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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to " The Friendly Societies Act, 1877," Section 9, Subsection (6).

KEPOBT. The publication of this report has been delayed on account of the time of the Actuary, who is also the clerk in the office, having been for a considerable time occupied with matters of an actuarial character not connected with the work of this office, but to which he was required by the Government to give his' almost undivided attention, I—BUSINESS OP THE REGISTRY OPPICE. 1. Departmental Work during the Yeah ended 31st December, 1881. Besides the general work of the office, which is similar in character from year to year, tables have been compiled by Mr. P. W. Frankland, the Actuary to the department, on the basis of the quinquennial returns of sickness and mortality, and a report issued by him on the experience thus collected. Extra clerical assistance had to be called in to enable this compilation to be made; the mechanical portion of the work of compilation being accomplished by an extra clerk under the superintendence of Mr. Prankland'. The usual amount of delay has unfortunately arisen in the compilation of the statistical tables of 1881, on account of the difficulty experienced in obtaining satisfactory returns from many of the branches of societies. It is intended, however, to avoid a similar tardiness in future by allowing a much shorter time to elapse before instituting prosecutions against the secretaries of defaulting societies and branches. The Act has now been in operation for a sufficient length of time, and sufficient warning has been given to recalcitrant officers to make a continuance of leniency inexpedient. Notwithstanding the difficulties just referred to, it is a matter for much congratulation that a marked general improvement is manifest in the returns for the year 1881 as compared with those of previous years. As formerly attention has been directed to the generally inferior character of the returns sent, it seems due to the officers of societies and branches who have rendered their returns in a manner satisfactory to the department to specially mention those to whose returns no exception can be taken. The officers of the following societies and branches are especially to be commended for the fullness and neatness of the returns sent:— Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Hokitika District. Waimea Lodge, situated at Stafford, Otago District. Westland. Howick Lodge, situated at Howick, Dunedin Lodge. Auckland. Ancient Order of Foresters. United Otago District. Court Pride of Alexandra, situated at Court Blenheim. Alexandra (South). This increased care and attention not only renders the value of the returns greater for statistical purposes, but is also an evidence of a deep interest among the members of some of the friendly societies in the work being performed by them, and of their recognition of the benefit accruing to them I—H. 2.



from the administration of the Friendly Societies Act. It supplies an additional ground for hope that the important work which friendly societies are doing in the colony will be more widely and usefully extended. But on the other hand the necessity imposed upon them of making the returns required by the department has been felt by some societies and branches to be a grievance; not that, notwithstanding their complaints to that effect, any unnecessary information has been asked for, for, in confirmation of the action of the department, the secretary of one of the largest societies has stated that nothing has been asked for that should not be kept on record by societies in their own interests or that was unnecessary. Many societies would like to have all the benefits of registration without having to submit to the consequent responsibilities. Some object to the mere labour of making any returns, probably often due to the incompetency of officers; others object to the publication of such returns as would exhibit the financial position in an unfavourable light. It is to be hoped that by degrees these objections will disappear, and that the officers of all societies will realize the true nature and importance of their duties. The ostrich, when hard pressed, does not escape by hiding its head in the sand, nor will concealment of its true position permanently ward off insolvency from any society, although by such a course the existing members may escape the evil consequences, but at the expense of future members who may be induced to join. 2. Societies and Branches Eegistered during the Tear. Nineteen new societies and 51 new branches were placed on the register during the year. Of the 19 bodies which were thus registered as separate societies, only 9 were in reality independent bodies, namely, the Grey Valley Accident Belief Fund, the Invercargill Total Abstinence Society, and 7 Working-men's Clubs. Of the remaining 10, 2 were "districts" or "grand divisions" of friendly societies constituted on the federal or affiliated type (namely, the Ashley District of the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows, and the Grand Division of New Zealand of the Sons and Daughters of Temperance) ; 7 were "lodges" of the United Ancient Order of Druids; and 1 was a "sanctuary" of the Ancient Order of Shepherds. Although these ten bodies are all of them in reality branches, it was impossible to legally register them as such, because they are none of them in subordination to a superior authority located within New Zealand. Of the 51 bodies registered as new branches during the year, 13 were " lodges" of the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows ; 1 was a " lodge " of the American Order of Odd Fellows ; 10 were " courts " of the Ancient Order of Foresters ; 7 were " tents " of the Independent Order of Eechabites ; 4 were "(subordinate) divisions" of the Sons and Daughters of Temperance; 15 were "lodges" of the Independent Order of Good Templars ; while one was a " temple" of the same order. Apparently the progress of registration during 1881 has thus not been as rapid as during 1880; but, if the various lodges of the Independent Order of Good Templars, which is not a friendly society, be left out of account in both cases, the progress will be seen to have been more rapid. A list of registered societies, with their registered branches, as on the 31st December, 1881, is given in Schedule I. to this report. The names of "societies having branches" within the meaning o£ section 30 o of the Act— i.e., districts of the affiliated orders, whether or not they have branches registered as such —are given in italics. The progress of registration during the year will perhaps be best indicated by the following comparative table, showing how the various affiliated orders and the isolated societies were represented on the register at its beginning and end : —■

3. Amendments op Eules Eegistered during the Tear. Six bodies have registered complete sets of new rules during the year, in lieu of sets already registered. These comprise a district of the Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows, a district of the Independent Order of Eechabites, 3 courts of the Ancient Order of Foresters, and the Christchurch branch of the New Zealand Bailways Employes' Benefit Society. Eleven bodies have registered partial amendments of their rules during 1881. They comprise 2 districts and 2 lodges of the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows, 1 district and 3 courts of the Ancient

Name of Society or Class of Society. Statement as on 31st December, 1880. Statement as on 31st December, 1881. Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows Independent Order of Odd Fellows (American) ... National Independent Order of Odd Fellows Ancient Order of Foresters Ineient Order of Shepherds ... United Ancient Order of Druids Ooyal United Friends' Benefit Society ... Independent Order of Reohabites Sons and Daughters of Temperance 11 Districts and 62 Lodges 1 Grand Lodge and 15 Subordinate Lodges 1 District and 2 Lodges 6 Districts, 45 Courts, and 2 Widow and Orphan Funds 1 Sanctuary 8 Lodges 1 Lodge 1 District and 3 Tents 5 Subordinate Divisions 12 Districts and 75 Lodges. 1 Grand Lodge and 15 Subordinate Lodges. 1 District and 2 Lodges. 6 Districts, 56 Courts, and 2 Widow and Orphan Funds. 2 Sanctuaries. 15 Lodges. 1 Lodge. 1 District and 10 Tents. 1 Grand Division and 8 Subordinate Divisions. 7 Branches. 2 Branches. Five. One. Nine. 1 Grand Lodge, 99 Subordinate Lodges, and 1 Temple. One. Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society ... Sew Zealand Railways Employes' Benefit Society... isolated Friendly Societies Benevolent Society ... tVorking-men'e Clubs independent Order of Good Templars ... 7 Branches 2 Branches Four One Two 1 Grand Lodge and 84 Subordinate Lodges Nil "solated Specially-authorized Society



Order of Foresters, 1 division of the Sons and Daughters of Temperance, 1 lodge of the Independent Order of Good Templars, and 1 Working-men's Club. The above list is exclusive of those bodies which, though really branches, had been registered under the Acts of 1856 and 1867 as separate societies, and, in order to obtain registry as legal branches, had to amend their rules. Such bodies are referred to in the next paragraph. 4. Conversion op Eegistered Societies into Branches. Thirteen bodies availed themselves during 1881 of the provisions of section 23 of the Friendly Societies Act for the conversion of their status as separately-registered societies into the more satisfactory status of registered branches. They comprised 6 lodges of the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows and 7 courts of the Ancient Order of Foresters. The number of branches of registered societies which still retain the independent registry accorded under the Acts of 1856 and 1867 will be seen, from Schedule I. to this report, to be 40. At the rate of conversion which obtained during 1881 it will thus require upwards of three years to expunge from the register the entire list of these anomalous registrations. The 40 branches referred to comprise 20 out of 75 lodges of the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows, 15 out of 56 courts of the Ancient Order of Foresters, and 5 out of 8 divisions of the Sons and Daughters of Temperance. In addition to these, 1 lodge of the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows, 1 court of the Ancient Order of Foresters, 1 tent of the Independent Order of Eechabites, and 1 branch of the Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society are branches of bodies which, though not yet registered, are capable of being registered as New Zealand societies. It is to be feared that some of the richer lodges, courts, &c, which enjoy the separate status acquired under the older Acts, are loth to part with it in exchange for a status which would give the parent society more legal control over them, because they wish to preserve the power of seceding if a continuance of their connexion with the society should at any time seem to them financially very disadvantageous. It may therefore be questioned whether the change of status might not advantageously be made compulsory, as the continuance of the legal relations between districts and lodges which subsisted before the passing of the Act of 1877 is extremely unsatisfactory. 5. Cancellations op Eegistht, Dissolutions, etc. As already mentioned 13 societies have had their registry cancelled during the year under section 23 of the Act, for the purpose of being registered as branches of the registered districts of which they were already de facto branches. Besides this, 4 other bodies had their registrations cancelled, namely, the Arrow Lodge, 1.0.0.F., M.U.; the Green Island and Point Lodges, 1.0.0.F.; and the Central Volunteer Fire Brigade, Wellington. The ground of cancellation in each of these cases was the dissolution of the society or branch. II.—CONTRIBUTIONS AND BENEPITS. A fairly satisfactory scale of contributions and benefits is established by the rules of the newlyregistered district of the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows, namely, the Ashley District. It is as follows :— Age at Entry Payments to Benefit Pund. last Birthday. Entrance Pees. Portnightly Contributions. Scale of Benefits. £ s. d. s. d. 18 ... 0 6 8 ... 1 3 ... \ 19 ... 0 6 8 ... 13 ... \ 20 ... 0 6 8 ... 1 3 21 ... 0 6 8 ... 1 4 22 ... 0 7 0 ... 1 4 23 ' ... 0 7 0 ... 1 4 24 ... 0 7 8 ... 1 5 25 ... 0 7 8 .., 1 5 - 26 ... 0 8 8 ... 1 6 ... £1 per week during the first 27 .. 088 ... 16 ... 6 months of sickness, 28 ... 0 10 0 ... 16 ... 10s. per week during the 29 ... 0 10 0 ... 17 ... second 6 months of con--30 ... 0 11 8 ... 17 ... tinuous sickness, and ss. 31 ... 013 8 ... 18 ... \ per week during con--32 ... 0 16 0 ... 19 ... tinued sickness after the 33 ... 018 8 ... 19 ... above period. £20 on 34 ... 118 ... 1 10 ... the death of a member, 35 ... 15 0 ... 1 10 ... and £10 on that of a 36 ... 18 8 ... 1 11 ... member's wife. 37 ... 1 12 8 ... 2 0 38 ... 1 17 0 ... 2 1 39 ... 2 18 ... 2 2 40 ... 2 6 8 ... 2 2 41 ... 2 12 0 ... 2 3 42 ... 2 17 8 ... 2 4 43 ... 3 3 8 ... 2 5 ... 44 ... 310 0 ... 2 6 ... / A few other New Zealand districts of the same great Order have equally satisfactory scales of contributions and benefits, and it is greatly to be desired that all other districts of this and other orders should follow their example.



A far less satisfactory scale has been registered by Sanctuary Star of Canterbury of the Ancient Order of Shepherds. It is as follows: — Age Monthly Contributions last Birthday. to Benefit Fund. Benefits. s. d. 18-20 ... ... 03 ... ... ""I 6s. per week during the first 21-23 ... ... 04 ... ... 6 mouths of sickness, 24-26 ... ... 0 6 ... ... and 3s. per week during 27-29 ... ... 08 ... ... i continued sickness after 30-32 ... ... 010 ... ... 'the above - mentioned 33-35 ... ... 10 ... ... period; £6 on the death 36-37 ... ... 1 2 ... ... of a member; £4 on the 38-40 ... ... 14 ... ... J death of a member's wife. The inadequacy of this scale is most glaring for members entering at the youngest ages. In fact, while the scale is inadequate throughout, the process of graduation according to age has been carried too far. This is specially unfortunate, as it is precisely in the case of young members that an actuarially inadequate contribution is most dangerous, because there is a likelihood of less compensation through the excess of interest earned over that assumed in the actuarial computation. At whatever period and by whatever stages a fall of interest takes place in the colony, the older members will clearly be the ones in respect of whom societies will proportionately gain most by the temporary high level of the interest-rate. On the other hand, the profits from secession will be greater in respect of members admitted young ; but this is probably in most cases a smaller, and certainly a less reliable, source of profit than that arising from excess of interest where the funds are well invested. lII.—VALUATIONS. The only societies valued during the year 1881 were the Nelson District of the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows, with its several lodges, and Court Pride of Parui.ll of the Ancient Order of Foresters, situated at the Thames. The result of the first-named valuation was to show that the District, as a whole, and all its lodges, are, from an actuarial point of view, utterly insolvent. A summary of the results, so far as the individual lodges are concerned, will be found in Schedule 11. to this report, and the valuation report on the District Widow and Orphan Fund is appended as Schedule 111. The valuation of Court Pride of Parnell, A.0.F., resulted in the declaration of a nominal balance in favour of the court, but, no valuation of the District Funeral Fund having been made, it is impossible as yet to ascertain how far the said surplus is a real one. The valuation of a lodge or court is, in fact, necessarily incomplete and inconclusive, owing to the interdependence of the lodges in respect of their funeral liabilities, unless a valuation of all the other lodges or courts in the District and of the District Funeral Fund is made simultaneously. It will be seen that the Nelson District of Odd Fellows, valued as on the 31st December, 1880, comprised 5 lodges and 624 members, aged, on an average, 35 _ years, 383 of whom were married. The benefits assured to these members were: 20s. per week for the first 12 months of sickness; 10s. per week during the next 6 months of continuous sickness ; 7s. 6d. per week for any sickness after a continuous sickness of 18 months ; £15 on the death of a member, and £12 on the death of a member's wife; an annuity of 12s. per calendar month to the widow of every deceased member for the first 6 years of widowhood; an annuity of 3s. per calendar month to each child under 12 years of age of every deceased member till it reaches that age. The contributions paid to meet these benefits are : 6d. per week, or 265. per annum,* to the Sick and Funeral Funds of the lodges, and sd. per lunar month, or ss. sd. per annum, to the District Widow and Orphan Fund. The present value of the sickness benefits, estimated on the basis of the Manchester Unity Sickness and Mortality Experience of 1866-70 (4 per cent.) was £22,962 lis. 6d., or £36 16s. per member ; that of the funeral benefits, estimated according to the Manchester Unity Mortality Experience of 1866-70 (4 per cent.), was £4,564 14s. 5d., or £7 6s. 4d. per member ; that of the widows' annuities, estimated by using the Manchester Unity and Institute of Actuaries' Hm Mortality tables (4 per cent.), was £5,453 Is., or £8 14s. 9d. per member; while that of the children's annuities, estimated according to Professor Pell's New South Wales (Females) and the Institute of Actuaries' Hm Mortality tables (4 per cent.), was £1,517 15s. 9d., or £2 Bs. Bd. per member. Thus the aggregate present value of all the liabilities was £34,498 2s. Bd., or £55 ss. 9d. per member. The present value of the contributions receivable on account of sick and funeral benefits, estimated by the Manchester Unity Mortality Experience (4 per cent.), was £13,350 16s. 7d., or £21 7s. lid. per member ; while the present value of those receivable on account of widow and orphan benefits, estimated on the same basis, was £2,66S ss. Bd., or £4 ss. 6d. per member. The total present value of future contributions was thus £16,019 2s. 3d., or £25 13s. sd. per member. Deducting the present value of contributions from the present value of benefits, it is found that the net liability of the district as at the date of valuation was £18,479 Os. 5d., or £29 12s. 4d. per member. This, therefore, is the amount to which the District and lodge benefit funds ought in the aggregate to have amounted in order that the District as a whole might be actuarially in a solvent position. It is seen, however, that the aggregate Benefit Funds of the five lodges amounted to £7,987 17s. Id., or £12 16s. per member; the District Funeral Fund to £104 15s. 4d., or 3s. 4d. per member ; and the District Widow and Orphan Fund to £1,177 16s. 10d., or £1 17s. 9d. per member: in all, £9,270 9s. 3d., or £14 17s. Id. per member. The accumulated funds of the District and all its lodges are therefore barely more than one-half of what they ought by this time to have been, and the total actuarial deficiency is seen to be £9,208 lis. 2d., or £14 15s. 3d. per member. This result must be regarded as eminently unsatisfactory, more especially when it is considered that not only is the District as a whole unsound, but that each separate lodge and each separate benefit fund is thoroughly insolvent. The Valuers have investigated very fully the causes of this alarming

* With a small extra annual contribution in the case of one of the lodges.



condition of things, and have ascertained that it is due in the main to the gross inadequacy of the rates of contribution. How, indeed, can a society expect to permanently meet its engagements if it admits members at all ages, from 18 to 45, at rates of contributions which would be unsafe, if not certainly insufficient, if applied to the youngest entrants alone ? As one of the lodges in this district is the second oldest lodge established by the Manchester Unity in New Zealand, its valuation report possesses a very great and special interest. The Valuers, Messrs. George Leslie and Peter Black of Dunedin, have, in the case of this District, as in all other cases where a deficiency has resulted, framed recommendations to each lodge with a view to remedying or mitigating the disaster. Stated briefly, these recommendations are in the present case (1) to require from all members, old and new, the contributions which are necessary to provide the promised benefits, and (2) to make a slight reduction in the benefits until the next quinquennial valuation. It is much to be regretted that, instead of following these recommendations, the District registered in September, 1881, an amendment of rules by which both the sick and funeral benefits were slightly increased, while the contributions were kept at their former amount. A peculiar and highly-interesting feature of the valuation above referred to is that it includes the first actuarial estimate that has been made in this colony of the value of benefits contingent on widowhood and orphanage. These benefits, especially those of the latter class, are admitted by all actuaries to offer the most formidable, if not insuperable, difficulties to anything like a precise valuation. The difficulty arises from the large number of contingencies in the way of death, marriage, fertility, and survival, which influence the ultimate pecuniary result, and the absence of appropriate and reliable data for computing the probability of some of these contingencies, notably those of marriage and fertility. Much thought was bestowed by the Valuers on the solution of the difficult problem which thus presented itself to them, and some correspondence, of a private and of a semi-official nature, was necessitated between them and the Actuary attached to this department. It is hoped and believed that the mode of valuation ultimately adopted is a fairly satisfactory one; but it is important to observe that, whatever doubt may exist as to the degree of its accuracy, there can be no question that the limits of possible error are not wide enough to permit of the slightest hope that the particular Widow and Orphan Fund under consideration will be permanently able to discharge its engagements if the present low rate of contributions is maintained. The fact of its insolvency being thus established beyond cavil, the only doubtful question would be as to the exact degree or extent of the deficiency. Within the last few weeks a series of researches has been made by the Actuary of this department into the statistics of families, with a view to ascertainment of the pecuniary values of orphan benefits. As the results obtained will be of some value when the Widow and Orphan Funds of other NewZealand friendly societies come to be investigated, a brief summary of the results is published, for the information of valuers and of members generally, as Schedule IV. of this report. The ultimate object of such a research must evidently be to determine the probability that a man, dying at any assigned age, will leave any assigned number of children, having, respectively, any assigned ages. Only then can the values of orphan benefits be precisely computed. Now, as the number of children in a family may vary from 1 to 15 or even 20, and the ages, for the purposes of friendly societies, from 1* to 12,* it is clear that a very large number of separate probabilities have to be calculated for each age at death—that is, for each of about 60 separate ages, for it may be assumed that the possible ages at which a man in the event of death might leave a young family lie somewhere between the extreme limits of 20 and 80. It is true that at the lower end of this range of ages the number of probabilities to be calculated is comparatively small, because it is impossible that the family should be either numerous or bejjond the stage of infancy; but still it is evident that altogether many hundreds of separate probabilities require to be computed. Now, there are no records in existence in New Zealand which furnish to the statistician the requisite data respecting the families left by men at death, but the census enables him to determine approximatelyt the number and ages of the children to each male living; and, although the rate of mortality among the childless (who are, of course, in most cases unmarried) is known to be higher at each age than that among fathers, the disturbance in the proportions so introduced is neither so serious nor so difficult of estimation as to greatly impair the value of the census statistics for the purpose in hand. Mr. Frankland has therefore selected certain districts, assumed to be fairly representative of the city, small town, and country populations respectively, and compiled the statistics which appear in Schedule IV. hereto from the householders' schedules collected at the census of 1881. It will be seen that the above-named statistics are neither of sufficient magnitude nor yet so arranged as to admit of the computation of precisely those probabilities which were referred to as indispensable for an accurate valuation of orphan benefits. They only assist the valuer to determine what is the probability that a man dying at any assigned age will leave one or more children under the age of fifteen, and what, in the event of his thus leaving a young child or children, would be the average number of such children in each triennial period of age. The probabilities and averages thus obtained, though inadequate to the precise valuation of orphan benefits, are, it is believed, a sufficient basis for such an approximate estimate of the pecuniary magnitude of these risks as is in the present state of our knowledge at all feasible. Court Pride of Parnell (Thames), of the Ancient Order of Foresters, was also valued as on the 31st December, 1880. The court had at that date 165 members, aged on an average 36 years 19| weeks, of whom 128 were married. The benefits assured to these members were: 20s. per week during the first 6 months of sickness ; 10s. per week during the second 6 months of continuous sickness ; " a sum weekly (not more than 55.), as may be agreed upon by the court," for any sickness after a continuous sickness of 12 months ; £20 on the death of a member, and £10 on the death of a member's wife. The contributions paid to meet these benefits were in accordance with a graduated scale

* The ages next birthday. t The number of children so obtained will, of course, be somewhat lesa than the true number, aa a certain proportion of children were not under their parents' roof on the census night.



(according to age at entry), and ranged from £1 7s. Id. to £2 16s. 4d. per annum. Thus, it will be seen at once that, while the benefits are on the whole somewhat less, the contributions were, even for the youngest entrants, greater than in the case of the Nelson Odd Fellows. The valuation was made, as usual, on the basis of the Manchester Unity Experience, and a rate of interest of 4 per cent. In view of the circumstance that some friendly societies have demurred to this rate as too low, and as therefore underestimating the prospective assets of lodges, the Valuer, Mr. George Leslie, of Dunedin, entered fully into the grounds for its selection in preference to a higher rate of interest. He pointed out more especially that the recent valuation of the Government Life Insurance Department at 4j per cent, could not be pleaded as a precedent, inasmuch as special reserves had been made in the latter case, which have no counterpart in friendly societies' valuations, and which probably more than outweigh the difference of _ per cent, in the rate of interest. It might have been added that a life insurance office can reckon, owing to the large number of the insured, on an experience more closely approximating to that expected by the tables than a friendly society can, and that there is consequently less need for that large margin to cover adverse fluctuations, which, in one form or other, is indispensable in the case of friendly society valuations. The present value of the sickness benefits, estimated on the basis above specified, was £4,797 3s. lid., or £29 Is. 6d. per member. That of the funeral benefits was £1,568 13. Bd. (including a reserve of £60 on account of second wives, and future wives of members at present single), or £9 10s. 2d. per member. Thus the total value of all the liabilities was £6,365 17s. 7d., or £38 lis. Bd. per member. The present value of the contributions receivable on account of sick benefits was £3,259 10s. Id., or £19 15s. Id. per member. That of the contributions destined to be handed over to the District Funeral Fund, to meet the death claims of this and other courts of the same District, was £782 7s. Id., or £4 14s. lOd. per member. Thus the total value of future contributions receivable from existing members was £4,041 17s. 2d., or £24 9s. lid. per member. If all the risks were undertaken by the court alone, it ought, therefore, to have had in hand the difference between £6,365 17s. 7d. and £4,041 17s. 2d., i.e., £2,324 os. 5d., or £14 Is. 9d. per member, in order to be in a solvent position. The value of the Benefit Funds in hand amounted, however, to only £2,217 Bs. 2d., or £13 8s 9d. per member. Therefore, if the court were unconnected with any District, it would show an actuarial deficiency of £106 12s. 3d., or 13s. per member. But, as the funeral liabilities are undertaken by the district in return for a fixed annual contribution from each member of each court affiliated to it, it is manifest that, if the District Funeral Fund itself is solvent, the court need only have in hand a sum which, added to the present value of the contributions for sickness (£3,259 10s. Id.), shall cover the present value of the sickness benefit (£4,797 3s. lid.), i.e., a sum of £1,537 13s. 10d., or £9 6s. sd. per member. On this view, therefore, a surplus of £679 14s. 4d., or £4 2s. 4d. per member, must be held to result. But the reality of this surplus is entirely contingent on the actuarial solvency of the District Funeral Fund, because, if the latter runs short, the district has power to make extra levies on the courts. In the absence of a valuation, it is of course impossible to ascertain the exact position of this fund, but there can be no doubt that it is far too small to permanently meet its engagements ; and it is therefore certain that the nominal surplus shown by Court Pride of Parnell will be largely required to cover future deficiencies in the District Fund. How largely, and whether any real surplus remains, it is impossible to determine until all the remaining courts of the District and the District Fund itself shall have been valued. Until such time, the Valuer very properly recommends that the whole of the surplus should be reserved. The causes which have produced the fairly satisfactory condition of the court are stated by the Valuer to have been (1) the favourable sickness experience (885_ weeks in the preceding five years, as against 1,123 expected) ; (2) the fairly high rates of interest earned (on an average £5 12s. lOd. per cent, during the previous quinquennium) ; and (3) a'heavy secession-rate, 161 members having seceded in the preceding five years. The Valuer considers, however, that the last-named cause has not contributed very greatly to the result, because the secessions have, as is usually the case, been confined to so large an extent to those who are youngest both in point of age and membership. The Valuer commends the secretary on the care exercised in making out the necessary returns. IV.—STATISTICS FOR 1880-81. From the returns furnished to this office for the year 1880, six statistical tables have been compiled. Two additional tables (Tables VII. and VIII.) have been prepared from such returns for the year 1881 as had been forwarded in time to be printed with this year's report. The tables appended to this year's report are similar for the most part to those of the report for the year 1880. Table 11. is cast in a new form, giving side by side the respective amounts belonging to the various funds of the societies, together with the average value per member of the Sick and Funeral Funds. In Tables HI., IV, and V. the amounts in the hands of the central bodies have been kept separate (as shown by their being inserted within square brackets) from the funds of the individual lodges, &c, and the grand total of the central bodies' funds has also been given independently. In Table VI. the central bodies' funds have been included in the totals of their respective districts. In the compilation of the Supplemental Statistics (Table VI.) it was deemed expedient, owing to the imperfect character of the information relative to the unregistered lodges, &c, to put within brackets those totals which in consequence are necessarily incomplete. Whenever a comparison of the details of a return with those of that of a previous year has shown a discrepancy, the lodge secretary has been written to for an explanation, on receipt of which the error has been in some instances easily rectified ; but, in the event of small discrepancies still remaining, the figures which have been furnished have been so dealt with as to avoid any breaks in the entries in corresponding columns. When any such breaks occur, the explanation received has afforded satisfactory evidence that the figures of the former return were inaccurate, and that the more-recently supplied information represents accurately the facts of the case.



In order to obviate the necessity of continually repeating all the various terms by which the several societies designate their respective branches, the meaning of the word " lodge," which has been used in such cases, is to be understood as including all the corresponding terms, viz., court, sanctuary, tent, division, and branch. The only new societies to be added to the list given in last year's report (page 8) are the Sickness and Accident Mutual Assurance Association of New Zealand,* established at Christchurch, and the Grey Valley Accident Belief Fund, established at Brunnerton. The total number of benefit societies (reckoning each separate lodge, court, Ac, as a unit), which are dealt with in the tables relating to the year 1880, is 243, of which 147 were registered and 96 were unregistered. This total number includes, — Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Manchester Unity ... ... 15 Districts and 117 Lodges. Independent Order of Odd Fellows (American) ... ... 1 Grand Lodge „ 19 Subordinate Lodges. National Independent Order of Odd Fellows ... ... ... 1 Grand Lodge „ 2 Subordinate Lodges. Ancient Order of Foresters ... 7 Districts „ 77 Courts, and 1 Sanctuary of Shepherds. United Ancient Order of Druids ... 1 Grand Lodgef „ 8 Subordinate Lodges. Loyal United Friends'Benefit Society 1 Grand Lodge ~ 1 Subordinate Lodge. Independent Order of Eechabites ... 3 Districts J ~ 5 Tents. Sons and Daughters of Temperance 1 Grand Division ~ 5 Subordinate Divisions. Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society ... ... 1 District „ 6 Branches. Eailway Benefit Societies ... ... 2 Societies. Of the registered lodges, returns for the year 1880, available for statistical purposes, were received from 138, exclusive of the returns furnished by the central bodies. A few returns were excluded from the tables, owing to their incompleteness. In view of the general improvement which I have referred to above as noticeable in the returns for 1881, I have reason to anticipate that exclusion on this ground will less and less be necessary in future. The registered lodges which are dealt with in the tables are respectively as follow :— Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows ... 59 Lodges. Independent Order of Odd Fellows (American) ... ... 6 Lodges. National Independent Order of Odd Fellows ... ... 2 Lodges. Ancient Order of Foresters ... .., ... ... 45 Courts. Ancient Order of Shepherds ... ... ... ... 1 Sanctuary. United Ancient Order of Druids ... ... ... ... 8 Lodges. Loyal United Friends'Benefit Society ... ... ... 1 Lodge. Independent Order of Eechabites... ... ... ... 3 Tents. Sons and Daughters of Temperance ... ... ... 5 Divisions. Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society ... ... 6 Branches. Eailway Benefit Societies ... ... ... ... 2 Societies. This number represents an increase of 16 upon the number of registered lodges included in the tables for the previous year. Taking some of the most noteworthy results of the tables in detail, I regret to say that the returns for the year 1880 show an actual loss of members. The figures are as follow: — Number of members admitted during the year ... ... ... 1,863 „ „ lapsed „ „ ... ... ... 2,031 „ „ died „ „ ... ... ... 90 —showing a total loss of 258. This serious falling-off in numbers was, in all probability, caused by the commercial depression recently experienced in the colony, which had the effect of driving many artizans and labourers away from New Zealand, and which, doubtless, prevented many of those who remained from keeping up their subscriptions and membership. It is satisfactory to find from the corresponding table for 1881 (Table VII.) that there was in that year a sufficient excess of admissions over lapses to more than outweigh the mortality, and thus to secure a slight net increase in the number of members. Of the 138 lodges included in these tables, 40 had, on the 31st December, 1880, less than 50 members each, 55 had between 50 and 100 members, 16 had between 100 and 150, 15 between 150 and 200, 5 between 200 and 250, 3 between 250 and 300, 2 between 300 and 350, 1 between 350 and 400, and 1 between 400 and 450. The average number in each lodge, if the Eailway Benefit Societies, which are not strictly local societies, be excluded from the calculation, is 93'6. The number of deaths of members for the year was 90, or 6'77 per 1,000 members, as against 6'96 in the year 1879. The number of deaths of members' wives was 50, which is equivalent to 3'76 per 1,000 members, as against 325 in 1879. The number of members sick during the year was 1,665, i.e., 12'5 per cent., as against 12'7 per cent, in 1879. The total amount of sickness, 11,778 weeks 5 days, gives an average of nearly o'9 week per member, and an average of somewhat more than 7 weeks per member sick. If with these figures we

* This society has since ceased to exist. f Central body in Australia. % One of these has its central office in Australia.



compare those obtained from the sickness experience of the 8 earliest-established lodges of the Manchester Unity— Total number of members sick, 264, or 14'4 per cent. Total number of weeks' sickness, 2,679, i.e., 1'46 weeks per member, or above 10 weeks per member sick. —the comparison affords very distinct proof of the absolute necessity that there must be a considerable surplus income in the early years of a lodge, and that all such accumulations be well and safely invested, in order that the lodge may be able to fulfil its promises, as increasing liabilities resulting from increasing sickness have to be met. Jn connection with these remarks it may be added that the total amount of Sick and Funeral Funds belonging to all the lodges at the end of the year 1880 was £141,713 25., giving an average of £10 15s. 3d. per member; and that out of 36 official valuations that have been made 3 only have shown a surplus. Classifying the sickness experience so as to distinguish between acute attacks and sickness which is more or less chronic, it is found that there is a greater proportion of the total amount in the " Second six months " and " After twelve months " columns than in the previous year. The percentages are as follow:— First 6 Months. Second 6 Months. After 12 Months. 1879 ... 70-2 88 2TO 1880 ... 651 10-1 248 The number of lodges which had a sickness experience extending beyond the first 6 months of continuous sickness was 58 out of 138 in the year 1880, as against 47 out of 122 in the previous year; and the number which had a sickness experience extending beyond 12 months was 44, as against 28. On comparing the above proportions of classified sickness experience with those obtained from the experience of the 8 lodges of the Manchester Unity referred to above, the chronic sickness of these long-established lodges is found to be very marked, the percentages being as follow: First 6 months, 51'68 per cent. ; second 6 months, 1038 per cent.; after 12 months, 37'94 per cent. Table 111. shows the distribution of the societies' funds, as on the 31st December, 1880. Altogether these amounted to £156,406 15s. 6d. (exclusive of the funds under the control of central bodies), which is equivalent to £11 17s. 7d. per member—an average higher by a few shillings than that of the previous year. Of this amount, £55,363 6s. lid. was placed on mortgage of freehold property, being rather more than 59 per cent, of the total funds invested at fixed rates of interest. The rates of interest on the various investments ranged from 4_ to 10 per cent. £48,604 7s. 7d. was the total value of land and buildings. The remainder, £14,157 lis. 7d., included cash not bearing interest, value of goods, furniture, and regalia, and debts owing. The following balance-sheet shows at a glance the total liabilities and assets of the registered societies: — Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Sick and Funeral Fund ... 141,713 2 1 Deposits in P.O. Savings Bank 4,047 18 0 Management Fund ... ... 9,921 3 6 „ other banks ... 24,827 1 1 Other funds and property ... 4,772 911 Mortgages ... ... ... 55,363 611 Other investments at interest ... 9,406 10 4 Land and buildings ... ... 48,604 7 7 Cash not bearing interest ... 10,056 11 6 Furniture, regalia, &c. ... 3,853 4 7 Other assets ... ... 247 15 6 £156,406 15 6 £156,406 15 6 In the above balance-sheet the assets have been reduced by amounts owing, as it was found impossible to ascertain these latter in the majority of cases with anything like exactitude. At whatever date a balance is struck a number of sums must necessarily be outstanding as debts and credits of the society. Where, however, these sums are small, as is usually the case, they are seldom stated with such accuracy as to render the information in respect of them of any substantial value. The balance of assets over liabilities is in such cases stated with approximate correctness, although minor debts and credits be omitted. Table IV. exhibits the receipts and expenditure of the Sick and Funeral Funds. The contributions under this head amounted to £17,908 18s. 7d., being an average of £1 6s. lid. per member. This average is identical with that of the previous year. The increase in the number of registered lodges belonging to the United Ancient Order of Druids, which order shows an advance from 308 to 702 members during the year, and whose average contribution per member was less than £1 ss. Id., has kept down the general average, which otherwise would have shown an increase as compared with the previous year. The total of the entrance and clearance fees for the year was £1,237 2s. 6d., which is equivalent, on an average, to 13s. 3d. for each member admitted during the year. In 1879 the entrance and clearance fees were £1,323 Is. 5d,, or 16s. lOd. per member admitted. The total sick pay was £9,640 12s. 2d., being £5 15s. lOd, per sick member, and the average weekly pay was 16s. 4d. These averages show a very trifling variation as compared with those of previous years. The average sick pay in 1879 was £5 16s. Bd., and the weekly rate 16s. 6d. The total amount paid during the year as funeral benefits was £2,037 18s. lid.; the average benefit paid for members being £19 6s. 4d., and for members' wives £9 Bs. 2d. These averages vary considerably from year to year. The respective averages in 1879 were £16 15s. 4d. and £11 Os. 9d., and in 1878 £17 2s. and £9 ss. lid. This marked fluctuation may be accounted for by the great variation in funeral benefits that is to be found among the societies, some of which grant much larger funeral benefits than others. Therefore, according as the greater proportion of deaths occurs in the former or the latter class, the total payments under this head of expenditure will be greater or less. The amount of levies to District Funeral Funds was £2,786 Is. 4d., being 4s. 2d. per member, as against 4s. Id. in the previous year.



The total receipts of the Sick and Funeral Funds were £30,464 7s. lid., or, on an average, £2 ss. lOd. per member. The total payments out of the funds were £17,073 18s. Bd., being an average of £1 ss. Bd. per member. The expenditure, therefore, was 56 per cent, of the receipts. It was, however, nearly equal to the receipts through contributions alone, and the average expenditure was greater than the average contribution obtained by the Druids, who, notwithstanding, promise benefits which are at least equal to those of most other societies. The excess of receipts over expenditure, taking one society with another, was therefore almost entirely derived from the interest on the accumulated funds. At the end of the year the amount of Benefit Funds per member varied from a minimum of 7s. Id., (Enterprise Lodge of the United Ancient Order of Druids) to a maximum of £30 9s. (Boss Lodge, Hokitika District, M.U.). The general average was £10 15s. 3d., a very slight increase upon that of the previous year. The following table shows the numbers of lodges, &c, whose average Benefit Funds per member lay within indicated limits on the 31st December, 1880: — Number of lodges, &e. ... 1 2 9 17 26 36 29 10 8 £££££££££ Above ... ... 30 25 20 15 10 5 2 1 Less than ... 30 25 20 15 10 5 2 1 The average ages of the various lodges, &c, together with the respective values (within indicated limits) of their Benefit Funds per member, are as follow:— £££££££££ Above ... ... 30 25 20 15 10 5 2 1 Less than ... 30 25 20 15 10 5 2 1 yr. m. yr. m. yr. m. yr. m. yr. m. yr. m. yr. m. yr. m. yr. m. Average age ... ... 13 11 23 6 17 10 16 8 19 4 12 7 7 8 3 7 17 Table V. deals with the Medical and Management Expenses Funds. The total amount of expen* diture from these funds was £24,195 10s. 9d., which was distributed as follows :— Medical attendance and medicine ... ... ... ... £11,762 19 4 Expenses of management (inclusive of levies to central bodies) ... 8,637 4 10 Other expenditure ... ... ... ... ... 3,795 6 7 £24,195 10 9 This gives 17s. Bd. as the average per member for medical attendance, &c, and 13s. for expenses of management. This latter average is almost identical with that of former years. At the same time there has been a continual increase in the average contribution per member to the Management Fund, which in 1877 was £1 4s. 2d. •in 1878, £1 4s. 7d.; in 1879, £1 ss. Bd.; and in 1880, £1 6s. lOd. Of the 11 lodges which, on the 31st December, 1880, comprised upwards of 200 members, the average expenditure per head for medical expenses was 16s. 2d., and for management expenses (including, as above, levies to central bodies), 13s. 4d. It may be noticed that there are still many lodges whose returns show a debit balance in the Management Fund account, but in many cases the amounts are trifling ; and in most of those where they are considerable a reduction of the indebtedness is being gradually effected. Table VII., which relates to the returns for the year 1881, has been already referred to in connection with the corresponding table for 1880. A few other interesting points of comparison are subjoined. The total number of deaths of members in those lodges of wdiich the returns are here dealt with was equivalent to 7'36 per 1,000, and the number of deaths of members' wives was equivalent to 3'86 per 1,000 members, as against 6 77 and 376 respectively in the year 1880. The average number of members sick was 138 per cent., showing an increase as compared with the corresponding percentages for 1879 (12'7), and 1880 (12'5). The total amount of sickness was 13,477 weeks, giving 0'96 and 6'96 as the average number of weeks' sickness per member and per sick member respectively. Of the 8 oldest established lodges belonging to the Manchester Unity, 7 only appear in Table VII. The percentage of sick members in these lodges (16'9) shows a greater proportionate increase over the sickness experience of the oldest established lodges in 1880 than that of the general average of 1881 over the general average of 1880. It therefore not merely bears out the truth of the remarks which have been made with reference to the figures for the year 1880, but intensifies their force. These 7 lodges show an average sickness per member and per sick member of I'B4 and 10 90 weeks respectively. . The sickness experience of all the societies was distributed as follows: — First 6 Months. Second 6 Months. After 12 Months. 1881 ... 67-5 92 23 3 1880 ... 651 101 24-8 The number of lodges whose sickness experience in 1881 extended beyond the first 6 months was 67 out of a total of 169, as compared with 58 out of 138 in the year 1880; and the number whose sickness experience extended beyond 12 months was 53, as against 44. The ages of the members (in quinquennial groups), together with the total amounts of the Sick and Funeral Funds, as on the 31st December, 1881, are given in Table VIII. The total value of the Sick and Funeral Funds belonging to 168* out of 169 lodges is, by this, shown to have been £155,191 18s. 2d. The average, therefore, of the Sick and Funeral Fund per member in these lodges was £11 2s. 4d. The corresponding average for the year 1880 was £10 15s. 3d.; but no exact comparison can be made between these averages, as the tables for the two years do not relate to exactly the same lodges.

