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Presented to the House of Bepresentatives, and ordered to be printed.

ORDER OP REFERENCE. Extract from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Wednesday, the 3ed Day op July, 1901. Ordered, " That a Public Petitions M to Z Committee, consisting of ten members, be appointed to consider all petitions that may be referred to it by the Petitions Classification Committee, to olassify and prepare abstracts of such petitions, in such form and manner as shall appear to it best suited to oonvey to this House all requisite information respecting their oontents and to report the same from time to time to this House, and to have power to report its opinions and observations thereupon to this House; also to have power to call for persons and papers; three to be a quorum ; the Committee to consist of Mr. Bennet, Mr. Buddo, Mr. Powlds, Mr. W. Fraser, Mr. McGuire, Mr. Meredith, Mr. Monk, Mr. Morrison, Mr. O'Meara, and the mover.—(Hon. Mr. Mills.)


I—l. 2.

No. Petition. Page. No. Petition. Page. 475 883 1260 1219 474 772 Alley, Amy J., and 9 others Ballance, A. C, and 49 others .. Barty, G., and another Bellhouse, H. 0., and 2 others .. Blackwell, Mrs., and 7 others Cairns, James, and 19 others 5 9 9 8 5 6 686 227 790 622 961 379 136 461 1169 959 187 *553 523 McMillan, Alexander, and 697 others MoNee, E. J., and 99 others McWilliams, W. F. Daldy Meikle, John James Meikle, W., and 52 others Miles, Robert Ambrose.. Miller, W. Montgarrett, John Moy, G. W., and 34 others Muffett, B. R., and 431 others Muir, James Myers, John Scott Myers, John Scott 6 8 8 6 G 5 2 3 7 7 i 8 8 357 de Weston, W. M. 6 Final Report 9 1170 Garland, Rev. C. H., and 4 others 7 567 777 Hattriok, A., and 449 others Hookham, A. E., and another .. 6 6 787 1031 Nattrass, At. A. Nicol, John, and another 7 6 524 Joyoe, E. P., and another 6 1040 689 1100 O'Oonnell, John O'Connor, E. H. B., and 2 others Owens, Patrick J. 7 6 9 1192 Kelly, Rev. H., and 3 others 7 645 135 1205 638 152 471 530 505 102) 103/ Macrae, M., and 4 others Maokenzie, Jessie, and 41 others Mannix, Martin Marfell, Edward, and 3 others .. Mark, Jane Matheson, Lewis McCarthy, Thomas McDonnell, Elizabeth 7 2 8 7 2 5 4 3 382 385 1101 635 1159 1120 641 153 525 Pain, John A. .. Patterson, Thomas Payling, George, and 85 others Perry, S. J., and 2 others Peterson, John, and Co., and 58 others .. Pinfold, J. T., and another Petherick, G., and 2 others Plummer, Albert Progressive Liberal Association, Christohurch 4 4 7 6 8 7 6 3 6 McClusky, A. J. (Nos. 1 and 2) .. 2 *1'


INDEX— continued.


Nos. 102 and 103.—Petition of A. J. McOlusky (No. 1 and No. 2), of Auckland. Petitioner, who has been employed in the Police and Prisons Departments, and who has been discharged therefrom, prays that his grievances may be inquired into, and that he may be granted compensation for loss of office. I am directed to report that, as the petitions refer to claims and grievances which have been considered and reported upon by the Public Petitions M to Z Committee in the years 1877, 1891, 1893, 1894, 1895, and 1898, and as no further evidence has been adduced, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 23rd July, 1901.

No. 151.—Petition of Joseph D. Wilson, of Mornington, Dunedin. Petitioner prays that a means may be devised whereby he may be able to obtain the redress of his alleged wrongs in connection with lawyers, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 23rd July, 1901.

No. 152. —Petition of Jane Makk, of Auckland. Petitioner prays that she may be granted compensation for loss of office as " charge attendant " at the Auckland Lunatic Asylum. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner resigned her position and asked to be relieved of her duties at once, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 31st July, 1901.

No. 136.—Petition of W. Miller, of Hastings. Petitioner prays that he may receive a grant of land for military services rendered to the colony. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 31st July, 1901.

