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Presented to the House of Bepresentatives, and ordered to be printed.


I—l. 5.

No. Petitions, &c. Page. 341 576 16 213 A. Allan, William, and Others Ashto'n, John Auckland Survey Club Austin, Samuel .. 6 8 2 5 B. 3 5 10 4 8 3 3 10 3 9 8 3 7 6 3 3 5 9 10 111 314 751 176 519 67 192 737 65 711 521 206 459 44 197 185 274 685 747 Baillie, D. W. .. Bates, Russell Batten, J. N., and Others Bayer, Fritz, and Others Beamish, W. H. S. Beere, W. H. (No. 1) Beere, W. H. (No. 2) Bell, Thomas Bentley, John D. Betts, Henry Biggs, M. D. Blackmore, P. B. Blagrove, Valentine Blenheim Borough Council Boland, M. Brien, J. Brown, E., and Others Brunt, J. B., and Others Burr, William, and Others 163 302 66 86 363 112 712 410 727 87 138 600 c. Caird, D., and Others .. .. .. Cliamberlain, John .. ' Cherry, Francis Clark, William, and Others Clarkson, Ellen .. Cooper, W. H. .. Corbett, Henry, and Another Cornes, A. B. Gowern, William Craig, William Crawford, J. Cronin, John 4 5 7 4 6 3 10 7 9 6 3 8 D. T3 '52 83 '23 Dalrymple, L. W. Davies, J., and Others Devlin, P. Draper, George Ward 7 10 3 11 77 199 95 .71 E. Edgeler, George, and Others Elliott, Adam Ellis, W. Erskine, W. T., and Others (Opening Bai-Pelorus Valley for settlement — vide also Appendix I.-5b.) 3 9 3 9 F. 90 133 160 Fitzgibbon, Thomas Fosbroke, B. Flood, John Floyd, George 5 7 8 9

No. Petitions, &c. Page. G. •532 573 405 Grady, William Graham, W. J., and Others Granville, John, and Others 4 8 7 117 161 17 693 H. Harbour and Education Beserves Bill Hoffey, Elizabeth Holliday, William Humphreys, W. .. Hunter, Jeffrey .. 10 3 3 p 11 649 319 539 K. Kempt, Alex., and Others Knapp, Bebocca, and Others Kneebone, Caleb 9 5 8 585 6S8 L. 81 72 440 248 48 589 115 Lambert, Edward Lambert, James Land for Settlements Bill, 1894 Leask, Francis, and Others Le Noel, Christie, and Others Leslie, W. D. .. Linton, James, and Others Little, Bobert Little, Bobert Lonorgan, Thomas 8 9 5 4 3 8 6 3 3 3 597 317 149 169 152 266 728 179 75 280 132 M. Macartney, David Mackay, James, and Others Maher, Mary Maniototo County Council Martin, A. .. McConnell, Thomas McCormick, James McDonald, J. K. McDowell, W. .. McKeever, William McBae, Duncan, and Others Mining Districts Land Occupation Bill Moore, A. Harry Moran, James Morris, Bobert, and Others Morrison, John and Anne Mulcahy, Stephen Murdoch, D. L. .. Murphy, D., and Others .. " 8 6 3 5 3 5 10 3 3 6 10 10 5 8 10 10 5 7 3 286 201 753 348 216 412 131 o. 2 8 6 6 9 705 158 159 Oakes, Thomas .. O'Connor, Ambrose O'Neill, David Edward O'Neill, Henry, jun. P. 4 8 122 373 Paatu, Honora.. Palmer, H.

* 1893.



INDEX — continued.

OBDEBS OE BEFEBENCE. Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Tuesday, the 26th Day oe Septembeb, 1893. Ordered, "That the petition of William Grady be referred to the Waste Lands Committee." —(Mr. C. H. Mills.)

Tuesday, the 3ed Day oe July, 1894. Ordered, " That Standing Order No. 178 be suspended, and that a Committee be appointed, consisting of twelve members, to consider all Bills and petitions that may be introduced into this House affecting the waste lands of the Crown, and to report generally on the principles and provisions they contain ; with power to confer and sit together with any similar Committee which may bo appointed by the Legislative Council, and agree to a joint or separate report. The Committee to have power to call for persons, papers, and records : three to be a quorum. The Committee to consist of Mr. Duncan, Mr. Green, Mr. Hall, Mr. Hogg, Mr. Lang, Mr. T. Mackenzie, Mr. Mackintosh, Mr. Meredith, Mr. Mills, Hon. Sir B. Stout, Mr. Thompson, and the mover."—(Hon. Mr. J. McKenzie.)