* In the case of one lodge out of the 169 the amount of the Sick and Funeral Fund was not aecertainable.

2—H. 2.



The subjoined table is a comparative summary of results for the five years 1877-81.

* Approximately. V.—TRADE UNIONS. One application was received during 1881 for registry under " The Trade Union Act, 1878," namely, from the New Zealand Typographical Society. The conditions of registration were pointed out by the Eegistrar, but no further communication has been received from the society. Eegistrar General's Office, Wm. E. E. Brown, Wellington, 31st July, 1882. Eegistrar of Friendly Societies.

SCHEDULES. SCHEDULE I. List op Eegistered Societies, with their Eegistered Branches, as on 31st December, 1881. I.—Manchester Unity oe Odd Feelows. Reg. No. Situate at Reg. No. Situate at 13. Auckland District ... ... Auckland. 40. Hokitika District ... ... Hokitika. (1.) Howick Lodge, Howick. (1.) Hokitika Lodge, Hokitika. (2.) Charles Bruce Lodge, Thames. (2.) Albert Lodge, Kumara. (8s) Good Intent Lodge, Auckland. (3.) Waimea Lodge, Stafford. (4.) Waikato Lodge, Thames. 27. Grey mouth Lodge ... ... Greymouth. (5.) Gisborne Lodge, Gisborne. 45. Ross Lodge ... ... ... Ross. (6.) Whangarei Lodge, Wliangarei. 19. Pountain of Friendship Lodge ... Auckland. 170a. Ashley District ... ... Rangiora. 79. Alexandra Lodge ... ... Alexandra. (1.) Leithfield Lodge ... ... Leithfield. 81. Duke of Cambridge Lodge ... Cambridge. (2.) Cust Lodge ... ... Cust. 107. Parnell Lodge ... ... ... Parnell. (3.) Woodend Lodge ... ... Woodend. (4.) Olioka Lodge ... ... Ohoka. 93. New Plymouth District ... ... New Plymouth. (5.) Oxford Lodge ... ... Oxford. (1.) Excelsior Lodge, New Ply- (6.) Amberley Lodge ... ... Amberley. mouth. (7.) Sefton Lodge ... .., Sefton. 125. Egmont Lodge ... ... ... New Plymouth. (8.) Waikari Lodge ... ... Waikari. ~„ w . T -, w . (9.) Rangiora Lodge ... ... Rangiora. 138. Wanganui Lodge Wanganm. (10.) Nil Desperandum Lodge ... East Oxford. 7. Wellington District ... ... Wellington. 22. Antipodean Lodge ... ... Wellington. 18. North Canterbury District ... Ckristchurch. 63. Rose of the Valley Lodge ... Lower Hutt. (1.) Volunteer Lodge, Sydenham. 126. Britannia Lodge ... ... Wellington. (2.) Perseverance Lodge, Woolston. „ ~. „ , t, . , . , ™ . . (3.) ABhburton Lodge, Ashburton. 17. Marlborough District ... Blenheim. 12. Benevolent Lodge Christchureh. heim° r° 16. City of Christchureh Lodge ... Christchureh. (2.) Eenwick Lodge, Renwick. ' " 25. Nelson District... ... ... Nelson. 5- Lyttelton District ... ... Lyttelton. 30. Howard Lodge ... ... ... Nelson. (1.) Dawn of Hope Lodge, Little 41. Nelson Lodge ... ... ... Nelson. River. 109. Travellers'Jsest Lodge ... ... Richmond. (2.) Hand of Friendship Lodge, Okain's Bay. 92. North Westland District ... Reefton. (3.) Timaru Lodge, Timaru. (1.) Reefton Lodge, Reefton. 6. City of Norwich Lodge ... ... Lyttelton. (2.) Westport Lodge, Westport. 31. Arowhenua Lodge ... ... Temuka. (3.) Charleston Lodge, Charleston. 128. Good Intent Lodge ... ~, Akaroa.

1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. dumber of lodges, &c, from which complete returns were received ... dumber of members at the end of the 89 103 122 138 169 year Amount of sick and funeral funds at end of year ... dumber of members admitted during the 8,560 10,986 11,825 13,165 14.022 £88,865 £112,868 £126,357 £141,713 £155,192* year dumber of members who left during the 1,204 1,519 1,572 1,863 1,976 year dumber of members who died during the 938 1,079 1,396 2,031 1,792 year N"umber of members sick during the year dumber of weeks' sickness experienced during the year 72 1,084 70 1,381 82 1,500* 90 1,665 103 1,935 7,012-9 8,6071 10,5827 11,7787 13,477-0



List op Eegistered Societies, etc. — continued. Manchestee Unity op Odd j_EtOWS— continued. Reg. No. Situate at Reg. No. Situate at 23. Otago District ... ... .., Dunedin. 0-4.) Hand and . Heart Lodge, (1.) Outram Lodge, Outram. Dunedin. (2.) Albion Lodge, Dunedin. (15.) Oamaru Lodge, Oamaru. (3.) Alexandra Lodge, Port Moly- (16.) Band of Friendship Lodge, neux Kakanui. (4.) Prince of Wales Lodge, Port (17.) Tuapeka Pioneer Lodge, LawChalmers, rence. (5.) Tapanui Lodge, Tapanui. (18.) Waitahuna Lodge, Waita(6.) Roxburgh Lodge, Roxburgh. huna. (7.) Prince Alfred Lodge, Hawkes- (19.) Bluespur Lodge, Bluespur. bury. (20.) M'osgiel Lodge, Mosgiel. (8.) Dunedin Lodge, Dunedin. (21.) Mount Wendon Lodge, Wai(9.) Waipori Lodge, Waipori. kaia. (10.) Palmerston Lodge, Palmers- 61. Naseby Lodge ... ... ... Naseby. ton South. (11.) Dalton Lodge, Balclutha. 64. Invercargill District ... ... Invercargill. (12.) Lake Wakatipu Lodge, (1.) Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Queenstown. Lodge, Invercargill. (13.) Cromwell Lodge, Cromwell. (2.) St. George Lodge, Invercargill.

II. —Independent Oedee oe Odd Fellows (Ameeioan). 146. Independent Order of Odd Fellows (1L) Wanganui Lodge, Wanganui. of New Zealand... ... Dunedin. (12.) Alfred Lodge, Oaniaru. (1.) Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin. (13-) Green Island Lodge, Green (2.) Star of Canterbury Lodge, Island. Timaru. (14.) Ravensbourne Lodge, Ravens(3.) Mount Ida Lodge, Naseby. bourne. (4.) Alexandrovna Lodge, Temuka. (15.) Pioneer of Southland Lodge, (5.) Unity Lodge, South Dunedin. Invercargill. * (7.) Avon Lodge, Christchureh. (16.) Leith Lodge, Dunedin. (8.) Southern Cross Lodge, Wei- (17.) Star of Auckland Lodge, Aucklington. land. * (10.) Winchester Lodge, Winchester.

lll.—National Independent Oedee oe Odd Fellows. 160. Auckland Provincial District ... Auckland. (2.) United Brothers' Lodge, (1.) Auckland Pioneer Lodge, Newton. Auokland. IV. —Ancient Oedee oe Foeestees. 17'. Auckland District .., ... Auckland. 4. Nelson District ... ... Nelson. (1.) Court City of Auckland, 3. Court Robin Hood ... ... Nelson. Auckland. 32. „ Concord Greymouth. 85. Court Pride of Parnell ... ... Thames. 54. „ Patea ... ... Patea. ] 55. „ Waireka ... ... New Plymouth. 150. Hawtce's Bay District ... ... Napier. 78. „ Pride of tho Forest ... Wakapuaka. (1.) Court Sir Charles Napier, 91. „ Unity ... ... Havelock. Napier. 129. ~ Perseverance ... ... Motueka. (2.) „ Captain Cook, Napier. 131. „ Sherwood Forest ... ... Stoke. (3.) „ Sir Henry Haveloek, 67. „ Waimea ... ... Stafford. Havelock. (4.) „ Robin Hood, Port Aim- 28. Canterbury United District ... Christchureh. riri. (1.) Court Pride of Courtenay, (5.) „ Ruahine, Waipukurau. Courtenay. (6.) „ Lord Clyde, Wairoa. (2.) „ Thistle of the Forest, Sydenham. 144. Wellington District ... ... Wellington. (3.) „ Star of Ashburton, Ash(l.) Court Robin Hood, Wei- burton. lington. 2. Court Star of Canterbury ... Christchureh. (2.) „ Sir Georgeßowen, Wei- 143. „ Queen of the Isles ... Lyttelton. lington. 139. Canterbury United District Widow (4.) „ Clarendon, Picton. and Orphan Fund ... ... Christchureh. (5.) „ Manawatu, Palmerston North (6.) „ Loyal Peilding, Feild- 10. United Otago District ... ... Dunedin. ing. (1.) Court Enterprise, Dunedin. (7.) „ William Gladstone, Gis- (2.) „ Pride of Dunedin, Dunborne, edin. (8.) „ Pioneer, Tinui, Whare- (3.) „ Prideof Oamaru.. Oamaru. ama. (4.) „ Royal Oak of Kawarau, (9.) „ Roderick Dhu, Wanga- Bannoekburn. nui. (5.) ~ Robin Hood, Port Chal(10.) „ Blenheim, Blenheim. mers. (11.) „ Loyal Enterprise Mas- (6.) ~ Hope, Herbert. terton. (7.) ~ Roxburgh, Roxburgh. (12.) „ Marquis of Normanby, (8.) „ St. Andrews, Cavcrsham. Carterlou. (9.) ,', Tapanui, Tapanui. (13.) „ Little John, Marton. (10.) „ Pride of the Forest,--(l4.) „ Wairarapa, Greytown. Winton. 34. Court Sir George Grey ... ... Wellington. (11.) „ Pride of Alexandra, 65. Wellington District Widow and Alexandra. Orphan Fund ... ... Wellington. (12.) „ Bruoe, Milton.

* The registration of branches Nos, 6 and 9 has been cancelled,



List op Eegistered Societies, etc. — continued. Ancient Order op Foresters — continued. Reg. No. Situate at Reg. No. Situate at United Otago District —continued. 70. Court Star of the Dunstan ... Clyde. (13.) Court Pride of the Lake, 114. „ Star of Tuapeka ... ... Lawrence. Queenstown. 121. ~ Havelock ... ... Waitahuna. (14.) „ Excelsior, Mornington. „„ „ , . „ _ , (15.) " of the Leith, 88- » Coromandel Coromandel. Dunedin. 35. „ Southern Cross ... ... Timaru.

V. —Ancient Order op Shepherds. 11, Sanctuary Sir George Grey ... Wellington. | 173. Sanctuary Star of Canterbury ... Christchureh. VI. —United Ancient Oeder op Druids. 152. Pioneer Lodge ... Christchureh. 171. Ivanhoe Lodge ... Dunedin. 155. Hope of St. Albans „ ... Christchureh. 174. Star of the West „ .., Greymouth. 158. Oak of Sydenham ~ ... Sydenham. 177. Excelsior ~ ... Wellington. 159. Mistletoe „ ... Christchureh. 178. Star of New Zealand „ ... Lower Hutt. 164. Lyttelton Hearts of Oak „ ... Lyttelton. 181. Bud of Hope „ ... Rangiora. 166. Enterprise „ ... South Dunedin. 184. Perseverance „ ... Spreydon. 167. Ethelbert „ ... Springston. 187. Gladstone „ ... Dunedin. 168. Otago „ ... Dunedin.

Vll. —Loyal United Friends' Benepit Society. 153. Reliance Lodge, Auckland. Vlll.—lndependent Order op Rec-ha-h't-es. 113. Star of Hauraki Tent ... ... Thames. (5.) Hope of Wellington Tent, Wellington. 110. New Zealand Central District ... Wellington. (6.) Hope of Dunedin Tent, Dun(l.) Good Samaritan Tent, Timaru. edin. (2.) Murihiku „ Invercargill. (7.) Pride of Christchureh Tent, (3.) Scandia's Hope „ Norsewood. Christchureh. (4.) Hope of Woodville Tent, (§•) Perseverance Tent, Wellington. Woodville. 98. Star of Hope Tent ... ... Hokitika.

IX.—Sons and Daughters op Tempeeance op Australasia. 170. Grand Division of New Zealand ... South Dunedin. 112. Perseverance Division ... ... Christchureh. (1.) Star of Peace Division, Hoki- 118. Antidote „ ... ... Dunedin. tika. 147. Progress ~ ... ... Kaiapoi. (2.) Helpmate Division, Ashburton. 156. Ray of Hope „ ... ... Greymouth. * (4.) Resolution Division, Rangiora. 157. Dawn of Light „ ... ... Dunedin. X. —Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benepit Society. 83. Grahamstown Branch ... ... Thames. 117. St. Joseph's Branch ... ... Dunedin. 84. Hokitika Branch ... ... Hokitika. 123. Greenstone Branch ... ... Kumara. 99. Waimea Branch ... ... Stafford. 145. Auckland Branch ... ... Auckland. 100. Charleston Branch ... ... Charleston.

Xl.—Railway Benefit Societies. 148. New Zealand Railways Employes' 154. New Zealand Railways Employes' Benefit Society, Christchureh Benefit Society, Invercargill Branch ... ... ... Christchureh. Branch ... ... ... Invercargill. 161. Otago Railways Employes' Benefit Society ... ... ... Dunedin.

Xll.—Miscellaneous Peiendly Societies. 101. Kaeo and Whangaroa Friendly 165. Sickness and Accident Mutual Society ... ... ... Kaeo. Assurance Association of New 149. New Zealand Prudential Assurance Zealand ... ... ... Christchureh. Society ... ... ... Auckland. 183. Grey Valley Accident Relief Fund... Brunuerton.

XllL—Benevolent Society. 163. Southland Benevolent Institute ... Invercargill. |

XIV. —Wor_in&-Men's Clubs. 151. Wellington Working - Men's Club 176. Winton Working-Men's Club ... Winton. and Literary Institute ... ... Wellington. 179. East Road Working-Men's Club ... Invercargill. 162. Christchureh Working-Men's Club 180. Dipton Working-Men's Club ... Dipton, Inverand Mutual School of Arts ... Christchureh. cargill. 172. North Waimate Working - Men's 182. Limehills Working-Men's Club ... Limehills, WinClub and Mutual School of Arts... Waimate. ton. 175. Invercargill Working - Men's Club 186. Greytown Working-Men's Club ... Grey town, and Mutual School of Arts ... Invercargill.

* Branch No, 3 dissolved.



List op Eegistered Societies, etc. — continued. XV.—Specially-authorized Societies.

Reg. No. Situate at 169. Grand Lodge of New Zealand of the Independent Order of Good Templars ... Dunedin. (1.) Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin. (2.) Aggressive Lodge, Blenheim. (3.) Dauntless Lodge, Christchurch (4.) Hope of Christchureh Lodge, Christchureh. (5.) Pioneer Lodge, Addington. (6.) Pioneer Lodge, Wellington. (7.) Star of South Canterbury Lodge, Waimate. (8.) Star of Hope Lodge, Oamaru. (9.) Loyal Nelson Lodge, Nelson. (10.) Queenstown Lodge, Queenstown. (11.) Golden Arrow Lodge, Arrowtown. (12.) West Coast Pioneer Lodge, Greymouth. (13.) Good Intent Lodge, Akaroa. (14.) Pearl of Peace Lodge, Wellington. (15.) Starlight of the Valley Lodge, Newtown. (16.) Pride of Waitati Lodge, Waitati. (17.) Robert Bruce Lodge, Bannockburn. (18.) Star of the East Lodge, Ashburton. (19.) Hope of Westport Lodge, Westport. (20.) Charleston Lodge, Charleston. (21.) Haste to the Rescue Lodge, Havelock. (22.) Hope of Roxburgh Lodge, Roxburgh. (23.) Transit Lodge, East Oxford. (24.) Reefton Fraternal Lodge, Reefton, (25.) Tapanui Lodge, Tapanui. (26.) Normanby Lodge, Nelson. (27.) Loyal Collingwood Lodge, Collingwood. (28.) Hope of St. Bathans Lodge, St. Bathans. (29.) Minerva Lodge, Blackstone Hill. (30.) Pride of Hawke's Bay Lodge, Port Ahuriri. (31.) Premier Lodge, Hokitika. (32.) Hope of Stafford Lodge, Stafford. (33.) Providence Lodge, Courtenay. (34.) Eureka Lodge, Drybread. (35.) Golden Stream Lodge, Alexandra, Otago. (36.) Hope of Goldsborough Lodge, Goldsborough. (37.) New Era Lodge, Purakanui. (38.) Hope of Greenstone Lodge, Greenstone. (39.) Break of Day Lodge, Anderson's Bay. (40.) Second -to - None Lodge, Pigeon's Bay. (41.) Hope of Brunnerton Lodge, Brunnerton. (42.) Woodstock Lodge, Woodstock. (43.) Hope to Prosper Lodge, Sawyer's Bay. (44.) New River Pioneer Lodge, Dunganville. (45.) Crystal Fountain Lodge, Waihola. (46.) Pride of Maheno Lodge, Maheno. (47.) Victory Lodge, No Town. (48.) Victoria Lodge, Noble's. (49.) Grey Valley Lodge, Ahaura. (50.) Kumara Lodge, Kumara.

Reg. No. Situate at (51.) New Life Lodge, Duvauchelle's Bay. (52.) Northern Star Lodge, Kaiapoi. (53.) Rock of Freedom Lodge, Ashley Bank. (54.) Hearts and Homes Lodge, Orepuki. (55.) Unity Lodge, Macetown. (56.) Salem Lodge, Swannanoa. (57.) Dawn of Peace Lodge, Ashburton. (58.) Star of Sefton Lodge, Sefton. (59.) True Blue Lodge, Waitahuna. (60.) Advance Lodge, Cust. (61.) Eagle Lodge, Dillman's Town. (62.) Hope of Highcliffe Lodge, Highcliffe. (63.) Hope of Leeston Lodge, Leeston. (64.) Hope of Springfield Lodge, Springfield. (65.) Clearbrook Lodge, Waterton. (66.) St. Helena Lodge, Greymouth. (67.) Pride of Sydenham Lodge, Sydenham. (68.) Phoenix Lodge, Masterton. (69.) North Star Lodge, Kaikoura. (70.) Will and the Way Lodge, Tinwald. (71.) Rising Sun Lodge, View Hill. (72.) Pride of Brookside Lodge, Brookside. (73.) Mount Fyfe Lodge, Mount Fyfe. (74.) Olive Branch Lodge, Wellington. (75.) Hope of Little Akaloa Lodge, Little Akaloa. (76.) Hearts and Hand Lodge, Lumsden. (77.) Pride of Mount Grey Lodge, Mount Grey. (78.) St. Dunstan Lodge, Clyde. (79.) Determination Lodge, Dunsandel. (80.) Hope of Stoke Lodge, Stoke. (81.) Princess Alice Lodge, Waikaia. (82.) Nordens Haab Lodge, Napier. (83.) Star of North Invercargill Lodge, Invercargill. (84.) Hope of Fernside Lodge, Pernside. (85.) Southern Cross Lodge, Invercargill. (86.) Guiding Star Lodge, Dunedin. (87.) Palmerston Lodge, Palmerston. (88.) Hope of Mornington Lodge, Mornington. (89.) Akaroa Hope Lodge, Akaroa. (90.) Sacred Stream Lodge, Taitapu. (91.) Undaunted Lodge, Owake. (92.) St. Andrew's Lodge, Christchurch. (93.) Welcome Retreat Lodge, Geraldine. (94.) Loyal Marine Lodge, Nelson. (95.) Union of Otago Temple, Dunedin. (96.) St. John's Lodge, Wellington. (97.) Home of Peace Lodge, Totara Plat. (98.) Star of the Forest, One-Tree Point. (99.) Southern Star Lodge, Wanganui. (100.) Crystal Spring Lodge, Blenheim. 185. Invercargill Total Abstinence Society ... ... ... Invercargill.



SCHEDULE II. Summary of Results of Valuation of Lodges in the Nelson District, M.U.I.O.O.F., as at 31st December, 1880.

Names of Lodges. ID a ft d © rdl r« O o 3 o o to be cm © H ha.o c.o Present Value of Sickness Benefits. Present Value of Funeral Benefits. Total Present Value of Benefits.', Present Value of Future Contributions for Benefits. Net Liability. Lodge Sick and Funeral Fund. Proportion of District Funeral Fund. Total Fund applicable to Lodge Benefits. Deficiency. Amount of Management Fund. Nelson 1844 221 148 38-339 £ s. d. 323 4 3 £ 8,692-7164 £ 1,6540330 £ 10,346-7494 £ 4,887-3496 £ s. d. 5,459 8 0 £ s. d. 2,674 18 8 £ s. d. 37 2 1 £ s. d. 2,712 0 9 £ s. d. 2,747 7 3 £ s. d. 52 1 1 HOWABD 1847 198 122 35-636 257 8 0 7,310-2185 1,449-8462 8,760-0647 4,055-6482 4,704 8 4 3,534 8 6 33 4 11 3,567 13 5 1,136 14 11 23 11 8 Tbayellers' Rest 1847 72 41 34-097 93 12 0 2,580-5073 517-0449 3,097-5522 1,501-3804 1,596 3 5 894 1 11 12 1 9 816 3 8 779 19 9 31 12 5 Mansion of Peace 1860 79 39 29-734 102 14 0 2,531-8193 549-2099 3,081-0292 1,750-5861 1,330 8 11 711 14 5 13 5 3 724 19 8 605 9 3 100 5 1 General Cameron 1865 54 33 32-834 70 4 0 1,847-3118 394-5879 2,241-8997 1,155-8638 1,086 0 8 262 13 7 9 14 271 14 11 814 5 9 39 5 2 Totals 624 383 35426 847 2 3 22,962-5733 4,564-7219 27,527-2952 13,350-8281 8,092 12 5 6,083 16 11 246 15 5 14,176 9 4 7,987 17 1 104 15 4 Note. —The " Net Liability " column is the excess of the present value of expected claims over the present value of future contributions for benefits, and is the amount which each lodge should have in hand (less its proportion of the District Funeral Fund) to be actuarially solvent.



SCHEDULE 111. To the President and Managing Committee of the Widows' and Orphans' Fund of the Nelson District, M.U.1.0.0.F. Sir and Brethren, — Agreeably to your instructions we have made a valuation of the assets and liabilities of the fund as on the 31st December, 1880. By the certified copy of the rules of the society supplied to us we find that the regulations regarding this fund are contained in District Eules 24 and 25. The benefits assured at the present time are as follow : 1. An annuity of £7 4s. per annum to the widow of every deceased member for the first 6 years of widowhood. 2. An annuity of £1 16s. per annum to each child under 12 years of age of every deceased member, till it reaches that age. The particulars supplied to us for valuation were as follow: 1. A return from each lodge in the district containing the initials of all members not owing more than 12 months' contributions, with the year of birth, year of admission, and whether married or single in each case. 2. A return from the district secretary containing the initials and year of birth of each member having children under 12 years of age, with the month and year of birth and sex of each of his children under the limiting age. 3. A return of the widows and children upon the fund at the date of valuation, with the date of birth and declaration on the fund in each case. 4. A return of the admissions and withdrawals of widows and children, and of the mortality experienced by them during the six years preceding the date of valuation. 5. A summary of the receipts and expenditure for each of the fire years preceding the date of valuation, and a balance-sheet of the fund as at the 31st December, 1880. From the information supplied to us we have compiled the following summary and tables:— Summary. Number of members, single ... ... ... ... ... 241 „ „ married ... ... ... ... ... 383 -— 624 ■„ „ having children under 12 ... ... ... 297 „ such children ... ... ... ... ... 976 Average age of all the members, 35 years 5 months. Number of widows on the fund at Ist January, 1875 ... ... 11 „ entrants to 31st December, 1880 „, ... ... 18 — 29 „ widows whose benefits matured ... ..." ... 11 ~ „ who died ... ... ... ... ... 1 „ „ „ remarried ... ... ... ... 3 „ „ „ left by other causes ... ... ... 1 — 16 ~ „ on the fund at 31st December, 1880 ... ... 13 „ children on the fund at Ist January, 1875 ... ... 22 „ entrants to 31st December, 1880 ... ... ... 38 — 60 „ children whose benefits matured ... ... ... 26 „ „ who died ... ... ... ... ... 1 „ „ whose benefits ceased through remarriage of widowed mothers ... ... ... 7 — 3_ „ „ on the fund at 31st December, 1880 ... ... 26 Table I. Number of Members at each Age, Married and Single, with the Number having Children under 12 Tears of Age, and the Number of such Children. , T , , ht u _■ _ No. of Members Number of . Number of Number Number , . gy, , gB' Members. Single. Married. under g l2 YearB . Children. Under 20 36 36 20 and under 25 111 93 18 12 17 25 „ 30 107 44 63 45 94 30 „ 35 84 25 59 57 173 35 „ 40 90 15 75 65 251 40 „ 45 73 7 66 63 276 45 „ 50 46 7 39 27 81 50 „ 55 42 3 39 23 70 55 „ 60 14 2 12 4 13 60 „ 65 14 6 8 1 1 65 „ 70 5 2 3 70 „ 75 2 1 1 624 241 383 297 976



Table 11. Number of Childeen at each Age, with the Difference between the Ages of the Members and their Children. Children. Difference between Ages of Members and Children. Age. Number. Difference in Years. Number of Children. Under 1 year 98 ... 1 and under 2 80 18 and under 23 20 2 „ 3 87 23 „ 28 190 3 „ 4 95 28 „ 33 275 4 „ 5 81 33 „ 38 245 5 „ 6 85 38 „ 43 145 6 „ 7 83 43 „ 48 71 7 „ 8 80 48 „ 53 23 8 „ 9 72 53 „ 58 6 9 „ 10 79 58 „ 63 1 10 „ 11 70 11 „ 12 66 976 976 The receipts and expenditure of the fund for the five years ended the 31st December, 1880, may be summarized as follows: — £ s. d. £ s. d. Amount of fund on Ist January, 1876 ... ... ... 798 17 5 Add contributions ... ... ... ... 715 18 7 „ entrance fees ... ... ... ... 31 7 2 „ interest ... ... ... ... ... 341 17 10 „ other receipts ... ... ... ... 4 17 7 1,094 1 2 1,892 18 7 Deduct benefits paid to widows ... ... ... 489 5 6 „ „ orphans ... ... ... 254 5 6 „ other expenditure ... ... ... 013 4 744 4 4 Bealized assets on the 31st December, 1880 ... ... £1,148 14 3 To this has to be added arrears of contributions, £10 os. 7d., and amount of interest due, £19 25., making the total worth of the fund £1,177 16s. lOd. The rate of interest realized by the fund for each of the five years preceding the date of valuation has been as follows:— £ s. d. Year ended 31st December, 1876 ... ... 811 8 per cent, per annum. „ „ 1877 ... ... 715 10 1878 7 16 7 1879 7 5 3 ~, „ 1880 ... ... 6 2 1 37 11 5 Average of rates ... ... £7 10 3 per cent, per annum. Before placing before you the valuation balance-sheet, we shall seek to indicate the methods pursued by us in carrying out this valuation. (_.) As regards the rate of interest: The rate of interest assumed in all the calculations has been 4 per cent. This rate is much under the rates realized by the managers of the fund during the quinquennium, and great credit is due to them for investing the capital of the fund so profitably; but what we have to consider is not so much the rate that has been realized in the past, as the most probable rate that will be realized on good securities during the next forty or fifty years. Keeping in view the fact that the rate of interest has been declining for some years, also the probability there is that, through the influx of foreign capital, the rate will still further decline, we do not think it would be safe to assume that a higher rate than 4 per cent, will be realized on the total capital of the fund throughout the period mentioned. (b.) As regards the tables of mortality used in the valuation: Seeing that the experience of the society has not been extensive enough to furnish sufficient data on which to base the necessary calculations, and as there are no published tables or definite information obtainable regarding the death-rate at each age in this colony as yet, we had to consider what published table or tables of mortality would be most suitable to adopt for the present valuation. After mature consideration we resolved on adopting the following : — For the temporary annuities to widows, the Manchester Unity Experience 1866-70 Table, and the Institute of Actuaries Hm Table. For the temporary annuities to children, Pell's New South Wales 1860-75 (Females) Table, and the Institute of Actuaries Hm Table.



Before we could value the benefits much time had to be spent in constructing the necessary tables, and this work has very materially delayed the valuation, a circumstance we much regret, but could not help. (c.) As regards the present value of the future contributions of members: The contribution being the same at all ages and in all cases—whether the member be married or single, or a widower — the present value has been found by multiplying the present value of £1 per annum at each age (Manchester Unity Table), and payable twice a year (1) by the annual contribution, and (2) by the number of members in the society at each age, and then summing up the column. The total so obtained amounts to £2,668 ss. Bd. (d.) In regard to the present value of the benefits to widows: We had to consider, first, the value of the future payments to the widows who were on the fund at the date of valuation, and, second, the number of widows who may yet declare on it, and the value of their benefits. The number of widows receiving benefits at the date of valuation was 13, their ages varied from 24 (last birthday) to 69, the average age being 42f years, and the periods during which the benefits were payable varied from 11 months to 5 years 9 months. In consideration of the benefits being payable quarterly, the necessary additions were made in each case, and an addition was also made to cover the time from the date of last payment to the date of valuation. The value of the benefits under this division we find to be £275 12s. The number of widows who may yet claim the benefits of the fund is definitely within limits, yet not susceptible of anything like exact determination, and we do not know of any tables of the various contingencies that have to be estimated that are at all suitable for your particular case. The various classes of widows that have to be included in the estimate are as follows: — (1.) Widows who may be left out of the 383 wives existing at the date of valuation; (2.) Widows who may be left out of the second or subsequent marriage of the 383 married members whose wives were alive at the date of valuation; (3.) Widows who may be left through the remarriage of widowers; (4.) Widows who may be left through the first marriage of members at present unmarried ; (5.) Widows who may be left through the second marriage of members at present unmarried. We estimate that the number of widows of the first class will be 210. Of the 173 members left widowers, we estimate that 130 will marry again; and, as the wives selected by them are likely to be several years younger than themselves, the proportion of widows that will be left is likely to be considerably greater than in the casejaf first wives. Accordingly we estimate that the number of widows of the second class will be 100. As the returns furnished to us did not distinguish between bachelors and widowers, we have considered the 241 single members as all bachelors, and therefore have not been able to make an estimate of the number of widows of the third and fourth classes separately. Turning back to Table 1., it will be seen that of the single members only 21 are over 45 years of age —that, in fact, 129, or over 50 per cent, of the whole, are under 25 years of age. Such being the case, a very large proportion may yet be expected to marry. Our estimate of this number is 187, and the number of widows left from such marriages we estimate at 103. Coming now to the last class, and reasoning as in regard to the second class, we estimate the number of widows who will be left through the second marriage of members at present unmarried at 47. Adding these various estimates together, we get a total of 460 as the number of widows who may yet claim the benefits of the fund. What we have now to consider is the present value of the benefits to these 460 widows. The value of this benefit depends (1) on the age of the member and the value of his life at the date of valuation ; and (2) on the age of the widow, and the value of her life when she enters upon the fund, together with the probability of her remarrying during the time the benefit is payable. At the date of valuation the mean age of the wives was about 3i years less than that of their husbands, and this difference is likely—in consequence of remarriages—to increase rather than diminish. Beyond this, it has been fully proved that female life as a whole is better than male, and these two circumstances require to be taken into account. There is, however, one circumstance which has a tendency to counteract the difference in age between the members and their wives, and also the superior longevity of female life, and that is the remarriages of widows. After much thought and deliberation, we have come to the conclusion that, for the present valuation, this contingency, which tends to lessen the value of the benefits, may be set against the two we have mentioned tending in an opposite direction, and hence that the ages of the wives may be assumed to be the same as that of their husbands. The mean age at death of the members now living at each age has been found by adding the mean after lifetime (Manchester Unity Experience) to the age at the date of valuation. The value of the benefit to the widow when she enters on it has been taken as equal to the value of an annuity of £7 4s. for six years on a life of the same age, less the mean age at death of the husband, and the present value of this annuity has been obtained by multiplying it by the present value of £1 at death of the husband. The total of the values so obtained is £5,177 9s. (e.) In regard to the present value of the benefits to children: Under this head we had to consider, first, the value of the future payments to the children who were on the fund at the date oi valuation ; and, second, the value of the benefits to the children who may yet become entitled to receive the benefits of the fund. At the date of the valuation the number of children receiving benefits was 26, and their ages varied from Ito 11 years, the average age being 6 years. The value of the future payments to these children was found by multiplying the sum payable yearly to each into a temporary annuity (payable quarterly) on each child's life till it reached the age of 12, and the total of the values so found amounts to £172 15s. 9d. The value of the benefits to the children who may yet become entitled to receive the benefits of the fund is much more difficult to estimate than in the case of the widows, because of the greater B—H. 2.



number of contingencies involved, and the almost total want of data. In your case we have to consider the children who may be left fatherless or orphans out of the following classes : — (1.) The 976 children whose parents were alive at the date of valuation; (2.) The children who may yet be born to the present married members ; (3.) The children who may yet be born to members at present single. In regard to the first class, our chief difficulty was the want of suitable tables, and, after a direful examination of all tables of mortality of infantile life within reach, we decided upon adopting the New South Wales (Females) Table for the value of life under 10 years of age, and the Hm Table for the value of life over that age. Having calculated the necessary series of monetary values of single and joint lives according to the above data, the valuation was proceeded with by finding the value of the benefit to each child in the event of the father dying before it reached 12 years of age. The total of the values so found amounts to £445. In regard to the children of the second class, the valuation is beset with difficulties for want of data. On referring to Table 1., and considering the number of married members at each group of ages, and the number of such members having children under 12 years of age at the date of valuation, we are of opinion that a considerable number of children will yet be born to them. Now, in estimating the value of the benefit to these children, it has to be remembered that the value of the benefit to each child at birth increases as the father increases in age. Taking all the circumstances into account we estimate the liability to the children of this class at £400. Coming now to the last class —the children who may be left fatherless or orphans from the marriages of members at present single. In this case, as in the last, there is no method that, can be devised of forming an estimate of the value of the benefits to the children of this class which c;m be regarded as satisfactory. We can only give a rough approximation, based upon our estimate of the number who will marry out of the 241 single members at the date of valuation. This number we have estimated at 187. Now, if we suppose that 170 of these marriages will prove fruitful, it seems to us that £500 would be a very moderate estimate of the present value of the future liabilities to the children of this class. Having now indicated the methods pursued by us, we will now append the valuation balancesheet. Valuation Balance-sheet, as at 31st December, 1880. Db. £ s. d. | Ck. £ s. d. To Estimated value of temporary annuities to j By Total assets, as per secretary's return ... 1,177 16 10 13 widows ... ... ... 275 12 0 I Estimated value of future contributions 2,668 5 8 Estimated value of temporary annuities Deficiency ... ... ... ... 3,124 14 3 to future widows ... ... ... 5,177 9 0 Estimated value of temporary annuities to 26 children ... ... ... 172 15 9 Estimated value of survivorship annuities to 976 children ... ... ... 445 0 0 Reserve for future children of present married members ... ... ... 400 0 0 Reserve for future children of members at present single ... ... ... 500 0 0 £6,970 16 9 £6,970 16 9 Having regard to the carefulness which has characterized the management of this fund, tho large deficiency brought out by this valuation is a result we greatly deplore. But as we have not been able to see a way, consistent with our responsibilities, to. reduce the deficiency in any way, we are therefore of opinion that the contributions and benefits of this fund should be immediately revised. Seeing, however, that so much doubt exists regarding the future liabilities under some of the benefits, and recognizing fully the power of efficient management in overcoming difficulties when seen to exist, we do not feel inclined to recommend for your adoption such measures of reform as would at once remove this deficiency. As there can be no doubt about the contribution being insufficient and grossly inequitable, a graduated scale should be at once adopted, and made applicable to all in accordance with the age at entry. As a tentative scale, we would recommend the following for adoption, viz. : —• Age 18 to 20 ... 6d. per lunar month. Age 30 to 35 ... IOJd. per lunar month. „ 20 „25 ... 7_d. „ „ 35 „40 ... Is. „ 25 „30 ... 9d. It will be seen by reference to the valuation balance-sheet that the heaviest liability is in respect of the payments to widows, and it is on this benefit we think a little reduction should be made. We would recommend that the benefits to widows should be reduced to 10s. per calendar month, and that the benefit should absolutely cease at the end of six years after the death of the members. In any case of great necessity for further assistance a special levy might be made, either by a single lodge or by the district as a whole. In conclusion, we may say that the objects aimed at by you in the maintenance of a Widows' and Orphans' Fund in connection with your district are most admirable, and in strict accordance with the phiianthrophic principles of the order. Such being the case, it is all the more necessary that the institution should be placed on a sound financial basis. We have endeavoured in this report to point out what, in our opinion, would be most conducive to that end ; and we hope, as a result, that you may be induced to adopt such measures of reform as will insure receipt of the benefits of the fund by all who may become entitled thereto. We have, &c, Geo. Leslie, Beter Black, Bublic Valuers under " The Friendly Societies Act, 1877." Dunediu, 21st October, 1881.


