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No. 357. —Petition of William M. de Weston, of Christchurch. Petitionee prays for redress on account of imprisonment for criminal libel, &c. I am directed to report that this Committee concurs in the report of the Public Petitions A to L Committee in 1895, and confirmed by this Committee in 1896 : viz., That, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim upon the colony. 26th September, 1901.

No. 961.—Petition of William Meikle and 52 Others, of Auckland. Petitioners pray for a grant to metal the road from the junction of the Great North Eoad, past Swanson Eailway-station to the Waitakerei Falls, &c. I am directed to report that, having no evidence as to the necessity of this road for settlement purposes, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 26th September, 1901.

No. 635. —Petition of S. J. Perry and 2 Others, of Invercargill. Petitioners pray that inquiry may be made into the administration by the police of the licensing laws in Invercargill. I am directed to report that the report of the Police Department is such that the Committee sees no grounds for recommending that any further inquiry be made. Ist October, 1901.

Nos. 641 and 1031. —Petitions of G. Petherick and 2 Others, and John Nicol and Another, of Wellington. Petitioners pray that inquiry may be made into the allegations as to the non-enforcement of the licensing laws in Wellington, &c. I am directed to report that the evidence and reports of the Police Department, and the evidence given by the petitioners in connection with the petitions, disclose no evidence of discouragement of zealous officers in the Police Force in the administration of the licensing laws, but point to the urgent necessity of amending the Licensing Act by the incorporation of clause 25 of the Imperial Licensing Act, 1872. Ist October, 1901.

Nos. 503, 772, and 962.—Petitions of Joseph Wheeler and Others, James Cairns and Others, of Auckland; and C. W. Taylor and Others, of Thames. Petitioners pray that trawling may be not allowed in the Hauraki Gulf, and that certain restrictions in regard to the fishing industry in that gulf may be removed, &c. I am directed to report that, after hearing the evidence of the petitioners and the departmental officers, this Committee would strongly recommend the Government to take immediate steps to have the complaints of the petitioners thoroughly investigated by some competent authority, with a view of conserving the deep-sea fishing of the colony. 3rd October, 1901.

No. 622. —Petition of John Jambs Meikle, of Wyndham. Petitioner prays that effect may be given to certain reports of the Public Petitions M to Z Committee on his case, and that his name be removed from the prison records of the colony. I am directed to report that as the recommendations of previous Committees have been given effect to, and the petitioner has received the sum of £500 in full discharge and satisfaction of all claims, the Committee is of opinion the petitioner has no further claim on the colony. 3rd October, 1901.

No. 689.—Petition of E. H. B. O'Connor and 2 Others, of Woodville. Petitioners, being members of the family of the late Thomas Escott, pray that they may receive a grant on account of the military services rendered by the said Thomas Escott. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 3rd October, 1901.

Nos. 566 and 567. —Petitions of Eleanor Ward and A. Hattrick, of Wanganui. Petitioners pray that a compassionate allowance may be granted to Eleanor Ward, widow of the late Judge Eobert Ward. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petitions be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 22nd October, 1901.

Nos. 524, 525, 777, and 789. —Petitions of E. P. Joyce and Another; Progressive Liberal Association, Christchurch; A. E. Hookham and Another; and J. M. Williamson and 2 Others. Petitioners pray that members of Hospital and Charitable Aid Boards may be elected by the electors of the colony. I am directed to report that, as the subject-matter of these petitions is a matter of policy, the Committee recommends the petitions be referred to the Government, 22nd October, 1901.