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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.



RETURN OF LAND CLAMS FINALLY SETTLED since date of Commissioner Bell's Report of 8th July, 1862, by the Issue of Grants or Scrip, or by Cash.

No. of Claim. Claimant. Locality. Position of Claim as reported by Commissioner Bell. How Disposed of. Area Granted. Compensation. A. B. P. £ s. d. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 George Green Middle Island Grants ordered to be issued to claimant for 889 acres. Award appealed against, but appeal not yet prosecuted These claims were referred to Commissioner Domett for rehearing, in accordance with a resolution of the House of Representatives passed in 1870. Commissioner Domett recommended the issue of grants for 5,000 acres —2,500 acres in Otago, and 2,500 acres in Southland. " The Green Land Claims Settlement Act, 1870," was passed to give effect to this recommendation. Grants issued as follows : To Messrs. II. Driver, C. Stewart, and H. J. Maclean :— 1,883 acres at Papakaio, Otago, 5th February, 1873 895 acres at Awamoko, Otago, 5th February, 1873 2,204 acres at Aparima, Southland, 28th February, 1874... 409 acres were deducted from the selection in Southland to provide for the payment of the costs of the rehearing and appeal, Green v. Spencer, in accordance with section 4 of " The Green and Spencer Amendment Act, 1870." The area granted in excess of award was for survey allowance Green, by misrepresentation, obtained the issue of a grant to himself of 117 acres, which included land the property of J. Spencer, in claims 420-7- The claim was reheard under "The Green and Spencer Land CUims Act, 1868," and Commissioner Domett recommended the cancellation of the grant of 117 acres, and the issue of a new grant for the 52 acres originally awarded to Green. This was done. Grant for 52 acres to trustees under will of G. Green issued 9th September, 1874 These claims were settled by arbitration under " The Land Claims Arbitration Act, 1867." The arbitrators were Mr. Samuel Jackson, nominated by Mr. Busby, Dr. Pollen, nominated by the Government, and Mr. J. T. Mackelvie, nominated by the two first-named arbitrators On the 6th April, 1868, two of the arbitrators (Dr. Pollen not concurring) awarded Mr. Busby 9,374 acres at the Bay of Islands, being the land comprised within the boundaries stated in the nine Crown grants issued in 1844, less certain reserves rcconveyed to the Natives by Mr. Busby, and £36,000 in scrip as special damages in respect of his claims in the Whangarei District. By several Proclamations issued in May and October, 1868, the Superintendent of Auckland withdrew from sale all lands over which the scrip could bo exercised, thus rendering it valueless for the time being. Ultimately (in 1870) the matter was settled by the whole of the scrip being bought up by the Superintendent of Auckland. The grant for 9,374 acres was issued 7th September, 1872 Grant for 52 acres ordered to be issued to claimant when laid off as directed by the Assistant Commissioner 1,883 3 26 895 0 9 2,204, 2 24 409 0 0 52 0 0 4 George Green Bluff 14-22 James Busby Bay of Islands The nine grants issued to claimant in 1844 for a total estimated area of 3,264 acres were called in, but, not being produced, were adjudged void 23-24 James Busby Whangarei Lapsed ... 9,374 0 0 36,000 0



