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these petitions—viz., " That the evidence given before the Committee shows that alcoholic liquors are largely consumed at tangis and huis by the Natives in the Taranaki District; that there appears to be no difficulty in obtaining liquor in large quantities ; that the orgies that sometimes occur at tangis and huis are disgraceful, and the general effects are physically and morally degrading to the Native people : the Committee therefore recommends that legislation be introduced with the view of restricting the sale of alcoholic liquors to the Native race"—the Committee has no further recommendation to make. Schedule.—Nos. 1220, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1224, 1246, 1247, 1248, 1249, 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, and 1285.—Petitions of Thomas Fee and 39 others ; G. B. Inglis and 12 others ; Eev. W. Tinsley and 29 others ; H. J. White and 4 others; Eev. C. H. Laws and 4 others; H. J. White and 12 others ; Eev. T. E. Bertram and 9 others; Eev. H. Kelly and 109 others ; Eev. John Dukes and 3 others ; James Hoole and 9 others; J. J. Doke and 7 others ; William Lee and 12 others ; Eev. William Baumber and 16 others; T. N. Griffin and 26 others ; and B. Dudley and 32 others. 4th November, 1901.

No. 883. —-Petition of A. C. Ballance and 49 Others, and 11 Similar Petitions as per attached Schedule. Petitioners pray that certain amendments may be made in the proposed colonial scale of salaries, &c, for teachers in the public schools. I am directed to report that, as the Public-school Teachers' Salaries Bill is now before Parliament, the Committee has no recommendation to make. Schedule.—Nos. 1077, 1183, 1184, 1186, 1193, 1198, 1199, 1214, 1256, 1273, and 1278.— Petitions of H. Carse and 15 others; E. Scott and 11 others; Sarah Blythe and 38 others; Mary Dowling and 9 others; P. Myers and 13 others; Alice Eobinson and 11 others; Eyder Mandtt and 12 others; Thomas Morgan and 5 others; J. Eobb and 9 others; E. A. Newton and 11 others ; Mary McCarthy and 4 others. 4th November, 1901.

No. 1260.—Petition of G. Barty and Another, of Christchurch. Petitioners pray that members of the Hospital and Charitable Aid Boards may be elected by the electors of the colony. I am directed to report that, as the subject-matter of the petition is a question of public policy, the Committee recommends it be referred to the Government. 4th November, 1901.

No. 1100.—Petition of Patrick J. Owens, of Auckland. Petitioner prays that an additional compensation allowance may be granted him on account of loss of eyesight contracted while employed as an attendant at the Auckland Asylum. I am directed to report that the Committee sees no reason to alter the report of last session, dated 2nd August, 1900, viz., "That, taking into consideration the circumstances of the case, the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration." 4th November, 1901.

No. 527, 1900; and No. 661, 1901.—Petitions of Henry Willacy, of Eotorua. Petitioner prays that he may be compensated for loss of position, &c, as bath-attendant, Eotorua. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 4th November, 1901.

FINAL REPORT. I have the honour to report that the Public Petitions M to Z Committee has held thirty-four meetings during the session. Number of petitions referred to the Committee ... ... ... 121 Number of petitions dealt with by the Committee ... ... ... 121 Number of reports presented to the House ... ... ... ... 122 Number of specific recommendations made therein ... ... ... 14 Number referred to Government for favourable consideration ... ... 5 Number referred to Government for consideration ... ... ... 16 Number, no recommendation, &c. ... ... .. ... ... 87 I am also directed to report the following resolutions passed by the Committee, viz.:— " That this Committee desires to record its thorough appreciation of the courtesy of the Chairman, and of his close and earnest attention to the business of the Committee during the session." " That this Committee desires to place on record its appreciation of the satisfactory manner in which the Clerk attended to the business of the Committee during the session, and again recommend him to the special consideration of the Government for promotion to the first vacancy in the public service." sth November, 1901.

Approximate Coat of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (1,200 copies) £5 4s.

Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9ol.

Price 6d.]

2—l. 2.