Tuesday, the 24th Day of July, 1894. Ordered, " That the petition of Lorenz Kiesterer be referred to the Waste Lands Committee."—(Mr. Mebeditii.)

Tuesday, the 31st Day op July, 1894. Ordered, " That the Land for Settlements Act Amendment Bill be referred to the Waste Lands Committee."— (Hon. Mr. J. McKenzie.)

No. 16. —Petition of the Auckland Suevey Club. Petitionees pray for relief from disabilities under which surveyors of Native land suffer, more especially in their liens for survey fees. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th July, 1894.

No. 9.—Petition of Thomas Oakes. Petitionee prays for Crown grant to two blocks of land, east side of the Hauraki Gulf. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petitioner has no claim against the Government. 18th July, 1894. .

No. 548. —Petition of John Waewood and 7 Others. Petitionees are lessees of small grazing-runs in the Maerewhenua, Kakanui, and Domet Survey Districts, and pray for a revaluation of their runs ; and that the provisions of " The Selectors' Lands Eevaluation Continuance and Amendment Act, 1892," should be extended so as to embrace the cases of all who acquired such runs prior to Ist November, 1892. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th July, 1894.

\ No. 80. —Petition of Paul Stbaka. Petitionee prays for relief on account of unusually heavy expenses incurred in surveying and obtaining the deeds of certain sections of land situated at Puhoi. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion, this petition having been previously considered, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 18th Julyl 1894.

No. Petitions, &c. Page. 554 413 Perkins, Job Powell, T. J., and Others.. Pomahaka Estate Purchase Inquiry, vide I.-5A. 8 7 R. 27 70 242 102 258 173 203 Bawlings, C. C. .. Beilly, Edwin, and Others Beid, James, and Others .. Bicsterer, Lorenz Bobinson, John Bouse, Thomas, and Others ... Byan, Simeon .. .. .. 3 3 9 5 5 4 3 s. 262 441 345 592 21 47 710 623 Sage, Jesse Saulbrey, H. J. .. Scoon, W. 0., and Others Shine, Patrick, and Others Slater, D., and 72 Others Smith, John Smith, Bichard Smith, William 5 7 6 11 4 3 9 10

No. Petitions, &c. Pago. 108 404 61 80 Snelson, G. M., and Others Steen, "William Stembridge, John, and Others Straka, Paul 6 7 3 2 222 217 119 T. 5 5 4 Thomas, G. L. B. Torpey, Bichard Tumbull, B., and Others.. V. 6 454 Vaney, Sarah Ann 252 *588 700 147 548 411 18 744 146 w. Walker, John Henry Wallington, M. A. Walmesley, Horatio A. .. Walsh, B. Warwood, J., and 7 Others Webster, John, jun. Whelan, P. White, Joseph, jun., and Others .. Wright, James B., and Others 5 3 9 3 2 8 3 11 4

* 1893.



No. 72.—Petition of Cheistie Le Noel and Others. Petitionees are tenants of Hukatcro Government Block, and pray for freedom of access to their sections. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th July, 1894.

Nos. 17, 18, 47, 65, 75, 83, 95, 111, 115, 117, and 138.—Petitions of W. Humphreys, Patrick Whelan, John Smith, John D. Bentley, William McDowell, Patrick Devlin, William Ellis, D. W. Baillie, Thomas Lonergan, Elizabeth Hoffey, and J. Crawford. Petitionees pray for grants of land for military services. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that these petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th July, 1894.

No. 27. —Petition of C. C. Eaweings. Petitionee prays for a grant of land as a free immigrant. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 25th July, 1894.

Nos. 70 and 131. —Petitions of Edwin Eeiley and Others, of Hannaton; and of D. Muephy and Others, of Waimate. Petitionees pray for revaluation and reduction of rent of their village-settlement holdings at above places, and other relief. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee recommends the Government should make due inquiries as to the assertions in these petitions, and make provision for granting such relief, if any, as the circumstances require. 25th July, 1894.