26_ William Christmas ... Kaipara ... Grant directed to be issued to W. Bray for 250 Grant issued to Thomas Bray, 19th January, 1864 250 0 0 Peter Abercrombie ... Thames ... acres Old grant for 150 acres, not having been produced, declared void. Claim preferred by Messrs. Whitaker and Heale Grant for 100 acres, issued in 1844, called in and produced New grant issued to Frederick Whitaker and Thcophilus Heale for 42 acres, the area surveyed, 19th July, 1866 42 0 0 58 Thomas Bateman Bay of Islands (Motukiakia Island) Old grant cancelled by Commissioner Domett, and new grant for 67 acres issued to claimant, 14th July, 1866 67 0 0 59 Thomas Bateman Bay of Islands Grant ordered to be issued to W. S. Grahame for 1,157 acres Old grant for 230i acres called in and cancelled. New grant ordered to be issued when land surveyed Grant for 23 acres ordered to be issued Grant issued, 19th January, 1864 ... 1,157 0 0 84 Edward Cat tlin Catlin's Bay, Otago Land surveyed. Grant issued in favour of Edward Catlin, deceased, 25th April, 1873 230 2 0 117 J. R. Clendon Bay of Islands Grant issued to J. R. Clendon, 19th January, 1864 ... 23 0 0 122 D. B. Cochrane Hokianga Grant for 200 acres ordered in favour of Jane Clendon Grants ordered to be issued for 214 acres 2 roods 35 perches and 10 acres 3 rood 26 perches. A grant for a small allotment ordered to be made Grant issued 19th January, 1864 ... 200 0 0 126 Cook and Day Bay of Islands Grant to Wiliam Cook for 226 acres 2 roods 35 perches issued 19th January, 1864 Grant to claimants for 19 perches, issued 26th June, 186S 226 2 35 135-139 Couper, Holt, & Rhodes Bay of Islands 0 0 19 143-4 W. E. Cormack Piako Commissioner Godfrey awarded 2,560 acres, but no grant issued. Claims put in by Arthur Willis and G. Graham, derivative claimants from Cormack 3,639 acres awarded by Commissioner Bell, of which 902 acres was granted to A. Willis, 25th October, 1864, and 728 acres to G. Graham, 6th July, 1864, out of the surplus in the Tairua claim (No. 709), and the balance of 2,009 acres was granted to A. Willis, at Piako, 17th May, 1866 902 0 0 728 0 0 2,009 0 0 John Edmonds Bay of Islands Land in claim reserved under " The Bay of Islands Settlement Act, 1858." Agreement entered into between Government and Edmonds whereby his homestead should be granted to him, and 50 acres to each of his eleven children; also scrip for the residue at 10s. per acre. Scrip for £1,160 signed, but not taken out. Mr. Edmonds having appealed to the Executive, they decided in June, 1862, to propose to the House to vote £2,000 in cash in lieu of scrip and compensation, leaving the grants to bo issued as before Survey not completed £1,160 cash in lieu of scrip, paid to Mr. Edmonds, 2nd July, 1862 £840 cash, paid 3rd October, 1862 ... Grant for homestead, issued 20th May, 1872 Eleven grants to family, issued 17th April, 1874 1,160 0 0 172 72 "2 37 548 1 20 840 0 0 Survey completed. Grant issued to Thomas Elmslcy, H. Walton, and Charles Walton, for 4,666 acres, 9th May, 1864, and grant to Henry Walton of 7,042 acres, same date Grant issued 19th January, 1864 ... ... 4,666 0 0 7,042 0 0 175 ElniBley, Walton, and Walton Kaipara ... 178-80 J. Evans Kororareka Grant ordered to be issued to J. McLiver for land in this aud Spicer's claim, No. 429 Partly investigated at Turanga in 1859 0 1 18 210 T. Halbert ... Turanga ... Investigated by Poverty Bay Commissioners, and grant for 19 acres issued to W. S. Greene, 10th July, 1871 482 acres awarded by Commissioner Domett to Bishop Williams. Grant issued 25th April, 1871 Grants for 769 acres and 20 acres respectively, issued to W. S. Teschemaker, 30th June, 1862 19 0 0 211 T. Halbert ... Turanga ... Partly investigated at Turanga in 1859 482 0 0 232 William Hirst Moeraki ... Grant ordered to be issued to H. Teschemaker for 789 acres 769 0 0 20 0 0



