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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

No. CONTENTS. I.—Return allowing the Quantity and Value of Articles Tmpobted during the Year 1881. II. —Return showing the Quantity and Value of Articles Exported during the Year 1881. 111. —Return showing the Article Expobted fob Dbawback from New Zealand during the Year 1881. IV. —Return showing the Value of the Imports and Expobts from and to each Country during the Year 1881. V.—Return showing the Number, Tonnage, and Crews of Vessels Entered and Cleared Coastwise at New Zealand Ports during the Year 1881. Vl.—Return showing the Number, Tonnage, and Crews of Vessels which have been Entered Inwards during the Year 1881. VII. —Return showing the Number, Tonnage, and Crews of Vessels which have been Cleared Outwards during the Year 1881. VIII. —Return of the Number, Tonnage, and Crews of Bbitisii and Foreign Vessels Entebed and Cleared at New Zealand Ports during the Year 1881. IX.—Abstract of all Ditties and Revenue collected by the Customs Department during the Year 1881.

No. 1.—IMPORTS, Return showing the Quantity and Value of Articles Imported into New Zealand during the Year 1881.

* From the 26 th September, 1881.

Articles. Quantity. Value. Duty Received; Acid— Aeelic ... Carbolic Fluorio Muriatic Nitric 33,245 1b. 2,548 gal. 15 1b. 16,912 „ 573 „ 225 „ 7,705 „ 5,079 „ 2,on „ 112,923 „ . 146,085 „ 1,224 „ 10,152 doz. 2,680 pkg. £ 962 557 7 386 16 11 138 139 305 1,612 12,199 45 2,322 19,898 £ s. d. 156 2 0 Free. "2 9 6 Free.* Oleic '.'.'. Oxalic Salicjlic Sulphuric Tartario Oilier kinds Aerated and mineral waters Agricultural implements, unenumerated AlkaliSoda ash. ,, bicarbonate „ caustic „ crystals ,, nitrate ,, silicate Alum ... j) jj 555 11 10 Free. )) 194 cwt. 4,277 „ 7,799 „ 21,665i „ 190 „ 719 „ 55 „ 102 „ 3 qr.... 23 2,090 6,654 5,111 167 1,848 38 66 210 3 8 Free. 1,083 16 10 Free. '7 3 5 Free* Animals, living — Birds Deer Dogs Ferrets Groats Horned cattle Horses Kaigaroo Pigs Poultry Sheep ... Anchors ,., 47 numb. 2 „ 82 „ 12 „ 1 ., 52 „ 65 „ 1 „ 289 „ 406 „ 431 „ 489 cwt. 22 20 614 12 10 1,410 9,887 2 547 123 19,396 637 Free. J> )J )} )> >y )> )> }> it )>

a.— a

* From the 26th September, 1881.


Articles. Quantity. Value. Duty Received. Apparel and slops 6,605 pkg. 46 „ £ 236,153 1,972 £ s. d. 35,038 10 2 Free. ,, ... ... Arms, ammunition, and explosives— Accoutrements Arms —Military 12 pkg. 18 numb.... 2,093 „ ... 2,194 „ ... 324 „ ... 300 „ ... 7,777,360 „ ... 55,980 „ ... 1,500,000 ., ... 279,800 '„ ... 269,400 „ ... 84,698 lb. 56,964 coils 1,420 lb. 25 pig. 310 „ 530,062 1b. 50,838 „ . ... 4,310J cwt. 41 numb. 21 pkg. 9 „ 31 „ 47.959 1b. 234J cwt. 272 28 4,245 6,512 498 874 1,839 307 4,413 301 302 7,331 1,981 130 212 1,083 9,627 5,755 3,675 63 220 167 392 1,017 800 4 5 10 ,, Sporting Pistols „ Caps Cartridges Free. 1,017 16 9 74 13 0 Free. 389 1 1 28 5 9 Free. 8 19 10 C'artridgs cases Dynamite Fuse Lithofracteur Other explosives Ordnance stores Powder —Blasting ... „ Sporting ... Shot Swords TJnenumerated Art, works of, other than pictures ... Free. !) )) )) )J 3) 1,284 2 7 1,674 17 9 Free. 24 6 0 Free. Arrowroot Arsenic Bacon and hams— Bacon )j ,, ... ... Hams ,, HI ... Bags and sacks—Corn-sacks „ Flour-bags „ G-unny-bags „ Other kinds ,, Wool-pacts Bark Basket and wickerwarc Bcche-de-mer Beer—Bottled „ Bulk Biscuits —Fancy „ Plain Blacking Blacklead Blue Boats Bones Books Boots and Bhoes Boot-webbing Borax l,833i cwt. n „ 600* „ 61| „ 241,320 doz. 74,598 „ 12,812 „ 635 „ 252 „ 17,476 „ 4,257 tons. 420 pkg. 562 cwt. 391,813 gal. 68,555 „ 50,719 1b. 323 cwt. 85 „ 1,679 pkg. 275 „ 158,662 lb. 24 numb. ... 15 tons 5,332 pkg. 41,793 do?, prs. ... 30,577 yd. 19 cwt. 7i „ 160J „ 95 pkg. 19,205 numb. ... fi,928 „ 155,124 „ 4% tons. 685 pkg. 30 „ 1,230 „ 57 „ 7,027 28 2,804 294 96,205 13,778 4,341 211 31 27,078 35,381 1,282 734 83,313 8,522 1,921 187 278 3,783 1,788 4,771 3,958 48 100,204 131,780 1,782 98 32 618 1,377 119 156 863 7 8,147 596 1,749 32 68 873 1,552 74,140 56 214 19,112 915 26.58G 4,718 12 10,520 1,603 2,201 231 7 2 8 Free. 42 12 10 Free. 15 4 10 Free. 2,141 8 7 Free. >> 27,917 12 2 4,001 10 3 421 17 9 33 7 10 Free. 545 1 6 248 0 9 610 2 0 Free. 12,504 4 6 Free. 13 19 6 Free.* ,, ... Brass Brassware Bricks—Bath Clay Fire ,, Fireclay Brushware and brooms Brushes Buckets and tubs—Iron Wood Building materials 216 7 7 Free. )> 1,253 15 5 89 9 5 262 6 0 4 18 0 10 4 0 Free. ,, ... ... 412| cwt. 23,091* „ 1,261 lb. 3,746 bundles 344 bales, 354 pkg. 4,310 doz. packs ... 1,237 pkg. 132 numb. Butter Candles „ Stearine, for candles Canes and rattans Canvas Cards, playing Carpeting and druggeting Carriages Carriage materials 15,841 11 7 2 17 9 Free. 840 11 6 4,080 19 11 707 10 7 1 16 0 Free. ,, perambulators Carts and wagons Casks, empty 278 pig 168 numb. 199 „ 322 18 1 Free.


I I I l : * From the 26th September, 1881.


