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Session 11. 1923. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented to the House of Representatives, and, ordered to be printed

ORDERS 01 REFERENCE. Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Wednesday, the 4th Day of July, 1923. Ordered, " That Standing Order No. 219 be suspended, and that a Native Affairs Committee be appointed consisting of fifteen members, to consider all petitions, reports, returns, and other documents relating to affairs especially affecting the Native race that may be brought before the House this session, and from time to time to report thereon to the House ; with power to call for persons and papers ; throe to be a quorum : the Committee to consist of Mr. Corrigan, Mr. Hawken, Mr. Tau Henare, Mr. Hookly, Mr. Mcllvride, Mr. McKay, Mr. Murdoch, Hon. Mr. Ngata, Mr. O'Brien, Hon. Sir M. Pomare, Mr. J. C. Rolleston, Mr. Uru, Mr. Williams, Mr. Young, and the mover." —(Hon. Mr. Coates.) Tuesday, the 19th Day of June, 1923. Ordered, " That Papers Nos. 27 and 28 be referred to the Native Affairs Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Coates.) Wednesday, the 4th Day of July, 1923. Ordered, "•That.all petitions not finally dealt with during the session of 1022 and the short session of 1923 be again referred to the same Committees as they were referred to during the said sessions." —(Right Hon. Mr. Massioy.) Tuesday, the 17th Day of July, 1923. Ordered, " That the petition of R. J. Loughnan be referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee." (Mr. Glenn.) Thursday, the 19th Day of July, 1923. Ordered, " That Papers Nos. 122 and 123 be referred to the Native Affairs Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Coates.) Friday, the 20th Day op July, 1923. Ordered, " That the petition of Komiti Marae be referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Ngata.) Monday, the 23rd Day of July, 1923. Ordered, "That the Cook Islands Amendment Bill be referred to the Native Affairs Committee."—(Hon. Sir M. I'omare.) Tuesday, the 24th Day of July, 1923. Ordered, " That the petitions of Wild l'iki Pikahn and others, Henare Pikaahu and others, Kataraina te Hira and others, Heta Kiriwi and others, be referred to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Mr. Hen ABB.)

I—l. 3.



Thursday, the 26th Day of July, 1923. Ordered, "That the Native Land Claims Adjustment Amendment Bill be referred to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Mr. Hockly.) Friday, the 27th Day of July, 1923. Ordered, " That the petition of R. te Hura Teumohukohu and others bo referred to the Native Affairs Committee." — (Hon. Mr. Nqata.) Tuesday, the 31st Day of July, 1923. Ordered, " That Paper No. 130 be referred to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Hon. Mr. Coates.) Tuesday, the 31st Day of July, 1923. Ordered, " That the Fisheries Amendment Bill be referred to the Native Affairs Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Andheson.) Wkdnesday, the Ist Day of August, 1923. Ordered, " That the petition of Wikitoria Ngahirapu Ehau and others be referred to the Native Affairs Committee."— (Hon. Mr. Noata.) Thursday, the 2nd Day of August, 1923. Ordered, " That the petition of W. R. Rawson be referred to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Mr. Nash.) Friday, the 3rd Day of August, 1923. Ordered, " That Paper No. 147 be referred to the Native Affairs Committee for report."—(Hon. Mr. Coates.) Tuesday, the 7th Day of August, 1923. Ordered, " That the petition of V. P. Casey and another be referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee."— (Hon. Mr. Parr.) Tuesday, the 7th Day of August, 1923. Ordered, " That the petition of Mihi Iranui and others be referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee."— (Hon. Mr. Ngata.) Thursday, the 9th Day of August, 1923. Ordered, " That Paper No. 34 be referred to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Hon. Mr. Coates.) Friday, the 10th Day of August, 1923. Ordered, " That Papers Nos. 100 and 161 be referred to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Hon. Mr. Coates.) Monday, the 13th Day of August, 1923. Ordered, " That the petition of the Waitomo County Council and other local bodies be reforred direct to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Mr. J. C. Rolleston.) Tuesday, the 14th Day of August, 1923. Ordered, " That the petition of Karepa Matiro be referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Hon. Mr. Ngata.) Thursday, the 10th Day of August, 1923. Ordered, " That the petition of Henare Matanuku and another be referred-direct to the Native Affairs Committee."— (Hon. Mr. Ngata.) Monday, the 20th Day of August, 1923. Ordered, " That the petition of To Korerehu Mihaka and another be referred to the Native Affairs Committee."— (Hon. Mr. Ngata.) Monday, the 20th Day of August, 1923. Ordered, " That the petitions of Kewata Huihui and another, Renata Maiha, Kiroana Tihema and 6 others, bo referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Hon. Mr. Ngata.) Tuesday, the 21st Day of August, 1923. Ordered, " That the petition of Hori Kingi Parapara and another be referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Ngata.) Tuesday, the 21st Day of August, 1923. Ordered, " That Paper No. 192 be referred to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Hon. Mr. Coates.) Wednesday, the 22nd Day of August, 1923. Ordered, " That the petition of E. Cook and 59 others be referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee."— (Mr. Hawkion.) Thursday, the 23rd Day of August, 1923. Ordered, " That the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Bill bo referred to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Hon. Mr. Coates.) Thursday, the 23rd Day of August, 1923. Ordered, " That the West Coast Settlement Reserves Amendment Bill be referred to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Hon. Mr. Coates.) Fiuday, the 24th Day of August, 1923. Ordered, " That the Native Affairs Committee have leave to sit this afternoon during the sitting of the House."— (Mr. Young.)




