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Return to an Order of the Souse of Representatives, J¥o. 23, 12th July, 1876. " That there be laid before this House copies of all correspondence between Mr. Alexander Mackay, Commissioner of Native Reserves, and the Government, relative to the setting apart of certain lands in the Middle Island for half-castes of the Ngaitahu tribe."— (Mr. Taiaroa.)

No. 1. Mr. A. Mackay to the Undee Secbetaey, Native Office. Sic, — Native Office, Wellington, sth September, 1874. I have the honor to forward herewith, for the information of the Hon. the Native Minister, a return* of half-castes to be provided with land in fulfilment of promises made on the cession of Native territory to the Crown, within the boundaries of the Ngaitahu, Murihiku, and Stewart Island purchases. The claims of these people were brought before the Legislative Council in 1869 (vide Sessional Paper D. No. 20, 1870), and a resolution was passed on August 24th, of that year, praying His Excellency the Governor to give immediate effect to the report of the Public Petitions Committee on the subject. The Committee found, from papers laid before the House of Eepresentatives in 1863 (No. 77), that about twenty awards in respect of these claims received the approval of the Officer Administering the Government in 1855, and that nothing further had been done since that date. The papers alluded to do not appear in the Appendix of 1863, nor have I as,yet seen any record of the persons in whose favour the awards were made; but it would be advisable before any steps are taken to further the settlement of the claims now under review, that this information should be obtained, with a view to prevent cases of dual award. The aggregate number of half-castes included in the return herewith (which cannot be considered an exhaustive one, as a complete list has not yet been made of persons of that race residing within the Canterbury Province) is 187, in the proportion of 90 males to 97 females ; 94 of whom were born at Stewart Island, and 93 at places on the mainland ; and care has been taken in collecting the information to include only those persons who come within the category of half-castes. Provision is made by " The Stewart Island Grants Act, 1873," for the execution of grants to half-castes born on the island, but as others named in the returns are equally entitled to a similar concession, some measure will have to be undertaken to legalize the dedication of land to them in a like manner. The aggregate area of land required to satisfy the claims of those enumerated in the list in the proportion fixed by the aforesaid Act—namely, 10 acres for each male and 8 acres for each female— amounts to 1,676 acres. With a view to expedite the settlement of the question, and to enable the half-castes entitled to land in the neighbourhood of Foveaux Strait to select their several portions, as it was highly important for many reasons that the selections should be effected as early as possible, more especially as land suitable for the purpose has become limited in extent, I made application to the Waste Lands Board at Invercargill (which was granted on the 29th April, 1874) to temporarily reserve from sale certain lands particularized in a Schedule accompanying the application, a copy of which I append (B). A return similar to the one herewith, containing ihe names of the half-castes, their place of abode, and the locality in which they have already selected or desire to select their land, was also furnished to the Commissioner of Crown Lands at lnveroargill, for the information of the local Government. * Not printed : information contained in subsequent returns. I— G. 9.



A question has been raised concerning the right of half-castes, who have come into possession of land awarded by the Government in satisfaction of old land claims, to share in the proposed apportionment of land to be made to these people in fulfilment of promises; but this point can only be determined on ascertaining the principle upon which the distribution is to be made. (1.) "Whether it was the intention of the Government of the day to make provision for the whole of the half-caste population who were resident within the boundaries of the blocks severally purchased from the Ngaitahu in consideration of their descent on the maternal side from the original proprietors of the soil; or (2.) Whether it was merely intended to award land to those who were otherwise unprovided. If the latter proposition indicates the intention correctly, then some of those whose names appear in the return would be disentitled to receive free grants as half-castes. I trust, however, that the course indicated in the first place is the principle to be followed, othorwiso it will appear that those who have obtained land through the forethought of their parents are to be treated with less consideration than those who have descended from the thriftless and improvident. As regards the conditions to be imposed on the grantees, I find on reference to " The Native Grantees Act, 1873," clauses 4 and 5, that this Act specially provides that in all grants issued in fulfilment of any contract, engagement, or promise, the grantees shall be deemed to be tenants in common and not joint tenants, excepting when the grant is made expressly to the grantees as joint tenants; as had it not been for that important provision, I purposed recommending that this precaution should be taken for the protection of individual interests, otherwise the survivors of deceased grantees, where a number held under one title, would secure a monopoly to the detriment of persons legally entitled to succeed. The grants should also contain a clause restricting the alienability of the land, except by lease for twenty-one years, with a view to secure the property to the grantees, and a maintenance to their descendants ; as should this precaution be overlooked, the object of the Government in making them this provision would be entirely defeated, as there is little doubt that in the majority of the cases, if the land was placed at the disposal of the grantees, they would soon sell it and spend the proceeds. The papers C, D, and E, relating to the apportionment of the land at the Neck, Stewart Island, together with a map of the same, are appended for the information of the department. I have, &c, Alexandeb Mackat, The Under Secretary, Native Department. Commissioner.

Enclosure 1 in No. 1. B.—Schedule of Land included in application made to Waste Lands Board, Invercargill, 17th April 1874, to satisfy Half-Caste Claims. Block V., Campbelltown Hundred. a. b. p. Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, containing ... ... ... 215 0 5 Small Eeserve at rear of do. ... ... ... ... 55 3 30 Bush Reserve ... ... ... ... ... ... 155 2 0 426 1 35 Block 11, Jacob's River Hundred. Sections 19, 20, 21, 22. Block TV., Aparima Hundred. Sections 5, 8, 9, 7, 6, and 10. Block 11, Aparima Hundred. Section 30. Block XIII, New River Hundred. Section 7. Block XX., Invercargill Hundred. Sections 30, 48,. and 49. Block VIII., Toetoe Hundred. Section 3. Oteramaka Hundred. 18 acres adjoining land purchased by ¥m. Curran. Block IX., Invercargill Hundred. Acres. Bush Reserve ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 Waimatuku Bush ... ... ... ... ... ... 200 Adjoining southern boundary of land purchased by Mr. Ellis, near Orawi Stream, Waiau District ... ... ... ... ... 500 Murray River, Stewart Island ... ... ... ... ... 100 At the first river (Orautahi ?) to the eastward of Cave Point, Stewart Island ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 On the eastern side of Saddle Point, Stewart Island ... ... ... 20 Seaward Bush, Block 11., Invercargill Hundred ... ... ... 70



Enclosure 2 in No. 1. C.—STEWART ISLAND.—RETURN of LAND apportioned amongst LAND CLAIMANTS and HALFCASTES.

Enclosure 3 in No. 1. D.—DETAILED LIST of HALF-CASTE and other CLAIMS adjusted by Mr. Pearson, Assistant Land Claims Commissioner, at the Neck, Stewart Island.

No. of Section. Acreage. Names of Allottees. Locality. 1 2 15 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 IS 13 u 15 16 17 A. E. p. 86 0 0 8 0 0 18 0 0 16 0 0 64 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 67 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 .0 0 10 0 0 24 0 0 48 0 0 36 0 0 36 0 0 8 0 0 30 0 0 150 0 0 690 0 0 240 0 0 198 0 0 16 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 40 0 0 8 0 0 W. Leo's family, old land claim Mrs. It. Sherburd, half-caste ... Moss family „ Cooper, E. and L. „ Owen family ,, John Coombs, grant ... John Hunter „ Chaseland family Mrs. Wheeler, half-caste Mrs. W. Sherburd „ Tlios. McKenzie Wm. Sherburd, sen., grant Lowry family Cooper family, half-caste Groombs family Joss family W. Anglem, half-caste J. Joss, old land claim The Neck. n )i » )> H » || J» II )) » )> jj Old Neck. E. Brady " J. Moore „ G. Green „ Groombs, H. and H. A. J. Mrs. T. Cross, half-caste D. McKenzie Newton family, half-caste Maria Whitelock „ John Bragge „ Martha Bragge „ Dorcas Honor „ .,. Port Adventure. Raggedy River. GroombV Island, Paterson's Inlet. Port William. Horse-slioe Bay. Pikarou Bay. > Half-moon Bay (North side).

Name of Allottees. No of Section. Area. Remarks. Lnnie Forster (Mrs. Sherburd) ... -ice family roe Moss ilargaret Moss Sllen Cooper ... jouisa Cooper "ohn Owen Jeorge Owen ... loger Owen ... ?olly Owen ... "ames Owen ... r enny Owen ... lobert Owen ... fohn Coombs ... (ohn Hunter ... tlargaret Chaseland klaria Chaseland Caroline Cliaseland rohn Chaseland ,V"m. Henry Chaseland... Phomas Chaseland tfargaret Chaseland, jun. Jebecca Cooper (Mrs. T. Wheeler) Fenny Forster (Mrs. W. Sherburd) [hos. McKenzie 2 1 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 10 11 A. E. P. 8 0 0 86 0 0 18 0 0 Old land claim. Joe Moss dead ; son John to succeed. 16 6 0 64 6 0 Dead ; eldest brother to succeed. 5 0 0 10 0 0 62 0 0 Old settler ("Stewart's Island Grant Act, 1873"). j) jj >t jj | j Six of these claimants are disentitled, being the descendants of a half-caste. Recommended that the eldest son John should have ten acres in trust for himself and other members of tho family, in consideration of their father's claim for long residenco. 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 Wm. Sherburd, sen. Susan Lowry ... Elizabeth Lowry Caroline Lowry Win. Cooper ... Robert Cooper 3-eorge Cooper Fames Cooper ?hillis Cooper 12 18 18 IS U 11 14 it 11. 10 0 0 24 0 0 This claimant is disentitled, being the child of a half-caste. Old settler ("Stewart's Island Grant Act, 1873"). Claimant dead; eldest daughter Susaii to succeed. The other two are disentitled being three-quarter-castes. 48 0 0 James Cooper wants to take his shares on the mainland.



Enclosure 4 in No. 1. E. —Memorandum on the Apportionment of the Land at the Neck, Stewart Island, amongst the HalfCastes and others, made by Mr. Pearson, the Commissioner of Crown Lands at Invercargill, with suggestions for its re-adjustment. Section S, 62 Acres. Six of the former allotees are excluded, being three-quarter-castes—viz., Maria, Caroline, John, "William Henry, Margaret, jun., and Thomas Chaseland. It is recommended, however, that 10 acres should be set apart in this section for these persons in consideration of their late father's claim as an old resident ;* the land to be vested in a trustee for their behoof. The following persons have agreed to take the vacant shares, and the proposed apportionment will stand thus: — A. E. P. Margaret Chaseland, sen. ... ... ... ... 800 * Thomas Chaseland (for residence claim due to deceased father) 10 0 0 Sarah Sinclair ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 0 0 Elizabeth Gregory ... ... ... ... ... 8 0 0 James Spencer ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 0 0 Ann Spencer ... ... ... ... ... ... 800 John Gregory ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 0 0 62 0 0 Section 11, 10 Acres. Thomas McKenzie is disqualified, being a three-quarter-caste. John Parker will take share. Section 14, 48 Acres. James Cooper desires to select his share on the mainland. "William Spencer will take the vacant share. Section 13, 24 Acres. The three allottees, Susan, Elizabeth, and Caroline Lowry, are disqualified, being three-quarter-castes. Their late mother (Susan Lowry) was entitled to 8 acres, and it is proposed that the eldest daughter, Susan, should succeed; the land to be taken in Section 15. The father of these children (Lowry) is entitled, as an old resident,* to ten acres, and it is recommended that 11 acres out of this section, at the place where the family now live at the Neck, should be vested in a trustee for the benefit of Elizabeth, Matilda, and Garoline Lowry. Mr. Trail, of Stewart Island, would probably undertake the duty The remainder of the section (13 acres) has been selected by Jane Parker and Mary Anglem, in part satisfaction of their shares. Section 15, 36 Acres. Three of the former allottees are disqualified being three-quarter-castes—viz., John Emanuel and Susannah Groombs. The following persons have elected to take the vacaut shares : — Acres. Thomas Shepherd ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 William Shepherd ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 Susan Lowry (for her mother's share) ... ... ... ... 8 •Invercargill, 16th April, 1874. A. Mackat.