Nos. 588 and 589 (1893).—Petitions of M. A. Waleington and E. Little. Nos. 147, 149, 152, 161, 179, 185, 192, 197, 203, and 206 (1894).—Petitions of P. Walsh, M. Mahee, A. Maetin, W. Hoeeiday, J. K. McDonald, J. Beien, W. H. Beeee, M. Boeand, S. Eyan, and P. P. Blackmoee. Petitionees pray for grants of land for military services. I am directed, to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion these petitions should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 25th July, 1894.

No. 48. —Petition of Eobeet Little. Petitionee prays that his name be substituted, in the Lands Department, as owner of land now in the name of one John Graham. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 25th July, 1894.

No. 67.—Petition of W. H. Beeee. Petitionee prays for the revaluation of his land-grant at Westerfield. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to Government for their consideration. 25th July, 1894.

No. 61. —Petition of John Stembeidge and Others. Petitionees pray for legislation relative to noxious weeds. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 25th July, 1894.

No. 77. —Petition of Geobge Edgeleb and Others. Petitionees pray that the Government will purchase additional land in their vicinity for the settlers of Arowhenua. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for their favourable consideration. 25th July, 1894.

No. 112.—Petition of W. H. Coopee, Chairman of the Mount Eden Eoad Board. Petitionees pray that a Bill now before the House may not pass. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 25th July, 1894.



No. 119. —Petition of E. Tuenbull and Others. Petition re land-tenure on Buller goldfields and coalfields, and the cancellation of the Midland Eailway Eeserve. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 25th July, 1894.

No. 21. —Petition of D. Slates and Others. Petitionees pray for release from supervision and control of the County Council, in consequence of the neglect of their main roads in the Wangamoa Biding by the Council. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 25th July, 1894.

No. 81.' —Petition of Feancis Lease and Others. Petitionees pray that a large area of land in the Eai, Pelorus, and Wakamarina Valleys may be thrown open for settlement. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 25th July, 1894.

No. 173. —Petition of Thomas Eouse and others. Petitionees are settlers at Hukerenui South, and pray for remission of rent on account of floods. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 27th July, 1894.

No. 86. —Petition of William Claek and Others. Petition of the three executors of Dinah Clark, for compensation for loss sustained by a right-of-way through their land. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee recommends this petition to the favourable consideration of the Government, as to compensation for damage to land through severance by this road ; and would further recommend the Government to give instructions that greater care should be taken by the Lands and Survey Department to clearly define all existing roads before sale of any Crown lands. 27th July, 1894. . .

No. 146.—Petition of J. B. Weight and Others. Petitionees pray that the work on the road from Takahue to Herekino be given to the settlers of these settlements. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 27th July, 1894.

No. 532, 1893.—Petition of William Geady. Petitionee states that a bridge erected over the Waitahu Biver causes said river to flow through his land. Prays relief and compensation. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that petitioner has no claim against the Government. 27th July, 1894.

No. 176. —Petition of Feitz Bayee and Others. Petitionees pray for a grant of £150 for a road at Upper Waiwera. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 27th July, 1894. ' ■

No. 122.—Petition of Honoea Paatu. Petitionee prays for removal of restrictions on Crown grant for Sections 3, 4, and 5, Block VII., Township of Waimatupu, and other assistance. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 27th July, 1894. "

No. 163.—-Petition of D. Caied and Others. Petitionees, ratepayers of the Geraldine County, pray that the Levels County Bill may be passed into law this session. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 27th July, 1894.



Nos. 213, 216, 217, 222, 252, 258, and 262.—Petitions of Samuel Austin, Stephen Mulcahy, Eichard Torpey, G. L. B. Thomas, John H. Walker, John Eobinson, Jesse Sage. Petitionees pray for grants of land for military services. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that these petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. 31st July, 1894.

No. 169.—Petitions of the Chairman, Councillors, and Inhabitants of Maniototo. Petitioners pray for relief anent the resumption of Sections 14 and 15, Blocks V., Kyeburn. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion the department appears to have made an error in resuming certain freehold land which the County Council did not apply for, and in the opinion of the Committee the amount asked for, £100, should be paid to them as a corporate body. Ist August, 1894.