No. B.—Petition of James Simpson, of Mangonui. Petitioner, an old soldier, states that he arrived in New Zealand in the year 1862 ; that in 1895 he went to Australia, returning to the colony three years and a half afterwards; and that such absence bars him from receiving the old-age pension. He prays for relief. I am directed to report that as, under subsection (2) of section 8 of the " Old-age Pensions Act, 1898," an absence of over two years from the colony bars a pension being granted, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 31st July, 1901.

No. 135.—Petition of Jessie Mackenzie and 41 Others, of Auckland. Petitioners pray that provision may be made for the shelter and management of weak-minded or imbecile and idiotic children, &c. I am directed to report that this Committee concurs in the following resolution reported to the House on the 11th July, 1900, in connection with a similar petition—viz., " That the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration, and that in their opinion the time has arrived when provision should be made for separate institutions


No. Petition. Page. No. Petition. Page. 309 Quinn, Michael 3 479 Villars, Nora 5 909 190 318 215 Eattray and Sons and 88 others Riddle, William Eose, Bella, and 27 others Ryan, Simon 8 3 4 3 224 566 177 1168 357 503 *530 418 1242 1160 661 *527 789 468 151 469 1041 Walker, Thomas James Ward, Eleanor Warner, Horatio Nelson Wee Wah and 32 others Weston, W. M. de Wheeler, J., and 24 others . .. Whiley, Eobert Whiley, Robert (No. 1) Whiley, Eobert (No. 2) White, H. J., and 7 others Willaoy, Henry Willaoy, Henry Williamson, J. M., and 2 others.. Wilkes, John Wilson, J. Douglas (No. 1) Wilson, J. Douglas (No. 2) Wong, Daniel, and 100 others .. 3 6 3 7 6 6 5 5 8 7 9 'J 6 4 2 3 7 872 660 375 8 583 957 Sangster, Robert Schnackenberg, Mrs. A. J., and 3 others .. Sievwright, M. A., and another Simpson, James Smith, Jane A., and 3 others Southerby, S. .. 7 5 4 2 4 8 7 962 137 1073 709 685 226 Taylor, George Taylor, C. W., and 23 others Thompson, Eobert (M.H.E.) Tobin, W. H., and 6 others Torr, J. A., and 21 others Troy, Fanny, and 2 others Tucker, W. H. 8 6 7 7 5 5 4 • 1900.



for weak-minded or imbecile and idiotic persons, who at present, through the want of more suitable accommodation, are sent to the lunatic asylums, where they are unavoidably associated with patients who are under treatment for insanity, and where, also, no attempt is made towards classification or improvement by means of training and education " ; and, further, that, from the evidence before them, the Committee are of the opinion that there is urgent necessity for immediate action being taken by the Government in the matter. 31st July, 1901.

No. 153.—Petition of Albert Plummer, of Auckland. Petitioner prays that he may be compensated for an alleged loss said to have been sustained in connection with a contract to supply Maori prisoners and their guard with food at the Chatham Islands in the year 1868. I am directed to report that the Committee has no further report to make than that of the Bth July, 1896—viz., " That, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim whatever upon the colony," 31st July, 1901.

No. 177. —Petition of Horatio Nelson Warner, of Auckland. Petitioner prays that he may be granted compensation for loss of office in the Government service, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 15th August, 1901.

No. 190.—Petition of William Eiddle, of Taueru. Petitioner prays that he may be remitted the fine of £75, imposed for having a still-head and worm for distilling on his premises, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 15th August, 1901.

No. 309.—Petition of Michael Quinn, of Auckland. Petitioner prays that he may be granted 60 acres of land, or £30 in lieu thereof, for military services rendered to the colony. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 15th August, 1901.

No. 215.—Petition of Simon Eyan, of Wanganui. Petitioner prays that he may receive a grant of land or money for military services rendered to the colony. I am directed to report that this Committee concurs in the resolution on a similar petition, reported to the House on the 13th September last -viz., " That, as certain other old soldiers have received separate grants for separate services, the Committee are of opinion that the petitioner's claim should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration." 15th August, 1901.

No. 469. —Petition of Joseph Douglas Wilson, of Dunedin (No. 2.) Petitioner prays that he may be provided with a solicitor by the Government in order to prosecute his case, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for inquiry. 16th August, 1901.

No. 227.—Petition of E. J. McNee and 99 Others, of Westland. Petitioners pray for an extension of the telephone from Murchison to Mr. T. O'Eourke's. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 16th August, 1901.

