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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to " The Friendly Societies Act, 1877," Section 9, Subsection (6).

KEPOBT. The publication of this report has been delayed on account of the time of the Actuary, who is also the clerk in the office, having been for a considerable time occupied with matters of an actuarial character not connected with the work of this office, but to which he was required by the Government to give his' almost undivided attention, I—BUSINESS OP THE REGISTRY OPPICE. 1. Departmental Work during the Yeah ended 31st December, 1881. Besides the general work of the office, which is similar in character from year to year, tables have been compiled by Mr. P. W. Frankland, the Actuary to the department, on the basis of the quinquennial returns of sickness and mortality, and a report issued by him on the experience thus collected. Extra clerical assistance had to be called in to enable this compilation to be made; the mechanical portion of the work of compilation being accomplished by an extra clerk under the superintendence of Mr. Prankland'. The usual amount of delay has unfortunately arisen in the compilation of the statistical tables of 1881, on account of the difficulty experienced in obtaining satisfactory returns from many of the branches of societies. It is intended, however, to avoid a similar tardiness in future by allowing a much shorter time to elapse before instituting prosecutions against the secretaries of defaulting societies and branches. The Act has now been in operation for a sufficient length of time, and sufficient warning has been given to recalcitrant officers to make a continuance of leniency inexpedient. Notwithstanding the difficulties just referred to, it is a matter for much congratulation that a marked general improvement is manifest in the returns for the year 1881 as compared with those of previous years. As formerly attention has been directed to the generally inferior character of the returns sent, it seems due to the officers of societies and branches who have rendered their returns in a manner satisfactory to the department to specially mention those to whose returns no exception can be taken. The officers of the following societies and branches are especially to be commended for the fullness and neatness of the returns sent:— Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Hokitika District. Waimea Lodge, situated at Stafford, Otago District. Westland. Howick Lodge, situated at Howick, Dunedin Lodge. Auckland. Ancient Order of Foresters. United Otago District. Court Pride of Alexandra, situated at Court Blenheim. Alexandra (South). This increased care and attention not only renders the value of the returns greater for statistical purposes, but is also an evidence of a deep interest among the members of some of the friendly societies in the work being performed by them, and of their recognition of the benefit accruing to them I—H. 2.