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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to " The Friendly Societies Act, 1877," Section 9, Subsection G.

EEPOET. The short time that has elapsed since the date (Ist January, 1878) when " Tho Friendly Societies Act, 1877," came into operation necessarily, to a large extent, limits this first report ofthe Registrar, required by the Act to be presented to tho General Assembly, to matters connected with the organization oi" the office, and with the various duties involved in endeavouring to carry out the Act. The office of Registrar was conferred upon the person holding the office of Registrar-General, the intention being that the two offices should be held conjointly, and that the duties appertaining to them should be performed by the staff of a single department. In effecting this arrangement no additional officer has been added to the staff of the Registrar-General to enable the extra duties imposed by the Friendly Societies Act to be fulfilled ; but au existing vacancy that had occurred in the department was filled by the appointment of a gentleman as general clerk in the department who was competent to perform the duties of an actuary. Every effort has been made to carry on the multifarious and increased duties imposed on the department with a staff not numerically increased ; but the strain on the office has been considerable, and it is evident that the arrangement was made under a misconception as to the amount of work imposed on the Registrar of Friendly Societies by the operation of the Act. As the Act required that all societies should send their annual returns to the Registrar before the Ist day of April, and their quinquennial returns before the 30th June, 1878, it became necessary for the Registrar in the first instance to give his attention to the preparation and issue of the forms required for these returns. The forms previously used under the Act of 1867 were found to require modification, as they were not adapted for the requisite statements respecting funds under the control of the central bodies of societies. There was also an immediate necessity to devise a form of register for societies. No register having been kept hitherto, there was not any available form for adoption. The most useful form appeared to be that which would show at a glance all the principal transactions relating to societies that it was necessary to place on record —che particulars to be entered in the register as occasion arose. The form adopted is that shown in Schedule 11. It then became necessary, by examination of papers sent by friendly societies to the Colonial Secretary's Department, and by searching the Gazette, to ascertain what societies had been registered under the former Acts. This inquiry showed that the societies mentioned in Schedule 111. had been duly registered, and these in the order of the dates ofthe original registrations have been entered in the newly framed register-book ; for, although the sth section of " The Friendly Societies Act, 1877," provided that " every society now subsisting whose rules have been registered .... shall be deemed to be a society registered under this Act, and its rules shall, so far as the same are not contrary to any express provision of this Act, continue in force until altered or rescinded," the Registrar did not consider it necessary to refer all the rules of these societies to the Revising Barrister for a decision as to whether any of them were contrary to any express provision of this Act before entering them in the register: he deemed it the proper course that the societies should be regarded as registered, and be entitled to all the advantages thereof, leaving the question of any of the rules being ultra vires to be dealt with on its merits when any attempt should be made to enforce any such rule. All the societies hitherto registered have been registered as distinct societies under the Acts of 1856 and 1867, for, although much correspondence has taken place with regard to the registration of societies with and without branches, no new registrations have, as yet, been effected. Several districts or central I—H. 14.

bodies (e.g., Otago District, Manchester Unity ; Grand Lodge of New Zealand Independent Order of Odd Fellows; New Zealand Central District'of Eechabites) Lave intimated a desire to be registered as societies having branches. It is greatly to be desired that all central bodies may follow this course. Since the Ist January, 1878, twelve friendly societies and one working men's club have applied for original registration ; eight friendly societies have applied to register new sets of rules as amendments of, and instead of, the rules already registered, and there have been two applications for the registry of amendments (of one or more rules) strictly so called. It appears necessary to explain why the new sets of rules as amendments should be distinguished from amendments of one or more rules. A difficulty has been experienced from the operation of the 3rd subsection of the 12th section of the Act, which provides that all amendments of rules should be published in the Gazette before they become valid. This clearly did not imply that a complete new set of rules should be published, as there was not any such condition in respect of publication in the case of an original registration, nor evidently was such a publication intended, the amendments referred to being manifestly considered as distinct amendments of an existing rule, or the addition of one or more rules, limited in number, but not the substitution of a complete set of new rules. As many societies