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Enclosure 5 in No. 15. SCHEDULE of APPLICATIONS for LAND for Half-Castes' Families in the Province of Otago, made to Mr. Mantell in 1853.

Wife's °g Recommendation of Commissioner. No. of Case. Name of Applicant. Remarks. Supplementary Remarks. Name. Tribe. Residence of her People. Acres. Locality. 7 8 9 Moore, Andrew Ape, Elislia Crocome, Joseph Hino Koau (dead) Karoraina Runaherr Dead Otakore Arowhenua... 4 3 3 25 25 25 Hawkesbury Plan enclosed V Children living, whereabouts not ascertained. 25 acres granted to Joseph Croeome, at Hawkesbury. f Widow married to David Pratt, o£ \ Riverton. 10 12 13 14 Newton, George (since dead) McCoy, Henry (since dead) Bates, Nathaniel Kelly, John... Printz, George J Ann Newton, h.c. Harriet Taunui, h.c. Betty (dead) ... None H 5 3 2 60 30 20 15 Taikonui Aparima. Muriliiku. Oreti 15 Hi McShane, Owen Jamea Leader None. Meri Wihikoro Aparima Provided for adjoining Aparima Native Keservo There were two adopted children living with Priutz at that date, a half-caste named Henry Whitelock, and a Maori girl named Maggie, both since dead. The Leader family were allotted 11 acroa 3 roods 32 perches in the Aparima Reserve, at the apportionment in 1'cbruary, 1874. 3 89 17 18 ID Antonio, Jose Leach, Thomas Pauliu, John 4 2 a 25 15 3 Murihiku ... Aparima Probable recommendation. Land selected round his house and garden, including the burying-ground Land selected round his house and garden, and a further extent of 30 acres at his homestead. Plan enclosed 20 llowell, John 6 1 ,, The two children living with Paulin at that date were adopted, one of whom died in 1864, and the other (Nancy Leonard) is married to Wm. Thomas, a half-caste. Sizemore, Richard Waiuwaiu Ngapui Kororarika ... Hawkesbury 25 aerea to granted to Richard Sizemovo, at Hawkesbury. 42 acres granted to Henry Wixon, at Hawkesbury. U 3 25 22 M Wixon, Henry Smith, William Low, William Annie Kaikai... Tipi Louisa Puru ... Huirapa Ngaitahu ... Purakaunui... Moeraki Bluff 7 2 1 40 15 10 Waianakama Opposite 16,17, 18, Block VII., Portobello. Taieri. 25 26 27 28 29 Crane, James Hardy, Thomas Edward, Edwards Gilroy, Patrick Manuel Eliza Palmer, h.c. Meriana Kohere Mere Wakino Kaiteraki ... Moeraki. Taieri 1 16 4 1 3 or 4 25 10 20 Murihiku. Oreti. Purakanui. Sister to Noahaka