No. 224.—Petition of Thomas James Walker, of Otautau. Petitioner prays that he may receive compensation for certain land taken for railway purposes. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Bailways Committee. 16th August, 1901.

No. 461.—Petition of John Montgarrett, of Wellington. Petitioner prays that he may receive a grant of land for military service rendered to the colony. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 22nd August, 1901.

No. 505.—Petition of Elizabeth McDonnell, of Auckland. Petitioner states that the death of her late husband, Police Constable Luke McDonnell, was caused through exposure, &c, while recovering and identifying the bodies of the passengers and



crew who were drowned when the s.s. " Wairarapa " was wrecked in 1894, and that she has been left in straitened circumstances. She prays for relief. I am directed to report that, on taking into consideration the very exceptional circumstances in connection with the death of the late Constable Luke McDonnell, the Committee recommends the Government to grant the petitioner, Elizabeth McDonnell, a compassionate allowance equal to three years' salary. 22nd August, 1901.

No. 318.—Petition of Bella Eose and 27 Others, of Dunedin. Petitioners pray that the clause in the Factories Bill prohibiting the employment of females in match-factories be not passed by the House. I am directed to report that, as there is a Bill now before the House dealing with the subjectmatter of the petition, the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 22nd August, 1901.

No. 375. —Petition of M. A. Sievwright and Another, of Gisborne. Petitioners pray that the members of the Hospital and Charitable Aid Boards may be elected by the electors of the colony. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 22nd August, 1901.

No. 468.—Petition of John Wilkes, of Auckland. Petitioner prays that he may receive a grant for military services rendered to the colony. I am directed to report that, as the Committee during last session of Parliament recommended the petition be referred to the Government for consideration, they have no further recommendation to make. 22nd August, 1901.

No. 385.—Petition of Thomas Patterson, of Invercargill. Petitioner prays that he may be granted further compensation on account of injuries received at the Canon Street railway-crossing, Invercargill. I am directed to report that, as this petition has previously been before the Eailways Committee, in their opinion it should be referred to that Committee. 22nd August, 1901.

No. 226.—Petition of W. H. Tucker, of Gisborne. Petitioner prays for the validation of certain leases in connection with the Whangara Block, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that the petition should be referred to the Native Affairs Committee. 28th August, 1901.

No. 382.—Petition of John A. Pain, of Martinborough. Petitioner prays that he may receive a grant for military services rendered to the colony. I am directed to report that this Committee strongly recommends that effect be given to the recommendation contained in the report of the Public Petitions A to L Committee, dated 15th September, 1899, on the petition of Edward Hutchings and others, viz. : " That, in the opinion of the Committee, petitioners are entitled to a sum of £20 each by way of refund of moneys actually paid out of pocket at the time the members of the Wellington Defence Force, at their own expense, made their way to the front." 4th September, 1901.

No 530.—Petition of Thomas McCarthy, of Papakura. Petitioner prays that he may receive a grant for military services rendered to the colony. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 4th September, 1901.

No. 187. —Petition of James Muir, of Wellington. Petitioner prays that the sum of £15 3s. 4d. maybe paid him as representing an increase of salary as bath-attendant at Eotorua from Ist April to 31st October, 1899, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 4th September, 1901.

No. 583.—Petition of Jane A. Smith and 3 Others, of Naseby. Petitioners pray that the Contagious Diseases Act may be repealed. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 4th September, 1901.



No. 379. —Petition of Eobert Ambrose Miles, of Auckland. Petitioner prays for a refund of a fine imposed for a breach of the Stamp Act. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 4th September, 1901.

No. 471. —Petition of Lewis Matheson, of Dunedin. Petitioner prays for compensation for loss of salary as Harbourmaster at Fortrose, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 4th September, 1901.

