diarrhoea 3. Dysentery ■• - •• ■■ •• •1 •• ■• ■■ •• •• • •■ ■ •I ■• 19 19 1 • • 1 • 1 3 - 2 •■ - • • ' •• ll - • 3 • ■■ •• - a 1 - •■ 1 - • •• .. 3 •• ■■ Total Order 2 .. — ~ — - — ~ H M H H — - H •• * ■ 3 1 .. =■ - •• i ■ ■I - •■ ' ■ • • 2 1 3S •• •• •• •• •• ■■ •■ Order 3.— Malarial. 1. Remittent Fever 2. Ague .. 3. Beriberi - —\ — 1 — — — — 1 1 — — — — —; 13 •• •• I ■■ - - •• ' - ■■ ■ - .. •• ■" - 'I - - •• 2 .. ■■ ! ■■ - •• •■ •I - ■ ■ • •• - - ■ ■■ •I • - •• • • •I - •■ •• " • •• - - • • ••! 2 4 Total Order 3 .. — — - ~ H H H H H — - — H - — H I .. I I •• ' ■ ..1 I •• ••I •• • • • .. • • - • - • • I • • I - •• I •• •■ •• • -i •• CO Order 4.— Zoogenous. 1. Hydrophobia 2. Glanders 3. Splenic Fever 4. Cow-pox and other Effects of Vaccination I 1 — — !— 1 — 1 1 i— —! f- -- 1— i 1 - • •■ ■• •■ ! •■ ■■ '■ ■■ ■■ •• • •• ■■ •I •• 'I ■• i • - - - •• - • - - ■ - - • ... .. - • - - ■ - - • - - •• - !- • •• - - •■I .. - !•■ ■ •• - • - •• •■ - ■ - ■• hi •• 1 • Total Order 4 .. ! I H — H I _ ! I 1 i H 1 — ~ M - •■ • • • - .. • • •• ■• - - . . •■ - - ■■ •• • •• •• Order 5.— Venereal. H ! ! I 1 — — 1 1 — — I I — 1. Syphilis .. ., .. 2. Gonorrhoea, Stricture of Urethra, Ulcer of Groin • • 5 6 19 127 7 24 2 6 !34 261 I •• ■■ 7 •• "I •• •• •• ■• •• 2 •• 1 2 p 1 •• 1 ! •• H - M Total Order 5 .. I i ! — — H - H 3 I 1" 1 •• •• •• 12 1 1 .. •• 7 • ■ 43 ■ • 5 •■ I 2 • • * .. xa ■• 3 1 i s



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1893-continued.

is < 3f I CO c 5 o ■ rt at "rt 5 Is" — i— o I 1 O 1 8 1 5 ,1 q d 1 d 1 I. u U G G i 1 3 a Orders, Diseases, &c. I i I Q « rt 3 a ffi 1 - <3 I Q U f 1 O v a LI« I Ii| 1 1 .1 « 5 |<S 1 =3 c 3 I a ■3 :c ■3 a 6 a ! •3 ! -S " rt « ! S at X! rt w i 1 3 o Order 6.— Septic. ! 1. Phagedaena 2. Erysipelas 3. Pyaemia, Septicaemia 4. Puerperal Fever, Pyaemia, Peritonitis ■• 2 ■• 21 • 2 1 •• - - 1 1 •• ■ • "I - - .. " p< 2 1 ■■ •■ •• •I - •" "' .. 6 ■• i 1 • •• 10 2 2 ■I - - ■■ " • - •• .. • • •• • • •• - " • • - •• - - ■ - ■■ L " ... 1 ■• - • - •■ - •• • - •• ■ • - - "• •■ !- ..I 4 ■■ •• • ■• • - • • • • •"I •• • • ■• ~! \~ I 1 H ! - I H ! — I I 1 ! ! — H 1 - Total Order 6 .. 2 21 ■ 2 ■ • 3 - H ' - H - • - - ■ ■• •1 - - ••! i ..1 .. - •• •■ ~ — 1 i K — Total Class I. .. I ! — I i H ! 1 22s i — — H H — - 127 4 1 33 i 33 A u - 2O 3 H •• 5 - - ! 6 ••! ! 4 - 3 10 3 39 1 Ui 80 - 12 4 7 — — — — 1 1 1 — 1 I i 1 1 — — — — — — cow <£ If) IS I— I 1—1 1. Thrush 2. Other Diseases from Vegetable Parasites .. 3. Hydatid Disease 4. Other Diseases from Animal Parasites •• •• 1 1 ■■ 1 •• - •■ •• •• - • • I ■■ ■•■ ■■ •• - - - • - • " •• • •• " •• • • ■• 3 • ■■ •■ "I ll ■• ■ - - •• - - ■■ i- •• - •1 - - ■• •• • ■ ■ •I • • ■ • ■ - ■ - - - - 'I - • - •• i I i 1 — H - — H - H i i 1 H I 1 I Total Class II. .. 2 1 ••I .. • - ■• .. • b 1 •• - - - ■I • • • - ••! •• — — — ! 1 $ 1 1 4 1 Hen Rot I— 1 1. Starvation Want of Breast -milk 2. Scurvy T . (a. Chronic Alcoholism 3. Intemperance 1, t-. ,. . ~ 3 y \b. Delirium Tremens 4. Other Dietetic Diseases •• I 20 .... - - •• - A ■ - •■ •• ■ • •■ ■■ "I h h •■ I • • • .. - 3 1 ■■ 3 ■• •■ - •• ■ 6 15 •1 ' ■• ••I I •• - - I - • "I .. - ■■ - • ■ - • • - - I • - 1 I - I I - A •• • ■ ■ H • ] \ •• - - 4 I - ■ - - .. s.. Ii 1 1 - • • •• ■• - - •■■ - - • - .... - •• ! ■• ■■ I ■■ ■ - ■ - .. ■■ - •■ - •■ •■ - ■ - - • 1 13: ■■ 5" 1 1 21 1 — —! — - - I— H i ! i H Total Class III. 35 !•■ 5 ■ ■ ■ i •• h ■ I ■■ 4 3 .. « 2 2 - •• ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ •■ - - - - ! .. 2 1 H : — — !— I — I I < O pen > 1. Rheumatic Fever 2. Rheumatism 3. Gout 4. Rickets 5. Cancer 6. Tabes Mesenterica, Tubercular Peritonitis 7. Tubercular Meningitis, Acute Hydrocephalus 8. Phthisis 9. Other Forms of Tuberculosis, Scrofula .. 10. Purpura, Haemorrhagic Diathesis 11. Anaemia, Chlorosis, Leucocythaemia 12. Diabetes Mellitus 13. Other Constitutional Diseases 9 27 13 37 X4 • - - - - • 2! 8 7 - 1 1 6 •■ •• 3 •• • ■• i •■ i 3 4 2 ■• ■•I 1 • •• 9 1 6 ■ ■ ■ • • • • .. 7 3 •■ I 2 • - 3 A 2-1 4 ■■ 25 51 • ■ ■ lf| ■■I •• 3 6 9 'I 4 ■• •■I 6 L • • I" ■■ •• - - ■• - ■■ 2 2 ■■ 2 1 2 •I I •■ 4 9 2 7 •I - - - - .. • 3 1 2 6 •• 2 ■■ ••I - ■■ 2 2 1 • ■ - • •• I I .. 1 6 2 •• 6 1 • • • • •• • - 2 5 1 3 1 2 1 I! 1 3 2 16 1 4 - i 9 7\ 9 34 4 ■• ■■■ 2 1 - 1 ■ • • - I I -1 ■ - .. 4 1 •• •• 2 - • - • • •• •• - " .. I - " 1 2 ••; - - 2 •• - • • - •■ 9 2 5 1 1 - ■ - •■ - • " II 2 I 2 - 1 • • - •■ 1 ■ - - ■■ ■ 1 • 5 ■•! 3 - - 6 • •• ■ - 1 1 ■ ■■ - • •• 2 • ■ •• i • - •I .. .. ■• •■ .. - - .. ■ - • .. •• •• •• P H H I 1 1 H — — H - H — H H h H — . M 1 I ! 1 1 i Total Class IV. .. m! ■ • 2O i A -i x *7 3: 4 .. 28 38 »8 1 \m .. 6 23 2 h| 4 5 I •■ 10 .. 13 1 37 11



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1893— continued.