lid les. luanl tyluc. 'eceivet Cement Chaff 80,519 brl. 47/>78 „ 191| tons iib| „ 149 „ 10 „ 75} owt. 20 pkg. £ 61,361 38,328 1,441 978 1,850 136 354 231 8,377 £ s. d. 4,331 7 0 Free. 95 16 11 Free.* Free. Chains Chain cables Cheese Cheese-cloth Chemical manufactures, not otherwise enumerated Chicory ... China and porcelain ware Cider and perry—Bottled „ In wood 3) J) Free.* Free. 14,672 lb. 715 pkg. 532 gal. 568 „ 13,991 numb. 129,962J tons 1,122 8£ owt. 327,815 lb. 1,120 „ 501,180 „ 2,884 „ 2,218 pkg. 360,8441b. 153 owt. 2 qr. ... 1,547 „ 14 „ 128 „ 59 pkg. 1,354 tons 233 tons 9 owt. ... 50 „ 4 „ 39 „ 4 „ ... 55 cwt. 3 qr. 58,837 gross 191 7,701 141 78 7,529 157,825 2,187 4 25,461 69 20,430 182 9,738 10,783 824 4,278 65 409 430 14,678 12,031 2,459 1,726 139 5,312 308 0 0 1,176 2 5 41 8 0 45 17 0 1,090 17 11 Free. Clocks Coals Coke Charcoal ... Cocoa and chocolate Cocoa-beans Coffee —Raw „ Roasted Confectionery „ Boiled sugars, &o. ... Copper—Nails ,, Pig, bar, and sheet ,, Rod and bolt ,, Sheathing „ Copperware ... Copra Cordage 3,889 9 0 7 18 8 4,791 16 11 68 5 3 1,450 17 3 2,897 4 11 Free. >> >> 64 11 5 Free. 1,203 11 4 Free. ,, ... ... ... „ Gralvanizod iron Cork Corka, out ... Cotton piece goods— . Calico, white and grey Coloured cotton shirtings Corduroy, cotton Cotton dress-prints ... Moleskins Other kinds 721 pkg. 346 „ 31 „ 220 „ 78 61 „ 3,414 „ 230,914 1b. 1,890 owt. 13,161 lb. 30 pkg. 351 „ 3 „ 1,924 numb. 26,458 pkg. 4 „ 226 „ 4,547 „ 6 „ 4,175 „ 4,326 „ 1,621 „ 5,344 „ 272 „ 101 „ 186 „ 421J-owt. 5,081 pkg. 2 „ 60 owt. 430 pkg. 8 numb. ... 86 pkg. 201 „ 3270 cwt. 23 pkg. 1,193,443 lb. 85,787 lb. 36,208 centals ... 4 pkg. 1,814 doz. 2,671 owt. 22,940 „ 8,346|- „ 143,881 pkg. 5,032 „ 128 „ 19,761 12,803 419 9,798 1,871 1,088 107,397 8,951 2,634 912 108 13,405 10 1,400 1,033,857 41 9,275 36,600 11 30,293 17,060 5,218 33,142 2,188 256 6,411 2,393 95,087 177 317 1,129 122 2,895 620 6,278 23 36,422 1,235 22,976 131 448 6,015 33,354 19,635 70,871 39,593 2,326 t> 678 12 3 Free.* i) I? j) a Cotton —Raw ,, Waste Wick Curiosities ... Cutlery Cutch Doors Drapery 11,815 19 8 1,950 10 3 Free. 192 12 0 152,506 17 0 Free. Free.* 5,507 4 8 Free. 4,271 9 9 Free. ,, Tailors' trimming Drugs Druggists' wares Dyes Earthenware 4,912 8 0 Free. Eggs ... Electroplated ware Engine-packing Fancy goods Feathers, ornamental ... ,, other kinds ... Felt, sheathing Fire-engines Fire-hose and other appliances Fireworks Fish—Dried, pickled, and salted ... 942 2 0 Free. 14,136 17 2 26 11 0 Free. jj j) ,, Potted and preserved Flock Flour Flowers, artificial ... Fruits—Bottled and preserved „ D.ied „ Currants ,, Raisins „ Fresh Furniture and upholstery 329 14 2 Free. 5,001 1 6 Free. 1,839 6 3 19 13 0 72 0 9 2,268 19 10 19,678 2 2 7,283 16 3 Free. 5,970 19 2 Free. j) >> ••.


I ] * Duty imposed on the 26th September, 1881. f From the 26th September, 183",


id lea. [uani !ity. Lue. Gasaliers and chandeliers Gaa-plant Glass—Bottles „ Plate ,, Window 36 pkg. £ 489 16,718 8,214 5,575 11,955 83 19,998 251 1,201 939 4,808 £ s. d. 73 6 11 Free. Glassware 4,210 p!ig. 723 „ 11,165 „ 3 „ 3,206 „ 22 „ 475 cvvt. 66 pkg. 860 0 11 1,314 12 3 Free. 3,026 15 4 Free. Glue" Gold leaf Goods, manufactured, unenumcrated Goods, unmanufactured, unenumerated Grain and pulse—Barley ,, Pearl barley „ Beans and peas .., „ Linseed „ Maize 2,372 j) it " Malt '.'.'. „ Oats ,, Peas, split „ Peanuts 1,202 centals 13i cwt. 1,945 bush. 1,067 „ 50,032 „ 8,061 „ 1,269 „ 79 „ 1,03 li cwt. 432 centals 29 „ 52,539f cwt. 24,077 bush. 104 pkg. 322 „ 1,750 „ 18 „ 1,175 „ 30 „ 216 „ 292 21 1,001 411 7,821 1,786 514 26 669 318 23 44,668 6,301 295 2,936 23,277 219 49,290 G82 6,419 22 13 10 0 13 6 41 12 6 21 9 0 Free. *174 18 6 127 2 0 1 3 10 52 1 5 16 5 2 Free. 11,493 1 8 522 7 7 8 2 0 209 18 5 Free. „ Rice Wheat „ Other kinds Grindery ... ,, ..< >*■ ... Gutta-percha goods Haberdashery 7,459 11 6 Free. it "• „ Sewing cottons, silks, and threads Hair „ Curled Hair-seating ... Hardware and ironmongery 285 cwt. 226| „ 76 pkg. 37,987 pkg. 25,520 sash-weights 2,998 pk". 786 „ 589 „ 1,068 1,218 575 t) >) J) | 163,628 24,475 11 1 Ditto Ditto, axes and hatchets Ditto, spades, Bhovels, and forks Hats and caps — Straw Felt and other materials Hatters' materials Hay Hemp Hides Holloware Honey Hops Hosiery Indiarubber goods 799 „ 1,273 „ 89 „ 1 ton 5 cwt. 121 „ 10 „ 23,088 numb. 573 pkg. 4,0241b. 2,971 cwt. 1 qr. 17 lb 597 pkg. 10 „ 147 „ 467 ., 252 „ GQ numb. 1 180 „ 13 „ 1,177 „ 2G7pltg. 110 „ 209 ,, 173 „ 34 „ 35 tons 10 cwt. 7,181 „ 2 „ ... 28 „ 6,461 „ 4 cwt. .. 805 „ 7 „ ... 26 cwt. 1 qr. 19 lb. 629 tons 3 cwt. 2,832 „ 6,143 „ 298 „ 10 cwt. 507 „ 17 „ ... 6,009 „ 228 „ 10 ., 434 „ 20,628 2,160 4,398 16,123 32,571 3,461 6 4,391 22,516 3,778 175 22,062 26,049 255 4,802 2,133 1,086 991 62 2,481 2,592 35,940 5,643 1,545 3,762 2,687 58S 350 57,455 5,005 530 128,455 16,591 47 5,749 10.574 46,903 3,742 4,975 41,957 2,654 4.959 Free. ,.+ ,,t 2,256 2 9 4,933 15 3 Free. 591 8 6 Free. 7,936 7 3 3,908 12 4 38 4 0 Free. ,, ... Ink—Printing „ Writing Instruments, musical—Harmoniums 177 5 3 151 17 G Free. 891 17 8 Free. 5,309 16 7 869 8 3 Free. ,, Organs „ Pianos „ Other kinds Instruments—Optical ... ,, Scientific „ Surgical „ Surveying Iron —Angle „ Bar, bolt, and rod „ Bolts and nuts ... „ Castings „ Galvanized corrugated „ ,, plain sheet „ Gates and posts „ Hoop „ Hg „ Pipes, cast ,, i) wrought ... „ Plate „ Kails „ Eailway bolts ond fastenings „ Sheet >) 12,872 18 0 Free. 5 G 2 Free. j> j) j) 3)


* Duty imposed on the 26th September, 1881. f Made free on the 26th September, 188],


