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No. IV.—IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. Return showing the Value of the Imports and Exports of the Colony of New Zealand from and to each under-mentioned Country, Colony, or Port, during the Year 1881.

Country, Colony, or Port. Imports tliercfroin. Exports thereto. United Kingdom ... Australia, — Queensland ... New South Wales Victoria South Australia Western Australia £ 4>S3°»3'6 5,20 r 606,338 '.'97.97 1 22.532 2,000 4,47s, 601 3,464 375,236 612,808 43,022 Tasmania 118,725 2,759 Pacific Islands, — Kermadec Island Norfolk Island New Caledonia Chesterfield Island Admiralty Island Long Island .,, Cook Islands Friendly Islands Fiji Islands ... Society Islands Ellice Islands Gilbert Islands Kingsmill Islands Navigator Islands Suwarrow Island Rotumah Island Swain's Island Union Islands Marshall Islands Mitchell Island Sandwich Islands Savage Island Sunday Island Maiden Island Lord Howe's Island Macquarrie Island 2,720 1,498 2IO 465 19,059 S>°5 6 21,193 10,705 75° 1*537 2,3" 1,088 8S4 900 19 2.799 3,082 "45 4,170 6 3,725 3,49° 102 101 13,033 I3,7 69 '9,474 6,124 63 13 147 2,796 1,112 454 1,605 3°3 7,146 708 49 37 69 Guam ... 9,460 Whale Fisheries ,,, 8.374 533 United States, — On the Atlantic On the Pacific 302,138 4i>5°7 116,629 239,158 China 149,228 Japan ... 95 Singapore ... 4,497 India, — Bengal Bombay Ceylon "5,774 10 262 11,098 Africa, —■ Cape Colony... Natal 707 iS° 43>i78 2,130 Mauritius 243.709 Europe,— France Spain Portugal Austria Switzerland ... Germany Norway Sweden Holland Belgium Greece 18,014 630 2,404 20 5 5,779 4 5 1,941 26 122 51,464 Totals 7,457.045 6,060,866