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I I I l : * From the 26th September, 1881.


lid les. luanl tyluc. 'eceivet Cement Chaff 80,519 brl. 47/>78 „ 191| tons iib| „ 149 „ 10 „ 75} owt. 20 pkg. £ 61,361 38,328 1,441 978 1,850 136 354 231 8,377 £ s. d. 4,331 7 0 Free. 95 16 11 Free.* Free. Chains Chain cables Cheese Cheese-cloth Chemical manufactures, not otherwise enumerated Chicory ... China and porcelain ware Cider and perry—Bottled „ In wood 3) J) Free.* Free. 14,672 lb. 715 pkg. 532 gal. 568 „ 13,991 numb. 129,962J tons 1,122 8£ owt. 327,815 lb. 1,120 „ 501,180 „ 2,884 „ 2,218 pkg. 360,8441b. 153 owt. 2 qr. ... 1,547 „ 14 „ 128 „ 59 pkg. 1,354 tons 233 tons 9 owt. ... 50 „ 4 „ 39 „ 4 „ ... 55 cwt. 3 qr. 58,837 gross 191 7,701 141 78 7,529 157,825 2,187 4 25,461 69 20,430 182 9,738 10,783 824 4,278 65 409 430 14,678 12,031 2,459 1,726 139 5,312 308 0 0 1,176 2 5 41 8 0 45 17 0 1,090 17 11 Free. Clocks Coals Coke Charcoal ... Cocoa and chocolate Cocoa-beans Coffee —Raw „ Roasted Confectionery „ Boiled sugars, &o. ... Copper—Nails ,, Pig, bar, and sheet ,, Rod and bolt ,, Sheathing „ Copperware ... Copra Cordage 3,889 9 0 7 18 8 4,791 16 11 68 5 3 1,450 17 3 2,897 4 11 Free. >> >> 64 11 5 Free. 1,203 11 4 Free. ,, ... ... ... „ Gralvanizod iron Cork Corka, out ... Cotton piece goods— . Calico, white and grey Coloured cotton shirtings Corduroy, cotton Cotton dress-prints ... Moleskins Other kinds 721 pkg. 346 „ 31 „ 220 „ 78 61 „ 3,414 „ 230,914 1b. 1,890 owt. 13,161 lb. 30 pkg. 351 „ 3 „ 1,924 numb. 26,458 pkg. 4 „ 226 „ 4,547 „ 6 „ 4,175 „ 4,326 „ 1,621 „ 5,344 „ 272 „ 101 „ 186 „ 421J-owt. 5,081 pkg. 2 „ 60 owt. 430 pkg. 8 numb. ... 86 pkg. 201 „ 3270 cwt. 23 pkg. 1,193,443 lb. 85,787 lb. 36,208 centals ... 4 pkg. 1,814 doz. 2,671 owt. 22,940 „ 8,346|- „ 143,881 pkg. 5,032 „ 128 „ 19,761 12,803 419 9,798 1,871 1,088 107,397 8,951 2,634 912 108 13,405 10 1,400 1,033,857 41 9,275 36,600 11 30,293 17,060 5,218 33,142 2,188 256 6,411 2,393 95,087 177 317 1,129 122 2,895 620 6,278 23 36,422 1,235 22,976 131 448 6,015 33,354 19,635 70,871 39,593 2,326 t> 678 12 3 Free.* i) I? j) a Cotton —Raw ,, Waste Wick Curiosities ... Cutlery Cutch Doors Drapery 11,815 19 8 1,950 10 3 Free. 192 12 0 152,506 17 0 Free. Free.* 5,507 4 8 Free. 4,271 9 9 Free. ,, Tailors' trimming Drugs Druggists' wares Dyes Earthenware 4,912 8 0 Free. Eggs ... Electroplated ware Engine-packing Fancy goods Feathers, ornamental ... ,, other kinds ... Felt, sheathing Fire-engines Fire-hose and other appliances Fireworks Fish—Dried, pickled, and salted ... 942 2 0 Free. 14,136 17 2 26 11 0 Free. jj j) ,, Potted and preserved Flock Flour Flowers, artificial ... Fruits—Bottled and preserved „ D.ied „ Currants ,, Raisins „ Fresh Furniture and upholstery 329 14 2 Free. 5,001 1 6 Free. 1,839 6 3 19 13 0 72 0 9 2,268 19 10 19,678 2 2 7,283 16 3 Free. 5,970 19 2 Free. j) >> ••.