No. 2. Mr. A. Mackay to the Under Seceetart, Native Office. Sib, — Native Keserves Office, Nelson, 19th September, 1874. I have the honor to transmit herewith a supplementary return of half-castes residing in Canterbury, iv continuation of the return furnished you under cover of my letter of the sth instant. * Under clause 4 of " The Stewart Island Grants Act, 1873."

i,— lETAILED iisi o: .alf■ASTES, ;c, xaims— con, 'muet Name of Allottees. No. of Section. Area. Remarks. Fohanna A. Groombs ... rohn Groombs Smanuel Groombs Susannah Groombs 3etty Moss (Mrs. W. Joss) Slizabeth Joss iValter Joss ... iVilliam Joss ... tV. Anglem ihaia Whaitiri Joani Tumarere 15 16 15 15 16 16 Hi Ki 17 2(1 21 A. E. P. 36 0 0 f Three of these claimants are disentitled, being C three-quarter-castes. 36 0 0 This claimant is disentitled, being a three-quarter-caste. 8 0 0 27 2 4 17 0 37 ] Native claimants mentioned in Mr. Clarke's memo. ) dated 24th October, 1864.


Gv- 9

The aggregate number included in the present return is fifty-one —viz., thirty-one males and twenty females, and the quantity of land required as a provision for them, on the basis fixed by " The Stewart Island Grants Act, 1873," is 470 acres. The additional names herewith may be considered to practically close the list. I have, &c, Alexandeb Mackay, The Under Secretary, Native Department, "Wellington. Commissioner.

Enclosure 1 in No. 2. RETURN of HALF-CASTE CLAIMANTS in the Province of Canterbury.

No. 3. The Uitdeb Secbetaby, Native Office, to Mb. A. Mackat. Memo, for Mr. A. Mackat/. Wellington, 3rd November, 1874. I hate searched in vain for the old records referred to by you, consequently am quite unable to get up a history of the case. Would you give me a concise history of the facts ? In your letters of the sth and 19th of September, you send in returns of 239 half-castes who ought to have 2,14G acres of land awarded to them, in the proportion of 10 acres for each male, and

Sex. Name. Place of Birth. Place of Abode. No. of Acres entitled to. M. M. M. F. M. M. M. M. M. \I. \l. F. F. F. M. If. F. M. I'. If. F. M. F. If. M. M. M. F. ir. M. F. F. M. M. F. If. M. 9. M. F. ]•-. F. F. F. If. 1''. M. If. M. F. If, James Kickers Thomas Eustace Green ... William King Green Catherine Mary Agnes Green ... Richard Ryan ' ... Philip Ryan John Fluerty Robert Fluerty ... Charles Fluerty ... William Fluerty ... George Fluerty ... Mary Ann Fluerty (Mrs. Wright), E. ... Phcebe Howland (Mrs. Fluerty), E. ... Huldah Howland (Mrs. Wells), E. ... George Gilbert ... William Gilbert Sarah Gilbert (Mrs. Cameron), E. Robert Gilbert Mary Gilbert (Mrs. Fynau),E Samuel Gilbert ... Jane Gilbert Daniel Gilbert Elizabeth Gilbert Richard Mason William Mason Henry Mason Joseph Mason Sarah White (Mrs. Innes), E Henry White George White Almirah White (Mrs. Knudson,) E. ... Mary White Thomas White Charles White Anna Munro White Sweeny WestJolm Denny Kalgher Rebecca Brown (Mrs. J. Score), b.O. ... John Score ... ' Mary Ann Williams (Mrs. H. Pohata) Katherine Brown (Mrs. Uru),M. Lydia Donay (Mrs. M. Piki), M. Hannah Kildare (Mrs. Wekepiri), M.... Susan Kew (Mrs. Hone) James Kildaro Mary Driver (Mrs. Te Aika), M. Abner Clough Robinson Clough George Rob Clough Annie Price (Mrs. Waterhouse), E. Charles Loper Otago Heads Oihoa, Canterbury Port Levy ii Okain's Bay Banks Peninsula ... Little River Hikuraki ... Akaroa Pigeon Bay ,, ... Okain's Bay ji ,, ,, Kaiapoi ,, ... ... Melbourne, Victoria Pigeon Bay Kaiapoi ... Oxford Okain's Bay i> ,, » ■•• „ Riverton Pigeon Bay Te Muka Okain's Bay Le Bon's Bay Okain's Bay ,, ,i ... j, ... tt ... j, ... A. E. p. 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 ,, j, ... ,, ... Port Levy Pigeon Bay ,, „ j, ... „ ,, ... 3) tt ... ], „ ... ,j ... ,, ... Kaiapoi ... ,, ... ,, ... )) • ■• Taiari' Port Lyttelton ... Port Levy Southbridge Port Levy Southbridge Otago Heads Akaroa ,, Port Levy Ivaikoura ... Kaiapoi Mount Peel Hawke's Bay Otago Heads Saltwater Creek ... Waimatemate ,, >7 ••' '•• it ... ... ,, ... ... !1 males, at 10 acres each !0 females, at 8 acres each Acres. 310 160 470



8 acres for each female. Has land been set apart to satisfy these claims ? (I observe the action you have taken at Invercargill.) But you do not say what provinces are to be charged with the above obligations. Do not the promises extend to the Ngaitahu lands in the Province of Canterbury? Or do you propose to take all the land required in what was the Southland Province ? AVould you also suggest iv what manner the whole question can be definitely settled, in order that communication may be made to the Superintendents of the provinces affected by any proposed arrangement. H. T. Claeke.

No. 4. Me. A. Mackay, to the TTxdeb Secretaet, Native Office. Memo. — Mr. Clarke. 19th November, 1874. The papers (No. 77) alluded to in the Report of the Select Committee of the Legislative Council, in 1869, upon the Petition of Andrew Thompson, and referred to in my letter of the oth September last, will probably be found amongst the archives of the House of Representatives for 1863. The following additional information will throw further light on the question. I find, on reference to the Journals of the House of Representatives for that 3'ear, that on the Order Paper for November 20th, a notice of motion appears to this effect: —" 8. The Hon. Mr. Mantell to move for such information, documentary or otherwise, as the Government may be able to afford, as to the action taken on the recommendations made by the Commissioner of Crown Lands for the Province of Otago, in favour of the wives and halfcaste families of Andrew Moore, Elisha Apes, J. Crocome, Newion, McCoy, Bates, Kelly, Printz, Leader, Antone, Leach, Paulin, Howell, Sizemore, Wixon, Smith, Low, Crane, Edwards, Gilroy, and Manuel, which recommendations, in accordance with the instructions of the Colonial Secretary dated 9th June, 1851 (No. 203), were referred to His Honor the Superintendent of Otago:" and that on the 30th November, the Hon. Mr. Gillies laid upon the table, by command of His Excellency, " Copies of such information, documentary or otherwise, as the Government is able to afford, as to the action taken, on the recommendations made by the Commissioner of Crown Lands for the Province of Otago, in favour of the wives and half-caste families of certain settlers in the Province of Otago." A resolution of the House was also carried on the same date, on the motion of Mr. "Wayne, " That the good faith of the Crown having been pledged, in the acquisition of the territory of the Ngaitahu tribes by Mr. Commissioner Mantell, to the adoption of measures for the permanent benefit and civilization of the Natives, which pledge the Natives complain has not been redeemed, it is the opinion of this House that no time should be lost in ascertaining precisely the nature and extent of the engagements made by Commissioner Mantell, and in fulfilling the same in a just and liberal spirit." It is possible that the foregoing resolution more particularly applies to the promises of schools and hospitals; but Mr. Mantell was also instructed by the Colonial Secretary, at a later period, to make special provision for half-castes in the Southern Provinces. Of the persons enumerated in the notice of motion, some members of the Apes, Crocome, and Sizemore families have received land, I understand, in the neighbourhood of Waikouaiti, and arrangements have been made to provide the Leaders with Land near Riverton. (See Appendices to my Reports on the Aparima Reserve.) The names of Newton (Mrs. D. Pratt, late McCoy, is one of the family), Bates, Howell, "Wixon, Crane, Edwards, Gilroy, and Manuel (Emanuel Groombs' family), appear on the list of half-castes furnished with my letter of the sth September last, but there appears to be no trace of any persons of the name of Moore, Kelly, Antone, Paulin, Smith, or Low. Priiitz has a Native wife but no family. The best mode perhaps of ascertaining the names of the half-caste families who have been provided with land in Otago, would be to ask the Commissioner of Crown Lauds at Dunedin to furnish a return of all lands granted to persons of that race, or probably the information might be obtained more expediciously from the chief office at Wellington. The case of Andrew Thompson, referred to the Public Petitions Committee of the Legislative Council, in 1869, has received attention from the Provincial authorities. With regard to the mode of settling the question; as the promise to make provision for these people extends over the whole of the Southern Provinces, land should be appropriated to their use at or near the localities in which they reside or were born; and with this view I would beg to recommend that all the half-castes who were born or are now residing in the neighbourhood of Foveaux Strait should be allowed to select their land in Southland out of the blocks already applied for in that behalf, and that the claims of those living in the northern portion of Otago and in Canterbury should be dealt with in a similar manner, by which means each province would have to provide their proportionate share of the land required for the purpose, according to the number of persons who were either born or are now residing within their respective boundaries. The return marked A, accompanying my letter of sth September, indicates the position of the land that has been selected by a large number, and if copies of this, and one furnished later on in the month, were sent to Mr. "Watt and the Rev. Mr. Stack, with instructions to those gentlemen to call a meeting of the half-castes residing in their respective districts who have not yet selected, and give them their assistance to determine the localities where land can be obtained for the purpose, on definite information being obtained under that head the co-operation of the Superintendents could be requested. A return of the half-castes entitled to land under the provisions of " The Stewart Island Grants Act, 1873," has now been furnished to the Hon. Major Atkinson, by his request. I append a supplementary return of half-castes who have probably received land in the Province of Otago, in fulfilment of the intention, but the list must not be accepted as reliable without further inquiry, as it has been compiled on chance information. A. Mackat.



Enclosure in No. 4. Supplementary Return of Halp-Castes who have probably received Land, in fulfilment of the intention of the Government to make a Provision of this nature for Members of that Race in the Southern Provinces. Name of Family to whom Land has been apportioned. Locality. Haberfield ... ... ... ... ... I Moeraki. Donaldson ... ... ... ... ... I Moeraki. Harpur ... ... ... ... ... Brinn's Point, Waikouaiti. Crocome ... ... ... ... ... Waikouaiti. Sizemore ... ... ... ... ... Waikouaiti. Apes ... ... ... ... ... Brinn's Point, Waikouaiti. Russell ... ... ... ... ... Brinn's Point, Waikouaiti. Loyd ... ... ... ... ... Brinn's Point, Waikouaiti.