amend their rules by passing a new set of rules, the operation of this subsection acted as a bar to the registration of a complete set by way of amendment; and yet for practical purposes the adoption of a complete set would be of greater general advantage, and make the rules better understood, than fragmentary amendments. The Registrar felt that the operation of this subsection acted disadvantageously for societies, without conferring any corresponding benefit, and, therefore, he adopted in all such cases the following course: Societies sending complete sets of rules as amendments on existing rules were desired to send simultaneously a request for cancellation of the existing registration, and an application for fresh registration under the Act of 1877 ; the Eegistrar requiring that the request for cancellation should be similarly signed to the application for registry, and considering it admissible under the circumstances to dispense with the Gazette notice, and the publication in a local newspaper as necessarily accompanying the cancellation, deeming the cancellation rather in the light of a substitution of registry than in that of a final cancellation, aud thus corresponding in character more with the cancellation of the registry of a lodge, court, &c, as a distinct society with a view to its registration as a branch; no publication being required in the latter case. This expedient enabled the Eegistrar to tide over the difficulty, but the process is cumbrous; and it would be far more convenient if tbe provision of the Act respecting tbe publication of amendments were repealed, so tbat complete sets of rules might be received as amendments. The several applications under each of the specified headings are set forth in Schedule VII., and opposite each is stated the action that has been taken in respect thereof. None of the applications for original registration have as yet been complied with. The incorrectness of the form in which most of the applications were made was not merely technical, but constituted a non-compliance with the requirements of the Act. One application has been made for the registration of a working men's club, but the difficulty experienced in making the rules of such societies contain all the provisions required by Schedule 11. of the Act raises the question whether or not it would be better that they should, if desirous of registration, be allowed to obtain it in the capacity of specially authorized societies rather than as societies bound by the general provisions of the Act, many of which cannot be made applicable to them, or whether they should be relieved from some of the obligations imposed on them in common with friendly societies. Although no registrations of societies have been effected since the Ist of January, 1878, yet there are indications that, when the tables of contributions that are in process of preparation by the Actuary are issued, and the model rules distributed, many societies at present registered will register under new rules and with fresh tables of contributions, and that unregistered societies will be desirous of obtaining the advantages accruing from registration. These advantages do not appear in general to be sufficiently understood or appreciated. It therefore seems desirable to make an enumeration of the principal advantages which are enjoyed by registered societies, and from which unregistered societies are necessarily shut out. The following list of these advantages has accordingly been prepared. Advantages accruing to a Society by Registration, no fee being payable on the registry of any friendly, benevolent, or cattle insurance society, or working men's club. 1. It can hold, purchase, or take on lease, in the names of the trustees for the time being, any land, and can similarly hold other kinds of property, all such land and property vesting in any succeeding trustees immediately upon and as a consequence of their appointment. 2. All legal proceedings can be carried on in the names of the trustees. 3. A registered society has a remedy on summary conviction whenever any person — (1.) Obtains possession of any of its property by false representation or imposition ; (2.) Having possession of any of its property, withholds or misapplies it; (3.) Wilfully applies any part of such property to purposes other thau those expressed or directed by the rules, and authorized by the Act: the penalty for either of these offences being a fine not exceeding £50 and costs, and in default of payment imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any time not exceeding six months. 4. The treasurer and other officers of the society, or persons acting in such capacity, are constituted servants of the trustees within the meaning of " The Larceny Act, 18G7," and in cases of larceny and embezzlement can be proceeded against as in the case of larceny or embezzlement by a clerk or servant. 5. If an officer of the society dies, or becomes bankrupt or insolvent, or if an execution is issued against him whilst he has money or property of the society in his possession by virtue of his office, the trustees of the society are entitled to claim such money or property in preference to any other creditor. 6. If the society has funds, debentures, securities, or moneys in the names of trustees, and a