No. 102. —Petition of Loeenz Eiesteeer. Petitioner prays for compensation for loss of land. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee finds the petitioner claims compensation for the forfeiture of 110 acres taken up by him in deferred payments in the Hokianga district. Petitioner is a foreigner, and seems to have been ignorant of the land regulations. He did not comply with the regulations, and the Land Board legally forfeited his license. He had spent some money in improvements, and paid rent in advance. The Committee have to report that though his case is perhaps a hard one, the Land Board has simply carried out the law. The only matter that does not seem to have been considered is that the improvements he made were not valued and added to the upset price of the section when offered for sale. The Board thought the improvements of no value ; but they cost the petitioner some money. The sum is, no doubt, small, and the Government might consider the advisability of giving him some small compensation, say £10, for the improvements he made. He has paid £45 for rent, so his loss is considerable for a man in his position. Ist August, 1894.

No. 90.—Petition of Thomas Fitzgibbon. Petitionee prays for assistance to prove his claim to certain sections in Otepopo district. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 2nd August, 1894.

Nos. 266 and 302. —Petitions of Thomas McConnell and John Chambeeeain. Petitionees pray for grants of land for military services. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that these petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. Bth August, 1894.

The Land eoe Settlements Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the Land for Settlements Bill, 1894, have the honour to report that they have considered the same, and beg to recommend that it be allowed to proceed, with the amendments thereto which are shown in the attached copy of the Bill. 9th August, 1894.

No. 274.—Petition of E. Brown and 478 Others. Petitionees protest against the division of the Geraldine County, which will take place if the Levels County Bill passes. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 10th August, 1894.

No 286.—Petition of A. H. Moore. Petitioner prays for the passing of a measure for the protection of lessees. I am directed to report that the-Waste Lands Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 10th August, 1894.

No. 314. —Petition of Eussele Bates. Petitionee prays for reduction of rent on his land at Kai Iwi, Auckland. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 10th August, 1894.

No. 319.—Petition of Eebecca Knapp and 453 Others. Petitionees pray that legislative effect be given this session to the important principle of levying rates on land-values only. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 10th August, 1894.



No. 317.—Petition of James Mackay and Others. Petitionees pray that the Moa Flat Estate should be thrown open for settlement for small farmers. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their favourable consideration. 14th August, 1894.

Nos. 108 and 248.—Petitions of G. M. Snelson and Others, and James Linton and Others. Petitions anent right-of-way at Palmerston North. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that these petitions should be referred to the Government, and that the present right-of-way should not be interfered with. 14th August, 1894.

No. 44.—Petition of the Blenheim Boeough Council. Petitionees pray that land may be set apart as a reserve for the benefit of the Borough of Blenheim. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be refeiTed to the Government, with the recommendation that, as the circumstances appear to be exceptional, it should receive special favourable consideration. 14th August, 1894.

Nos. 280 and 345.—Petitions of William McKeevee and William C. Sooon and 5 Others. Petitionees pray for grants of land for military services. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that these petitions should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 14th August, 1894.

No. 363. —Petition of Ellen Claekson. Petitionee prays for title to section of land at Otahuhu. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that, this being a private transaction, it does not come within the province of this Committee. 16th August, 1894.

Nos. 158 and 159. —Petitions of D. E. O'Neill and Heney O'Neill, Jun. Petitionees pray for reduction of rent of land leased by them from the Crown. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that these petitions should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 16th August, 1894.

No. 341. —Petition of William Allan and 101 Others, on behalf of J. E. Clement. Petitionees pray redress of wrong suffered by one J. E. Clement. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government, as the petition and evidence disclose a peculiar state of circumstances. The facts are as follows : Mr. J. E. Clement applied for 315 acres of land in Canterbury, in 1877. In consequence of a mistake in the map, the land allotted was some considerable distance west of that applied for. No road to it was granted giving any access to the land. In 1886, as no road had been granted, though the same had been promised by the Under-Secretary for Public Works, by letter, 21 st July, 1886, Mr. Clement, sooner than pay property-tax for land he could not occupy, conveyed the same to the Queen. There does not seem to have been any acceptance of the land by the Government, though no property- or land-tax has been paid since the conveyance. Nothing has been done as to providing a road. The department offer to provide a road along Stoney Creek; but the petitioner says this road will be useless for traffic. The case is one that, in the opinion of the Committee, calls for immediate action, and they suggest that the Land Department should communicate with the County Council, and get the county engineer to suggest a practicable road ; and, if the expense is not too great, the Government should take steps to provide the road recommended by the county engineer. 17th August, 1894.