Articles. Quantity. Talue. Duty Received. Iron—Tanks ,, Wire, fencing ,, „ for reapers and binders ,, Telegraphic Isinglass Jains and jellie3 Jewellery Lamps and bmtenis 2,136 numb. 6,125 tons 17 owt. 377 „ 9 „ ... 42 „ 12 „ ... 0,533 1b. 1,814,687 „ 413 pkg. 1,099 „ 10 „ 281 pwfc. 113 ton 35 „ 1 ewt. 770 „ 6 „ 30 pkg. ll,811cwb. Oqr.71b. 267 „ 3,, ... 49G pkg. £ 7,600 81,667 15,701 1,145 1,399 45,499 48,764 6,777 233 228 2,284 863 13,815 47 91,198 4,704 9,713 227 2,039 3,346 6,1.45 3,051 1,645 £ s. d. 529 7 6 6,023 11 7 Free. 191 11 7 8,389 4 3 7,515 7 6 986 17 0 Free. Lard Lead —Pig „ Pipe „ Sheet ,, Manufactures ... Leather 122 13 10 Free. 7 2 0 2812 18 0 Free. 1,758 5 1 Free. 241 19 3 Free. 1,289 4 11 Free, f Free. ,, Manufactures ... Lighthouse materials ... Limejuice—Sweeteened ,, Unsweetened Linen manufactures ,, Rough brown-hollanda Maccaroni and vermicelli Machinery— Agricultural ... . ... For flour-mills ,, quartz-crushing ... ,, saw-mills .... „ spinning and weaving Steam-engines Steam-boilers For wool- and hay-pressing ,, harbour works ... „ refrigerating ,, sulphuric acid works Other kinds Machines, sewing .... Manures —Boned ust ,, Gruano ,, Other kinds Maps and charts Marble—Wrought „ TJn wrought ... Matches and vestas Mats and rugs Matting —China „ Coir ,, Other kind3... Meal—Linseed ,., ... ,, Maizena and corn-flour 6,143 gal. 44,569 „ 291 pkg. 117 „ 499J ewt. 5,167 pkg. 243 „ 367 „ 137 „ 731 „ 81 numb. 2 „ 67 pkg. 63,742 3,961 1,640 3,032 10,758 20,659 624 673 2,569 1,650 666 52,066 30,801 28,665 8,391 2,308 509 1,211 781 36,874 2,568 3,125 3,052 303 625 9,408 1,960 17 1,018 1,816 5,043 12,072 20,602 24,596 38,752 50 508 2,398 467 972 989 274 728 18,558 3,688 177 1,952 5,337 43,366 55 33,385 3,880 1,847 1,060 570 4,992 3,398 6,934 }J ;> „' Oaten ." ,, Other kinds Meats, potted and preserved Metal, sheathing, other than copper Milk, preserved Millinery Mustard Kails Naphtha Nuts —Almonds, in shell ,, ,, shelled ,, Barbary, &c. ,, Cocoanuts „ Other kinds Oakum Oars Oil—Castor „ Chinese „ Cocoanut ,, Cod-liver „ Colza „ Kerosene 8,599 numb. 4,776 tons 1,659 „ 302 „ 33 pkg. 219 „ 79 ton 9,689 pkg. 190 „ 2,836 „ 598 „ 151 „ 599 ewt. 3qr. 181b. 8,700 pkg. 1,290 „ 30 ewt. 2 qr. 10 lb. 374 „ 3 „ 14 „ 564 pkg. 75 tons 2 ewt. 3 qr. 8,408 pkg. 460 „ 165,940 1b. . ... 42,454 ewt. 172 gal. 23,2271b. 32,122 „ 12,709 „ 176,981 numb. ... 59,064 1b. 187 ewt. 3,422 numb. 122,500 gal. 20,775 „ 1,465 „ 3,391 „ 43,275 „ 839,397 „ 1,47a „ 229,029 „ 20,265 „ 13,220 „ 10,800 „ 5,169 „ 3,613 pkg 28,511 gal. 40,841 „ )) 9,304 17 11 589 14 8 479 3 11 439 0 8 74 11 3 32 12 10 Free. *36 4 10 1 13 6 22 1 2 276 6 3 Free. 1,600 4 0 3,087 11 8 705 15 2 5,657 17 7 4 6 0 170 3 6 394 15 9 Free. 518 19 11 Free. 2,972 7 3 460 5 9 Free. 870 12 10 19,121 19 3 Free. 5,497 11 4 Free. ,, ,, ,, Linseed „ Olive ,, Palm „ Paraffin „ Petroleum „ Salad „ Whale, black ,, „ sperm )> 121 14 9 704 14 10 Free.



Articles. Quantity. Valuo. Duty Received. Oil—Other kinds Oil and other floorcloths Oilmen's stores 43,100 gal. 41,794 „ 1,543 pkg. 16,038 „ 1,125 „ 3,087f lb. 546 pkg. 1 „ 30,600 cwt. 741 „ 9,243 „ 2,177 pkg. 26,322 cwt.. 2 qr. 7,819 „ 200 „ 413 pkg. 5 „ 71 508 „ 623 „ 8,270 „ 197 „ 55,613 numb. 2,026 pkg. 1,052 brl. 833 pkg. 1,469 brl. 43 pkg. 10 „ 369 „ 2 „ 83 „ 159 tons 9 cwt. ... 756 pkg. 145 cwt. 68j „ 14 pkg. 5 ,, 2,055 numb. 2,177 cwt. 10,876 lb. 9 numb. 12 „ 4 „ 8,781 pkg. 8,964 cwt. 252 numb. 942 pkg. 7 „ 435 „ 3,283 cwt. 7,054 tons. 210 „ 39 tons 4 cwt. 17,071 doz. pints,.. 781 pkg. 86,217 bush. 2,452 „ 1,473 cwt. 869 pkg. 252 „ 4 „ 3,517 numb. ... 3 „ 785,953 „ 159 ;, 1,047 cwt. 818 pkg. £ 6,643 6,2 iO 16,305 36,350 3,298 7,668 6,913 8 40,615 2,156 15,101 24,518 57,208 11,272 450 5,809 37 1,242 3,869 6,263 8,631 3,431 2,302 9,137 1,131 2,981 554 1,984 324 9,594 105 1,202 880 9,988 216 134 80 545 2,922 1,204 1,035 2,057 17,996 142 25,341 2,764 707 27,713 149 8,740 3,344 16,680 641 1,110 12,871 3,338 105,232 18,843 9,590 6,546 25,154 110 3,185 6 5,774 50 1,674 5,429 114,350 40,679 2,171 £ s. d. 1,081 17 6 Free. 2,347 19 1 6,380 13 8 Free. 4,102 4 5 1,025 6 3 Free. ,, ... ..i Opium Paintings and engravings Paints and colours —Unmixed Mixed Paper —Bags ,, Hangings ,, Printing „ Wrapping 72 18 9 2,327 9 0 3,696 17 3 Free. 857 7 11 Free. ,, Writing "& 12 9 ,, „ „ Other kinds Perfumery ... Photographic goods Pickles ... ... Picture frames and mouldings Pipes—Drain ,, Tobacco Pitch and tar Plants, shrubs, trees, and flower-roots Plaster of. Paris Plate, silver Free. 952 2 8 Free. 877 0 4 503 13 6 Free. 1,451 8 11 Free. Platedware 73 9 0 290 2 0 Free. 1,470 0 3 Free. 183 14 11 Free. ,, ... ... Portmanteaus and travelling bags ... Potatoes Printing materials Provisions —Beef, salted ... ! Pork „ ,, Preserved Precious etones, cameos, &c, unset Pumps Putty ... Quicksilver liailway Plant—Carriages „ Locomotives ,, Trucks „ Other kinds j> ,j 12 1 0 111 Free. 3) )> )> » )} Resin Itugs, opossum and other fur Saddlery and harness ... 102 12 7 4,352 11 1 Free. Saddlers' ironmongery .,, Sago Salt „ Eock Saltpetre Sauce Sausage-skins Seeds—Grass and clover „ Other kinds Shells, pearl Ship chandlery Silks }) )> ft )J 1,728 12 1 Free. M 3,796 8 10 Free. Skins, furs, and pelts ... 'l 0 3 Free. Slate —Roofing Slabs Soap—Common ,, Fancy Specie—Gold „ Silver Specimens illustrative [of natural history Spices—Ginger „ Pepper ,, Other kinds ... Spirits—Brandy „ Cordials and bitters ,, Geneva „ Gin „ Methylated ,., ,, Perfumed ,, Hum 146 pkg. 67,663 1b. 161,329 „ 51,557 „ 230,182 gal. 1,218 „ 91,612 „ 23,611 „ 2,705 „ 1,398 „ 57,471 „ 1,830 5,406 3,807 126,313 1,002 22,636 6,517 643 4,096 11,372 184 5 5 882 13 1 Free. )> 758 9 1 755 10 5 629 5 8 130,889 11 0 680 17 0 45,912 13 10 11,578 0 2 Free. 1,509 8 10 43,736 12 9