ETT7RN OF iand Claims Finally Settled, etc — continued. No. of Claim. Claimant. Locality. Position of Claim as reported by Commissioner Bell. How Disposed of. Area Granted. Compensation. 251-3 John Jones Waikouaiti Commissioner FitzGerald recommended grant for 10,000 acres. Grant for 8,560 acres prepared but not executed by Governor Fitzroy. Subsequently grant issued by Governor Grey for 2,560 acres, without prejudice to any right claimant might have if larger grants were afterwards made to land claimants. Mr. Jones, having memorialized the Executive Government, received a promise on the 30th September, 1861, that his case would be included in one of the classes of claims to be submitted for consideration of Assembly Disallowed. Claimant not appearing.,, A. B. P. £ ». d. 8,500 0 0 In 1867 " The John Jones Land Claims Settlement Act" was passed, which empowered the Governor to issue a land order to John Jones, authorizing him to purchase or select land in tho Province of Otago, to the amount of £8,500, within twelve months of passing of Act. In 1868 an Amendment Act was passed, extending the time of selection another twelve months 267 273 Thomas Jones J. Kennedy... Molyneux Kennedy's Bay, Coromandel Peninsula Notified as a half-caste claim ; not yet settled ... Derivative claim of Thomas Russell admitted by Commissioner Domett under Bection 15 of "The Land Claims Settlement Extension Act, 1858," and 105 acres awarded to him. Grant issued 19th June, 1867 Investigated by Commissioner Domett. Grants issued, 26th November, 1867, to Nathan Kennedy, Jonathan Kennedy, and Joseph Kennedy, for 154 acres, and to James Cruickshauk, Frederick Atkinson, and Hohipaia Ngapuhi (Sophia McGregor), for 88 acres Grant issued 19th January, 1864 ... 105 1 7 154 0 0 88 0 0 J. Leef Hokianga Grant ordered to be issued to claimant for 58 acres Grant ordered to be issued to J. Leitch for 151 acres Grant ordered to be issued to J. McGibbon for 72 acres Claimed by lialf-caste children of Maxwell, and a grant will probably be made in their favour 58 2 0 277 278 Leitch ... Bay of Islands Grant issued for 151 acres 2 roods, to D. Lamont, executor under Captain Leitch's will, 19th September, 1863 Grant issued 25th April, 1873 151 2 0 294 J. McGibbon Bluff 72 0 0 331 Thomas Maxwell Waiheke Island Investigated by Commissioner Domett, and 1,288 acres awarded to the six sons of Maxwell, in equal undivided shares, on the 29th August, 1870. It was subsequently discovered that one of the sons had died in 1862. Mr. T. J. Waters, of Auckland, having purchased the shares of three of the brothers Maxwell, grants were issued in his favour for 811 acres, 7th September, 1872, and 46 acres, 20th August, 1874; and a grant in favour of the other two brothers (who are supposed to be dead) for 572 acres was issued 29th July, 1875 J Grant to R. Graham, issued 20th November, 1857. Grant to six sons of Thomas Maxwell for 2,200 acres, issued 24th August, 1870. After making a Government reserve of 80 acres, tho island was found to contain but 2,200 acres, instead of 2,560 acres, as estimated at the time of making the award 811 0 32 46 0 0 572 3 8 Thomas Maxwell Motutapu Island ... Grant of 2,560 acres ordered to be issued to children of T. Maxwell, and a grant of 1,448 acres issued to R. Graham 332 1,448 0 2,200 0 0 0