Nelson District, M.U.I.O.O.F. Widows' and Orphans' Fund. —Summary of Results of Valuation, as at the 31st December, 1880.

£ s. d. Net liability ... ... ... ... ... ... 4,302 11 1 Capital ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,177 16 10 Deficiency ... ... ... £3,124 14 3


at a a pq o 6 'A Present alue of Nature of Benefits. Total Amount Assured. Total Yearly Contributions applicable to .Benefits. Benefits. Contributions applicable to Benefits. £ s. d. 311 8 0 £ s. d. £ s. 275 12 d. 0 £ s. d, "emporary annuities to widows 'emporary reversionary annuities to widows of members 'emporary annuities to fatherless or orphan children 'emporary reversionary annuities to children under 12 years of age teserve for future children of present married members i,eserve for future children of members at present single 13 624 26 976 26,956 16 0 199 4 0 11,097 0 0 169 0 0 5,177 9 172 15 0 9 2,668 ! 5 445 0 0 400 0 0 500 0 0 Totals 1,639 169 0 0 6,970 16 !) 2,668 5 8


SCHEDULE IV. Statistics of Families, derived from Census of 1881. A.—City of Wellington. — Te Aro Ward (2 Blocks).

B.— New Plymouth.

C. — Timaru.


Ages of Adult Males. -=3 a-Sg .O m O W So. >f Adult "ol u ©.9 ©* S3 a Sg-H P be co .as . gags -B 1-i H a jjIhcH " ScS s tf oO B !ales. i cm O U CO I a a © 3.5 *3 SO o rX N © N i—I I © I CM U 03 tH CO CN I H CO i © tH i © 1 rumbei o3 tH CO Of 91 ichCi FH 3 © tH CO li lildre] u 03 © tH cn 00 aged— U 03 © © 06 N 03 tH 3 I tH CM I r-f c3 tH co CM a tH -51 I CO 1 © IO 3 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55 55-60 60-65 65-70 70-75 75-80 80-85 85-90 34 113 132 96 133 75 37 29 28 7 6 3 2 2 3 4 6 6 5 3 5 5 1 15 84 114 80 110 63 28 15 6 1 1 21 163 313 278 441 198 72 41 11 1 3 8 31 50 23 35 6 1 2 10 30 36 22 27 12 3 3 32 39 29 28 10 1 3 1 1 25 34 17 27 10 5 19 31 25 35 9 1 10 30 27 36 15 5 1 7 22 25 32 11 8 2 4 18 15 31 14 3 2 1 19 16 34 13 7 2 1 2 13 19 31 18 3 3 2 1 8 22 27 13 7 4 1 4 8 25 17 5 3 2 5 17 23 21 12 6 1# 3 9 26 13 7 6 3 i 4 24 16 4 7 i i 1 i 1 Totals ... 693 43 517 1,542 156 140 147 120 120 124 107 88 93 92 I ! ! 83 64 84 68 56 * Step-daughti ir.

S0-25 !5-30 10-35 15-40 10-45 15-50 iO-55 15-60 10-65 S5-70 '0-75 '5-80 10-85 15-90 10-95 15 77 63 78 71 50 50 28 26 13 11 2 2 1 2 2 5 4 5 4 2 3 1 9 66 59 68 64 46 33 15 6 2 12 120 175 219 246 185 91 34 19 8 6 35 21 16 17 11 6 1 4 23 24 15 12 5 4 1 1 1 27 22 23 24 9 4 1 2 1 1 15 25 16 18 11 7 2 13 23 20 18 10 6 3 2 5 12 23 19 10 5 2 2 12 13 20 15 6 12 21 17 17 3 2 1 6 10 18 11 12 3 7 14 14 18 3 5 2 4 12 17 12 10 1 4 1.0 13 12 3 4 3 2 11 18 16 7 3 4 1 7 14 12 5 4 2 1 8 7 16 10 2 1 1 i i 1 1 "i 1 "l Totals ... 486 32 368 1,109 114 89 114 95 95 77 70 73 61 63 57 49 62 44 46

!0-25 !5-30 10-35 15-40 10-45 15-50 10-55 15-60 30-65 35-70 ro-75 rs-so 50-85 24 85 98 116 103 71 32 18 11 7 2 2 2 2 5 3 4 8 6 3 2 2 2 1 18 67 81 88 86 52 22 12 9 18 124 213 323 327 175 58 24 17 13 31 32 31 16 7 1 3 22 33 22 19 3 2 1 22 20 35 22 8 20 28 27 25 6 3 1 10 18 26 21 7 8 12 35 23 17 3 1 1 7 24 28 27 16 3 2 15 22 20 11 4 3 1 1 7 24 19 12 2 1 7 20 23 15 9 2 2 1 5 15 31 17 7 3 1 7 14 22 11 6 4 1 3 10 20 20 10 4 1 2 6 22 11 2 2 2 8 17 14 6 3 3 i 2 "i 1 "i Totals ... 569 40 435 1,279 132 104 108 111 85 100 106 78 66 78 80 65 68 47 51


D. — Manawatu County (exclusive of Scandinavians).

E. — Manawatu County (Scandinavians only).

F.-City of Wellington (Te Aro), New Plymouth, Timaru, and Manawatu County, combined.

4—H. 2.


Ages of Adult Males. "te -° B S §i§ a m O _£K W No. if Adult Males. fe.S « £3 a i _ S3 o ! _ £H IS be© B sags .B u t. u O-B © ■3°o3 © 3 <M o u © . a b s £ *d ja ©« I o H <D CO <N 5 © CO H J_ Numbci U a ta H to Hi 1 of si ich Chi 3 _ CO I ildren aged— k® OS I 00 6 O Oi w I o U 03 41 7" a CO 3 © I CO E s 10-25 !5-30 10-35 15-40 10-45 15-50 10-S5 J5-60 10-65 35-70 '0-75 '5-80 50-85 20 154 185 207 153 116 61 43 23 8 6 3 2 2 2 10 8 5 9 7 9 6 3 2 10 123 167 197 148 101 51 28 9 2 2 1 14 263 509 717 640 417 183 83 21 7 4 2 7 57 64 67 45 20 9 2 1 51 58 63 42 22 5 2 2 46 77 78 40 23 10 1 1 2 40 60 57 55 26 11 4 26 59 71 59 29 10 5 1 1 21 49 65 47 33 9 8 2 1 2 14 41 56 35 31 14 2 2 22 52 53 32 13 9 1 3 27 34 33 24 13 5 1 1 1 1 18 46 47 28 14 8 2 1 11 31 42 32 13 7 2 1 1 1 1 10 38 46 29 15 8 3 4 25 33 25 16 3 2 1 6 23 28 27 14 13 2 1 1 1 3 11 35 36 17 6 3 1 1 1 Totals ... 981 63 272 278 195 1.84 142 164 142 150 109 116 113 839 2,860 243 256 260 236

10-25 15-30 10-35 15-40 . ... 10-45 15-50 50-55 15-60 1 13 13 16 9 4 3 1 1 10 11 14 9 4 3 1 1 17 32 53 42 17 8 1 3 4 5 1 1 6 6 2 5 2 3 5 7 o 3 2 1 1 3 2 7 5 4 2 "l 2 2 4 2 5 3 3 2 3 2 1 5 5 1 7 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 4 3 1 3 3 3 i "2 2 1 1 3 Totals ... 60 53 170 15 21 20 7 20 11 13 8 12 11 9 8 3 9 3

20-25 94 53 66 35 17 7 3 i 1 2 y 59 132 i V — v — 5 70 / 1 —v — 2 8 i 25-30 442 8 350 687 157 i 130 102 i 45 30 v 5 3 3 i ! i ... 1* i_l 419 157 i 217 138 y 43 69 ) 1. —v — 7 29 i i r - 1 14 11 i 30-35 491 432 1,242 |171 v 163 148 i. 105 101 60 46 25 14 5 7 i. V i 491 124 i 391 147 i 230 113 100 83 y 30 63 48 35-40 513 18 447 1,590 142 i 172 152 127 89 106 74 / 63 32 v 438 105 I 118 i 417 137 i —y 329 123 i —v — 263 120 <w_ ■ .v-1-43 97 93 i 40-45 469 17 417 1,696 114 i 116 128 v 129 117 109 116 i 109 97 I 1 [ 83 —v 335 44 394 57 / —v — 349 74 / y 345 75 > i \ 273 82 I 63 __J 45-50 17 266 992 45 53 53 75 76 60 81 70 82 I 84 i 316 i — v — 210 24 i v 226 38 i 229 45 | 31 50-55 183 28 137 412 17 142 14 15 26 1/ — 185 17 24 31 35 29 29 45 J 37 y 46 3 / —v — 67 9 / i 90 16 i —v — 96 15 V i —v — 113 16 I 25 55-60 55119 22 71 182 ! 5 5 i 6 12 4 11 18 19 16 | 18 / y 13 1 v 27 4 / i 31 3 i 52 4 i i I * r _ 59 7 9 60-65 88 20 30 68 2 4 3 3 2 2 8 9 7 7 A —v — 7 v — 10 ; y 7 i v V — 21 2 i V v j 23 2 ! 1 65 70 35 17 5 16 !. i 2 1 2 1 2 I / 2 2 L-- ; 1 —v — 3 _y i 3 1 —v — 2 1 ! 5 ... [ 1 i 25 12 7 —v — 3 1 1 1 70-75 1 v 1 —» —I 2 v 2 1 * r2 ... | 1 i 75-80 10 8 1 i y 1 i v ■ , 1 v : I 80-85 85-90 90-95 4 2 1 1 ... ... Totals ... 2,789 178 2,212 6,960 l 689 I j 1597 667 589 580 548 i 491 i [431 1374 1 408 371 !336 i ,326 284 I 879 269 ; 1,953 .,717 1,296 1,115 1 * Stcp-d; tughter.



G. — Percentage of Married Men,* in each Quinquennial Age-period, who have one or more Children under 15. Average Number of such Children, classified in Triennial Age-periods, to each Father.

Note.—Further statistics will shortly be collected from the census schedules of counties and boroughs bavins an exceptionally large proportion of males at the higher ages, at which the above d;ita become too scanty, so as to throw further light on the probabilities, at advanced ages, of leaving orphans. The results will be published on a future occasion.

Ages of Married Men. Percentage of Married Men who have one or more Children under 15. Average fumber of Childri ,n (to each Fathi ,r) aged— 0-15 Years. 0-3 Years. 3-6 Years. 6-9 Years. 9-12 Years. 12-16 Years. 20-25 56-38 1-245 1113 [•094]f " [-038] 25-30 77-78 1-963 1-197 •620 •123 [•020] [•003] 30-35 86-75 2-875 1-137 •905 •533 •231 •069 35-40 84-18 3-557 •980 •933 •736 •588 '320 40-45 85-80 4-067 •803 •945 •837 •827 •655 45-50 79-88 3-729 •534 •695 •789 ■850 •861 . 50-55 64-93 3-007 ■336 •489 •657 •701 •824 55-60 50-35 2-563 [•183] •380 ■437 •732 •831 60-65 27-78 2-267 [•233] [•334] [•233j •700 '767 65-70 [9-62] [3-200] [■600] [•600] [•600] [•400] [l'OOO] 70-75 [8-11] [2-333] [•333] [•666] [•667] [•667] 75-80 [5-56] [2-000] [1-000] [1-000] All ages ... 74-55 3-146 •883 •776 •586 •504 •397 * Including email a number o: idowers. f The averages and percentages ei facts to be of any value. iclosed within square brackets are those de: -ived from toa





NUMERICAL PROGRESS, MORTALITY, AND SICKNESS. TABLE I.—Showing the Number of Admissions and Departures, the Numerical Progress, the Mortality, and the Sickness, during the Year 1880, in the various Friendly Societies and Branches of Friendly Societies in the Colony of New Zealand which furnished Returns in accordance with Section 13 (1, d) of "The Friendly Societies Act, 1877," and Section 4 of "The Friendly Societies Act Amendment Act, 1878."

No. of Benefit '. Admitt during the Members 1 No. of Benefit Members who Left during the Year. No. of Deaths during the Year. CO © o3 Sickness Experience. CD 1 rear. 0) 6m __ s Amount of Sickness experienced during the Year. Average Amount of Sickness during the Year. Name of Society and Branch. Where Situated. -B -^ M © CD Bo Sb<1_ ►.ft CD 5 m EC f-< CD CD 3 ID O is Total. First Six Se „°.ond ,£"« Month* Slx Twelve months. Mont]ls , Months. EH Per Member. Per Sick Member. _H Manchestek Unity Independent Oedee oe Odd Feliows. Auckland District — Fountain of Friendship Lodge Good Intent „ Parnell „ Charles Bruce „ Waikato „ Alexandra ,, Howick ,, Auckland ... Parnell Thames 1843 1851 1859 1865 1866 1866 1876 27 7 3 6 23 7 3 6 6 2 22 •3 6 17 20 13 4 IS 2 ... j 3 2 1 1 1 ... I 33S 247 103 75 179 4 26 346 248 96 7' 167 4 39 39 57 14 17 3° Wks. ds. 467 4 382 4 48 1 no 4 188 o Wks. ds. 155 > 254 6 48 1 80 4 no 2 Wks. ds. 2 5 7 5 26 o Wks. ds. 3°9 5 120 o 4 o 77 5 Weeks. 1'3 73 •484 I'SiS 1-087 "Weeks. 11-989 6-712 3'439 6-504 6-267 2 2 Alexandra ... Howick 14 ... 1 ... j ... j 7 32 4 32 4 4-653 14 82 8 ! "' 65 6 , \ I'002 Total of District ... 74 7" 9 I 969 97i 164 1,229 3 681 4 36 3 5" 3 1-267 7H97 New Plymouth District — Egmont Lodge N. Plymouth 1857 3 2 1 I 6 S 1 I 146 143 18 282 3 84 4 47 o 150 6 J'955 15-690 Wellington District — Britannia Lodge Antipodean „ Rose of the "Valley „ 1 ! "Wellington... Lower Hutt 184S 1849 1849 29 i20 12 10 9 3 2 97 S3 '7 167 88 47 14 9 6 3 2 1 I 1 355 214 198 767J 284 174 192 650 S3 24 23 624 3 262 3 166 2 34° 3 119 3 108 2 78 o 53 o 6 o 206 o 90 o 52 o 1-955 i'353 ■853 11-782 10-935 7-230 3 - Total of District ... 56 42 —; 14 I 149 18 6 I 1 100 1,053 1 568 1 1.37 o 348 o 1-486 10-531 Marlborough District — Marlborough Lodge Renwick „ Blenheim ... Renwick 1861 1867 4 6 2 6 2 14 5 12 S 2 • '3 2 40 ■ 121 40 i 21 213 1 1 4 143 4 1 4 10 4 59 o •039 io- i5o ' 1 Total of District ... 10 8 2 19 '7 2 2 i 2 172 161 1 22 j 214 5 '45 1 10 4 59 o i-289 9-760 Nelson District — Nelson Lodge Travellers' Best „ Howard » 1 > 1 Nelson Richmond ... Nelson 1844 1847 1847 11 27 11 24 1 ... 17 16 11 IS 6 8 2 10 3 3 ... j ... 226 77 184 221 72 198 55 10 38 S99 S 39 I 3°4 4 307 o 39 1 204 o 104 6 187 6 2-683 ■S2S i-595 10-904 3'9'4 8-015 3 j 2! ... 33 4 67 o 1 1 ! i I 1 I I 1 Total of District ... S3 I 49 I 4 1 44 I I 29 j ! is 1 I Si I ... I 487! 49 [ i 10 143 3 55° 1-929 9'i



North Westland District — Westport Lodge Charleston ,, Eeefton ,, Westport ... Charleston ... Eeefton 1867 1867 1872 I 4 4 - ... 10 3' 10 3° j 2 I ... | M 68 70 118 63 63 107 10 8 14 22 o 76 4 97 4 22 o 24 4 45 4 52 o 52 o •338 1-151 •867 2'20O 9'57' 6970 21 ... ... 20 I 1 1 Total of District ... i I ! I 256 23 I 24 1 48 45 3 1 "■ 232 32 196 1 92 1 104 o •804 6-129 Hokitika District — Hokitika Lodge Boss „ Waimea „ G-reymouth „ Albert „ Hokitika Boss Stafford ... G-reymouth.., Kumara 1866 1867 1867 1867 1871 II 2 25 I 6 10 2 2 1 1 23* 14 4 7 9 11 13 4 4 7 10 1 - 2 1 I 163 S3 45 102 83 158 So 63 94 76_ 16 11 134 1 76 . 82 1 157 o 52 5 63 1 23 6 75 6 87 o 52 S 19 o 16 o 6 2 18 o 52 o 36 2 •836 1*4*79 1-521 I'6o2 •663 8-384 6922 5-866 10-467 7"53i 3 2 14 15 7 ... ... 52 O 4 2 1 1 2 Total of District ... 45 19 26 45 1 38 7 5 I I 446 441 63 502 1 302 4 59 2 140 2 1-132 7*97i I Ashley District — Bangiora Lodge ... Nil Desperandum ,, Bangiora ... Oxford i860 1868 7 3 7 2 '4 3 12 2 2 131 5° 181 124 5° ' -227 2-071 1-540 12-833 1 1 14 6 29 o 77 o 29 o 25 o 52 o Total of District ... , i— 1 i I ! 10 9 1 i? 14 3 ... ... '74 20 106 o 54 o 52 O •597 5"3°° North Canterbury District — City of Christehurch Lodge Kaiapoi „ Volunteer „ Benevolent „ Perseverance „ Christehurch Kaiapoi Sydenham ... Christehurch Woolston ,.. 1854 1858 1866 1866 1872 38 15 14 6 29 11 9 2 •9 6 17 5 8 2 1 2 1 1 37° 71 63 84 107 69s 387 80 66 104 48 9 11 7 13 428 5 H3 o 83 o 16 4 39 1 246 3 78 3 31 o 16 4 39 1 49 4 26 o 132 s 8 4 52 o 1-287 i •194 ! ■371 8-932 12-556 7'54S 2-367 30 11 3 1 11 3 1 4 13 S 12 * 3 IS 2 11 ... 1 Total of District ... 86 16 ! I 7° ! S4 43 "I —! 3 2 724 88 680 3 411 4 75 4 193 2 '959 I 7*732 Lyttelton District — City of Norwich Lodge ... Good Intent ,, Hand of Friendship „ Dawn of Hope „ Lyttelton ... Akaroa Okain's Bay Little Eiver 1850 1859 1878 35 6 1 33 6 2 1 17 34 2 IS 34 2 15 66 2 j 2 1 ... I 192 90 24 26 208 62 21 6 6 206 o 27 2 28 o 9 4 63 6 27 2 28 o 9 4 19 o 123 1 1-030 •372 1-217 *5'7 9810 4'548 4-667 3-190 1 j 22 I iS 11 3 Total of District ... 42 39 3 68 2 Li 2 2 332 3°3 36 270 6 128 S 19 o 123 1 •853 7'524 Otago District — Hand and Heart Lodge Dunedin „ Dalton ,, Prince of Wales ,, Albion ,, Oamaru „ Tuapeka Pioneer „ Waitahuna ,, Dunedin 1 Balclutha ... Port Chalmers Dunedin Oamaru Lawrence ... Waitahuna... 1848 1862 1863 1864 1864 1864 1865 1866 29 18 6 4 8 17 9 1 19 18 5 3 5 5 I 10 1 1 3 2 33 26 16 26 25 6 7 13 10 S 7 1 1 - 2 ... 1 i 1 1 298 194 5° 76 in 71 80 65 292 186 49 72 101 81 78 60 22 21 S 11 9 7 8 10 215 1 205 1 11 o 76 S 98 S 2! 5 78 4 69 o in 1 87 5 II o 76 5 42 5 21 S 34 4 51 3 3 o 4 o 104 o "4 3 52 o •729 1-079 '222 •931 •286 9*779 9-769 6-974 10-968 3-I02 9'82I 69OO 6 3 1 2 ! 1 ... 24 o 17 4 20 o 4 1 I '995 1-104 ... ... I ... I * By clearance from Goldsborough Lodge, to terminate separate existence of latter. Virtually an amalgamation.




No. of Benefit Members Admitted during the Year. No. of Benefit Members who Left during the Year. No. of Deaths during the Year. so CD _-s CO Siclrness Experience. CD CD _ 6 73 CD or* Amount of Sickness experienced during the Year. Average 1 Sickness c Y( Unount of Luring the sar. Name or Society and Branch. Where Situated. m I O $4 Si 5 PQ CD 2.2 Pi ffl CD 1 CD 6 m <D 1 o CD CD _0 CD CD l> o 1 50 mi o bo 4n CD S or 1 dw *o a Total. First Six Months. Second Six Months. After Twelve Months, Per Member. Per Siek Member. o "it O Manchester Unity Independent Oedeb oe Odd Feeiows — continued. Otago District —continued. Prince Alfred Lodge Waipori „ Bluespur „ Naseby „ Alexandra „ Roxburgh „ Tapanui „ Lake Wakatipu ,, Palmerston „ Cromwell ,, Mount Wendon „ Band of Friendship „ Outram „ Mosgiel „ Hawkesbury Waipori Bluespur ... Naseby Pt. Molyneux Boxburgh ... Tapanui Queenstown Palmerston Cromwell ... Waikaia Kakanui Outram Mosgiel 1866 1867 1867 1868 1869 1869 1869 1869 1870 1870 1871 1872 i8?S 1879 8 ... 1 3 2 3 2 8 2 2 ... 1 1 3 7 6 9 2 3 7 2 3 6 s 8 2 3 7 I I I 2 I j I 1 2 1 1 2 50 34 70 9° 27 S3 Si 37 19 56 69 13 88 23 1,625 55 26 62 82 25 46 38 19 52 64 13 72 40 7 4 14 13 3 14 4 2 Wks. ds. 46 1 41 2 95 1 7i 1 15 o 122 2 94 2 4 2 Wks. ds. 44 S 36 4 Si 6 7i 1 iS o 68 2 Wks. ds. 1 3 4 5 26 2 j 16 3 36 o Wks. ds.j ... [ 17 o I 37 4 16 o "Weeks. •879 i'376 1-442 •827 •577 2-329 i*944 •114 Weeks. 6-571 IO-32I 6796 5-473 5-000 8-735 23-571 2143 ... 2 42 2 4 2 2 1 ... I - I 1 1 S 9 1 J ... I 1 I - 9 o 38 S 14 o 115 o 5 1 9 o 28 5 14 o 71 o 5 1 •167 •582 1-077 i*438 •163 4*Soo 12-905 2-333 8-214 1*714 ■: I I ' 4 9 I 2 3 6 14 3 10 o 4 4 "*8 17 8 17 116 24 20 ... 4 ... 1 ... 26 o 18" o ... ... ... ... Total of District ... , 166 —; 141 25 190 1 i 24 n 1 n 7 182 1.447 3 899 o 169 3 379 o •907 7-953 Invercargill District — Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge... St. George „ Invercargill i860 1869 6 5 iS 1 s 6 3i 20 29 19 2 219 186 194 184 24 23 259 o i°7 4 131 o 107 4 26 o 102 o •581 10792 4-677 20 1 2 2 Total of District ... 26 20 ■ I i Si ! 48 3 2 1 1 2 1 1— 405 378 366 4 238 4 26 o •936 47 102 o 7'799 Total of Order \ I " ! — i Independent Oedee of Odd Feeiows. Grand Lodge of New Zealand — Pioneer Lodge Leith „ Alfred Avon „ Southern Cross „ Pioneer of Southland „ 579 472 107 780 685 95 47 47 17 6,481 6,233 875 7,292 5 4.IS6 I 7'8 5 2,417 6 1-147 •833 Dunedin 20 12 15 36 15 s 4 10 12 36 iS 82 15* 1 2 3 23 6 4 26 22 1 4 1 2 ... 91 69 43 63 58 70 88 67 Si 52 73 72 8 6 2 1 1 3 1862 1862 1868 1876 1877 1879 2 I 80 o 60 2 28 o 48 2 4 o 1 o 2 1 4 3 22 o 12 O 3° o •894 ■887 •085 •017 '033 •062 IO'OOO 10-048 2'000 Oamaru Christchureh Wellington... Invercargill 2 17 20 13 9 1 4 o 1 o 2 I 4 3 I OOO 21 2-143 1*476 13 Total of Order I 103 ■ 21 I 93 I * Men 76 I I 17 I •! ... 1 394 I 403 ' 151 6 87 6 ■381 21 34 o 30 o 7-23I fibers o: >f an amalgams ited lodf ge.



National Independent Oedee oe Odd Feelows. Auckland Provincial District — ■ Auckland Pioneer Lodge ... -_ United Brothers „ ... Total of Order Auckland ... Newton ... 1878 1879 25 23 48 24 23 I 37 28 37 28 ... 1 1 2 163 89 150 83 25 6 74 3 28 2 74 3 28 2 •476 •329 2*977 4*714 47 I 1 —I 1 65 2 2 252 233 j 102 5 102 s •424 3-3I3 31 : : ; . to Ancient Oedee oe Foeestees. Auckland District — Court City of Auckland ... „ Pride of Parnell Auckland ... Thames 1863 1869 24 5 12 3 12 49 2 3° 43 29 6 1 2 2 5 303 192 276 _____ 46 24 215 S 179 4 163 143 S 1 36 3 52 o *745 I'O06 4-689 7-440 Total of District ... — ! I 29 15 14 79 72 7 4 5 495 441 j 70 395 2 306 6 36 3 52 o •845 5'647 Hatvke's Bay District — Court Sir Charles Napier... „ Captain Cook „ Sir Henry Havelock' „ Robin Hood „ Ruahine Napier 1872 1875 1875 1878 1879 ! Havelock ... Port Ahuriri Waipukurau 29 9 9 9 14 25 8 9 6 4 I 13 9 14 3 I 2 4 1 7 7 12 1 6 2 2 1 1 2 I 103 81 60 117 8l 28 14 7 4 2 2 46 I 19 2 26 5 10 o 11 o 34 1 19 2 26 5 10 o 11 o 12 o ■419 •238 '465 •408 •468 3-296 2*755 6679 5-000 S'Soo 10 21 ■7 282 30 Total of District ... : 7o 58 12 39 27 12 2 I 3" 29 113 1 101 1 12 o ■382 3*901 Wellington District — Court Sir George Grey „ Robin Hood „ Little John „ Wairarapa „ Sir George Bovren ... „ Blenheim „ Roderick Dhu „ Loyal Enterprise ... „ Clarendon „ Manawatu „ Marquis of Normanby „ Loyal Feilding „ "William Gladstone... „ Pioneer • 1 Wellington... 1861 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1871 1871 1874 187s 1876 1876 1877 1878 26 19 6 7 39 3 52 1 13 1 23 S 83 1 9 2 4 ... ] 8 1 3 3 ! iS 1 j 21 1 23 2 ! 22 29 47 12 22 80 8 1 8 10 2 3 230 220 78 104 221 85 48 87 57 72 43 33 55 30 1.363 Marton Greytown ... Wellington... Blenheim ... Wanganui ... Masterton ... Picton Palmerston N. Carterton ... Feilding Gisborne ... Tinui,Whareama 9 10 9 21 8 9 8 16 12 S 1 3 1 3 ... 2 1 ... I 217 177 75 88 158 84 58 90 59 84 32 22 47 35 32 20 3 9 28 5 2 259 5 154 1 222 4 j 100 1 11 1 11 1 39 1 39 ' 159 1 155 1 18 5 18 5 30 30 80 5 80 5 7 5 ' 7 5 26 2 i 26 2 44 4 57 1 4 o 61 o 65 2 I"l62 1*121 •I46 •408 •840 *22I ■OS7 •912 ''33 '337 "575 •899 *S32 8116 11*129 3-7I4 4'349 5-684 3*743 1-500 6209 ■'543 3-286 5*393 6179 3-016 14 12 5 27 10 12 14 6 12 4 24 11 2 15 20 ... i 1 ... 1 13 5 8 4 4 9 21 4 : 21 4 24 j 24 5 27 1 j 27 1 22 18 1 I ... 12 6 4 I ... ! I 1 ... Total of District ... 183 155 28 j 3l6 285 31 4 — 7 I 1,226 669 4 126 2 •696 6'349 142 901 4 105 s Nelson District — Court Robin Hood „ Perseverance „ Pride of the Forest „ Waireka „ Concord „ Patea „ Unity „ Sherwood Forest ... 1 Nelson Motueka Wakapuaka N. Plymouth Greymouth Patea Havelock ... Stoke 1863 1863 1864 1867 1867 1868 1871 1872 24 3 5 14 iS 11 2 24 ... 3 S 13 13 10 2 8 4 2 , ... ! 4 1 6 2 I ... 1 j 5 4 I 29 6 4 2 3 I 6 ! 2 ! » 1 ... ■ 3 ... 166 65 36 101 86 79 27 568 182 60 37 100 28 7 6 14 '5 2 184 3 37 3 22 6 96 o 203 o 21 3 30 I iS 1 182 I 37 3 22 6 56 2 91 o 21 3 3° 1 15 1 2 2 26 o 66 o 13 s 46 o I'060 '599 •626 '955 2-28l I-382 *377 *S5I 6*S87 5-347 3810 6857 I3-S33 10714 2*153 3-786 1 2 92 23 81 28 ... ... 4 1 4 1 1 4 ... 1 ... Total of District .., [ ! — 1 ' 603 74 I 70 j 25 i 4 1 10 sl • 90 610 3 456 3 94 2 59 5 I-043 6-783




Name of Society and Beanch. Where Situated. i o .80 o CD r* No. of Benefit Members Admitted during the Year. a _! No. of Benefit I who Lei during the" _•« CD O Its Members ft Year. No. of Deaths during the Year. 1 I rfl 1_ - CD CD t> o o 0 Six CD .3 n| °_ * as M 0^ Amount of Sickness experiei during the Year. Sickness Experience. Lced Average i Sickness c Y< amount of Luring the jar. 6 1 3 3 cur" 1 dH d-d Total. First Six Months. Second Six Months. After Twelve Months. Per Member. Per Sick Member. *"3 O 3 Ancient Oedee oe Foeestees — contd. United Westland District — ■ Court Waimea ... "Wks. ds. 12 1 Wks. ds. 12 1 Wks. ds. Wks. ds. Weeks. ■656 Weeks. 1-214 Stafford ... 1869 3 3 ... 4 4 1 19 18 10 ... ... United Canterbury District — Court Star of Canterbury... „ Queen of the Isles ... „ Pride of Courtenay „ Thistle of the Forest Christchureh Lyttelton ... Courtenay ... Sydenham ... 1852 1861 1876 1879 40 2 43 30 S 2 10 35 7 2 1 3i 7 1 4 ... 2 1 429 83 27 19 558 432 80 27 61 43 11 228 1 88 2 5 3 189 5 36 2 S 3 38 3 52 o ■530 1*083 *20I 5"3o6 8*026 2*714 I 2 43 I 1 Total of District ... 90 80 ! 10 ! 45 40 5 3 600 56 321 6 231 3 38 3 52 o ■556 5*747 United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin ... „ Enterprise „ Robin Hood „ Pride of the Leith ... ,, Star of the Dunstan „ Royal Oak of Kawarau „ Pride of Oamaru ... ,, Star of Tuapeka „ Havelock Dunedin PortChalmers Dunedin Clyde Bannockburn Oamaru Lawrence ... "Waitahuna... 1862 1863 1864 1864 1866 1867 1868 1868 1869 S 17 s 12 4 12 12 3 1 i * 11 12 23 6 9 11 21 5 3 10 7 4 2 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 218 133 132 123 32 45 36 95 39 853 212 135 112 128 26 15 11 21 245 2 109 5 45 1 109 5 15 o 33 5 3 3 19 3 96 1 Il8 2 109 I 45 1 109 5 15 o 28 4 3 3 19 3 5i 1 24 o o 4 103 O 1*141 •819 •370 •874 •469 •843 •091 •205 2*345 9*434 7*3i4 4*104 5*224 5-000 6743 1714 2^429 I2'Ol8 3 10 6 7 Z_L "8 4 6 ... 2 2 1 3 10 7 S 3 1 1 32 35 39 95 43 831 3 s 2 8 8 S 1 26 o 19 o 1 Total of District ... 54 ! 11 80 72 8 7 4 99 677 4 499 6 •805 6844 55 5 122 O Courts Not in Districts — Court Southern Cross „ Coromandel I Timaru Coromandel 1865 1871 28 1 26 1 2 9 S 606 6 5 536 3 2 1 175 4i 192 36 20 7 120 o 27 2 98 o 27 2 22 o •654 •708 6'ooo 3-898 1 1 Total of Order 543 462 1 81 70 33 2S 4,354 4.258 523 3.179 2 2,402 5 352 4 424 o •738 6*079 Ancient Oedee oe Shepheeds. Sanctuary Sir George Grey Wellington... 1865 6 6 5 S 40 4i 10 77 o 51 o 16 o 10 o 1-901 7*700 ... United Ancient Oedee oe Detjids. Pioneer Lodge Hope of St. Alban's „ Mistletoe „ Excelsior „ Oak of Sydenham „ Ethelbert „ I : 1 t I Christchureh i87S 1879 1879 1879 1880 1880 27 22 24 57 "3 44 25 22 23 57 "3 44 2 14 5 8 4 28 14 4 8 I 88 53 76 9* 101 70 91 144 85 40 2*917 4*357 4*500 8-000 ,, 1 1 ... 1 12 2 4 7 35 o 8 S 18 o 56 o 35 o 8 5 18 o 56 o '370 •142 •216 ■477 Wellington... Sydenham ... Springston ... "28 4 I ... I ... I ... ] I ... I I ... I


Otago „ Enterprise „ Dunedin S. Dunedin... i88o 1880 97 j 77 97 77 ... ... 3 66 3 ... ... I ... ! ... j 97 ___ ... 1 308 Total of Order 461 458 3 61 5 ' 1 702 25 117 5 117 5 ■233 4*709 Loyai United Feiends' Beneeit Society. Remembrance Lodge Auckland ... 1879 10 10 15 IS 41 36 1 o 1 o •026 1*000 Independent Oedee oe Rechabites. New Zealand District — ■ Star of Hauraki Tent Thames ___! 8 1 23 21 ... I 123 IO9 1870 2 18 3 18 3 ■159 2-048 ... ... , New Zealand Central District — Good Samaritan Tent Timaru 1876 10 10 4 3 I 3° 36 8 4 8 4 ■260 2-857 Albert District — Star of Hope Tent Hokitika 1869 3 3 7 7 ... 36 32 5*286 26 3 26 3 *777 Total of Order 22 21 1 34 31 3 189 177 17 S3 3 53 3 •292 3' 143 Sons and Datjghtees oe Tempeeance. Antidote Division Perseverance ,, Progress ,, Ray of Hope „ Dawn of Light ,, Dunedin Christchureh Kaiapoi Greymouth Bothesay ... 1871 1872 1872 1878 1879 11 4 7 S 1 11 4 7 5 1 SO 5 2 49 ... 1 2 158 56 1 41 23 15 1 117 60 43 26 16 30 2 3 1 178 2 9 3 8 6 122 2 9 3 8 6 30 o 26 o 1-297 •163 •211 •898 5 943 4-714 2952 22'000 4 2 1 I 22 o 22 o ... ... Total of Order : 1 28 28 57 55 2 2 1 293 262 36 218 4 162 4 3° o 26 o •788 607 1 HlBEENIAN AeSTEALASIAN CATHOEIC Benefit Society. Otago-Canterbury District — St. Joseph's Branch : I Dunedin 63 •622 3*905 1873 1 1 ... 14 14 ... ... ... So 35 1 35 1 ... Branches Not in Districts — Charleston Branch Grahamstown „ "Waimea „ Greenstone „ Auckland ,, I I Charleston ... Grahamstown Stafford ... Kumara Auckland ... 1870 1870 1870 1871 1873 4 4 ... 1 4 3 IS 2 2 2 13 2 2 40 1 2 j 1 j j 25 95 i7 15 209 26 79 15 18 198 386 3 20 2 8 S "9 3 17 4 IS S 164 3 8 S 100 2 17 4 15 S 143 5 13 1 6 o '342 i'373 1-098 '952 •808 2-905 5'97i 8*786 S*238 S*48i 5 30 4 26 4i 1 3 3 30 iS 5 S o Total of Order 40 35 S 77 73 I 1 4 I 1 3 424 58 325 6 286 o 28 6 11 o •800 5*618 Railway Beneeit Societies. Otago Railways Employes' Benefit Society N.Z. Railways Employes' Benefit Society, Invercargill Branch ! Dunedin Invercargill 1875 1879 22 22 ... 49 184 49 184 .... I ... 335 312 307 127 46 22 123 1 I3S 3 123 1 126 3 9 o •384 •617 2*677 6*156 1 1 2 1 Total of Eailway Societies ... 23 1,863 23 1,644 233 233 3 1 647 434 ■ 68 258 4 249 4 9 o •478 3-803 Total of all the Societies 219 2,031 i,835 196 — 90 So j 13.423 13.165 I 1,665 ".778 S 7.670 S •886 1,189 1 2,918 6 7-074



AMOUNT OF FUNDS. TABLE II.—Showing the Amounts of the several Funds, as at the 31st December, 1880, belonging to all Friendly Societies and Branches of Friendly Societies included in Table I.