No. 5. The Hon. the Secretary for Crown Lands to Mr. Alex. Mackay. (Telegram.) Wellington, 2nd November, 1874. Why are the under-mentioned claimants to allotments at Neck, Stewart Island disqualified:—Section 11, Thomas McTCenzie; Section 15, John Emanuel and Susannah Groombs; Section 1(5, Elizabeth Joss ; Section 22, Hesta Groombs ? Other members of the same families are not objected to by you. A. Mackay, Esq., Nelson. H. A. Atkinson.

No. 6. Mr. Alex. Mackay to the Hon. the Secretary for Crown Lands. (Telegram.) Nelson, 2nd November, 1874. The persons enumerated do not come under the category of half-castes, being the descendents of half-caste mothers either by European or half-caste fathers, and as the intention was only to make provision for the former, it was considered advisable to exclude all who did not come under that class, tor, if some of the latter were admitted, a claim would immediately be raised by those who had not participated, for a similar concession ; and, as that would open the door to a large number of claimants, the precaution seemed necessary. The Hon. H. A. Atkinson, Wellington. Alex. Mackay.

No. 7. The Hon. the Secretart for Crown Lands to Mr. Alex. Mackay. (Telegram.) Wellington, 4th November, 1574. Have any new claims since 1871 under deed purchase Stewart Island been made ? If so, forward list first opportunity, and inform me of number by telegram. A. Mackay, Esq., Nelson. H. A. Atkinson.

No. 8. Mr. Alex. Mackat to the Hon. the Secretary for Crown Lands. (Telegram ) Nelson, 4th November, 1874. There are ninety-four claims to be dealt with under " Stewart Island Grants Act, 1873 "; full particulars furnished Native Office with letter dated sth September last (No. 1), giving names, sex, place of abode, and locality in which claimants have selected or desire to select their land. Will gladly supply further information if found insufficient or unsuitable. The Hon. H. A. Atkinson, Wellington. Axex. Mackat.

No. 9. Mr. Alex. Mackay to the Hon. the Secretary for Crown Lands. Sir, — Native Reserves Office, Nelson, 19th November, 1874. With reference to your telegrams of the 2nd and 4th of the present, month and to mine in reply thereto, the returns alluded to in the last one having been subsequently forwarded to me to append further information on the subject, I have taken the opportunity to eliminate the names of the half-castes entitled to land under the provisions of " The Stewart Island Grants Act, 1873," and do myself the honor to forward herewith (A), for your information, a return thereof, setting forth their place of abode and the localities in which they have selected or desire to select their land. The maiden and married names of the females are also given with a view to identification, and the letters E., M., or h.c. attached to the latter denote the race to which the husbands belong. I also append the Returns* B, C, and D. The latter sets forth the reason why certain alterations have been proposed in the adjustment of the claims made by Mr. Pearson at the Neck, Stewart Island. I have, &c, Alexander Mackay, The Hon. the Secretary for Crown Lands, Wellington. Commissioner. * Not printed, identical with the returns marked C, D, and E appended to letter to the Under Secretary, dated sth September, 1874.



Enclosure 1 in No. 9. A.—RETURN of HALF-CASTES to be provided with LAND under the provisions of "The Stewart Island Grants Act, 1873."

No. Sex. Name. Where Born. Place of Abode. No. of No. Acres of entitled to. Sec. Locality in which Claimant desires to select. Remarks. . 1 2 3 4 5 - 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 F. M. M. F. F. If. If. F. F. F. F. Margaret Moss (Mrs. Geo. Newton, h.c.) ... William Cooper Ellen Cooper (Mrs. Thos. Edwards, h.c.) ... Robt. Cooper ... Rebecca Cooper (Mrs. T. Wheeler, E.) Louisa Cooper (Mrs. Wm. Spencer, h.c.) ... George Cooper James Cooper Phillis Cooper Jenny Forster (Mrs. Wm. Sherburd) Annie Forster Margaret Ch'aseland (Widow of Thos. Chaseland) Thomas Chaseland Johanna A. Groombs (Mrs. Emanuel Groombs) Hesta Autoine Joseph (Mrs. Barney Lovet) George Thomas John Thomas ... Elizabeth Thomas (Mrs. Smith) ... Charles Thomas Mary Thomas (Mrs. Thos. Brown, h.c.) Emma Thomas (Mrs. J. Simon, E.) Jane Thomas (Mrs. Wm. Flint, E.) Eliza Thomas (Mrs John Thomas, h.c.) ... Charles Goodwilly (Mrs. C. Goodwilly, h.c.) Ann Newton (Mrs. David Pratt) James Leech ... Thomas Leech Henry Newton ... Maria Whitelock (Mrs. John Newton h.c.) Harriet Watson (Mrs. A. Bates, E.) Charles Newton Mary Ann Lee (Mrs. Chas. Newton, h.c.) ... Maria Lee (Mrs. Baird, E.) William Newton Andrew Newton Kiehard Newton Martha Dallas Jane Dallas (Mrs. John Lee, E.)... Margaret Dallas (Mrs. Henry Hirst, E.) ... Stewart Island ... ,, ,, „ „ ... „ ... Stewart Island ... „ ... Otago ... ,, ... ... Stewart Island ... Bluff ... Otago ... Riverton Stewart Island ... A. B. P. 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 3 11 4 14 9 4 II 3 11 10 2 8 The Neck, Stewart Island. ji j> n ?» 11 M II J) It i> „ ... Block XII., New River Hundred The Neck. ,, ... Education Reserve (land not available] ,, ... „ ... ,, ... n „ ... Taieri ... n ,, n 13 14 11 F. ,, ... Stewart Island ... 10 0 0 8 0 0 15 „ n 15 » 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 80 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 If. If. M. F. If. F. F. F. F. If. F. If. M. F. M. F. F. If. at M. F. F. F. „ Waikouaiti Riverton 8 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 22 Island, Paterson's Inlet. Block IV., Aparima Hundred. „ „ Toetoe, Mataura... Riverton 3 Block VIII., Toetoe'.' Block IV., Aparima Hundred. „ ,, „ ... ,, n n „ ,, >j i» ,, ... ,, ... » u „ ,, 9 9 9 9 9 25 7 7 1 7 7 1 I> >» „ ,j ... 11 » ,, „ Invercargill » 11 ,, 1* JJ ,, ... „ ... Wairarapa Stewart Island ... Riverton II II Rivertou Stewart Island ... Pikaroa Bay, Paterson's District. Block IV., Aparima Hundred. „ >> n „ j, ... tt tt „ a a „ „ a j» ,, ... „ Toetoe, Otago ... Riverton »» j> i) . • • • Block II., Jacob's River Hundred. „ „ ,, ... Aropaki a a „ ... n i



A.—Eexttek of Half-Castes to be provided with Land, &c. — continued. r Sex.! Name. Where Born. Place of Abode. No. of Acres entitled to. No. of Sec. Locality in which Claimant desires to select. Remarks. JO 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 M. M. F. F. F. F. Elizabeth Davis (Mrs. John Stirling, h.c.) ... Duncan Davis Georgo Pauli ... Catherine Ackers (Mrs. John Rosetti, E.)... Maria H. Ackers (Mrs. J. Kingsland) Sarah Ackers (Mrs. Spencer) Louisa Ackers Stewart Island ... » ,j ... ,, Rivcrtou i, ... Orakai, Kolac's Bay Riverton Invercargill England New River, Invercargill a. e. p. 8 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 3 3 2 Block XII., New River Hundred. ii i) Orakai, Kolac's Bay. Lake Wakatipu. Mrs. J. Kiugsland desires to select her share in Seaward Bush, Block XI., Iuvereargill Hundred, adjoining land sold to Messrs. Judge and Martin. It is recommended, if there is sufficient room, that all the Ackers' family be located there. ,, ii ,, ... ii ,, ... ij 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 M. M. F. M. F. F. M. F. M. F. M. M. M. F. F. M. F. M. M. M. F. F. F. F: M. F. M. F. M. F. Wm. E. Ackers Ilenry Ackers Mary Ann Ackers Oliver Ackers ... .!. Elizabeth Davis (Mrs. Moliu Hawero, M.) Elizabeth Honor (Mrs. J. Haberfield, h.c.) Thomas Brown Caroline Brown (Mrs. John Howoll, E.) ... Robert Brown Elizabeth Brown (Mrs. Thomas Pratt, h.c.) Sarah Brown (Mrs. Ed. Palmer, h.c.) John Owen George Owen ... Roger Owen ... Polly Owen Jenny Owen (Mrs. Henry Potiki, M.) Robert Owen ... Sally Owen ... Joseph Newton George Newton John P. Newton Margaret Newton (Mrs. George Newton, h.c.) Mary Newton (Mrs. Thos. Cross, E.) Elizabeth Newton (Mrs. Jas. Whybrow, E.) Susan Lowry ... William Anglem Ellen Anglem (Mrs. Gilroy, E.) ... Elizabeth Anglem (Mrs. John Parker, h.c.) John Edwards Ann Edwards (Mrs. Jas. Spencer, h.c.) James Spencer Mary Ann Harding (Mrs. J. Wm. Tohi, M.) „ ... ,, ... ,, ... ,, ... ,, ... ,, u ■• • „ j) *•• ,, ... ,, ... it ■ •• ii ••• i, ,, ... i> n a '•> ,, „ ... Ruapuke New River Riverton Lake Wakatipu ... Taieri ... Waikouaiti Taieri ... Stewart Island ... 11 ••■ ii ••• ,i ... ii •• • 10 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 5 ii i) a i> Ringaringa Beach, Stewart Island. Block XX., Invercargill Hundred. Block 11., Jacob's River Hundred. Eyre District Block II., Jacob's River Hundred. 31 l> The Neck, Stewart Island. it » ... a >i ii a a a Mrs. Howell paid cost of survey, and took the land in this district, with 180 acres she had a claim on at Port William, Stewart Island. Claimant dead ; no issue s eldest brother to succeed. ii ... ii •• • a » ii ■ ■ ■ H 2 Block XX., Invercagill Hundred Pikaroro Bay, Paterson District. ii •" „ ... II ■•• I) Claimant dead j son Thomas to succeed. ii >•• II .a ii Anglem District, Stewart Island. „ ... II ••■ i» ••• Tootoe, Otago ... 3 17 10 13 Block VIII., Toetoe. The Neck, Stewart Island ,, ... >t ■•• ii ••• ,• ... Bluff jl ... . •> ), ... ... J! » !) »l II l» Block V., Campbelltown Hundred. The Neck, Stewart Island. Claimant dead; daughter Susan Lowry to succeed. Recommended that 11 acres of section 13, the Neck, should be awarded to Lowry, sen., for long residence, the land to be vested in a trustee for tho daughters Matilda, Elizabeth, and Caroline. Mr. Trail, of Stewart Island, would, perhaps, undertake the duty. ,, ... jj ... ••• 8 ii )i Bluff ... Stewart Island ... Stewart Island ... ii if Ringaringa Beach (Herewaikau), Stewart Island The Neck, Stewart Island. 79 M. Walter Joss ... ... .., ii ••• j» ••• 10 0 0 16