339 364 Peter Monro E. Palmer ... Hokianga Bluff Old grant for 600 acres cancelled. New grant will be ordered in favour of H. Hopkins when survey completed. Some difficulty withNatives Grant ordered to be issued to claimant for 280 acres No claim preferred... ... Natives permitted survey of only 95 acres which wero awarded by Commissioner Domett to II. Hopkins. Grant issued, 4th August, 1870 Grant issued to E. Palmer, 29th January, 1868 95 3 7 279 2 32 369 James Pearson Hokianga Claim preferred by Bridget Cassidy, a half-caste. Case heard in Native Land Court, and grant for 63 acres issued ]2th June, 1873, to Bridget, Margaret, and Frank Cassidy, the two latter having one-fourth interest each Old grants produced. Two grants for 200 acres each cancelled. Grant for Islet of Te Kuri, 47 acres, found to be valid. New grants issued to James and William Spencer, 12th July, 1870, and 3rd February, 1871 Contents of Whangarei claim only 1,500 acres on survey, and grant issued to G. Thorne, 29th June, 1864. The land in claims 448 and 450 was exchanged, and, with survey allowance, selected at Ruarangi. Grant for 314 acres, 17th'August, 1868 By agreement made with the Provincial Government of Otago in 1864, Mr. Williams waived his claim for the land at Moeraki, in consideration of his receiving 3,000 acres he might select elsewhere. Selection made at Otepopo, and grants issued to Peter Williams, 30th May, lbOfi, for 2,250 acres and 750 acres, under " The Crown Grants Act (No. 2), 1862 " 63 0 0 426 427 428 James Spencer James Spencer James Spencer Bluff Bluff Islet of Te Kuri, Bluff Harbour Bay of Islands Whangarei Bay of Islands Grants ordered to be prepared ready for issue to the heirs on the production of the olcT grants 47 0 0 200 1 24 200 3 25 448 449 450 528 547 James Stuart James Stuart James Stuart Peter Williams Preservation Bay, Otago Mangakahia Old grants for 100 acres, 1,850 acres, and 10 acres, respectively, cancelled. Land belonged to Mr. Gh Thorne, of Sydney, and was being surveyed Graut to claimant for 2,560 acres, 15th February, 1845. The grant was, in May, 1853, surrendered to Mr. Commissioner Mantell, under an agreement by Sir G. Grey to give £2,560 scrip in exchange. About 1,400 acres were chosen by claimant, and surveyed at Moeraki. The claimaut claimed the right to select land to the extent of 2,500 acres, in accordance with Sir G. Grey's agreement to allow him scrip for that quantity, but the Commission declined to admit this right, and offered him a grant for 1,000 acres in settlement of the claim, which has hitherto been refused Native opposition to claim, and survey stopped by opposing Natives. Special case laid before Governor, and award of 2,560 acres made, to be selected when Native disputes settled Yarious grants issued, and 550 acres awarded to M. Hopihana aud S. Thomas Old grant for 152 acres called in, but not produced. Held by Mr. Busby Grant will be issued to A. Willis and G. Graham on certain conditions being fulfilled The Native opposition being continued, and Mr. Baker unable to obtain possession of the land awarded to him, scrip was issued by Commissioner Domett, on 14th January, 1865, for £1,920, being at the rato of 15s. per acre Grant to M. Hopihana and S. Thomas, 13th June, 1870 1,560 0 0 344 0 0 2,250 1 28 749 2 12 Rev. Charles Baker ... 1,920 0 0 617 Thomas and Phillips ... Mongonui 550 0 0 639-40 J. S. Polack Waitangi... Grant produced by Mr. J. D. Busby, and cancelled. Only 15 acres surveyed. Grant to J. D. Busby, 14th April, 1876 Claim admitted under section 12 of Act of 1858, and 3,447 acres surveyed. 1,120 acres awarded. The residue was granted in satisfaction of survey allowance, aud in part satisfaction of the Piako and Matata claims of Messrs. Willis and Graham. Granted to George Graham —in respect of this claim, 224 acres ; of his share in the Matata claim (No. 710), 181 acres ; of his share in the Piako claim (143-4), 728 acres ; and for survey allowance, 517 acres : in all, 1,650 acres ; 6th July, 1864. Granted to Arthur Willis —in respect of this claim, 895 acres : and in part satisfaction of his share iu the Piako claim, 902 acres : in all, 1797 acres; 25th October, 1864 Note. —Natives dispute and deny any sale to White at Matata, and would not, in 1861, allow any survey to be made. No award for Mr. Willis's share, 723 acres, of the Matata claim, was made by Commissioner Bell 15 0 0 709 G.W.White Bay of Plenty, Tairua 1,650 0 1,797 0 0 0