trustee is absent from New Zealand, becomes bankrupt, compounds with his creditors, becomes a lunatic, dies, or has been removed from his office of trustee, or if it is unknown whether he is alive or dead, a registered society, instead of having to apply to the Supreme Court, or to take any other proceedings which it would have to take if unregistered, can have such funds, debentures, &c, transferred by direction of the Eegistrar, on payment of a fee of £1. 7. The documents of the society are, for the most part, free from stamp duty; and no customs duty is chargeable on the regalia, &c, of a registered society. 8. The society can admit members under twenty-one (but above sixteen), and take binding receipts from them, which would otherwise be of no effect. 9. To a registered friendly society a certificate ofthe birth or death of a member, or of any other person insured or to be insured with it, costs only Is. 10. If a registered society invests money on mortgage, such mortgages can be discharged by a mere indorsed receipt without reconveyance. 11. A registered society has the advantage of depositing money to any amount at interest in the Post Office Savings Bank in the names of the trustees as sueh —a privilege denied to unregistered societies, as deposits by their trustees can only be received as the deposits of the individuals, and are subject to the ordinary limitation as to amounts at interest, the society not being recognized by the authorities. 12. Its officers are legally bound to render account, and give up all money or property in their possession on demand or notice, and may be compelled by order of a Besident Magistrate's Court to do so. 13. Disputes maybe legally settled according to the societies' own rules, or,if no decision is made within forty days after a decision is applied for, by a Resident Magistrate's Court; or, if both parties desire it, and the rules do not forbid, by the "Registrar of Friendly Societies. 14. Members of registered friendly societies have the privilege of legally insuring money on the deaths of their wives aud children, for their funeral expenses, without having an insurable interest in their lives (such insurances are void by Act of the Imperial Parliament, if effected with an unregistered society). 15. Members of registered societies may (unless in benevolent societies, or working men's clubs) dispose at death of sums payable by the society not exceeding £50, by written nomination, without a will; and this nomination may bo made by youths of sixteen, who cannot make a will until they are twenty-one. 16. AVhere there is no will and no nomination the trustees may distribute sums under £50 without letters of administration being taken out (a person who should do so in any other case would make himself liable for the debts of the deceased). 17. The society is entitled, without being in anywise compelled to do so, to call in the services of Public Auditors for the auditing of its accounts, andjof Public Valuers for the valuation of its assets and liabilities, at fixed rates of fees. 18. The rules and other important documents relating to it are placed on record in a public office, from whence authentic copies can be obtained, which are evidence in a court of justice. Regulations and Model Rules. A series of regulations and forms for procedure under the Act have, in terms of the 39th section of the Act, been made and approved by the Governor. These regulations have been attached to copies of the Act, and forwarded to all known societies in the colony. As it is convenient that they should accompany this report they have been appended hereto as Schedule IV., notwithstanding that in terms of the Act a copy has already been laid on the table of each House of the General Assembly. Model rules have also been prepared for the guidance of societies, so that, in drafting rules previous to registration thereof, they may adapt their rules to the requirements of the Act, and by tho adoption of a clear and uniform system relieve the office and the Revising Barrister from much work connected with the examination of the rules. These rules have not as yet been circulated. The Registrar in his capacity as Registrar-General has, in terms of section 14, subsection 10, issued instructions to Registrars of Births and Deaths as to their duties under " The Friendly Societies Act, 1877." A copy of these instructions, in which are included the forms required for carrying them out, is appended to this report as Schedule V. The Actuaey. The Registrar has imposed upon him by the Act certain duties of an actuarial nature, such as the following:— The preparation of model forms of account, balance-sheets,* and valuations; the collection and distribution of information on the subject of the statistics of life and sickness, with the application thereof to the business of friendly societies; the construction of tables for the payment of sums of money on death, in sickness, or old age, and on any other contingency forming the subject of an assurance authorized under the Act which may appear to be calculable; the examination of the quinquennial returns, and the preparation of an abstract of them; to make investigation upon an application for dissolution, and suspend at discretion such dissolution, if he deems that certain alterations and adjustment of contributions and benefits may prevent the necessity of an award of dissolution being made. These and other duties rendered it necessary that a gentleman competent to perform the duties of the office should be appointed as Actuary under the Act, either as attached to the permanent staff of the department, or as being available when his services might be required by the Registrar. The existence of a vacancy in the Registrar-General's department enabled the Government, without * In the case of a society transacting insurance business, the preparation of forms of account and of balance-sheets, in fact of all forms, requires the assistance of an actuary.