A.—Eetuen of Half-Castes to be provided with Land, &c. — continued. No. Sex. Name. Where Born. Place of Abode. No. of No. Acres of entitled to. Sec. Locality in which Claimant desires to select. Remarks. 80 81 82 SI 85 86 88 88 80 95 96 97 86 F. P. If. F. F. F. M. F. F. P. M. If. If. F. F. R William Joss ... ... ... . ... Mary Smith (Mrs. James Smith, E.) Sarah Sinclair (Mrs. Arthur Sinclair, E.) ... John Bragg ... Martha Bragg (Mrs. John Toetoe, M.) Dorcas Honor (Mrs. Henry West) Elizabeth Lee (Mrs. Wm. Ashton, E.) William Lee ... Madeline Taylor Sarah Perkins (Mrs. J. Whybrow, jun., h.c.) Jane Smith (Mrs. Alex. Fraser) ... George Number Jack Conor Wm. Shepherd George Fyffe ... Sarah Fyffo ... Ann Owen Hannah Palmer Jenny Palmer Stewart Island ... ,, ... a • • • ,, ... ,, ,, ,, ... » „ Stewart Island ... Bluff ... Stewart Island ... it ••• ,, ... Riverton Ruapuko Toetoe, Mataura... In vercargill Stewart Island ... Taieri ... Bluff Arrowhenua A. B. P. 10 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 1G 8 2(> 27 28 The Neck, Stewart Island. Block V., Campbelltown Hundred. The Neck, Stewart Island. Half-Moon Bay, Stewart Island. )> ii Bush-Reserve, Block IX. InvercargiU Hundred. ,) ... ,, ... jj • •• „ >ff » ■•■ j» ••• j> •■• ,, ... ,, ..i Taieri ... ,, ... )) ••■ ••■ >, »•! jf •••


G.— 9

No. 10. The Hon. the Seceetaet for Ceown Lands to Mr. A. Mackat. Office of the Court of Land Claims, "Wellington, Sic, — 25th November, 1874. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 19th instant, forwarding Returns A, B, C, and D relative to the half-caste claims at Stewart Island, and to draw your attention to certain points in connection therewith. 1. I observe in Return A, which I presume you forwarded as a return of all half-castes to be provided with land under " The Stewart Island Grants Act, 1873," the names of about fifteen persons whose names are not in either your list made in 1868, or in Mr Pearson's made in 1871; these, I suppose, should be considered new or additional claims. 2. In Return D, the names of eight persons are given, to whom you recommend the apportionment of certain so called vacant lots, whose names are not in Return A. 3. There seems to be some confusion with regard to the correct names of certain of the claimants. In the list of 1868, Margaret Newton is said to be the wife of J. Cross, while in Return A, Mary Newton is returned as Mrs. Cross. Jane Anglem is stated to be the wife of J. Parker; but, from the records of the Anglem's land claim, I find that the wife of Parker is Elizabeth Anglem. In Return D, a Mary Anglem is mentioned —who is she? I understand that Anglem had but two daughters, Ellen and Elizabeth. In Mr. Pearson's list, Jane (somebody) is supposed to be Mrs. Mint; in the list of 1868, Betsy Groombs is said to be Mrs. Mint. The correct names of all claimants under the Stewart Island Grants Act must be positively ascertained before the grants are issued. 4. If Christopher Anglem died before the purchase of Stewart Island, his brother cannot be entitled to 10 acres as his representative, as he had no claim under the deed of purchase. 5. The Chaselands and Lowrys cannot be granted any land in consideration of their fathers' long residence on the island, as clause 4 of the Stewart Island Grants Act refers only to the three persons specified in the Schedule to that Act. 6. The list of claimants forwarded by Mr. Pearson was based on that furnished by yourself in 1868, and all the claimants specifically objected to by you now are included in your first list, as well as others whose names are not in your new list (A), though not objected to by you. Considering all these circumstances, and that Mr. Pearson's report and list were made after his having held duly advertised meetings at the Neck, Campbelltown, and Riverton, and were approved by the late Land Claims Commissioner, I do not deem it advisable to allow any alteration of the allocation made by him, or to entertain in connection with that report any question of quarter or three-quarter caste, but shall consider any new claims that may be advanced. I therefore return the Schedules forwarded by you on the 19th instant, and request that you will be good enough to furnish me with a complete alphabetical list of all claims under " The Stewart Island Grants Act, 1873," giving the reasons, other than those already stated, why any have been struck out from the list of 1868, and distinguishing the additional claims allowed by you or Mr. Pearson since 1868. I have, &c, A. Mackay, Esq., H. A. Atkinson, Commissioner Native Reserves, Nelson. Land Claims Commissioner.

No. 11. The Hon. the Secretaey for Ceown Lands to Mr. A. Mackat. Office of the Court of Land Claims, "Wellington, Sib,— 23rd December, 1874. Referring to the letters and schedules relative to the fulfilment of promises made to halfcastes on the cession of the Ngaitahu and Murihiku Blocks, and Stewart Island, forwarded by you to the Native Under Secretary, 1 have the honor to inform you that, upon reviewing the whole question of these claims, it appears to me that the claims arising out of the promises made by Mr. Mantell, when purchasing the Ngaitahu and Murihiku Blocks, should be kept quite distinct from those under the deed of purchase of Stewart Island, as grants in fulfilment of promises made on the purchase of the first-mentioned blocks can be issued under "The Crown Grants Act (No. 2), 1862," while those under the last-named purchase will be issued under " The Stewart Island Grants Act, 1873." Moreover, the Government has made an arrangement with the Provincial Government of Otago, by which the General Government pays for the survey of the Stewart Island claims, and on that account also it is necessary that they should be kept separate. The list of outstanding applications furnished by Mr. Mantell, in 1854, shows a total of seventy half-caste children among twenty-one families (none of whom appear to have resided in Canterbury) ; while I observe your list gives ninety in Otago and fifty-four in Canterbury. It is evident, from your list, that some of the families included in it either were not resident in the purchased blocks at the time of purchase by Mr. Mantell, or, if resident, had not made application to him. As of course no families but those who were residing on the Ngaitahu and Murihiku Blocks at the time of purchase can be entitled to grants of land in consideration of the promises made by Mr. Mantell, I have to request that you will be good enough to endeavour to ascertain what families of half-castes were living on those blocks at the date of purchase, and to make out a separate list of them (List No. 1). With' regard to the families that have sprung up since the purchase of the blocks before mentioned, if you will make out a list of all those persons of the half-caste race for whom you consider it is desirable that provision should be made —as in the case of the Stewart Island purchase—l shall endeavour to have an Act passed to authorize the issue of grants to them.



4 I enclose a Schedule of all the families that have received grants of land in fulfilment of Mr. Mantell's promises (as far as can be ascertained in this office), in which you will observe the names of Wixon and Hughes. I presume that the persons of those names mentioned in your list are members of the families of the same names included in Mr. Mantell's list. If this be the case (unless they had interest in both blocks), they cannot obtain any more land in consideration of Mr. Mantell's promises, his promises to those families having been fulfilled ; but (taking the case of the Wixons), as they would be at a disadvantage in respect to the area received, or to be received, as compared with other half-castes, their names might be entered in List No. 2 for the balance of the area to which they would be entitled under that list— i.e., deducting forty-two acres from the gross area the family would receive. If any of the half-caste families resident in the blocks purchased by Mr. Mantell at the time of purchase by him removed subsequently to Stewart Island, and were residing on it when purchased, they would be entitled to grants of land under the conditions of both purchases. I enclose a copy of Mr. Mantell's list for your information. I have, &c, Alex. Mackay, Esq., H. A. Atkinson, Commissioner Native Reserves, Nelson. Land Claims Commissioner.

Enclosure in No. 11. GRANTS issued in Fulfilment of Mr. MANTELL'S Promises.

Addenda. Land to the extent of 25 acres, being Section 76, Block V., Hawksbury, was purchased for Andrew Thompson by the Provincial Government. Land to the extent of 50 acres, being Section 2, Block X., Toetoe District (Taikonui River), was purchased for James Whybrow by the Provincial Government, and granted to him 2nd July, 1869. A. Mackat.

No. 12. Mr. Alex. Mackat to the Hon. the Seceetaet for Ceown Lands. Sir, — Native Beserves Office, Nelson, 15th February, 1875. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letters No. 63, 25th November, 1874, and No. 88, 23rd December, 1874, on the subject of half-caste claims at Stewart Island and the mainland, and, for convenience, will reply seriatim to the several points to which you draw attention ; but, in the first place, I would beg to explain that the return forwarded under cover of my letter of the 19th November, included only the claims under " The Stewart Island Grants Act, 1873," the only claimants that were omitted being those that were alluded to in the Return D. Other claimants, whose names appeared in the list of 1868, were included in the general return of half-castes claiming provision in l&nd forwarded to the Native Office under cover of a letter dated sth September, which, I note by yours of 23rd December, has since been before you. The names in Return A, alluded to in the first paragraph of No. 63 r are additional claims. The list of claims made in 1868 could only be considered an interim one, and I pointed out in my letter to the Native Office of 3rd June, 1868, when forwarding it, that it was probable there were other claimants, besides those included in the list, who were entitled to have provision made for them. The persons named in Return D, although not entitled under the Act, have to be provided with land in fulfilment of the general promise to half-castes; and as they expressed a willingness to take the shares of those who were recommended to be disallowed, their names were taken down with that object, and also to preclude the necessity of altering the size of any of the allotments. With reference to the apparent confusion with regard to the correct names of certain claimants, I would beg to explain that the list under review is an amended return compiled from carefully revised lists that had previously undergone numerous corrections, and that the names set down are correct with the exception of Jane Parker, nee Anglem, which should have been Elizabeth Parker. The Mary Anglem alluded to is the wife of William Anglem, her maiden name being Wood. The names of Betsey, Eliza, Jenny, and Emma Groombs were found on inquiry to be inaccurate, the family name being Thomas, one of whom, Jane, is the wife of William Elint. Mary Newton, and not Margaret, is Mrs. Thomas Cross. Some difficulty was experienced, in compiling the lists, in obtaining the correct name of each individual, owing to the numerous nicknames that many of them were known by.

Date of Grant 15th July, 1853 15th July, 1853 15th July, 1853 24th February, 1S53 ... 24th February, 1853 ... 15th July, 1853 Rodden, John, 45 acres Lahee, Michael, 20 acres Harper, William, 30 acres ... Donaldson, Joseph, 10 acres Haberfield, William, 25 acres Hughes, John, 21 acres Thompson, Andrew Crocome, Joseph, 25 acres ... Sizemore, Richard, 25 acres ... Wixon, Henry, 42 acres Waikouaiti. H U Moeraki. >> it 8th September, 1873 ... 8th September, 1873 ... 8th September, 1873 ... Hawkesbury. u ii