Name of Society and Branch. 2 E? <D j_ ■si. •jd *^Q0O ■mS-* o „ II 9 Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund. Management Fund. Other Funda and Property. Sick and Funeral Fund per Member. J*-*-" o t» tew Manchestee Unity Independent Oedee oe Odd Fellows. Auckland District — Fountain of Friendship Lodge Good Intent „ Parnell „ Charles Bruce „ Waikato „ Alexandra ,, Howick „ 346 248 96 7' 167 4 39 £ s. d. 10,139 1 3 1,965 o 5 1,067 13 8 1,323 15 10 2,291 6 5 73 6 10 156 13 o £ s. d. 10,139 1 3 i,759 '3 3 1,027 S 4 1,305 10 10 2,210 4 2 52 17 5 140 7 10 £ s. d. -133 18 1 205 7 2 40 8 4 1 5 o — 14 1 o o 9 5 16 5 2 £ »• d. £ s. d. 29 6 1 7 in 10 14 o 18 7 9 13 4 8 13 4 4 3 12 o 17 2 8 37 29 21 iS 14 14 4 1700 81 2 3 20 o o Total of District 97* 17,016 17 5 16,635 o 1 263 15 1 118 2 3 New Plymouth District — Egmont Lodge ... 7 9 11 23 143 1,089 3 6 1,071 18 o 17 5 6 Wellington District — Britannia Lodge... Antipodean „ •■• Rose of the Valley „ 284 174 192 3,409 8 4 2,834 16 4 2,384 17 3 3,338 4 6 2,51s 2 5 2,022 17 3 49 13 10 302 17 2 362 o o 21 10 o 16 16 9 11 15 1 14 9 1 10 10 9 35 31 3i Total of District 650 8,629 in 7,876 4 2 714 11 o 38 6 9 1224 Marlborough District — Marlborough Lodge Renwick ,, 121 40 2,241 15 4 428 18 5 2,189 6 3 378 4 o 52 9 i 4 18 o 45 16 S 45 16 S 18 1 10 9 9 1 19 13 Total of District 161 2,670 13 9 2,567 10 3 57 7 1 15 18 11 Nelson District — Nelson Lodge Travellers' Rest ,, Howard ,, 221 72 198 2,700 14 3 818 o 1 3,427 2 11 2,558 8 8 794 4 2 3,4i6 7 9 42 5 7 23 15 11 10 15 2 100 o o 11 11 6 11 o 7 i7 5 1 36 33 33 Total of District 49' 6,945 17 3 6,769 o 7 76 16 8 100 o o 13 15 9 North Westland District — Westport Lodge Charleston „ Reefton ,, 62 63 107 1,216 16 7 1,480 5 8 878 12 6| 1,216 5 3 1,480 5 8 S78 12 64 o 11 4 — 18 17 9 -39 16 4i 19 12 4 23 9 11 8 4 3 13 13 8 Total of District 232 3,575 14 9i 3,575 3 Si o 11 4 iS 8 2 Sokitika District — Hokitika Lodge Ross „ Waimea ,, Greymouth „ Albert „ 158 So 63 94 76 2,890 8 o 1,589 3 8 1,264 5 8i 2,085 17 2 502 3 8 2,868 4 o 1,522 11 1 1,177 18 1 2,049 o 1 464 1 5 22 4 o 66 12 7 44 7 7i 36 17 1 38 2 3 42 o o 18 3 1 30 9 o 18 13 11 21 15 n_ 621 14 13 13 13 9 Total of District 441 8,331 18 2i 8,081 14 8 208 3 6|! 4200 18 6 6 Ashley District — Rangiora Lodge ... Nil Desperandum ,, 124 50 1,821 15 652 8 1 2 1,821 15 I 652 8 2 -75 4 10 — 21 12 11 14 13 10 13 1 o 20 12 Total of District 174 2,474 3 3 2,474 3 3 -96 17 9 14 4 5 North Canterbury District — City of Christchureh Lodge Kaiapoi ,, Volunteer „ Benevolent „ Perseverance „ 387 80 66 87 104 5.985 1 11 1,070 1 6 1,162 2 11 1,278 8 3 841 8 10 S.985 1 " 935 10 3 1.145 5 4 689 19 3 824 7 o — 761 2 10 134 11 3 16 17 j — 29 18 4 17 1 10 iS 9 4 11 13 11 17 7 2 7 18 7 7 18 6 26 22 14 14 8 588 9 o Total of District 724 io,337 3 5 9.58o 3 9 168 10 8 588 9 o 13 4 8 Lyttelton District — City of Norwich Lodge Good Intent ,, Hand of Friendship „ Dawn of Hope „ 208 62 22 2,921 17 10 1,407 1 8 164 17 2$ 4i o 5 2,843 6 2 1,407 1 8 160 1 si 6 18 o 78 11 8 -182 4 15 9 -58 9 8 13 13 5 22 13 11 7 5 6 o 12 7 30 21 5 2 11 34 2 5 Total of District 83 7 5 303 4.534 17 il 4.417 7 3i 34 2 s 14 II 1



AMOUNT OF FUNDS— continued.

3—II. 2.

Name of Societx and Beanch. Eg" »_ a! . © o _ _SS Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund. Management Fund. Other Funds and Property. Sick and Funeral Fund per Member. 03 *** lw Manchestee Unity Independent Oedee oe Odd Fellows — continued. Otago District — Hand and Heart Lodge Dunedin „ Dalton „ Prince of Wales „ Albion „ Oamaru „ Tuapeka Pioneer „ Waitahuna „ Prince Alfred „ Waipori „ Bluespur „ Naseby „ Alexandra „ Boxburgh ,, Tapanui ,, Lake Wakatipu „ Palmerston ,, Cromwell „ Mount Wendon „ Band of Friendship „ Outram „ Mosgiel „ 292 186 49 7 2 101 81 78 60 55 26 62 82 25 52 46 38 19 52 64 13 72 40 £ s. d. 9,659 o 2 3,973 1 6J 685 8 1 1,226 5 1 942 10 10 1,95° 17 11 862 1 2 947 17 ioi 862 19 6 5i7 16 5 561 2 9 1,679 8 2 49° 15 2 429 17 10 399 4 1 702 9 8 277 14 10 669 2 2 867 3 5 357 16 8 489 13 6 134 6 6i £ ?: d. 7,234 10 10 3,726 4 8| 642 8 1 1,130 12 2 927 10 10 1,243 i'i 6 860 6 2 946 5 ioi 853 6 11 517 16 S 506 is s 1,669 8 2 383 5 °i 429 17 10 339 8 2 692 19 7 265 8 10 649 2 2 8.S3 17 1 308 18 10 414 13 6 105 13 10 £ s. d. 2,038 2 4 226 16 10 —12 2 2 -47 3 11 -26 19 8 707 6 s -6 13 1 -52 11 Si -139 19 11 -63 3 5 52 7 4 -86 18 7 107 10 if — 6 11 1 £ «• d. 386 7 o 20 o o 43 o o 95 12 11 15 o o 1 IS o 1 12 o 9 12 7 £ s. d: 24 IS 6 20 o 8 13 2 2 *5 14 1 9 3 8 iS 7 1 11 o 7 iS IS S 15 10 4 19 18 4 8 3 6 20 7 2 15 6 7 8 5 4 7 7 7 18 4 9 13 19 5 1298 13 o 7 23 15 4 5 15 2 2 12 10 32 18 17 16 16 16 1.5 14 14 13 13 12 200 10 o o 11 14 15 11 -59 17 5 -48 1 8 - 116 18 8j 364 48 17 10 40 18 6 8 12 8_ 45 o o 9 10 1 1260 11 11 11 10 20 o o 30 o o 10 9 8 34 1 6 20 o o s I Total of District 1,565, 28,686 13 4i 24,682 1 11 _ 3,248 14 4 755 17 1 iS IS 5 Invercargill District — Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge St. George „ 48 5 9 -21 15 7 22 18 8 i94 184 4,270 17 2 2,006 s 3 4,199 12 9 1,986 S 3 21 12 11 20 20 o o 10 15 11 11 Total of District 378 6,277 2 s 6,185 18 o 48 S 9 42 18 8 16 7 4 Total of Order ... 6,233 100,569 6 5 93,9l6 S S* 4,887 8 4 i 1,765 12 7 15 4 Independent Oedee oe Odd Fellows. Grand Lfydge of New Zealand — Pioneer Lodge Loith „ Alfred „ Avon „ Southern Cross „ Pioneer of Southland „ 88 67 Si 52 73 72 1,'35 1° 4 1,087 4 2 332 12 10 155 9 6 352 1 4 235 17 9 684 14 9 922 14 6 249 10 3 40 13 7 181 6 o 173 15 3 243 3 10 121 11 1 207 11 9 42 18 7 73 o o IOO o o IOO O O 50 O O 7 15 7 13 15 5 4 17 10 o IS 8 298 2 8 3 18 18 12 4 3 1 10 2 7 14 15 11 7° IS 4 1226 Total of Order ... 403, 3,298 15 11 2,252 14 4 472 ii* 3 573 10 4 5 I1 10 National Independent Oedee oe Odd Fellows. Auckland Provincial District — Auckland Pioneer Lodge ... United Brothers ,, 25 o 8 -o 3 10 150 83 604 o o 185 o o 508 19 4 165 o o 70 o o 20 o o 3 7 10 1 19 9 2 1 Total of Order ... 233 789 o o 673 19 4 25 o 8 90 o o 2 17 10 Ancient Oedee oe Foeestebs. Auckland District —• Court City of Auckland ... „ Pride of Parnell ... 276 i6 S 3,237 12 9 2,129 S 4 3,108 11 1 2,129 s 4 10 10 8 118 11 o "S3 12 18 1 i7 11 Total of District 441 5,366 18 1 S.237 16 5 10 10 8 118 11 o 11 17 7 Sawke's Bay DistrictCourt Sir Charles Napier... „ Captain Cook „ Sir Henry Havelock „ Bobin Hood „ Ruabine "7 81 55 28 30 719 13 1 320 5 3 229 16 i| 66 7 8 59 2 9 660 19 1 292 2 9i 219 16 ii 61 16 10 44 12 9i 58 14 o 7 12 9i — o 12 11 _ 2 13 4 — 2 11 2i 20 9 8 1000 1 17 6 14 9 n_ 5 13 o 3 12 2 3 19 11 242 1 9 9 8 S 5 2 1 Total of District / 72 69 o i* 46 17 ii! 311 1.-3' 15 4 i°i! i,2 4 2 3


AMOUNT OF FUNDS— continued.


Namb 0* Society and Beancii. •Sa o _ an fc a Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund. Management Other Funds Fund. -d and. Property. Sick and Funeral Fund per Member. £-*"* _ « Ancient Oedee oe Foeestebs— contd. Wellington District —■ Court Sir George Grey „ Robin Hood „ Little John ... ... „ Wairarapa ,, Sir George Bowen ... ,, Blenheim „ Roderick Dhu „ Loyal Enterprise ... „ Clarendon ,, Manawatu ... ( .. „ Marquis of Normanby „ Loyal Feilding „ "William Gladstone... „ Pioneer ... 217 177 75 88 158 84 58 90 59 84 32 22 47 35 £ *• d. 4,846 4 2 1,507 17 n 630 2 4 770 15 11 1,076 9 5 1,321 12 9 210 n 9 446 15 2 304 16 1 526 1 11 277 3 4i 196 11 8 205 16 2 142 9 6 £ s. d. 4,718 13 10 I,4IS 4 5 594 8 6 670 is II 976 8 o 1,122 15 4 188 17 8 444 17 9i 293 17 3 273 19 6 271 11 o 186 10 6 200 5 2 "4 1 3 £ «. d. 6S 16 4 2 o 10 0 13 10 -329 8 4i 26 17 9 190 4 8 21 14 1 1 17 4i 2 18 10 225 5 12 4i 10 1 2 S n o — 4 10 ioi £ s. d. 61 14 o 90 12 8 35 o o IOO o o 73 3 8 8 12 9 £ s. d. 21 14 n 7 19 ii 7 18 6 7 12 5 6 3 7 13 7 4 3 5 2 4 18 10 4 19 7 3 5 3 8 9 9 8 9 7 4 5 3 3 S 2 19 iS 14 13 12 11 9 9 6 S 4 4 3 2 800 250 o o 28""8 3 Total of District 1,2261 12,463 8 ii 11,472 6 ii 335 i° 8 655 11 4 9 7 2 Nelson District — Court Robin Hood „ Perseverance ... „ Pride of the Forest... „ "Waireka ... „ Concord ... „ Patea „ Unity „ Sherwood Forest ... 182 60 37 100 2,849 J9 i° 541 12 4 . S02 17 s 744 1 11 366 18 4 225 5 10 310 8 1 244 3 5 2,634 16 10 444 3 8 4i7 17 o 74i 8 s 299 10 o 225 1 2i 294 6 i 172 7 9i ►> 215 3 o 97 8 8 85 o 5 2 13 6 22 8 4 o 4 7i -45 5 11 7i iS 7i 14 9 7 7 8 1 11 s 10 7 8 3 3 5 1 9 15 8 3 12 8 632 17 17 16 92 23 81 28 45 o o 13 13 12 16 2 o 9 8 Total of District 603 5,785 7 2 5,229 11 o 494 14 2 61 2 o 8 13 5 United Westland District — Court "Waimea ... 18 187 4 oil 166 18 of 3 5 "1 1700 9 5 S 11 United Canterbury District — Court Star of Canterbury... „ Queen of the Isles ... ,, Pride of Courtenay „ Thistle of the Forest 432 80 27 61 3,906 8 3 1,302 9 8 139 8 5 58 3 5 3,232 2 7 828 2 ii no o o 54 6 4 17 14 I 474 7 6i 9 8 5 o 11 1 656 11 7 7 9 8 10 7 o 416 o 17 10 28 19 4 1 20 o o 360 Total of District... 6o. 5,406 9 9 4,224 11 o-J 502 I III 679 17 1 7 o 10 United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin ... ,, Enterprise „ Robin Hood „ Pride of the Leith ... ... ,, Star of the Dunstan ,, Royal Oak of Kawarau „ Pride of Oamaru ... „ Star of Tuapeka „ Havelock... 212 135 112 128 32 35 39 95 43 3,801 15 11 1,524 o 4 1,083 1 S 626 7 4 248 18 4 262 17 o 153 I I 480 16 7 219 7 ioJ 3,544 4 3* 1,135 9 8_ 360 18 4i 448 12 si 174 3 5 142 7 5l 80 11 3 39i 18 9 6162 257 11 7i 356 3 ii 572 3 o| 177 15 °i 56 10 11 120 9 6i 35 13 5 66 17 10 49 17 9i 32 7 6 150 o o 1840 16 14 4 883 3 4 5 3 10 I 5 8 10 4 1 4 214 426 1 8 6 18 17 16 16 36 16 s 22 o o 108 3 11 14 1.3 12 12 11 Total of District... 831 8,400 5 ioi 6,339 11 9 1,693 2 34 367 11 10 7 12 7 Courts not in Districts — Court Southern Cross „ Coromandel 192 36| 3,650 8 7 427 14 11 3,444 7 2| 427 14 11 173 2 ij -35 18 10 32 19 3 17 18 9 11 17 8 15 9 Total of Order ... 4,258 43,083 1 44 37,822 4 if 3,28l 7 ii 1,979 10 ii 8 17 8 Ancient Oedee oe Shephbbds. Sanctuary Sir George Grey 4' 193 3 7 174 5 4 18 18 3 4 5o '5 United Ancient Obdee oe Dbuids. Pioneer Lodge Hope of St. Alban's „ Mistletoe „ Excelsior „ Oak of Sydenham „ Ethelbert „ Otago „ Enterprise „ 101 7o 9i 144 85 40 97 74 249 7 3 89 o 7 115 13 3 149 16 6 174 12 5 5° 13 11 92 13 4 69 13 3 198 o 6-_ 64 iS 7 i°5 1 9 120 19 o 106 6 6 38 13 11 83 19 9 26 3 3 Si 6 8i o 15 o 10 11 6 8 8 11 39 4 5 -5 17 10 8 13 7 -13 8 9 23 IO o 20 8 7 29 1 6 1200 I ig 2 0 18 6 1 3 1 0 16 10 1 5 o o 19 4 o 17 4 o 7 1 5 1 1 1 o o 43 10 o o o Total of Order ... ■M Ii 128 10 ■02 I IO II


AMOUNT OF FUNDS— continued.


Name of Societt and Bbanch. E „ o_ eg . s. as o _ ©CO K a Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund. Management Fund. Other Funds and Property. 8ick and Funeral Fund per Member. 3*8" d"K Loyal United Emends Benefit Society. Remembrance Lodge £ s. d. 65 12 3 £ s. d. 65 12 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1 16 S 36 Independent Obdeb op Rbchabitbs. New Zealand District —■ Star of Hauraki Tent 109 686 o 3 597 15 2 10 1 4 78 3 9 5 9 8 10 New Zealand Central District — Good Samaritan Tent 36! 122 6 4 122 6 4 -44 19 S 3 7 11 Albert District — Star of Hope Tent 32 147 1 10 75 ifi 2 21 5 8 50 o o 2 7 5 n Total of Order ... 177 955 8 5 795 17 8 31 7 o 128 3 9 4 9 11 Sons and Daughtebs oe Tempeeance. Antidote Division ... Perseverance „ Progress „ Ray of Hope „ Dawn of Light „ "7 60 43 26 16 966 5 10 580 10 8 286 13 4 68 9 3 32 2 o 955 9 7 566 16 4 233 2 6 57 11 6 30 o o — 18 6 9 -30 16 s S3 10 10 5 17 9 020 10 16 3 13 14 4 8.3 4 9 8 11 5 8 5 2 4 3 1 17 6 9 8 8 2 1 500 200 Total of Order ... 262 i,934 1 1 1,842 19 11 59 10 7 31 10 7 708 HlBEBNIAN AtrSTEALASIAN CATHOLIC Beneeit Society. OtagO'Canterbury District — St. Joseph's Branch ... ... 5° 294 3 7 287 8 7 — 10 n 1 6 15 o 5 IS o Branches not in Districts — Charleston Branch Grahamstown „ "Waimea „ Greenstone „ Auckland „ 26 79 15 18 198 200 6 8| 871 19 6 410 2 2 54 16 7 1,156 13 9i 183 6 3 581 9 5 40S 3 2 23 3 °i 660 16 6J o 1 n| 290 10 1 -88 6 2! 31 13 6i 4SS 17 3 16 18 6 4 19 o 710 7 7 2 27 o 3 1 S 9 369 10 10 10 40 o o 9 7 Total of Order ... 386 2,988 2 4 2,141 7 o 778 2 10 68 12 6 S i° 11 Railway Benefit Societies. Otago Railways Employes Benefit Society New Zealand Railways Employes Benefit Society, Invercargill Branch 307 1,208 10 8 1,099 2 10 102 7 10 700 3 11 7 127 330 3 o 184 13 6 145 9 6 1 9 1 Total of Railway Societies... 434 1,538 13 8 1,283 16 4 247 17 4 7 o o 2 19 2 Total of all the Societies ... 13,165' 156,406 is 61 141,713 2 of 9,92i 3 61 4,772 9 ii* 10 15 3


DISPOSITION OF FUNDS.— ASSETS. TABLE III.-Showing the Modes in which the Funds of all Friendly Societies included in Table I. were Invested and Otherwise Disposed on 31st December, 1880.


Assets. Invested at Interest. Percentage of Total Funds Invested Name oh Society and Bbasoh. o J* Mortgages on Freehold Property, <_ g Other % 2 Investments. Deposited with Invested in Hall, Land, &e. CO Cash not hearing Interest. Value of Goods, &c. Other Assets. Total. _ 5 "a _1 Post Office Savings Bank. Other Banks. Total. M.U.I.O. oe Odd Fellows. Auckland District — Fountain of Friendship Lodge £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. „ s. d. £ s. d. 300 o o £ s. d. 9,232 8 8 £ s. d. 265 14 1 £ s. d. 201 o o £ b. d. 139 18 6 £ s. d. 10,139 1 3 Good Intent „ 40 11 9 s] 300 o o 30 o o 250 o o 1,040 o o 35° o o 500 o o 400 o o IO IS 10 8 4 8 5i I- ... 1,710 11 9 150 o o 64 4 10 4° 3 10 i,9 6 S o 5 3'o 87-1 91-6 7*6 Parnell „ Charles Bruce „ Waikato „ Alexandra „ Howick „ [Central Body] Total of District New Plymouth District — Egmont Lodge [Central Body] Wellington District — Britannia Lodge ... ... 58 o o 901 o o 1,760 o o 28 1 3 132 o o [150 I 5] 5 6&5I 5l 5 5 _ ••■ . [2,880 o o] 2,870 o o 8 ... - ... ... -■■[ 5S 8 o o 1,301 o o 1,760 o o 28 1 3 132 o o 3,030 I 5] 45° o o 386 7 7 59 13 8 5 15 10 63 16 7 25 5 7 12 3 o [247 19 1] 1700 81 2 3 20 o o 12 IO O 1,067 13 8 1,323 15 10 2,291 6 5 73 6 10 156 13 o [3,278 o 6] 52-2 98-3 768 38-5 84-1 [92-4] 34'2 42 ■ I 16*9 2,919 13 o ... ... ... 5,789 13 o 10,218 16 3 J 496 13 7_ 37i 16 i_ 139 18 6 17,016 17 6o-i 1,050 o o 8&10 1,050 o o [70 o o] 30 14 6 [26 2 3_j 890 1,089 3 6 [96 2 3 _ 96*4 ][72*9] [70 o o] - ... !IOO o o 790 10 o 1,050 o o "s 6 233 8 8 233 8 8 3,030 4 8 3,409 8 4 6-8 88*9 145 15 o .Antipodean „ V 10 10 o 901 o o 1,651 o 1* 272 16 3 10 o o 2,834 16 4* 31-8 58*2 Rose of the Valley „ [Central Body] Total of District 37 i ii I 1,940 IO o 6-10 45° o o 693 18 8 7 1,537 1 11 2,671 10 7 767 12 o 5,448 16 9 80 3 4 [81 5 8] 2,384 17 3 [81 S 8] 64'4 3i-o 32*2 37 Ill ... ____ 498 14 7 10 o o 8,629 1 11 631 Marlborough District — Marlborough Lodge 1 10 8 10 2,114 10 3 91 8 8 35 16 S 2,241 15 4 1 .94*3 Renwiek „ [Central Body] Total of District ... 050 31 II II ■,534 10 3 580 o o 355 o o [280 o o] 386 16 11 [280 o o] 1000 21 6 [2 14 o] 37 17 11 ... 30 o o 428 18 5 [282 14 o] 90-2 [98-9] 93'6 4*1 2*3 050 30 o o 31 II II 2,469 IO 3 2,501 101 2,670 13 9 3-8 Nelson District — Nelson Lodge ... Travellers' ReBt ,, Howard ,, [Central Body] Total of District^ 256 14 1 200 o o 200 o o 200 o o [100 o o] 600 o o 6 5i 61 1,165 ° o 300 o o 2,717 10 o [677 10 o] 8 6 trt 855 o o 43 19 2 6 6 2,220 o o 800 13 3 2,917 10 o 1,'53 i° o] 5,938 3 3 475 o o 5 14 3 17 6 10 124 16 9 [190 14 9] ... ... 9 16 2 2,700 14 3 818 o 1 3,427 2 11 [i,344 4 9] 82*2 97*9 85-1 [85-8] 85*5 17*6 109 256 14 1 [ ... [376 o o] '■'•'•[ 375 o o ... 4,182 10 o j 898 19 2 ... 850 o o 147 17 10 ... 9 16 2 6,945 17 I2'2 !____]



4—H. 2

North Westland District — Westport Lodge Charleston „ Beefton ,, [Central Body] Total of District 28 8 4 695 o o 400 o o Si 1,050 o o 200 o o 8 80 o o 500 o o '6 1.1S8 8 4 1.395 ° ° 400 o o ... 439 5 2 58 8 3 85 5 8 39 7 4i [33 16 7] ■83 1 3i ... 1,216 16 7 1,480 5 8 878 12 6* [33167] 952 94'3 45*5 S°'° I I I ... 28 8 4 1,095 ° ° ... I 1,250 o o -I 1 j 580 o o ■ •• ... 2,953 8 4 439 5 2 3.575 14 9i 82-6 j ... I2'3 Hokitika District — Hokitika Lodge 60 o o C 225 o o ) 375 ° ° (. 165 o o 1,220 o o 1,105 ° 6 490 o o 3>7 S 7 66-2 22-8 S Si s 4i Si S 1.853 is ° IO i>9i3 15 ° 659 7 5 2,890 8 o ... Boss „ I ■■ 760 o o 4 1.525 ° ° 3 1 8 6120 1.S89 3 8 960 Waimea „ G-reymouth ,, Albert „ [Central Body] . ... Total of District Ashley District — Bangiora Lodge Nil Desperandum „ Total of District 206 7 6 418 IO o 7 1,220 o o 1,729 18 o 490 o o 2 5 8| 345 19 2 12 3 8 [i35 ° 6 ] 42 o o 1000 1,264 S 8J 2,085 17 2 S°2 3 8 [i35 o 6] 8,331 18 2| 96'S 82-9 97-6 206 7 6 3,640 o 6 1,853 15 o IO 1,178 IO o 6,878 13 o 659 7 5 680 15 gil 103 2 O IO O 82-6 j ... 7'9 ! 25° 3 9 512 17 6 763 1 3 1,150 o o 9 ... ... 1,400 3 9 512 17 6 i,9'3 1 3_ 391 10 6 120 o o 30 o 10 19 10 8 1 I - I ! 1,821 15 i j 652 8 2 2,474 3 3 768 78-7-7 7'3 21-5 18-4 20'6 ... 1,150 o o 2_ 511 10 6 49 11 North Canterbury District — City of Christehurch Lodge Baiapoi ,, Volunteer „ Benevolent „ Perseverance „ [Central Body] Total of District ... 1 83 "18 6 44 9 7 ... 400 o o ■" I 122 8 O 600 o o 122 8 o 683 18 6 444 9 7 232 5 11 5,500 o o 915 ° ° 443 13 5 560 o o 600 o o 3 1 11 32 n 10 17 13 5 245 9 8 482 o o I 28 9 o o 1 8 j 16 17 7 5,985 1 i« 1,070 1 6 1,162 2 11 1,278 8 3 841 8 10 [268 o 11] 11-4 58-8 34-8 27-6 i 9i'9 85-5 38-2 43-8 7i*3 IOO o o ... 9 211 260 14 o 400 o o 822 8 0 1,483 2 o -. I [i28'**7 7] 298 16 10 [i39 13 4]1 5'° 9 ° i ... 14*3 77-6 : 8,018 13 5 26 2 iQ.337 3 Lyttelton District — City of Norwich Lodge... Good Intent „ Hand of Friendship „ ... Dawn of Hope „ [Central Body] Total of District 105 11 6 4 ... 800 O O 800 o o 105 11 6 1,650 o o 1,200 o o ... 411 3 o IOI IO 2 164 17 2J 6 18 O [52 3 °] 68484150 O o j ... 10 14 IO 2,921 17 10 1,407 1 8 164 17 2J 4i ° 5 [15° 3 6] 4,534 17 ii 27-4 7-5 56 '5 85-3 105 11 6 4_ I 800 O o 905 11 6 2,850 o o 34 2 5 [33 8 3] 84 2 5 [64 12 3] 10 14 IO - I 20"0 I 62-8 ... Otago District — Hand and Heart Lodge Dunedin ,, 7,420 o o 3.7°5 ° ° ( 150 o o \ 250 o o 950 o o ( IOO o o ( 400 o o 800 o o , 400 o o l 35° o o 45° o o 14,975 ° o "9* 9 8 8 7,420 o o 3,867 12 6 1,850 o o 389 ° 2 85 9 oi 67 8 1 9,659 o 2 3.973 1 6J 685 8 1 76-8 97*3 19-2 162 12 6 20 o o Dalton „ 175 o o Si I ... 575 ° ° 43 o o 83-9 Prince of Wales „ 90 2 7 50 o o 4i I ... 1,090 2 7 76 2 6 i 60 o o 1,226 5 1 88-9 Albion „ Oamaru „ Tuapeka Pioneer „ 331 7 5 4 IO 9 8 8 84 i J - I '" I 851 7 5 800 o o 700 o o 76 3 S 37* *° *" no 6 2 15 ° ° 75 o o 4 7 ° 942 10 10 *,9$° 17 11 862 1 2 9°'3 41-0 35*9 750 o o 1 15 o 87-0 Waitahuna „ Carried forward ... ... 45° ° ° 43° 6 6 65 19 4i 1,241 19 8 I 12 O 216 7 o 4 7° 947 i; iQJ 20,247 2 8 I I 47*5 45 '4 I 252 15 i 576 7 5 ... ... ... 15804 2 6 2,980 6 6 ... ... * Excluding .hare in a newly-built hall, value of share not having been estii lated at the tii e return was finished. t Average rate.




■-..sci ;s. Percentage ol Total Funds Invested Invested at Interest. _A_B OF SOCIETT ATTD BltANCH. Deposited with Mortgages on Freehold Property. -3 8 esq q Invested in Hall Land, &e. Cash not bearing Interest. Other Investments. Value of Goods, &c. Other Assets. Total. ■_ m a Post Office Savings Bank. Other Banks. _g"fe Total. M.U.I.O. oe Odd Fellows— cowtd. Otago District —continued. Brought forward ... Prince Alfred Lodge Waipori „ Bluespur „ Naseby „ Alexandra „ Roxburgh „ Tapanui „ Lake Wakatipu „ Palmerston „ Cromwell „ Mount Wendon „ Band of Friendship „ Outram „ Mosgiel ,, [Central Body] Total of District £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. ' £ s. d. £ 6. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 252 15 1 - . ... ... 576 7 S 389 5 10 200 o o 5° o .0 180 o o 70 o o IOO o o 200 o o '4* 5 5 5 6 14,975 o o IOO o o 250 o o 1,240 o o 375 o o 330 o o 200 o o 75 o o 9 10 7i-io 8 10 10 10 6 16 6 70 o o I "• I 15804 2 6 496 2 4 450 o o 5° o o 1,490 o o 375 o ° 400 o o 300 o o 75 o o 200 o o 600 o o 725 o o 250 o o 4SO S 6 75 6 o [312 o 8] 21,740 16 4 2,980 6 6 150 o o 480 o o 80 o o 1500 359 12 6 1,241 19 8 160 17 2 67 16 s 29 2 9 179 8 2 35 15 2 0010 54 4 1 258 7 1 65 8 10 49 2 2 82 3 5 66 19 2 5 6 6 _ 39 o 6i [222 17 o] 2,335 11 iii 216 7 o 56 o o ... 200 10 o o 29 17 o 30 o o 9 10 1 1260 4 7, o 20,247 2 8 862 19 6 517 16 3 561 2 9 1,679 8 2 490 15 2 429 17 10 399 4 1 702 9 8 277 14 10 669 2 2 867 3 5 357 16 8 489 13 6 134 6 6i [748 10 8] 28,686 13 4^ 57'5 869 89 88-7 76-4 93*o 74*3 107 7i*9 89-7 83-6 69-8 9i-9 56-2 [4i-7] 75*8 i7'S? 16-, 3". Si*: ... ... ... ... 200 O O 325 O O 200 O o 300 s 6 75 6 o "4I 400 o o 400 o o 50 o o 10 10 30 o o 20 o o 30 o o 40 17 6 34 1 6 20 o o [160 19 5] 510 19 *_ 3'] 150 o o ... .-5 2 [112 o 8] ... [200 o o] ... l__J [52 13 7] 4__7 °_ 252 15 2,866 4 9 18, 39s o o 226 16 6 4,094 19 o 14-. Invercargill District — Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge St. G-eorge „ [Central Body] Total of District Total of Order Independent Obdek of Odd Fellows. Pioneer Lodge Leith „ Alfred Avon „ Southern Cross „ Pioneer of Southland „ [Grand Lodge of New Zealand] ... Total of Order National 1.0. of Odd Fellows. Auckland Provincial District — Auckland Pioneer Lodge... United Brothers „ ... [Central Body] Total of Order 189 8 10 ["6 5 5] 189 8 10 ... J 1,994 16 o 49 4 6 11,658 I ... ... __________ 39,938 6 11 ... IOO o o 3,000 o o 1,777 1 8 ... ... 8 i 5,200 12 4 j 261 13 o 218 17 o ... ... __ 1 !— L_J I 1 3,000 o o 1,966 10 6 [■16 5 5] 4,966 10 6 58,791 16 n i 49 4 6 261 13 o 218 17 o 130 o o 125 00 1,563 I 2] 784 14 6 1,100 o o 1,100 o o 34,292 17 2 1,086 5 10 736 1 o 120 17 2 19 14 9 [29 1 5] 140 11 11 5,584 16 I_ 19 10 2 43 15 10 49 1 o 122 1 4 60 17 9 [20 19 1] 295 6 1 50 o o 20 o o ... 70 o o 70 o o IOO o o IOO O O 50 O O ["5 o o] 390 O o 70 o o 1,680 8 7 [142 18 9] 219 7 8 6'"8 6 4,270 17 2 2,006 5 3 [288 s 7] 6,277 2 5 100,569 6 5 i,i35 IO 4 1,087 4 2 332 12 10 i5S 9 6 352 1 4 235 17 9 [2,181 2 8] 70-2 98-0 [40-4] 58*5 4'3 24*1 6S-7 36*9 53"o [7i-7] 23-8 79'i 25': ''-. 34' 67125 o o "4i 30 o o i ... [482 2 5] 174 4 6 [15° o o] IOO o o ____! [1,413 I 2] 510 10 o :____ 1,822 6 10 6 8 6 3,298 15 II 55' 527 14 o 76 11 5 [349 14 8] 527 14 0 76 11 5 [349 14 8] 660 88 8 7 [o 14 "I 70 o o 20 o o [10 o o] 90 o o ... 604 o o 185 o o [360 9 7] 789 o o 87*4 41*4 [97*i] ... ... 604 604 5 94 14 ... 76-6



Ancient Oedee of Fobestebs. Auckland District — Court City of Auckland ... „ Pride of Parnell ... 3,086 19 10 2,080 o o 1500 [761 S 7] 3,086 19 10 I 32 1 11 118 11 o 3,237 12 9 95'3 ! 33 5 ... ... 2,095 o o 34 5 4 [54 19 11] 2,129 S 4 98-4 [Central Body] Total of District ... [761 5 7] I 5,181 19 10 r [65 15 ojr 118 11 o ] - [882 o 6j 5,366 18 1 96^6 5,181 19 10 ... I 66 7 3 Hawke's Bay District — Court Sir Charles Napier I {250 o o 80 o o 3 - 8 7 > 630 o o I 300 o o 10 89 13 1 719 13 1 87'S ... „ Captain Cook ... 160 o o Si !8o o o 50 o o 8 7 290 o o 9 iS 7 20 9 8 1 320 s 3 I I 9°'6 „ Sir Henry Havelock ,, Robin Hood ... ,, Ruahine... [Central Body] Total of District Wellington District — Court Sir George Q-rey ... ,, Robin Hood 198 19 I 55 o o 25 o o Si 3 5 198 19 I 55 o o 25 o o i 20 17 oj 2 17 8 19 12 9 [73 2 8] 1000 8100 229 16 ii 66 7 8 59 2 9 [127 1 ?.] 1,395 4 IQJ 86-5 83'3 42-4 [57-6] 85'9 ... ... ... ... h-"*- 11,198 19 I 14 10 o _______ ________ 438 19 430 o o 330 o o 142 16 ■i - I 60 4 o 285 S 4 ... ... 535 o o 210 o o ("150 o o C.31S o o 8 19 5 o 614 9 o 495 5 4 4,000 o o 792 8 4 ■ 8l 15 2 116 8 1 150 o o IO3 16 2 4,846 4 2 1,507 17 11 12-7 32'9 82-5 52'S I - „ Little John 10 8 } "* 465 o o ... 130 2 4 35 o o 630 2 4 73-8 „ Wairarapa ,, Sir George Bowen... 35 11 8 150 o o ... 130 o o ("670 o o (.550 o o 10 150 o o 165 11 8 500 o O' 516 18 5 20 15 II 215 4 1 100 o o 178 15 3 770 15 11 1,076 9 s i9'5 i5'4 649 48-0 „ Blenheim 61 10 o 10 8 } ** 1,281 10 o 10 12 9 29 I'O o 1,321 12 9 96-9 „ Roderick Dhu „ Loyal Enterprise ... „ Clarendon „ Manawatu „ Marquis of Normanby „ Loyal Feilding „ William Gladstone „ Pioneer ... [Central Body] Total of District Nelson District— Court Robin Hood IOO o o 80 O O 52 100 o o 80 o o 250 o o 170 o o 364 o 2 59 4 5 35 o o 16 7 4 2 15 o 210 11 9 446 15 2 304 16 1 526 1 11 277 3 4i 196 11 8 205 16 2 142 9 6 [1,271 2 11] 12,463 8 if 47'4 179 82-0 81-4 250 o o S 170 o o 250 o o 258 4 6 46 16 1 106 1 11 17 7 6 IS 3 4 55 16 2 64 1 3 [184 9 4] 800 ... I 32-3 47*5 93'2 170 10 4 5 ... 170 10 4 150 o o -;o o o [845 1 6] 4,142 6 4 10 18 o 1 11 4i 86-5 72-8 35'2 [66-5] 33*2 1 ... ... 150 o o 10 28 "s 3 [213 o o] "" 50 o o [i45 1 6] 492 II o 750 10 4 _ ■- [700 o o] 2,710 o o 10 ... 189 5 o_ ... ... [2812 1] ... 6,68 in 5 | 939 9 o 679 7 8_ 20 13 8§ 53'6 SSO o o S 495 o o 8 600 o o 1,000 o o 6\\ I 2,645 o o • I 204 19 10 I 2,849 19 IO 92-8 „ Perseverance „ Pride of the Forest 50 o o 448 4 8 400 o o 5 498 4 8 400 o o 698 15 8 43 7 8 102 17 5 1 3 1 541 12 4 5°2 17 S 9i*9 79*5 „ Waireka... 43 14 o o 1 8 ( 455 o o ( 200 o o 8 6 I ... J ... 45 6 3 • ... ... 744 1 11 366 18 4 225 s 10 93'9 „ Concord ... 11 Patea 250 o o 170 o o ( IOO o o { 150 o o ... 250 o o 170 o o 71 18 4 45 o o 55 5 10 68-i 75-6 12 I ... „ Unity ... 10 9 j ... 250 o o 44 6 1 16 2 o 310 8 1 8o-6 ,. Sherwood ForeBt ... [Central Body] Total of District ... 200 O O [300 o o] ... ... 200 o o [300 o o] 44 3 S [23 4 10] 612 4 10 1 61 2 o I ! i 244 3 S [323 4 10] 5,78s 7 2 82-0 [92-9] 88-4 93 14 1,848 I ... I 1,570 o o 1,600 o o I... I 5,112 612




Assets. Percent Total 1 Invei tage of Funds isted Invested at Interest. Name or Society. a_d Bbakch. Post Office Savings Bank. Deposited with *•*-■ -_t "S-S Mortgages on Freehold Property. <D Ii-. «5 Other £ £ Investments. t_ £ cd a Total. Invested in Hall, Land, &c. Cash not bearing Interest. Value of Goods, &c. Other Assets. Total. 3j fig Other Banks. Ancient Oedee of Foeestees — contd. United Westland District — Court Waimea ... [Central Body]... United Canterbury District — Court Star of Canterbury £ 8. d. £ s. d. 140 o o [50 o o] 6i £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 140 o o [5o o o] £ s. d. £ b. d. 30 4 o| [47 12 igi £ s. d. 17 00 ] - £ b. A. £ s. d. 187 4 oi [97 12 ioj 74-9 ][5i-°] „ Queen of the Isles „ Pride of Courtenay „ Thistle of the Forest Total of District United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin „ Enterprise „ Robin Hood „ Pride of the Leith „ Star of the Dunstan 49 i3 7 122 11 8 2,745 o o 7 to 9 ( 100 o o ( 60 o o 757 10 o no o o 1} 8 7 2,954 13 7 880 1 8 no 00 800 o o 250 o o 10 o o 151 14 8 172 8 o 9 8 5 S6 17 9 390 8 10 3,906 8 3 1,302 9 8 139 8 5 58 3 5 5,4°6 9 9 75*i 67-6 79-1 20-5 I9'2 7'2 1000 - . ... 172 5 3 2,745 ° o 7 to 9 1,027 10 o 3,944 15 3 i 1,060 o o 1000 ' 5 8 1 S 8 73'Q 196 10 6 7 3,460 o o 1,420 o o 9 3,470 6 7 1,420 o o 331 9 4 71 12 10 38 1 5 76 7 4 20 11 4 32 7 6 35 o o 3,801 15 11 1,524 o 4 1,083 1 5 626 7 4 248 18 4 9i*3 93'2 ... 93'3 ... "4i 500 o o "8i S5° o o 210 3 o 1,010 o o 87-9 84*4 50 o o ... ... 1840 fi75 o o (. S° o o 5 4 I 210 3 o 10 „ Royal Oak 225 o o 37 i7 o 16 4 8 8 16 7 11 3 ni [321 4 10] 612 4 si 262 17 o 85-6 „ Pride of Oamaru ... „ Star of Tuapeka ... ,, Havelock [Central Body] Total of District Courts Not in Districts — Court Southern Cross „ Coromandel Total of Order A-Cient Oedee of Shepheeds. Sanctuary Sir George Grey United Ancient Obdeb of Deuids. Pioneer Lodge Hope of St. Albans „ Mistletoe „ Excelsior „ Oak of Sydenham „ Ethelbert Otago „ Enterprise „ Total of Order ... 50 o o 60 6 7 ... 818 16 10 IOO o o 538 IO o 400 O o 9,673 5 7 375 o o ... 6i Si 400 o o [1,870 o o] 5,780 o o 13,235 o o 140 o o "s 8 IOO o o 310 3 °_ 3,456 18 O 8 '•'•'■[ ... IOO o o 45° o o 100 o o 1,870 o o] 538 10 o 400 o o 27,184 o 5 l66 2 IO 6,525 9 108 3 n ... 11,609 15 4 2,750 o o 1,118 3 11 234 14 1 27 14 11 3,056 3 6_ 070 36 16 5 22 o o [140 I 4] 144 7 II 127 4 6 1,211 2 9 26 13 9 21 19 4i -___. 153 1 1 480 16 7 219 7 ioi [2,331 6 2] 8,400 5 io| 3,650 8 7 427 14 11 43>o83 1 4i 193 3 7 65-4 93'6 45'7 [80-2] 77-7" 14-8 93'5 63-1 861 26-9 49'3 133 75'3 26 210 147 9 o 62 o o 103 3 o IOO o o 247 9 o 62 o o 103 3 o 1 18 3 3 10 7 12 10 3 119 6 6 19 12 5 38 13 11 92 13 4 26 3 3 314 8 6 249 7 3 89 o 7 "5 13 3 149 16 6 i74 12 5 50 13 11 92 13 4 69 13 3 991 10 6 99*4 69'7 889 ... ... ... 23 IO o 130 o o ... 130 o o ... 30 IO o 25 o o 1200 74*3 ... - 442 12 O I __ , 100 o o ... ... 43 10 o 13410 o 54'7 ... ... I ... I -. ... I 542 12 o


H.— 2.