increasing the numerical strength of the staff, to appoint Mr. F. W. _ rankland to he Actuary under tho Friendly Societies Act, and clerk in the department, Mr. Franklsnd's previous special training and mathematical attainments having qualified him to perform the duties imposed on him. Section 9 (oc) of the Act provides that the Registrar shall, with the approval of the Governor, from time to time cause to be constructed and published tables for the payment of sums of money on death, in sickness, or old age, or on any other contingency forming the subject of an assurance authorized under this Act, which may appear to be calculable: Provided, nevertheless, that the adoption of such tables by any society shall be optional. The actuarial soundness of the rates of contribution is one of the fundamental conditions of the stability of a friendly society. It is, however, a condition the disregard of which may not bring about its inevitable punishment until after the lapse of a very considerable period of time. A society may start with a rate of contribution quite inadequate to secure the benefits promised, and may go on accumulating funds for a great number of years, and exhibit every outward appearance of prosperity, the deceptiveness of the result being often, in the case of New Zealand societies, aggravated by the special circumstances of the rapidly-increasing value of freehold property, and the high rate of interest obtainable; circumstances which, however, should be considered as abnormal, and which should not influence a society to adopt a scale of contributions which would not under ordinary circumstances enable it to meet all the demands which will ultimately be made on the funds. As a consequence of this, there is the most wide-spread misconception among the members of friendly societies as to what constitutes an adequate rate of contributions, and very generally also, a complete want of appreciation of the importance of the subject. Among some of the members, however, there is to be found a healthy interest in the subject of financial reform, and the representatives of one large order (the Rechabites) have manifested the greatest anxiety for the appearance of model tables having the official sanction of the Registrar of Friendly Societies. Mr. Frankland was accordingly instructed to prepare a series of tables of rates of contribution corresponding to the benefits most usually granted by the friendly societies of the colony. In view of the circumstance that the bulk ofthe settlers in New Zealand are of the same race as the inhabitants ofthe British Islands, having similar occupations, and living in a climate which, while somewhat more temperate, assimilates in character to the English climate, and as there is in the colony a comparative exemption from the evils attendant on the severity of the struggle for existence in the mother country, it was concluded that the sickness and mortality among the members of friendly societies in this colony might safely be expected to be, on an average, not in excess of that which obtains among the friendly societies in England. Of the not very numerous tables which have been compiled of sickness and mortality experienced by members of English friendly societies, the three following are undoubtedly by far the best:— (a.) Mr. Prison's English Friendly Societies' Experience, constructed from the returns of friendly societies in England and Wales for 1836—10, sent to the Registrar, embracing • the experience of 1,147,143 years of life. (b.) Mr. Patcliffe's Manchester Unity Experience of 1556-GO, embracing the experience of 1,006.272 years of life. (c.) Mr. Ratcliffe s Manchester Unity Experience of 1866-70, embracing the experience of 1,321,048 years of life, being the largest experience hitherto collected of friendly societies in the United Kingdom. It is the last of these experiences that has been selected by the Actuarial Commissioners appointed under the Imperial Friendly Societies Act of 1875, as the basis for the tables of rates of contribution which they have recommended for temporary use. It was accordingly resolved that this experience should be made the basis of the tables to be contructed in the Registrar's office. The monetary tables which Mr. Ratcliffe has calculatad on the basis of his experience of 1866-70, being computed at a rate of interest of 3 per cent., were inapplicable to the construction of premiums for societies in New Zealand, it being the unanimous opinion of actuaries that an interest-basis of 4 per cent, may with safety be adopted for the valuation of life contingencies in the Australasian Colonies. It appeared, however, from a report issued by the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in Dunedin, that a series of monetary tables, computed at 4 per cent., had been calculated on the basis of the same experience by Messrs. Gr. Leslie and P. Black, officers of the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows in that city. It was therefore deemed advisable to request these gentlemen to supply to this office the tables they had calculated, as the labour of the actuary attached to the office would thereby be very greatly abridged. This was accordingly done. The required tables were furnished, and were accompanied by a most able and lucid memorandum explanatory of the methods used. This memorandum was then submitted to the Actuary for examination, and it was found by him that all the methods except one were perfectly correct. As the single incorrect method, though but slightly affecting the arithmetical result, is one which has been adopted by so high an authority as Mr. Ratcliffe, it may be interesting to refer to it at somewhat greater length. It is the mode adopted by him of computing the preliminary tables for finding the value of a benefit during the first six months of sickness. In calculating the X column,* the average sickness per annum is discounted by him for a quarter of a year only. It ought properly to be discounted for half a year, as in the case of sickness benefits for the first twelve months' sickness and for the whole period of sickness, as the reasoning by which the rule for discounting is established is not in the least affected by the classification of sickness according to periods. It is gratifying to find that this error has been rectified, in a treatise on the Valuation of Friendly Societies, quite recently issued by Mr. Reuben Watson, one of the officers of the Unity. The clerical accuracy of the tables computed by Messrs. Leslie and Black was then tested by the independent calculation of each entry, and was found to be very great indeed. A correction was furnished of those tables which related to the first six months' sickness, and the tables are now worthy of all confidence, as a basis for the construction of such model rates as the Registrar had in * Set Supplemental^ Report, Ist July, 1872, of the 1.0.0. F. Manchester Unity) F.S., p. 82.