5 Orders, Diseases, &c. rt S X 5-8 3 < 1 Q s 5 I 3 S ■ CO I oi S! S o <3 |d •-3 In 5 Q o U j D £ S Si o Q o a. o q |s en rt 3 Q V .3 o o - Q - • c I 1 5 a 5 Q 1 u & 5 I 8 Q U I Q 6 q Order 6.— Septic. T 1. Phagedaena 2. Erysipelas 3. Pyaemia, Septicaemia 4. Puerperal Fever, Pyaemia, Peritonitis .. ■• •• - - 2 4 1 •■ • i I ■ •• 1 1 •• •• - •• 3 - •• • •• 3 2 • • 1 ■ • • •■ - •• H •■ •• •• •• ■• - • - • ■■• ■• - ■■• - " I - •I I "I 1 1 •• 1 •• • • ■ 1 3° 20 5 56 1 12 - • •• ■• - ... ■ •■! • • ■• - - ■ •■ ■■ - - - Total Order 6 .. I ! I - - H - h— H H - H - H H - 7 _J 1 ■■ 1 •• 3 -! •• H * .. 2 •■ .. • - ' •• -I A ■ •• •• •• Total Class I. .. 1 1 I — - - b 1 H :~ H — — — ! !— H 2 A H •• - 132, u ' • 18 •• 46! 2 17 2 9 9 A A J7 - 9 A 43 3 15 .. 1,067 58 "I •• — ! 1 1 I — — — 1— ! — — — — L,CQ .0 1. Thrush 2. Other Diseases from Vegetable Parasites .. 3. Hydatid Disease 4. Other Diseases from Animal Parasites •I I • • ■■ ■■ 1 .. 1 - •• " I •■ •• •■ •■ ■• • 2 ■• •• . . •1 ..I 2 1 • •■ 1 1 . .1 1 ■• 2; •• "1 1 •1 •• •• - •■ - - I •• •■ • - 1 •■ " •• ■■■■ -I IH •• •• .. 9 1 !•■ - 1 • 4 2 1 • 123 11 •• 2 •■ •• ■■• • • - ■ .. •■ •• • ■• ■ Total Class II. .. I — I I 1 h- - H H - - i •• •• - • ■■ • 10 2 •■ - " * - 35 •• " — — — — — — — — — — \—i I— I 1. Starvation Want of Breast -milk 2. Scurvy 3 . Intemperance £ g^**^ " 4. Other Dietetic Diseases •• • • 2 1 •• 1 - •• •• •• ■1 " ■ •• • - • •• 3 1 ■ •■ • • • 2 2 1 • 4 • • 2 • ■ •• - •• " I !' • •• •• •I 'I 5 ■I 1 'I • •■ ■■ ■ ■ 7 1 63 75 1 I • 5 2 •• 1 •• - • ■■ • II 24 • 1 •■ • 3 • •• 2 1 - 3 1 2 I 5 .. - ■• - • • • • • ■ - • •• •■ - • • • • • • •• - •• • • ■ ■ .. ■• • - Total Class III. ! — H - — H H - — — H — H H — H r— ■ 10 A - • 4 • •• 5 29 2 1 - 1 • 3 La 1 - 4 2 150 •• •• — — — - — — —! — i i — _l ___ — !— — <! O H cfi 1-1 <! o 1. Rheumatic Fever 2. Rheumatism 3. Gout 4. Rickets 5. Cancer 6. Tabes Mesenterica, Tubercular Peritonitis 7. Tubercular Meningitis, Acute Hydrocephalus 8. Phthisis 9. Other Forms of Tuberculosis, Scrofula .. 10. Purpura, Hasmorrhagic Diathesis 11. Anaemia Chlorosis, Leucocythaemia 12. Diabetes Mellitus 13. Other Constitutional Diseases ■• 5J I 8 ■■ " I3 ■■ 10 5 •• 1 5 1 ■■ ! 3 1 •• 5 ■• I I "I •■ I ••■ - - 57 2 26 3 • •I I 12 1 I II" - •• •• I ■I • - 6 I J •• • • • - 6 12 8 ■I 3 • 2 8 •• .. . 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 •• ■• • 1 • 17 124 3 44 2 4 6 • • 11 1 4 15 6 • ■ ■• •■ 4 1 1 1 • I "I 'I • 3 5 .. 1 ■• - •• •■ 5 l 7 i •• ■• 2 •■ 2 •I 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 8 3 "I 9 I I3 I ■• 8 - ■ • •■ i ■ 1 11 • 1 ■• -I ••I - • ■ 124 323 13 229 7 8 286 53 7 61 36 1,166 7: !• •• - ■• • ■■ •• •• 5 1 5 1 ■"-I 1 ll ■• •■ • 1 1 49 16 1 9 2 1 1 •■ I • 1 3 •• 4 4 II ' ij 1 - 7: 1 - •• •■ ■ 1 . 1 •• • • •■ - •• • •1 •■ • - 13 4 ■■ ■■ i ■ - 1 •■ - •• •• 1 •I - I • - • 3 - • •• - I 2 1 ! •• .. • •• - 2 1 .. • 4 • - • •• 12 I • • 2 1 •■ • 2 - - - - ■ •■ •■ • .. • •• !•• ■■ •• 9 - •• .. •■ ..! I .. • .. • Total Class IV. .. — — — — 1 — — — — H r— H !- — — — - - N ! 3 25 5! 7 I 196 4 x 23 if 34 3 14J 1 12 2 170 32 10 1 1 20 .. *7 2 12 1 21 1 38 5 18 .. i6(



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1893— continued.

6—H. 22.