ETURN OF iAND LAIMS INALLT iETTled, etc. — continuet No. of Claim. Claimant. Locality. Position of Claim as reported by Commissioner Bell. How Disposed of. Area Granted. Compensation. Grant to James Shepherd. 1,372 acres, issued 15th December, 1864. Ditto, 22 acres, issued 28th June, 1875. The Waitelo Block not having been laid off as intended, Commissioner Domett instructed Mr. Shepherd to select the 22 acres in a rectangular block fronting the river Kerikeri. Plan of selection sent in, 28th January, 1875 In 1867 land valued by arbitrators at £1,458, and scrip for that amount issued by Commissioner Domett. Dacre, having previously resurveyed the laud, with, the object of obtaining a grant, applied for compensation for survey. "Scrip for £141 10s., in lieu of survey allowance, issued 5th November, 1867 Plan of survey sent in, May, 1866. Contents, 390 acres. Grant to claimant for 390 acres, issued 19th July, 1866 Grant to A. Miller, issued 19th January, 1864 a. e. r. 1,372 0 0 22 0 0 £ e. d. 802-8 James Shepherd Bay of Islands Claims settled, with exception of issue of grants for 1,372 acres and 22 acres. The 22 acres to be selected when the Waitete Block is laid off by Government in lots suburban to the Kerikeri Township 722 W. Webster Point Rodney Grant for 1,944 acres to W. Webster, 1st May, 1844. Corrected under Quieting Titles Ordinance in 1852. The Natives having encroached on the boundary, Dacre has applied for compensation. (Grant called in, and, the correction being insufficient, cancelled) Claim not yet surveyed 1,458 0 0 141 10 0 818 Samuel Harvey Bay of Islands 390 0 0 831 Joshua Thorpe Coromandel Grant ordered to be issued to A. Miller for 49 acres Grant will be issued for 368 acres on settlement of a dispute with another claimant Claim heard in part at Turanga. Settlement postponed 49 0 0 832 Joshua Thorpe Thames ... Boundary dispute settled in 1803, and grant issued to J. W. Thorpe for 360 acres, 9lh May, 1864 Plan of survey of 57 acres 1 rood 22 perches sent- in, 26th November, 1872. Grant issued to claimant, 8th Febrviary, 1873 Heard by Poverty Bay Commissioners, and 1 acre awarded to J. W. Harris. Grant issued 25th April, 1871 Heard by Poverty Bay Commissioners, and 2 acres awarded to G. E. Read. Grant issued 25th April, 1871 Final inquiry made in 1862 by three Commissioners, upon whose recommendation a grant for 388 acres at Porirua was issued, 20th June, 1863 Grant to J. A. Wilson, 1,916 acres, 2nd April, 1867 ; ditto, 273 acres, 11th August, 1868 ; ditto to James Stack, 1,643 acres, 28th October, 1869 Grant issued 9th May, 1864 360 0 O 839 J. W. Harris Poverty Bay 57 1 22 840 J. W. Harris Poverty Bay Claim hoard in part at Turanga. Settlement postponed Claim heard in part at Turanga. Settlement postponed Partly heard by former Commissioners, who recommended further investigation. No claim preferred Grants ordered to be issued to Wilson and Stack for 3,832 acres. (Brown had received scrip for his share of the claim in 1844) Grant ordered to be issued to T. Flavell for 308 acres Grant ordered to be issued to John Wilson for 198 acres New grant claimed by John Salmon. Proof of title not yet complete. Claim preferred by Captain J. Salmon. Postponed for further inquiry from the Natives Grant ordered to be issued to claimants for 37 1 0 23 841 J. W. Harris Poverty Bay 2 1 14 859-60 Thomas Ellisson Cook Strait 388 0 0 866 Wilson, Stack, Brown and Opotiki ... 1,916 0 0 273 0 0 1,643 0 0 308 0 0 882 Thomas Flavell Whangaroa 918 A. Ross Kaipara ... Grant issued 9th May, 1864 198 0 0 933 937 John Lette ... W. Ellis ... Kororareka Waikokopu, Hawke's Bay Hokianga Further evidence of title produced, and grant for 14 perches issued to J. Salmon (deceased), 1st October, 1875 Grant of 37 acres issued to Ihaka Whaanga, derivative from J. Salmon, 21st September, 1867 Grant issued, 19th January, 1864 ... 0 0 14 37 1 21 967 R. Hardiman 37 0 0 969 A. and W. Birch Hokianga acres Grants ordered to be issued to claimants for 75 acres Grant ordered to be issued to R. Dacre for 3,580 Grant issued 19th January, 1864 ... 75 0 0 i 980-1 G. D. Browne Mercury Bay Grant issued 19th January, 1864 ... 3,580 0 0 acres