view. There still remain, however, certain actuarial questions of great importance to be disposed of before such rates can be recommended by this office. Foremost amongst these is the question as to what allowance, if any, is to be made in the computation of premiums for the reduction of benefits in cases of protracted sickness, which it is the practice of nearly all friendly societies in this colony to make. The peculiar difficulty of this problem arises from the circumstance that, owing no doubt partly to the relative paucity of numbers, the several sets of data which have been collected in regard to what is termed " sickness in periods " are not mutually confirmatory of each other in the same degree as the corresponding sets of data relative to sickness unclassified into periods (up to the age of 65), but disclose, on the contrary, a most remarkable divergence. As has been remarked by Mr. W. Sutton, the Actuary attached to the office of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies in England, the subject "is one of great doubt and difficulty." The best advice is being sought on this subject from members of the actuarial profession in Great Britain and in Australia, and a very careful consideration will have to be given to the opinions which may be expressed, before it will be desirable to recommend rates of contribution for the class of benefits referred to. The adoption of reliable rates of contribution is not sufficient to insure the solvency of societies, unless the benefit funds are managed in accordance with the assumptions on which the tables of contributions are constructed. The present value of the benefits, and consequently the probability of the society being enabled to meet future demands, is calculated on the assumption that all contributions, and all interest received on account of such contributions, shall be so invested, that not less than 4 per cent, interest shall be obtained annually on the total amount of the benefit funds, including accumulated interest. The adoption of this principle is ignored by many registered societies, and the practice obtains of borrowing from the benefit funds for management purposes, reducing thus the value of the security for the accumulated fund, and, as usually on\j the net amount is refunded, the rate of interest received on the residue of the funds frequently becomes a smaller percentage on the total amount of the fund than the minimum percentage reckoned upon in the actuarial computation of subscriptions. Likewise the practice obtains in some societies (notably in certain districts of the Ancient Order of Foresters) of paying medical expenses from the sick and funeral fund. No allowance in respect of such expenses is made by actuaries, as there are not, and cannot be, any data for any calculations in respect thereof. The cost of attendance varies from year to year, and in different districts, being affected by many circumstances that are not in themselves calculable. Therefore, the scale of contributions is not framed to allow the sick and funeral fund to bear any such claim. All expenses in respect of medical attendance should be borne by a special levy, or by the management fund. It is very desirable that societies should be restrained from adopting an unsound principle of management, that may, and no doubt will, if unchecked, produce ultimate evils. It is true that it is not compulsory upon societies to adopt the rates of contribution that may be recommended by the Registrar; but if they are prohibited from misapplication of funds, and if after that they choose to adopt a scale of contributions of the insufficiency of which they have been warned, they will not be able reasonably to complain if those members who are of the longest lives should find their funds fail when they are most needed, and when the opportunity of applying a remedy to the financial unsoundness of the society may be for ever gone. The Revising Baebister. Under the Friendly Societies Act of 1867 it was necessary to appoint a Revising Barrister for each province, to whom respectively the rules were sent by the societies before being forwarded to the Colonial Secretary's Office for registration. A society submitting rules to a Revising Barrister was required to pay the barrister a fee of two guineas for his certificate of the rules of a society, and one guinea for the certificate of branch rules or amendments of rules. Under the Act of 1877 one Revising Barrister is appointed for the colony, all rules being submitted to him by the Registrar before they can be registered. No fee is payable by any society in respect of the Revising Barrister's certificate. The appointment of Revising Barrister has been conferred on Mr. H. S. Fitzherbert, a solicitor and barrister of the Supreme Court. As his office is in Wellington, facilities are thus afforded for verbal communication and explanations between the Registrar and Revising Barrister, the convenience of which has been already experienced. Annual Returns. Tho year 1877 was the first in which annual returns of any considerable value were obtained from friendly societies in New Zealand, and in which statistical tables were compiled on the basis of these returns. These tables were compiled by Mr. C. Godfrey Knight, the Actuary to the Government Insurance Department, with the assistance of Mr. Frankland and of two clerks specially engaged for the work, and were laid before both Houses ofthe General Assembly. The return forms issued at the commencement of this year were similar in character to those then used, as far as branch funds are concerned, but those issued to central bodies were much modified, the return form issued last year having been found to be unsuited to such bodies. Annual returns have, up to the present date, been received from the following societies :— * No. of Registered No. of Societies. Returns. I. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Manchester Unity ... G8 61 11. Independent Order of Odd Fellows ... ... ... 2 2 111. Ancient Order of Foresters ... ... ... ... 38 27 IV. Ancient Order of Shepherds ... ... ... 1 1 V. Independent Order of Rechabites ... ... ... 3 3 VI. Sons and Daughters of Temperance ... ... ... 3 1 VII. Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society ... 6 4 VIII. Miscellaneous Societies ... ... ... ... 5 4 126 103 * In a considerable proportion of cases letters have been received from the secretaries of the defaulting societies intimating that the returns were in course of preparation.