< II 1 H 1 I o s i 6 c 5 c d \S tr • o S I S3 I 3 \a 6 o I Eh 5 q w re c3 Q c 5 I «1 U Orders, Diseases, &c. 5 a U S 6 a S 1 S CO Q u « Q 1 % U ■11 ri I 1. Premature Birth 2. Atelectasis 3. Cyanosis 4. Spina Bifida 5. Imperforate Anus 6. Cleft Palate, Hare-lip .. 7. Other Congenital Defects 8. Old Age •• 3 "I •• • - • ■ ■ • •■ •• ■• ••I 1 i "\ ■■ ■■■ .. 'I - • " ■■ 5 4 ■■ • •• • - •• I •• - - •• •• •• ■• ■■ •• •• •■ - •■ - - ■• •■ ■■ - - - • - •• - • • ■■ __ 1 ■ -i - - ■■ - - - - •• " • • • "I - - - - •• • • • • - •■ - • • • • • •• !•• - • ■ ■■ - • ■ ■■ - • - •• • •• •■ • - • ■ - .. - '6! " I - 1 • 1 1 •• •• •• •• 1 "1 - - 4| • ■•! ■ * * 1 •• •• 2 •• H - • 1 ! ' *: 1 Total Class V. .. H —, — H - - - H - - H — — H 1 i — I I i 3 .. A - - 1 ■• •• 14 • ... • ■ • 2 - « •• • ■ 1 1! * I 6 •• •• •• •■ •-I •■ ■• Order i.— Diseases of Nervous System. 1. Inflammation of Brain or its Membranes,. Cerebro-spinal Meningitis 2. Apoplexy 3. Softening of Brain 4. Hemiplegia, Brain Paralysis 5. Paralysis 6. Paralysis Agitans 7. Insanity, General Paralysis of Insane 8. Chorea 9. Epilepsy 10. Convulsions 11. Laryngismus Stridulus 12. Idiopathic Tetanus 13. Paraplegia, Diseases of Spinal Cord 14. Other Diseases of Nervous System - - 1 — — — — — — — — — i — — — — — — 4 IO 3 8 1 1 1 ■ •1 ■ • •• 1 1 2 •• •1 - 10 6 ' ■■ •■ 1 •• I •• •• •■ •• 2 1 ■• ■1 •• 'I ■• I • 61 •■ ■ • 5 1 ■ • ■■ - - - • • - I •■ •■ ■ 3 4 4 • • • • 2 • •• 7 3 1 ■• I I • 7 1 1 6 • 2 2 1 2 • 1 2 4 • ■■ I Ij 1 2 I 4 3 1 ■ - - ■ • ■ • • •• ■ •• ■ - •• 1 • - •• • ■ 1 2 - 1 1 10 - - 1 1 • •■ • 1 1 8 - - •• 1 1 • • - •• • 1 • •■ ■• "I ■ • - - 1 - • 1 • •• 2 • • I ■ - ■■ - - •• • ■ • -I 1— 1 ft I— I "• - - •■ •• . I - - ■■ ., ■ ■ - 3 16 43 3 • •• 1 1 8 ■• - I 1 3 • 1 •• - 1 3 5 •• A 5 13 1 - - • • * * 3 • • • 3 2 • •• 3 .. 3 I 2 ■ 11 - • 1 14 •• ■ • • ■• I • 1 - 7 Total Order 1 .. 100 1 — - 1 13 I ~ - J H ~ 26 \-\ A 56 H - 2 H ■ H H — 3 • - • - & — A 1 — 8 I 2 J3 3 •■ 10. •1 22 Order 2.— Diseases of Organs of Special Sense. 1. Otitis, Otorrhoea 2. Epistaxis and Diseases of Nose 3. Ophthalmia and Diseases of Eye 1 •■ 1 1 — • 1 'I — •■ — ■ •• 1 — J3 11 ■ 1 — •1 •• — • •I 2 1 - •• - ■ 1 6 1 s • 6 ■• •• - - •• " ■ 40 •• 1 4 3 - ■ 4 1 ■ 49 • I 1 ■ 2 • I" 3 ■ Total Order 2 .. H - H H — - - H * 4 2 1 4 - .. .. > 10 73 •• 1 H • • 2 • - • 5 •• •■ •■ •• •■ Order 3.— Diseases of Circulatory System. 1. Endocarditis, Valvular Disease .. 2. Pericarditis 3. Hypertrophy of Heart 4. Fatty Degeneration of Heart 5. Angina Pectoris 6. Syncope 7. Aneurism 8. Senile Gangrene 9. Embolism, Thrombosis 10. Phlebitis 43 I •• I •• — 1 "I I - 1 5 — 1 ■ • • 5 I 1 4 1 2 ■ A 1 1 ••I ■■I • ■■ 4 — 8 1 2 •I 'I - 1 S 2 • • I i I "I — 4 ■•' 1 - 3 •• 1 • ■• "I •• I — 1 .. 1 •' •■I • ■ 2 — 4 i 4' 1 • • - • ■ ■• • • • ■• I • 1 •• • • I ■ 1 1 •• 1 ■ •• ■ ■ 2 Ij 1 6 2 •• 4 2 1 • • 3 - • 1 • •• - " "" 2 1 • 1 - ■ ■ .. - 1 ••: 1 • • • •■ •■ .. .. .. •• .. .. ■ • .. .. • • ■ • •■



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1893—continued.

1 CO o U G o I a u a < S i "i s O Q ail III Q i "5 g 1 1 I s 1 in rt 5 a v, ■ -s s S i rt » S o ! a u d o 5 Orders, Diseases, &c. I O Q I a Q 1 i— 6 a Q 3 a o 73 U 5 u W 1. Premature Birth 2. Atelectasis 3. Cyanosis 4. Spina Bifida 5. Imperforate Anus 6. Cleft Palate, Hare-lip .. .. \\ 7. Other Congenital Defects 8. Old Age .. .. .. \\ • ' • •• - • " " - " ■ " •■ •• •• •■ •■! •■ •■ - •• •• - •• - - - •• ■■ ■■ - ■• •• ■■ •• •• ■• •• 'I hi ■" I - ■• - - - - •■ ■■ - • - ■• - - •• •• ■■ " - - • ■■ " •■ • - • • •■ • • • - • • ■ • • •• - - - - • - " - - 1 - - •• A - • • 1 •• - - - •■ • 4 5 2 - ■ •• • "\ • ■ - • - • 13 42 • •• • 8 •■ I •• i • •• - •• ■ ■• • ■• - - 2 ■ " I "I • 2 •• 2 I •■ ■■ •• • - 2 •• •• 1 1 1 H •• 1 •'I • I - •• Total Class V. .. H A I i H H - H i — H •• 2 " - - •• • - 2 ■ ■ .. • • 1 • • 1 1 68 ■ 2 ■■ 11 ■ ■ -■ Order i.— Diseases of Nervous System. . 1. Inflammation of Brain or its Membranes.. Cerebro-spinal Meningitis 2. Apoplexy 3. Softening of Brain 4. Hemiplegia, Brain Paralysis 5. Paralysis 6. Paralysis Agitans 7. Insanity, General Paralysis of Insane 8. Chorea 9. Epilepsy .. .. \\ " 10. Convulsions 11. Laryngismus Stridulus .. .. " 12. Idiopathic Tetanus .. .. \\ 13. Paraplegia, Diseases of Spinal Cord .. 14. Other Diseases of Nervous System M — I — — ' — — — 2 2 •• •■ • • " 6 4 •• " 1 • A 1 1 ■ •■1 •■ •I 6 1 7 2 •• - ■ - ■■: •• • 1 •• ■■ •■ " 1 A •■ i| 2 •• 1 1 37 17 34 38 68 4 25 10 59 3 21 i. • 2 2 • 2 1 1 1 2 2 4 • I 3 i 1 - • 2 • • - •• ■ - •• • - 1 4 * 6 •■ 2 A 2 • 1 • * 10 • 4 • • " - ■ 5 1 • • 2 • •• 1 I 1 1 1 "■ •■! - • • ■ 2 • - ••■ • • •• 8 2 5 - • 1 •• • • • 5 1 •• I - • • 1 " 1 • • •• I •■ - - '■ - • I 2 • • - • 27 1 1 • •• 1 1 • • - 1 • •I ' - • • ••! • •• - •• •• CO • - - •• • - - •• 4 4 1 - 2 29 •• • ■■ 1 1 8 2 2 1 7 20 • " 1 4 1 •■ 6 59 226 • • - 12 ■ • 2 - - • I 1! 1 « - .. .. 2 ■ •■! • ■ ■■ • - 2 3 9 5 .. 4 .. ■• Total Order 1 .. — — H - — 7 3 *9 2 88 7 2 .. 15 2 16 66 9 1 6 1 5 11 '7 •• 1 2 7 J u ::; 595 u o 1 I— I Order 2.— Diseases of Organs of Special Sense 1. Otitis, Otorrhcea 2. Epistaxis and Diseases of Nose .. '.". 3. Ophthalmia and Diseases of Eye ■1 — — — — — 6 32 63 6 •• I '• •■ ■• •• ■ "I " •• 'I - ■■ 33 69 3°5 1 1 21 85 •• •■ •• - •• • • ■ • 8 ■ 2 6 "' - 1 I 3 1 ■• • ■• "• • •• ■ • • 1 1 5 •• Total Order 2 .. H 1 — -H — ■ ■ ■ 1 1 •• .. 8 2 2 407 101 1 112 1 6 •• •■ •• •• 1 Order 3.— Diseases of Circulatory System. 1. Endocarditis, Valvular Disease 2. Pericarditis 3. Hypertrophy of Heart 4. Fatty Degeneration of Heart 5. Angina Pectoris 6. Syncope 7. Aneurism 8. Senile Gangrene 9. Embolism, Thrombosis 10. Phlebitis i ii "I 7 1 2} • ■■ 1 •• ■•! •• • 3° 1 H S • " - 2 I 3 — 3 •• - - 4 1! - 23 2 4 3 -1 •' • 4j • • 1 •■1 6 1 • ■■ - — — 2 - " — 3 - 1 7 2! ■ 1 - 7 • I ■• - 3 1 • ■• • . 4 1 1 194 4 7 17 9 5 3i 62 1 1 5 I 1 • • •■ • • ■ • • 4 - ■■ • • •• • 3 • ■ • ■ •■1 • • 2 7 - •■ 5 • I •■ - 2 1 ■■! • • ■ ■• • • " • ■ • • 10 5 • 3 ..! • • " 2 ■ •■ •• 1 - I • •• •■ .. • • • • ..; • ■ .. 1 ., • ■! ■ • • • .. .. •• • •