OV Loyal United Friends Beneeit Society Remembrance Lodge Independent Oedee of Rechabites. Neic Zealand District — Star of Hauraki Tent 61 5 o 61 5 o 4 7 3 65 12 3 92*8 41 15 11 < 284 5 o ( 200 o o [615 5 o] 6i I 6 [283 3 "I] ... 100 o o 10 626 o 11 [898 8 iif' 59 19 4 ... !][I2Q 18 5] [42 o 2] 686 o 3 j [1,236 2 iij 91*2 ][72*7] I [Central Body] New Zealand Central District — Good Samaritan Tent [Central Body] Albert District — Star of Hope Tent Total of Order ... I i 1 - I 1 '" [900 o o] I- ~\ 38 10 o 4 38 10 o [900 o o] 57 3 3 ________*' 9 S 7 [196 4 4] 17 7 6 ... 122 6 4 [1,096 4 4] 3i-6 !____].. 46-9 : 97 1 10 i 138 17 9 484 5 o i ' 138 10 o I 97 1 10 761 12 9 50 O O 107 3 3 I 69 411. ! 17 7 6 147 1 10 955 8 5 ; 66-o 79'7 34*o ... 11*2 Sons and Daughters of Tbmpeeance. Grand Division of New Zealand — Antidote Division ... Perseverance ,, Progress ,, Ray of Hope „ Dawn of Light „ Total of Order ... I __. ... 50 8 8 43 7 10 ... 250 o o ... 900 o 0 ... 95o 8 8 43 7 10 250 o o 3° o o 30 o o 1,303 16 6 479 10 11 15 17 2 18 911 36 13 4 33 9 3 020 104 11 8 ... 39 2 o 5 o o 200 46 2 o 966 5 10 580 10 8 286 13 4 68 9 3 , 32 2 o j i,934 1 1 j 1 98-4 '< 7*5 87-1 43-8 93*5 "i 67-4 1 825 30 o o 30 o o 153 16 6 250 o o 900 o o 479 10 II 24-8 ___J ... I Hibernian A.C.B. Society. Otago-Canterbury District — St. Joseph's Branch [Central Body] Branches Not in Districts — Charleston Branch Grahamstown „ Waimea „ Greenstone ,, Auckland „ Total of Order ... Railway Benefit Societies. Otago Railways Employes B. Society ... N.Z. Railways Employes B. Society — Invercargill Branch Total of Railway Societies Total of all the Societies (exclusive of funds under control of Central Bodies) Total of Central Bodies [242 o o] 0 I I ... I 180 o o 435 o o 200 o o 1,106 13 II Si S_ 200 o o r ! 200 O O I 8 ... .... j I ... ! 81 ... ... ... 1 j ... i .... j 200 o o [242 o o] 180 o o 435 1 1 200 o o 1,106 13 II I 2,12 1 15 O j ... 2CO O O 92 14 ii ... 292 14 ■i 94 3 7 [o 16 1] 20 6 8$ 26 18 5 117 8 oi 54 16 7 9 19 10I 323 13 2ij [37 12 7] 210 o 0 ! ... 40 o o 250 o o . - - [31 17 o] ... ... ... : 294 3 7 [312 5 8]! 200 6 8| 871 19 6 410 2 2 54 16 7 1,156 13 9i 2,988 2 4 68-o 1! [77-6] "I s 9°'o 49'9 48-8 1 95'7 71-0 22'9 22*6 9-8 Oil 1,921 13 II ... ... 472 15 o ~ I 650 o o I 94] I i 1,122 15 O j 78 15 8 700 1,208 10 8 92-9 i 1 L" ! — __ 200 o o 850 o o 55,363 6 11 0 1 ; 1 200 O O 1,322 15 o_ 93,644 16 4 130 3 o 330 3 o 1,538 13 8 156,406 15 6| 6o-6 85-9 208 18 8 o o 4/2 15 o_ 4,047 18 o 24,827 1 1 1 9,406 10 4 48,604 7 7 10,056 11 5* 3,853 4 7 247 15 6£ ... 599 3i-i 12,741 9 4I 16,924 18 8 75'3 615 7 7 2,396 6 8 7,940 13 I ill ... 1,789 " 1 . 2 2,248 6 if 1,090 6 10-J 844 16 3 * Averaj ;e rate.



SICK AND FUNERAL FUNDS. TABLE IV.—Showing the Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1880 of the Sick and Funeral Funds of all Friendly Societies and Branches of Friendly Societies included in Table I.

Receipts. Expenditure. N__e oe Society akd Beanch. Contributions of own Members. Entrance and Clearance Fees. Interest and Rent. ■2S.2 <_ p* 2 «i»[_ ° Levies to Funeral Fund of District, Grand Lodge, &e. fie ft o A Total Receipts. Total Expenditure. Amount of Funds at the Beginning of the Tear. Amount of Funds at the End of the Year. Average Interest (per £100) realized during the Year. Other Receipts. Sick Pay to own Members. Other Expenditure. M.U.I.O. oe Odd Fellows. Auckland District — ■ Fountain of Friendship Lodge Good Intent „ Parnell „ Charles Bruce „ Waikato „ Alexandra ,, Howick „ [Central Body] ... £ s. d. 498 7 2 336 13 10 166 7 6 124 15 2 332 15 5 6 18 10 63 5 7 [330 £ s. d. 26 2 6 29 14 o 7 14 o 3 4o 880 £ b. d. 341 2 10* 105 9 o 28 I o 73 9 8 119 12 1 £ 112 62 £ B. d. 22 1 5 56 1 ~ 2 2 18 5 23 19 11 107 11 4 £ s. d. 34i 5 o 296 1 o 48 17 4 100 8 4 161 16 8 £ a. d. 102 1 o 72 7 6 29 o o 21 40 49 H o 2 14 8 9 17 6 £ 100 I 62 £ s. d. 152 17 11 Si 8 s 28 17 4 31 9 § 130 19 5 £ s. d. 999 13 11 590 12 o 205 on 225 8 9 593 6 10 6 18 10 81 1 8 [563 18 6] £ s. d. 696 3 11 481 16 n 106 14 8 178 2 o 367 10 1 2 14 8 42 8 10 [270 o o] £ s. d. 9,83S 11 3 1,650 18 2 928 19 1 1,258 4 1 1,984 7 5 48 13 3 101 15 o [2,901 6 n] £ s. d. io,i39 1 3 i,759 1.3 3 1,027 5 4 1,305 10 10 2,210 4 2 52 17 S 140 7 IO [3,i95 5 5] 3'5 6-4 2-9 5'9 5'9 25 25 25 14 10 o 12 6] 89 12 6 3 6 1 [222 o o] 671 o 8 j I [11 6 o]| 32 11 4 ... 286 18 8 I [261] [9 o o] 2*8 [7*6] Total of District ... 1,529 3 6 199 213 6 3 980 19 8 212 395 12 9 ! 2,702 2 n 1,875 11 1 15,808 8 3 16,635 o 1 4*2 New Plymouth District — ■ Egmont Lodge [Central Body] ... 157 14 6J [21 3 9 4 18 8] 73 14 o [2 10 o] 34 4 10 142 12 O 14 10 1 _[2S] 34 4 10 269 2 8| [24 8 8] 191 6 n [25 o o] 994 2 2i [85 9 10] 1,071 18 o [84 18 6] 7'4 [3-°] ... Wellington District — Britannia Lodge Antipodean ,, Rose of the Valley „ [Central Body] ... 333 11 11 124 18 10 118 2 2 [96 5 7 4 S 5 2 iS 3] 10 12 6 74 9 11 134 11 8 93 10 8 60 40 10 45 16 5 4i 13 o 457 iS 10 202 12 6 146 12 o 29 5 3 19 17 6 20 16 3 60 52 i 15 [iio] 65 1 o 18 9 6 513 18 3 346 10 10 226 18 o [96 15 3] 1,087 7 1 6l2 2 I 293 9 6 182 8 3 [no o o] 3,436 8 4 2,462 1 if i,978 7 6 [66 19 4] 7,876 16 11 3,338 4 6 2,515 2 st 2,022 17 3 [S3 14 7] 7,876 4 2 2'2 5'6 48 ... ... ... 576 12 11 — 69 19 o 83 10 6 Total of District ... 302 12 3 110 87 9 S 807 o 4 12/2 1,087 19 10 3'9 Marlborough District — ■ Marlborough Lodge Renwick „ [Central Body] ... 144 14 9 44 o 9} [33 188 is 6| 410 11 4 0 3 o] 177 9 10 21 00 "36 5 5° 486 176 4 6 111 6 25 10 o II 1 I o 30 18 J36] 1 13 o 7 19 11 33i 10 7 j 116 13 3* [33 3 o] 448 3 1of 233 7 6 39 2 s [36 o o] 2,091 3 2 300 13 ii [18 19 7] 2,189 6 3 378 4 o [16 2 7] 2,567 10 3 8-6 6-4 ... 8-3 Total of District ... 15 5 o 198 9 IO 36 9 13 6 177 16 o ' 37 1 o 48 1 i 1 9 12 11 272 9 II 2,391 16 3i Nelson District — Nelson Lodge Travellers' Rest ,, Howard ,, [Central Body] ... 319 5 o 95 17 9 234 19 o [106 15 9 6 13 4 6 29 3 o 13 o] 163 IO I 35 7 5 214 9 10 ... I 100 ... 492 2 6 39 3 4 264 6 o 40 3 o 12 96 32 16 o 026 499 4 7 144 9 8 478 11 10 [106 13 o] 532 8 o 51 12 10 297 2 o [105 o o] 2,591 12 I 70I 7 4 3,234 17 II [l03 2 4] 2,558 8 8 794 4 2 3,4i6 7 9 [104 IS 4] 6,769 o 7 6-3 48 6-7 ■•■ _!_ ... ... ... Total of District ... 650 1 9 57 17 o 413 7 4 I 795 11 10 85 8 6 026 1,122 6 1 881 2 10 6,527 17 4 6*4 1 o o ! ! !



North Westland District — Westport Lodge Charleston „ Eeefton „ [Central Body] ... 91 15 o 102 5 3 170 9 10 [" 4 5 o 24 8 o 15 o] 95 4 2 82 s 10 32 17 6 12 II o 4 22 o o 44 3 o 65 3 8 350 330 5 7 o 12 ... I 468 11 16 9 47 1 °i 214 4 6 184 11 1 256 17 10 [11 15 o] 6SS 13 5 41 11 8 S9 2 9 117 11 8i [12 o o 1,043 12 5 i,3S4 i? 4 739 6 s [8 19 7] 1,216 S 3 1,480 s 8 878 12 (>\ [8 14 7] 8-8 60 4' 1 29 2 6 Ml ... ... Total of District ... 364 10 1 28 13 o 210 7 6 1, 40 2 10 j 131 6 8 11 is ° i 12 63 4 5* 218 6 «* 3.1.37 16 2 3,575 3 Stj 6'5 Hokitika District — Hokitika Lodge Ross „ Waimea „ G-reymouth „ Albert „ [Central Body] ... 187 6 8 59 i6 4 85 8 S 113 1 9 92 3 7 [187 19 9 o 2 16 O 14 10 6 250 966 IS o] 48 7 o no 10 10 76 1 9 69 7 o 128 t 10 36 8 3 5° 20 40 1600 85 3 °i 19 17 o 622 ioi 10 4 51 14 8 79 19 4 124 4 6 52 9 6 fl.3' '° 8] 86 s o 3° 14 ° 44 10 o 38 1 o 48 17 o 5° 20 16 o o j 69 17 o 2220 622 383 6 6 138 14 1 254 9 2i 283 7 7 184 o 6 [187 15 _o] 253 15 4 102 8 8 194 6 4 184 7 6 124 18 8 [161 10 8J 2,738 12 10 1,466 5 8 1,117 15 2| 1,970 o o 404 19 7 [71 9 6i; 2,868 4 o 1,522 11 1 1,177 18 1 2,049 O I 464 1 S ] [97 "3 i°i 8,081 14 8 4-0 5'2 62 6-6 88 ... 420 n 8 i ... [130] 87I ... , ] ■ :l __ Total of District ... 537 17 ° no 127 2 2j\ 409 18 4 248 7 o II4 I 2 1,243 17 *°i 859 16 6 7.697 13 3i 5*5 Ashley District — Bangiora Lodge ... Nil Desperandum „ 198 3 s 87 9 11 3 9 3 0 15 9 84 2 5 j 19 11 4 '10 20 3 3 I 11 17 8 j 29 o o 38 o o 67 o o 26 14 11 10 4 2 36 19 1 4 16 o 2190 3°5 18 4 129 14 8 60 10 11 S 1 3 2 1,576 7 8 S73 16 8 1,821 15 1 652 8 2 I 5-i 3*2 Total of District ... 285. 13 4 4 5° 103 13 9 10 32 on 7 15 ° 435 13 ° 111 14 1 2,150 4 4 2,474 3 3 46 North Canterbury District — City of Christehurch Lodge Kaiapoi „ Volunteer „ Benevolent „ Perseverance „ [Central Body] ... l 646 13 8 1.35 ifi S 122 7 9 158 14 3 180 18 oi [185 6 19 6 191 17 6 § 85 S 3 39 6 n § 30 IO 807 18 9||| 2 13 4 j o 10 o 9166 299 o 0 93 i° o 113 17 9 17 19 4 39 3 4 65 17 6 12 16 o 10 17 6 14 14 o 18 5 r. 5° 10 1 138 3 1 52 11 1 12 12 o 31 11 10 120 10 2 [9 1 2] 1,676 9 11 155 9 3 207 13 o • 198 n 2 300 18 63 [■85 6 6] 553 o 7 168 17 1 i37 7 3 64 5 2 197 19 o [189 1 2] 4,861 12 7 948 18 1 1,074 19 7 SSS 13 3 721 7 5* [48 1 9] 8,162 10 nj S,985 1 11 935 i° 3 i,i45 5 4 689 19 3 824 7 o [44 7 ■] 3*6 8-0 6-5 8 14 o 6 6] 20 20 [180] ... ... ... ... Total of District ... 1,244 *° 'i IS 13 6 316 9 8 60 902 8 7|[ 56 3 10 5 122 10 6 80 355 8 2 2,539 1 *°i 1,121 9 1 9.S80 3 9 3-6 Lyttelton District — City of Norwich Lodge .., Good Intent „ Hand of Friendship „ Dawn of Hope „ [Central Body] ... 387 n 10 48 16 I 18 6 o [no 5 86 6 4 12 3 o 300 076 o IS ° o o] 1676 108 o o j 5 11 6 I 5 12 6 ; 60 3° S3 1° o I 1 o o 2 14 2 130 6 6 27 S 10 28 1 o T55 11 4 23 9 4 5 12 4 8 S 1° 3° ... 1 10 o 84 19 2 IOO 61 3 10 621 6 10 140 3 n 85 16 1 21 15 2 [no o 0] 869 2 o 217 7 10 135 14 4 64 13 4 79 3 ° [no o o] 496 18 6 2.439 7 2 1,402 12 1 138 18 8i 64 5 10 2,843 6 2 1,407 1 8 160 1 si 6 18 o 4*2 0-4 3*8 3° 9 13 4 [no] ... ... ... ... ... Total of District ... j 195 6 8 92 18 10 119 4 o 90 57 4 2 60 148 13 o 4,045 3 9i 4.417 1 3i 2*9 Otago District — Hand and Heart Lodge Dunedin ,, Dalton „ Prince of Wales ,, Albion „ Oamaru „ 393 19 8 267 14 oi S3 I* 2 109 8 4 i37 5 7 99 IS o 1,061 13 9! 24 3 o 22 7 o S 19 o 3 4° S 14 3 18 11 6 533 19 ° 300 4 4 34 8 8 90 4 7 46 6 10 67 10 8 5° 10 20 5° 8 12 o iS3 4 6 146 17 4 11 09 76 18 10 71 8 10 21 17 o 50 19 o 33 16 o 8 12 o 13 12 6 19 1 o 1696 30 10 20 39* 8 12 o 12 S 2 1,002 1 8 608 17 44 93 18 10 284 18 4 267 17 2 185 17 2 234 3 6 i99 5 4 31 17 11 no 11 4 132 2 9 38 6 6 6,466 12 8 3,316 12 8 580 7 2 95 6 S 2 791 16 5 1,096 o 10 7,234 10 10 3,726 4 8i 642 8 1 1,130 12 2 927 10 10 1,243 n 6 8-i 8*9 S'8 9'o S'5 59 **62 1 5 28 10 6 205 ... ... Carried forward ... —: 79 '8 9 1,072 14 1 130 1 99 3 11 481 7 3 99i 2217 1 2,443 i° 6i 746 7 4 13,207 14 11 14,904 18 ij 7*9 142 10 o * After deduction of charges against rent. t E: § Entirely swallowed up in expenses connected with hall. 1880 to the value of £52 16s. id., the Sick Bund acquired this head was therefore virtually £62 is. sd. cclusive of share in newly-built hall, of which a valuation had not yet been made |j Consisting chiefly in excess of estimated value of new chambers over cost good security to this extent for the indebtedness of the Management Bund. In 1. J To membei of erection. . addition to this, £1 •s of the Goldsborough Lodge, since amalgamated with the Waimea Lodge. " Doubtful. ** Management Bund having accumulated assets during 1 5s. 4d. was actually refunded. The total income of the Sick Bund under




Receipts. Expenditure. Average Interest (per £100) realized during the Year. Contributions of own Members. Entrance and Clearance Fees. =W 5* 3 fi A "■* fi Other Receipts. Levies to _ g Funeral Fund g o Other of District, g-g Expenditure. Grand Lodge, s a " Total Receipts. Total Expenditure. Amount of Funds at the Beginning of the Year. Amount of Funds at the End of the Year. Name of Society, asd Bbawch. Interest and Rent. Sick Pay to own Members. M.U.I.O. of Odd Fellows — contd. Otago District —continued. Brought forward ... Tuapeka Pioneer Lodge Waitahuna „ Prince Alfred „ Waipori „ Bluespur „ Naseby „ Alexandra ,, Roxburgh „ Tapanui „ Lake Wakatipu „ Palmerston „ Cromwell „ Mount Wendon „ Band of Friendship „ Outram „ Mosgiel „ [Central Body] £ s. d. 1,061 13 9I 92 13 3 91 19 6 70 14 2 38 4 o 94 5 6 no 4 2 37 12 11 68 17 10 73 1 6 48 11 9 24 17 6 75 5 1 89 3 6 16 9 1 93 3 1 53 1 11 [279 2,139 18 6£ £ s. d. 79 18 9 13 i7 3 160 870 2 7 3 720 4 14 o 3 14 o 3 IS o 6 13 o £ s. d. 1,072 14 1 70 o o 36 8 8 31 17 6 39 13 1 41 o o 128 1 9 1900 30 10 o 30 8 o 42 12 6 n 14 o 42 13 o 47 5 3 18 o o iS 5 6 £ 130 20 1 "' 20 40 ... £ s. d. 99 3 11 10 12 o - .. 32 S 6 19 12 7 14 16 o £ s. d. 481 7 3 60 2 o 63 6 4 45 12 8 . 39 14 o 77 7 o 71 20 1500 97 14 5i 73 13 6 468 £ s. d. 142 10 o 14 o o 11 3 o 8 is o 5 13 o 12 1 o 15 16 6 4 11 6 926 8 16 o 6 12 o 389 9 13 o 12 3 o 1 18 6 14 14 6 . £ 99* 20 10 20 60 20 £ s. d. 22 17 7 17 6 1 407 o 10 9 1726 85 16 11 6 "11 1 £ s. d. 2,443 10 61 207 2 6 129 14 2 143 4 2 117 9 8 190 1 6 238 5 11 56 12 11 101 15 1 no 11 6 97 10 2 40 5 6 1.34 11 5 143 1 9 43 7 3i "7 14 7 no 17 2 [281 18 1] £ s. d. 746 7 4 in 8 1 78 9 11 64 7 8 65 i7 9 166 10 6 172 15 S 19 n 6 133 8 oi 82 9 6 12 13 8 389 18 13 o 49 6 2 15 18 6 in 12 6 £ s. d. 13,207 14 11 764 11 9 895 1 7i 774 10 5 466 4 6 483 4 S 1,603 J7 8 346 3 7i 461 10 <)i 311 6 2 608 3 1 228 12 1 533 3 9 740 1 6 281 10 oi 408 n 5 £ s. d. 14,904 18 i\ 860 6 2 946 S i°i 853 6 11 Si7 16 5 506 15 5 1,669 8 2 383 5 oi 429 17 10 339 8 2 692 19 7 265 8 10 649 2 2 833 17 1 308 18 10 4H 13 6 105 13 10 [188 1 6] 24,682 1 ni £ 7'9 9*0 4*0 40 8-4 86 8.1 S'3 7'i 98 6*8 4'9 6*2 6*3 3*8 ! 1 11 11 ... 1 15 o 12 18 4 900 35 6 8 14 o o 96 18 o 5 3 4 1 "16 6 8 18 2_ 960 57 15 3 o 6] 198 15 6 _ - I [2 17 7] 1,677 3 4 [260] 229I 157 17 o 5 3 4 [260 o o] [166" 3 5] [i'6] ... ... Total of District ... i 2IO 280 18 3 1,858 I 7» 22,114 7 9 7*4 199 18 Si 1,189 13 ioi 4,425 15 IO Invercargill District — Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge... St. George „ [Central Body] 268 12 4 235 14 11 _____ 5 16 6 31 11 6 5 °] 37 8 o 179 o 5 160 16 9 [6 17 5] 20 20 25 14 6 198 19 8 107 12 11 19 12 0 16 16 o 20 _[4°] o 15 o 16 16 4 499 3 9 448 3 2 [54 2 5] 947 6 n i6,745 13 7i 219 6 8 161 5 3 [40 o o] 3,919 15 8 1,699 7 4 [168 o 5] 5,6i9 3 o 86,526 o 3 4,199 12 9 1,986 5 3 [182 2 10] 6,185 18 o 93,9i6 5 5i 4*5 9*i [4*°] ... Total of District ... Total of Order 5°4 7 3 339 17 2 4,846 11 2 40 25 14 6 i,73o 5 8 306 12 7 5,767 8 4 i 36 8 o 1,323 13 11 20 8?6f I? 11 4 1,387 13 7i 380 II II 9,355 8 5 S'9 _____ 8,765 10 iijj 526 5 10 877 Independent Oedee of Odd Fellows. Grand Lodge of New Zealand— Pioneer Lodge Leith „ Alfred Avon „ Southern Cross „ Pioneer of Southland „ [Central Body] 124 6 10 109 4 6 56 10 6 72 14 7 95 7 7 87 10 10 [274 2 5 10 J ... 42 10 o 13 17 o 70 20 62 11 11 46 10 o 54 6 6 400 100 229 400 31 16 11 27 7 o 14 14 n 31 1 o 22 II 81 7o 20 70 20 259 4 7 171 14 6 70 7 6 72 14 7 95 7 7 87 10 10 [415 i7 3] 756 19 7 148 6 11 101 13 6 18 14 11 32 1 o 24 14 S 400 [70 o o] 573 17 1 852 13 6 197 17 8 684 14 9 922 14 6 249 10 3 40 13 7 181 6 o i73 15 3 [2,083 l6 6]; 4'9 6* 4 '" ... I no 12 10 90 4 5 [i,737 19 3] I "• ifh 12 7] [141 4 8] 56 7 o r_n [70] ... ... [7o] ... Total of Order 545 14 10 2 5 10 i I 90! 62 n 11 1,825 S 6 2,252 14 4 . 2-8 in 19 3 127 11 6 90 329 10 9



National I. O. O. F. Auckland Provincial District — ■ Auckland Pioneer Lodge ... United Brothers „ [Central Body] ... I Total of Order ffl Ancient Oedee op Foeestees. (sD Auckland District — Court City of Auckland ... „ Pride of Parnell [Central Body] 202 7 2 128 16 11 [138 33* 4 * '564 960 6 8] 24 12 4 6 11 10 i 6 11 10 44 ... i I 44 o 13 4 o 13 4 102 16 8 74 10 o 28 6 8 86 14 6 86 14 6 64 I 44 20 [44] 026 026 268 18 8 138 2 11 [138 6 8] 407 1 7 20 5 7 ° 48 6 8 [44 o o] 253 13 8 445 7 8 75 3 9 [255 8 o] 520 11 S 508 19 4 165 o o [349 14 8] 673 19 4 1'4 i'i I 498 6 1 1 262 o 6 [300 16 11 6 800 ■5 6] 191 1 10 112 15 7 [35 2 6j 60 1820 212 10 o 160 8 4 89 12 o 48 16 o 79* 40 [■30] 6 13 4 088 784 2 3 382 16 1 [335 18 o] 1,166 18 4 388 5 4 249 13 o [130 o o] 637 18 4 2,712 14 2 1,996 2 3 [609 on] 3,108 11 1 2,129 5 4 [814 18 n] 5.237 16 5 6-8 5-6 C5*i] 6.3 ... ... I ... Total of District ... 760 7 5 24 1 1 6 60 18 2 o 138 8 o H9i 720 4,708 16 s 303 17 5 372 18 4 HawJee's Bay District — Court Sir Charles Napier ... ,, Captain Cook „ Sir Henry Havelock „ Robin Hood „ Ruahine [Central Body] ... 142 o 7 96 911 66 10 10 3i 3 8 30 8 54 [58 14 12 6 689 5 8 9 4 10 o 7 12 6 18 9] 35 15 o 860 8 9 1 160 20 10 o 17 74 37 3 4 >9 7 4 26 16 8 700 S 10 o 23 10 6 14 1 6 14 13 o 600 5 16 o 3° 10 o 12 1 1J 212 8 1 122 2 3i 80 8 8 43 11 5 39 11 8 [58 18 9] 90 13 IO 43 8 10 42 2 74 13 o o 13 17 2i [30 o o] 203 2 6 539 4 10 213 9 4 181 10 1 31 5 5 18 18 4 [32 10 6] 660 19 I 292 2 9! 219 l6 la 61 16 IO 44 12 9i [61 9 3] 1.279 7 7i 61 3' 3 5-8 28 611 9 1 10 81 2 11 2i "' [>] ... Total of District ... I i 366 13 5l 38 12 6 53 "6 1 3° 901 95 17 4 64 1 o 40 3 4 2 498 2 11 984 8 o 4'9 Wellington District — Court ;-ir George Grrey ,, Bobin Hood „ Little John „ Wairarapa „ Sir George Bowen ... „ Blenheim. „ Roderick Dhu „ Loyal Enterprise ... ,, Clarendon ,, Manawatu „ Murquis of Normanby „ Loyal Feilding „ William Gladstone... „ Pioneer [Central Body] ... 3°3 $ 6 22 S 8 o 84 14 6 100 19 o' 203 2 6 107 4 6 73 16 8 105 2 o 75 12 H 78 7 1 35 9 3 90 2 2 29 3 9s [254 2317 o 460 563 326 9 ? 6 489 8109 8 16 o 276 •736 3 '6 3 926 12 o 6 300 17 o] 82 19 8 35 IO 8 39 3 o 3 *5 ° 15 14 o 82 17 3 5 ° ° 11 76 800 5° 20 40 20 *"s * 4 16 o ... 3 5 .*si 076 183 10 4 145 6 8 11 3 4 39 2 6 156 o 10 18 16 8 300 80 16 8 7 16 8 26 6 8 2180 24 16 8 27 3 4 47 4 6 37 ° 6 '5 3° 1696 35 10 o 16 18 3 911 o 18 1 3 12 09 '4 9 3 7 9 5 6 5 3 *3 19 3 4 16 o 3° 1 20 35 A 20 ... 1 5 ° 026 169 16 2* 72 3 i'i 3 16 o 050 2 12 6 18 3 6 460 2 2 285 4 8 ■37 8 10 147 *6 64 252 15 o 194 10 6 82 7 5 122 3 3i 89 15 5 123 1 o 7 5° 6 s 64 18 11 112 8 o 47 5 7 [329 6 o] 1 261 19 IO 202 9 8 196 2 6 163 9 1 1 4 215 6 10 35 >9 11 15 3 6 "7 1 5 19 17 5 40 15 11 28 17 5 37 9 11 51 2 7 4 16 o [140 o o] 1,390 12 iol 4,520 11 6 1.332 9 5 653 2 2 686 9 4 938 19 10 964 4 9 121 13 9 439 15 'i 223 19 3 191 4 10 250 2 o 159 1 6 138 19 9 71 11 8 L734 9 3] 10,692 5 8 4,718 13 10 i.4'5 4 5 594 8 6 670 15 11 976 8 o 1,122 15 4 188 17 8 444 17 9l 293 17 3 273 19 6 271 n o 186 10 6 18 26 65 06 i*7 8'3 20 4'5 3'5 - 1 1072 10 5 4 2100 [74 9 °] ... ! H o 19 44 12 11 94 5 1 o 10 ... 0100 200 s 2 "4 1 3 [923 '5 3] 11,472 6 14 6**2 6-2 27 [9-4] 28 ... [*4°]| ... ... Total of District ... 1.557 18 84: 160 12 if j j 268 14 74 I 1 "5 o o 307 9 7 3° 5 oi 745 8 4 254 17 i' 2,170 13 4 Nelson District — ■ Court Robin Hood „ Perseverance ... „ Pride of the Forest „ Waireka „ Concord „ Patea „ Unity ,, Sherwood Forest ... [Central Body] ... 1 i 220 13 11 73 9 6 48 18 o 121 S 5 "5 2 o 21 i o 22 15 o 128 13 4 16 1 6 22 15 o 21 1 6 15 o o 20 8 o 500 8 10 7i [6 .0 o] 3° 25 9 19 o 184 10 o 37 10 o 22 16 10 73 19 4 135 11 6 21 10 o 30 3 4 15 3 4 446 0 14 o 1 8 6 3° 25 IO I o 412 1 3 114 n o 74 8 o 148 17 11 231 9 1 55 1 ° 177 12 9 91 3 104 [5' 10 9] 228 15 6 63 4 o 24 5 4 77 15 1 217 1 6 21 10 o 120 17 6 61 7 1 [l80 O O]: 2,451 II I 392 16 8 367 14 4 670 5 7 285 2 s 191 10 24 237 10 10 142 II o ['25 12 10] 2,634 '6 10 444 3 8 417 17 o 74i 8 s 299 10 o 22S I 2\ 294 6 1 172 7 9-5 [-2 ,6 5 ] 5'2 3*9 60 2 IS O 611 o 12 7 3 13 12 o 15 15 o 1 17 6 [>4 3 6] ■■■ 1 70 18 19 10 3 10 9 n 10 o 70 I I 050 ... 1 3'o 5*i io'3 i'9 56 [11-2] 99 9 o 35 15 9 [30 17 3], 45 45 1289 2 18 3 o 13 9 55 45 [180] 32 15 II OIOO ... Total of District ... 2'5 ' ,35 '4 7 75 12 9 237 9 "ll 4' 7 7 521 4 4 1,30s 4 i°2 814 16 o 4-739 2 14 24 '9 9 225 43JJ_ii 5,229 11 o 4'9 * Amount embezzled by a former secretary, and now written off as a bad debt.