No. Petitioner, Ac. Pa«c. No. Petitioner, &c. Page148/23/11 195/23/11 Casey, Victor P., and another Cook, E., and 41 others Cook Islands Amendment Bill 12 13 4 Parliamentary Papers, continued — No. 27/23, re Kourateuwhi In 1b .. No. 122/23, re Tangatapu No. 1 130/23, re parish of Te Papa 147/23, re Tauri 34/23, re Okahu 100/23, re succession to Haora Taki (deceased) 101/23, re Puhunga 192/23, re Rangikolma Pouwhareumu Toi and 110 others Pouwhareumu Toi and 190 others Puhipuhi 4a and 4it Putete Block 5 5 0 8 9 10 302/22 pHlison, T. M. 6 Final Report Fisheries Amendment Bill 15 6 78/22 347/22 Hara Roera and another Heeni Kipa Hcrrios, late Sir William (special) Heni Hoard Kuiti and another Himiona Taikou and 21 others Hine Renata and another Horowhenua XI 7 7 4 8 14 14 7 23/23/11 103/23/11 148/23/11 81/22 10 14 7 7 12 5 77/22 102/23/11 17/23/11 374/22 27/23/11 302/22 27/23/11 80/22 127/23/11 183/23/11 Kana Puhi and 37 others Katarina Hape (deceased) Kawhia, Netting fish at Kipa Roera Kipa te Whatanui Te Korerehu Mihaka and another 9 6 9 8 II 12 389/22 141/21/11 237/21/11 281/21/11 51/23/11 34/23/11 78/22 17/23/11 1/22 1/22 81/22 Rahere Muriwai Uru Rakapa Pohio Rangiahua Island Rangihuna Piri and three others Rangikariri (Kohanga) Block Rawson, W. E. (East Coast Commissioner) Rekereke No. 2 Renata, George, death of Richardson, E. K, and 220 others Riria Waipu, Tikokino Ruku Hoera Tuhiparau 11 7 12 14 14 13 7 14 11 11 5 90/23/11 Loughnan, R. J. 10 81/22 34/23/11 80/22 Mahuta Block Mangatu No. I Muhunoa 12f 5 13 8 Special Report—Late Sir William Hemes Special Report— Late Mr. W. T. Jennings Special Report—Chairman (Mr. .1. A. Young) 4 4 15 Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Bill Native Land Claims Adjustment Bill .. Neha Ripa Te Nikau Block Ngapaka Kerei Kukutai and others Ngatitu Hapu Nohomairangi te Whiti and another .. Nupere Waaka and 7 others 11 348/22 389/22 51/23/11 281/21/11 71/23/11 237/21/11 0 8 11 14 14 9 12 22/23/11 38/23/11 Taranaki Kanara te Uaniairangi Tonga O'Carroll 10 12 141/21/11 183/23/1.1 \ Upoko-o-ltakaitauheke 7,12 22/23/11 328/22/11 Ohiti Waitio No. 1e 2 Opanaki 2b No. 1 .. 10 9 90/23/11 38/23/11 348/22 127/23/11 23/23/11 112/23/11 195/23/11 328/22 Wamarino E Nos. 9 and 10 .. Waimatc Section 33, Block 3.. Burial-ground Te Waka .. \ West Coast Settlement Reserves Wiremu Rikihana .. 10 12 8 11 71/23/11 Parihaka Nos. 9, 10, 11a, and 51 Parliamentary Papers — No. 28/23, re Haupoto No. 123/23, re Ngamoe 9 5 6 7, 11 13 9



BEPOBTB. Special Report. I have the honour to report that at a meeting of the Native Affairs Committee held on Tuesday, the 24th day of July, the following resolution was carried :— " That this Committee desires to place on record its high sense of the great and distinguished services rendered to the Maori race by the late Honourable Sir W. H. Hemes, and also its appreciation of the valuable work done by the late honourable gentleman as a member of the Committee, and further expresses its sincere and profound sympathy with his relatives in their great sorrow. The Canoe of Fate, Tatataeore, has taken an illustrious chief from amongst us. Haere ra ! Further, that this resolution be recorded in the minutes and reported to the House, and a copy of the same forwarded to the relatives of the late honourable gentleman." 26th July, 1923. K. S. Williams, for Chairman. [Translation.] RIPOATA MoTUHAKE. Kei to whai-honore au kite ripoata i te hui a te Komiti mo nga Mea Maori i tv i te Turei, te rua tekau ma wha o nga ra o Hurae, i paahitia te motini c whai ake nei: — " E hiahia ana tenei Komiti kia mau ki roto ki nga tuhituhinga tona whakaaro mo nga mahi nunui, whakahirahira hoki i mahia mo te taha kite Iwi Maori c te Honore Ta W. H. Herihi, kua mate nei, me tana whakamihi hoki mo nga mahi whaihua i mahia c ia i te wa c noho iviema ana ia o te Komiti, a c whakaputa ana ano hoki i tona ngakau aroha ki ona whanaunga i roto ite wharepouri. Kua riro atu i waenganui i a tatau he rangatira whakahirahira ma runga ite Waka o Aitua i a Tatataeore. Haere ra ! Apiti atu ki tena, me tuhitulii tenei motini ki roto ki nga meneti, a me ripoata atu hoki kite Whare, a ko te kape me tuku atu ki nga whanaunga o taua tangata honore kua mate nei." 26 o Hurae, 1923. K. S. Wiremu, mo te taha kite Tiamana.

Special Repoet. I have the honour to report that at a meeting of the Native Affairs Committee held on Tuesday, the 24th day of July, the following resolution was carried : — " That this Committee desires to place on record its sense of the valuable services rendered by the late Mr. W. T. Jennings on this Committee, of which at one time he was Chairman ; and expresses to his relatives its deep sympathy in his death. Further, that this resolution be recorded in the minutes and reported to the House, and a copy of the same forwarded to the relatives of the late honourable gentleman." 26th July, 1923. K. S. Williams, for Chairman. [Translation.] Ripoata Motuhake. Kei te whai-honore au kite ripoata i te hui a te Komiti mo nga Mea Maori i tv i te Tureii te 24 o nga ra o Hurae, i paahitia te motini c whai ake nei:— " E hiahia ana tenei Komiti kia mau ki roto ki nga tuhituhinga tona whakaaro mo nga mahi nunui i mahia c Mr. W. T. Jennings i runga i te Komiti ko ia nei te Tiamana i tetahi wa; a c hiahia ana kite whakaputa atu ki ona whanaunga i te pouri mo tona matenga. Apiti atu ki tena, me tuhituhi tenei motini ki roto ki nga meneti, a me ripoata atu kite Wharc, a ko te kape me tuku atu ki nga whanaunga o taua tangata honore kua mate nei." 26 o Hurae, 1923. K. S. Wiremu, mo te taha kite Tiamana.

Cook Islands Amendment Bill. The Native Affairs Committee, to which was referred the above-mentioned Bill, has the honour to report that it has carefully considered the same clause by clause, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed with the amendments as shown on the copy attached hereto. 26th July, 1923. K. S. Williams, for Chairman. Translation.] PIRE WhAKATIKATIKA 1 TE TuRE MO RaROTONCSA. Kei te whai-honore te Komiti mo nga Mea Maori, i tukuna mai nei ki a ia te Pire kua huaina i runga ake nei, kite ripoata kua ata whiriwhiria c ia ia rarangi o taua Pire, a ko tana kupu tohutohu me whakaae kia haere ana me nga menemana c mau i runga i te kape o te Pire c tapiri nei. 26 o Hurae, 1923. K. S. Wiremu, mo te taha kite Tiamana.