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1893— continued.

u Orders, Diseases, &c. u Q 2"^ si o rt o o i o i s i 5 & cd I 1 ; to 5 aa, " <3 p rt 5 rt 2 s u a o o a o u a S 1 j I o I i rt O I £■■§ 1 rt a 1 S 5 |q in rt 5 ! Q (/3 rt o 4J SSI c3 a u rt a 6 a U Q rt Q 1 - 1 " Order 3.— Diseases of Circulatory System —contd. 11. Varicose Veins, Piles 12. Other Diseases of Circulatory System 9 ■• - • •• • i • ■ 1 •• 2 • •• ■• •1 .. 2 2 10 ■• •• 3 • • 11 •• • •• •• - •• •■ ■■ 1 •• •• • ■ •I - ■• - •• ■■ 'I • •• - — — 8 1 H -H I- — 26 -H — - H H H Total Order 3 .. 57 18 i - 2 1 5 • h 3 2 • 13 > 1 1 • u J L I 1 2 h 2 3 b •• 5 •• •• — — — — — — — — I — — — — Order 4.— Diseases of Respiratory System. 1. Laryngitis 2. Croup 3. Other Diseases of Larynx and Trachea .. 4. Asthma, Emphysema 5. Bronchitis 6. Pneumonia 7. Pleurisy 8. Other Diseases of Respiratory System •■ 7 19 19 12 ■■ ' • - i i •• •■ i i 1 - ■ 1 9 1 • • • •• 6 ■-• • ■ ■ •• • •• 3 12 ■■ ■ ■•! - •■ • • ■ 5 4 6 •■ • • ■ •• 6 •I • • ■• 4 1 7 27 !7 3 • • ■ • •• •■ 2 1 •• 1 •• 5 4 3 2 2I •■ ■ ■ •• "I H - •■ • .. • • 1 1 1 •• - •■ ■1 - ■• • • • • • I • - 1 •• 1 - " • •• - - - '"I 1 • • • 2 I0 14 8 •• A 4 7 2 •• i ■ •• i 4 A A I I I 14 9 • 4 2 1 1 2 • • 3 4 1 1 3 1 - 1 ■ 112 2 1 • ■ • •• ■ • - - - - 1 A 2 i 9 • ■ • • • ..1 A • • h • •' ..1 'I - •• - _4 63 I ' •• • •• .. - 10 .. 11 • ■ A • • • •■ •• •• • ■ •• - •■ • • " - ■ I ■• — — h- — -H M - 1 — H — i1 H 1 1 CO CO o Total Order 4 .. - 4 33 I H 3 19 1 :« .. 25 3 22 100 3 16 2 J4 .. 3 - 7 3 4 - 8 6 - 1 .. ha •• Order 5.— Diseases of Digestive System. 1. Stomatitis, Cancrum Oris 2. Dentition 3. Sore Throat, Quinsy 4. Dyspepsia 5. Hsematemesis .. 6. Melasna .. • .. 7. Diseases of Stomach, Gastritis 8. Enteritis 9. Ulceration, Perforation, of Intestine 10. Ileus, Obstruction of Intestine 11. Stricture or Strangulation of Intestine 12. Intussusception of Intestine 13. Hernia 14. Fistula 15. Peritonitis 16. Ascites 17. Gall-stones 18. Cirrhosis of Liver 19. Other Diseases of Liver, Hepatitis, Jaundice 20. Other Diseases of Digestive System I - — — - — — — 1 1 7 9 1 1 •• •• 'I •• •1 ■1 •• ■I ■1 'I - ■ 1 •• l - 6 J7 4 ■ 1 2 2 5 6 - 3 2 1 ■• 3 *8 5 4 1 ■ ■ 2 1 - •1 5 I - 'I • • - ■ - • - - • • - •• • 4 1 - • 1 11 3 2 1 1 •• 1 2 1 • '2 2 1 I 5 25 5 i • " - 2 2 2 1 1 - - • • • • ■ 1 - 3 - ■ 1 ■■ - • • - ■ ■ ■ •• •• • • - •• • ■•: •• - •• - I- • - • •• • ■ •■■ - •• 1 ■ 2 ■ ■ 2 i 1 1 1 1 - • 3 • I ■ - - 1 1 - I • • 'I ■• " - ■ • •• "" - 1 • 4 7 7 i • • • • 2 2 " 1 •• 1 1 . . 3 3 ■■! 1 1 • • 3 1 15 7 3 - - 1 •• 1 1 1 1 - - 2 1 •• •• • • I A 1 ■ i •■ - •■ •• ■ • 1 •• •• 1 •• • I ■ ■■ " 1 ■■ • i • " •• - - ■ •• 1 - 1 1 • •■ 4 2 3 2 •• - ■ I __ 1 5 2 • •• •• - - •■ 1 •■ 3 1 5 10 1 4 I "I 6 12 ■ IP 2 • • I" • 1 ••1 1 I • 1 1 •■I •• • I A - •• * • 2 ■• .. • • • • .. __ • 1 •• 3 1 • ■ •■ •■ 2 Total Order 5 .. " — — K - 8 — 7i • • 20 3 b 2 H X3 47 U! U! 5 •• • - 2 • 1 ? • • 9 2 11 i— — I— — Order 6.— Diseases of Lymphatic System and Ductless Glands. 1. Diseases of Lymphatic System .. 2. Diseases of Spleen 3. Bronchocele 4. Addison's Disease 3 4 2 1 •• •I 1 3 3 •■ 8 ■■ •• 5 ■■ •■ •• 1 - ■• 7 • • - 1 1 • • • - 1 • .- • .. • Total Order 6 .. — — — - — 3 7 • • 6 • • 15 .. ■ ■ •• •• • ■