No. 454. —Petition of Sarah Ann Vaney. Petitionee prays for a grant of land for the military services of her late father. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 21st August, 1894.

No. 87.—Petition of William Ceaig. Petitionee prays for the registration of his lease of No. 3 Murimotu Block. I am directed to report that this petition should be referred to Government, the Waste Lands Committee being unanimous in the opinion that Mr. Craig should be placed in the same position regarding tenure of occupancy as Studholm, and that the Government be recommended to aid him in securing a lease to expire concurrent with Studholm's lease of Eangipopo-Murimotu Block. 22nd August, 1894.



No. 404.—Petition of William Steen. Petitioner prays for compensation relative to land. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 22nd August, 1894.

No. 413.—Petition of T. J. Powell and 28 Others. Petitioners pray that a certain block of land between Matakana and Te Arai be secured and opened for settlement by the Government. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 22nd August, 1894.

No. 441.—Petition of H. J. Saulbeey. Petitionee prays for the reduction of his rent of section in the Parish of Horotiu, Auckland. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 22nd August, 1894.

No. 412.—Petition of David L. Muedoch and 2 Others. Petitionees pray that they may be empowered to refer their claim re Kaite Estate to the Validation Court, now sitting in Gisborne, for a report thereon. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 23rd August, 1894.

Nos. 459 and 484.—Petitions of Valentine Blageove and Eyael Fosbeoke. Petitionees'pray for grants of land for military services. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that these petitions should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 29th August, 1894.

No. 410.—Petition of A. E. Coenes. Petitionee claims 40 acres of land under the Waste Lands Act. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee has no recommendation to make on this petition. 30th August, 1894.

No. 79.—Petition of L. W. Daeeymple. Petitionee prays for freedom of access to her land. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government, as it has been proved to the Committee that the land referred to was granted by the Crown showing a road-line to the beach. The road-line has been occupied by one having no title to do so, so as to prevent the petitioner having proper access to her land. The public are also debarred from using the road to its proper width. I) nder these circumstances the Committee are unanimously of opinion that the Government should take steps to have the trespasser removed from the road. 30th August, 1894.

No. 405.—Petition of John Geanville and 28 Others. Petitionees pray for the revaluation of the rents of their sections in Mangamingi Block. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their favourable consideration. 30th August, 1894.

No. 66. —Petition of Feancis Cherry, of Auckland. Petitionee prays for an inquiry into the circumstances connected with the Supreme Court case of Francis Cherry and William Snook and Emma Snook, which was heard at Auckland on the sth and 6th days of June, 1893, and for such redress as the circumstances may require. 1 am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. The petitioner complains that roads have been forced through his lands, and no compensation offered to him. He has been an unsuccessful litigant in the Supreme and Appeal Courts, the Courts deciding that his conduct amounted to a dedication of one of the roads mentioned—namely, the road to the bridge used by the general public. The road has been used since 1859, and he seems to have assumed that negotiations he had with Superintendents of the province, and with the Eoad Board, would prevent a dedication of the road being presumed. The Supreme Court has held he was in error in assuming this ; and that, having allowed the " user " of the road for such a length of time, and the expenditure of public money on the bridge and its approaches, to which the road leads, he cannot now be permitted to say the public have no right of " user " of this road. There is no doubt his want of knowledge of his rights has landed him in great expense, far more than the total area of his land is worth. It would only be fair that the local body should pay him the Value of the land to them, which arbitrators have fixed, and also the costs of the arbitration, and the costs in attempting to enforce the award. There seems to be no power to enforce the



payment of this amount without legislation. The Committee recommend that the Government should communicate with the local body claiming the road, to see if this amount cannot be paid him. If the local body refuse, the Government should take steps to propose the necessary legislation to enforce the payment of the amount awarded, together with the costs of, and incidental to, the arbitration and award. The roads hitherto not used going through the southern part of Mr. Cherry's land should be closed. Eegarding the other great losses he has sustained by recent legislation, the Committee cannot make any recommendation. 25th September, 1894.