Articles. Quantity. Value. Duty Received. Spirits—Whiskey „ Spirits of Wine ,, Other kinds ... Sponge Starch Stationery 303,697 gal. 6,217 „ 8,374 „ 2,015 1b. 6,037 cwt;. 8,749 pkg. 2,171 „ 305 tons 6 cwt. ... 305 „ 11 „ ... 31 „ 15 „ ... 2,744 numb. 43 „ 580 pkg. 53 cwt. 1 qr. 24 lb. 8,511c. 3qr. 141b. 440,827 ewt. 3,453 cwt. 3 qr. ... 6,039 „ 1 „ ... 7,524 „ 3 „ ... 219,445 1b. 4,493,924 „ £ 101,877 1,086 10,817 849 9,837 50,394 21,054 4,791 1,172 210 577 691 1,290 119 10,948 555,023 3,535 7,118 4,668 2,606 255,396 2,830 656 £ s. d. lfiO,17O 15 2 3,018 8 9 3,394 18 7 127 14 6 887 14 3 7,(338 8 6 Free. Steel" '.'.'. '.'.'. Stone —Building „ Flagging „ Grindstones „ Millstones Stoneware Sugar—Candy ,, Raw „ Refined „ Glucose „ Treacle and Molasses Sulphur Tapioca Tea Telegraph Materials Tarpaulins Timber— Peals Laths Logs Palings Posts Bails Sawn, undressed )> j) » 49 17 10 1,417 2 i 74,983 14 4 822 0 2 1,339 13 6 376 5 10 Free. 64,789 7 5 Free. 207 pkg. 335,561 sup. ft, ... 285,833 numb.... 3.923 „ 1,471,905 „ 17,475 „ ... 56,976 „ ... 3,684,817 sup.ft.... 217,937 „ „ ... 154,815 ',, „ ... 3,991,140 numb.... 2,567 324 10,207 9,152 481. 1,781 26,385 2,109 1,067 2,601 335 11 0 28 11 9 Free. 1,471 17 2 G9 18 3 114, 1 8 2,434 15 6 Free. 309 13 7 399 2 8 i) )> ■ ■ ■ • ■ • „ dressed Shingles Shafts, spokes, naves, and felloes— Rough Dressed 93,492 „ 123 pkg. 126 „ 481 „ 3,532 42 476 576 Free. 6 7 8 Free. ,, ... ... Shafts (buggy), whecl-rims, and other bent carriage timber Other kinds TinBlock Foil Sheet Tinware 142 pig., and 2,500 stares 7801 cwt. 10,967 lb. 11,151 bxa. 281. pkg. 5 ., 35 „ 1,085,565 lb. 70,445 „ 8,935 „ 3,085 „ 571 pkg. 2,019 pkg. 375 „ 211 2,655 476 12,262 2,474 20 1,088 67,270 23,656 3,705 396 1,048 30,335 3,256 190 2,704 33 3,921 5,900 3,521 5,870 10,845 38 1,875 419 10,789 5,665 >) )) ;> 386 5 1 Free. ,, ... ... Tinsmiths' fittings ... Tobacco —Manufactured! „ Cigars ,, Cigarettes ... Snuff „ Sheepwash ... Tools, aitificera' Toys Tramway plant Turpentine 186,136 15 2 18,818 17 8 3,075 17 4 796 13 O 73 11 0 Free. 461 13 10 Free. 463 16 8 Free. 597 12 1 Free. Twine ,, ... ,, for reapers and binders Umbrellas and parasols Varnish 18,189 gal. 260 ,, 347 pkg. 455 „ 848 „ 139 „ 23,658 gal. 84 „ 2,909 pkg. 1,161 „ 123,459 gal. 856 17 9 618 4 8 Free. ,, Gold size Vegetables —Fresh. „ Preserved Vinegar Waterworks materials other than iron pipes Whalebone Whiting and chalk Wine —In wood „ In bottle „ Sparkling „ Australian Woodenware 4f cwt. 10,559 „ 108,158 gal. 28,455 „ > 8,594 „ 31,752 „ 7,288 pkg. 744 „ 98,410 lb. 1,747 pkg. 4 „ 703 „ 6,74S cwt. 55 pkg. 39 „ 89 1,204 88,330 14,438 13,112 11,441 8,388 2,627 3,4' >3 80,851 191 16,203 7,549 418 25 68 16 5 3,055 19 2 Free. 523 18 9 24,725 13 6 7,260 10 0 3,092 12 11 5,441 16 4 1,267 9 5 Free. Wool" Woollens 11,983 G 4 Free. 2,691 19 1 Free. 64 1 5 3 14 7 ,» „ Blanket s Zinc—Plain sheet ,, Perforated sheet ,, Manufactures ... Total Value op Imposts Total Duty Received 57,457,045 0 0 11,421,609 2 8



No. II.—EXPORTS. Return showing the Quantity and Value of Articles Exported from New Zealand during the Year 1881.

Articles. Quantity. Value. Articles. Quantity. Value. Lcid—Sulphuric j, Tartaric „ Other kinds Urated and mineral waters Lgrieultural implements ... Ukali —Soda bicarbonate... „ ,, crystals Lnimals, living —Birds ... „ Cattle ... „ Dogs ... „ Horses ... Pigs ... „ Poultry,.. „ Sheep ... Anchors Apparel and slops U-ms, ammunition, and explosives— Accoutrements Military Sporting Pistols Caps, percussion Cartridge cases Fuse Powder —Blasting „ Sporting ... Shot b'rowroot Bacon and hams Jags and sacks — Corn Gunny Other unenunierated ... Woolpacks 3ark ?eche-de-mer Jeer, ale, and porter — Bottled Draught 3eeswax biscuits, plain Jlue Joats 180 1b. 28 „ 56 „ 184 doz. 84pkg. 1 cwt. 4 „ 10 numb. 1 „ 2 „ 27 „ 10 „ 109 „ 1,359 „ 9 cwt. 3 qr. 446 pkg. 2 4 2 69 341 1 4 10 10 5 2,423 23 35 1,095 20 6,813 CofFee —Boasted Confectionery ,, boiled sugars Copper, pig, bar, and sheet Copperware Copra Cordage ,, galvanized iron... Cork Corks, cut Cotton—Piece goods ,, Corduroy ,, Dress prints ,, Other kinds Cotton, raw Curiosities Cutlery Doors Drapery Drugs Druggists' wares Earthenware Engine-packing Fancy goods Feathers, unenumerated Fire-hose and other appli90 1b. 16 pkg. 448 1b. 58 cwt. 2 qr. lpkg. 1,307 tons 10 cwt. 387 cwt. 2 qr. ... 1 „ 12 „ 3 „ ... 400 gross 194 pkg. 1 „ 49 „ 6 „ 260,3961b. 53 pkg. 39 „ 3,944 numb. 329 pkg. 21 „ 46 „ 444 „ 10 ewt. 96 pkg. 28 cwt. lpkg. £ 7 7 62 18 110 A 4 14,435 807 d. 4, 40 54 5,233 22 1,322 142 12,419 1,106 592 2,631 9,868 147 152 391 83 832 66 115 4pkg. 4 numb. 5 „ 5 „ 4,000 „ 300 „ 250 coils 2,400 lb. 365 „ 2 qr. 19,822 1b. 141 cwt. 8 9 72 8 2 1 8 65 32 2 148 543 458 doz. 501 „ 50 „ 8 „ 1 ton 5 cwt. C20 cwt. 4,249 gal. 775 „ 36 cwt. 2 qr. 3,018 cwt. 343 lb. 12 numb. 90 tons 8 cwt. ... 152 pkg. 303| doz. pairs ... 3,465 tons 15 pkg. 24 numb. 50,050 numb. 200 „ ::: 17 „ 8 „ 2,775 cwt. 10 „ 192bndl. 21 bales 2 pkg. 10 numb. Value 3 pkg. 482 numb. 4,071 brl. 1 cwt. 1 qr. 3,066 cwt. 1 qr. ... 206 151 20 17 8 740 1,131 99 145 3,592 12 263 541 2,146 1,009 14,795 23 1 126 3 8 8 1G 5 8,789 88 68 85 4 153 301 7 157 3,130 2 6,164 ances Fire-clay Fish —Dried, pickled, and salted ,, Potted and preserved Flour Fruits — Bottled and preserved Dried, unenumerated ... Currants Eaisins Fresh Furniture and upholstery Fungus Gas plant Glass—Bottles „ Plate „ Window „ Ware Glue Glycerine Gold Grain and pulse— Barley 10 cwt. 220 „ 67,132 lb. 3,221 tons 17 cwt. 117 doz. 24 cwt. 11 „ 1 qr. 10 „ 1 „ 41 pkg. 265 „ 4,328 cwt. Value 6 pkg. 12 „ 11 „ 157 „ 7 tons 13 cwt. 1,530 gal. 250,683 oz. 1 340 2,139 35,008 69 52 34 35 19 4,143 9,735 166 6 34 139 145 222 565 996,867 Jones Jooks, printed toots and shoes Sran and sharps irassware iricks —Bath „ Clay Fire Jrushware and brooms Srushes and combs itickets and tubs —Iron ... „ Wood ,, pearl Beans and peas Maize Malt Oats Peas, split ... Rice Wheat Other kinds Gravel Grindery Gum, kauri Haberdashery HailHardware & ironmongery Hats and caps Hatters' materials Hay Hides Hoiloware Hops ,., Honey Horns and hoofs Hosiery ,,, Indiarubber goods ,,, Ink, writing ... 494,911 bush. ... 590 cwt. 49,563 bush. ... 40 „ ... 60,747 „ ... 1,499,260 „ 7 cwt. 2 qr. 1,265 cwt 3,761,258 bush. ... 579 pkg. 10 cwt. 2 pkg. 5,460 tons 17 cwt. 12 pkg. 155 cwt. 3 qr. 507 pkg. 8 „ 1 „ 14 tons 13 ewt. ... 9,296 numb. 8 pkg. 5 cwt. 3 qr. ... 257 cwt. 1 qr. 45 tons ,,, 3 pkg. 3 „ 1 „ 79,881 459 9,657 9 17,937 142,569 5 990 745,739 383 1 13 253,778 477 606 4,327 99 150 64 9,194 29 47 612 611 65 324 10 iutter handles Janes and rattans 'anvas Jarpeting and druggeting Carriages !arriage materials ,, perambulators ... Jasks, empty Jement Jhains Jheese !hemical manufactures and products unenunierated !hina and porcelain Jlocks ... 'oals Joke Jocoa and chocolate 'offeo—Raw lpkg. 5 „ 57 numb. 6,626 tons 10 cwt. 223 „ 1,582 lb. 59,422 „ 1 27 51 5,621 353 86 1,225