No. 81/22. —Petition of Ruku Hoeba Tuhiparau. Praying for the return to him of the Mahuta and Putete Blocks. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 26th July, 1923. K. S. Williams, for Chairman. [TRANSLATION.] No. 81/22. —Pitihana a Ruku Hoera Tuhiparau. E inch ana kia whakahokia atu ki a ia a Mahuta me Putete Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 26 o Hurae, 1923. K. S. Wiremu, mo te taha kite Tiamana.

Parliamentary Paper No. 28 of 1923 (Report and Recommendation on Petition No. 187/1922 relative to Successors appointed to Interests of Rapata Nepia and Mereana te Marohuia in ' Haupoto Block, and Lots 28b and 31, Parish of Rangitaiki). 1 am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this paper should be referred to th c Government for consideration. 31st July, 1923. [Translation.] Pukapuka Paremata No. 28 o 1923 (Ripoata mo te Kupu Tohutohu mo runga mo Pitihana No. 187/1922 c pa ana ki nga kai-mwhi i whakaturia mo nga paanga o Rapata Nepia me Mcieana te Marohuia i roto i te Houpoto Poraka, me Rota 28b me 31, Pariha o Rangitaiki). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei Pukapuka kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 31 o Hurae, 1923.

Parliamentary Paper No. 123 of 1923 (Report and Recommendation on Petition No. 439/1917 of Raniera. Tuhoro, relative to the Succession to Raniera .Kawhia, deceased, in Ngamoe and other Blocks). I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this paper should be referred to the Government for consideration. 3.lst July, 1923. [Translation.] Pukapuka Paremata No. 123 o 1923 (Ripoata me te Kupu Tohutohu mo runga mo Pitihana No. 439/1917, a Raniera Tuhoro, mo te taha kite riiwhitanga i a Raniera Kawhia, kua mate, i Ngamoe me era atu Poraka). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei Pukapuka kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 31 o Hurae, 1923.

Parliamentary Paper No. 27 of 1923 (Report and Recommendation on Petition No. 61/1920, relative to Partition of Kourateuwhi Iβ Iβ). I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this paper should be referred to the Government for consideration. 31st July, 1923. [Translation.] Pukapuka Paremata No. 27 o 1923 (Ripoata me te Kupu Tohutohu mo runga mo Pitihana No. 61/1920 mo te taha kite roherohenga i te Kouratouwhi 1c Iβ). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku, atu tenei Pukapuka kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 31 o Hurae, 1923.

Parliamentary Paper No. 122 of 1923 (Report and Recommendation on Petition No. 304/1919 of Rawiri te Ruru, praying for Inquiry into alleged Wrongful Appointment of Successors to Peita Kekeao in Tangatapu No. 1 Block. I AM directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this paper should be referred to the Government for consideration. 31st July, 1923.



[Translation.] Pukapuka Paremata No. 122 o 1923 (Ripoata me te Kupu Tohutohu mo runga mo Pitihatia No. 304/1919 a Rawiri te Rum, c inoi ana kia uiuia te whakaturanga pohehetangai nga kai-riiwlii mo Peita Kekeao i Tangatapu No. 1 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tukua atu tenei Pukapuka kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 31 o Hurae, 1923.

Native Land Claims Adjustment Amendment Bill. The Native Affairs Committee, to which was referred the above-mentioned Bill, has the honour to report that it has carefully considered the same clause by clause, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed without amendment. 31st July, 1923. [Translation.] Pire Whakatikatika Tdre Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori. Kei te whai-honore te Komiti mo nga Mca Maori, i tukuna mai nei ki a ia te Pire kua huaina i runga ake nei, ki te ripoata kua ata whiriwhiria o ia ia rarangi o taua Pire, a ko tana kupu tohutoliu me whakaac kia haere ana taua Pire kaore he menemana. 31 o Hurae, 1923.

Fisheries Amendment Bill. The Native Affairs Committee, to which was referred the above-mentioned Bill, has the honour to report that it has carefully considered the same clause by clause, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed with the amendment as shown on the copy attached hereto. 2nd August, 1923. [Translation.] Pire Whakatikatika Ture mo nga Ika. Kei te whai-honore te Komiti mo nga Mea Maori, i tukuna mai nei ki a ia te Pire kua huaina i runga ake nei, kite ripoata kua ata whiriwhiria c ia ia rarangi o taua Pire, a ko tana kupu tohutohu me whakaae kia haere ana me te menemana c man i runga i te kape c tapiri nei. 2 o Akuhata, 1923.

' No. 362/22.—Petition of T. M. Ellison. Praying for rehearing by the Native Land Court of the appointment of successors to Katarina Hapc, deceased. 1 am directed to report that the Committee lias no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 2nd August, 1923. [Translation.] No. 362/22.—Pitihana a T. M. Ellison. E inoi ana kia uiuia ano c te Kooti Whenua Maori te whakaturanga kai-riiwhi mo Katarina Hape> kua mate. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 2 o Akuhata, 1923.

Parliamentary Paper No. 130 (Report and Recommendation on Petitions Nos. 81 and 82 of 1921, relative to the Persons included in the Title to Lot 95, Parish of Te Papa). I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this paper should be referred to the Government for consideration. 3rd August, 1923. [Translation.] Pukapuka Paremata No. 130 (Ripoata me te Kupu Tohutohu mo runga mo Pitihana No. 81 me 82 o 1921, c pa ana ki nga tangata i uru ki roto kite taitara o Rota 95, Pariha o Te Papa). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pukapuka kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 3 o Akuhata, 1923. t



No. 141/21/11.—Petition of Rakapa Pohio. Praying that a further inquiry be held as to the title to Te Upoko-o-Rakaitauheke Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. Bth August, 1923. [Translation.] No. 141/21/11.—Pitihana a Rakapa Pohio. E INOI ana kia tv ano he uiuinga mo to taitara ki Te Upoko-o-Rakaitauheke Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu toliutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 8 o Akuhata, 1923.

No. 78/22. —Petition of Hara Roera and Another. Praying for compensa,tion for the loss of certain lands in the Rekereke No. 2 Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. Bth August, 1923. [Translation.] No. 78/22. —Pitihana a Hara Roeha me tetahi atu. E INOI ana kia utua he moni kapeneheihana mo te rironga o etahi whenua i roto i Rekereke No. 2 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu toliutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 8 o Akuhata, 1923.