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1893— continued.

a o X 1 II o < o < H U C 5 I t8 "I Q u Q 8 I o O aa Z 3 ■■-i > "5b o 3 (J Q & 3 Orders, Diseases, &c. U Q 6 a Q 6 a 6 a 8 & o Q 1 o ''a U O Order 3.— Diseases of Circulatory System —contd. 11. Varicose Veins, Piles 12. Other Diseases of Circulatory System I ■ 3 I •" •• " •• 1 I 1 • 2 1 I 13 4 1 •■ •■ ■ •• •■ - •• ■■ •• • 1 •• • 62 10 •' - - •■ • - • • 1 - • • •• • •• •• Total Order 3 .. — — — 8 — I — — H — 1 ! __\ — . 1 r 4 A 12 3 - 50 • Li 5 1 A U 4 5 i 6 A • 8 •■■ 4 1 8 9 3 5 A 3H •■ •• — — — — — I —! — —A -— — Order 4.— Diseases of Respiratory System. 1. Laryngitis 2. Croup 3. Other Diseases of Larynx and Trachea .. 4. Asthma, Emphysema 5. Bronchitis 6. Pneumonia 7. Pleurisy .. .. .. 8. Other Diseases of Respiratory System •I I 8 6 • ■ - - •• "6 • • • •■ - - • " 3 4 4 4 40 18 ■• 1 - "I 2 2 6 'I • • ■• 4 2 8 12 • • • • ■■ ■ - - ■■ •■ •■ •■ 9 3 2 I 10 3° 20 ■• - • 1 1 • • • • •I 2 4 1 3 •• - •• 12 6 • • • • ■• 3 4 2 •■ ■ • ■ •• 2 " - • • •• • ■ ij i 1 •• 2 9 7 4 •■ • • 1 1 r 7 6 9 73 290 226 118 I 1 • - 2 " s! 3 1 A 3 5 1 •• • 1 ■ •• 4 3 3 3 • 7 1 ■■ 13 6 14 - 3 •■ - ■ •• 1 • 2 • A • ij 46 i - • • •■! 1 •I 2 •■ • ■• • • • • 4 5 • 1 1 - • • 1 1 • • 1 I " ■ ■ 1 • • 1 I •• ■■ 10 • • 1 I •■ !_j •I 1 .. - 1 .. •• 789 Total Order 4 .. 16 H 9 — u A 104 » 28 — « — 7 I I ! 10 ; 1 h H .. — N 15 I •• 1 2 22 — 2 5 9 3 •• 14 94 2 12 J ■■ • W 1—! o i — — — h- — — — Order 5.— Diseases of Digestive System. 1. Stomatitis, Cancrum Oris 2. Dentition 3. Sore Throat, Quinsy 4. Dyspepsia 5. Hasmatemesis 6. Melasna 7. Diseases of Stomach, Gastritis 8. Enteritis 9. Ulceration, Perforation, of Intestine 10. Ileus, Obstruction of Intestine 11. Stricture or Strangulation of Intestine 12. Intussusception of Intestine 13. Hernia 14. Fistula 15. Peritonitis 16. Ascites 17. Gall-stones 18. Cirrhosis of Liver 19. Other Diseases of Liver, Hepatitis, Jaundice 20. Other Diseases of Digestive System •• ■• 3 4 • • • • - " - " • ■ •• 9 1 1 • ■• ■• • • ■• ■• •• - - 2 - • 2 - - • • - - • • ■ - - 3 26 14 2 23 3 3 1 ■■ ■■ 1 1 1 " I •• • ■ • • • • • • " •■ • • - A ■ • • 5 •• ..1 • 1 5 12 2 2 • • .. ■■ 2 4 2 •• •• •• •• • • •• ■• •• - I I "\ • ■ ■• 2 10 1 8 2 3 3 1 ■■ • 1 1 • • 1 I •• > • • • 1 ■ • 1 2 ■■ 1 .. 40 3 • • • • - ■ ■• 1 •• ■ * • • • 2 - - - ■• • • • • • ■ • • • •• •• •• •• ■■ •■ 2 ■• •■ •■ •• • • ■ - h h " • •:• • • 13 5 • ■ ... • • - • - - - - • ■■ 7 •■ •• 3 1 - - .. •• • - • ■ • • • - • • 10 124 1124 11 112 3 1 10 13 2 64 35 42 2 8 •■ • - - 3 1 1 • • •• •• • • • • • •:■ • • - • ■• • .. " • - " - • • • • v • ■■■ • • • I - i • •■ • • 9 5 4 • - I - 20 ■ •• • • • - • • I • i • 1 ■ • • • • I 1 ■■ 14 8 • • ■ • • •■• ••■ • • - - •■ - • • • 5 •• I i ■ ■• 1 • • •• • 1 - 1 ••! •• • • •• •• • • - • ■■ • - • •■ ■ - •• • - •• •• •■ •■ ■ 9 1 • ■= 1 ■■ 2 • • •■ - •■• • ■■■ • • - A •• I • '' 1 3 - ■• A ■■ - - 1 I '" 1 2 • • .. 2 mm \ •• • 6 1 ■• i •• ... 3 - • - 14 6 ■ • ■ ■:■ 1 • - •• 2 • A •• .. 2 4 ■■1 • 125 59 62 ■ •• ■■ • • ■ •• 1 .. 4 .: • .. •• .. - • ■ •• ••■ - • •• ••• ■■! Total Order 5 .. ! i — - 8 — — H — — - 9 J5 - 5 ■ 109 • 34 9 88 \J 1 .. u8 .. 3 - !_- A 16 75° ■ •• ■ I — — — — 1 — 1 - Order 6.— Diseases of Lymphatic System and Ductless Glands. 1. Diseases of Lymphatic System .. 2. Diseases of Spleen 3. Bronchocele 4. Addison's Disease •• •• ■• • ■■ •■ 2 •• •• 1 " 3 ■• ■■ ■• •• ■ •■ •■ •• •• 1 i •• •• •• 35 21 2 ■ - ■ - - - " • - h ■ - •• ■■ - • 2 - " - - ■ ■ • 4 - - ■ - - • 2 •• •• • • • ,, 2 I1 •• " - •• • •■ • ■ ■• • .. •• •• •• • ■ - Total Order 6 .. I — —\ — — H H - — — — ! - •• .. • • .. ■■ .. • • 1 •• 3 • •• .. .. .. • • .. 2 3 .. 3 • • .. 63 • •



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1893— continued.

7—H. 22.