I cannot say, of my own knowledge, whether Christopher Anglem died before the purchase of Stewart Island; the brother, however, would be entitled to succeed to his share under the general promise to half-castes. AVith reference to the suggestion contained in Eeturn D, concerning the Chaselands and Lowrys, I was under the impression at the time that the language of section 4 was sufficiently ample to enable the Governor to deal with other cases of similar character besides those of the persons specified in the Schedule to the Act, but, on looking more closely at its construction, I find that I was mistaken. My chief motive for suggesting that a certain course should be pursued in regard to the case of the aforesaid families, who appeared to me to be disqualified from participating in the general distribution in favour of half-castes, was to obtain for them the provision in land, which was evidently intended to be conferred on their parents as old residents. The list of 1868 was merely an amplification of the one made by Mr. Commissioner Clarke in 1864, compiled from the most reliable information then obtainable, but was not considered as an exhaustive one, nor had any question of quarter or three-quarter castes arisen at that date. The matter came to be considered in the first place through the half-castes drawing attention to it themselves at the time the adjustment of the land at the Neck was made by Mr. Pearson. These people contended that they had always understood that the promised provision was confined to half-castes proper, and that the children of half-castes were not intended to share with their parents, but if, as they justly argued, the principle was to be relaxed in favour of the few families living at the Neck, the families of those born at other parts of the island were surely entitled to a similar concession; and it was in acknowledgement of the justness of their conclusions, combined with the impression that the Government did not originally intend to make provision in land for the second generation, that I suggested, in Eeturn D, that certain alterations should be made in the allocation of the land at the Neck, with a view to prevent an unintentional injustice being done to the majority of the half-caste families. Moreover it appeared to me that no good reason existed, because the names of those persons who appeared to be disentitled under the general promises had been accidently included in a former list, they should therefore be entitled to receive a greater concession than was likely to be extended to others, besides making it probable that, if these particular cases were exceptionally treated, it would open the door to a large number of claimants of a similar class. If, however, the Chaselands and Lowrys could have been apportioned land in consideration of the residence claims of their fathers, the whole difficulty would be got over, as the justness of their claims was fully recognized. I enclose the alphabetical list of claims under " The Stewart Island Grants Act, 1873," showing the distinctions you desired should be made (E). I also include a copy of the original list made by Mr. Commissioner Clarke in 1864, on which the list of 1868 was based (F). At the foot of Mr. Clarke's original list, the following note is appended: " These were resident at the Neck in June last, but there are others residing at Ruapuke and the Blurt' who, I think, may fairly claim with the rest. I would suggest that the gentleman who is to be charged with the supervision of the Natives in the Middle Island be requested to make out a correct list." The suggestion was ultimately carried out in part by me in the early part of 1868, but, in forwarding the list of claimants then obtained as a preliminary step towards effecting a settlement of the claims, I did not anticipate that anything final would be done until further inquiry had been made as to the accuracy of the names enumerated therein. With reference to the instructions contained in your letter of December 23rd, that the several classes of claimants should be kept separate, the matter shall be attended to in the manner you suggest; and, so soon as I can obtain the necessary information to complete satisfactorily the several lists you have enumerated, the papers shall be forwarded to your department. The list of outstanding applications furnished by Mr. Mantell in 1854 can hardly be accepted as conclusive evidence that the additional names now sent in are those of claimants who were not residing within the purchased blocks, for in a census taken by Mr. Mantell in 1853 there are 53 half-castes, only 9of whom are included in the list of 1854. Some of the persons named in the census of 1858 were living at Ruapuke, but so were also the Native owners of the Murihiku Block, amongst whom were no doubt the maternal parents of the mixed race ; for although these people were not actually living within the boundaries of the block, the promise to provide the half-caste population with land would probably extend to them through their mothers' claims to the territory. The majority of the present claimants must have been residing at places within the Murihiku or Ngaitahu Blocks at that date, and at Banks Peninsula, as there were but few Natives living to the nortli of Christchurch then. I regret that the correspondence has remained so long unanswered, but press of work has precluded my doing so until now. I have, Ac, The Hon. H. A. Atkinson, Alex. Mackay, Lands Claims Commissioner, Wellington. Commissioner.


Enclosure 1 in No. 12. E. —ALPHABETICAL LIST of HALF-CASTE CLAIMS, under "The Stewart Island Grants Act, 1873."

No. Sex. Name. Married Name. Remarks. 1 2 3 4 5 a 7 8 'J 10 F. F. F. F. H. It F. It It F. A. Ackers, Catherine Ackers, Maria H. Ackers, Sarah Ackers, Louisa Ackers, William E. Ackers, Henry Ackers, Mary Ann Ackers, Oliver "Anglem, William *Anglem, Elizabeth Married to John Rosetti, E. „ „ J. Kingland, E. „ „ — Spencer, E. 1 j- The whole of the Ackers family were copied from Mr. Pearson's list. j • Anglem, John Christopher ♦Anglem, Ellen Married to John Parker, h.c. This claimant is wrongfully named in the Hsl of 1868 as Jane Parker, and in the Hsl of 1874 as Jane Augleni. 11 12 Bt F. Married to Patrick Gilroy, E. 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 }!. F. It F. F. It F. B. *Brown, Thomas •Brown, Caroline *Brown, Robert *Brown, Elizabeth *Brown, Sarah "Bragg, John *Bragg, Martha Married to John Howell, E. Married to Thomas Pratt, h.c. „ „ E. Palmer, h.c. Married to John Toetoe, M. 20 21 22 23 M 25 26 27 28 2!) 80 81 81 88 84 if. F. M. F. F. It It F. F. Vl F. F. M. M. F. II. C. *Cooper, William *Cooper, Ellen "Cooper, Robert "Cooper, Rebecca *Cooper, Louisa "Cooper, George ... *Cooper, James *Cooper, Pliillis *Chaseland, Margaret *Chase]and, Thomas •Chaseland, Maria *Chaselaml, Caroline *Chaseland, John *Chaseland, William Henry *Chaseland, Margaret, jun. Conor, Jack Married to Thomas Edwards, h.c. Married to Thomas Wlieeler, E. „ „ William Spencer, h.c. Widow of Thomas Clmseland, E. Son. Daughter. l-Son." I >> J Daughter. i Said to be disqualified in Return D, but whose names appear in the list of 1868. New claimant in list of 1874. 35 30 37 3S 88 40 r. F. F. F. It F. D. Dallas, Martha Dallas, Jane Dallas, Margaret *Davis, Elizabeth "Davis, Duncan Davis, Elizabeth Married to John Lee, E. „ „ Henry Hirst, E. „ „ John Stirling, h.c. > Admitted by Mr. Pearson. Married to Mohi Hamero, M. New claimant in list of 1874. 41 42 It F. E. Edwards, John Edwards, Ann Married to James Spencer, h.c j Admitted by Mr. Peai-son. 43 44 45 40 F. F. M. F. F. •Forster, Jennie Eorster, Annie Fvffe, George Fyffe, Sarah Married to William Sherburd. ,, ,, Wm. Sherburd, sen. Admitted by Mr. Pearson. ) New claimants in list of 1874. The correct j name is Pipus. 47 48 49 50 51 F. It It F. M. G. "Groombs, Johanna A. "Groombs, Emanuel *Groombs, John "Groombs, Hesta "Goodwilly, Charlie Married to Emanuel Groombs, E. Son. } Said to be disqualified in Return D, but ) whose names appear in the list of 1868. Daughter. 52 53 F. F. H. Honor, Elizabeth "Honor, Dorcas Married to J. Haberfield, h.c. „ „ Harry West, h.c. Admitted by Mr. Pearson. M 55 66 57 F. M. It F. J. *Joseph, Hesta Antoine *Joss, Walter *Joss, William "Joss, Elizabeth Married to Barney Lovet, h.c. Said to be disqualified in Return D, but included owing to name appearing in list ofl868. Married to — Wilson, E. >!:,, should be substituted for Marl raretin the Hat of 1861 as the wife of Thomas Cross.



E.—Alphabetk !al List of Half-Caste Cl. .ims, &c, continued. No. Sex. Name. Married Name. Remarks. 58 59 CO 61 <;2 68 64 68 66 M. M. F. F. F. F. F. F. M. L. •Leech, James Leech, Thomas *Lee, Mary Ann *Lee, Maria *Lowry, Susan *Lowry, Elizabeth *Lowry, Caroline *Lee, Elizabeth ♦Lee, William Married to Charles Newton, h.c. „ — Baird, E. Dead. Daughter. Admitted by Mr. Pearson. "J Said to be disqualified in Return D. Names j appear in list of 1868. Married to William Ashton, E. F. M. *Moss, Margaret Married to George Newton, h.c. (maiden name, Cooper.) 07 68 r,9 M. M. *McKenzie, David ♦MeKenzie, Thomas > Sons of Jane Smith, now Mrs. ' Frazer. | Said to be disqualified in Eeturn D. Names ) appear in list of 1868. F. N. Married to David Pratt, h.c. New claimant in list of 1874 (in Mr. Mantell's census of 1853) ; married to J.McCoy, Admitted by Mr. Pearson. | New claimants in list of 1874. Admitted by Mr. Pearson. New claimant in list of 1874. 70 Newton, Ann 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 78a 79 M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. F. F. Newton, Henry Newton, Charles Newton, William Newton, Richard Newton, Andrew *Newton, Joseph *Newton, George ♦Newton, John F. *Newton, Margaret Newton, Mary Married to George Newton, h.c. „ „ Thomas Cross, E. This name has been entered twice, and is identical with Margaret Cooper + in the list of 1868. 80 81 F. M. *Newton, Elizabeth Number, George „ „ J. Whybrow, E. New claimant in list of 1874. O. 82 83 M. M. ♦Owen, John *0wen, George as 8G S7 88 8!) It F. I. It F. F. *0wen, Roger *0wen, Polly *0wen, Jenny ♦Owen, Robert *0wen, Sally Owen, Ann Married to H. Potiki, M. Called Kawahi Owen in list of 1868. Married to John Bragg, h.c. „ W. Palmer. New claimant in list of 1874. P. 90 01 02 93 u. p. F. F. *Pauli, George Perkins, Sarah Palmer, Hannah Palmer, Jenny Married to Jas. Whybrow,jun.,h.e. „ „ Peter Campbell, E. „ „ Robert Brown, h.c. xNew claimants in list of 1874. F. F. F. M. S. Married to James Smith, E. „ „ Arthur Sinclair, E. „ „ Alex. Fraser, E. 05 0(> 07 *Smith, Mary *Sinclair, Sarah Smith, Jane Shepherd, William i New claimants in list of 1874. jr. It F. T. 98 99 100 *Thomas, George ♦Thomas, John ♦Thomas, Elizabeth Married to — Smith, E. This name appears as Betsey Groombs in the list of 1868, by mistake. 101 102 103 It F. F. ♦Thomas, Charles *Thomas, Mary ♦Thomas, Emma Married to Thomas Brown, h.c. „ „ J. N. Simon, E. This name appears as Emma G-roombs, by mistake, in the list of 1868, and the two following as Jenny and Eliza G-roombs. Jane Thomas is the wife of Wm. Flint, and not Betsey Groombs. 104 105 106 F. F. F. ♦Thomas, Jane ♦Thomas, Eliza Taylor, Madeline „ „ William Flint, E. „ ,. John Thomas, h.c. New claimant in list of 1874. F. W. *Watsou, Harriet Married to Nathaniel Bates, E. 107 Iemi :dtb 0. —The present list shows a tot ins (♦) appear in the list of 186! il of 108, inclusive of 13 whose names were objected to in Eeturn D. The names marki I.



