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iETURN OF iAND 'LAIMS INALLY Iettled, etc. — continues No. of Claim. Claimant. Locality. Position of Claim as reported by Commissioner Bell. How Disposed of. Area Granted. Compensation. A. E. P. £ s. d. 1319 Samuel Loane Turanga ... Investigation postponed Heard by Poverty Bay Commissioners. Same as Claim No. 841. J. W. Harris Heard by Poverty Bay Commissioners. Grant to Robert Read of 15 acres, issued 9th January, 1871. Grant to G. E. Read of 319 acres, issued 9th January, 1871. (The grant to G. E. Read includes the To Toma claim, for 150 acres, of H. Harris, in Claim No. 1355) Heard by Poverty Bay Commissioners. Grant for 25 acres issued to James Dunlop, 9th January, 1871 Settled with Busby's claims, 14—24. (See page 2) In July, 1869, Commissioner Domett awarded 5,000 acres to claimants, grants for which were issued 4th September, 1869, but Mr. Henderson declined to receive them as compensation for his claim. In 1871, and again in 1873, Mr. Henderson petitioned the House of Representatives. In 1873 the Public Petitions Committee reported that the sum of £950 be paid to Mr. Henderson, and that he be allowed to take up the grants for 5,000 acres. The House concurred in the report, and the sum of £950 was voted to Mr. Thomas Henderson in full satisfaction of his claim Heard by Poverty Bay Commissioners, and 1 acre 2 roods 23 perches awarded to claimants. Grant issued 25th April, 1871 Investigated by Commissioner Bell, and in March, 1864, 38 acres awarded to Mis. Charleton under section 15 of Act of 1858. A second survey proved contents to be 44 acres, for which area Commissioner Domett directed the issue of a grant. Grant issued 25th October, 1864 There were two pieces of land claimed, called respectively " Papawhariki" and " Te Toma." Papawhariki was awarded by Commissioner Domett to G. E. Read, who purchased from tho Harris's. Grant for 112 acres issued 16th August, 1871. The Te Toma claim, 150 acres, was also purchased by Read, and appears to have been included in the survey of his Matawliero property. (See Claim 1,320) Investigated in Native Land Court, where claimants failed to prove title. Certificate of title issued to a Native for 77 acres Investigated in Native Land Court, and 42 acres awarded to Anna Cook. Grant issued 1st January, 1870 Investigated by Commissioner Bell. On recommendation of Commissioner Domett, under section 13 of Act of 1858, grant for 2,414 acres issued to Berghan's children, 25th October, 1864 1320 G. E. Read... Turanga ... Investigation postponed 15 1 15 319 0 0 1322 Trustees of A. Dunlop Turanga ... Investigation postponed 25 0 0 1324 1326 Busby and Lewington Henderson and Macfarlane Ngunguru Whau ... Unsettled Native title to nearly 18,000 acres extinguished. Grant for half ordered to be prepared, but not issued. Commissioner Bell possessed no power which would enable him to make a fair settlement of the case 5,000 "o 0 95o" 0 0 1349 Couper, Holt, and Rhodes Poverty Bay No claim preferred... 1 2 23 1353 G. Charleton Kawhia ,.. Claim preferred derived from J. Y. Cowell under alleged purchase on 11th January, 1840 44 0 0 1355 . E. and H. Harris ... Turanga ... Partly investigated, but investigation postponed 112 0 0 Children of Snowden... Bay of Islands Not investigated ... 77 0 0 1357 1359 H.Cook ... Bay of Islands Claim not allowed ... 42 0 0 1362 Children of Berghan... Mongonui Not investigated ... 2,414 0 0