982-3 R. Espie Turanga ... Claim preferred, and partly investigated Heard by Poverty Bay Commissioners, and 154 acres awarded to J. E. Espie. Grant issued 9th January, 1871 Investigated by Commissioner Domett in 1867. Grant for 150 acres at Q. Charlotte Sound issued to claimant, 27th June, 1868 The Porirua claim not prosecuted. Lapsed... 154 0 0 S84 J. Jackson ... Q. Charlotte Sound Claim preferred by J. Jackson 150 0 0 985 986 1004 J. Jackson ... Joseph Toms D. Mackay ... Porirua ... Porirua ... Kororareka To be investigated.^ Grant will be ordered for his homestead Grant for 4 acres 3 roods 8 perches, awarded by Commissioner Spain Grant ordered [to be issued to G. Mackay for 25 perches Grant for 104 acres ordered to be issued to J. Jones, trustee under Stirling's will Grant issued to Newton Lewyn, derivative from J. Toms, 25th April, 1873 Grant issued 19th January, 1864 ... 4 3 8 0 0 25 1023 William Stirling Bluff Portion of land reserved for Pilot Station, and compensation given, making area 111 acres. Grant issued in favour of William Stirling (deceased), 27th January, 1868 In 1866 Mrs. Ormsby petitioned the House of Representatives relative to the claim, and the Public Petitions Committee recommended that a grant of 5 acres, a portion of the original claim not appropriated by Government, should be made to her. Grant accordingly issued 25th Juue, 1869 Grant issued 19th January, 1864 ... 111 1 7 1124 G. O. Ormsby Onehunga Grant to claimant for 5 acres in 1848, and £35 7s. 3d. compensation in addition offered, but refused. Compensation under Act of 1856 also refused 5 0 0 1131 J. P. DuMoulin Great Barrier Island Grant ordered to be issued to claimant for 1,000 1,000 0 0 1133 J. J. Moore... Waitemata acres Grants ordered to be issued to Moore for 500 acres, and to W. F. Blake for 75 acres Mcore died before the issue of the grant for 500 acres. His son conveyed the land to Blake, to whom a grant of the whole area was issued 18th August, 1864 Extinction of Native title proved before Commissioner Domett, who ordered grants for the areas surveyed (1,339 acres), and 400 acres survey allowance Grant to R. S. Thomson, Chicken Islands, 30th August, 1864 ... „ Poor Knights Islands, ,, „ Fanal Islands, ,, „ 18th December, 1865 575 0 0 1209 1210 J. S. Polack J. S. Polack Poor Knights Is-^ lands Fanal Islands Chicken Islands Ngunguru Claimed by R. S. Thomson. Evidence of extinction of Native title incomplete. No grant ordered 650 3 0 482 2 0 207 0 0 112 0 0 112 0 0 291 0 0 1211 1242-3 J. S. Polack R. Thwaites Claim preferred by R. Thwaites The total area surveyed, 291 acres, awarded to claimant. Grant issued 19th January, 1864 Claim preferred, and grant for i an acre issued to claimant, 3rd April, 1865, under " The Auckland Waste Lands Act, 1858 " Investigated by Commissioner Domett, and scrip for £300 issued, 1st July, 1870. Scrip not exercised through laches of claimant's agents. Fresh scrip issued 25th February, 1875 Grant issued 19th January, 1864 ... 1252 James Farrow Tauranga... No claim preferred 0 2 0 1305 Martha Simpson Waiheke Island Not yet settled ... ... ... .:. 300 0 0 1306 H. Sturley ... Bay of Islands Grant for 83 acres ordered to be issued to claimant Grants ordered to be issued to claimant for 19i acres and 4| acres Partly investigated. Not finally settled 83 0 0 1309 Thomas Hansen Bay of Islands Grant issued 19th January, 1864 ... 24 0 0 1314 Fitzhcrbert and Heberley Q. Charlotte Sound Scrip for £70 issued to Mr. Fitzherbcrt by Commissioner Bell on 1st December, 1863. Grant for 1,156 acres to Heberley recommended by Commissioner Domett under section 13 of tho Act, and issued, 16th February, 1866 Heard by Poverty Bay Commissioners. Grant for 64 acres to Wyllie's children, issued 9tli January, 1871 Heard by Poverty Bay Commissioners. Grant for 51 acres issued to claimant, 18th May, 1871 Heard by Poverty Bay Commissioners. Grant for 185 acres to claimant, 25th April, 1871. Grant for 30 acres to T. and A. Greene (infants), 9th January, 1871 1,156 0 0 1316 W. H. Wyllie Turanga ... Investigation postponed 64 0 0 1317 R. Poulgrain Turanga ... Investigation postponed 51 0 0 1318 Thomas Uren Turanga ... Investigation postponed 185 0 0 36 0 23