•5 C ij s j3 o U Q en rt U D S cd c . S B o I 1 o o a, U o "S3 0 o Orders, Diseases, &c. I I S u a d |q <3 Q era I rt 5 I q u j a i I ! I 5 I c 1 s 3 I u Q I o Q .3 a U D Order 7.— Diseases of Urinary System. 1. Acute Nephritis 2. Bright's Disease 3. Urasmia 4. Suppression of Urine 5. Calculus 6. Hffimaturia 7. Diseases of Bladder and Prostate 8. Other Diseases of Urinary System 3 7 ■• ■■ •• 2 2 ■• .. - - •■ 1 •• •1 •• i| 1 •• • • • 3 • • • • ■■ "I 4 1 •■ 3 4 1 I A A \"\ •■ " 'l • 2 ■■ •• 1 •• ■• •■ •• •• •• 'I • • - 2 - - - ■■ -! • •■! 2 1! 1 •• 2 I i| ■• •■ I - 2 - 1 • ■• ■■ ■ - ■ ■■ 12 7 ■• ! - ■■ ■•■ • 1 2 1 12 3 ■■ •• ■ •• I - 2j - •• i - ■ 4 2 2 17 ■■ • 3 ■■ » - 3 I " 3 •• ■• 2 - I- • 3 • 2 1 1 6 1 ■• .. .. - Total Order 7 .. — — -H - 1 H H — — - 3° 8 •■ 5 2 - 10 1 1 3 .d 23 • 3 .. 1 1 * « 5 •• I •• • • •• 1 1 1 — i — — — — — — CO Order 8.— Diseases of Reproductive System, (a.) Diseases of Organs of Generation, — 1. Ovarian Disease 2. Diseases of Uterus and Vagina 3. Disorders of Menstruation 4. Pelvic Abscess .. 5. Perineal Abscess 6. Diseases of Testes, Penis, Scrotum, &c. .. (b.) Diseases of Parturition, — 7. Abortion, Miscarriage .. 8. Puerperal Mania 9. Puerperal Convulsions 10. Placenta Praevia, Flooding 11. Phlegmasia Dolens 12. Other Accidents of Childbirth .. (c.) Childbirth (Lying-in Patients) 2 28 2 3 13 ■■ - - 1 • • 4 6 1 • ■ "I -« 2 1 1 .. 2 2 .. ,. 'I 1 2 ' • 1 1 ■■ 4 13 32 1 7 5 11 11 il • ■ I I I 2 •• 7 1 2 1 "1 •I I 8 1 5 •1 1 1 5 1 I ■ ■ i I 2 •• " . . '! •• •• •• •1 •■ " •I •• •• •I •• •• • •• •• •■ •■ •• •■ 'I •■ • " - ■ • - ■ •• • •• •• - - 1 •• I" - •■■ • •• ■ •• • •• •• ■•■ " - • i • - - •• - ••■ ■ - •• • ■• !•• - - - • - " - • •' " • •■ ' * I • •• • - - 4 - - 2 - - •• • • 2 •• • - •• • •• - - • o hi > •• - " ■• •• 2 • 1 ■ •■ ■ 2 • • •• • ■• - Total Order 8 .. I ! — 6 h — h __! H LI — . - H H — 53 4 • H 13 I •■ 3 1 1 • 10 — ■• 71 3 4 .. 10 •• A •• - h7 7 •1 .. •■ 5 — — — — — — — — __ ! ! Order 9.— Diseases of Organs of Locomotion. 1. Caries, Necrosis 2. Arthritis, Ostitis, Periostitis 3. Other Diseases of Organs of Locomotion .. 22 28 •• - 5 4 2 •• 1 • In 2 1 6 1 •• • 40 24 11 •I ■ 5 2 l •• ■■ • I 2 •• •• •■ •• 1 ■• 4 29 1] " 7 - 8 - 4 - 2 ■ • 10 1 • ■ 5 • - - - - ■ ■ !•• • •■ - • • .. .. •■ ■ • ■ ■ • • - Total Order 9 .. — — H H I H - ~ — H 79 1 •• 9 ■ — F •• - «l .. b 1 - 11 •- .. m ■ 17 • • •• ••: - • .. - .. 2 • b — — — — L — — Order 10. — Diseases of Integumentary System. 1. Carbuncle 2. Phlegmon, Cellulitis 3. Lupus 4. Ulcer, Bed-sore 5. Eczema .. .. .. 6. Pemphigus 7. Other Diseases of Integumentary System .. 2 3 3 36 8 • • - 10 •• I ■■ "8 1 - - • 3 1 2 3 11 1 6j 4 •• " - 4 1 6 11 12 3 10I I 2 i •• • •• is 2 1 - I 2 • - • • • • •• - 3 • • - 2 ■ - " •■ - - •■ I ..I 2 1 I .- •■ 4 4 - 2 2 • 3 • 4 2 9 - • 4 ■ - I - - • - - ■■ - • •• 5 - •• • ■• - - • 7 • - • ■ • • 1 - •• - •• .. • • ■• J • • - ■• ■ • 14 •■ •I •■ •• ■ 2 1 .. • - • • 1 • • I - • 2 - - - • 2 Total Order 10 .. — h— h H h" H — - H 59 • •• « • 10 9 • •• 27 • • « •• 70 .. • U, •• •• 3 .. .. 4 .. - • • 3 •• 10 Total Class VI... 557 I 60! 7 1 128 7 I _ 105 — 74 - 5 81 10 192 — 5 16 — I HI H 9 10 \M 16 — 17 83 16 96 581 47i 40 57! 3° • ■



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1893— continued.

