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ADDENDA CLAIMS (Half-caste) not reported upon by Commissioner Bell, or not brought before him.


No. of Claim. Claimant. Locality. Nature of Claim. Area Claimed. How Disposed of. Area Grantea. c O •5 2A John Howell Stewart Island On behalf of his half-caste wife, Karorina Acres. 180 1,000 33 25 200 42 25 270 40 Land reserved for a township by the Provincial Government in 1867. Case investigated by Assistant-Commissioner Pearson. 207 acres in Eyre District, Otago, granted to Mrs. Howell in exchange, 24th August, 1876 Settled by Compensation Court under New Zealand Settlements Acts. Grants to six children of Wade for a total area of 163 acres, issued 1st February, 1871 Investigated by Assistant-Commissioner Pearson. Grant to three children of J. Leader for 33 acres at Jacob's River, issued 26th January, 1877 Heard by Poverty Bay Commissioners, and land awarded to G. E. Read, the derivative claimant. Grant issued 10th May, 1872 Investigated by Assistant-Commissioner Pearson. Grant for 86 acres at- Tho Neck, Stewart Island, to four children of J. Lee, issued 9th July, 1879 Grant to two children of Joseph Crocome for 25 acres, issued under "The Crown Grants Act (No. 2), 1862," 8th December, 1873 Land reserved under deel of purchase of Stewart Island. Investigated by Assistant-Commissioner Pearson. Grant in exchange for 66 acres at the Bluff, issued 14th April, 1876 Grant issued to H. Wixon for his life, with remainder to his wife and half-caste children, 8th December, 1873. Grant under " The Crown Grants Act (No. 2), 1802 " Grant, to Richard Sizcmore for his life, with remainder to his wife and half-casto children, 8th December, 1873. Grant under " The Crown Grants Act (No. 2), 1862" ! Settled by Compensation Court. Grants to J. L. Faulkner, in trust for his half-caste children, for a total area of 99 acres 3 roods 6 perches, 1 acre of which was granted 2nd July, 1868, and the rest 25th April, 1871 Grant for 270 acres issued to claimant, with remainder to her children, on recommendation of Commissioner Domett, 19th September, 1865 Grant for 51 acres, issued to George Clarke in trust for children of Kent, on recommendation of Commissioner Domett, 22nd August, 1865 A. E. P. 207 0 0 7a John Wade Waiuku ... Gift from Natives for his half-caste children 163 0 0 O - 9a James Leader Riverton ... 33 acres promised by Mr. Commissioner Mantell when purchasing Muribiku Block, as a provision for half-caste family Purchase from Natives 33 0 0 o ft a 5' a J-5 llA — Yule Poverty Bay 5 0 0 17a Children of John Lee Stewart Island Gift from Natives ... 86 0 0 18a Joseph Crocomc Hawkesbury, Olago Provision for half-caste children, promised by Mr. Commissioner Mantell 25 0 0 19a Children of \Y. A. Anglcm Stewart Island Purchase from Natives in 1830. Admitted as a half-caste claim 66 0 0 20a Henry Wixon Hawkesbury Provision for half-casto children, promised by Mr. Commissioner Mantell 42 0 0 20n Henry Sizcmore Hawffesbury Provision for half-caste children, promised by Mr. Commissioner Mantell 25 0 0 o 00 21a J. L. Faulkner Tauranga..-. Land claimed for his half-caste children through his wife 99 3 6 22a Mere Tupara, widow of J. Codlin Waiuku ... Gift from a Native for herself and half-caste children 270 0 0 23a Children of Robert Kent Waimate... Gift for benefit of half-caste children ... 51 0 0