Enclosure 2 in No. 12. Copt of List of Half-Castes residing at the Neck, Stewart Island, in June, 1864, as furnished by Mr. Commissioner Clarke, under date 3rd January, 1865. No. Names in Mr. Clarke's List. Names ascertained in 1868, and subsequently. 1 Ripeka Cooper, female ... ... ... Rebecca Cooper. 2 Ruita Cooper, female ... ... ... Louisa Cooper. 3 Robert Cooper, male ... ... ... Robert Cooper.. 4 George Cooper, male ... ... ... George Cooper. 5 Jane, daughter of Tare "Waimeha, female ... Jane Forster. 6 Nancy Jane, female ... ... ... Could not be traced. 7 Ruita, daughter, female ... ... „ 8 Piriti, female ... ... ... Phillis Cooper. 9 Makarita Pakawhatu, female ... ... Margaret Chaseland. 10 Maraea, daughter ... ... ... Maria Chaseland. 11 Te Hopu, son, male ... ■ ... ... John Chaseland. 12 Kararaina, daughter, female ... ... Caroline Chaseland. 13 Child, son, male ... ... ... William Henry Chaseland. 14 Nga Maku (married a Pakeha), female ... Johanna Antoine Groombs, married to Emanuel Groombs. 15 John Manuel, son, male ... ... John Groombs. 16 Pinare, son, male ... ... ... Emanuel Groombs. 17 Child, daughter, female ... ... Hesta Groombs. 18 Karara ... ... ... ... Barney Lovet. 19 James, adopted son of Miria Rapako ... James Cooper. 20 Elizabeth, adopted daughter of Miria Rapako ... Elizabeth Davis. 21 George Owen, son of John Owen, male ... George Owen. 22 Tare, female ... ... ... Sally Owen. 23 Kamahi, son of Tare, male ... ... Robert Owen (called Kamahi in the list of 1868.) 24 Susan Lowry ... ... ... Susan Lowry. 25 Matilda, daughter, female ... ... Matilda Lowry. 26 Elizabeth, daughter, female ... ... Elizabeth Lowry. 27 Child, daughter, female ... ... Caroline Lowry. 28 Ihaka, son of James Parapa ... ... No person answering to the name of Ihaka or Isaac could be traced. Jane Parapa or Smith had issue two sons, named David and Thomas, by a European named McKenzie, and Thomas is identical with the person to whom Section 11 at the Neck has been allotted by Mr. Pearson. No. 13. The Hon. the Seceetaby for Crown Lands to Mr. A. Mackat. Office of the Court of Land Claims, "Wellington, Sib,— 2nd March, 1875. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 15th ultimo, relative to the half-caste claims under " The Stewart Island Grants Act, 1873." I find that there is still a considerable difference between your list now furnished and that sent by Mr. Pearson in 1871, as to the number of claimants under the Act. In Mr. Pearson's the names of 125 claimants are given, to which, if the 15 new claimants named in your list be added, the total would then be 140. But from this total the names of Groombs, Hunter, and Sherburd (Europeans), and Ihaia Whaitiri and Hoani Tunarere (Maoris), require to be deducted, leaving 135 half-caste, or so-called half-caste, claimants. The number returned by you is 108; the difference, therefore, is 27. I have to request that you will be good enough to inform me of the grounds upon which you have excluded the names of the twenty-seven persons given in the enclosed list from your return of those entitled under the Act above quoted. I have, Ac, H. A. Atkinson, A. Mackay, Esq., Nelson. Land Claims Commissioner. Enclosure in No. 13. Schedule of Persons in Mr. Pearson's List of 1871 not in Mr. Mackay's alphabetical List. * Bates, William * Moss, Betty * Bates, James * Moss, Polly (Mrs. J. Davis) Bates, Marianne * Moss, Joe * Cameron, Sarah Ann Parker, John * Davis, William Russell, Betsy * Davis, Sarah * Sterling, John Davis, Joseph Surman, James Davis, James * Whitelock, Maria Dallas, Jack Whitelock, Sarah (Paiwhenua) * Fisher, W. Whitelock, Rachel (Paiwhenua) Gregory, Elizabeth * Whitelock, James Groombn, Susanna * Wievil, James * Goodwilly, Caroline * Williams, Ann. * Harnett, John William *In list of 1868. Why excluded without comment ?



Names of the Fifteen Persons considered New Claimants, whose Names were not in either Mr. Mackay's or Mr. Pearson's original Lists, but who are in Mr. Mackay's List of 1875. (E alphabetical.) Anglem, Christopher Owen, Ann Conor, Jack Palmer, Hannah Fyffe, George Perkins, Sarah Fyfi'e, Sarah Palmer, Jenny Newton, Ann Shepherd, William Newton, Mary Smith, Jane Newton, Andrew Taylor, Madeline. Number, George

No. 14. Mr. Alex. Maceat to the Hon. the Seceetaet for Cbown Lands. Sic, — Native Eeserves Office, Nelson, 6th March, 1875. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter No. 25, of 2nd March, and, in reply, to explain, with reference to the twenty-seven persons excluded in the alphabetical lists of claimants under " The Stewart Island Grants Act, 1873," forwarded under cover of my letter of the 15th ultimo, that those persons belong to the class of claimants arising out of promises made by Mr. Mantell, and will be returned in a separate list, in accordance with the instructions contained in your letter No. 88, of 23rd December, 1874. The only persons included in the alphabetical list of claimants are those that come within the provisions of the Act of 1873. I have, &c, The Hon. H. A. Atkinson, Alexandeb Mackay, Land Claims Commissioner, Wellington. Commissioner.

No. 15. Mr. A. Mackay to the Hon. the Seceetaey for Cbown Lands. Sib, — Native Eeserves Office, Nelson, 15th June, 1875. In continuation of the information relative to half-caste claims forwarded under cover of my letter of the loth February, I have the honor to forward under separate cover the under-mentioned returns:— No. 1. Eeturn of half-castes living within the Ngaitahu and Murihiku Blocks in 1848-49 and 1853 ; the date of those purchases. No. 2. Eeturn of half-castes residing at places outside the Ngaitahu and Murihiku Blocks at the date of those purchases and subsequently for whom provision should be made. No. 3. Eeturn showing how the names of the half-castes included in the list of 1868 have been arranged in the new lists. No. 4. Eeturn of half-castes eliminated from a census compiled by Mr. Mantell in 1848-49 and 1852-53. No. 5. Schedule of application for lands for half-castes in the Province of Otago. No. 6. Eeturn of half-castes in the Province of Otago said to be provided with land. I have endeavoured in compiling the above-mentioned returns to make the information on the subject of these claims as full and reliable as possible, and trust that it may be found sufficient. It will be found that eleven additional names have been included in the list of claimants in Eeturns 1 and 2, viz., — Return. No. Bates, Lydia ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 5 Friday, Betsey ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 21 Freeman, George ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 22 Joyce, William ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 35 Karetai, Pepe ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 37 Orbell, Louisa (Laura?) ... ... ... ... ... 2 47 Phillips, James ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 52 Eussell, "William ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 58 Eussell, Ellen ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 59 Eussell, Patrick ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 60 Eiki, Hannah ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 61 Of these, Nos. 5,21,22,35,47, and 61 have been eliminated from Mr. Mantell's census of 1852-53, and Nos. 52, 58, 59 and 60 have been heard of in the course of the present inquiries ; No. 37 has not yet been satisfactorily identified with the person named Pepe in the census of 1853. Twenty-five persons out of the twenty-seven enumerated in the Schedule attached to your letter of March 2nd are now included in Eeturns 1 and 2. The other two cannot be identified. Susanna Groombs is probably identical with Hester Groombs (No. 50, Eeturn F) ; and of James Surman nothing has been learnt. Besides the persons enumerated in Eeturns 1 and 2, it is possible that further inquiry will prove that it will be necessary to make provision also for some of the half-castes included in Eeturn 6, who are said to have received land, but of which there appears to be no record. It may probably be found on inquiry that the plan of granting land to the European fathers of half-caste families, instead of to the persons whom it is intended to benefit, is a disadvantageous one to 3—G. 9.



the persons concerned, especially if the grant is silent respectiug the object tor which the laud is apportioned. There is one instance of the injustice that may be done m this way in the case of the Haberfield family. In this case, according to the terms of the grant, the father holds the land for his life • the result of this is that he can do what he pleases with it as far as occupancy is concerned. Since the death of his first wife, a half-caste, named Meriana Tete, he has married a European woman, and has turned away all the children of the former marriage, thereby preventing them from deriving any benefit from the land that was given in the first place as a maintenance for them. • On inquiry it appears that Christopher Anglem was born at Stewart Island in June, 1843, and died February 7th, 1865. This would entitle his representative to 10 acres under " The Stewart Island Grants Act, 1873." ' . I have not yet been able to learn additional particulars concerning the halt-castes residing m the Province of Canterbury, but will endeavour to do so as speedily as possible. It is a matter, however, which must necessarily"occupy some time, as information on the subject is not readily obtained. The total number of claims furnished to date, inclusive of the persons enumerated in Eeturn E (alphabetical), amount to 209. I have, &c, Alexandee Mackay, The Hon. H. A. Atkinson, , Commissioner. Land Claims Commissioner, Wellington.

Enclosure 1 in No. 15. RETURN of HALF-CASTES living within the Ngaitahu and Murihiku Blocks in 1848-49 and 1853.

Place of Birth. teaidence in 1874. Residence at date of Purchase, 1848-53. Remarks. No. Sex. Name. Married Name. 1 2 :: 4 5 6 If. If. M. P. P. P. B. Barrett, "W.Henry Bates, William ... Bates, James Bates, Mary Ann * Bates, Lydia ... Burn, Kitty Mrs. John Lee Mrs. James Kirkton, E. Mrs. George Eobertson, h.c. Kaiapoi ... Riverton ... » Riverton ... ,, ... Dead Orepuki ... Otago Heads Kaiapoi, 1848-49. Eiverton, 1853 )) 30 acres recommended by Mr. Mantell for the family of Nathaniel Bates, at Aparima, in 1853, who then numbered 5, 3 males and 2 females; of these 2, are dead, viz. John and Mary Ann; the latter left a son (John Lee) to succeed to her share. JJ „ Moeraki ... Waikouaiti, 1848-49. D. Davis, Mary Ann Mrs. Kurupohatu, M.... Stewart Island. Bluff Molyneux... New River, 1848-53. New River, 1853. 7 F. 8 ML Davis, James Bluff 9 11 Davis, Joseph .. jj ? j New River, 1853. F. Fisher, William Otago Heads Riverton ... Riverton, 1853. 10 M. li p. G. G-oodwilly, Caroline Mrs. Charles Goodwilly, h.c. Riverfcon ... »» )> 12 u p. H. Ho well, Sarah Ann Ho well, George... Mrs. W. Cameron, E. >t ,, „ jj „ L. Leonard, Ann ... Mrs. W. Thomas, h.c.... Bluff it ii 14 F. M. Miller, John Puvakaunui Purakaunui ' Purakaunui, 1853. 16 It 1(3 M. R. Eobertson, George Akaroa Otago Heads Waikouaiti, 1848. S. Stone, Sarah Mrs.IhaiaPotiki, M. ... Otago Molyneux... New Eiver, 1848-53. Bluff, 1853. 17 F. IS 19 20 M. M. Spencer, James... Spencer, William Shephard, Thos. Bluff Bluff ,j ••• ,, ... ,, jj ••• „ ... »> W. Williams, Anne. Weller, Hana ... Mrs. George Pauli, h.c. Mrs. Dan. Ellison, h.c. Riverton ... Otago Eiverton ... Waikouaiti Riverton, 1853. Waikouaiti, 1848. 21 22 P. P. MEi he Nj :o.—There are 22 cl ;aitahu and Murihil >i'tion of 10 acres t< * No. 5 was laimants entitled to provisi ku Blocks, viz. 12 males ai 3 each male and 8 acres to omitted in fora ion in land in fi (id 10 females, each female, ai ler lists, ilfilrnent of pri The quantit; nounts to 200 tmises made to hall • of land requirec F-castes on the cession 1 for the purpose, in of tl the acres. propi


G.— 9

Enclosure 2 in No. 15. RETURN of HALF-CASTES residing at Places outside the Ngaitahu and Murihiku Blocks at the date of those Purchases and subsequently, for whom Provision should be made.