Articles. Quantity. Value. Articles. Quantity. Value. Instruments — Musical—Organs „ Pianofortes ... ,, Other kinds ... Optical Scientific Surgical Surveying Iron—Bar, bolt, and rod ... ,, Bolts and nuts „ Castings ,, Galvanized, corrugated „ Galvanized, plain sheet „ Hoop „ Pig „ Plate „ Kails „ Railway bolts and fastenings ,, Sheet „ Tanks ,, Wire fencing „ Old, undeacribed ... Jams, jellies, and preserves Jewellery Lamps and lanterns Lard Lead—Pig „ Sheet Old Leather 1 numb. 9 „ 17 pkg. 1 „ 21 „ 1 „ 0 „ 67 tons 15 cwt. ... 1 „ 17 „ ... 2 cwt. £ 40 329 416 1 388 45 256 727 116 2 Paints and colours „ mixed ready for use Paper —Bags ,, Hangings ,, Printing ,, Wrapping „ Other kinds Perfumery Photographic goods Phormium „ Tow Pickles Picture-frames and mouldings Pipes—Drain ,, Tobacco Pitch and tar Plants and shrubs Plato, silver Platedware Portmanteaus and travelling bags Potatoes Potato-flour Precious stones Printing materials Provisions — Beef, salted Pork „ Preserved Fresh meat O ther kinds Quicksilver Kailway plant/other kinds Rugs Rugs, opossum and other fur Saddlery and harness Saddlers'ironmongery ... Sago Salt—Fine „ Rock Sashes, window Sauces Sausage-skins Seeds, Grass ,, Cotton „ Other kinds Shells—Pearl ,, Other kinds Ship chandlery— Unenumerated Silks Silver Skins —Basils „ Rabbit Seal ,, Sheep ,, Other kinds Pelts Soap—Common ,, Fancy Specie—Gold „ Silver Specimens illustrative of natural science Spices —Ginger ,, Unenumeratec! ... Spirits—Brandy ,, Cordials & bitters ,, Q-eneva Gin ,, Perfumed „ Rum „ Whiskey ,, Other kinds Starch Stationery Steel Stone, building Sugar—Haw „ Refined „ Glucose „ Molasses & treacle 120 cwt 3 qre. ... 17 „ 2 „ ... 2 „ 2 pkg. 30 cwt. 4 „ 1 qr. 23 tons 15 pkg. 6 „ 1,307 tons 15 cwt. 75 „ 15 „ 53 pkg. 3 ,, £ 171 39 3 15 95 9 154 69 33 26y285 812 75 107 12 tons 11 cwt.... 827 1 „ 10 „ ... 1 „ 12 „ ... 116 „ 7 cwt. 74 tons 42 26 580 7 491 54 numb. 25 pkg. 4 „ 128 „ 5 „ 3 „ 3 „ 35 46 7 542 818 28 25 ,, manufactures Lirnejuico, unsweetened ... Linen manufactures Machinery—Agricultural ,, Printing „ Saw-mill ,, Steam-engines ,, Other kinds Machines, sewing Manures—Bonedust „ Guano Maps and charts Matolies and vestas Mats and rugs Matting Meal—Maizena and corn— ,, Oaten Meat s, potted and preserved Metal sheathing, other than 41 „ 2 „ 18 cwt. ... 191 numb. 4 cwt. 3 qr. 399 tons 15 cwt.... 5,26G lb. 11 pkg. 11 „ 312 cwt. . .., 10 „ 1 ton J5 cwt. I „ 3 „ 13,605 cwt. 33 pkg. 33,252 gal. 1 pkg. 83 „ 12 „ 14 „ 4 numb. 95 pkg. 2S5 numb. II cwt. 5 „ 4 pkg. 26 „ 5 „ 1 „ 15 „ 12,511 cwt. 9,595 „ 729 77 571 30 1,074 161 274 137 894 9 35 16 43,072 871 2,409 5 636 110 232 880 851 1,253 5 2 68 144 111 2 32 8,228 22,391 12,100 tons 5 cwt, 17 cwt. 1 pkg. 11 „ 1,381 cwt. 1 qr. ... 138 „ 2 „ ... 10 pkg. 16 cwt. 2 qr. 67 pkg. 336 1b. 14 tons 10 cwt. .. 17 „ 17 „ ... 5 pkg. 30,119 10 344 223 2,370 321 29 26 132 27 290 308 212 26 „ 1 „ 19 cwt. 5 tons 16 cwt. 10 cwt. 2,800 numb. 171 doz. pints 10 pkg. 20,027 bush. 132 cwt. 114 pkg. 2,024 cwt. 374 pkg. 189 4 35 31 2 736 206 121 4,913 20 424 8,372 1,418 copper Metals, old Milk, preserved Millinery Minerals —Antimony ore .., „ Copper ore ,, Manganese „ Silver ore Miscellaneous Mustard Nails Nuts, eoeoa Oars Oil—Castor ,, Chinese ,, Cocoanut ... „ Colza ,, Kerosene ,, Linseed „ Olein „ Olive „ Paraffin „ Salad „ Whale, black ,, ,, sperm „ Seal „ Other kinds Oil and other floorcloth Oilmen's stores Onions Oysters Paintings and engravings 145 „ 659 tons 6 cwt. ... 77 pkg. 1 „ 2 tons 4 cwt. 4 „ 16 „ 1,271 tons 5 cwt. 315 4,030 116 7 24 36 3,283 25 4,028 64 837 1 87 3" 4 323 5 598 111 892 1 52 6 780 6,459 175 74 3 443 432 6 60 „ 1 „ 18,885 or. 219,797 numb. ... 8,514,685 „ 1,259 „ ... 332,789 „ ... 17,501 „ ... 21,384' „ ... 3,669 cwt. 4 pkg. Talue 775 35 4,236 5,755 84,774 1,717 42,616 657 224 3,534 10 131,509 34,239 1,115 9601b. 263 cwt. 2 qr. 200 numb. 236 „ 17 gal. 10 „ 2,274 „ 20 „ 8,859 „ 538 „ 2,295 „ 5 „ 700 „ 13 „ 5,783 „ 23,186 „ 1,460 „ 543 „ 1 pkg. 280 „ 804 cwt. 2 qr. ... 900 doz. 41 pkg. 52"pkg. 1401b. 660 „ 1,622 gal. 14 „ 2,984 „ 38 „ 43 „ 1,547 „ 1,126 „ 169 „ 8 cwt. 145 pkg. 9 tons 7 cwt. ... 677 „ 111 cwt. 3 qr. ... 445 „ 2 „ 289 „ 13 „ 8 54 991 19 850 . 13 86 330 407 141 16 1,215 236 935 167 584 828 82 1,9