No. 475. —Petition of Amy J. Alley and 9 Others, of Eyreton, and 12 Similar Petitions, as per attached Schedule. Petitioners pray that such steps may be taken as will open every position in the public schools of the colony to whoever' may be the most suitable candidates, regardless of sex, and that in all instances equal remuneration may be given for equal work. I am directed to report that this Committee, having gone carefully into the questions raised by the petitioners, finds —(1.) That the principle of equal pay for equal work is more nearly attained by the proposed colonial scale of salaries than under the existing circumstances ; but at the same time the Committee is of opinion that without increasing the cost of primary education the proposed scale of teachers' salaries for assistants should be so adjusted as to bring about a nearer approximation of equal pay for equal work. (2.) That the separate schools for girls at present established be retained, and the principle extended at the discretion of the Education Boards, a minimum average attendance for separate schools to be fixed by regulation or otherwise. (3.) That the system of classification for the issue of teachers' certificates, so long in operation, and which has worked so satisfactorily, be retained. (4.) That the minimum salary of certificated teachers in charge of aided schools be fixed at not less than £70 a year. Schedule.—Nos. 499, 513, 514, 515, 516, 581, 595,596, 597, 642, 659, and 769.—Petitions of Mabel Smith and 11 others, of Christchurch; Bethia Jack and 16 others, of Christchurch; Emily A. Chaplin and 5 others, of Christchurch; M. J. Sword and another, of Belfast; Gertrude M. Glanville and 9 others, of New Brighton; Jean Lorimer and 6 others, of Canterbury; Mary A. Popple and 6 others, of Canterbury; Annie Ansley and 7 others, of Canterbury; Mabala C. Mills and 6 others, of Canterbury ; Helen Craighead and 3 others, of Canterbury ; Fanny Sheard and 10 others, of Canterbury; and E. Anderson and 5 others, of Canterbury.' 19th September, 1901.

No. 530, 1900; No. 418, 1901.—Petition of Eobert Whiley, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for redress in connection with the matter of his adjudication as a bankrupt, and that he may be given the privilege of commencing actions in the Supreme Court, Wellington, without the payment of any fees, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 19th September, 1901.

No. 709. —Petition of J. A. Torr and 21 Others, of Tokatoka. Petitioners pray that they may be granted a wharf and roads thereto in the Tokatoka Survey District. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petition should be referred to the Waste Lands Committee. 26th September, 1901.

Nos. 474, 660, and 685.—Petitions of Mrs. Blackwell and 7 Others, of Kaiapoi; Mrs. A. J. Schnackenberg and 3 Others, of Auckland; and Fanny Troy and 2 Others, of Napier. Petitioners pray that " The Contagious Diseases Act, 1869," may be repealed. I am directed to report that the petitions be referred to the Government with a recommendation that " The Contagious Diseases Act, 1869," be repealed. 26th September, 1901.

No. 686. —Petition of Alexander McMillan and 697 Others, of Wellington. Petitioners pray for the prohibition of the publication of the winners of sweepstakes by newspapers, and the prevention of " tote " and street betting. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th September, 1901.

No. 479.—Petition of Nora Villars, of Hawera. Petitioner prays that she may be granted a further compassionate allowance on account of her late husband's services to the Government. I am directed to report that the Committeee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th September, 1901.



No. 357. —Petition of William M. de Weston, of Christchurch. Petitionee prays for redress on account of imprisonment for criminal libel, &c. I am directed to report that this Committee concurs in the report of the Public Petitions A to L Committee in 1895, and confirmed by this Committee in 1896 : viz., That, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim upon the colony. 26th September, 1901.

No. 961.—Petition of William Meikle and 52 Others, of Auckland. Petitioners pray for a grant to metal the road from the junction of the Great North Eoad, past Swanson Eailway-station to the Waitakerei Falls, &c. I am directed to report that, having no evidence as to the necessity of this road for settlement purposes, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 26th September, 1901.

No. 635. —Petition of S. J. Perry and 2 Others, of Invercargill. Petitioners pray that inquiry may be made into the administration by the police of the licensing laws in Invercargill. I am directed to report that the report of the Police Department is such that the Committee sees no grounds for recommending that any further inquiry be made. Ist October, 1901.

Nos. 641 and 1031. —Petitions of G. Petherick and 2 Others, and John Nicol and Another, of Wellington. Petitioners pray that inquiry may be made into the allegations as to the non-enforcement of the licensing laws in Wellington, &c. I am directed to report that the evidence and reports of the Police Department, and the evidence given by the petitioners in connection with the petitions, disclose no evidence of discouragement of zealous officers in the Police Force in the administration of the licensing laws, but point to the urgent necessity of amending the Licensing Act by the incorporation of clause 25 of the Imperial Licensing Act, 1872. Ist October, 1901.