I U Orders, Diseases, &c. I <5 Q c o en £ O Q p rt 1_ rt 5 1 i I 1 i 0 6 n D £ E en* j: m 05 "rt U rt 3 a 5 a & o (/) rt 6 a 3 rt CO I I 2 s it o s u rt i . 6 11 u Q ■5 to 5 5 a U Q U D U D rt Q Order 7.— Diseases of Urinary System. 1. Acute Nephritis 2. Bright's Disease 3. Uraemia 4. Suppression of Urine 5. Calculus 6. Htematuria 7. Diseases of Bladder and Prostate 8. Other Diseases of Urinary System •• • • • ■ •■ " - - •• - - •• 1 8 1 1 3 • 2 • • •■ 1 ' • ■ • •• 1 •• 1 - hi I 2 1 2 I 10 •• • 3 •• - •• 2 " - " - "\ 1 -I 2 I ' • • 1 1 1 I I • - 25 47 1 3 12 8 81 65 I, • " • • 1 1 2 - 3 I • 1 - •■ - - •• - • • I 5 2 ,. •• 1 •• 1 •■ - I, •• - H 1 13 7 • • • 2 *7 5 1 3 2 ■ 2 I •• 1 •I I • - •■ - - 2 • ••1 • .. ■ 2| 2 Total Order 7 .. I H — — — — — H - - H I - « 36 i 1 •• 4 5 4 u 3 3 36 10 - 2 • 1 6 1 Li 1 u 2 243 ■ • — - — — — to w CO o Order 8.— Diseases of Reproductive System. (a.) Diseases of Organs of Generation, — 1. Ovarian Disease 2. Diseases of Uterus and Vagina 3. Disorders of Menstruation 4. Pelvic Abscess .. 5. Perineal Abscess 6. Diseases of Testes, Penis, Scrotum, &c. (b.) Diseases of Parturition, — 7. Abortion, Miscarriage 8. Puerperal Mania 9. Puerperal Convulsions 10. Placenta Prasvia, Flooding 11. Phlegmasia Dolens 12. Other Accidents of Childbirth .. (c.) Childbirth (Lying-in Patients) i i 3 3 !7 14 2 I 3 20 •■ 1 .. •• •• 1 •1 3 1 4 3 l! •• 4 II .. 2 2 ■• • ■ 13 29 8 2 1 9 1 1 •■ I 11 " 2 2 '5 2 I " 1 I " 6l 169 25 16 90 ■• •• • •• •■ •• • 1 •• 1 •1 1 • •■ • • ■■ •• •• "I 3 2 " • - • • - •• - • • 1 - " • " • ■ " • • •• - - ■ • " • • .. • 1 ■ • - • • 2 •• - • - •• - - ■ •• - " • • - • - ■■ 2 • • - •• •• - " • 8 11 u o 1 • - 1 • • 3 - •• ■ • •• - I- - Total Order 8 .. — — H — — — H H H — — H i 5 3 ■ - 58 1 4 12 I 3 * 65 ■• 2 .. 1 12 ■ -I 3 • • 3 ■• •• 402 • ■• — — M L_ — — — — Order 9.— Diseases of Organs of Locomotion. 1. Caries, Necrosis 2. Arthritis, Ostitis, Periostitis 3. Other Diseases of Organs of Locomotion .. •1 1 1 - 1 •• 19 5° 72 1 2 ■I 3 1 5 2 •• 1 •• 7 2 13 32 19 •• ■■ .. I • I ■1 1 3 1 2 4 2 "I I I 152 168 187 I ■ ■• • - ■ 2 ■• • ■■ • •■ •• .. I ■ I 3 1 • - • u ••I 2 2 ■■ •• - 2 1 • • Total Order 9 .. M l - - — ; — h2 1 5 • - 141 •I - — I •• H .. h 19 • ■• •• .. - 1 •• u i 2 • 5°7 Order 10. — Diseases of Integumentary System. 1. Carbuncle 2. Phlegmon, Cellulitis 3. Lupus 4. Ulcer, Bed-sore 5. Eczema 6. Pemphigus 7. Other Diseases of Integumentary System .. H — i — — — — — 1 ■• 11 62 2 1 •• • 1 33 4 1 13 67 •• 1 • • 1 " '• •* ■• 4 6 •1 - " • •• ■■ •• •• - 3 • • ■• I H •• "I •• "1 6 " • • ■■ • • 1 1 5 3 2 11 21 7 1 2 1 ..! • 1 1 2 • • ..I 3 2 I • 1.. ■• 14 1 I J \ ■ 11 246 78 • ■ I - • "' ■ - 4 ■ •• " - • •• 's •• - - - - 1 • 5 86 M • • •• I2 t 1 5 - .. ■ 3 •- 2 I 4 ■• 3 •• Total Order 10 .. — 1 — H H 3 " •• • 1 •• 5 14 23 39 ' 3 • 5 •• 12 .. 7 18 1 •• 18 ... , 4 •■ • • "I 499 Total Class VI. .. — —M — — — H — 47 79 7 760 33 55 63138 J4 36 5 77 620 4^i N 35 3 90 I 63 ha 59 6 I07 12 55 6 4,609 35



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1893— continued.

■a c S3 i H C a! a) X o 3 a ° S__ s s s o u P > * 2 <3 ojiS q I 1 II u [q o I <3 «S U c o 0. "Si o I] rt a. Outers, Diseases, &c. i 1 1 O 2 U Q 1 i Q v I \l o5 £ j rt i 1 U s J c3 Q Order i.— Accident or Negligence. 1. Fractures, Contusions .. 2. Gunshot Wounds 3. Cut, Stab .. .. .. .'. 4. Burn, Scald 5. Sunstroke 6. Poison 7. Drowning 8. Suffocation 9. Exposure 10. Otherwise 90 5 4 1 6 8 il 4 1 • • ■ - - 32 13 4 •• 1 •• •• •• • 19 3 4 3 1 3 2 •• 1 39 9 3 - • • 6 ■• 2 • 361 •• 2O 2 ■• •I - ■■ 37 8 2 ■• ■ * - !20 5 29 9 10 3 A - 5 •• ■1 - - - - 4 1 3 5 5 ! .. " a 19 1 = I ■" ■• •• • - - • 10 1 •• - • • 2 4 •• •• • - - 7 1 2 ■ ■I " 20 2 1 •■! • ■ ■ 17 1 - - - 5 - 1 - 9 8 1 • • • ■ • 22 1 1 •• I 'I •I 3 I •• 1 - • - • - - •• •• " - • ■ - - - - • - - • • • - - - ■• • - • • - ••! - - _ - • • i - - ■• •• - - • ■ •! I •• ■ 1 i •■ •■I - " ■I - - .. - -■• • • - ■• "8 10 ■ • - • 6 ■■[ !•• !•• 12 I ••I • -! I 2 - •I 1 ■ ■• •• •■ •• • • I 4 - .. •• M \i\ ■ - •■ * • .. - •• • o- > Total Order 1 .. Order 2.— Homicide. • 1. Murder, Manslaughter .. 2. Wounds in Battle Total Order 2 .. 145 — » - — - 1 * : •• • • • • • 50 •• - — - — A •• 1 • •• - 1 - 38 1 ■ - H 33 1 •• •• - •• I ■■ - !— ■ - - 9 ! - 62 — •■ •• - - 53 - — 3 — ■ - H ■ 4 •• •• - 8 •■ • I 1 •■ •• - ■• I 66 | ■ - .. — " •• - ■• — •• •• - •• H .. ■• - — ;. 11 .. - - - .. "I - " - ■ 1 i • 12 •■1 •1 — •■ •I H - •• .. 22 2 •• •• H ■ b U- •• —! 6 •• •• - h9 - .. H - ■• • •• •■ Order 3.— Suicide. 1. Gunshot Wounds 2. Cut, Stab .. .. .. ,\ 3. Poison 4. Drowning 5. Hanging 6. Otherwise — — — — — —! — 1 — — — 1 !— — I — •• ■■ ■• •• • • •• •■ ■• •• •• •■ •• •■ • •1 •■ •• " ■ • • - ■ - - I 1 - - 1 - • - - • 17 • - - • • - •• • - - • - - • • - - " • - - " • - - • - - • go I-H O •• • • " • .. - - - • - - • - - •• 1 A •• - •■ ■:• •• - •■ •• • ■ - ■ •• •• • Total Order 3 .. — - — 1 - - H - - H H H 24 169 8 • • • ■ • • - • ■ ■■ - - I A ■ • 1 - • • • .. •I •• •■ •• •• •• Total Class VII. — A — — M 1 I H 62 H — — " - p7[ — Ts. - H — r1 - 1 .. •• 5O i A 38 33j 1 5 1 h - 54 4 '73 ■A 3 11 •• 12 22 2 18 6 J9 24 • ■ •• •I 1. Dropsy 2. Debility, Atrophy, Inanition 3. Mortification, Gangrene 4. Tumour 5. Abscess 6. Haemorrhage 7. Sudden (cause unascertained) 8. Other Ill-defined and Not-specified Causes —h~ - — I — - - [-! - I M - 21 3 26I 29 1 • 1 - - ■ •• 12 ■ - ■A 2 - 1 ■A • - •• n •I •• 1 •• ' •■ 2 1 ij 2 5 •• •• 1 A 3 • 4 - - 3 • • - » • ■A ■■ - ■A i 1 2 • ■■ I A •• •■ 7 7 ..I .. » il ! I I ..1 I ••! I -I I 5 10 I ••! I -I 1'; 3l ■• ■ ■A •■I 2 5 ■ I I' .1 ..1 1 4 •• i ■A 2 1 11 - •• I i 1 •• •• ■ ■ 4 7 1 2 258 1 .. - - - A 3 - - • • 1 'i 3 ■■ •• •■• •I - - I • • " 12 ••I .. •• - • • 9 22 6 •• •■ •• !•■ - 2 - ■A ■A ■A ■A ■A - ■• x • • 3 - • - I ..? 1 ..... .. .. •■ 2 •• •■ •• •• •• *4 A ■A A ■ ■A I " I ■• - •• •• I- - - .. .. I ■ • • • - •• - 1 " • ■ 2 • - - I Total Class VIII. 80 — 1 \— - — H - -4 M 1 — i I- — I ! I- - - — — - 1 '5 •• 7 A .. U 7 22 A 52 •■ » • 10 h •■! 8 - 6 • - 1 .. 1 a • • •■ General Totals 1084 n — » - H - 190 !— xj hi393 25 I i 243 — 101 — 96 — 33 1 M 86 1 ..J 4I H 2 -I I 41 — 5 — !in "f 1 38! 216 10)165 32 201 32 121 61 53 138 * Pauiers.