Articles. Quantity. Value. Articles Quantity. Value. £ 120,611 5 1,094 6,184 6 29,573 35,596 19 2,526 22 2 7 2,495 314 68 110 984 6 392 44 82 4 66 £ Tallow Tapioca Tea Timber—Logs „ Palings „ Sawn, undressed ,, „ dressed ... „ Shingles „ Other kinds „ Firewood Tin, sheet Tinsmiths' fittings Tobacco—Manufactured ... ,, Cigars „ Cigarettes „ Sheepwash Tools, artificers' Toys Turpentine Twine Umbrellas and parasols ... Varnish Vegetables, fresh 4,157 tons 15 cwt. 2 cwt. 2 qr. 13,090 lb. 1,709 numb. 600 „ 7,133,926 ft. 6,046,394 „ 26,000 numb. 2,965 pkg. 48 tons 1 box I pkg. 44,4911b. 1,493 „ 139 „ 6,581 „ 49 pkg. 1 „ 3,664 gal. II pkg. 6 „ 6 gal. 147 pkg. Vegetables, preserved Vinegar Watches Watchmakers' materials Whalebone Whiting and ehalk Wine —In wood „ Bottled ,, Sparkling „ Australian Woodenware Wool —Greasy „ Scoured „ Washed Woollens „ Blankets „ Clippings Zino —Plain sheet „ Perforated sheet ... „ . Manufactures „ Old scrap „ Spelter 29 pkg. 173 gal. 523 numb, lpkg. 10 cwt. 6 „ 2qr. 238 gal. 989 „ 92 „ 56 „ 228 pkg. 45,316,744 lb. 7,384,823 „ 681,997 „ 38 pkg. 6 „ 2 tons 15 cwt. 190 cwt. 47 pkg. 1 „ 10 ton a 3 „ 31 16 1,159 28 132 2 77 488 161 24 266 1,960,557 508,997 444,492 2,229 60 83 90 26 1 40 48 Total £6,060; !66



No. III.—EXPORTS. Return showing the Articles Exported for Drawback from New Zealand, the Countries to which Exported, and the Amount Paid under each head, during the Year 1881.

Exported to Articles. Amount Paid in 1881. Exported to 'Articles. Amount Paid in 1881. London Boot uppers Cutlery Drapery Druggists' sundries Fancy goods ... Nails Platedware £ s. d. n8 15 7 16 8 3 64 8 2 460 1 19 4 11 14 o 1 13 o I Rarotonga— -{ continued. Hardware Kerosene Oilmen's stores Stationery Saddlery Sugar Vestas £ s. d. 40 13 10 200 3 9 2 786 1 19 11 1 7 4 2 17 o Boots Cement Drapery Fancy goods ... Fruits, dried Hardware Paper-bags Pianos Picture-frame mouldings Sugar Tea 24 16 10 40 16 o IS '5 S 638 156 4 3 9 16 o 1 S 9 11 5 o 900 2 o S 6 13 4 Fiji ... £ Drapery .., Iron, galvanized '5 5 9 200 Society Islands Drapery 28 4 3 Sydney ... - Kingsmill Island Drapery 1 >4 5 I Newcastle, N.S.W. [ Cement 74 18 o r t Samoa or Navi- ■ gator Islands" I Drapery Fish, preserved,.. Hardware Hops Jam Matches Meats, preserved Oilmen's stores S ugar 98 2 11 36 17 4 14 11 3 1 1 o 3 16 4 830 1 11 10 6 1 4 9 13 1 Melbourne ...-{ Dates Drapery Fruits, dried Fish, preserved... ,, salted Haberdashery ... Nails Tea Turpentine 1994 19 18 2 14 7 2 2192 8 4 3 37 7 9 25 18 o Sz 13 4 76 12 o f Suwarrowisland «j I Drapery Fish, preserved... Fruits, dried Jam Rice 43 6 3 16 6 1 o 12 6 3'■» 5 " 13 4 Candles Drapery Fish, preserved,., Fruits, dried Hardware Jam Kerosene Milk, condensed Rice Sugar Tea 3 2 5 60 4 6 102 7 9 10 7 11 11 160 6 15 6 1 14 o 1008 15 9 1 10 o 6 r Rotumah Island -\ Drapery Fish, preserved... Hardware Jam Oilmen's stores Sugar 48 9 9 S IS o 2 6 1 1 .7 6 2 11 4 o 14 o L Norfolk Island.,. Hervey Island s Drapery Oilmen's stores 22 o 9 1 17 o Wallis Island f Drapery Oilmen's stores 41 2 o 890 Friendly Islands Confectionery ... Drapery Fish, potted Fruits, dried Hardware Jam Oilmen's stores Piano Sugar 1 17 4 163 4 9 24 18 o 6 5 6 39 6 1 2 15 o 12 14 4 1 17 6 3 10 11 r Marshall Is- , lands I Drapery Fruits, dried Fancy goods Hardware Oilmen's stores Sugar Tea 48 7 1 1 11 10 6 18 9 11 16 6 7 2 1 4 18 6 240 Cook Islands ... Savage Island \ Hardware Oil 8 19 2 1 o o Drapery Fish, preserved... Hardware 56 9 2 012 6 7 3 2 Long Island ...< Drapery Pickles and split peas 252 076 Rarotonga Drapery Earthenware Fish, preserved... Fruits, dried Furniture 269 12 5 4 16 9 8 16 2 1 IS 4 1 14 6 Tahiti ... j Drapery Oilmen's stores Vestas 53 4 10 210 1 10 o Total ... 2,235 18 10



No. IV.—IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. Return showing the Value of the Imports and Exports of the Colony of New Zealand from and to each under-mentioned Country, Colony, or Port, during the Year 1881.

Country, Colony, or Port. Imports tliercfroin. Exports thereto. United Kingdom ... Australia, — Queensland ... New South Wales Victoria South Australia Western Australia £ 4>S3°»3'6 5,20 r 606,338 '.'97.97 1 22.532 2,000 4,47s, 601 3,464 375,236 612,808 43,022 Tasmania 118,725 2,759 Pacific Islands, — Kermadec Island Norfolk Island New Caledonia Chesterfield Island Admiralty Island Long Island .,, Cook Islands Friendly Islands Fiji Islands ... Society Islands Ellice Islands Gilbert Islands Kingsmill Islands Navigator Islands Suwarrow Island Rotumah Island Swain's Island Union Islands Marshall Islands Mitchell Island Sandwich Islands Savage Island Sunday Island Maiden Island Lord Howe's Island Macquarrie Island 2,720 1,498 2IO 465 19,059 S>°5 6 21,193 10,705 75° 1*537 2,3" 1,088 8S4 900 19 2.799 3,082 "45 4,170 6 3,725 3,49° 102 101 13,033 I3,7 69 '9,474 6,124 63 13 147 2,796 1,112 454 1,605 3°3 7,146 708 49 37 69 Guam ... 9,460 Whale Fisheries ,,, 8.374 533 United States, — On the Atlantic On the Pacific 302,138 4i>5°7 116,629 239,158 China 149,228 Japan ... 95 Singapore ... 4,497 India, — Bengal Bombay Ceylon "5,774 10 262 11,098 Africa, —■ Cape Colony... Natal 707 iS° 43>i78 2,130 Mauritius 243.709 Europe,— France Spain Portugal Austria Switzerland ... Germany Norway Sweden Holland Belgium Greece 18,014 630 2,404 20 5 5,779 4 5 1,941 26 122 51,464 Totals 7,457.045 6,060,866


No. V.—SHIPPING. Return showing the Number, Tonnage, and Crews of Vessels, including their Repeated Voyages, that Entered and Cleared Coastwise at each Port in New Zealand, during the Year 1881.