Nos. 503, 772, and 962.—Petitions of Joseph Wheeler and Others, James Cairns and Others, of Auckland; and C. W. Taylor and Others, of Thames. Petitioners pray that trawling may be not allowed in the Hauraki Gulf, and that certain restrictions in regard to the fishing industry in that gulf may be removed, &c. I am directed to report that, after hearing the evidence of the petitioners and the departmental officers, this Committee would strongly recommend the Government to take immediate steps to have the complaints of the petitioners thoroughly investigated by some competent authority, with a view of conserving the deep-sea fishing of the colony. 3rd October, 1901.

No. 622. —Petition of John Jambs Meikle, of Wyndham. Petitioner prays that effect may be given to certain reports of the Public Petitions M to Z Committee on his case, and that his name be removed from the prison records of the colony. I am directed to report that as the recommendations of previous Committees have been given effect to, and the petitioner has received the sum of £500 in full discharge and satisfaction of all claims, the Committee is of opinion the petitioner has no further claim on the colony. 3rd October, 1901.

No. 689.—Petition of E. H. B. O'Connor and 2 Others, of Woodville. Petitioners, being members of the family of the late Thomas Escott, pray that they may receive a grant on account of the military services rendered by the said Thomas Escott. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 3rd October, 1901.

Nos. 566 and 567. —Petitions of Eleanor Ward and A. Hattrick, of Wanganui. Petitioners pray that a compassionate allowance may be granted to Eleanor Ward, widow of the late Judge Eobert Ward. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petitions be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 22nd October, 1901.

Nos. 524, 525, 777, and 789. —Petitions of E. P. Joyce and Another; Progressive Liberal Association, Christchurch; A. E. Hookham and Another; and J. M. Williamson and 2 Others. Petitioners pray that members of Hospital and Charitable Aid Boards may be elected by the electors of the colony. I am directed to report that, as the subject-matter of these petitions is a matter of policy, the Committee recommends the petitions be referred to the Government, 22nd October, 1901.



No 872. —Petition of Eobert Sangster, of Auckland. Petitioner prays for a grant for military services rendered to the colony. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for inquiry into the circumstances of the case. 22nd October, 1901.

Nos. 638 and 1160. —Petitions of Edward Marpell and 3 Others, of New Plymouth; and H. J. White and 7 Others, of Wellington. Petitioners pray that full inquiry may be made into certain allegations made as to the excessive drinking indulged in by Maoris in the Taranaki District at tangis and huis, &c. I am directed to report that the evidence given before the Committee shows that alcoholic liquors are largely consumed at tangis and huis by the Natives in the Taranaki District; that there appears to be no difficulty in obtaining liquor in large quantities; that the orgies that sometimes occur at tangis and huis are disgraceful, and the general effects are physically and morally degrading to the Native people. The Committee therefore recommends that legislation be introduced with the view of restricting the sale of alcoholic liquors to the Native race. 22nd October, 1901.

Nos. 1041, 1120, 1168, 1169, 1170, and 1192.—Daniel Wong and 100 Others; J. T. Pinfold and Another; Wee Wah and 32 Others; G. W. Moy and 34 Others; Eev. C. H. Garland and 4 Others; and Eev. H. Kelly and 3 Others. Petitioners pray for the prohibition or limitation of the importation of opium into the colony. I am directed to report that, as the subject-matter of the petition has been dealt with by the passing of the Opium Prohibition Bill, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 22nd October, 1901.

No. 787.—Petition of M. A. Nattrass, of Lower Hutt. Petitioner complains of the action of the Inspector for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in condemning her horses, &c. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner has not exhausted her legal remedy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 22nd October, 1901.

No. 1073.—Petition of W. H. Tobin and 6 Others, of Wellington. Petitioners pray that the law may be amended as regards the powers conferred on Inspectors for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to have horses condemned and destroyed, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 22nd October, 1901.

No. 959.—Petition of B. E. Muppett and 431 Others, of Sydenham. Petitioners pray that the necessary legislation be passed to enable the work of fire insurance to be managed by the Municipal Councils. I am directed to report that, as the matter is a question of public policy, the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government. 23rd October, 1901. '_

No. 1040.—Petition of John O'Connell, of Wanganui. Petitioner prays that he may be granted some redress on account of being wrongfully arrested and imprisoned, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 23rd October, 1901.

No. 645. —Petition of M. Macrae and 4 Others, of Halcombe. Petitioners pray that full inquiry may be made into the manner in which the refreshment-bar at the Halcombe Eailway-station is conducted, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the sale of alcoholic liquors at refreshment-rooms at railway-stations should only be permitted at such times as to meet the requirements of the public travelling by the railways, and refers this resolution for the consideration of the Government. 23rd October, 1901.