No. 347/22.—Petition of Heeni Kipa. Praying for reinvestigation of the order of the Court re Horowhenua XI Block. 1 am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. Bth August, 1923. [Translation.] No. 347/22.—Pitihana a Heeni Kipa. E INOI ana kia whakawakia ano te ota a te Kooti mo Horowhenua XI Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 8 o Akuhata, 1923.

No. 23/23/11.—Petition of Pouwhareumu Toi and 110 Others. Praying that there be no amendment of the West Coast Settlement Reserves Act, 1913, so as to provide for an extension of the term of lease of the lands leased under the provisions of that Act. I am directed to report that, as a question of policy is involved, the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. Bth August, 1923. I Translation.] - No. 23/23/11. —Pitihana a Pouwhareumu Toi me etahi atu 110. E INOI ana kia kaua c paahitia he Ture Whakatikatika mo te Ture Whakatau Rahui o te Tai-Hauauru, 1913, hei mea c whakaroaina atu ai te wa hei mutunga mo nga riihi o nga whenua i riihitia i raro i nga tikanga o taua Ture. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, i tc mea he take tenei c pa ana ki nga tikanga whakahaere (a te Kawanatanga), kaore kau he kupu tohu tohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 8 o Akuhata, 1923.

No. 103/23/IL—Petition of Pouwharkumu Toi and 196 Others. Praying that the land-tax on Native land held in common be levied upon the individual owner's interest, and that where Native land is leased to a European the lessee shall pay the land-tax. 1 am directed to report that, as a question of policy is involved, the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. Bth August, 1923.



[Translation.] No. 103/23/11. —Pitihana a Pouwhareumu Toi me etahi atu 196. E INOI ana kia kaua c whakaekoa he taake-whenua ki runga kite paanga o ia tangata i roto i tetahi whenua he tokomaha nga tangata no ratau, a mehemea kei te riihi tetahi whenua Maori kite Pakoha. ma te kai-tango riihi c utu te taake-whenua. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, i te mea he take tenei c pa ana ki nga tikanga whakahaere (a te Kawanatanga), kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 8 o Akuahata, 1923.

No. 77/22. —Petition of Heni Hoani Kuiti and Another. Praying for investigation by the Native Land Court of the interest of each person in Horowhenua XIb 42e, XIb 41a, and Horowhenua 9a. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 8th August, 1923. [Translation.] No. 77/22. —Pitihana a Heni Hoani Kuiti me tetahi atu. E inoi ana kia whakawakia e te Kooti Whenua Maori te paanga o ia tangata i roto i Horowhenua XIb 42e, XIb 41a, me Horowhenua 9a. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana.

No. 348/22.—Petition of Nbha Kii'a and 7 Others. Praying that the burial-place at Waitapu be reserved for them. I am directed to report that the Committee is of the opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. Bth August, 1923. [Translation.] No. 348/22. —Pitihana a Neha Kipa me etahi atu tokowhitu. E INOI ana kia rahuitia mo ratau to toma-tupapaku i Waitapu. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whakaarohia paitia. 8 o Akuhata, 1923.

No. 80/22.—Petition of Kipa Roera. Praying for the return to him of 6 acres of the Muhunoa 1 2p Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. Bth August, 1923. [Translation.] No. 80/22.—Pitihana a Kipa Rojora. E iNoi ana kia whakahokia atu ki a ia kia ono eka o'te Muhunoa 12f Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 8 o Akuhata, 1923.

Parliamentary Paper No. 147 (Report and Recommendation on Petition No. 225 of 1921 (Session II), of Mita Taupopoki and Others, relative to the title to Tauri Block.) I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this paper should be referred to the Government for consideration. 9th August, 1923. [Translation.] Pukapuka Paremata No. 147 (Ripoata me te Kupu Tohutohu mo runga mo Pitihana mo 225 o 1921 (Session II), a Mita Taupopoki ratau ko etahi atu c pa ana kite taitara kite Tauri Poraka). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata ki to whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pukapuka k i te Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 9 o Akuhata, 1923.



No. 328/22.—Petition of Wiremu Eikihana. Praying for inquiry into the succession to Mikaera Urututu, deceased, in Opanaki 2e No. 1 Block. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry. 9th August, 1923. [Translation.] No. 328/22.- —Pitihana a Wiremu Rikihana. E iNoi ana kia uiuia te riiwhitanga i a Mikaera Urututu, kua mate, i roto i Opanaki 2e No. 1 Poraka. Kua whakahaua alma kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 9 o Akuhata, 1923.

Parliamentary Paper No. 34 of 1923 (Report and Recommendation of Native Appellate Court on Petition No. 21/1921 by Rangihawe te Kaho and Others, relative to the Identity of the Person named Raho in Grant No. 3749 of the Okahu Block, West Coast Settlement Reserves). I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this paper should be referred to the Government for consideration. 10th August, 1923. [Translation.] Pukapuka Paremata No. 34 o 1923 (Ripoata me te Kupu Tohutohu a te Aperata Kooti Maori mo runga mo Pitihana No. 21/1921 a Rangihawe te Kaho me etahi atu kia whakataua ko wai te tangata nona te ingoa Raho i roto i te Karati No. 3749 o Okahu Poraka, Nga Rahui Whakatau o te Tai-Hauauru). Kua whakahaua ahua kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pukapuka kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 10 o Akuhata, 1923.

No. 27/23/11.—Petition of Kana Puhi and 37 Others. Praying that Europeans be prohibited from netting certain fish in Kawhia Harbour. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 10th August, 1923. [Translation.] No. 27/23/11.— Pitihana a Kana Puhi me etahi atu c 37. E INOI ana kia kaua nga Pakeha c whakaaetia kia hao i etahi ika kei te Moana i Kawhia. Kua whakahau ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 10 o Akuhata, 1923.

No. 71/23/11. —Petition of Nohomairangi te Whiti and Another. Praying that the Native Land Court be authorized to inquire into matters connected with Parihaka Nos. 9, 10, 11a; and 51. I am directed to report that, as the petitioners have not exhausted their legal remedy, the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 10th August, 1923. [Translation.] No. 71/22/11. —Pitihana a Nohomairangi te Whiti me tetahi atu. E INoi ana kia whakamanaia te Kooti Whenua Maori kite uiui i etahi take c pa ana ki Parihaka Nos. 9, 10, 11a, me 51. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, i te mea kaore ano i pau i nga kai-pitihana te aru haere nga huarahi whakaoraora i raro i te ture, no reira kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 10 o Akuhata, 1923.