An annual return in the prescribed form has been received from one unregistered society —viz., the Wellington branch of the Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. The return was accompanied by an auditor's report, in accordance with section 13 (Id) of the Act, in the case of eleven societies, and by a printed balance-sheet in the case also of eleven societies. There has been a marked improvement in the quality of the returns this year, attributable, no doubt, in the main to the severe cross-examination to which all returns were subjected last year by Mr. Knight, and to the copious explanations which were tendered by him. Still, even now, a considerable proportion have been so imperfectly made out, and have presented such irreconcilable discrepancies, as to entail a very large amount of correspondence. This correspondence is not yet at an end, for, although all arrears ia this respect have been cleared off by the department, the replies have not all been received from the secretaries of societies, and, moreover, on receipt of the overdue returns further time will be required for their examination, and for the correspondence involved by the necessity of inquiring into any errors and discrepancies that may be discovered. The further time required for the subsequent compilation of statistical tables on the basis of the returns, even if additional assistance be afforded, will probably render it impossible to lay before Parliament the statistical tables iv question during the present session, unless the duration thereof be considerably extended. Quinquennial Returns of Sickness and Mortality. The forms for quinquennial returns for the period of 1873-77 were issued at the same time as those for annual returns —viz., in March of this year—and up to the present date the following returns have been received :— * No. of Registered No. of Societies. Returns. I. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Manchester Unity ... 55 41 11. Independent Order of Odd Fellows ... ... ... 1 0 111. Ancient Order of Foresters ... ... ... ... 30 18 IV. Ancient Order of Shepherds... ... ... ... 1 1 V. Independent Order of Rechabites ... ... ... 3 3 VI. Sons and Daughters of Temperance ... ... ... 3 1 VII. Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society ... 6 2 VIII. Miscellaneous Societies ... ... ... ... 5 3 104 69 The number of registered societies appearing in this table is smaller than that appearing in the corresponding table for annual returns, because the quinquennial return is not usually applicable to the central bodies of societies. It is only so applicable in cases where the central bodies include what are termed " district members"— i.e., members who are thrown upon the district or central body by the breaking up of a lodge, court, &c. Although forms for the quinquennial return have been sent to all central bodies which are registered societies under the Act, the reply has been, in all cases save one, that there are no district members. The one exception is the New Zealand Central District of the Independent Order of Rechabites, and in this case there was only a single district member. The form of return has been based on the principle of individual entries, and not on the principle of grouping the members according to the year of birth. It is appended as Schedule I. hereto. The experience of the Chief Registrar in England has fully justified this course, the returns rendered to him on the grouping principle having been, in the majority of cases, prima facie inaccurate. It is obvious, moreover, that returns rendered on this principle aflbrd no information as to the occupation of members, and are generally useless for tho purposes of any tables, the necessity for which was unforeseen at the time when the forms were issued, but the desirability of which may afterwards have become apparent. There has not been time as yet for a detailed examination of the quinquennial returns; but in some cases it was apparent on simple inspection that particulars had only been entered respecting those members who had died or received sick pay during the quinquennium, and in these cases of course the returns were sent back with the request that they might be supplemented. In a few instances it has been impossible for the secretary of a society to furnish a complete quinquennial return, owing to the imperfect manner in which the books of the society have been kept during a portion or the whole of the quinquennium. To counteract this negligence it might be considered desirable to make provision for the societies furnishing to the Registrar in each year the returns of sickness and mortality which he would compile quinquennially. Public Valuers. By section 13 (If) of " The Friendly Societies Act, 1877," a valuation ouce at least in every five years of the assets and liabilities, including estimated risks and contributions, is rendered obligatory on all registered friendly societies, unless dispensed with by the Registrar, with the approval of the Governor, as being inapplicable to the purposes or the operations of the society (section 13, subsection 6, proviso). To facilitate the performance of the duties imposed on societies in respect of valuation, it is provided that the Governor may appoint Valuers, and may determine the rates of remuneration to be paid by societies for their services, but their employment is not compulsory on any society (section 36). In fulfilment of this provision, the Governor has appointed Messrs. George Leslie and Peter Black, of Dunedin, already referred to in connection with the preparation of model tables, to be Public Valuers under the Friendly Societies Act. These gentlemen have been highly recommended to the Government for their actuarial ability, which indeed is evidenced by the tables supplied by them to this office, while their long practical experience of the working of friendly societies is a most important additional qualification for the task they are prepared to undertake. * In tbis case, as in that of the annual returns, intimation has been received that several of the defaulters are now engaged in complying witb tbe requirements ofthe Act.



