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No. 72.—Petition of Cheistie Le Noel and Others. Petitionees are tenants of Hukatcro Government Block, and pray for freedom of access to their sections. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th July, 1894.

Nos. 17, 18, 47, 65, 75, 83, 95, 111, 115, 117, and 138.—Petitions of W. Humphreys, Patrick Whelan, John Smith, John D. Bentley, William McDowell, Patrick Devlin, William Ellis, D. W. Baillie, Thomas Lonergan, Elizabeth Hoffey, and J. Crawford. Petitionees pray for grants of land for military services. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that these petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th July, 1894.

No. 27. —Petition of C. C. Eaweings. Petitionee prays for a grant of land as a free immigrant. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 25th July, 1894.

Nos. 70 and 131. —Petitions of Edwin Eeiley and Others, of Hannaton; and of D. Muephy and Others, of Waimate. Petitionees pray for revaluation and reduction of rent of their village-settlement holdings at above places, and other relief. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee recommends the Government should make due inquiries as to the assertions in these petitions, and make provision for granting such relief, if any, as the circumstances require. 25th July, 1894.

Nos. 588 and 589 (1893).—Petitions of M. A. Waleington and E. Little. Nos. 147, 149, 152, 161, 179, 185, 192, 197, 203, and 206 (1894).—Petitions of P. Walsh, M. Mahee, A. Maetin, W. Hoeeiday, J. K. McDonald, J. Beien, W. H. Beeee, M. Boeand, S. Eyan, and P. P. Blackmoee. Petitionees pray for grants of land for military services. I am directed, to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion these petitions should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 25th July, 1894.

No. 48. —Petition of Eobeet Little. Petitionee prays that his name be substituted, in the Lands Department, as owner of land now in the name of one John Graham. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 25th July, 1894.

No. 67.—Petition of W. H. Beeee. Petitionee prays for the revaluation of his land-grant at Westerfield. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to Government for their consideration. 25th July, 1894.

No. 61. —Petition of John Stembeidge and Others. Petitionees pray for legislation relative to noxious weeds. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 25th July, 1894.

No. 77. —Petition of Geobge Edgeleb and Others. Petitionees pray that the Government will purchase additional land in their vicinity for the settlers of Arowhenua. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for their favourable consideration. 25th July, 1894.

No. 112.—Petition of W. H. Coopee, Chairman of the Mount Eden Eoad Board. Petitionees pray that a Bill now before the House may not pass. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for their consideration. 25th July, 1894.