No. Sex. Name. Married Name. Place of Birth. Residence in 1874. Residence iu . 1848, 1853, and subsequently. Remarks. A. 1 2 3 4 5 M. F. If. If. Apes, Thomas Apes, Kilty Apes, James Ashwell, George... Arnetl, John Waikouaiti ,, Otago Heads Riverton... Waikouaiti )j Otago Heads Riverton Waikouaiti, 1856 ... „ Otago Heads, 1853 Stewart Island, 1853 25 acres at Hawkesbury recommended by Mr. Mantell for Elisha Apes and family in 1853. There were three children at that date — William, George, and Mary ; no record of the land having been granted them. 6 7 M. F. B. Burn, Richard ... Burn, Jenny Mrs. H. K. Taiaroa, M. ... Moeraki ... Otago Heads Otago Heads, 1853 Waikouaiti, 1853* ... 8 F. C. Crane, Betty » Mrs. Palmer, E. Tautuku ... Taieri Taieri, 1853 15 acres at Taieri recommended by Mr. Mantell for James Crane, the father ; no record of land having been granted. If. It F. jr. If. F. F. F. D. - 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Dallas, John Dallas, William ... Davis, Sarah Davis, John Davis, William ... Driver,' John Davis, Catherine Driver, Maria Driver, Emma , .. Bluff Oraka ... Stewart Island, 1853 Mrs. James Wixon, h.c. ... „ ... ... Otago Bluff Otago Riverton ... Bluff u Bluff, 1854 Stewart Island, 1856 Otogo Heads, 1853 Stewart Island, 1853 Otago Heads, 1853 Euapuke, 1853 Died between 1848 and 1853. Mrs. Henry Te Maire, M. Mrs. Peter Mowat, E. Mrs. Win. Joss, h.c. jj . •• . .. jj ••« ... Purakanui Molyneux Otago Heads Stewart Island 25 acres recommended by Mr. Mantell for the father, Edward Edwards, in 1853. There were four children at that date. Appears aa Elizabeth Gregory in former returns. JJ •■• ... J) ... ... 18 19 20 F. M. r. E. Edwards, Koriana Edwards, Thomas Edwards, Elizabeth Mrs. John Russell, h.c. JJ • • < ... Otago Heads Otago Heads, 1853 Mrs. John Gregory Codfish Island ..'. Bluff" ... Stewart Island, 1853 21 F. F. Friday, Betsey ... Mrs. Thos. Grey Akaroa ... Ruapuke, 1853 Dead. Two children, a boy (George) and a girl (Sarah) living at Ruapuke with Mr. Wohlers. Dead ; sold. Alfred Freeman to succeed. 22 M. Freeman, George Otago Heads, 1853 23 24 25 26 It. If. M. &. • Chatham Islands ... Otago Gregory, John ... Geary, John Geary, William ... Geary, Thomas ... Bluff Otago Heads Taieri, 1853 » ... ... j) j, ... ... ii



-ETtJBN oi ALF-< ASTEB resii ling at ,ces outsit ;e ti gaii u am .un] ocl *i c.— continuet No. Sex. Name. Married Name. Place of Birth. Eesidence in 1874. Residence in 1848, 1853, and subsequently. Remarks. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 M M. M. F. F. M F. M. M. H. Hunter, Charles... Hunter, John Hunter, Louisa ... Hughes, Elizabeth Hape, Taituha ... Howard, Mary ... Hunter, David ... Hunter, Joseph ... Mrs. Henry Barrett, h.c. ... Taieri ii ••• Moeraki ... Otago Heads R i ver t o n ... i, ... ... Moeraki ... Otago Heads Taieri, 1853 „ 1856 „ 1854 Moeraki, 1850 Otago Heads, 1853... 21 acres granted to Wm. Hughes, the father, in July, 1853. Mrs. Taituha Hape, b.c. ... Taieri, 1860 „ 1859 11 Taieri 11 "• Riverton ... „ i, ... ... 35 M. J. Joyce, William ... Ruapuke.,. Stewart Island Ruapuke, 1853 36 37 F. M. K. Mrs. W. Bryant, E. Tautuku ... Otago Taieri ... Otago Heads Taieri, 1853 Otago Heads, 1853... 38 M. Kui, Mary Karaiei, Pepe ... L. ' Lahee, Patrick ... Brian's Point Brinn's Point, Waikouaiti Waikouaiti Moeraki ... Waikouaiti, 1853 ... 20 acres granted to Michael Lahee, the father, near Waikouaiti, July, 1853. 39 40 M. F. Lovet, Barney ... Lovet, Dinah Mrs. Poreti, M. Waikouaiti Moeraki, 1853 ii Dead. Son John to succeed; absent in California. 41 M. M. | Moss, Joe Ruapuke... Absent whaling 1848 to 1853 Ruapuke, 1853 42 43 44 45 F. F. M. F. Moss, Elizabeth Moss, Polly McKenzie, John Mauhe, Mary Ann Mrs. Walter Joss, h.c. Mrs. Joe Davis, h.c. ii ••• Stewart Island Toetoe, Otago Invercargill ... New River Mrs. Solomon Mauhe, M. ... Tautuku ... AVaikouaiti Taieri, 1853 Ruapuke, 1853 46 F. N. Newton, Alice ... Mrs. William Fisher, h.c.... Bluff Riverton ... Stewart Island, 1853 Died February, 1875. 47 F. O. Orbell, Louisa ... Mrs. Arthur Orbell, E. ... Waikouaiti Waikouaiti Otago Heads, 1853 48 49 50 51 52 M. M. M. M. M. P. Pratt, David Parker, John Pratt, Thomas ... Paina, John Philips, James ... Otago Bluff Riverton ... Bluff Waikouaiti Oraka ... Taieri, 1853 Bluff, 1848 to 1853... Waikouaiti, 1853 ... Ruapuke, 1853 Stewart Island, 1848 to 1853 Tautuku ...



Eetuhn of Half-Castes residing at Places outside the Ngaital iu am .unl loci <*, c — continua No. Sex. Name. Married Name. Place of Birth. Residence in 1874. Residence in 1848, 1853, and subsequently. Remarks. 53 M 66 57 60 60 til F. F. 11 M. F. 11 F. M. F. E. Russell, Catherine Robertson, Harriett Robertson, John ... Russell, John Russell, Lavinia... Russell, William Russell, Ellen ... Russell, Patrick... Iliki, Hannah ] Mrs. Jas. Donaldson, h.c. Mrs. Tinioti Karetai, M. ... Mrs. Q-eo. Ashwell, h.c. ... Moeraki ... Otago Heads Waikouaiti Otago Heads Moeraki ... Otago Heads ' » ,, ... ,, ... Waikouaiti Otago Heads Otago Heads, 1853... )> "' \ 3) " ' I Called Betsey and Elizabeth in former returns. \ Said to have received 5 acres each, but there is no record that i the land has been granted them. Brinn's Point, Waikouaiti Brinn's Point, Waikouaiti Brinn's Point, Waikouaiti Mrs. John Owens, h.c. Ruapuke... Ruapuke... Ruapuke a II S. Bluff Riverton ... Dunediu, 1853 Stirling, John 03 It T. Thomas, William Otago Riverton ... Stewart Island, 1818 to 1853 M 65 66 68 60 70 71 72 71 7,5 n 77 7S 79 80 M. F. F. 11 F. F. F. F. F. 11 11 F. F. W. Wievil, James ... Whitolock, James Whileloek, Caroline Wixon, James ... Wixon, Elizabeth Wixon, John Wixon, Jenny ... Wixon, Margaret Wixon, Rose Wixon, Andrew... Wixon, Mary Wood, Mary Whaitiri, Mary Ann West, Harry Whybrow, James Weller, Fanny ... Whitelock, Maria Mrs. Rita Paiwhenua, M. Mrs. Joe Harpur, h.c. Riverton ... ,j ••• Waikouaiti 3, ... ,, ... ,, ... ,, ... Riverton ... ,, .. ■ ... Waimatemate ,, ... ,, ... ,, Purakaunui, 1853 ... New River, 1854 ... Ruapuke, 1853 Ruapuke ... Moeraki ... ... Ruapuke... Dead. Daughters Raehael and Sarah Paiwhenua to succeed. 42 acres at Hawke3bury granted to Henry Wixon, the father, in September, 1873. There aro eight members of this family, three males and five females, and, according to the ratio now proposed to allot land amongBt the halfcastes, they would be entitled to 28 acres in addition to the quantity granted. „ ,, ... ,, ... »j Mrs. Wm. Anglem, h.c. ... Mrs. Ihaia Whaitiri, M. ... Akaroa ... Ruapuke Otago Heads Tautuku ... Otago Heads New River tt ... Bluff Ruapuke... Otago Heads Toetoe, Otago Arowhenua Stewart Island Ruapuke, 1853 50 acres granted to James Whybrow, the father (Section 2, Block X., Toetoe District, Otago), by Provincial Government. Mrs. Tare te Ururaki, M. Mrs. John Newton, h.c. ... Otago Heads, 1853 Stewart Island, 1853 Otago Heads, 1853 New River, 1855 ... ;JIO. —Of the 80 persons included in this return, 3 have been providi amounts to 702 acres, less 42 acres awarded to the Wixo Nos. 21, 22, 35, 37, 47, 52, 58, 59, 60, and 61, are new names. The names in italics appear in Mr. Mantell's census of 1853. :d for—namely, Nos. 30, 38, and 78. The remainder consist of 43 malei ii family. and 34 females, equal to 77 ; and the quantity of land require!



Enclosure 3 in No. 15. RETURN showing how the Names of the Half-Castes that appear in the List of 1868 have been arranged in the New Lists.

Enclosure 4 in No. 21. RETURN of HALF-CASTES eliminated from a Census compiled by Mr. MANTELL in 1848-49 and 1852-53. RETURN of HALF-CASTES in 1848-49.

Names of Half-castes in List of 1868. Return in which Name now appears, and No. on List. Names of Half-castes in List of 1868. Return in which Name now appears, and No. on List. foe Moss Betty Moss Polly Moss Margaret Cooper No. 41, Return No. 2. ., 42, M 43, „ 67, Return E, under " Stewart Island Grants Act." Jenny Owen KamahiOwen (Robert) ... Sally Owen George Newton Joe Newton John Newton Elizabeth Newton Susan Lowry Elizabeth Lowry Caroline Lowry David McKenzie Thomas McKenzie William Anglem Ellen Gilroy Jane Parker Elizabeth Jobs Walter Joss William Ives James Surman Mary Smith Sarah Sinclair John Bragg Martha Bragg Dorcas Honor Duncan Davis Betty Davis Caroline Whitelock Maria Wliiteloek James Whitelock Elizabeth Lee Mary Anne Lee Maria Lee William Lee Sarah Davis William Davis Caroline Goodwilly John Stirling! John Arnett (Harnett) ... Sarah Anne Cameron William Fieher George Pauli Ann Williams William Bates James Bates James Wievil No. 86, Return E, under "Stewart Island Grants Act." „ 87, i „ » 88, „ „ 77, „ 76, „ 78, „ 80, „ 62, „ 63, „ 64, „ 68, „ 69, „ „ 9, „ 12, „ 10, „ 57, „ 55, „ 56, SVilliam Cooper Ellen Cooper Bob Cooper Etebeeca Cooper Louisa Cooper leorge Cooper fames Cooper Phillis Cooper Fenny Forster tfargaret Chaseland Haria Chaseland Caroline Chaseland Fohn Chaseland William Henry Chaseland Hiomas Chaseland ilargaret Chaseland, jun. fohanna A. J. Groombs ... imanuel Groombs. Fohn Groomba lesta Groombs lesta Antoine Joseph Seorgo Thomas Fohn Thomas jharles Thomas Hary Thomas Betsy Groombs Sliza Groombs Fenny Groombs mi mm Groombs Charlie Goodwilly lorn Brown Caroline Ho well Sob Brown Betty Brown Sally Brown Etarriet Watson fames Leech fohn Owen jreorge Owen Roger Owen Polly Owen „ 20, „ 21, „ 22, » 23, „ 24, „ 25, ,, 26, ., 27, „ 43, „ 28, „ 30, ,. 31, „ 32, „ 33, „ 29, „ 34, „ ., 47, „ 48, „ 49, „ 50, „ 54, „ 98, „ 99, „ 101, „ 102, „ „ 100, „ „ 105, „ 104, „ 103, „ 51, „ 13, „ 14, „ 15, „ 16, „ 17, „ 107, „ 58, „ 82, „ 83, „ 84, „ 85, „ 94, „ 18, it *9, » » 53, „ 39, „ 40, „ 66, Return No. 2. ,, 80, „ 65, „ 65, "Return E. ,. 60, „ 61, „ „ 66, „ „ 11, Return No. 2. „ 13, „ 2. „ 11, „ 1- „ 62, „ 2. „ 5, „ 1. „ 12, „ 1. „ 9, „ 1. „ 90, „ E. „ 21, „ No. 1. „ 2, „ 1. „ 3, „ 1. „ 64, „ 2.