2—l. 3.



Parliamentary Paper No. 161 of 1923 (Report and Recommendation on Petition No. 309/1920 of Hare Maruata and Others, relative to the Successors appointed to the interests of Maraea Whakaki in Puhunga Block.) I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this paper should be referred to the Government for consideration. 14th August, 1923. [Translation.] Pukapuka Paremata No. 161 o 1923 (Ripoata me te Kupu Tohutohu mo runga mo Pitihana No. 309/1920 a Hare Maruata me etahi atu, c pa ana ki nga kai-riiwhi i whakaturia mo nga paanga o Maraea Whakaki i Puhunga Poraka). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku tenei pukapuka kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 14 o Akuhata, 1923.

Parliamentary Paper No. 160 of 1923 (Report and Recommendation on Petition No, 159 of 1921 (Session II), relative to successors appointed to the interests of Haora Taki, deceased, in Native land.) I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this paper should be referred to the Government for consideration. 14th August, 1923. [Translation.] Pukapuka Paremata No. 160 o 1923 (Ripoata me te Kupu Tohutohu mo runga mo Pitihana No. 159 0 1921 (Session II), c pa ana ki nga kai-riiwhi i whakaturia mo nga paanga o Haora Taki, kua mate, 1 roto i nga whenua Maori.] Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku tenei pukapuka kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 14 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 96/23/11.—Petition of R. J. Loughnan. Praying for relief in connection with the confirmation of agreements to sell the Waimarino E Nos. 9 and 10 Blocks. I am directed to report that the Committee is of the opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 15th August, 1923. [Translation.] No. 96/23/11.—Pitihana a R. J. Loughnan. B iNoi ana kia whakaoraoraina mo te taha kite whakamananga i nga kirimini hoko i Waimarino E No. 9 me 10 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whakaarohia paitia. 15 o Akuhata, 1923.

No. 22/23/11. —Petition of Taranaki Kanaka te Uamairangi. Praying for refund of land-tax alleged to have been overpaid on Ohiti Waitio No. 1e 2. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry. 17th August, 1923. [Translation.] No. 22/23/11. —Pitihana a Taranaki Kanaka te Uamairangi. E iNoi ana kia whakahokia atu te moni utu taake-whenua c kiia ana i hipa ake i te moni tika hei utunga mo Ohiti-Waitio No. 1e 2. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 17 o Akuhata, 1923.



No. 389/22. —Petition of Rahera Muriwai Ueu. Praying for payment of moneys in hands of Public Trustee re block of Native reserve, Greymouth (Te Nikau) to descendants of Wereta Tainui. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Minister of Native Affairs for departmental inquiry. 17th August, 1923. [Translation.] No. 369/22. —Pitihana a Rahera Muriwai Uru. B tnoi ana kia utua nga moni kei to Kai-tiaki mo to Katoa c pupuri ana mo te taha ki to Rahui Maori (Te Nikau) kei Mawhera, ki nga uri o Wereta Tainui. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku tenei pitihana kite Minita mo nga Moa Maori kia uiuia c te Tari. 17 o Akuhata, 1923.

No. 127/23/11.—Petition of Kipa te Whatandi. Praying for relief by way of compensation in respect to Tc Waka Block. 1 am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 17th August, 1923. [Translation.] No. 127/23/11.—Pitihana a Kipa te Wiiatanui. E INOI ana kia whakaoraoraina ara kia utua he kapenoheihana mo te taha ki To Waka Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whjriwhiria. 17 o Akuhata, 1923.

No. 1/22.—Petition of E. K. Richardson and 226 Others. Praying for an inquiry into the aggregation of lands in New Zealand, and especially into the traffic in Native lands in the Waipawa Electorate, and particularly into the case of Riria Waipu, of Tikokino, Hawke's Bay. T am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 21st August, 1923. [Translation.] No. 1/22. —Pitihana a E. K. Richardson me etahi a te 226. E INOI ana kia uiuia te taha kite whakapuranga whenua i Niu Tireni ki runga ake i te maha o nga eka c whakaaotia ana c te ture, me te mahi hokohoko mai i nga whenua Maori kei roto i to rohe pooti o Waipawa, me te take hoki a Riria Waipu o Tikokino, Haki Pei. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tolmtohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 21 o Akuhata, 1923.

Report on the West Coast Settlement Reserves Amendment Bill. The Native Affairs Committee, to which was referred the above-mentioned Bill, has the honour to report that it has carefully considered the same clause by clause, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed without amendment. 24th August, 1923. [Translation.] Ptre Whakatikatika Ture Whakatau Rahui o te Tai-Hauauru. Kei te whai-honore te Komiti mo nga Mea Maori, i tukuna mai nei ki a ia te Pire kua huaina i runga ake nei, kite ripoata kua ata whiriwhiria c ia ia rarangi o taua Pire, a ko tana kupu tohutohu me whakaae kia haere ana kaore he menemana. 24 o Akuhata, 1923.

Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Bill. The Native Affairs Committee, to which was referred the above-mentioned Bill, has the honour to report that it has carefully considered the same clause by clause, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed with the amendments as shown on the copy attached hereto. 24th August, 1923.

3—l. 3



[Translation.] Pire Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whentja Maori. Kei to whai-honoro te Komiti mo nga Moa Maori, i tukuna mai nei ki a ia te Pire kua huaina i runga ake nei, kite ripoata kua ata whiriwhiria c ia ia rarangi o tana Pite, a ko tana kupu tohutohu me whakaae taua Pire kia haere ana me nga menemana c mau i runga i te kape c tapiri nei. 24 o Akuhata, 1923.

No. 237/21/11.—Petition of Nupere Waaka and 7 Others. Prayino for the return of Rangiahua Island. In am directed to report that the Committee is of the opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry. 25th August, 1923. [Translation.] No. 237/21/11. —Pitihana a Nupere Waaka me etahi atu tokowhitu. E iNOi ana kia whakahokia atu a Rangiahua Moutere. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a to Komiti me tuku tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 25 o Akuhata, 1923.

