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No. 317.—Petition of James Mackay and Others. Petitionees pray that the Moa Flat Estate should be thrown open for settlement for small farmers. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their favourable consideration. 14th August, 1894.

Nos. 108 and 248.—Petitions of G. M. Snelson and Others, and James Linton and Others. Petitions anent right-of-way at Palmerston North. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that these petitions should be referred to the Government, and that the present right-of-way should not be interfered with. 14th August, 1894.

No. 44.—Petition of the Blenheim Boeough Council. Petitionees pray that land may be set apart as a reserve for the benefit of the Borough of Blenheim. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be refeiTed to the Government, with the recommendation that, as the circumstances appear to be exceptional, it should receive special favourable consideration. 14th August, 1894.

Nos. 280 and 345.—Petitions of William McKeevee and William C. Sooon and 5 Others. Petitionees pray for grants of land for military services. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that these petitions should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 14th August, 1894.

No. 363. —Petition of Ellen Claekson. Petitionee prays for title to section of land at Otahuhu. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that, this being a private transaction, it does not come within the province of this Committee. 16th August, 1894.

Nos. 158 and 159. —Petitions of D. E. O'Neill and Heney O'Neill, Jun. Petitionees pray for reduction of rent of land leased by them from the Crown. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that these petitions should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 16th August, 1894.

No. 341. —Petition of William Allan and 101 Others, on behalf of J. E. Clement. Petitionees pray redress of wrong suffered by one J. E. Clement. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government, as the petition and evidence disclose a peculiar state of circumstances. The facts are as follows : Mr. J. E. Clement applied for 315 acres of land in Canterbury, in 1877. In consequence of a mistake in the map, the land allotted was some considerable distance west of that applied for. No road to it was granted giving any access to the land. In 1886, as no road had been granted, though the same had been promised by the Under-Secretary for Public Works, by letter, 21 st July, 1886, Mr. Clement, sooner than pay property-tax for land he could not occupy, conveyed the same to the Queen. There does not seem to have been any acceptance of the land by the Government, though no property- or land-tax has been paid since the conveyance. Nothing has been done as to providing a road. The department offer to provide a road along Stoney Creek; but the petitioner says this road will be useless for traffic. The case is one that, in the opinion of the Committee, calls for immediate action, and they suggest that the Land Department should communicate with the County Council, and get the county engineer to suggest a practicable road ; and, if the expense is not too great, the Government should take steps to provide the road recommended by the county engineer. 17th August, 1894.

No. 454. —Petition of Sarah Ann Vaney. Petitionee prays for a grant of land for the military services of her late father. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 21st August, 1894.

No. 87.—Petition of William Ceaig. Petitionee prays for the registration of his lease of No. 3 Murimotu Block. I am directed to report that this petition should be referred to Government, the Waste Lands Committee being unanimous in the opinion that Mr. Craig should be placed in the same position regarding tenure of occupancy as Studholm, and that the Government be recommended to aid him in securing a lease to expire concurrent with Studholm's lease of Eangipopo-Murimotu Block. 22nd August, 1894.