No. 8ex. Name. Age. Residence Remarks. 1 3 F. F. F. Ruku Meriana Tete (Mrs. Haberfield) Kaunana (Mrs. Hughes) 8 as 25 Moeraki H Cannot be traced, probably dead. 25 acres granted to Wm. Haberfield,the husband, at Moeraki. 21 acres granted to John Hughes, tho husband, at Moeraki. 10 acres granted to Joseph Donaldson at Moeraki. 4 F. Pokhi (Mrs. Donaldson) 17 it 5 a 11. Tiake, Tione (Millar) George 6 1 Waikouaiti. Commonly called George Eobinson, proper name Timoti Robinson; included in Return No. 1. Proper name Hanu Weller, married to Raniera Ellison, half-caBte; included in Return No. 1. 7 F. Nani "Weller 9 >»



RETURN of HALF-CASTES in 1853 living with Europeans.

RETURN of HALF-CASTES in 1853 living with the Natives.

Sex. Name. Age. Residence. Kemarks. No. 1 F. Anne Newton (married James, McCoy, European), since dead) Jacob Newton Isaac Newton Caroline Newton Henry Whitelock ... George Howell Sarah Ann Cameron Margaret Dullep Amelia Johnston ' ... Eliza Leader ... Elizabeth Leader ... > James Leader ... 3 Harriet Watson (married to A. Bates)... Lydia Bates John Bates Mary Ann Bates William Bates ... 1 James Bates ... ) G-eorge Pipus George Pauley 22 One Married again to David Pratt, half-caste, Riverton ; included in E alphabetical. 2 3 4 5 a 7 8 9 10 n 18 M. 11 P. M. ir. p. Y. V. F. F. M F. 8 4 6 6 11 0 9 13 6 3 1 19 ,, ,, u Anarima ,, ... Aparimana Dead. Included in Return 1. „ maiden name, Howell. Dead. ii i Provided for in Aparitna Reserve. Included in E alphabetical. It 15 10 17 18 18 20 P. H. F. M. 1C. II. M. 2 Married to James Kirkton (European) ; included in Return No. 1. Dead. | Twins ; included in Return No. 1. Included in E alphabetical. 3mos. 11 6 6 15 14 Poroporokere )j »

Age. Residence. Remarks. No. Sex. Name. 1 ■ 2 3 M. JH. F. Pirimona ... Tiaki RoraPi ... G 12 15 Otago Heads j> ii George Freeman, dead, leaves 3 children. Jack .Robertson ; included in Return No. 2. Laura Orbell, married to Arthur Orbcll, European ; included in Return No. 2. Dead. 4 5 6 F. P. F. Mata Mata (Negro) Paui Wera 5 6 18 j» ji Fanny Weller, lives at Arowhenua, married to Teone Ururaki; included in Return No. 2. Dead. Koriana Edwards, married to John Bussell, halfcaste ; included in Return No. 2. Taituhu Hape ; included in Return No. 2. Pepe Karetai; not identified. Correct name David Pratt; included in Return No. 2. Dead. Living near Waikouaiti; not included in any list. Dead. Included in Return No. 1. Dead. 7 8 If. F. Hawea Te Horo ... in 11 ii 9 10 11 M. M. M. Hape Pepe Rawiri Gimlet 4 2 9 )t H Taieri... 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 It F. F. M. If. F. F. M. F. Wallace Paipai Tera Tureti Rahui ... Jane Muheke John J. Millar Henry Johnson Mary Ann Pira Ann Williams John Korako Mary Woods 8 11 8 10 8 6 8 ■27 9 » )i H Aparima jj 21 22 23 24 25 F. F. II F. F. Emma Driver Friday John Paina Tare Hannah 7 8 8 5 ie Euapuko n )j jj a »» j> Included in Return No. 1. Living at Kaiapoi. Married to William Anglem; included in Return No. 2. Married to William Joss; included in Return No. 2. Dead. Included in Return No. 2. Dead. Living at Ruapuke, married to a Maori; not included in any list. Married to John Owen, half-caste ; included in Return No. 2. Living somewhere in Canterbury!; not included in any list. Dead. Correct name William Joice ; included in Return No. 2. Married to Ihaia Whaitiri; included in Return No. 2. 26 F. Hannah Riki 16 j> 27 F. Mereana Tuherekau... 10 >> 28 29 M. Arthur Kohiku Pere Timaru 12 8 »» M 30 F. Meriana Taimona ... 25 »

a.— 9


Enclosure 5 in No. 15. SCHEDULE of APPLICATIONS for LAND for Half-Castes' Families in the Province of Otago, made to Mr. Mantell in 1853.

Wife's °g Recommendation of Commissioner. No. of Case. Name of Applicant. Remarks. Supplementary Remarks. Name. Tribe. Residence of her People. Acres. Locality. 7 8 9 Moore, Andrew Ape, Elislia Crocome, Joseph Hino Koau (dead) Karoraina Runaherr Dead Otakore Arowhenua... 4 3 3 25 25 25 Hawkesbury Plan enclosed V Children living, whereabouts not ascertained. 25 acres granted to Joseph Croeome, at Hawkesbury. f Widow married to David Pratt, o£ \ Riverton. 10 12 13 14 Newton, George (since dead) McCoy, Henry (since dead) Bates, Nathaniel Kelly, John... Printz, George J Ann Newton, h.c. Harriet Taunui, h.c. Betty (dead) ... None H 5 3 2 60 30 20 15 Taikonui Aparima. Muriliiku. Oreti 15 Hi McShane, Owen Jamea Leader None. Meri Wihikoro Aparima Provided for adjoining Aparima Native Keservo There were two adopted children living with Priutz at that date, a half-caste named Henry Whitelock, and a Maori girl named Maggie, both since dead. The Leader family were allotted 11 acroa 3 roods 32 perches in the Aparima Reserve, at the apportionment in 1'cbruary, 1874. 3 89 17 18 ID Antonio, Jose Leach, Thomas Pauliu, John 4 2 a 25 15 3 Murihiku ... Aparima Probable recommendation. Land selected round his house and garden, including the burying-ground Land selected round his house and garden, and a further extent of 30 acres at his homestead. Plan enclosed 20 llowell, John 6 1 ,, The two children living with Paulin at that date were adopted, one of whom died in 1864, and the other (Nancy Leonard) is married to Wm. Thomas, a half-caste. Sizemore, Richard Waiuwaiu Ngapui Kororarika ... Hawkesbury 25 aerea to granted to Richard Sizemovo, at Hawkesbury. 42 acres granted to Henry Wixon, at Hawkesbury. U 3 25 22 M Wixon, Henry Smith, William Low, William Annie Kaikai... Tipi Louisa Puru ... Huirapa Ngaitahu ... Purakaunui... Moeraki Bluff 7 2 1 40 15 10 Waianakama Opposite 16,17, 18, Block VII., Portobello. Taieri. 25 26 27 28 29 Crane, James Hardy, Thomas Edward, Edwards Gilroy, Patrick Manuel Eliza Palmer, h.c. Meriana Kohere Mere Wakino Kaiteraki ... Moeraki. Taieri 1 16 4 1 3 or 4 25 10 20 Murihiku. Oreti. Purakanui. Sister to Noahaka



Enclosure 6 in No. 15. REUTURN of HALF-CASTES in the Province of Otago who were said to be provided with Land in fulfilment of Promises made on the Cession of Native Territory to the Crown.

Name. Locality. Date of Grant. No. of Acre9. Remarks. iVilliam Russell ... ?addy Russell ... Sllen Russell Fohn Russell Catherine Russell... Y Brinn's Point, j Waikouati Said to have received 5 acres each, but there is no record of land having been granted them. Hary Thompson (Loyd) ... Jose Thompson (Loyd) tally Thompson (Sizemore) fitty Thompson ... larriet Thompson Foe Thompson ] \- Hawkesbury 25 Granted to Andrew Thompson, the father. It is recommended that an additional 25 acres bo granted to the family to make up the quantity in proportion to their number. The land granted was purchased by the Provincial Government (Section 76, Block V., Hawketbury). j Fames Loyd William Loyd larriet Loyd (Parker) Fames Sizemore ... Harriet Sizemore (Walsh) ... Sliza Sizemore > Hawkesbury 8 Sept., 1873 25 Granted to the father, Richard Sizemore. Fenny Croeomo ... Fames Crocome ... I Hawkesbury 8 Sept., 1873 25 Granted to the father, Joseph Crocome. William Apes Jeorge Apes Hary Apes } ■ ■." -i 25 acres recommended by Mr. Mantell, at Hawkesbury, for Elisha Apes and family, in 1853, no record of land having been given. Fohn Haberfleld ... Foseph Haberfield tfary Haberfield ... Lnnie Reynolds Haberfield > Moeraki ... 24 Feb., 1853 25 j Granted to the father, William Haberfield. It is recommended that an additional quantity be granted, say 11 acrei, to make up the proportion. Foe Harpur Commy Harpur ... Sally Harpur Polly Harpur > Waikouaiti 15 July, 1853 30 Granted to the father, William Harpur. Patrick Lahee Waikouaiti 15 July, 1853 20 Granted to the father, Michael Labee. Fames Donaldson... Moeraki ... 24 July, 1853 10 Granted to the father, Joseph Donaldson. Elizabeth Hughes Moeraki ... 15 July, 1853 21 r Granted to the father, John Hughes. Fames Wixon Elizabeth Wixon... Fohn Wixon Fenny Wixon klargaret Wixon ... lose Wixon Indrew Wixon ... tfary Wixon ■ Hawkesbury J 8 Sept., 1873 42Granted to the father, Henry Wixon. There are eight members of this family, three males and five females, and, according to the ratio now proposed to allot land amongst the halfcastes, they would be entitled to 28 acres, in addition to the quantity granted. By Authority: Geoege Didsbuby, Q-overnment Printer, Wellington. —1876. ■rice le. 3d. [Cost of Return, £31 12b. Od.

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HALF-CASTE CLAIMS IN THE SOUTH AND STEWART ISLAND. (PAPERS RELATIVE TO)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1876 Session I, G-09

Word Count

HALF-CASTE CLAIMS IN THE SOUTH AND STEWART ISLAND. (PAPERS RELATIVE TO). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1876 Session I, G-09

HALF-CASTE CLAIMS IN THE SOUTH AND STEWART ISLAND. (PAPERS RELATIVE TO). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1876 Session I, G-09

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