No. 148/23/11. —Petition of Victor P. Casey and Another. Praying that legislation be passed authorizing the registration of a certain memorandum of lease. under the Land Transfer Act, 1915, over certain land known as Puhipuhi Nos. 4a and 4b. T am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred 1o the Government for favourable consideration. 25th August, 1923. [Translation.] No. 148/23/11.—Pitihana a VICTOE P. Casey me tetahi atu. E INOI ana kia paahitia he ture whakamana i te rehitatanga o tetahi Pukapuka Whakamaharatanga Riihi, i raro i te Tun: Whakawhiti Whenua, 19J5, o etahi whenua c mohiotia ana ko Puhipuhi No. 4a me 4 is. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whakaarohia paitia. 25 o Akuhata, 1923.

No. 38/23/11.- Petition of Tonga O'Carroll. Praying for a proportionate part of the money realized by the Government through the sale of Section 33, Block 3, Waimate. T am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 28th August, 1923. [Translation.] No. 38/23/11.—Pitihana a Tonga O'Carroll. E INOi ana kia utua tetahi wahi c tika ana o to moni i riro i te Kawanatanga i te hokonga i Tekiona 33, Poraka 3, Waimate. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 28 o Akuhata, 1923.

No. 183/23/11. —Petition of Te Korerehu Mihaka and Another. Praying for an investigation.of the title of the Te Upoko-o-Rakaitauheke Block, and that partition of the block be not proceeded with. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 28th August, 1923.



[Translation.] No. 183/23/11. —Pitihana a Te Korerehu Mihaka me tetahi atu. E INOI ana kia whakawakia te taitara o Te Upoko-o-Bakaitauheke Poraka, a kia kaua c whakahaerea te wehewehenga o te Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tolmtohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 28 o Akuhata, 1923.

No. 112/23/11.—Petition of Waiana Hapoka and 46 Others. Praying that there shall be no amendment of the West Coast Settlement' Reserves Act, 1913, to provide for an extension of the terms of lease of the land leased under the provisions of that Act. 1 am directed to report that, as a question of policy is involved, the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 28th August, 1923. [Translation.] No. 112/23/11. —Pitihana a Waiana Hapoka me etahi atu c 46. E INOI ana kia kaua c whakatikatikaina te Ture Whakatau Rahui o te Tai-Hauauru, 1913, hei mea c whakaroaina atu ai te wa hei mutunga mo te riihi o te whenua i riihitia i raro i nga tikanga o taua Ture. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, i te mea he take tenei o pa ana ki nga huarahi whakahaero (a te Kawanatanga), no reira kaore kau ho kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 28 o Akuhata, 1923.

No. 195/28/11.—Petition of E. Cook and 41 Others. Praying for legislation so that holders of Native leases under the West Coast Settlement Act, 19.13, may be entitled to secure perpetual leases, also the freehold in fee-simple in terms of the 1892 Act. I am directed to report that, as a question of policy is involved, the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 28th August, 1923. [Translation.] No. 195/23/IL—Pitihana a E. Cook me etahi atu e 41. E inoi ana kia paahitia he ture kia ahei ai nga kai-pupuri o nga Rllhi Maori i raro i to Ture Whakatau Rahui o te Tai-Hauauru, 1913, te whakawhiwhia ki nga riihi ake tonu atu, mo to whirihouru i raro i nga tikanga o to Ture o te tau 1892. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, i te rnea ho take tenci e pa ana ki nga tikanga whakahaeie (a te Kawanatanga), no reira kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 28 o Akuhata, 1923.

No. 34/23/11.— Petition of W. E. Rawson (East Coast Commissioner). Peaying for remission of land-tax on Mangatu No. 1 and other Native estates. I am directed to report that the Committee, while recognizing that the subject-matter of the petition is one of policy, is of opinion that some relief should be afforded in the matter of land-tax on Native leaseholds, and that the same be referred to the Government. 28th August, 1923. [Translation.] No. 34/23/11. —Pitihana a W. E. Rawson (Komihana o te Tairawhiti). E INOI ana kia kaua c whakaekea te .taake-whenua ki runga o Mangatu No. 1 me era atu Whenua Maori. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, ahakoa kei te mohio te Komiti ko te putake o tenei pitihana c pa ana ki nga tikanga whakahaere (a te Kawanatanga), otira ki tana whakaaro he mea tika kia whakawhiwhia tetahi whakaoraoranga mo te taha »i te taake-whenua kei runga o nga Whenua Maori kei te riihi, a ko tenei whakaaro me tuku atu kite Kawanatanga. 28 o Akuhata, 1923.



No. 17/23/11. —Petition of Hinjo Renata and Another. Praying for inquiry unto the circumstances surrounding the death of George Renata. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th August, 1923. [Teanslation.] No. 17/23/11. —Pitihana a Hine Rknata me tetahi atu. E iNOi ana kia uiuia te ahuatanga o te matenga o Hori Renata. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Koniiti me tuku tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia wiiiriwliiria. 28 o Akuhata, 1923.

No. 281/21/ II. — Petition of Rangihuna Piri and 3 Others. Praying for a further grant of land in connection with the " Continuous Reserve," in the Taranaki District, which was set aside for certain members of the Ngatitu Hapu, I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th August, 1923. [Translation.] No. 281/21/11. —Pitihana a Rangiiiuna Piri me etahi atu tokotoru. E iNOi ana kia karaatitia atu ano he whenua mo te taha ki " Nga Rahui Pumau," kei te Takiwa o Taranaki, i rahuitia mo etahi o nga tangata o Ngatitu Hapu. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 28 o Akuhata, 1923.

No. 51/23/11. —Petition of Ngapaka Kerei Kukutai and Others. Praying for inquiry into the deed of grant of Rangikariri (Kohanga) Block to the Church Missionary Society. 1 am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th August, 1923. [Translation.] No. 51/23/11. —Pitihana a Ngapaka Kerei Kukutai me etahi atu. E INOi ana, kia uiuia, te taha kite Tiiti o te Karaati o Rangikariri (Kohanga) Poraka kite Ropu o te Hahi Mihingare, Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whriwhiria. 28 o Akuhata, 1923.

No. 102/23/11.—Petition of Himiona Taikou and 21 Others. Praying for restoration of a partition affecting a block of land called Te Upoko-o-Rakaitauheke. 1 am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 28th August, 1923. [Translation.] No. 102/23/11. —Pitihana a Himiona Taikou me otahi atu c 21. E iNOi ana kia whakahokia ano te wawahanga o te poraka c karangatai nci ko Te Upoko-o-Rakaitauheke ki tona wawahanga o mua. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Koniiti me tuku tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whakaaro hi a paitia. 28 o Akuhata, 1923.