iETURN OF iAND 'LAIMS INALLY Iettled, etc. — continues No. of Claim. Claimant. Locality. Position of Claim as reported by Commissioner Bell. How Disposed of. Area Granted. Compensation. A. E. P. £ s. d. 1319 Samuel Loane Turanga ... Investigation postponed Heard by Poverty Bay Commissioners. Same as Claim No. 841. J. W. Harris Heard by Poverty Bay Commissioners. Grant to Robert Read of 15 acres, issued 9th January, 1871. Grant to G. E. Read of 319 acres, issued 9th January, 1871. (The grant to G. E. Read includes the To Toma claim, for 150 acres, of H. Harris, in Claim No. 1355) Heard by Poverty Bay Commissioners. Grant for 25 acres issued to James Dunlop, 9th January, 1871 Settled with Busby's claims, 14—24. (See page 2) In July, 1869, Commissioner Domett awarded 5,000 acres to claimants, grants for which were issued 4th September, 1869, but Mr. Henderson declined to receive them as compensation for his claim. In 1871, and again in 1873, Mr. Henderson petitioned the House of Representatives. In 1873 the Public Petitions Committee reported that the sum of £950 be paid to Mr. Henderson, and that he be allowed to take up the grants for 5,000 acres. The House concurred in the report, and the sum of £950 was voted to Mr. Thomas Henderson in full satisfaction of his claim Heard by Poverty Bay Commissioners, and 1 acre 2 roods 23 perches awarded to claimants. Grant issued 25th April, 1871 Investigated by Commissioner Bell, and in March, 1864, 38 acres awarded to Mis. Charleton under section 15 of Act of 1858. A second survey proved contents to be 44 acres, for which area Commissioner Domett directed the issue of a grant. Grant issued 25th October, 1864 There were two pieces of land claimed, called respectively " Papawhariki" and " Te Toma." Papawhariki was awarded by Commissioner Domett to G. E. Read, who purchased from tho Harris's. Grant for 112 acres issued 16th August, 1871. The Te Toma claim, 150 acres, was also purchased by Read, and appears to have been included in the survey of his Matawliero property. (See Claim 1,320) Investigated in Native Land Court, where claimants failed to prove title. Certificate of title issued to a Native for 77 acres Investigated in Native Land Court, and 42 acres awarded to Anna Cook. Grant issued 1st January, 1870 Investigated by Commissioner Bell. On recommendation of Commissioner Domett, under section 13 of Act of 1858, grant for 2,414 acres issued to Berghan's children, 25th October, 1864 1320 G. E. Read... Turanga ... Investigation postponed 15 1 15 319 0 0 1322 Trustees of A. Dunlop Turanga ... Investigation postponed 25 0 0 1324 1326 Busby and Lewington Henderson and Macfarlane Ngunguru Whau ... Unsettled Native title to nearly 18,000 acres extinguished. Grant for half ordered to be prepared, but not issued. Commissioner Bell possessed no power which would enable him to make a fair settlement of the case 5,000 "o 0 95o" 0 0 1349 Couper, Holt, and Rhodes Poverty Bay No claim preferred... 1 2 23 1353 G. Charleton Kawhia ,.. Claim preferred derived from J. Y. Cowell under alleged purchase on 11th January, 1840 44 0 0 1355 . E. and H. Harris ... Turanga ... Partly investigated, but investigation postponed 112 0 0 Children of Snowden... Bay of Islands Not investigated ... 77 0 0 1357 1359 H.Cook ... Bay of Islands Claim not allowed ... 42 0 0 1362 Children of Berghan... Mongonui Not investigated ... 2,414 0 0



1363 1367 Children of Maxwell... Children of Bryers ... Waiheke Island Hokianga Noti nvestigated ... Not investigated ... Not investigated ... Not investigated ... Not investigated ... Grants assured to claimant for 122 and 129 acres Not investigated ... Settled in Claim 331 Settled in Native Land Court. 316 acres awarded to Charles Bryers. Grant issued 23rd November, 1871 Settleel in Native Land Court. 63 acres awarded to claimant. Grant issued 28th June, 1870 Investigated by Assistant-Commissioner Pearson, and grant of 33 acres to sons of Nathaniel Bates recommended. Grant issued 22nd June, 1878 Heard by Poverty Bay Commissioners. 17 acres awarded. Grant issued to child of Goldsmith, 9th January, 1871 Grants issued to T. W. Cook, in trust for his half-caste children, for 122 acres, 197 acres, and 229 acres, 11th September, 1863 Claim preferred in 1863, and grant to J. Smith, with remainder j to his half-caste children, issued 1st November, 1865, for j 14 acres 316 "o 0 I 03 0 0 ! ■ 33 0 0 j 17 1 13 122 0 0 197 0 0 229 0 0 14 0 0 1368 Annabella Webster ... Hokianga... 1369 Children of Nathaniel Bates Jacob's River, Southland 1371 Children of Goldsmith Turanga ... 1374 T.W.Cook Manawatu 1375 J.Smith ... Awanui ...