Name of Society akd Beakch. Entrance and Clearance Fees. Interest and Rent. Receipts, "iS B 1 a 2+> i « Q I Other Receipts. Levies to Funeral Fund of District, Grand Lodge, &c. Expenditui *s a £•2 Other £ Expenditure. Total Receipts. Total Expenditure. Amount of Funds at the Beginning of the > Year. Amount of Funds at the End of the Year. Average Interest (per—H'O) realized during the Year. Contributions of own Members. Sick Pay to own Members. Ancient Oedee oi- Fobestees— contd. United Westland District — ■ Court Waimea ... [Central Body] ... £ s. d. 23 1 10 [40 3 6] £ s. d. 216 6 [2 6 o] £ s. d. 8 18 o [3 5 o] £ I 10 I £ s. d. 13 iS 6 £ s. d. 12 3 4 £ s. d. 720 £ 10 £ 8. d. 13 15 6 £ s. d. 58 n 10 [45 14 6] £ s. d. 43 010 [30 o o] £ s. d. ■Si 7 of [81 17 oj £ s. d. 166 18 of [97 11 6] £ 5'7 [3"7] ... ... United Canterbury District — Court Star of Canterbury... ,, Queen of the Isles ... „ Pride of Courtenay „ Thistle of the forest 574 3 11 160 4 3 33 15 8 42 17 8 37 4 6 1 3 9 217 o 16 19 6 188 5 10 66 s 4* 20 j iS 7 10 205 12 4 49 8 9 5 10 o 170 8 5 37 IS o 10 17 8 16 17 10 235 18 n 20 18 12 8 ... 815 2 1 247 13 4 36 12 8 62 6 8 394 13 S 107 3 9 16 12 8 16 17 10 535 7 8 2,811 13 n 687 12 61 90 o o 8 17 6 3,598 3 "i 3,232 2 7 828 2 ii I 10 o o 54 6 4 4,224 n oi 6*4 9*1 ... 296 ... 050 ... Total of District ... ■ — 18 17 8 1,161 14 9 _____ 811 1 6 I 58 4 9 254 11 2 20 17 17 4 j I 260 II I 20 United Otago District —- Court Pride of Dunedin ... „ Enterprise „ Robin Hood „ Pride of the Leith ... „ Star of the Dunstau „ Royal Oak of Kawarau „ Pride of Oamaru ... „ Star of Tuapeka „ Havelock [Central Body] ... 34i 13 3l 235 1 10 170 1 7_ 200 9 9 67 s ioi 58 "3 3 24 18 8|, 177 16 o 85 19 of [257 0100 12 2 6 4 5° 800 309 16 o 101 7 6 41 10 o 19 iS 6 8 2 6 20 ■ 80; : 30 60 j i "• ! 506 1 1 67; 2 8 6 1 i.S 4 6 18 6 J ... 157 11 8 109 16 8 60 3 4 107 8 4 13 10 o 31 5 o 3160 21 1 o 1912 6 1986 520 5 1 o 3 14 6 10 74! 50 40 60 o o 123 I o 87 16 3 73 6 6 61 611 26 15 1 11 1 9 11S S 6 58 9 o 1,178 10 9 i 43 1 o 4 205 19 ni 316 18 3 87 1 41 66 15 9 27 17 2j 225 16 O 103 2 6} [418 19 o] 258 17 8 328 16 2 217 12 1 240 3 4 79 18 11 63 1 1 14 16 3 154 17 6 136 16 2 [220 o o] 2,624 '• 2 1,033 5 6f 372 10 6i 37i 17 4i 167 o ni 138 12 9J 67 10 3I 321 o 3 94 19 gi [■,358 7 8] 5,191 8 8. 3,544 4 •_ i,i3S 9 8J 360 18 4! 448 12 3I 174 3 5 142 7 St 80 11 3 391 18 9 6162 [1.557 6 8] 6,339 11 9 106 98 10-7 123 60 28 o o 800 [156 o o] '" ! ... j 2 18 6 20 8-2 108 [n'3] ... 20 ... 19 12 o 68 18 2 990 9 3 6 16 6] ... , [s'"2 6] [220] I94i ... Total of District ... 1,361 19 4* 34 1 o 516 n 6 210 520 IO 4 t 568 S 2 114 14 6 617 2 o 2,643 2 2si,494 19 2 9 4 Courts Not in Districts — ■ Court Southern Cross ... ... „ Coromandel 183 19 5 45 4 2 51 16 o 1 1 o 13 00 19 5 o 300 51 S o 705 2 ioi III o o 27 6 8 42 30 802fJ 3 4o 62 1 1 2 251 15 5 116 15 2 156 4 o 119 17 10 3,348 15 9i 430 17 7 3,444 7 2i 427 14 11 37,822 4 i_ 0-4 _____ Total of Order — ! 5,846 o 5 i; 401 16 o 1,714 18 8. 705 2,714 14 7 840 2 1 1,038 3 si 9,372 18 oj 5,395 19 2i 33,845 5 3i 4'9 Ancient Oedee oe Shepheeds. Sanctuary Sir George Grey 37 14 10 4 15 o j ... ... 30 15 o 42 9 10 30 15 0 162 10 6 174 5 4 ... United Ancient Oedee oe Dbuids. Pioneer Lodge Hope of St. Alban's „ Mistletoe „ Excelsior ,, ... Oak of Sydenham „ Ethclbert „ Otago ,, Enterprise „ I " 119 13 9 68 2 3 95 9 3 no 3 9 101 18 3 36 3 o 49 1 3 52 5 6 17 3 6 i 13 3 o 14 14 o 25 4 9 45 o 9 24 3 9 34 18 6 57 6 6 1 IO 3*4 19 10 6 15 o i.S o o 33 o o 32 16 9 20 4 o 25 10 6 44 12 6 40 12 6 15 15 o 10 026 146 17 3 81 5 3 no 7 o 135 8 6 146 19 o 60 6 9 83 19 9 133 15 9 77 19 1 26 19 o 38 10 6 78 2 6 40 12 6 21 12 10 129 2 4i 10 9 4 33 5 3 63 13 o 198 o 61 64 15 7 105 1 9 120 19 o 106 6 6 38 13 n 83 19 9 26 3 3 o'3 o 3 9 | o 10 o ! i ... ! 5 17 10 ... ... ... ... 24 3 9 ... 16 14 o 90 18 6 107 12 6 ... ... ... 1 ... Total of Order 632 17 •r 231 14 9 039 87 14 10 196 5 3 97 8 10 898 19 3 39t 8 n 236 9 ni 744 o 3i 004 10 24 3 9 10



Loyal United Friends' Benefit Society. Remembrance Lodge INDEPENDENT ORDER OE ReCHABITES. New Zealand District — Star of Hauraki Tent [Central Body] ... 57 3 9 ... ... I o is o ... ... ! ... 57 3 9 MS o 9 3 6 65 12 3 168 17 6 [98 226 6 5] 3180 [50 15 °] 19 8 6 202 8 o [i49 1 5] 62 5 10 457 13 ° [1,039 2 4i] 42 17 4 ••■ 597 '5 2 [1,188 3 9 iJ 6-i [47] ... ... ... New Zealand Central District —- Good Samaritan Tent [Central Body] ... 42 6 7 [45 090 '5 4i] 2 15 o [72 o o] 8 n 7 4 1 5 J60] 45 i° 7 j ['•7 IS 421 1213 o [60 o' o] 89 8 9 [892 14 6] 122 6 4 [950 9 ioi] 26 [8-i] ... ... ... ... Albert District — Star of Hope Tent 88 6 7 ' 63 5 5 74 1 3 621 3 o 75 16 2 4*9 81 on 5 9 o 3 11 7 26 8 o 48 7 7J 90 1 6 i I ... 13 11 o - Total of Order 292 5 o 806 37 H 7 54 8 1 60 9 9 48 7 n 338 o 1 795 i7 8 5*5 Sons and Daughters op Temperance Antidote Division Perseverance „ Progress ,, Ray of Hope „ D.iwn of Light „ 145 o o 123 7 9 56 18 4 37 6 10 1766 3 3 9 5 19 2 1 8 o 75 o o ■•■§ 8 13 4 40 "9* 4i§ 133 10 o IO IO o 8 18 6 2200 28 2 4 14 4 o 726 7 9 4 112 o 60 ... 19 17 4 14 o 3 260 o o 126 11 6 81 8 10 43 13 i° 1966 241 9 8 38 14 3 26 1 o 29 9 4 112 o 936 19 3 478 19 1 i77 14 8 43 7 o 1256 1,649 5 6 955 9 7 566 16 4 233 2 6 57 11 6 30 o o 8-2 4*3 10 200 ... ... Total of Order ' —I 5420 337 6 3 379 19 5 12 10 n 83 13 4 174 18 6 58 10 2 70 33 17 7 53i o 8 1,842 19 n 4'9 Hibernian A. C. B. Society. Otag 0- Canterbury District — St. Joseph's Branch [Central Body] ... 70 15 6 [88 o 15 o 14 8] 24 o o 16 8 o 287 8 7 [242 12 5] 9- 5 o 12 2 [■3 ° 8] 35 20 [eo] ... 96 2 8 [101 15 4] 51 I0 o [20 o o] 242 15 n [160 17 1] Branches Not in Districts — Charleston Branch. Grahamstown „ Waimea „ Greenstone „ Auckland ,, i 25 8 3 112 4 3 22 611 16 13 2 221 13 3 1 7 6 9 15 ° 27 15 o II I o 20 060 400 500 8 16 8 "3 5 10 '7 13 4 15 14 6 150 a 0 22 1 o 20 3 13 o 36 10 9 160 5 3 37 12 11 26 o 8 8 16 8 155 6 i° 21 64 20 1 5 234 IO 2i 49i 11 5* 1.55 12 2 576 n o 388 16 7 17 3 94 39' 1 '* 1,972 1 4i 183 6 3 581 9 5 4°5 3 2 23 3 °i 660 16 6J 59 49 2-8 050 4 7 6 17 4 4 35 7 3 3° 54 5 2| , 8S 3° 5*8 Total of Order 469 i 4 23 19 4 107 18 3 5° ... 9 18 2 92 14 2| -4 s s a4a-4o 3 '3 o 304 4 10 660 17 1 2,141 7 o 5'4 34° 17 4 Railway Benefit Societies. Otago Railways Employes' Benefit Society N.Z. Railways Employes' Benefit Society, Invercargill Branch 349 10 8 92 15 6 123 3 4 20 442 6 2 143 3 4 800 o o 1,099 2 I0 103 201 16 3 120 800 1 1 131 1 3 5° 210 18 3 181 1 3 154 16 6 954 16 6 184 13 6 1,283 l6 4 4-8 Total of Bailway Societies ... 551 6 11 120 100 15 6 254 4 7 70 j ... 653 4 5 324 4 7 9'4 Total of all the Societies (exclusive of funds under control of Central Bodies) 17,908 18 yi 1,237 2 6j 6.954 *4 U ■83od [2.532 15 8i| 2,609 6 2 30,464 7 ni 141,713 2 of 5'3 9,640 12 24 2,786 1 4s 2037 ] 22 7] 2 4 0| 17,07318 8 128,322 12 9I Total of Central Bodies 3.o iS 18 ti 773 ii 2 j 12,242 18 8| ... 29 9 2 31 10 8 2.193 18 2 3,818 18 -1 2,242 n 10 10,666 12 1 7-0 * A portion of this interest appears to have accrued in previous yeai-3. t £500 transfe] ■red from Mai lagement Fund. J Medici ii attei dance and medicine. §E: itirely swallowed up in expenses connected witl hall.


MEDICAL AND MANAGEMENT EXPENSES FUNDS. TABLE V. —Showing the Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1880, in the case of all Friendly Societies and Branches of Friendly Societies included in Table I., of the Funds destined to meet Medical and Management Expenses.


__.__; of Societx asd Beanch. Contributions and Levies. Entrance T , , , „ j Interest and ■ ■",.■. ■_, • i and -p , : Other Receipts. Clearance Fees. ■Ken1;• Receipts. Medical Expenses Attendance and of Medicines. Management. Expen< Liture. Total Receipts. Other Expenditure. Total Expenditure. Amount at End of Year. Levies to District Grand Lodge, &c. Manchester Unity Independent Order oe Odd Fellows. Auckland District — Fountain of Friendship Lodge Good Intent ,, Parnell „ Charles Bruce ,, Waikato „ Alexandra ,, Howick „ [Central Body] ... £ s. d. 310 611 270 18 6 116 S o 89 o 5 235 18 8 6 18 8 38 9 o [191 o 10] 1,067 i7 2 £ b. a. ... ... £ b. d. 56 ' 8 3 £ s. d. £ b. d. 12 4 2 213 17 o 22 15 8 170 1 6 32 o 4 60 18 8 6 14 11 40 15 o 34 iS o 149 10 o 600 0173 24 11 6 £ s. d. 131 9 8 127 17 9 79 13 9 40 14 3 97 12 5 3 13 10 10 3 10 [158 16 8] £ b. d. 53 10 o 45 17 4 18 2 3 11 o 8 26 3 2 0100 4 18 2 £ s. d. 13 o o 1200 III oi 2 15 5 30 1 7 £ s. d. 322 11 1 35° 2 5 148 S 4 96 10 4 297 16 8 6 18 8 39 6 3 [191 o io] 1,261 10 9 £ s. d 411 16 8 355 16 7 160 s 8i 95 5 4 303 7 2 1 o 310 39 13 6 [i93 17 2] 1,376 8 9i £ 8. d. -133 18 I 205 7 2 40 8 4 ■ 5 o —14 1 o 09S 16 5 2 [21 4 3] 263 15 1 o 15 o 27 3 o Total of District ... 83 " 3 ... 109 7 4 665 13 8 1 160 1 7 [35 o 6] 59 8 oi i o 15 o 491 5 6 New Plymouth District — Egmotit Lodge ... [Central Body] ... 215 6 8i [19 19 9] 6 12 9 144 18 o [iS 13 7] ■■■ 47 9 6 [49 1 9j 14 7 9 8 14 o [o IS o] 221 19 si [35 '3 4] 215 9 3 [49 16 9] 17 S 6 ___________ ... Wellington District — Britannia Lodge... Antipodean „ Rose of the Valley ,, [Central Body] ... I 1 337 i" 11 202 17 7 146 1 11 [47 8 6] 686 11 5 35 14 o 10 5 8 1004 ... 800 13 13 o ... 151 291 15 o 3 15 9 141 7 o 45 10 6 80 5 o [37 11 10] 98 2 7. 73 18 2 96 16 10 [68 12 7] 268 17 7 23 17 6 11 12 9 1076 5 19 o [5 o o] 374 11 o 224 19 o 215 S 9 [85 o 4] 419 14 1 226 17 11 187 9 4 [73 12 7] 8.34 1 4 49 13 10 302 17 2 362 o o [27 II 1] Total of District 56 o o 21 13 o 50 11 4 513 7 o 45 '7 9 5 19 o 814 15 9 j 714 I I o Marlborough District — Marlborough Lodge Renwick „ [Central Body] ... 172 2 11 5° 13 9i [14 18 o] 222 16 81 10 4 1 78 10 o 806 26 5 o 34 4 11 19 9 10 C9 3 o] 11 60 2 5 o 5 4° 182 7 o ! 58 14 3i [14 18 o] 126 s 11 54 10 10 ; [930] 180 16 9 52 9 1 4 18 o [6 18 11] ... ... I 3 12 o j ... ... ... ... Total of District I ! ' : I . I ! 18 4 7 104 15 o i 53 14 9 14 18 o I 7 9 o 241 1 3i 57 7 1 Nelson District — Nelson Lodge Travellers' Rest ,, Howard ,, [Central Body] ... 293 13 10 74 6 3 186 o o [45 18 o] 18 4 o 210 o o 1 12 6 38 7 6 392 112 o 3 [18 18 4] 23 S 8 360 7 9 78 5 4 23 1 1 69 11 u [66 11 o] 170 18 4 I 1780 506 14 5 o 18 6 2 [17 5 2J 311 17 10 1 75 18 9 189 9 2 C64 16 4] 323 19 6 66 9 1 201 14 8 [83 16 2] 42 5 7 23 15 11 10 15 2 [90 15 2] 76 16 8 ... Total of District S 36 13 6 j 554 o 1 24 3 8 577 S 9 592 3 3 ! ' •



North Westland District — Westport Lodge Charleston „ Reel'ton ,, _ [Lentral Body] ... I Total of District Hokitika District — fcO Hokitika Lodge Ross ,, Waiinea ,, Greymoutli ,, Albert „ [Central Body] ... 147 8 5 135 6 9 247 2 4i [5' 7 °] 529 17 6i ... ... ... ... 946 3 11 o 16 5 o [21 19 o] 29 o 6 93 9 11 89 1 o 152 15 2 ... 1 335 6 1 1 ! 32 o o 49 4 o 59 4 ° [41 o o] 140 8 o 8 10 o 1250 14 15 o ... 35 10 o 15 8 o 026 55 6 3 [lo 6 n] 70 16 9 136 12 n 138 17 9 263 7 4i [73 6 o] 558 18 oii 149 7 11 150 12 6 282 o 5 [51 6 "] 582 o IO on 4 -18 17 9 -39 '6 4» [25 2 o] on 4 I 374 6 4 119 12 8 174 6 10 226 3 6 223 4 5 [15. 18 o] 21 15 6 14 11 6 80 9 6 5 18 o 74 3 o [28 5 °J 218 17 9 55 '4 6 88 17 8 98 19 o 11006 113 1 6 61 12 10 49 3 6 130 7 o 46 5 6 [212 18 3] 62 6 o 13 4 o 31 14 o 49 4 o 34 10 ° 65 9 6 25 18 6 37 3 o 2 19 o 90 18 o [6 o 0] 396 1 10 134 4 2 254 16 4 232 1 6 297 7 5 [180 3 o] 459 14 9 156 9 10 206 18 2 281 9 o 281 14 o [2,8 .8 3] 2240 66 12 7 44 7 7i 36 17 1 38 2 3 [37 6 7i] ... Total of District I ! 1.1 17 13 9 196 17 6 572 9 5 400 10* 4 190 18 o 222 8 o i,3H " 3 1,386 S 9 208 3 6J Ashley District — Rangiora Lodge ... JNTil Desperandum ,, i j 93 19 4 48 o 7 3 9 3 o IS 9 1 19 6 1 3 18 o 66 15 o 24 15 o 35 19 8 16 18 2 8 1 9 326 3 13 o 050 116 14 8 S 2 14 4 "4 9 5 45 o 8 -75 4 10 — 21 12 11 Total of District I I -96 17 9 141 19 11 4 5° 23 4 1 91 IO o 52 17 10 11 4 3 3 18 o 169 9 o iS9 10 1 North Canterbury District— City of Christehurch Lodge Kaiapoi ,, Volunteer ,, Benevolent „ Perseverance „ [Central Body] ... I 355 15 11 62 17 10 57 3 3 91 3 o 106 3 1 i [120 7 10] 673 3 ii 42 11 6 6196 26 o o 7 12 6 8 14 o 26 411 5 11 8 99 o 4 26 5 1 38 16 s 18 18 5 49 9" [3 IS 6] 200 17 6 36 10 o 5126 51 12 6 79 8 o 188 2 5 45 1 9 33 18 6 33 5 4 33 4 10 [162 o 2] 37 15 ° 7 7 o 3 5° 880 1080 1,289 IO 2 25 11 9 6015 o 36 16 6 [8 o o] S23 12 8 1 o 1 14 1 121 19 8 117 13 11 164 7 oi [124 3 4] i,7 l6 5 1 88 18 9 "3 17 9 154 o 10 159 i? 4 [170 o 2] — 761 2 10 134 11 3 16 17 7 -29 18 4 17 [ 10 [24 19 n] 168 10 8 ... Total of District 91 17 6 ! 31 16 7 232 10 2 419 10 6 333 12 10 ■ 67 3 o 1,412 13 5 1,029 7 4* 2,232 19 9 Lyttelton District — ■ City of Norwich Lodge Good Intent „ Hand of Friendship „ Dawn of Hope „ [Central Body] ... I 228 6 10 119 6 9 9 14 o 16 12 6 ... 199 12 9 I 61 10 6 j 105 8 o 14 5 7 076 5 3 3 [224 13 oj 113 17 6 105 10 o 48 11 6 149 1 1 2 73 17 8 660 32 1 o 8 3 6 2 5 6 221 6 o 13 17 11 533 7 7 195 2 10 10 i 6 21 15 9 [224 13 o] 760 7 8 516 15 8 201 9 1 8 11 6 51 ii 6 [191 7 6] 78 n 8 - 1 8 2 4 15 9 -58 9 8 [52 3 o] 0100 [50 9 8] 2100 [140 17 10] ... ... Total of District 374 ° 1 261 3 3 123 4 4 267 19 o 230 4 IO 42 10 o 237 13 11 778 7 9 83 7 5 i Otago District — Hand and Heart Lodge Dunedin ,, Dalton ,, Prince of Wales „ Albion „ Oamaru „ 357 13 5 288 9 8 8292 158 5 3 186 o 11 145 15 3 1,218 13 8 o 15 o 026 o 10 o 063 026 376 2 9 1800 700 1 15 7 103 2 4 35 9 7 9 5 6 64 3 6 11 14 o 596 9 4* 360 11 6 189 3 6 65 11 3 94 11 4 101 18 9 104 18 9 3°i 15 9 73 13 6 37 1 o 31 5 7 44 1 6 75 7 8 40 6 6 26 9 6 6 13 6 6 15 o 14 IS 3 12 2 6 135 10 4 30 11 11 220 837 1.3 6 34i 19 3 98 17 2 224 14 4 198 1 2 77 6 5 1 838 4 1 319 18 5 hi 7 9 162 12 n 172 2 6 198 8 7 2,038 2 4 226 16 10 —12 2 2 -47 3 11 — 26 19 8 7°7 6 5 33 18 o 3° 1 o 11 7 o S 19 8 Carried forward... ! I l6 3 436 16 4 820 4 3 916 15 1 56 3 5 ° 107 2 3 215 11 11 2,477 10 6 1,802 14 3 2,972 5 7 * Including value of lodge buildings, assigned to Management Fund by resolution of lodge.




Receipts. Expenditure. Name or Society and Beanch. Contributions Entrance \ Interest and and and Rent Levies. Clearance Fees. Medical Expenses Levies to Other Attendance and of District Grand _ A J Medicines. | Management. Lodge, &c. -~pe_-iture. Total Receipts. Total Expenditure. Amount at End of Tear. Other Receipts. M. H. I. O. op Odd Fellows — contd. Otago District— continued. Brought forward ... | Tuapeka Pioneer Lodge Waitahuna ,, Prince Alfred ,, Waipori ,, Bluespur ,, Naseby ,, Alexandra ,, Roxburgh ., Tapanui ,, Lake Wakatipu ,, Palmerston ,, Cromwell ,, Mount Wendon ,, Band of Friendship ,, Outram ,, ... I Mosgiel ,, [Central Body] ... Total of District Invercargill District — Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge St. George „ [Central Body] ... £ s. d. j £ s. d. 1,218 13 8 1 16 3 157 6 10 059 136 10 o So 5 o 38 17 o 128 16 9 148 6 5 026 31 15 2 104 6 11 J o 1 3 132 16 o 85 6 6 1 17 6 30 15 6 086 144 12 3 o 15 o 139 17 6 27 7 1 1S7 18 10 59 18 1 013 [216 8 o] 2,853 9 61 580 266 18 8 j 215 17 o j [45 3 o] _ 9. d. 436 16 4 ... ... ... 400; IOO £ s. a. 820 4 3 5 7 6 8 4 4 8 11 10 240 906 2 5 6 670 766 9180 1002 130 1060 36 7 o 1 9 o 880 32 8 o [3 2 °] £ s. d. 916 15 1 100 11 8 95 9 5 74 2 6 76 1 3 121 16 o 3i iS 5 83 1 6 90 o o 60 7 o 26 2 3 93 9 6 I 12 IO o II 06 85 13 o 35 19 61 £ s. d. 563 S o 66 15 6 33 12 9 21 20 16 15 2 38 4 10 50 4 o 8 11 6 20 18 10 27 3 2 27 o o 13 1 o 6 35 11 8 29 o o 12 5 4 43 1 10 40 6 7 [148 2 6] £ s. d. 107 2 3 700 8 12 9 4 7 6 2 15 6 5 19 3 7 18 6 3 12 3 7 1 9 6 15 o 3 5 3 212 o 7 10 o 6 i 9 190 7 5 o £ s. d. 215 11 11 10 15 o 1 17 9 200 o 10 6 5 o 3 11 63 5 11 1 5°o 106 640 25 6 5 £ s. d. 2,477 IO 6 163 o 1 144 14 4 88 16 10 41 1 o j 141 17 3 150 14 5 39 2 2 m 14 si 142 14 o 97 4 2 32 7 o 155 13 3 176 4 6 28 16 1 196 6 10 92 7 4 [219 10 o] £ s. d. 1,802 14 3 174 7 2 148 9 11 99 12 o 21 8 5 122 5 4 180 9 o 48 19 5 122 8 4 129 9 3 95 12 3 43 5 3 142 15 2 172 18 2 24 14 10 163 12 2 83 14 7i; [148 2 6]j £ s. d. 2,972 5 7 — 6 13 1 -52 11 5--139 19 11 -63 3 5 52 7 4 -86 18 7 107 10 il -6 11 1 14 15 11 -59 17 5 -48 1 8 -116 18 81 364 48 17 10 40 18 6 8 12 81 [180 13 9] ... ... ... 27 12 4 7 8 6 441 16 4 979 10 7 j 2,014 14 7! 1,047 8 8 189 7 9 325 4 6 4,280 4 5 f 3,576 15 61 3,248 14 4 ... ... 57 4 9 8 14 6 [21 8 6] 211 13 o 165 o o 76 18 3 44 9 10 [3i 1 8] 19 12 o 20 15 o 40 5 6 10 14 o 324 3 S 224 11 6 [66 11 6] 348 8 9 240 18 10 [31 1 8] 48 5 9 -21 15 7 [-68 7 9 ... Total of District 4S2 15 8 \ 4S2 15 8 65 19 3 376 13 o 5,867 4 oi 121 8 40 7 o 50 19 6 548 14 11 589 7 7 48 5 9 Total of Order ... 8,919 11 Si 158 5 6 8,919 11 81 ■58 5 6 840 o 5 1,860 8 1 3.358 16 3 848 18 7 2,429 7 9i n,778 5 8-| 12,504 6 8 4,887 8 4J Independent Oedee op Odd Fellows. Grand Lodge of New Zealand — Pioneer Ledge Leith „ Alfred „ Avon ,, Southern Cross ,, Pioneer of Southland „ [Central Pody] ... ... ... j 151 5 11 2 14 2 147 9 o 5 4° 56 12 9 9 12 o 130 1 o 20 1 o 167 14 8 12 1 13 o 1715 ° [i43 9 4] 1 1 151 5 11 2 14 2 147 9 o 5 4° 56 12 9 9 12 o 130 1 o 20 1 o 167 14 8 12 1 13 o 1715 o [i43 9 4] 1 774 16 4 I 55 6 2 070 12 o 6 700 56 14 8 6 5 o 1 14 6 78 8 10 91 11 6 55 ° 1 Sz 5 o 47 3 6 59 11 6 34 6 4 72 16 9 88 6 9 58 15 9 39 8 4 [i73 2 11] 32 o 6 15 13 o 626 2 10 o I 25 12 3 60 6 7 211 19 170 18 6 74 19 3 150 2 o 167 14 8 139 8 o [■45 8 7] 147 S 8 180 1 3 86 14 10 200 18 4 "5 2 3 143 16 9 [178 2 11] 243 3 10 121 11 1 1027 14 15 11 7° 15 4 1226 [90 17 8; 9 3o 34 16 11 ... 1000 [5 o o] [1 19 3] Total of Order ... 774 16 4 I 55 6 2 19 7 6 64 14 2 384 o s 98 8 10 873 19 1 293 13 11 97 iS 11 9i4 4 2 472 11 3



National I. O. O. F. Auckland Provincial District — Auckland Pioneer Lodge ... United Brothers „ [Central Body] ... 171 10 10 93 3 5 L5 12 3] 3 IS 10 960 I 10 o 10 12 10 071 [8 4 2] 1171a o 6? 13 o 65 I o 35 7 8 [15 11 o] 8 6 11 240 200 187 9 6 102 16 6 [13 16 5] 290 6 o 192 19 n 105 4 8 [15 11 o] 25 o 8 -o 3 10 [o 14 11] Total of Order ... 264 14 3 13 1 10 1 10 o 10 19 11 185 5 o 100 8 8 298 4 7 25 o 8 10 10 11 200 Ancient Oedee oe Foeestees. Auckland District — Court City of Auckland ... „ Pride of Parnell [Central Body] ... 349 9 10 201 3 2 [93 o 7] 2100 45 12 1 20 16 o [34 12 8] 112 2 6 76 18 8 [140 17 11] 31 8 6 1600 397 11 11 221 19 2 ['27 13 3] 619 n 1 43i 11 3 242 2 1 [205 4 3] 10 10 8 250 9 4 131 o o 37 10 n 18 3 5 [64 6 4] __! _____ Total of District 55° 13 o 2100 66 8 1 381 9 4 189 1 2 47 8 6 673 13 4 10 10 8 Haivke's Bay District — Court Sir Charles Napier ... „ Captain Cook „ Sir Henry Havelock „ Robin Hood ,, Ruahine [Central Body] ... 55 14 4 166 18 4 no 611 100 14 10 34 7 9 35 1 5 [28 o 3] 14 12 6 6109 5 8 9 4 10 o 7126 20 9 o iS S 6 412 6 14 9 6 9 14 9 [S3 3 6] 79 6 3 67 o o 81 6 ioi 2226 54 o 3 34 9 3 28 15 10 ■5 ° 1 930 [68 15 4] 10 16 6 6 17 6 619 o 2 12 6 2 10 6 1156 1660 7 13 o 4 7 1 13 2 9 201 19 10 132 3 2 no 16 1 155 8 6 124 12 9 124 14 81 44 2 2 55 o o [68 is 4] 503 18 ii 58 14 o 7 12 9- — o 12 ni 2 13 4 — 2 n 2i [-42 5 1] 69 o ii 30 3 9 53 7 3 52 8 8 [81 3 9] ... ... Total of District ~ 447 9 3 38 14 6 64 11 3 279 19 4i| 141 8 5 29 16 o 52 14 4 55° IS o Wellington District — Court Sir George Grey ,, Robin Hood ,, Little John ,, Wairarapa ,, Sir George Bowen ... ,, Blenheim „ Roderick Dhu ,. Loyal Enterprise ... ,, Clarendon ,, Manawatu ,, Marquis of Normanby ,, Loyal Feilding „ William Gladstone... ,, Pioneer ... [Central Body] ... 283 2 8 257 18 1 80 8 4 116 16 ol 240 18 6 121 17 2 8109 122 o 6 82 18 3 125 8 1 38 7 ii 39 7 7 86 17 7 34 3 9l [116 15 o] 6 14 o 2 1 3 3 2 6 926 489 8 10 9 8 18 6 276 17 3 6 3 16 3 016 1080 75 o o 37 12 o 35 o o 85 o 6 9 6 3 13 5 9 54 15 o 34 19 o 12 18 8 15 14 4 28 1 6i 4 16 6 1 1 6 5 7 ioi 8 18 o 113 ° 186 12 o 162 o o 42 7 o 85 7 3 148 5 o 77 o o 65 19 6 88 4 o 57 14 4 75 o o 32 15 o 2813 9 59 10 o 17 13 o 320 17 9 132 11 6 37 12 o 64 6 5 177 17 11 44 4 o IS 13 8 71 7 7 21 1 8 59 2 n 45 • ii 7 11 9 37 19 2 17 11 3 [236 4 o] 22 I o 18 5 o 6 19 o 8 14 6 16 12 6 8 3 3 4 4o 8 3 9 5 14 3 5 19 9 2 10 3 2 13 3 5 13 3 286 13 3 6 426 76 o 4 286 610 39 10 4 21 26 4 13 10 1 9 9 443 3 2 273 18 4 95 IS 4 212 5 6J 285 o o 139 4 7 105 5 i° 194 o 65 90 2 3 143 13 1 70 11 3 48 7 1 98 18 7 37 3 9[281 II 5] 2,237 9 4i 542 14 3 316 19 o 86 18 o 234 8 6 345 3 11 135 8 3 12.5 7 6 188 17 10 89 4 1 141 12 5 80 6 4i 5° 1 11 i°3 2 5 37 12 9 [236 4 o] 2,477 17 2i 65 16 4 2 o 10 0 11 10 -29 8 4 i 26 17 9 190 4 8 21 14 1 1 17 42 18 10 2 2 5 5 12 4i 10 1 2 5 11 o — 4 10 io_ [347 7 8] 23 o o 11 3 2 300 [164 16 5] ... Total of District i,7n 4 579 iS o I70 12 O 1,127 o 1° 1,052 18 81 118 2 3 179 15 5 335 10 8 275 17 n Nelson District — Court Robin Hood ,, Perseverance „ Pride of the Forest... „ Waireka ... „ Concord ... „ Patea ,, Unity „ Sherwood Forest ... [Central Body] ... 257 9 8 73 9 2 44 6 o 121 5 5 166 o 6 21 1 o 130 1 o 35 'S 9 [181 14 o] 8 10 o 71 16 8 809 350 25 7 o 7100 411 o 25 15 9 1 16 6 3 15 3 o 15 6 016 3 3 9 070 [53 1 5] 167 10 o 28 12 6 10 10 o 97 iS o 88 2 6 67 o 1 55 7 10 11 4 2 31 1 1 5° 15 o 306 37 9 4 6 6 8 [185 8 9] 38 o 6 660 7 19 o 21 10 9 10 4 3 060 200 2104 2 14 8 3 10 o 010 333 17 4 107 s 8 49 7 6 150 7 8 182 16 o 2126 133 12 3 38 19 7[234 15 5] 1,017 8 6-i 282 14 10 90 6 4 29 19 2 152 6 10 141 7 10 22 5 o 164 8 2 2255 [185 8 9] 215 3 o 97 8 8 85 o 5 2 13 6 22 8 4 0 4 7--45 5 11 7i 15 7i [49 6 81 076 2 16 ioi 9 19 o 106 19 7 9 14 o 6 10 10 16 9 3 639 ... Total of District 849 8 6 8 17 6 11816311 40 6 3 519 2 7 26248 103 o 1 21 6 3 I 905 13 7 I 494 14 2




Name oe Society and Beanch. Contributions and Levies. Entrance and Clearance Fees. Receipts. I Expenditure. T,r „• , _ T . . Total Receipts. Medical Expenses Levies to Other Attendance and of District Grand Expenditure Medicines. Management. Lodge, &c. I " Expenditure. Total Expenditure. Amount at End of Year. Int_e_t and ' Other Receipts. Ancient Oedee oe Foeestees— contd. United Westland District — Court Waimea ... [Central Body] ... £ s. d. 42 16 2 [31 4 6] Z s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. o 14 6 [■5 o 9] £ s. d. 17 8 7 £ s. d. 14 11 o [24 3 o] £ s. d. 5 1 6 £ b. a. 4 is 3 [22 6 9] £ s. d. j 43 10 8 [46 5 3] £ s. d. 41 16 4 [46 9 9] £ s. d. 3 5 ii- [° 1 4i3 United Canterbury District — Court Star of Canterbury... ,, Queen of the Isles ... „ Pride of Courtenay ,, Thistle of the Forest [Central Body] ... 491 6 4 93 8 o 35 6 o 31 14 o [52 17 1] 1 3 9 400 139 15 2 38 17 8* 511 3 15 8 n [97 o 8] 388 7 6 64 15 o 24 o o 2112 6 168 5 3 50 17 n 21 3 4 19 3 10 [149 17 9] 170 35 11 7 3 5 8 026 631 1 6 i.S7 9 5 40 17 3 47 211 [i49 17 9] 856 11 1 592 4 4 118 18 7 46 12 10 40 16 4 [i49 17 *9] 17 14 I 474 7 61 9 8 5 Oil 1 [106 15 5-] Total of District... 651 14 4 1 3 9 400 199 13 0 498 15 o 259 10 4 1 7 o 38 19 9 798 12 1 502 1 ii United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin ... ,, Enterprise „ Robin Hood „ Pride of the Leith ... „ Star of the Dunstan ,, Royal Oak of Kawarau „ Pride of Oamaru ,, Star of Tuapeka ,, Havelock... [Central Body] ... 239 17 61 180 9 9i 143 3 3•35 19 9 21 16 71 32 11 3 59 19 2i 80 7 4 30 16 11 _ [i3S 13 1] 925 1 8} 500 7 2 6 IOO II I o 500 900 5 12 6 ... 2 17 6 600 900 400 9 10 o 75 18 7 o 13 6 9 3 0 15 1 o 040 3 IS o 11 8 3 196 266 __[76 j_6fl 176 12 6 37 16 o 84 14 9 68 13 8 16 16 o 122 I II 118 8 7 30 1 o 8 74 1 o 20 1 1 17 6 6 12 10 6 45 5 6 21 17 6 [197 9 o] 15 11 6 10 s o 9 14 o 900 211 o 2106 8 1 o 28 o 11 460 57i 2 2+ 186 910 14 10 3 30 11 6 040 18 17 8 8 16 3 329 16 ii 193 18 3i 1.53 6 3 | 162 1 9 29 18 ii 42 6 3 90 9 ni 91 11 4 42 13 Si [211 14 7] 885 8 1 167 18 1 i34 o 5 166 4 n 53 3 7 36 17 o 96 9 S 82 2 8 26 3 6 [266 o 5] 257 11 7i 356 3 ii S? 2 3 oi 177 iS °i 56 10 11 120 9 6_ 35 13 5 66 17 10 49 17 9i [242 3 5] 1026 5 14 6 57 o 3 i" _ - J ... [23 17 o] Total of District... 45 o 6 46 o o 119 19 4 I 441 13 2 1,136 1 6| 1,648 7 8 1,693 2 3! 462 3 3 89 19 11 654 11 4 Courts not in Districts — ■ Court Southern Cross „ Coromandel 267 18 8 49 17 9 5,496 3 ioi 14 13 5 2190 36 3 9 20 16 o 282 12 1 52 16 9 6,796 16 i| 173 2 ii -35 18 10 217 7 o 32 o o 20 4 o 273 '4 9 52 16 o Total of Order ... 176 1 3 7,376 9 M 339 8 3 i 78S 2 9 3,514 15 ioi 2,438 17 3l 394 IS 3 1,028 o 8 3,281 7 ii Ancient Oedee oe Shepheeds. Sanctuary Sir George Grey 11 8 o 8 11 9 20 1 9 18 18 3 1240 11 10 o 23 12 o ... United Ancient Oedee oe Deities. Pioneer Lodge Hope of St. Alban's „ Mistletoe „ Excelsior ,, Oak of Sydenham „ Ethelbert „ Otago „ Enterprise ,, 119 13 9 80 6 9 118 12 9 141 2 o 127 15 9 42 13 6 Si 7 9 55 2 6 16 13 6 13 5 6 14 16 6 25 4 9 45 o 9 24 3 9 43 19 6 57 6 6 42 8 3 5 18 3 20 o 6 38 12 o '8 7 6 1006 20 3 o 2169 166 16 9 114 o o 59 12 o 76 15 o 88 10 o 69 o o 35 o o 35 12 o 32 18 10 38 5 o 29 1 9 37 3 4 126 7 1 64 7 1 42 12 1 31 5 2 2201 5 15 6 8 1 o 9 7 6 8 12 6 3 9° 18 4 6 19 6 8 463 689 178 15 6 99 10 6 •S3 9 9 204 18 9 181 40 76 17 9 133 15 9 181 6 8 98 15 6 128 8 1 224 4 7 141 19 7 83 iS 7 106 16 8 107 12 6 51 6 8_ o IS o 10 11 6 8 8 n '" 2 14 6 21 15 o 52 13 7 39 4 5 -5 17 10 8 .3 7 -13 8 9 Total of Order ... ; 736 14 9 240 10 5i-i 7 10 1 39i 1 7 63 5 o 107 4 9 1,144 2 _3 1,072 19 2 119 o ij



Loyal United Feiends Beneeit Society. Bemembrance Lodge 2 4 6 2 10 o 260 12 IO o 706 12 10 o ... ... ... ... ... 0_ Independent Oedee oe Beciiabites. j New Zealand District — Star of Hauraki Tent flj [Central Body] ... I ■45 2 7 [49 8 o]| 600 5 12 o [25 14 °] 99 15 ° 40 11 8 [68 7 10] 2230 4 16 6 [126 12 1] 156 14 7 [75 2 o] 167 6 2 [194 19 11] 10 1 4 [-146 15 9] ... ... J^ 1 New Zealand Central District — Good Samaritan Tent [Central Body] ... 52 o 1 ['99 6 '] 10 15 o 7 19 0 19 5 1 [84 5 ioj 43 15 4 36 14 8 I [235 i° 3] 10 3 6 14 16 4 [68 7 2] I 89 19 2 [283 11 11] 105 9 10 [303 17 5] -44 19 5 [-8 .6 6] ... ... ... Albert District — Star of Hope Tent i 1 24 ij o 066 060 16 15 o 380 35 14 6 010 25 7 6 20 4 o 293 o o 21 5 8 Total of Order ... 1 14 5 6 221 17 8 10 15 o 25 3 1 143 10 4 94 1 4 ; 19 13 1° 272 1 3 3i 1 o Sons and Daushtees oe Tempeeance. Antidote Division ... Perseverance ,, Progress „ Bay of Hope „ Dawn of Light „ "63 18 7 23 o o 29 7 9 S3 12 8 12 16 o 8 5 o 3 3 9 o 17 10 010 4 6 8 3 12 6 1 10 6 1 6 8 5 13 6 130 IO o 36 5 o 20 15 o 37 5 ° 1080 68 8 1 19 211 15 4 5 20 15 6 1 10 o 11 18 9 5 11 6 3 4 6 3 3° 0160 ... i7S 16 1 27 14 3 35 18 11 59 7 2 12 16 o 210 l6 IO 60 19 5 39 3 11 61 8 6 -18 6 9 -3° 16 5 53 10 10 5 17 9 020 050 ... ... 12 14 o ! i 1 : 468 , , ' ■ Total of Order ... 282 15 o 12 7 7 12 3 2 235 3 ° 125 o 11 24 13 9 050 311 12 5 385 2 8 59 10 7 Hibeenian Austealasian Catholic Beneeit society. Otago-Canterbury District — St. Joseph's Branch [Central Body] 96 6 8 [37 '4 o] 210 _55 4 7 [•4 13 6] 69 15 9 5° 3 o [52 17 9] 7 16 o 1 25 5 4 — 10 11 7 [o 3 8] * 153 12 3 [52 7 6] '53 ° 1 [52 17 9] ... ... ... Branches Not in Districts — Charleston Branch Grahamstown „ Waimea „ Greenstone ,, Auckland ,, 55 * 3 104 14 3 36 6 3 35 ° 4 2.53 14 9 581 3 6 226 o 10 o 050 476 1646 25 10 6 6 10 0 6 11 3 28 18 6 1 9 6 49 19 5 53 9 7 45 18 5i 73 5 o 19 6 10 21 6 8 137 17 6 367 IO 2\ 13 13 6 41 5 4 14 6 o 15 15 ° 57 3 6 192 6 4 1 17 4 4 16 8 211 4 3 7 ° 63 15 o 140 12 g 38 o 9 89 7 3 I 352 3 4 I 64 o 74 122 14 o 33 I2 10 54 ° 1 255 3 8 o 1 11J 290 10 1 -88 6 2i 31 13 6i 455 17 3 ... 15 17 5§ 50 6 8 28 14 6 1 1 o 9 16 o Total of Order ... 35 4 6 195 12 10 25 7 ° 97 7 9 8.37 " 4 778 2 10 682 II 3i| Bailway Beneeit Societies. Otago Bailways Employes Benefit Society New Zealand Bailways Employes Benefit Society, Invercargill Branch 349 IO 8 19 10 o 2 6 6 38.3 14 3 70 14 6 371 7 2 212 10 9 454 8 9 221 17 9 102 7 10 201 16 3 12 O 9 12 6 170 8 5 5° 1 4 1 8 o 145 9 6 Total of Bailway Societies... 551 6 11 20 12 O 11 19 o 554 2 8 120 15 10 ' 1 8 o 583 i7 11 j 676 6 6 247 17 4 Total of all the Societies (exclusive of funds under control of Central Bodies) . j . 22,959 9 8i 24,195 10 9I 17,842 16 5^; j 715 o 7 1,254 2 ioi 3.147 9 9 1,004 o 5|| 11,762 19 4i 1 " 7.136 3 i°i 2,546 2 9 ! 1,501 o 11 3,795 6 7i i 9,921 3 6i Total of Central Bodies ... 1=979 3 ill 2,983 3 6 3,079 17 6 ... ... ... 533 14 9 j 1,316 15 nt I * £32 12s. 2d. by proceeds of fete. f £500 transferred to Sick and Funeral Fund. J Illegally paid out of Sick and Funeral Fund. § Me temporarily residing m Kumara. || Out of the £224 13s. returned as "other receipts" by the Central Body of the Lyttelton District, I.O.O.F., M.U., it consisted of levies upon branches. The total amount of levies received by the Management Funds of Central Bodies must therefore have been approximately £2 this table winch is not included in Tables III. and IV., viz., that of the United Canterbury District, A.O.F. The return from this body, though satisfactory sufficiently clear in regard to either Assets or Funeral Fund. ;dical attendance to members of another branch is certain that a portion, probably about £75, ,050. If One Central Body is included in in respect of the Management Fund, was not


SUPPLEMENTAL STATISTICS (UNREGISTERED BRANCHES) AND GENERAL TOTALS. TABLE VI.—Showing the Membership, Funds, Mortality, and Sickness Experience, for the Year 1880, of Unregistered Branches of Friendly Societies.