No. 201.—Petition of James Moran, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for settlement of his claim for surveying. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 3rd October, 1894.

Nos. 521, 533, 576, 597, 600, and 705.—Petitions of M. D. Biggs, John Flood, John Ashton, David Macartney, John Ceonin, and Ambrose O'Connor. Petitioners pray for grants of land for military services. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that these petitions should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 4th October, 1894.

No. 373. —Petition of H. Palmee, of Northcote, Auckland. Petitionee prays for compensation in connection with land in the Parish of Makarau, Auckland. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. sth October, 1894.

No. 554.—Petition of Job Peekins, of Thames. Petitionee prays for a grant of land as a free immigrant. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. sth October, 1894.

No. 585.—Petition of Edwaed Lambeet, of Parawai, Thames. Petitionee prays for a grant of land for services rendered. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. sth October, 1894.

No. 539.—Petition of Caleb Kneebone, of Thames. Petitionee prays for a grant of land as a free immigrant. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. sth October, 1894.

No. 519.—Petition of W. H. S. Beamish, of Wellington. Petitionee prays for a grant of land for military services. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. sth October, 1894.

No. 411.—Petition of John Webstee, Jun., of Hokianga. Petitionee prays that he may be allowed to remove from the Mangamaru Block forty kauri-trees, bought by him from the Natives ; or such other relief as the House may deem fit. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Waste Lands Committee, Mr. Webster has shown that he has a claim; and this Committee recommends that Mr. Webster be permitted to remove the trees now felled. 9th October, 1894.

No. 440.—Petition of W. D. Leslie, of Waiana, near Whangaroa. Petitionee prays for compensation for loss of timber caused by a blunder in the Survey Department. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their favourable consideration. 9th October, 1894.

No. 573. —Petition of W. J. Graham and Others. Petition of ratepayers in the Maharahara and Heretaunga Bidings re the taking of lands for a road in lieu of lands now taken through the property of James Lambert. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their favourable consideration. 9th October, 1894.



No. 649.—Petition of Alexandee Kempt and 77 Others. Petitionees pray that certain roads through the Omaha Block may be opened up. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 9th October, 1894.

No. 685.—Petition of John E. Brunt and 8 Others, Mayor and Corporation of Linwood. Petitionees pray for an endowment of land for the aforesaid borough. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 9th October, 1894.

No. 688.—Petition of James Lambert, of Maharahara. Petitioner objects to a road being taken through his property, Section 8, Block 11., Woodville Survey District. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their favourable consideration. 9th October, 1894.

No. 242.—Petition of James Eeid and Others, of Sandon. Petitionees pray that certain lands in the Township of Livingston be granted to them. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government, as the Committee considers that, under the circumstances, the members of the Sandon Farm Homestead Association should be allowed to acquire the township included in the block, on the payment of the original purchase-money. 11th October, 1894.

No. 727. —Petition of William Coween, of Patea. Petitionee prays for compensation in connection with the Kaitangiwhenua Block. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 16th October, 1894.

No. 711. —Petition of Henry Betts. Petitionee objects to pay twice for the improvements on his land, and prays for relief. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 17th October, 1894.

No. 560.—Petition of Geoege Floyd, of Maungatautari, Piako County. Petitioner prays that he may receive a grant of land now held by him under perpetual lease. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 17th October, 1894.

No. 171. —Petition of W. T. Eeskine and Others. Petitionees pray that restrictions over Crown lands in the Pelorus district may be removed, so that the sawmilling industry may be encouraged and settlement proceeded with at once. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of this Committee, after hearing the evidence, hereto attached, of the Hon. John McKenzie, Hon. A. J. Cadman, and Messrs. Mills and Buick, M's.H.E., and carefully studying the reports therein, it has been conclusively shown that the sawmilling timber now growing on those Crown lands in the Pelorus district is of such great value and importance to the colony, especially as a lasting factor in providing employment and assisting bond fide settlement, that we recommend the Government to take immediate steps to open up the valuable forest lands in that district in the interests of sawmilling and settlement. (Vide also Appendix 1.-5b.) 17th October, 1894.