Entered. Cleared. Ports of Arrival. Sailing. Steam. Total. Sailing. Steam. Total. Vessels.! Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels.) Tons. j Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Auckland Onehunga Thames Russell Whangaroa ... Mongonui Hokianga Kaipara Tauranga Poverty Bay New Plymouth Waitara Wanganui Foxton Wellington Napier Wairau Picton Nelson .„ Westport Greymouth Hokitika Lyttelton Timaru 2,593 34 544 130 36 186 42 16 69 3 1 45 223 107 60 556 46 28 918 177 141 121 2 5 89,040 2,755 12,417 7,354 8,784 912 4,3 16 24,262 S,83O 2,419 1,224 3,728 1,738 2,116 17,201 12,095 146 3.i68 12,243 6,266 I9,O75 2,014 62,578 18,109 18,873 28,188 11,201 947 368,999 7,267 141 1,250 422 '3' 237 1,049 610 144 77 248 "5 i75 907 497 10 11,350 291 884 189 107 52 25 16 342 192 144 151 530 n6 425 127 247 720 354 219 81 1 171,674 38,SO2 64,638 69,094 18,658 9,418 2.040 1,388 29,73O 80,858 43,691 4S.7°7 8,089 270,664 93,162 80,687 123,000 45,722 33,7s 1 21,874 210,287 27,064 27,4H 164,099 4O,7S3 114 '5,796 3,53o 7,076 4,809. i,445 766 261 178 2,756 5.O37 3,568 1,369 6,126 25,863 7,094 1,014 6,658 12,600 4,945 3,479 2,257 15.257 2,743 2,967 12,282 2,879 16 3,943 325 1,428 5°8 237 88 79 202 615 234 160 220 561 161 260,714 I 4<>257 77,055 76,448 27,442 10,330 6,356 26,650 35.56o 83,277 44,9i5 15.385 47.445 10,205 287,865 105,257 4,733 83,855 135,243 51,988 52,826 23,888 272,865 45,'73 46,287 192,287 51.954 1,061 I 23.063 3,671 8,326 5,828 '1,867 897 498 1,227 3,366 5,181 3,645 1,617 6,241 ',553 26,770 1,024 6,848 13,843 4,655 2,378 .•7,912 3,874 3,732 13,922 3,353 88 2,536 545 3" 118 36 48 U3 273 43 •7 66 98,187 2,567 12,729 4,945 5,818 912 3.953 iS.3'1 4,947 1,934 2,080 3.495 1,828 2,029 25>396 7,698 103 3.190 12,000 5,686 18,813 2,954 62,619 9,854 ",873 49,92o .10,008 1,009 7,668 '35 1,260 693 323 131 212 73i 535 128 97 232 122 169 1,122 387 6 1,278 292 884 189 107 52 25 16 342 191 144 154 529 "5 427 127 249 7 uS 346 207 '59 811 i37 193 579 no 177,218 37,357 64,638 69,094 18,658 9,418 2,040 1,388 30,819 80,837 ",55° 45.579 8,079 265,747 93,248 4,587 79,885 122,500 43,988 26,500 16,292 210,960 27,972 27,416 167,968 41,284 114 1,728,827 IS,'? 6 3,3OI 7,076 4,809 ',445 766 261 178 2,772 5>O32 3.568 ',354 6,106 i,375 25,360 7,O97 1,014 6,632 12,250 4,817 3,009 2,003 15,215 2,840 2,77' 12,490 2,916 16 3,814 325 1,429 5°O 225 88 73 '59 615 234 161 220 561 '59 ',545 527 129 307 1,268 389 4" '94 1,718 308 324 9'9 231 28 27S,4OS 39,924 77,367 74,O39 24,476 'O,33O 5,993 16,699 35,766 82,771 45,77' '5,045 47,4O7 10,108 291,143 190,946 4,690 83,075 '34,500 49,674 45,3 '3 19,246 273,579 37,826 39,289 217,888 51,292 1,123 2,1 10,685 22,844 3,436 8,336 5,5O2 1,768 897 473 909 3.307 5,'6o 3,665 1,586 6,228 1.544 26,482 7.484 r,02o 6,831 '3.4'o 5,082 4.2O2 ■ 2,167 I7,8l6 3,758 3,596 '4,7'9 3.393 90 1,544 532 132 307 1,276 400 424 '93 1,729 312 334 858 229 27 32 44 235 TOO 190 285 1,176 121 2,655 765 1,640 474 72 2 58 55O 43 204 35 9O7 171 131 34O 121 26 199 1,160 265 164 2,601 918 825 2,229 477 74 24,056 Oamaru Dunedin Invercargill and Bluff Harbour Riverton '35 193 565 108 2 2 Totals for 1881 7.277 i 9,781 I 9,635 [ 1,748,322 ',789,567 IS4.I49 17,058 16,828 2,118,321 i 178,200 i8s,347 7,168 7,286 381,858 9>693 151,649 16,861 _ 175.705 184,574 Totals for 1880 7.193 442,880 j P5-799 159,548 2,332,457 416,183 25,57o 9,599 1,782,121 159,004 16,885 2,192,304


No. VI.—SHIPPING. Return showing the Number, Tonnage, and Crews of Vessels Entered Inwards at the several Ports of New Zealand during the Year 188 1.


Whence. British. Foreign. Totals. United Kingdom. British Possessions Foreign Countries ana Whale Fisheries. With Cargoes. In Ballast. Totals. With Cargoes. In Ballast. Totals. With Cargoes. In Ballast. Totals. Ports of Arrival. ijhi 4J O U "I u J m > I i u ! u > o H u I S 6 I I 'I 1 C I o o > o H & Auckland ... 23 127 3 62 192 82,327 4,033 5 291 20 '97 82,6!8; 4,053 20 4S,°77 1,508 72 21 45>'49 i,5 l6 212 127,404 5,54i 363! 28 2.8 127,767 5,569 Onehunga I 60 4 60 4! ... ... 1 60 4 6d 4 Thames ... 1 312 10 ».. 10 1 312 10 1 I I 312 10 -• Russell . 7 1 213 »s 213 '5 2,274 202 2,274 202 2,274 202 3 213 '5 IO: 2,487 217 Mongonui... ... [ 384 39 384 39 384 39 ... j 384 39 Whangaroa 2 61 6 818 2 2 879! 28 61 6 2 818 22 879 28 Kaipara 4 56, 25 sn\ 27 ',433 52 ... 562 25 3 871 27 i,433 52 New Plymouth I 8'S 20 8'5 20 ... 815 20 ... I 815 20 ... I 1 Wellington 27 64 92 59,599 1,694 92 59,599 1,694 491 11 491 11 93 60,090 >,7°5 93 60,090 i»7°S Napier I 16 i? 4,261 '34 17 4,261! '34 17 4,261 134 J7 4,261 134 Nelson 4 8 ,J 4,936 124 21 4 •3| 4,957 128 12 4,936 124 1 21 4 13 4,957 128 Westport ... I 3 3 457 20 263 26 4 720 46 457 20 263 26 4 720 46 Greymouth H '4 2,240 89 H 2,240 89 14 2,240 89 ... ... 14 2,240 89 ... Hokitika ... 10 I Io 3,798 165 10 3,798 >65 10 3,798 165 ... 10 3,798 165 Lyttelton ... 27 95 6 4 120 j 71,207 1,882 6,199 136 126 77,4o6 2,018 2,544 64 ... , 2,544 64 126 73,75' 1,946 6 6,199 136 132 79,95° 2,082 Timaru 20 1 I9 5,482 172 3,424 4 23 8,906 2391 602 14 602 14 20 6,084 186 4 3,424 « M 9,5o8 253 Oamaru ... 14 ■4 3,001 IO 5 H 3,001 105 1 14 3,001 IO 5 1 14 3,001 105 ... ... Dunedin ... 39 77 1 18 120 65,539 1,884 192 8 121 65,73i 1,892 14 6,115 •37 14 6,ns ,37 '34 7i,654 2,021 1 192 8 •35 71,846 2,029 Bluff Harbour 3 63 516 66 44,831 2,677 795 J 45,626 2,692 13,384 66 44,831 406,975 2,677 795 '5 67 765 45,626 2,692 '5,367 1 ... 1 1 15 ... I Totals, 1 88 1 ... I '25 1 23 96 4 687 670 349,488 13,044 h 2 7 13087 7.77 6 34° 7'4 685 362,575 347, O87 H ? 57,487 48,588 ',975 1,680 3 1 72 - 4 - S' 1 57,559 48,588 1,680 737 15,108 28 I3,i59 420,134 — i 395,675 Totals, 1880... "3 I 512 12 90 2 339,3" 13,428 ■5! 231 13,659 45 ... |45 7'5! 387,899 15 7>77 6 231 73° !S>339 I.