No. of I on Members ioll Total Worth of Funds on 31st December, 1880. No. of Deaths Statistics of Sickness. Naste oe Society and Beahch. Where Established. _ . I-3PH _■ A-* CO Total. Sick and Euneral Fund. Management Fund. Other Funds. s cm o «*3 Ma No. of Average No. of Weeks' Sickness Sickness. Per Member. Per Member Siok. Manchestee Unity Independent Oedee oe Odd Fellows. Auckland District — Registered Lodges Delta Lodge Gisborne ,, Hamilton ,, Devonport „ National ,, Howick ,, Ponsonby „ Central Body Newcastle ... Gisborne Hamilton Devonport ... Coromandel Howick Ponsonby ... Auckland ... 969 971 15 12 7S 4i 36 * 19 * 24 19 : 26 39 j 971 12 41 £ 8. d. 17,016 17 s 187 4 3 668 17 1 453 12 5 ! 161 12 4 203 8 10 j 156 13 2 48 6 10 3,278 o 6 £ s. d. 16,635 ° I 187 4 3 668 17 1 453 12 S 161 12 4 203 8 10 140 7 10 33 2 8 3,i95 5 5 21,678 10 11 £ s. d. 263 15 1 £ S. d. 118 2 3 9 ... 1 I I t "- I 164 5 13 * Wks. Dys. 1,229 3 15 3 58 2 # Weeks. 1-267 i*I43 1-004 * Weeks. 7*497 3-086 4-483 # * * # 19 39 16 16 5 4 IS 4 2 21 4 3 316 8 10 ... ... j ... I 2 10 5 o 43 3 11 2 0-233 1'336 o-868 2-500 4'343 5' 643 10 16 61 10 IO 1 2 Total of District ... —- —- 1,174 [1,098] [1,098] 22,174 12 10 ' ,— _—. 179 13 I n — 2 [■96] [1,362 6] [1-229] [6'953: Hawke's Bay District — Napier Lodge Meanee ,, Clyde Abbotsford ,, Clive Hastings „ Victoria ,, Tukapau ,, Tavistock „ Woodville „ Central Body Napier Wairoa Waipawa Farndon Hastings Porangahau... Takapau Waipukurau Woodville ... Napier 128 127 36 34 30 13 136 131 * i?6 * 37 127 34 13 131 36 37 33 26 I,98i 5 2 IOO 3 7 137 10 11 1,005 6 10 180 8 o 92 5 ° 127 10 7 73 IO II 33 12 o 41 18 9 38 16 11 3,812 8 8 1,981 5 2 100 3 7 137 10 11 1,005 6 10 180 8 o 92 5 o 127 10 7 73 10 11 33 12 o 41 18 9 32 15 9 3,8o6 7 6 * * * * * # * # * * # # * # * # * # * # # * # # # * 1 # # * # m # # * # * # 30 33 * 26 * # # * * * * I * # * # ••• I 33 33 15 # # * # * I * \ * # # * * # * # ••• : IS # * * * # # * ... 3 6 10 2 14 4 [2 14 4] * * Total of District ,,, [360] 485 485 [3 6 10] # I 1 # * I # # New Plymouth District — Registered Lodge Excelsior „ Waitara „ Central Body New Plymouth Raleigh New Plymouth 146 143 42 46 18 22 1,089 3 6 832 15 4 116 2 4! 96 2 jj_ 1,071 18 o 832 15 4 in 1 1 5 84 18 6 17 5 6 18 * 282 3 72 3 2 o i'955 1 60 1 0066 15-690 * ... 4 10 ni 11 3 9-| ... I # * ... 206 211 i ______ 356 6 i'633 [15-690; Total of District ... 2,134 3 6 I 2,101 3 3 33 o 3 1 : I



Wanganui District — Registered Lodge Central Body Wanganui ... I io 70 769 13 lit # 750 o oj 19 '3 'i # » ... ... 12 66 o 0943 5'5oo ... ... Total of District ... ' — 70 1 70 [769 13 ii] [750 o 0] [19 *3 *i] 1 12 66 o 0943 5'5 00 Wellington District — Registered Lodges Kainapoura Lodge ... Rose of Sharon „ United Brethren „ Unity St. George „ Combination ,, Heart of Oak „ Masterton „ Greytown „ Central Body i Borirua Upper Hutt Kaikoura Featherston Pahautanui ... rjohnsonville Carterton Masterton ... Greytown ... Wellington ... 767 26 37 28 650 25 26 48 42 40 45 5° 24 8,629 r ** 215 7 ' 374 'a S 208 12 2 7,876 4 2 166 2 4 358 8 11 205 13 2 488 2 6 1 11 14 4 68 17 6 94 010 96 19 3 93 IO 1 53 14 7 714 11 o 49 4 9 16 6 6 2 19 o 5* " 4 75 7 10 163 2 8 6 9 7 4° 3 1 t 27 11 1 1,146 16 10 38 6 9 I 6 1 1 100 # 1.053 1 * # 1-486 # 10-531 * # I - # # 54 32 33 40 3' 539 3 10 187 2 2 232 o 2 100 10 5 137 2 4 93 IO I 8*i 5 8 * # # # # # * * * * 1 * I * # * * * * * * # # ! '" I i - ... ... Total of District ... 1,080 985 10,798 11 3 I 9,613 7 8 38 6 9 7 1 [100] [i.053 1] [1-486]! [io'53'] Marlborough District — Registered Lodges Central Body 172 161 2,670 13 9 282 14 o 2,567 10 3 1627 57 7 1 6 18 11 45 i6 5 259 12 6 2 2 22 214 5 1-298 9760 Blenheim ... ... Total of District ... 172 161 j 2,953 7 9 2,583 12 IO 64 6 o 305 811 — 2 2 1-298 9-760 22 I 214 5 Nelson District — Registered Lodges Mansion of Peace Lodge ... General Cameron ,, Central Body Wakefield ... Waimea Nelson 487 67 5' 491 79 54 6,945 '7 3 800 o 4 294 12 2 1,344 4 9 9,384 14 6 6,769 o 7 705 OH 257 *4 I *°4 '5 4 7,836 IO II 76 16 8 94 19 5 36 18 1 90 15 2 IOO o o 5 1 - I i°3 9 943 3 30 o 40 o 1929 0-41 1 0-762 9*iS9 2-308 4444 Total of District ... 605 ... 624 1,148 14 3 1,248 14 3 ... 125 ... 299 9 4 5 1 i,o'3 3 1-649 8-107 Motueka District — Motueka Lodge Good Intention „ Takaka ,, South Star „ Central Body Motueka Riwaka Takaka Dovedale Motueka * # I0 5 54 1,860 17 5 712 13 6J 3°3 19 5 17 14 4 [492 9 ni] [3.387 '4 8] 1,833 6 2i 701 o 4 290 14 2i 13 "2 2i # 27 11 11 13 *3 5 4 2 # 2i 2i 2i ii 1 1 16 10 13 HO 4 54 o 119 4 # # # * - . ... Total of District ... ... I 237 [2,838 12 Hi] [56 I' 9] 492 9 iij 492 9 iii ' 1 1 39 284 1 # ... # I North Westland District — Begistered Lodges Central Body 256 232 3,575 H 9i 33 l6 7 3,575 3 Si 8 14 7 on 4 25 2 O I 1 32 .96 , 0804 6 129 Eeefton ... *■ ... Total of District ... 256 i 3,609 11 4i .1 1 32 196 1 0804 6129 232 j 3.583 18 oi 25 13 4 Information not supplied, t A small sum due to Sick and Funeral Fund. % Approximate amount.




No. of Members '' on Roll Total Worth of Funds on 31st December, 1880. No. of Deaths Statistics of Sickness. Name or Society and Bhanch. Where Established. 1-3 r-l a . Total. Sick and Funeral Fuud. Management Fund. Other Funds. a _. •*_ -O o_ O _; _ as c ,_, T£ No. of Average No. of Weeks' Sickness Sickness. Per Member. Per Member Sick. M.U.I.O. oe Odd Fellows — contd. Hokitika District — ■ Registered Lodges Central Body 446 £ s. d. 8,331 18 2i 135 o 6 8,466 18 81 £ s. d. 8,081 14 8 97 13 ioi 8,179 8 61 £ s. d. 208 3 61 37 6 7i i £ s. d. i 42 o o 63 Wks. dys. 502 1 Weeks. 1*132 Weeks. 7-97I 441 5 1 Hokitika ... ... ... Total of District ... 446 j i I 441 245 10 2 i 42 o o 5 ! 1 63 Ashley District — Registered Lodges Leithfield Lodge Cust Woodend ,, Oxford Ohoka Amberley ,, Sefton Waikari ,, 502 1 1-132 7*971 181 # 174 20 2,474 3 3 [295 14 3] I.292 9 9] [218 19 2] [245 15 1] [121 4 4] [170 o o] [99 o o] [15 o o] [3,932 5 10] 2,474 3 3 295 14 3 292 9 9 218 19 2 245 15 1 121 4 4 170 O O 99 0 o 15 o o -96 17 9 # 20 4 4 5 4 s 9 7 106 o °'S97 5'300 1*178 5-036 S"8S7 2-500 4*i43 6159 3-102 Leithfield Cust Woodend Oxford Ohoka Amberley Sefton Waikari 25 19 43 31 32 35 24 20 33 34 Si 3° 13 * * # * 1 1 4 5 20 1 29 2 10 o 20 s 55 3 21 5 0*822 i*5°2 0263 0-637 1'336 0-668 * » * * * ... ... Total of District ■ [366] 399 ! 3,932 S 10 [-96 17 9] # 2 58 268 o [0-707] 4-621 North Canterbury District — Registered Lodges Ashburton Lodge ... Southbridge ,, Star of Waltham „ Doyleston „ Phillipstown ,, Leeston ,, Pride of the Valley „ Papanui ,, Central Body Ashburton ... Southbridge... Waltham Doyleston ... Christchureh Leeston Heathcote Valley Papanui Christchureh 695 44: * 724 56 49 38 29 43 25 17 14 io,337 3 5 457 9 o 642 1 3 291 iS 7 337 I2 i°i 95 8 9 43 17 4 19 3 8 16 12 6 268 on 9,580 3 9 330 16 3 642 1 3 291 15 7 337 12 ioi 88 1 5 39 1 1 2 "19 3 8 12 3 S 44 7 1 ",38s 16 Si 168 10 8 126 12 9 ... 588 9 o ... 3 2 1 2 88 5 4 9 2 680 3 18 6 37 1 13 o 2 S 1 1 2 o-959 o*799 * * 7-732 3-77I 9-286 1-444 1-357 2'82I 26 7 7 4 462 4 0-327 ... ... 4 9 1 24 19 11 336 5 11 198 13 11 Total of District ... [765]! 1 995 12,509 5 3i 787 2 11 6 2 112 ___ 763 3 [0-922] 6-8 16 Lyttelton District — Registered Lodges Timaru Lodge Hand and Heart ,, Hand-in-hand ,, Heart of Friendship „ Arowhenuaf ,, Central Body Timaru Pigeon Bay ... Little Akaloa Waimate Temuka Lyttelton 332 IOI 29 IS 37 10 303 102 24 13 37 4,534 17 ii 4,ooo 5 5 227 16 2 20 14 4 1,284 14 7 * 4,4i7 7 3i 2,242 7 3 227 9 1 20 14 4 585 7 o # 83 7 S i,757 18 2 071 34 2 5 ... 3 1 2 ... 1 36 * # 270 6 * # * « 0-853 # * 7-S24 # # # # . ... ... # # 699 7 7 * * # * # # # ... - 85 11 3 52 3 o [2,593 3 3] 33 8 3 [67 10 8] Total of District ... [10,153 18 io_-] [7,493 4 "I] [5] [3] Ji 6! [270 6] [°-8s3] 524 [479]| [7'5 24'

9—H. 2.



Otago District — Registered Lodges ,., Central Body Dunedin 1,625 1,565 28,686 13 4i 582 18 2 1,565 29,269 11 6J 378 1 6,277 2 5 4° 555 1 ° 29 154 12 o 213 14 7 24,682 I III 188 1 6 3,248 14 4 180 13 9 75S i7 1 214 211 1 182 11 1.447 3 j 0-907 7*953 ... ... Total of District ... 1,625 24,870 3 5i 3,429 8 1 970 o o I I » ! 7 i 182 I . '.447 3 ! ! C907 1 . 7*953 Invercargill District — Regislered Lodges Winton Lodge United Gore „ Central Body ■ I 1 1 Winton Gore Invercargill... 4°S 6,185 18 o 555 1 o 154 12 o 182 2 10 48 5 9 i ... 42 18 8 2 I I 47 5 2 366 4 39 5 9 o 0-936 062 I 7799 7'943 4-500 ... 31 11 9 ... i ' ... . - I Total of District ... [405] I i 1 Independent Obdee oe Odd Fellows. Grand Lodge of New Zealand — Registered Lodges Wanganuif Lodge Star of Canterbury f „ Mount Idat „ Alexandrovnaf ,, Unity t „ Winchesterf „ G-eraldine „ Linden „ Ravenribournef ,, htar of Auckland „ Addington „ Pride of Newton ,, Halswell ,, Central Body 447 I 7,200 10 o 7,077 13 IO 48 5 9 74 10 5 3 3 ! - 54 4i5 2 [0-924] 7-690 Wanganui ... Timaru Naseby Temuka South Dunedin Winchester ... Geraldine Kaikorai Eavensbourne Auckland Addington ... Newton Hals well Dunedin 394 ... j 18 ...! 35 8 ••• ! 45 3" 12 49 3° 24 27 * 403 28 8 38 23 9 32 33 16 3.298 15 11 * 2,252 14 4 * 472 11 3 * 573 10 4 # 1 # 21 * 151 6 * 0-381 7*231 # # * * * # * * # # # # # # # # * # # # # 6167 # 49 2 4 9 18 3 # 260 # # 2 # 10 2 °'349 5*143 * 161 18 11 * 161 18 11 # * * * * # * * # # * # * * ; 1 I o 0-050 I-ooo 53 23 5 20 217 4 9 217 4 9 * * ... ... # # ... # 11 11 7 14 10 1 2,174 ]4 2 5 14 1 4 3 1 2,083 I0 6 5 17 6 10 7 0 90 17 8 ... '" ... ... ... I ... Total of Order J-678] [678]! 698 [5,940 2 o] [4,774 14 0] [589 11 8] [575 16 4] [I] [24] [163 1] [0-324]' [6-798] National Independent Oedee op Odd Fellows. Auckland Provincial District — Registered Lodge? Central Body 252 Auckland ... - o252 233 789 o o 373 o 11 673 19 4 362 6 o 25 o 8 o 14 II 90 o o 1000 2 2 3= 102 5 0-424 3'3i3 I - 1 Total of District ... 252 i 252 J 233 1,162 o 11 1.036 5 4 25 15 7 IOO o o 31 0-424 3-313 102 5 Ancient Obdee oe Fohestees. Auckland District — ■ Registered Courts Court Zealandia ,, Pride of Onehunga „ Pride of the North „ Robin Hood „ Northern Wairoa ... „ Eureka „ Pride of Newmarket „ Nil Desperandum ... „ Boyal Oak Central Body Auckland Onehunga ... Thames Auckland Dargayille ... Auckland Newmarket... Newton Tauranga Thames i j 495 # 40 20 * i 495 # 40 20 * 441 86 73 43 28 60 5,366 18 1 " 598 13 2 293 1 11 299 13 3 116 1 8 208 2 3 76 15 1 82 18 1 42 1 8 29 17 7 816 5 6 5-237 i6 5 547 '3 i°i 274 4 ii 295 11 4 113 8 8 203 19 3 56 16 6 62 19 6 27 3 ° 28 8 7 814 18 11 10 10 8 5° !9 3i 18 17 §4 2 o 3 213 o 430 19 18 7 19 18 7 14 18 8 190 1 6 7 118 II 2 1 o 8 4 1 1 2 I 5 70 19 9 6 395 2 46 1 27 5 23 5 °'845 I 0-620 5647 2*429 3'°79 3'95 2 •52 43 21 20 ... I 1 8 5 6 27 4 6 1 29 o 3'44 6 1-228 # * I - ... I Total of District [555] [555] 867 146 15 5 120 12 8 8 6 123 i 555 4 [°*774]| 4*5i6 7.93° 8 3 7,663 O 2 123 555 4 * Information not supplied. fRi igistered, but did not supply a full returi




N o. of Members on Roll Total Worth of Funds on 31st December, 1880. No. of Deaths Statistics of Sickness. 5_me of Society and Bbanch. Where Established. CO Total. I Sick and Funeral Fund. Mauagement Fund. Other Funds. O a 1 o _._ • °.^2 No. of Weeks' Sickness. Average No. I of Weeks' Sickness Per Per Mem Member, ber Sick. Per Member Sick. Ancient Oedee oe Foeesteks — contd. Haicke's Bay District — Registered Courts Court Lord Clyde Central Body Te Wairoa"'.. Napier I 282 30 311 £ s. d. i,395 4 ioi # £ s. d. i,279 7 7- # £ s. d. 69 o 1 i ! £ s. d. 46 17 ii I * 2 I 29 * Wks. Dys. 113 1 Weeks. 0-382 * Weeks. 3-901 73 2 8 61 9 3 11 13 5 Total of District ... ! 312 312 [3> ■] ____ [1,468 7 61] [1,340 16 ioi] [80 13 61] [46 17 ii] [2] _ TO [29] [113 1] [0-382] [3-901 Wellington District — Registered Courts Central Body 1,363 1,363 I : 1,226 1,226 12,463 8 ii 1,271 2 11 11,472 6 il 923 15 3 12,396 1 4335 10 8 347 7 8 655 11 4 4 i 7 142 9°i 4 0*696 6-349 Wellington ... * Total of District ... 1,363 1,363 ' ■ 1,226 1,226 13,734 11 oi 682 18 4 655 11 4 142 901 4 0696 6-349 Nelson District — Registered Courts Court Taranaki ... „ Charleston „ Aorere ,, Royal Oak „ Inglewood Forest ... ,, Inangahua Central Body New Plymouth Charleston ... Collingwood Westport New Plymouth Reefton Nelson 568 65 24 *- rf,8 568 6S 24 28 19 # 603 70 25 42 28 603 70 25 42 28 20 16 5.785 7 2 686 1 9 215 12 9 351 17 1 163 6 s 145 18 10 29 1 1 323 4 10 5,229 11 o ' 654 16 1 215 12 9 192 2 10 160 16 3 123 12 3 29 1 1 494 14 2 3i 5 8 159 14 3 2102 22 6 7 6120 10 ... 5 90 * * 610 3 85 o 6 o 25 6 43 6 2 o 1 -043 1-258 o-245 * 6-783 * # # 28 ■9 * 20 16 * 4 0-103 * # # # 9 12 8 313 12 2 3 o ... ... ... ... . Total of District ... [704]) [704]: 804 804 7,700 9 II 6,605 12 3 720 3 6 374 14 2 J 10 5 [90] [ [776 1] [1*043] [6-783] United Westland District — Registered Court Court Pride of the West ... ,, Pride of Kumara Central Body Hokitika Kumara Stafford i 19 j 34 18 19 34 18 18 18 3i ■9 31 ■9 187 4 o_ 322 15 6 67 2 10 97 12 ioi 166 18 oi 311 16 I 59 16 o 97 11 6 636 1 7J 3 5 "i 10 19 5 7610 o 1 4! 17 00 1 1 IO IO 12 1 88 2 6 1 0-656 2-716 o*332 1*214 8829 6*143 1 I I ... ... ... ... Total of District ... 7i j 7i I 68 68 6/4 is 24 21 13 7 17 o o 2 21 j 106 4 i*S33 United Canterbury District — ■ Registered Courts Court Star of Ashburton ... „ Springfield „ Belle of the Isle ,, Woodford Central Body ! . S'07S Ashburton ... Kowai Pass ... Little Akaloa Kaiapoi Christchureh ...! *■* ... j l 558 600 * 14 12 14 20 26 ... ~"7 -J _ [572]; 672 j 558 14 600 14 12 20 26 5,406 9 9 54 11 8 7 5 2 4,224 11 oi 54 11 8 * 1 4 7 # 502 1 ii * 0 9 3 # 679 17 7 * S"4 # 3 # ... # 56 # * 321 6 2 4 # 6 o I 0*556 * o-353 * 5'747 * # * 1,198 3 3[6,666 9 ioi] 1,091 7 10 106 15 si ... ... Total of District ... [572]! 672 [5,371 15 ■i] [609 5 10] [685 8 ii] _L 3__ * I ___ 6! [330 3] [o-S5o] [5'747]



United Otago District — Begistered Courts ... ... Court Bride of the Lake ... ... i Queenstown „ Bruce ... ... ... I Milton ,, Pride of Alexandra ... Alexandra ... ,, Hope ... ... ... I Otepopo ,, Boxburgli ... ... Boxburgh ... „ Star of the South ... ... Invercargill... „ St. Andrews ... ... Caversham ... ,, Excelsior... ... ... Morningtoii... „ Tapanui ... .:. ... Tapanui ,, Bride of the Forest ... Winton Central Body ... ... ... Dunedin Total of District ... ... Courts Not in Districts — Begistered Courts .;. ... I 853 ... i 24 89 37 29 33 136 63 17 17 216 831 I 28 87 36 28 23 131 74 18 18 14 8,400 5 iot 75 18 7 453 ° 11 135 o 1 225 8 6i 95 '4 ° 648 17 ji 213 4 7 76 2 o 54 14 1 50 12 8 2,331 6 2 12,760 IO IIj 6,339 11 9 47 10 3i 206 14 3i 73 9 5i 225 8 6i 86 3 ii 5i7 2 9 i 179 9 6i 70 12 io| 49 «5 8i j 40 o 6f | 1.557 6 8 j 1,693 2 35 28 8 3I 246 12 7t 61 10 7I 9 10 ioi ! 131 14 8i 33 15 °i 5 9 ii 4 18 4i 10 12 ii 242 3 5 367 11 10 1 1 7 ... ... ! 4 1 ' 99 I # * # # # # 677 * # # * * # # # 4 0-803 * *> # # 6-844 * * # * * # * # * # 53i 16 1 ... i 1 * # * ... j ... ! ... j ... 1,288 9.393 5 7 2,467 17 si 899 7 11 7 5 [99] [0*805] [6-844] 228 4,078 3 6 3.872 2 i| 173 2 i| 32 19 3 3 2' i 0-663 27 147 2 5*455 Ancient Obdee of Shepherds. Begistered Sanctuary ... ... j Wellington ... 40 41 '93 3 7 "74 5 4 18 18 3 10 77 o 1-901 7-700 United Ancient Obdee oe Dettids. i Begistered Lodges ... ... ..7 3°8 702 991 10 6 744 ° 3* 119 o 1i 128 1o 1 1 25 ii7 5 o'233 4-709 Loyal United Beiends' Beneeit Society. Begistered Lodge ... ... j Newton j 41 3° 65 12 3 65 12 3 1 0-026 1 o I "OOO Independent Oedee oe Eechabites. New Zealand District —• Begistered Tent... ... ... Thames Central Body ... ... ... ,, New Zealand Central District — Begistered Tent ... ... Timaru Central Body ... ... ... j Wellington ... Albert District — Begistered Tent ... ... t Hokitika G-reymonth Pioneer „ ... ... i Greymouth ... Crusader ,, ... ... ! Lyttelton Total of Order ... ... j Sons and Daughters oe Tejipeeance. Begistered Divisions Hibeenian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. Begistered Branches ... .... Central Body ... ... ... 1 Christehurch Total of Order 123 3° 36 53 248 293 424 424 109 686 o 3 1,188 3 9t 36 122 6 4 1,096 4 4 32 147 * i° 6 95 2 4 54 109 12 8 237 j 3.444 11 °i 597 15 2 1,188 3 9 i 122 6 4 950 9 ioi 75 i6 2 95 2 4 109 12 8 3.139 6 4 10 1 4 -44 19 5 21 5 8 t t 78 3 9 145 14 5* 50 o o # # ... « # 9 3 5 1 18 3 8 4 26 3 i.S o °'59 0-260 0-777 0-243 2-048 2-857 5-286 13 OOO 31 7 ° [273 18 2j] # # ,8 : 66 3 0-274 3690 262 1,934 1 1 1,842 19 11 59 10 7 31 10 7 2 1 36 218 4 0-788 6071 386 2,988 2 4 242 16 1 2,141 7 o 242 12 5 778 2 10 o 3 8 68 12 6 1 3 58 325 6 0804 5-616 386 I 3,230 18 5 1 1 1 i 3 2,383 19 5 778 6 6 68 12 6 58 325 6 0-804 56.6 * Information not supplied. t Included in Sick Bund.



NUMERICAL PROGRESS, MORTALITY, AND SICKNESS. TABLE VII.—Showing the Numerical Progress, Mortality, and Sickness, for the Year 1881, in all Friendly Societies and Branches of Friendly Societies from which Returns were received in accordance with the Act.

No. ofMeml Admitted durinj ■era I No. of M< j Year. - du_ .mbers " ing Ye; ,y_io Left ir. No. of Deaths during Year No. of Members on Roll Sickness Experience. N_h_ of Society and Branch. Total. a •3.5 s ►>_■_ n 6 & 2 Total. _ „ o _ * _ o 1 o 1 _| At Beginning of Year. At End of Year. -J-'S -5 - No. of Weeks' Sickness experienced during Year. Average Amount of Sickness during Year. Total. First Six Months. Second Six Months. After Twelve Months. Per ; Per Sick Member, j Member. Manchesteb Unity Independent Oedee of Odd Fellows. Auckland District — Good Intent Lodge Parnell „ Waikato ,, Alexandra „ Duke of Cambridge „ Gisborne „ Howick „ Whangarei Total of District ... 25 5 6 1 ... 8 ... 33 ... 78 24 5 5 I ». I 1 1 i 20 10 1 1 18 8 9 1 12 8 2 I 1 2 1 - * 1 ... ! 2 * 1 248 96 .67 4 28 41 39 251 91 161 3 17 32 47 32 52 16 22 Wks. ds. 335 5 55 5 147 o 2 2 Wks. ds. 280 2 55 5 95 o 2 2 21 4 10 5 Wks. ds. 3 3 Wks. ds. 52 o 52 o Weeks. 1-346 j °'595 0-896 '" 0102 o-59i 0249 Weeks. 6456 3-482 6682 2-286 S'393 1786 12 8 33 76 9 1 4 6 21 4 10 5 ... I ... ... 2 60 56 4 7 3 623 634 101 573 o 465 4 3 3 104 o 0-912 I —I 5*673 New Plymouth District — Egmont Lodge Excelsior „ 12 8 10 7 2 6 4 2 1 143 46 148 53 24 7 280 59 1 1 133 56 I S - 147 o I-92S i'i9S 11673 8449 1 1 1 ... j 2 3 ... i ! Total of District 20 17 3 7 5 2 1 189 201 31 339 2 189 6 2 3 147 o i"74o io'945 Wanganui District — Wanganui Lodge 18 16 2 6 • I ... 7° 82 10 42 6 42 6 0*564 4-286 ... Wellington District — ■ Britannia Lodge Antipodean ,, ... , Rose of the Valley 14 11 8 11 1 1 8 3 90 20 28 80 17 22 IO 6 i 1 1 284 174 192 650 207 164 171 40 32 22 664 3 347 3 154 3 429 2 166 6 118 o 79 1 117 1 101 3 50 o 268 4 2*706 2*056 0-858 16*6 11 10*857 7019 ... 104 3 ! ! i ~~; .—. — ! 1 Total of District • •• 33 30 l 3 138 119 19 ______ 542 94 1,166 2 700 4 197 1 1'95 7 12*407 Marlborough District — Marlborough Lodge Renwick „ Total of District 1 S 3 8 5 2 13 2 13 2 ... 1 121 40 113 41 12 2 203 4 9 6 94 5 9 6 25 83 5 ... i*740 0-243 16964 4929 ' ! I ! i 1 161 , 7 ! i_^__ *S I IS iS4 14 213 3 104 4 25 I 83 5 1*355 15-245 ' Nelson District — Nelson Lodge Travellers' Rest „ Howard „ Total of District ... j 8 ... n ... 25 6 8 " -•■ ... 8 4 9 6 3 7 16 2 2 ! i ' 7 - I ■ 221 72 198 212 76 200 48 ,6 42 106 S69 5 132 4 342 3 227 4 98 4 222 5 89 o 8 o 47 4 253 1 26 o 72 1 2631 1*791 1*721 11869 8-286 8*153 ... ■ ... I : i 488 25 i 21 5 7 - 49i 1,044 5 S48 6 144 4 35i 2'i35 _9'856 ! I



North Westland District — Westport Lodge Charleston „ Eeefton ,, 2 2 ... 2 2 ... 6 6 ... 5 6 12 5 5 11 62 63 IO7 59 58 100 " 142 2 65 o 76 5 85 6 26 o 26 o 30 3 39 o 52 o 2-352 1-074 0-741 I - 1 1 1 1 ... 12 5 12*935 15*343 I— 1 O Total of District Ph Hokitika District — Hokitika Lodge fcO Ross Waimea „ Greymouth ,, Albert „ ].[ I 1 24 5 i I .„ ._ 23 10 10 ... 21 2 2 232 217 28 284 o 136 4 26 o 121 3 1265 10-143 I I 1 1 8 - 2 2 1 1 14 7 3 9 I 2 8 7 2 6 1 2 I 158 50 63 94 152 44 60 86 66 21 10 22 + 142 2 42 I 143 S 115 5 32 4 496 3 90 2 16 1 89 4 67 5 40 o 52 o 26 o 0918 0-897 2 337 1-286 6-775 4-214 6-532 77 14 5'257 6-364 I 2 I 6 o 52 o 42 o 3 1 2 12 I ... I ■5 IO 1 ' 12 4 ... 0740 1-169 Total of District 14 i 12 j 2 13 13 j ... 5 5 •». 7 7 ! ■■• 2 2 ! ... 2 2 * i i 408 45 36 9 I 2 I 4 ; 44' 78 303 5 20 5 172 o Ashley District — Bangiora Lodge Nil Desperandum „ Leithfield Cust )( Wiiodend „ Oxford „ Ohoka Amberley Sefton „ Waikari „ 7 4 3 4 7 3 3 4 1 i - ... ... I - 124 50 15 24 ■7 28 34 5i 31 13 130 51 19 22 ! 23 1 1 S 1 i°3 3 97 3 6 4 5 o 27 2 34 o io 3 60 3 25 4 14 4 100 3 45 3 6 4 5 o 27 2 34 o 10 3 60 3 25 4 14 4 3 o 52 o 0-814 1-929 C387 0-217 1-214 0298 1 • u 9 0-852 0-678 4*497 8-857 5'000 5'4 5 7 8-500 3'47 6 2-878 3653 ■4-57I 4 4 16 14 2 5 5 17 16 1 7i 68 3 12 11 i 1 17 16 i 1 i 21 21 ... *7 13 ! 4 j 25 25 ; ... I 27 26 ! 1 119 112 1 7 : I io 8 8 ... 2 ! i j ... j I | ... ! - ... .9 28 36 57 28 30 5 4 3 21 7 1 ... I ... 7 1 ... | ... Total of District .1 81 j. 37 j j 33 4 1 387 420 384 5 329 5 3 o 52 o o-9S4 j j 4-750 North Canterbury District — City of Christehurch Lodge Kaiapoi Volunteer Benevolent Perseverance , Ashburton ... i * i ! 2 ! i 33 4 I it 3 2 7 1 2 I 2 387 80 66 87 104 53 356 91 83 87 127 7i 42 7 9 [ 14 23 5 347 o 148 4 68 1 47 2 \ "4 3 i 10 2 j 190 5 62 6 4 o 1 33 5 j 152 2 52 o 33 o o-934 1-738 0-914 o-544 0-991 0-166 8-262 21-224 7*57' 3-378 4'975 2-057 2 I 2 35 1 47 2 113 1 10 2 ! 1 2 9 1 ... ! 8 I 1 1 ... I 1 - I Total of District *' i j 63 8 , 1 s 777 8-5 100 735 5 459 3 ! 39 o 237 2 0-924 7*357 Lyttelton District — City of Norwich Lodge Good Intent „ Hand of Friendship „ Timaru Dawn of Hope I I i. 23 23 ! ... j 9 9 7 7 ... 22 21 1 23 9 7 : ... 21 I 5 ' -. 65 j 1 : ,6 IO 2 16 IO 1 208 62 22 95 11 215 60 27 11 1 33 11 232 4 128 4 70 I 42 I I O I o 69 3 69 3 5° 50 378 1 246 1 26 o 104 o 2 O 1'ioo 1-150 0-041 0-674 0-454 7-048 6-377 I'OOO 3-156 1-667 ! 2 ... I 1 _J 5 ' -. 5 I 5 5 1 11 22 I 3 I Total of District .1. i 398 26 o 1 re ' c 66 65 1 39 38 1 1 ... 424 70 j 106 o 0-920 5-402 * Established 23rd February, 1881. + Including 5 Italians.




No. of Members Admitted during Year. No. ofM< dm unbers who Left ■ing Year. No. of Deaths during Year No. of Members on Roll Sickness Experience. Name or Society and Bbanch. a lis Total. :■§ « a h p _ >i 53 ® £ a" - pq-1 o CD o *_£ E__ 41 At ■ At End Beginning' of of Year, j Year. S _ _ SiZi*" 1 No. of Weeks' Sickness experienced during Year. Average Amount of Sickness during Year. Total. -^ - *_ ■ '_ i Total. First Second Six Months. Six Months. After Twelve Months. Per Member. Per Sick Member. Manchestee Unity Independent Oedee op Odd Fellows — continued. Otago District — Hand and Heart Lodge Dunedin „ Dalton „ Prince of Wales ,, Albion ,, Oamaru „ Tuapeka Pioneer „ Waitahnna „ Prince Alfred ,, Waipori „ Bluespur „ Naseby „ Alexandra „ Roxburgh „ Tapanui „ Lake Wakatipu ,, Palmerston „ Cromwell „ Mount Wendon ,, Band of Friendship „ Outram ,, Mosgiel ,, Caversham „ 30 ■5 8 2 4 9 6 2 3 i 2 I 25 14 8 2 4 8 6 2 3 1 1 5 1 1 23 25 3 4 19 16 4 3 3 1 8 21 22 3 4 16 12 4 3 2 ... 1 8 4 2 6 2 3 ! ... 3 4 ... 1 1 2 . ... j 2 1 1 ... 1 I 1* 1 I I I 292 186 49 72 IOI 81 78 60 55 26 62 82 298 174 S3 70 84 73 79 59 55 27 62 74 21 55 40 43 19 49 63 12 53 54 14 33 29 3 6 8 8 12 9 3 4 12 10 Wks. ds. 327 4 284 4 15 o 54 3 97 1 22 o 89 S 94 o 4 4 15 2 82 o 84 1 Wks. ds. 200 1 140 5 15 o 54 3 21 5 22 o 77 1 42 o 4 4 15 2 54 o i 44 3 Wks. ds. 23 3 24 3 22 o 7 o 8 4 ... 26 o Wks. ds. 104 o 119 3 S3 3 5 4 43 3 28 o 13 5 Weeks. 1*110 1*581 0-294 0-767 1-050 0-286 i'i43 1-580 0-083 o-577 1-323 1079 Weeks. 9926 9"8i3 5-000 9071 12*143 2-75° 7-476 io-444 1-524 3-821 6833 8-414 1 1 ! ... 9 . 4 2 7 3 ... 1 ... 25 52 46 38 19 52 64 13 72 40 "o 8 7 3 1 12 3 15 4 65 2 164 3 23 4 12 o 1 4 66 2 9 o 83 S 6 5 13 2 60 o 23 4 12 o ... 16 o ... 52 o 88 3 I'220 3*824 0- ? 82 0632 O03I I-044 0-720 1-339 0*I43 10881 20-554 3367 4000 5'5 24 3-000 S-58i 1679 3 ... i 1 ... ... ... 7 1 ... J ... 4 3 I 3 3 1 1 7 2 2 22 1 2 1 4 59 2 9 o 60 5 6 5 7 o 23 o 5 17 14 5 17 11 3 2 I 21 3 1 2 ! "3 ... - - ! ... ... ... ... ... 1 Total of District ,— 161 16 I 1.565 196 1,603 ° ! ! 142 130 1 » : I 145 iS 7 I.S3I j 937 4 iS7 3 508 o 1-035 8179 Invercargill District — Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge St. George „ .4 21 12 20 2 1 10 27 ; 1 1 1 7 i 26 I 3 ' 1 \ 4 I j 194 i 184 j 194 178 27 17 348 5 iS9 o 134 3 131 2 265 5 66 4 27 5 94 2 147 5 i*797 0-878 12-915 9'353 '" Total of District — : 1 Total of Order ... 35 639 32 600 3 37 660 33 4 4 I 378 6,362 372 6,288 44 5°7 S : i 147 5 i*354 1-228 "'539 39 586 74 53 21 953 7,769 2 7,769 2 4.731 1 739 I 2,299 o 8-152 Independent Oedee oe Odd Fellows. Grand Lodge of New Zealand — Pioneer Lodge Leith „ Alfred „ 1 1— 11 6 6 11 5 6 I 13 3 13 3 88 67 Si 85 67 14 6 2 175 3 71 3 21 5 175 3 7i 3 21 S 90 3 43 o 21 S 14 o 85 o 14 3 2-028 1-066 0*402 12531 11*905 10750 3 I ... 1 ... !