No. 699.—Petition of Adam Elliott. Petitionee prays to be allowed to obtain the freehold of his agricultural lease at Ohinemuri. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of this Committee, the offer made to the petitioner by the Lands Department has been a liberal one. 17th October, 1894.

No. 700.—Petition of Horatio A. Walmsley. Petitioner prays to be allowed to obtain the freehold of his agricultural lease at Ohinemuri. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of this Committee, the offer made to the petitioner by the Lands Department has been a liberal one. 17th October, 1894.

No. 710.—Petition of Bichard Smith, of Manaia. Petitioner objects to pay twice for the improvements on his land, and prays for relief. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should, be referred to the Government for their consideration. 17th October, 1894. 2—l. 5.



No. 623.—Petition of William Smith. Petitionee prays for relief in regard to the forfeiture of his section in the Hukatere Block. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that the subject of this petition should be referred to the Auckland Waste Lands Board for reconsideration. 19th October, 1894.

No. 712.—Petition of Henry Cobbett and Another. Petitionees pray that the West Coast Settlement Eeserves Act may be amended. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 19th October, 1894. _

No. 728. —Petition of James McCormick. Petitioner prays for relief in regard to the forfeiture of his section at Te Aroha. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 19th October, 1894.

No. 737. —Petition of Thomas Bell, of Sunday Island. Petitionee prays for redress re taking land at Sunday Island. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 19th October, 1894.

No. 747.—Petition of William Burr and Others, of Hokianga. Petitioners pray that the road between Okaihau and Victoria Valley may be completed. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 19th-October, 1894.

No. 751.—Petition of J. N. Batten and 12 Others. Petitionees pray that the West Coast Settlement Eeserves Act may be amended. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 19th October, 1894.

No. 752. —Petition of J. Davies and 2 Others. Petitionees pray that the West Coast Settlement Eeserves Act may be amended. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 19th October, 1894.

No. 753. —Petition of Bobeet Mobbis and Others. Petitionees pray that the West Coast Settlement Eeserves Act may be amended. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee of is opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 19th October, 1894.

Haeboub and Education Eeseeves Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the Harbour and Education Eeserves Bill, have the honour to report that, at this stage of the session, there is no time to go fully into the matter ; and the Committee therefore consider it undesirable to proceed further with the Bill. 19th October, 1894.

The Mining Disteicts Land Occupation Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the Mining Districts Land Occupation Bill, have the honour to report that they have considered the same, and beg to recommend that it be allowed to proceed, with the amendments thereto which are shown in the attached copy of the Bill. 19th October, 1894. __■

No. 132.—Petition of Duncan Mcßae and Others. Petitionees pray re changing of the boundaries of the Counties of Waikouaiti, Taieri, and Waihemo. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 20th October, 1894.

No. 348.—Petition of J. and A. Moeeison, of Kaukapakapa. Petitionees pray for a correct survey of their lands. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for further inquiries. 20th October, 1894.



No. 592.—Petition of P. Shine and Others, of Awanui North. Petitionees pray that all gum-lands in the Provincial District of Auckland shall be closed to selectors. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 20th October, 1894.

No. 693. —Petition of Jeffbey Huntee, of Mangakahia. Petitionee prays for a grant of land for services rendered to the colony. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 20th October, 1894.

No. 723. —Petition of G. W. Deapee, of Katanui, Otago. Petitionee prays for compensation for loss sustained through the wrongful closing of road-line. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for further inquiries. 20th October, 1894.

No. 744.—Petition of Joseph White, Jun., and Others, of Macrae's Flat. Petitionees pray that the Mining Districts Land Occupation Bill may not pass. I am directed that, as the Bill is now before the House, the Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 20th October, 1894. Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (1,200 copies), £G 19s. 6d.

Authority: Samuel Oostall, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB94.

Price 6_.]

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REPORTS OF WASTE LANDS COMMITTEE. (MR. R. THOMPSON, CHAIRMAN.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1894 Session I, I-05

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REPORTS OF WASTE LANDS COMMITTEE. (MR. R. THOMPSON, CHAIRMAN.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1894 Session I, I-05

REPORTS OF WASTE LANDS COMMITTEE. (MR. R. THOMPSON, CHAIRMAN.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1894 Session I, I-05

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