These appointments of Public Valuers have only been made to tbe 30th June, as it is considered expedient that all such appointments should terminate on that date, full discretion being reserved by the Governor of reappointing any one or more of them for another year. The appointments are made subject to compliance by Public Valuers with instructions issued from this office, and ofthe acceptance by them of all valuations tendered them at a rate not exceeding the rate to be fixed by the Governor. These instructions are contained in Schedule VI. hereto. In connection with this subject attention is called to regulations 55 and 05. By the former, provision is made for the valuation of a society with branches, which is to include all funds under the control of the central body of the society, whilst a registered branch, in respect of the valuation of any fund or funds administered by itself or by a committee or officers appointed by itself, is placed on the same footing as a separate society, Regulation 55, which it must be observed applies to all valuations, whether by Public Valuers or others, provides that no valuation is to be deemed a valuation under the Act where one Valuer has audited tbe accounts of the society or branch for the year next preceding the valuation, the object being to insure at least one year's independent audit before a valuation. Although the employment of a Public Valuer is not made compulsory on societies, and although they are permitted by the Act to appoint their own valuers, yet such appointment is made conditional on the approval of the Governor, this provision being inserted in view of the supreme importance to the safety of societies of having the valuations conducted by thoroughly competent men. In illustration ofthe high responsibility involved in the duties of a valuer, the Chief Eegistrar in England has remarked as follows : — " It will be seen, on reference to the valuations, that there is something more required of a competent valuer than mere computing by the aid of tables. The special features of the society must be carefully considered from various points of view before the principles and data to be used in the valuation can be properly determined upon. Among the many points to be regarded are the following: — " (1.) The nature of the society's investments, and the rate of interest they yield. " (2.) The nature of the society's sickness and mortality experience. " (3.) The financial effect of reducing the sick pay in cases of prolonged sickness. " (i.) The financial effect of sickness allowance throughout life. " (5.) The number of members iv the society—that is, whether the number is large enough to justify the expectation of average results. " Again, when the principles and data to be used have been carefully chosen, and the results of the valuation ascertained, fhere arise other important questions as to which the valuer ought to be able to give the society information, advice, and assistance. Tho valuer should be competent, for instance, —■ " (L.) To give a satisfactory explanation of the cause of the surplus or deficiency shown by the valuation. " (2.) To advise as to how such surplus or deficiency should be dealt with. " (3.) To fix the principles on which such surplus should be divided, or such deficiency made good." In view of these circumstances, it is greatly to be desired that care shall be exercised in the selection of officers who are to be intrusted with this most important duty. No action has as yet been taken relative to the appointment of Public Auditors, or the determination of the rates of remuneration to be paid to them. "Wm. E. E. Brown, Registrar-General's Office, Eegistrar of Friendly Societies. Wellington, 15th August, 1878.