ADDENDA CLAIMS (Half-caste) not reported upon by Commissioner Bell, or not brought before him.


No. of Claim. Claimant. Locality. Nature of Claim. Area Claimed. How Disposed of. Area Grantea. c O •5 2A John Howell Stewart Island On behalf of his half-caste wife, Karorina Acres. 180 1,000 33 25 200 42 25 270 40 Land reserved for a township by the Provincial Government in 1867. Case investigated by Assistant-Commissioner Pearson. 207 acres in Eyre District, Otago, granted to Mrs. Howell in exchange, 24th August, 1876 Settled by Compensation Court under New Zealand Settlements Acts. Grants to six children of Wade for a total area of 163 acres, issued 1st February, 1871 Investigated by Assistant-Commissioner Pearson. Grant to three children of J. Leader for 33 acres at Jacob's River, issued 26th January, 1877 Heard by Poverty Bay Commissioners, and land awarded to G. E. Read, the derivative claimant. Grant issued 10th May, 1872 Investigated by Assistant-Commissioner Pearson. Grant for 86 acres at- Tho Neck, Stewart Island, to four children of J. Lee, issued 9th July, 1879 Grant to two children of Joseph Crocome for 25 acres, issued under "The Crown Grants Act (No. 2), 1862," 8th December, 1873 Land reserved under deel of purchase of Stewart Island. Investigated by Assistant-Commissioner Pearson. Grant in exchange for 66 acres at the Bluff, issued 14th April, 1876 Grant issued to H. Wixon for his life, with remainder to his wife and half-caste children, 8th December, 1873. Grant under " The Crown Grants Act (No. 2), 1802 " Grant, to Richard Sizcmore for his life, with remainder to his wife and half-casto children, 8th December, 1873. Grant under " The Crown Grants Act (No. 2), 1862" ! Settled by Compensation Court. Grants to J. L. Faulkner, in trust for his half-caste children, for a total area of 99 acres 3 roods 6 perches, 1 acre of which was granted 2nd July, 1868, and the rest 25th April, 1871 Grant for 270 acres issued to claimant, with remainder to her children, on recommendation of Commissioner Domett, 19th September, 1865 Grant for 51 acres, issued to George Clarke in trust for children of Kent, on recommendation of Commissioner Domett, 22nd August, 1865 A. E. P. 207 0 0 7a John Wade Waiuku ... Gift from Natives for his half-caste children 163 0 0 O - 9a James Leader Riverton ... 33 acres promised by Mr. Commissioner Mantell when purchasing Muribiku Block, as a provision for half-caste family Purchase from Natives 33 0 0 o ft a 5' a J-5 llA — Yule Poverty Bay 5 0 0 17a Children of John Lee Stewart Island Gift from Natives ... 86 0 0 18a Joseph Crocomc Hawkesbury, Olago Provision for half-caste children, promised by Mr. Commissioner Mantell 25 0 0 19a Children of \Y. A. Anglcm Stewart Island Purchase from Natives in 1830. Admitted as a half-caste claim 66 0 0 20a Henry Wixon Hawkesbury Provision for half-casto children, promised by Mr. Commissioner Mantell 42 0 0 20n Henry Sizcmore Hawffesbury Provision for half-caste children, promised by Mr. Commissioner Mantell 25 0 0 o 00 21a J. L. Faulkner Tauranga..-. Land claimed for his half-caste children through his wife 99 3 6 22a Mere Tupara, widow of J. Codlin Waiuku ... Gift from a Native for herself and half-caste children 270 0 0 23a Children of Robert Kent Waimate... Gift for benefit of half-caste children ... 51 0 0

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LAND CLAIMS FINALLY SETTLED (RETURN OF, SINCE 8TH JULY, 1862)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1878 Session I, H-26

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LAND CLAIMS FINALLY SETTLED (RETURN OF, SINCE 8TH JULY, 1862). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1878 Session I, H-26

LAND CLAIMS FINALLY SETTLED (RETURN OF, SINCE 8TH JULY, 1862). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1878 Session I, H-26

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