No. 137.—Petition of Eobert Thompson, of Whangarei. Petitioner prays that strict inquiry may be made into the matter of the valuation of certain of his properties in the Borough of Whangarei, made by two officers of the Valuation Department, viz., Messrs. William Duncan and James I. Wilson, &c. I am directed to report,— (l.) That the evidence given in this case does not lead to the conclusion that there has been corruption on the part of the valuers, but the valuations of some of the petitioner's properties and the great reductions made by the Assessment Court are strong reasons for careful revision of all field-book valuations where inequality is evident. (2.) That the Committee sees no reason to find fault with the constitution of the Assessment Court, as the said Court consisted of an experienced Stipendiary Magistrate, one assessor nominated by the petitioner, and



one nominated by the Valuation Department. (3.) That while the inequalities in the valuations may have given the petitioner reason to think there was prejudice against him, the evidence before the Committee does not support his contention that he was a " marked man" or the " ruin of his family " intended. 23rd October, 1901. [Adjourned debate on motion that report and evidence do lie on Table and be printed not resumed.]

Nos. 909, 1101, and 1159. —Petitions of J. Eattray, and Sons, and 88 Others, of Dunedin; George Payling and 85 Others, of Christchurch ; and John Peterson and Co., and 58 Others, of Dunedin. Petitioners pray that legislation may be passed to suppress the use of coupons in connection with the sale of tea in packets and packages, &c. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the Government should amend " The Trading-stamps Abolition and Discount-stamps Issue Act, 1900," so as to include the coupon system of discounts, the Committee being of opinion that no system of discounts, except made Jn cash, is equitable or desirable in the interests of commercial morality. 25th October, 1901.

No. 1205. —Petition of Martin Mannix, of Wellington. Petitioner prays that he may be found some light work on account of his having been injured while working on co-operative works in Taranaki. I am directed to report that the Committee strongly recommends the case of the petitioner to the favourable consideration of the Government, with the view of the petitioner being found suitable employment. 25th October, 1901.

No. 957. —Petition of S. Southerby, of Auckland. Petitioner prays that he may be allowed to pay the costs in a certain action in order that he may enter into another action against Mr. A. Grandison, &c. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, there is no bar to the petitioner paving the said costs into the Court. 25th October, 1901.

No. 7. —Petition of George Taylor, of Panmure. Petitioner prays that a Crown grant may be issued for the southern portion of Lot No. 48 of the Panmure Village, to him, as administrator for, and as one of, the children of the late Mark Taylor, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the Government to make such arrangements as will satisfactorily compromise the difficulties of the parties interested. 30th October, 1901.

No. 553, 1900; and No. 523, 1901.—Petitions of John Scott Myers, of Marshland, Canterbury. Petitioner prays that full and exhaustive inquiry may be made concerning the facts of his alleged grievances, &c. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner has now been before the Committee on several occasions, and as every opportunity has been given him of fully stating his case, the Committee is of opinion that the petitioner has no just grounds for complaint, and has no claim for further inquiry. 30th October, 1901.

No. 1242.—Petition of Eobert Whiley, of Wellington. Petitioner prays that the compulsory production of certain documents in connection with his case may be ordered, &c. I am directed to report that, as the documents referred to in the petition do not appear to have any bearing on the case before the Committee, they have no recommendation to make. 30th October, 1901.

No. 790.—Petition of W. F. Daldy McWilliams, of Thames. Petitioner prays that he may be granted further compensation on account of injuries inflicted by Maoris at the Eotokohu Gorge while working on a survey party in the year 1879. I am directed to report that the Committee reaffirms the report of the Committee, dated 24th August, 1899, viz., " That as such a lengthy period has elapsed since the petitioner was granted the sum of £50 as compensation for the injuries received on that occasion, the Committee has no recommendation to make." 30th October, 1901.