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1893— continued.

Price Is.]

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given ; printing (1,07s copies), £i0 10s.

By Authority: Samuel Costal!., Government Printer, Wellington.—lB94.

O Orders, Diseases, &c. ;— 3 a 0 " $4 l 6 & < < ■ H 3 a 6\a B "5 O i t ■3 a Q 6 a o I o < I CO 5 o a c3 o eg (3 Q 3 & rt *J U G I en rt O P rt O J |l 3 |p 3 a 1 Q Order i.— Accident or Negligence. 1. Fractures, Contusions .. 2. Gunshot Wounds 3. Cut, Stab 4. Burn, Scald 5. Sunstroke 6. Poison 7. Drowning 8. Suffocation 9. Exposure .. .. .. ' • • 10. Otherwise 18 '8 1 i " I I 27; •• 7 1 - - • •• .A: •• •• ••!•• ■• ■■ Il8 5 25 9 1 6 1 6 • 1 ■ 3 2 2 !•• ■• ■1 • • ■ 22 1 2 •■ - ■■ 22 1 6 1 ■■ 1 I 7 1 h • •• 1 •• - - - •• 1 ■• 20 2 •• ■• - - ■■ 98 4 9 9 •• 3 ■I J 7 " •1 Q •1 9 - •■ 1 - 'I "I - "I - 10 6 1 - • • 9 •1 • • • - - 19 1 2 •• 2 60 2 I 3 ■■ ■ " • ■ I4 5 - • - •• 1,023 38 232 67 1 27 2 "64 _ 1,454 3' 1: 4' • .. .. ■ •• • •■ 1 1.. - • - " - • - - .. .. - • • •• I- • - ■• - ■• > J ••1 •• • - •• - _ • • .. .. .. •• ■ •• •• ■ - ■ - •• - ■ - •• - - • " 6, •• - • - ■ - •• •■ 1 - •■ I • • - •• 3 - •• • • •• •• •■! 1 - •• ■• ■■ •• 1 •• ■ ■ •• • - 1 •• • •■ .. .. u I— I t-H — —! — _ — H — H - H - — Total Order 1 .. u 2 ** i 7 26 1 31 H 13 A 23 • ■ 124 1 » .. h7 u. J3 • • 22 66 !9 4 i 4i.. 165 •• — — — — — '— — - fOrder 2.— Homicide. 1. Murder, Manslaughter .. 2. Wounds in Battle - ■• "I •• 1 1 1 ■ ! • ■• •I •1 •• • I •1 ■• •• '• •• .. • - • ■• .. .. ■• .. •• • .. .. ■ •• • - •• ■■ •• • — H H H ~ - H - — H ! Total Order 2 .. - • • ..' ••!•• • • • •• ■• - " - •■ • • 1 1 - •■ .. • • - •■ • •■ - • • •• •• •• ! .. I U- — — — — — — — 1 I - Order 3.— Suicide. 1. Gunshot Wounds 2. Cut, Stab 3. Poison 4. Drowning 5. Hanging 6. Otherwise ■• •• •• - 1 •• 1 •■ 1 4 2 *■' I ■■ 1 - • •- 1 ■ 1 1 3 1 1 1 • ■ ■■ - • I •• •■ ■ ■ •■ ■■ • •• • ■ •• •• •• 18 21 ■• • • ■ • •• - - ■• .. •• !• - •• - •• • • I- • •• .. 2| I Q ■ 2 in f H < U- •■ 1 • • - •■ ■• - H — — H - H — I 1 — Total Order 3 .. > ■ • > I •• • •! • • .. 44 ■■ 2 ■• ■■ 1 5 •■ ■ • ••I •• — — — H I-- — — H hh H — H Total Class VII. 27 • 43 4 172 8 • .. 26 1 1 32 2 J3. H h 130 5 2 3 • ■ 10 17 " H 22 .. 66 - 19 1.499 ~ — H H - - — — 1. Dropsy .. .. .. 2. Debility, Atrophy, Inanition 3. Mortification, Gangrene 4. Tumour 5. Abscess 6. Haemorrhage 7. Sudden (cause unascertained) 8. Other Ill-defined and Not-specified Causes •• •• ■ •■ 1 • - 1 5 - " 2! I H - •• - •• • • •■ •• •1 ■■ 95 16 87 216 28 3 ■■ 5: " i » 1 • \-\ ■■! ••! ■ - • -I - ■ 1 - • •• 1 i " I 3 13 25 1 •■ •■ • • 4 15 - ■• 4 1 4 4 40 • - - « "l 1 • • •• •• •• i - - ■ • ■• 14 3 1 ■■■ i - i 3 !.. 12 •• - •• • • A 2 • •• 5! A - ■■ " • ■■ - •• • • • - A • ■■ • - • ■• - ■■ " •• • - • ■ ■■ •■ • •• •■ • •■ •■ - • - - .. • • •• .. .. 1 .. .. .. .. ■ ■ 2 6 •• - •• - •■ Total Class VIII. - 6 — — I- » H 4 48 h — II Lj 474 9,068 4 • - 53 2 4 i •• 19 ■• - ~i 1 • — ■• 4 2 — •• •• - • • 1 - 2 269 — — - — — General Totals .. 94 II 162 25 2 '334 S5| 33 3 he 3 273! 2 2 82 7 139 10851 8bi 42 4 60 128 2 125 5 92 I2O 9 2-iS 1120 67: 15 I

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Bibliographic details

HOSPITALS AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS OF THE COLONY. (REPORT ON THE), BY THE INSPECTOR OF HOSPITALS., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1894 Session I, H-22

Word Count

HOSPITALS AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS OF THE COLONY. (REPORT ON THE), BY THE INSPECTOR OF HOSPITALS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1894 Session I, H-22

HOSPITALS AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS OF THE COLONY. (REPORT ON THE), BY THE INSPECTOR OF HOSPITALS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1894 Session I, H-22

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