No. VII.—SHIPPING. Return showing the Number, Tonnage, and Crews of Vessels Cleared Outwards at the several Ports of New Zealand during the Year 1881.


Destination. British. Foreign. Totals. Uni Kingc ited dom. British Possessions Foreign Countries and Whale Fisheries. With Cargoes. In Ballast. Totals. With Cargoes. In Ballast. Totals. With Cargoes. In Ballast. Totals. Ports of Departure. el > S 4 19 O o I I o I I o (-1 I 6 I c s u > I I 3 o i en i u 1 £ ! Auckland ... 8 9 23 76 9 iS7| 1 I 57.793 3,226 32 9.455 301 67,248 3,527 2O! 1 43.871 1,487 20 i 43,871 1,487 177 101,664 4,713 32' 9,455 301 2O 9 111,119 5>O1 Onehunga 1 ... I 1 180 6 180 6 ... 180 1 180 ... Russell 8 335 9 335 9 7 2,274 202 I 2,274 202 2,609 211 2,609 21! Mongonui... 1 384 1 36 I 384 36 384 36 384 3' ... Whangaroa 18 18; 4,272 H5 «8 4,272 H5 xS; 4,272 '45 iS 4,272 '4! Hokianga... 4 2 659 35 6S9 35 659 35 6 659 3J Kaipara ... 49 491 10,879 378 ... I ... 49: 10,879 378 49 10,879 378 49 10,879 37! Wanganui 2 205 12 205 12 205 12 2 205 2 Wellington 12 30 37 8 43 35,662 ',265 44 . 22,960 523 8/ 58,622 1,788 1 531 10 S3i 10 43 1 35>662 1,265 45 23,49i 1 533 1 88 SWSl, ',79! Napier 8 5 10 '3 6,S9i 174 10 1 2.'7S 73 23 8,766 247 I ••■ ' ... 13 6.59 1 174 10 2,i7S 73 23 8,766 24: Nelson 2 2,005 53 251 8 2,256 61 491 11 491 11 11 2,005 53 2 742 *9 2,747 7 '• Westport ... 1 191 It M3 6 334 '3 191 7 i43 6 334 1 ... Grey mouth r5 '5 2,442 96 'S 2,442 96J i 15 2,442! I 96 15 2,442 96 Hokitika ... 10 10 7.542 1 374 ... 10 7,542 374 10 7,S4 2 374 1 10 7,542 374 ! ... Lyttelton ... 65 39 21 4 I 102 76,203 1,870 20i j 6,561 186 .122 82,764 2,056 3,127 72 I,3IO 24 4,437 96 96 108 79,33° 1,942 22 7,87i| 210 1 130 87,201! 2,152 Timaru 13 TO 3 23 13,9°' 345 1.134 33 26 I5> O35 378 602 »3 602 13 13 24 I4,S°3 358 3 1,134 33 27 '5,637; 39 1 Oamaru ... H 13 I 20 7,H9 197 1 1,099 21 21 8,248 218 2,353 59 2,353 59| "I 26 9,5°2 256 1,099 21 27 10,601 277 Dunedin ... 18 20 16 IS 35 25.589 672 3 398 66 40,726 1,070 6 2,065 S2 2,065 52 52 4i 27,654 724 31 '5,137 398 72 42,791 1,122 Blufi Harbour 6 ... I Jl 3 1 63 44,125 2,615 4 1,841 48 _67 45,966 356,479 372,264 2,663 13,076. 6. 44,125 2,615 4 1,841 48 ll 413,487' 424,041! 2,663 ... ... ... Totals, 1881... ! — — H 54,676 46,813 I — 1,966 1,768 63,088 I 141 37 1 "3J 99 A 564 295,723 ",479 ",763 '47 60,756 72»336 i,597 711 47 1,921 4 2,332 4,964 45 Si 57,008 1,966 611 3S°,399 13,400 15' 1,642 762 786 15,04: Totals, 1880... — 582 144 1 35° 173 88 3° S4i 299,928 192 2,102 733 13,86541 12 "9 ,53; 51,777 1,768 346,74' 13,402 204 77,300 2,231 15,63.


No. VIII.—SHIPPING. BRITISH AND FOREIGN VESSELS ENTERED AND CLEARED. Return showing the Number, Tonnage, and Crews of Vessels Entered and Cleared at New Zealand Ports during the Year 1881.

No. IX.—REVENUE. Abstract of all Duties and Revenue collected by the Customs Department during the Year 1881.

Customs Department, William Seed, "Wellington, 22nd April, 1882. Secretary and Inspector of Customs.

Authority: Gsoeqb Didseuet, Government Printer, Wellington.—1882.


Entered. Nationality of Vessels. With Cargoes. In Ballast. Totals. Vessels. I Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. British ... Foreign 687 50 349,488 57.487 13.044 1.975 2? 1 13,087 72 340 8 714 5i 362,575 57.559 . 13,384 r>983 Totals ... 406,975 !S.°i9 28 348 765 15.367 737 13,159 420,134 Ci. IARED. British ... Foreign S64 47 29S.723 54.676 ",479 1,921 '47 4 60,756 2.332 '.597 45 711 S1 356,479 57>°°8 13,076 1,966 Totals ... 611 35O.399 13,400 "SI 63,088 1,642 762 413.487 15,042

Heads of Receipts. Rate of Duty. Quantity. Amount Collected. £ Spirits Cigars and snuff Tobacco „ sheepwash Wine '., Ale, beer, &c, in bottle ..; „ in wood Tea Coffee, cocoa, &c. „ roasted ... Sugar and molasses Opium Goods by weight Ad valorem, 25 and 15 per cent. Other duties not specified above 21s. and 14s. per gallon 6s. per lb. 3s. 6d. per lb. 3d. per lb. 6s., 5s., and 4s. per gallon... is. 6d. per gallon... is. 3d. „ 4d. per lb. 3d. „ 5d. „ id. per lb. 20s. per lb. 573,267 gallons 75,643 lb. ... 1,063,674 „ ... 5,920 „ ... 165,460 gallons 373,186 „ 64,784 „ 3,887,340 lb. ... 719,440 ., ... 3,3" „ ... 37,712,640 „ ... 4,103 „ ■•■ 401.793 22,693 186,143 74 40,522 27,988 4,049 64,789 8,993 69 78,568 4.103 130,230 386,728 64,867 Rents, seizures, &c. Bonded warehouse duty Merchant Shipping Act fees Arms Act fees Shipping and Seamen's Act fees Excise duty, beer Lighthouse dues... Oyster Act fees ... Gold duty Pilotage, &c. Distillation Other receipts 1,421,609 98 5,516 138 181 ',713 S 7,802 6,918 II 27,060 18,637 471 44.895 £l,58S,O49

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Bibliographic details

IMPORT, EXPORT, AND SHIPPING RETURNS. (A GENERAL SUMMARY FOR THE YEAR 1881.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, H-04

Word Count

IMPORT, EXPORT, AND SHIPPING RETURNS. (A GENERAL SUMMARY FOR THE YEAR 1881.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, H-04

IMPORT, EXPORT, AND SHIPPING RETURNS. (A GENERAL SUMMARY FOR THE YEAR 1881.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, H-04

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