Parliamentary Paper No. 192 or 1923 (Report and Recommendation of Petition No. 322/1920 of Tahere Tautuhi, relative to the Successors appointed to the interests of Hekiera Tuararo in Rangikohua and other Blocks). 1 am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this paper should be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th August, 1923.



[Translation.] Pukapuka Paremata No. 192 o 1923 (Ripoata me te Kupu Toliutohu mo runga mo Pitihana No. 322/1920, a Tahere Tautuhi,e pa ana ki nga kai-riiwhi i whakaturia mo nga paanga o Hekiera Tuararo i roto i Rangikohua me era atu Poraka). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku tenei pukapuka kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 28 o Akuhata, 1923.

Special Report. I have the honour to report that at a meeting of the Native Affairs Committee held on Monday, the 27th August, 1923, the following resolution was unanimously carried : — " That the Committee desires to place on record its high appreciation of the able, courteous, and tactful manner in which the Chairman, Mr. J. A. Young, has conducted the business of the Committee, and that this resohition be recorded in the minutes and reported to the House. 28th August, 1923. K. S. Williams, for the Committee. [Translation.] Ripoata Motuhake. Kei te whai-honore au kite ripoata i te hui a te Komiti mo nga Mea Maori i tv i te Mane, te 27 o Akuhata, 1923, ka paahitia te motini c whai ake nei, a kaore rawa he reo whakahe :— " E hiahia ana te Komiti kia tuhia a ratou kupu mihi, whakawhetai mo te mohio, mo te humarie me te ngawari hoki o te whakahaere a to Tiamana, a Mr. J. A. Young, i nga mahi a te Komiti, a kia tuhia hoki tenei motini ki roto ki nga meneti a ka ripoata atu ai kite Whare." 28 o Akuhata, 1923. K. S. Wiremu, mo te taha kite Tiamana.

Final Report. I have the honour to report that the Native Affairs Committee held its final meeting on Monday, the 27th day of August, 1923. During the session the Committee met on 18 occasions, with an average attendance of .10. Including 95 petitions brought forward from last session, the Committee had before it 143 petitions. Of these petitions 29 were considered and reported upon, and the remaining 114 are held over until next session. With regard to 13 the Committee recommended that they be referred to the Government as follows : 3 for inquiry, 4 for favourable consideration, 5 for consideration, and 1 to the Minister of Native Affairs for departmental inquiry. Upon 16 petitions the Committee had no recommendation to make. The following Bills were referred to the Committee, were duly considered, and reported upon : Cook Islands Amendment, Fisheries Amendment, Native Land Claims Adjustment Amendment, Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment, and West Coast Settlement Reserves Amendment. Ten parliamentary papers were referred to the Committee, and were duly considered and reported upon. The total number of reports presented to the House was 48. 28th August, 1923. [Translation.] Ripoata Whakamutunga. E whai honore ana ahau kite ripoata i tv te huihuinga whakamutunga o te Komiti mo nga Mea Maori i te Mane, te 27 o nga ra o Akuhata, 1923. I roto i tenei tuunga o te Paremata 18 nga huinga o te Komiti, a kite aronga c rite ana tekau nga mema i tae mai ki ia huihuinga kotahi. Hui atu ki nga pitihana c 95 i toe mai i tera tuunga o te Paremata, 143 nga pitihana i takoto kite aroaro ote Komiti. 0 roto i ena pitihana e29 nga mea i whiriwhiria a i ripoatatia hoki, a ko nga mea 114 c toe ana i waihotia atu mo tenei tuunga o te Paremata c haere mai nei. Mo runga mo nga pitihana 13 i puta he kupu tohutohu ma te Komiti kia tukuna peneitia atu kite Kawanatanga : 3 kia uiuia, 4 kia whakaarohia paitia, a c 5 kia whiriwhiria a 1 kite Minita mo nga Mea Maori kia uiuia etc Tari. Mo runga mo nga pitihana 16 kaore kau he kupu tohutohu ate Komiti. I tukuna mai kite Komiti nga Pire c whai ake nei, a i ata whiriwhiria, a i ripoatatia hoki: Pire Whakatikatika i te Ture mo Rarotonga ; Pire Whakatikatika i te Ture mo nga Ika ; Pire Whakatikatika Ture Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, Pire Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, me te Pire Whakatikatika Ture Whakatau Rahui o te Tai-Hauauru. 10 nga Pukapuka Paremata i tukuna mai kite Komiti, a i ata whiriwhiria, a i ripoatatia hoki. Hui katoa nga ripoata i kokiritia kite Whare c 48. 28 o Akuhata, 1923.