Alexandrovna „ ... 8 Unity „ ... 1 Winchester „ ... 3 Southern Cross ,, ..'. 23 Pioneer of Southland „ ... 12 Star of Auckland ,, ... 26 8 i I I 3 13 26 8 ! 1 3 23 ! 20 5 9 .4 21 4 7 1 1 18 20 1 2 3 3 1 ... ... 37 29 6 73 72 53 40 21 9 82 61 57 2 ; 2 ! 3 o 7 o 3 5 43 1 46 3 3 o 7 o ... 3 5 43 1 46 3 ... 0-078 0-280 0-048 o 649 0-844 3'ooo 3'5°° 1-857 8-629 9-286 2 5 5 ... 21 1 Total of Order ... ... 96 _____ 95 I ! hsi ; ______ I 1 10 I—: 7 ;— 1 476 479 _J 37i 6 i 258 3 14 o 99 3 i 0-779 10-050 National Independent Obdee oe Odd Fellows. Auckland Provincial District — Auckland Pioneer Lodge ... ... 39 United Brothers „ ... ... 20 i 1 ; — 39 20 39 20 ... 15 5 15 5 ... 1 2 150 83 174 97 3° 13 97 1 74 5 171 6 97 1 74 5 0600 0-830 0-682 3*238 5746 ... ... Total of Order ... ... j 59 ! —- i — 59 59 20 20 ■ 2 233 271 43 171 6 3*997 i— Ancient Oedee oe Foeestees. Auckland District — Court City of Auckland ... ... j 34 „ Pride of Parnell ... ... I 4 276 284 147 203 4 99 4 132 2 I 99 4 IS o j 56 2 I 0-727 0-638 o 695 4-847 4'329 4-664 26 8 25 21 23 18 2 3 1 1 2 42 23 65 4 1 . I ! i 1 ! 1 i— 56 2 Total of District ... 38 3° I ! 8 46 41 5 2 3 44i 431 3°3 1 231 6 IS o Hawlce's Bay District — Court Sir Charles Napier ... ... ! 41 „ Captain Cook ... ... 29 „ Sir Henry Havelock ... 7 „ Bobin Hood ... ... 6 „ Buahine ... ... 8 36 26 S 8 \ S 3 2 2 13 13 6 6 7 12 3 3 6 1 3 3 "■ 117 81 55 28 145 97 56 28 38 364 6 9 3 2 6 16 4 18 1 10 o 16 4 18 1 10 o 0-126 0-204 0180 0-092 0281 2-762 2'Ol6 3*333 1-286 2 4 9 4 2 4 9 4 j ! 30 1'595 1 1 26 0-168 Total of District ... 91 79 12 \ 38 25 13 3" 56 6 56 6 2-187 ... ... I Wellington District — Court Sir George Grey ... ... 12 „ Bobin Hood ... ... 28 „ Little John ... ... 21 „ Wairarapa ... ... 12 ,, Sir George Bowen ... ... 56 ,, Blenheim ... ... 16 „ Boderiek Dhu ... ... 28 ,, Loyal Enterprise ... ... 13 „ Clarendon ... ... 8 „ Manawatu ... ... 38 ,, Marquis of Normanby ... 12 „ Loyal Feilding ... ... 16 „ William Gladstone... ... 11 12 27 20 ■ 2 54 i5 28 j ; . 1 3 18 9 16 20 21 6 8 13 20 17 3 11 6 3 22 S 1 3 ... 4 3 3 4 1 ... 2 1 ... 1 ... 1 217 177 75 88 158 84 38 90 59 84 32 22 65 210 196 80 80 191 94 72 92 64 98 32 29 67 41 24 5 8 22 12 290 5 207 o 44 4 26 2 87 1 60 2 172 1 91 3 44 4 26 2 87 1 57 2 o 3 75 4 8 1 75 2 34 o 11 2 37 5 28 4 21 o ... 3 ° 90 o 94 4 1-362 ITIO °'3i3 0-499 0-677 0-007 1-204 0'I32 1-027 1'062 o-443 o-57i 7-091 8-625 8914 3-285 3-961 5-024 0-043 !0-9S7 2-714 10-381 6-8oo 3-762 3*429 10 8 33 8 13 10 3 14 10 23 12 -■ 1 10 3 • 9 5 3 11 o 3 109 4 8 1 93 3 34 o 11 2 37 5 34 o 18 1 ... 4 3 1 9 9 170 10 8 9 1 2 1 ... ... ... 1 ... ... — — Total of District ... 271 250 21 143 27 5 2 1,209 i.3°S 154 1,010 4 721 2 104 5 184 4 0804 6562 * Husband not entitled to funeral donation.




No. of Members Admitted during Year. No. of Members w during Yeai .ho Left No. of Deaths during Year No. of! on Members toll Sickness Experience. r. Name oe Society and Bbanch. Total. a ■S i** g _! m a & 2 Total. 3 oi o oj'S . _. ""^ _ a O *~. 5 _S «* At Beginning of Year. At End of Year. I _- No. of Weeks' Sickness experienced during Year. Average Amount of Sickness during Year. O E q S3 . Total. First Second After Six Months. Six Months. Twelve Months. Per Member. Per Sick Member. Ancient Oedee of Foeestees — contd. Nelson District — Court Robin Hood „ Perseverance „ 'Pride of the Forest... „ Waireka ... „ Concord ... „ Unity „ Sherwood Forest ... IS I i ... 1 14 1 7 .. 10 10 I ... 2 ! 2 13 2 12 I II 1 ... 9 1 9 4 •« 14 j 8 2 j ... 1 I 35 3 55 1 45 34 5 35 30 8 6 10 1 14 13 58 6 49 43 2 1 3 j 2 ... I 182 I 60 37 100 92 81 28 187 5° 36 103 82 7i 29 558 30 10 6 Wks. ds. 293 o 87 1 21 5 85 3 138 1 19 4 9 2 654 2 Wks. ds. 198 o 5° 1 21 5 8.5 3 no 1 Wks. ds. 48 o 26 o Wks. ds. 47 o 11 o Weeks. 1-588 1-584 0-S9S 0842 1*588 0*258 0-326 Weeks. 9-767 8714 3619 5695 6-907 2-446 4643 7'i87 ■5 i 2 i I IS 20 8 13 o iS o 4 2 6 19 4 9 2 ... j ... 1 i 2 Total of District i ! : 38 IO 5 2 580 91 494 2 87 o 73 o i*i5° United Westland District — Court Waimea ... 1 i I 2 7 0*546 I-327 18 ! l 16 ; 9 2 9 2 •" United Canterbury District — Court Star of Canterbury „ Queen of the Isles „ Pride of Courtenay „ Thistle of the Forest 39 8 6 s 2 1 3 432 80 27 61 434 87 32 65 15 4 2 469 o 114 1 14 3 9 5 607 2 323 1 61 1 75 2 70 4 53 o 1*083 1-367 0*489 0*163 7*2iS 7610 3605 4-857 7*061 I 1 14 3 9 5 11 Total of District 64 6 4 ! 3 600 6n i 86 408 3 75 2 — 1*003 123 4 United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin ... ,, Enterprise „ Robin Hood „ Pride of the Lake ... „ Pride of the Leith ... „ Bruce „ Royal Oak „ Pride of Oamaru ... .,, „ Star of Tuapeka „ Pride of Alexandra „ Havelock ... ,, Hope ,, Roxburgh ,, St. Andrews „ Excelsior ,, lapaimi ... 10 13 9 13 19 3 IS 7 3 3 10 ... 18 17 10 3 16 12 63 11 11 12 1 8 8 IS 4 17 16 2187 8 7 IS ... 11 t 11 S 2 11 IO 3 - 2-7 21 63 2 2 44 ... 8 8 19 ••• 4 3 9 ... 1 i ... 2 ... 4 4 154 15 140 126 1 4 1 1 ' - 1 1 - I 1 ... 3 1 212 135 112 28 128 82 35 39 95 25 43 26 204 131 no 33 129 76 27 42 9i 21 33 15 11 2 18 10 3 j 2 281 o 42 3 92 1 6 4 107 3 54 o 81 2 18 5 38 2 16 4 20 5 29 4 26 2 21 4 13 4 134 o 42 3 73 1 6 4 101 1 54 o 37 2 18 5 38 2 16 4 10 5 29 4 26 2 21 4 13 4 34 o 19 o "0 2 26 o "3 o 18 o i'35i 0319 0830 0-215 0836 0684 2-622 0462 0-412 0720 0499 1-207 0-657 0-268 0679 851S 2829 8-377 3-286 5-968 5-400 27-095 9357 3829 4' 143 4' 163 9857 6571 3-082 2-7I4 1 10 ! 44 19 9 2 "3 ... ... ' 2 . 23 73 16 40 23 57 88 4 5 3 4 7 5 10 o ... 1 ... 24 18 20 1 - ... ... I I Total of District 169 14 7 5 1,092 1,114 134 850 I 623 6 85 2 0-771 6-44I 141 o



Courts Not in Districts — Court Southern Cross „ Coroiuandel 26 24 634 2 I 20 8 11 6 9 2 1 2 ! 192 36 197 3i 26 8 150 4 29 2 98 4 29 2 4 o 48 o 0-774 0874 5*79i 3661 3 i w , Total of Order . Ancient Oedee oe Shepheeds. I Sanctuary Star of Canterbury „ Sir George Grey __!_ 1 ! 6- 150 701 529 ! I 44i 88 24 17 j 4>479 4,627 597 3.07' 3 2,673 5 626 3 0-806 37i 2 ~ I . 1 4 4 4 4 8 2 2 i 2 13 2 5 72 1 74 6 2 5 72 1 74 6 0-072 1718 i*357 5-549 ... 2 1 37 4! 38 43 ... ... ... 2 i Total of Order 8 4 4 78 81 •5 ... 0-942 4 99° United Ancient Oedee of Deuids. Pioneer Lodge Hope of St. Albans „ Mistletoe „ Excelsior ,, Oak of Sydenham ,, Lyttelton Hearts of Oa_ „ Otago ,, Bud of Hope „ Star of New Zealand „ Ivanhoe ,, Gladstone ,, Perseverance ,, ... Star of tli e West 33 19 18 24 38 52 8 29 18 16 22 37 52 7 1 1 4 2 2 1 20. 26 21 34 43 6 19 2 5 54 20 28 6 1 1 4 1 6 2 1 1 1 2 1 101 7° 9i 144 85 83 7i 63 64 64 65 3° 134 69 83 no 101 100 36 68 _ 5 11 8 ■4 6 6 25 4 16 1 9 o 69 6 26 1 46 5 1 o 12 2 25 4 16 1 9 o 69 6 26 1 46 5 1 o 0'2l8 0'2,J2 °" I °3 0-55° 0-28l 0-511 O-Oig O188 2-557 3 229 1800 6351 3-268 3*337 I-ooo 2-048 3-738 1 1 1 12 2 ... 5 20 7 9 76 5 20 7 9 76 10 | .0 I 59 74 52 34 66 2 2 3 22 3 ,0 IO 18 2 3 1 8 5 O 6 o 15 2 5 o 6 o 15 2 0-085 Oi88 0463 o'266 r'667 6 000 1-911 3-278 20 - ! 5 10 4 10 1 1 ... Total of Order i ! i ! 320 309 I I 263 245 18 2 8 931 986 78 255 3 255 3 i Lot ad United Feiends Beneeit Society. Reliance* Lodge 9 9 6 6 36_ 39 5 o o*"33 5-000 ... ... 5 ° I ! I Independent Ordee oe Rechabites. New Zealand Central District — Hope of Wellington Tent... Perseverance „ ... Murihiku „ ... Scandia's Hope „ ... Hope of Woodville „ ... ... 1 23 12 2 8 19 12 2 8 4 22 8 19 5 10 3 3 ... ... 137 40 53 1 1 138 39 55 13 21 14 5 9 4 2 49 ° 9 4 5° 1 7 o 8 o 43 o 9 4 43 1 7 o 8 o 7 o 6 o o*356 0-242 0-929 0-583 0-444 3-500 1-914 5-57* '■750 4000 I •■■ ] 10 ... 2 2 '5 256 : 1 ! 1 6 o Total of District ... 52 48 4 42 36 6 266 34 '23 5 no s I 7 o 0*474 3639 Albert District — Star of Hope Tenfrf _L 7 3 3 1 1 32 35 ■9 5 i ... 0-589 2816 ... *9 5 I — 1 3-498 Total of Order 59 55 4 45 39 6 1 . 288 6 o 0487 3°i 4> ■43 3 130 3 j 7 o I * The name of this lodge was changed from " Eemembrance " Reliance " on the _7tl January, 1882. t These figures relate only to the nine months ending the 30th November, 1881.




No. of Members Admitted during Year. No. of Members who Left during Year. No. of Deaths during Year No. of Members on Roll Sickness Experience. Name oe Society and Branch. Total. -_ - a - oi 5 a, _ Total. e_ O •ag.*-*-a. 5 ._■ a o i ?** °l At Beginning of Year. At End of Year. Qua = _5_ No. of Weeks' Sickness experienced during Year. Average J Sickness di mount of iring Year. Total. First Six Months. Second Six Months. After Twelve Months. Per Member. Per Sick Member. Sons and Datjghtees oe Tempeeance. Grand Division of New Zealand — Antidote Division ... Progress ,, Ray of Hope ,, 23 1 23 1 3 ... 12 7 2 1 1 6 1 i 2 1 127 43 26 136 36 27 21 Wks. ds. .87 . 7 o 1 1 0 Wks. ds. 146 4 7 o 11 o Wks. ds. 3° 2 Wks. ds. 10 2 Weeks. 1 '423 0*177 0-415 Weeks. 8-911 2-333 2750 1 1 3 4 3 2 1 196 1 1 Total of Order ... 27 27 ... 2. I 19 2 3 I _; 1 199 28 205 I 164 4 30 2 10 2 1*039 7-327 ! 1 1 1 HlEEENIAN At/STEALASIAN CATHOLIC Beneeit Society. Otago-Canterbury District — St. Joseph's Branch 5° 47 o-474 4-600 I "6 I 5 1 9 S < 23 o 23 o ... ... ... ... Branches Not in Districts — Charleston Branch Grahamstown „ Waimea „ Greenstone ,, Hokitika ,, Auckland ,, 2l ■•• 2 I - 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 I 2 I 1 I - 26 79 15 18 15 198 23 76 12 5 10 4 6 53 1 9° 3 10 3 24 2 31 o 77 3 49 6 66 3 10 3 24 2 31 o 77 3 3 2 2 2 21 5 2*169 ri67 0-772 1-278 2-138 0380 10629 9-429 2-607 4-048 i°'333 2-670 3 1 31 3 1 ... 2 19 2 18 j ... 1 I I ■*■ I ■ 1 20 14 209 3 29 ! 30 ' ... ' l ! ' ,—; • 62 Total of Order ... 43 1 _____' 2 37 30 7 6 3 401 40I 309 5 282 3 S 4 21 5 0-772 4995 ! 1 Railway Beneeit Societies. Otago Railways Employes Benefit Society / 7 54 54 2 307 258 57 257 2 0*911 4'5H 228 2 26 O ... ... 3 o N.Z. Railways Employes Benefit Society — Invercargill Branch 7 _7_ i 57 57 2 i ... 127 75 18 173 S 1-720 9651 100 5 43 o 30 o 1 I Total of Railway Societies 14! I 14 111 j in 4 ... 1 434 J 333 75 43i o j 329 o 69 O 33 0 i- 124 5'747 —- Isolated Society. Kaeo and Whangaroa Friendly Society 1 1 10 IO 1 27 17 ! 5 3-091 0-964 13600 6-965 68 o 24 o 9,100 6 44 o ... Total of all the Societies 1 1,976 1,852 124 ! 1.792 I ! I.587 i 205 ! 103 54 i3,94i 14,022 j 1)935 13.477 o 1,236 2 3.139 6


AGES OF MEMBERS. TABLE VIII. —Showing the Numbers of Members, classified according to Age, on the 31st December, 1881, of all Friendly Societies and Branches of Friendly Societies included in Table VII., together with the Total Amount of Sick and Funeral Funds.


Nahe ou Society and Branch. •2 11 OS a u « j£ Total Amount tn t- go Funds x;j-3h on31st December, a « i88i. IN N 6 « © co o iM »o co o © co Ages 9 o __) CO if Members. 10 tP o i © o wi © O O © its 10 in c © O c c_i> si cS [ o *; "3 ® t r 3 I"! ft I 1 Manchester Unity Independent Order oe Odd Bellows. Auckland District — Good Intent Lodge ... Parnell „ Waikato ,, Alexandra ,, Duke of Cambridge ,, Gisborne ,, Howick „ Wbangarei ,, ,851 '8.S9 1866 1866 1867 1874 1876 1881 251 9' 161 £ s. d. 1,713 18 2* 1,226 4 o 2,517 12 3 58 5 9 3°9 4 3 597 3 5t 21116 8 1 1 0 42 23 8 38 23 24 1 52 17 26 5° 18 43 32 5 46 9 1 6 8 I 4! 2 1 8 3 17 32 47 32 4 10 6 5 5 18 4 10 3 8 2 6 1 7 8 3 1 1 1 1 5213 o IS 7 3 Total of District 634 6,686 17 6 37 116 1 113 127 87 18 "5 ' 9 1 New Plymouth District — Bgmont Lodge Bxcelsior ,, "8.5 7 1865 148 53 16 18 26 10 19 5 17 2 1 1,201 15 1 947 2 11 1 1 21 8 34 8 11 2 1 Total of District 201 2,148 18 o 2 34 36 29 42 24 ■9 11 3 Wanganui District — Wanganui Lodge ... 1858 82 133 17 10 12 21 8 7 11 9 9 I 3 1 1 Wellington District — Britannia Lodge Antipodean ,, Bose of the Yalley „ 1845 1849 1849 207 164 171 7,284 13 o 5,770 '9 9 2,102 3 9 2 26 28 44 31 27 42 28 4 1 21 20 22 6 2 9 8 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 18 1 2 27 34 21 3° 13 ■5 7 7 Total of District i5,i57 16 6 81 102 104 8.3 72 34 ■9 '5 3 3 1 I J 3 Li 542 5 I Marlborough District — Marlborough Lodge Renwick ,, 1861 1867 113 41 2,353 2 1 452 14 5 3 8 19 ■3 19 11 20 6 26 15 4 2 1 3 3 Total of District *54 2,805 16 6 3 11 32 30 26 29 *9 3 Nelson District — Nelson Lodge Travellers' Rest ,, Howard ,, 1844 '847 1847 212 76 200 2,543 0 H 797 9 8 3,527 ° 6 9 3 9 16 *9 37 3' 11 36 33 14 24 35 9 29 25 5 22 22 4 19 21 5 ■3 7 4 5 7 1 5 1 1 5 I Total of District 488 6,867 ** I 2 1 72 78 7> 73 52 45 39 16 13 5 3 North Westland District — Westport Lodge Charleston „ Eeefton ,, 1867 1867 1872 59 58 100 1,275 IO IO 1,638 13 11 1,066 16 IO 4 3 11 5 1 13 6 17 *7 1.3 27 14 20 22 6 1 19 15 3 Total of District 217 3,981 1 7 1 18 25 36 57 56 24 — — Hokitika District — Hokitika Lodge Boss „ Waimea ,, Greymouth ,, Albert 1866 1867 1867 1867 1871 152 44 60 86 66 3,078 10 11 1,611 2 3 1,197 I2 I 2,232 I IO 497 o 7 8,616 7 8 12 1 10 8 4 4 6 9 33 12 36 H 2.5 3' 10 36 10 14 3 1 3 ... 3 10 18 14 20 20 12 *5 5 4 4 Total of District 408 ■7 42 3" 99 116 78 22 3 — — Ashley District — Bangiora Lodge Nil Desperandum ,, Leithfield Cust „ Woodend ,, Oxford Ohoka „ Amberley ,, Sefton „ Waikari „ i860 1868 1873 1873 1874 1876 1876 1876 1878 1880 130I 5' *9 22 19 28 36 57 28 2,045 to I 730 7 2 317 16 6 262 10 o 221 10 o 198 12 6 161 2 7 21316 8 3 1 11 6 34 12 5 4 7 2 34 19 3 3 3 3 '4 19 >7 10 26 12 2 8 3 5 10 18 9 3 5 12 21 3 2 3 2 6 14 7 5 3 5 2 6 1 1 7 ... 1 5 2 3 •9 5 13 7 9 3 2 1 5 1 3 30 1 1 Total of District 68 45 40 8 7 420 4,217 9 5 24! 125 103 * Por some years past this fund to be of very doubtful value. f Inclusive of £28, value of fur; has leen ov er-estimated, ai inestmei it of £200 hi iving been included, wh: ich low appi :ars litun and n igalia.


AGES OF MEMBERS— continued.


__me of Society akd Bbanch. 3 «l <« 2 o h _ a f a g-3 . o «__! 0 m 000 »j I* 4j CO J3J_ M a _ Total Amount of Sick and Funeral Fuuds on 31st December, 1881. w 01 s s d © 0 " CO o o to © Ages of Meml 9 4 O O 10 o .era. d o ■_> •ft «- o © to © -» 10 <& o o to © if) <d © 1--o US CO ■"3 -_ K a s t5 ag a Manohestee Unity Independent Oedee oe Odd Fellows— contd. North Canterbury District — City of Christchureh Lodge ... Kaiapoi ,, Volunteer ,, Benevolent ,, Perseverance „ Ashburton ,, '854 1858 1866 1866 1872 ■873 356 9' 83 87 127 7i £ s. d. 4,698 11 1 957 8 9 1,211 15 1 768 6 10 887 9 10 45i 2 4 5 4 1 37 25 H 20 74 >3 17 17 39 29 85 19 20 23 21 18 64 '6 14 15 14 9 57 9 9 7 7 1 25 2 8 I 1 4 1 1 I 1 3 3 2 14 4 3° 10 ■•■I Total of District 8iS 8,974 13 11 28 136 189 186 132 90 35 10 ? ; 2 2 Lyttelton District — City of Norwich Lodge ... Good Intent ,, Hand of Friendship ,, Timaru „ Dawn of Hope ,, 1850 181-9 '875 1861878 215 60 27 111 11 3.196 11 4 1,481 3 o 203 4 10 1,078 o 3 98 3 7 11 1 4 2 2 45 15 4 24 3 (>3 10 9 3° 1 33 8 2 26 23 9 4 10 17 8 3 13 3 9 7 1 5 6 1 6| .1 ... 1 1 1 1 Total of District 70 47 44 22 8 7 1 1 424 6,057 3 o 20 9> i"3 Otago District — Hand and Heart Lodge ... Dunedin ,, Dalton ,, Prince of Wales >, Albion ,, Oamaru ,, Tuapeka Pioneer ,, Waitahuna ,, Prince Alfred ,, Waipori ,, Bluespur ,, Naseby „ Alexandra ,, Roxburgh „ Tapanui ,, Lake Wakafipu „ Palmerston ,, Cromwell ,, Mount Wendon „ Band of Friendship „ Outram ,, ■ Mosgiel ,, Caversbam ,, 1848 1862 1863 1864 1864 1864 186:; 1866 1866 1867 1867 1868 1869 1869 1869 1869 1870 1870 1871 1872 '875 1879 1881 298 '74 53 70 84 73 79 59 55 27 62 74 21 7,810 14 2 4,063 17 1 73' 7 6 1.259 3 8 1,032 18 o 1,407 16 10 945 8 5 1,030 11 9 966 16 7 585 '4 5 585 10 7 1.747 7 5 435 ii 6 543 17 S 287 9 S 804 18 8 290 2 4 773 o 10 920 3 1 327 6 1 437 io 4 201 13 5 22 12 8 3 1 3 3 1 3 56 15 6 10 11 9 9 4 I 2 2 8 48 38 1 1 15 22 17 6 8 10 2 9 8 3 16 53 3' 9 9 ■7 9 8 5 4 2 8 6 S 3 4 9 5 3 53 27 6 10 6 16 8 8 7 5 13 24 3 6 46 29 12 7 13 16 21 12 10 6 9 16 22 15 4 10 11 3 18 14 6 5 13 "5 1 6 6 2 nl 16 2 7 3 3 5 5 3 2 5 2 2 1 1 2 5 2 1 ... 55 40 43 '9 49 63 12 53 54 14 3 6 6 9 12 1 1 3 i? 4 6 3 2 1 4 7 15 2 1 4 1 8 4 12 7 63 1 2 5 11 18 1 3 11 1 1 1 18 13 10 4 7 2 1 14 Total of District 277 21; 247 252 160 74 13 1 77 i,53' 27,211 12 2 '9 i94 — Invercargill District — Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge St. George Lodge ... i860 194 4.430 1 4 23 5' 32 19 34 14 ■5 3 1869 178 2,198 11 11 5 25 4' 46 iS 21 11 2 9 — — Total of District 372 6,628 13 3 8 48 92 78 37 55 25 i 7 3 9 Total of Order 6,288 99.487 18 S ,68 955 1,221 1,041 1,022 928 496 234 77 22 I I 8 'OS Independent Oedee oe Odd Fellows. Grand Lodge of New Zealand — Pioneer Lodge... Leith „ ... Alfred „ ... Alcxandrovna „ Unity „ ... Winchester ,, Southern Cross ,, Pioneer of Southland „ Star of Auckland „ 1862 1862 1868 1874 '875 85 67 57 40 21 689 1 1 969 3 7 273 10 5 327 6 1 31 02 66 11 9 36112 8 168 2 6 t 1 9 7 3° 15 1 16 11 16 10 3 1 10 6 21 16 2 11 8 3 4 1 13 2 7 6 4 2 1877 1879 1878 9 82 61 *79 18 16 16 9 2 24 23 14 24 6 10 7 19 4 7 9 ('3 2 2 14 5 26 •"*""• I 1 1 Total of Order 5°' J[2886 8 3] 123 102 _? 6 73 J 7 I 22 — I National Independent Oedee oe Odd Fellows. Auckland Provincial District — Auckland Pioneer Lodge United Brothers „ 1878 1879 ■74 97 619 611 203 18 9 27 3 4' 20 36 18 26 20 39 68 9 2 3 i 3 i ■3 — Total of Order 823 5 8 61 39 I I 4 4' 271 3°, 54 * This number differs from thai the lodge secretary, which latter car t Financial return not received j Total incomplete, owing to tli t in Table V] ne to hand ai [I., owing to di' Iter Table VII v ■ere vas : pancy in prii bctwe. it. in fh distri ;ct reti irn and tb: it, i'i irmi ihed by I, le omission 0'. E one item.


AGES OF MEMBERS— continued.

12—H. 2.


Name op Society and Branch. _ ■§_ ■5s r-i _t Cu 0, H _, -^ C P ? - la _._,--H S _ _ r-. Total Amount of Sick and .Funeral Funds on31st I 'ecember, 1881. °i >o ©" w eo cu o o rr_: -w +- a © >o j__ CM CM US © US OOO o >o o CO CO Tf* Ages of Mem! lera. ©' to o no ST X5 IO O © 10 o *o © CO O O ura © 10 CO ■" © £ 'O J.-- ft, W 1 ft6 fl < ftt I Ancient Order oe Foresters. Auckland District — Court City of Auckland „ Pride of Parnell 1863 1869 284 '47 £ 8. d. 3,399 19 o 2,430 6 9 5 1 28 7 57, 18 48 25 72 58 39 42 III 100 11 5 1 14 Total of District 25 6 4.3' 3830 5 9 35 75 73 — Hawke's Bay District. — Court Sir Charles Napier ,, Captain Cook ,, Sir Henry Havelock ... ,, Bobin Hood ... „ Rualiine 1872 '875 '875 1878 .879 145 97 56 28 38 845 811 397 '3 1 266 1 5 95 16 11 77 11 2 11 2 6 29 '7 11 35 23 i? 7 12 3' 28 .6 19 17 10 1 4 6 2 4 1 ... ... 1 2 10 7 6 7 5 Total of District 364 1,682 11 6 27 _____ 94 82 52 40 5 Wellington District — Court Sir George Grey ,, Bobin Hood ... „ Little John ... „ Wairarapa ... ,, Sir George Bowen „ Blenheim „ Roderick Dhu ,, Loyal Enterprise ,, Clarendon „ Manawatu ... ,, Marquis of Normanby... „ Loyal Feilding „ William Gladstone 1861 '865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1871 1871 1874 '875 1876 1876 1877 21c 196 8c 80 191 94 72 92 64 98 32 29 67 4,900 9 o 1,499 1 7 671 15 4 695 10 o 1,131 o 4 1,461 7 10 244 13 10 518 411 372 9 9 298 12 6 252 11 8 223 17 10 270 18 1 4 6 2 3 2 24 *9 9 25 20 16 11 55 "18 '7 56 24 24 40 *7 20 43 11 11 16 45 28 12 6 11 20 25 21 19 9 12 4 23 14 11, 4 22 4 7 7 6 3 17 4 6 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 2 5 ... 1 196 12 1 3 5 13 '5 4 11 23 i? 19 8 6 16 14 33 6 6 18 2 1 Total of District i,3°,12,540 12 8 27 174 283 2.35 210 124 29 8 I 61 1 208 Nelson District — Court Bobin Hood... ,, Perseverance „ Pride of the Forest „ Waireka „ Concord „ Unity „ Sherwood Forest ,863 1863 1864 1867 1867 1871 1872 187 5° 36 i°3 82 7' 29 2 720 11 3 443 12 4 455 1 o 800 12 5 278 10 o .37° 8 8 19912 1 21 3 3 5 2 5 2 35 '4 9 22 6 17 7 26 9 8 22 6 3 '9 10 11 9 80 27 23 13 4 5 3 .7 - 6 I? ' 25 15 7 4 2 18 1 2 7 3 1 3 1 1 3 32 22 *5 5 1 2 2 1 Total of District 558 5,268 7 9 41 110 "7 93 7° 25 13 4 1 3 United Westland District — Court Waimea 16 182 15 4 2 1 1 1 5 1869 1 5 5 United Canterbury District — Court Star of Canterbury ,, Queen of the Isles „ Pride of Courtenay „ Thistle of the Forest ... '852 1861 1876 1879 434 87 32 58 3,5i5 3 5 925 O [O '35 9 5 97 1 o 4,672 14 8 9 54 3 7 20 66 9 11 _^5 82 10 64 69 11 23 69 23 1 2 39 11 29 8 1 10 1 1 8 2 3 1 9 4 2 5 11 4 1 8 2 "' •••! j ... ... ... I Total of District 611 ■5 84 101 108 8/ 95 95 5° 37, 11 10 3 1 9 United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin ,, Enterprise ... „ Bobin Hood... „ Pride of the Lake „ Pride of the Leith „ Bruce ,, Royal Oak ... „ Pride of Oamaru ,, Star of Tuapeka „ Pride of Alexandra „ Havelock ,, Hope „ Roxburgh „ St. Andrews ... „ Excelsior „ lapanui 1862 '863 1864 1863 1864 1865 1867 1868 1868 1869 1869 1870 204 1.3' 1 10 33 129 76 2/ 42 9' 21 3,898 19 o 1,338 5 9 395 ° 4 113 6 2 535 3 4 249 6 6 ■3° 7 3 64 16 6 447 4 9 25 5 7 13210 9 238 8 9 118 3 2 266 10 6 85 211 69 8 7 8,107 19 10 4 2 2 5 2 2 12 12 6 16 8 I 11 1 6 2.3 25 8 5 2! I I0 ! 2 1 12 16 3 5 3 11 31 6 6 '7 33 21 4 38 10 4 9 11 2 34 4' 12 25 11 26 4 3 22 18 3° 7 5 6 4 3 17 16 1 8 4' 25 26 3 18 7 6 3 16 8 8 3 5 7 4 40J 16 11 1 8 7 7 3 15 4 3 4 i 13 1 4: 1 iS i 7 2 '" 2 10 9 1875 .877 40 2.3 57 88 1 2 2 10 8 3 5 "3 17 4 3 12 8 7 3 '6 5 16 7 2 4 ! 2! 24 *14 3 i 2 Total of District 1,110 22 _^! !__!! 194 195 180 180 119' Jj8| 9 2 20 1 I Courts Not in Districts —■ Court Southern Cross ,, Coromandel ... 1865 1871 197 3' 4,623 3,774 17 5 482 6 6 2 in 39 3 '1 42 6 32 34 9 6 34 6 '5 5 4 3 1 14 1 11 j ... Total of Order 6°s! 654 126 I 1 42,542 11 5 M 2 ' 9°° 821 79° 654 278 , 33 14 5 254 * The number given in TabL VII., " i8," was owing to irror i; the ri :turn, which has since been corrected.


AGES OF MEMBERS— continued.

By Authority: George Didsbtjet, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB2.


ISame op Society and Bbawch. 1. * . o H h a £ M ,__ A A & "•■« O <_ ~ 0 m -J GO t-t t-t §1 06 ■U '*' Q r-t a Total Amount of Sick aud Funeral Fuuds ou 31st December, 1881. _S CM rH a a P CM CO O O O Iffl N (M 10 CO o c to Ages c o 19 if Meml 4 o © ,ers. c o us o o US o us SO CD o o i.fl o us co © o _5 V 5 p "3 <t> __°S fl 0 Ancient Order oe Shepherds. Sanctuary Star of Canterbury „ Sir George Grey ... 1871 186, 38 43 £ s. d. 21 18 5 201 7 7 3 2 8 8 9 ! 8 4 9 5 9 6 2 1 1 ! * I Total of Order 16 8 1 81 223 6 o 17 13 14 5] 2 I United Ancient Order oe Druids. Pioneer Lodge Hoi e of St. Alban's „ Mistletoe „ Excelsior „ Oak of Sydenham „ Lyttelton Hearts of Oak ,, Otago „ Bud of Hope „ Star of New Zealand ,, Ivanhoe ,, Gladstone „ Perseverance „ Star of the West „ .875 1879 ,879 1879 1879 1880 1880 1880 1880 1881 1880 1880 1881 1.34 69 8.3 110 101 289 5 4 "4 15 7 151 18 o 151 14 8 180 16 10 161 5 11 80 2 7 93 3 ' 75 3 10 43 '3 3 44 1 3 33 15 9 81 19 6 #8 9 *34 2.3 18 26 18 * 3 , 10 12 27 25 38 18 ■5 17 19 17 12 15 256 *22 18 14 22 *i9 6 *ig 3 16 *i 21 2 IOO 36 68 59 74 52 34 66 1 1 3 2; 5 4 4 3 19 4 20 30 25 10 l6 19 19 9 1 8 12 8 6 1 3 ■7 18 1.3 3 11 5 2.3 11 12 12 9 6 7 12 3 4 1 2 1 7 13 7 1 Total of Order 986 i,5°i 15 7 47 224 221 148 82 8 Loyal United Friends' Beneeit Society. Reliance Lodge ,879 39 98 3 2 3 3 9 13 3 3 1 Independent Order op Rechabites. New Zealand Central District — Hope of Wellington Tent ... Perseverance ,, Murihiku „ Scandia's Hope „ Hope of Woodville „ 1866 1872 ,877 .877 1878 138 39 55 13 21 i,579 1 o 258 11 5 335 3 o 55 6 1 48 10 8 7 1 6 22 12 23 9 2 24 4 6 26 13 4 5 6 6 ... ... 11 3 10 4 12 1 8 5 2 1 6 2 5 1 4 6 3 1 1 3 1 Total of District 266 2,276 12 2 16 49 36 44 46 2.3 22 ■3 17 Albert District — Star of Hope Tent 6 8 1869 35 96 10 5 3 3 1 9 3 16 Total of Order 301 2,373 2 7 .9 51 39 45 52 3' 3' 17 Sons and Daughters op Temperance . Grand Division of N. Zealand— Antidote Division Progress „ Bay of Hope „ ----- 1871 1872 1878 136 36 27 996 2 8 245 o 9 74 5 o 26 9 6 23! 7 3, 17 8 3 28 23 3 6 24 5 2 23 3 7 1 Total of Order 199 1,315 8 5 41 33 32 31 33 1 Hibernian Australasian Catholic .Benefit Society. Otago—Canterbury District — St. Joseph's Branch — — 1873 47 337 5 2 2 10 12 10 8 2 1 ... ... Branches Not in Districts — Charleston Branch Grahamstown „ Waimea ,, Greenstone ,, Hokitika ,, Auckland ,, 1870 1870 1870 1871 1870 1873 23 76 12 153 2 Of 6l2 17 4 397 15 9 ■ 7 16 4 108 o 8 794 17 3 1 2 2 1 2 7 8 "6 6 33 6 23 10 7 2 4 13 20 14 209 22 "48 4 39 4 4 26 4 5 23 4 32 2 Total of Order 401 2,421 15 3 24! 55 42 7o 85 81 34 5 4 Bailway Beneeit Societies. Otago Bailways Benefit Society 45 ____ 5° 7 i875 258, 1,207 7 10 10 38 28 11 2 — N. Z. Bailways Penefit Society —- Invercargill Branch 11 14 8 1879 75 121 7 6 15 12 8 1 Total Bailway Societies ___S_ I I I I 33.3 1,328 15 4 15 53 81 58J !__! ■9 2 1 7 Isolated Local Society. Kaco and WhangaroaFriendly Society 1 1870 17 189 8 1 §[155,19118 2] -I 3 i___ 4 3 3 2i ... 1 1 Total of all the Societies 14,040 t 480! 2.134 '2,718 2,424 2,375 I 1,970' i 928 419 119 38 ■7 9 4°9 * These numbers are approxii been corrected to correspond. t Approximate amount. j The reason of the slight dis § This total is incomplete, ow this and the full amount is compa mate only. An error of 5 was made in the return, a .nd thi varii ius age-j lerii ids have not yet icropancy between this total and that in Table VII. hi dng to the omission of one item in the body of the ti iratively small. as beei ible. n give The ( i in the lifferenci IlOti ,,h< 33. iwever, between

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FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (FIFTH REPORT, BY THE REGISTRAR OF)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, H-02

Word Count

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (FIFTH REPORT, BY THE REGISTRAR OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, H-02

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (FIFTH REPORT, BY THE REGISTRAR OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, H-02

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