No. 1219. Petition of H. C. Bellhouse and 2 Others; and 15 Similar Petitions as per attached Schedule. Petitioners pray that full inquiry may be made into certain allegations made as to excessive drinking by the Maoris of Taranaki. I am directed to report that, as the Committee has already reported on the subject-matter of



these petitions—viz., " That the evidence given before the Committee shows that alcoholic liquors are largely consumed at tangis and huis by the Natives in the Taranaki District; that there appears to be no difficulty in obtaining liquor in large quantities ; that the orgies that sometimes occur at tangis and huis are disgraceful, and the general effects are physically and morally degrading to the Native people : the Committee therefore recommends that legislation be introduced with the view of restricting the sale of alcoholic liquors to the Native race"—the Committee has no further recommendation to make. Schedule.—Nos. 1220, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1224, 1246, 1247, 1248, 1249, 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, and 1285.—Petitions of Thomas Fee and 39 others ; G. B. Inglis and 12 others ; Eev. W. Tinsley and 29 others ; H. J. White and 4 others; Eev. C. H. Laws and 4 others; H. J. White and 12 others ; Eev. T. E. Bertram and 9 others; Eev. H. Kelly and 109 others ; Eev. John Dukes and 3 others ; James Hoole and 9 others; J. J. Doke and 7 others ; William Lee and 12 others ; Eev. William Baumber and 16 others; T. N. Griffin and 26 others ; and B. Dudley and 32 others. 4th November, 1901.

No. 883. —-Petition of A. C. Ballance and 49 Others, and 11 Similar Petitions as per attached Schedule. Petitioners pray that certain amendments may be made in the proposed colonial scale of salaries, &c, for teachers in the public schools. I am directed to report that, as the Public-school Teachers' Salaries Bill is now before Parliament, the Committee has no recommendation to make. Schedule.—Nos. 1077, 1183, 1184, 1186, 1193, 1198, 1199, 1214, 1256, 1273, and 1278.— Petitions of H. Carse and 15 others; E. Scott and 11 others; Sarah Blythe and 38 others; Mary Dowling and 9 others; P. Myers and 13 others; Alice Eobinson and 11 others; Eyder Mandtt and 12 others; Thomas Morgan and 5 others; J. Eobb and 9 others; E. A. Newton and 11 others ; Mary McCarthy and 4 others. 4th November, 1901.

No. 1260.—Petition of G. Barty and Another, of Christchurch. Petitioners pray that members of the Hospital and Charitable Aid Boards may be elected by the electors of the colony. I am directed to report that, as the subject-matter of the petition is a question of public policy, the Committee recommends it be referred to the Government. 4th November, 1901.

No. 1100.—Petition of Patrick J. Owens, of Auckland. Petitioner prays that an additional compensation allowance may be granted him on account of loss of eyesight contracted while employed as an attendant at the Auckland Asylum. I am directed to report that the Committee sees no reason to alter the report of last session, dated 2nd August, 1900, viz., "That, taking into consideration the circumstances of the case, the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration." 4th November, 1901.

No. 527, 1900; and No. 661, 1901.—Petitions of Henry Willacy, of Eotorua. Petitioner prays that he may be compensated for loss of position, &c, as bath-attendant, Eotorua. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 4th November, 1901.

FINAL REPORT. I have the honour to report that the Public Petitions M to Z Committee has held thirty-four meetings during the session. Number of petitions referred to the Committee ... ... ... 121 Number of petitions dealt with by the Committee ... ... ... 121 Number of reports presented to the House ... ... ... ... 122 Number of specific recommendations made therein ... ... ... 14 Number referred to Government for favourable consideration ... ... 5 Number referred to Government for consideration ... ... ... 16 Number, no recommendation, &c. ... ... .. ... ... 87 I am also directed to report the following resolutions passed by the Committee, viz.:— " That this Committee desires to record its thorough appreciation of the courtesy of the Chairman, and of his close and earnest attention to the business of the Committee during the session." " That this Committee desires to place on record its appreciation of the satisfactory manner in which the Clerk attended to the business of the Committee during the session, and again recommend him to the special consideration of the Government for promotion to the first vacancy in the public service." sth November, 1901.

Approximate Coat of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (1,200 copies) £5 4s.

Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9ol.

Price 6d.]

2—l. 2.

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Bibliographic details

REPORTS OF PUBLIC PETITIONS M TO Z COMMITTEE. (MR. MEREDITH, CHAIRMAN.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1901 Session I, I-02

Word Count

REPORTS OF PUBLIC PETITIONS M TO Z COMMITTEE. (MR. MEREDITH, CHAIRMAN.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1901 Session I, I-02

REPORTS OF PUBLIC PETITIONS M TO Z COMMITTEE. (MR. MEREDITH, CHAIRMAN.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1901 Session I, I-02

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