No. Petitioner. Block, &c. 15/19 291/19 192/20 202/20 204/20 205/20 212/20 241/20 262/20 276/20 277/20 351/20 362/20 11/21/1 12/21/1 13/21/1 19/21/1 179/21/11 238/21/11 239/21/11 327/21/11 335/21/11 342/21/11 366/21/11 367/21/11 83/22 84/22 105/22 154/22 155/22 156/22 160/22 161/22 167/22 172/22 174/22 184/22 203/22 207/22 208/22 209/22 210/22 211/22 214/22 215/22 237/22 256/22 257/22 258/22 260/22 266/22 267/22 278/22 279/22 280/22 281/22 282/22 283/22 284/22 287/22 302/22 306/22 323/22 324/22 325/22 326/22 T. R. Porter and another C. Ferris Te Kihi Kaihote and 9 others Herepete Rapihana Ani Haronga and 5 others T. K. Mokonuiarangi Mako Kaimoana and 31 others A. E. Innis .. < Paratene Ngata and another Heni Kaiwhiri and 14 others Eru Mote Erana Paerimu and 19 others Ani Taumutu Epiniha Kaihote Enoha te Roo and 6 others Haenga Paretipua and another Mere Hape and 6 others Kere Erihe and 89 others Haereata Paora and another Mereana Paora and 2 others Thomas H. Smith Albert John Rhodes Mere Johnson Rea Nikorima and 13 others Rea Nikorima and 15 others Taaro te Tuatara and 4 others Eruera te Akau Patena Kerehi and 74 others Heni Morete and 3 others P. Kaa Panikena Kaa Mate Awhenata Rehutai and another Hori to Manana and 3 others Tuehu Pomare and 81 others Lucy S. Waugh ... Hema Henare and 4 others Peta Hape and 20 others Wharau Tuhaka and 15 others R. T. Kohere and 3 others R. T. Kohere and 5 others R. T. Kohere and 6 others R. T. Kohere and 4 others Henare Matunuku Eru Ihaka and 41 others Eru Ihaka and 6 others Rangipuao Tukotahi Sarah Marsh and 66 others Phyllis H. Moffatt and 136 others .. Thomas Newman and 64 others Kereama Tihema and 34 others Mihi Keita Huihui and 5 others Rina Billings and another Eru Tokara (or Motete) and 2 others Tamati Kaiwai and another Henare Paringarai and 2 others Mauhana Houkamau Rangi Raroa and 25 others Rarati Wharepapa and 4 others Rangi Raroa and 17 others Iopa te Hau and 12 others Ranga Patene and 2 others Piripi Rairi and 6 others Wiremu Potae and another Wiremu Potae and another Tunoa Roihana and 4 others Wiremu Potae and 6 others Matahiia Block. Anaura Block. Hinewhaki No. 2. Pukepoto No. 8. Te Whakaki Block. Te Pokohu Nos. 1 and 2. Kauhouroa. Ngarararahi No. 1. Waipaoa No. 1a. Anaura Block. Wairau Block. Paeoterangi. Tokomaru Block. Kaiapohia Block. Matuku Block. Te Whakaki Block. Rakaukaka Block. Taemaro Block. Matauri No. 2d. Matauri No. 2a, 2c. Compensation. Matata, Lot 72b 3v No. 4a. Hereheretau B 2. Mangaroa. Omaio. Komamorau (Parish of). Ruanata. Tongariro Timber Company (Limited). Hahau. Marangairoa lc and Id. Marangairoa Id. Te Herenga. Turitaka No. 2. Nuhaka No. 1. Uretara Island Horowhenua XIn 41. Rakaukaka. Tupuaeroa 1a. Hahau. Marangairoa Id. Marangairoa Id. Marangairoa Id. Marangairoa Id. Parengarenga and Te Pakohu. Parengarenga and Te Pakohu. Whangape, Parish of. South Island " tenths." South Island " tenths." South Island "tenths." Pouhautea. Wharekahika. Marangairoa Id. Waipiro Township. Marangairoa Id 9. Marangairoa Id 2. Wharekahika. Hahau. Ngamoe No. 2. Hinetiraha. Te Kuri. Kaiwahie. Marangairoa Id. Kaiaua No. 1. Kopuatarakihi 1a. Maungaroa Nos. 1, 2, and 3. Marau.



Schedule of Petitions held over— continued.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (475 copies), £17.

Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.-—1924.

Price 9d.]

No. Petitioner. Block, &c. 327/22 335/22 338/22 341/22 343/22 Maera Kuao and 102 others Raiha Kota and 4 others Te Huia Pikikotuku and 34 others Tikareti Teiriwhiro and 175 others Hori Poroa Raharuhi Kereru Lake. Tangihanga 1c. Taumarunui (sections at). Urewera lands. Clara and George Faulkner (succession to). Marangairoa Id 19. Wharekahika. Wairau and Ohuia. Kaiti 336e, and Hereherctau B2, B3. Puketapu. Wiripine Makaia (succession to). Parckapa Taopa (succession to). Kawhia County. Te Haruru Rewapuru (succession to). Mangawhariki 1, 2, and 3. Waewaehikitia. Tatua East. Okoheriki No. 2c, No. 4c. Te Awamate. Kaupouroa. Marangairoa Id (Taupo). Marangairoa Id (To Ipuarongo). Maungarangi B. Te Puke. Waimarino. Ngawhakaakupc B No. 3. Hotereue. Arawa Maori Council. Opoutori. Whakapapa. Hikurangi. Aurere. Landless Natives. Tatua E. and W. Tuamotu Island. Tauranga. Waitomo. Katipo Eriata (Re Will). Nuhaka 2e 3a 7b 2 Block. Parish of Mangapiko. Parihaka. Marangairoa Id. Wharekewa 4a and other Blocks. Mere Karaka Puaiari (Re Will of). Tikitiki. Wharekahika. Puketitiri. Kawatiri. 354/22 355/22 361/22 367/22 375/22 380/22 381/22 384/22 385/22 387/22 392/22 13/23/11 35/23/11 47/23/11 48/23/11 67/23/11 68/23/11 72/23/11 86/23/11 93/23/11 84/23/11 .09/23/11 .11/23/11 .17/23/11 .18/23/11 .19/23/11 .20/23/11 .29/23/11 .37/23/11 .45/23/11 .53/23/11 .63/23/11 .65/23/11 .66/23/11 .68/23/11 .73/23/11 .76/23/11 .85/23/11 .86/23/11 .87/23/11 .90/23/11 100/23/H 103/23/11 Henare Matunuku and 4 others Ripeka Takatua Eru Mete and 11 others Meri Hape and another Hei Pounamu Utika and 29 others Te Rauna Hape Te Aute Kihirau Hotu Taua and 15 others Akanihi Whitianga and 7 others Te Hati Pakaroa Hikatangata Pumipi and 2 others Hira Rangimatini Maraenui Mita and 3 others Heremia Maehe and 6 others Heremia Maeho and 7 others Rangi Reroa and 16 others Rangi Reroa and 29 others T. Hawkins Smith Te Hautapu Wharehira and 23 others Paraone Ropiha and 9 others G. A. Hirschberg Keita Kihirini Komiti Marae Wiki Piki Pikaahu and 25 others Henare Pikaahu and 25 others Kataraina te Hira and 26 others Heta Hiriwi and 26 others R. Te Hura te Umukohukohu and 15 others Wikitoria Ngahirapu Ehau and 2 others Mihi Iranui and 3 others Nepia Kohu and 628 others ... Waitomo County Council Ngawai Harris Karepa Mataira Raureti te Huia Poi Wharepouri and 33 others Henare Matanuku and another Renati Maika Renata Huihui and another Kereama Tihema and 6 others Hiri Kingi Parapara and another Mihi Ngawaka and 11 others Hoani Mahiuka and 8 others

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Bibliographic details

NATIVE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). NGA RIPOATA A TE KOMITI MO NGA MEA MAORI. (Mr. YOUNG, Chairman.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1923 Session I-II, I-03

Word Count

NATIVE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). NGA RIPOATA A TE KOMITI MO NGA MEA MAORI. (Mr. YOUNG, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1923 Session I-II, I-03

NATIVE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). NGA RIPOATA A TE KOMITI MO NGA MEA MAORI. (Mr. YOUNG, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1923 Session I-II, I-03

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