SCHEDULE I. Friendly Societies. (Pursuant to " The Friendly Societies Act, 1877.") Abstract of the Society's experience of health, sick- [ Remarks: ness and mortality for the five years ending 31st day of ' (Signature.) December, 1877. Society established in tbe year , \ (Address by post.) and situated at . (Full particulars respecting any :1. When any particular case of sickness may have cornperson who has been a member during any portion of the ; menced in one year, and continued to the following year, care year are to be entered, whether he have received aliment must bo taken to ascribe the proper quantity of sickness to each during the year or not.) year. Members — 2. In filling up the columns of sickness, Sundays are meant to Name : be included. If it should bo more convenient to exclude them, If married, and wife registered, M to be inserted in this state you have done so. column : 3. If the member's correct date of birth, aud also his age at Occupation or trade : admission into the society, bo known, it will be entered as such ; Country and date of birth : if not, his present age, his age at death or expulsion, as the Date of admission into the society : case may be, must be guessed at or approximated to by the Age at time of admission : person who fills up the Schedule, and also by any other person Date of becoming a free member : who may know t lie member in question, and inserted in the The whole number of days during each year for which the column headed " Remarks." Tbe age on the succeeding birthmember has received aliment in sickness (sick pay) : day should be taken, if not otherwise expressed. Death — 4. The column of deaths, as well as tbe column of members Date of: who have been expelled or who have left the society, must bo Age at: filled up with equal care. Cause of, as stated in medical certificate : 5. If it should happen that the information given respecting Period sick before death (weeks and days) : any particular member stands in need of any explanation, such Date at which the member ceased to belong to the society, is to be given in the column headed " Remarks." whether from arrears of contribution, from expulsion, or 6. It is also to be kept in view that when a member's death is from any other cause except death, stating the cause : recorded, it sliould be stated, in the column headed " Cause of Number of attacks of illness : Death according to the Medical Certificate," for what period he Present age: was ill in the attack of sickness immediately preceding his Deaths of registered wives— death. Date of:

SCHEDULE 11. Foeji of Registeb of Fkiexdey Societies. Register No. j Record Nos. of applications for registry of amendments : Date of registry : Date of registry of special resolutions: Record No. of application for registry : Record Nos. of notifications of special resolutions : Name of society : Date of cancelment of registry : Class of society : Cancelment overruled—Date : Record No. Registered office : Date of cessation : Record Nos. of list of branches : Mode of cessation : Date of registry of amendments of rules : Remarks :


List os Societies Kegistebed undeb the Friendly Societies Acts, 1856 and 1867. I.—Independent Oedee op Odd Fellows, Manchestee j Nelson District ... ... ... Nelson. Unity. District Widow and Orphan Fund ... „ Auckland District ... ... ... Auckland. Loyal Howard Lodge ... ... ... „ Loyal Fountain of Friendship Lodge ... ,, „ Nelson Lodge ... ... ... „ ,, G-ood Intent Lodge ... ... „ „ Travellers' Kest Lodge ... ... Eichmond. SndSdge Z '.'.'. '.'.'. AferSndM. Marlborougii district Blenheim. „ Duke of Cambridge Lodge Cambridge. Loyal Marlborougli Lodge „ „ Charles Bruce Lodge Grahamstown. " Lodge Re.nvick. „ Waikato Lodge ... ... ... Shortland. Noeth Canterbury Disteict ... ... Christchurcli. New Plymouth District ... ... New Plymouth. Loyal Benevolent Lodge ... ... ... „ Loyal Egmont Lodge ... ... ... „ » Cily of Christchurcli Lodge... ... „ „ Kaiapoi Lodge ... ... ... Kaiapoi. Wellington District ... ... ...Wellington. u Nil Desperandum Lodge ... ...Oxford. Widow and Orphan Society ... ... „ n Bangiora Lodge ... ... ... Eangiora. Loyal Antipodean Lodge... ... ... „ j; Perseverance Lodge ... ... Woolston. „ Britannia Lodge ... ... ... „ „ Eose of the Valley Lodge ... ... Lower Hutt. Lyttelton District ... ... ... Lyttelton. , , „ . _ . „, , Loyal City of Norwich Lodge ... ... „ Loyal Marton Lodge Marton. Good Intent Lodge Akaroa. Loyal Wanganui Lodge ... ... ... Wanganuj. „ Arowhenua Lodge... ... ... Temuka.



North Westland District .... ...Westport. Court Waireka ... ... ... ... New Ply mouthLoyal Charleston Lodge ... ... ... Charleston. „ Patea ... ... ... ... Patea. „ Westport Lodge ... ... ... Westport. „ Sherwood Forest ... ... ... Stoke. _ _ .. , ..., „ Pride of the Forest ... ... Wakapuaka. Hokitika District ... ... ... Hokitika. r Loyal Hokitika Lodge ... ... ... „ United Canterbury District ... ... Christchurch. „ Goldsborough Lodge ... ... Goldsborough. District Widow and Orphan Fund... ... „ „ Albert Lodge ... ... ... Greenstone. Court Star of Canterbury ... ... „ „ Greymouth Lodge... ... ... Greymouth. ~ Queen of the Isles ... ... ... Lyttelton. " __-__! . dg<! "' '" Rms*"' Timaru District Widow and Orphan Fund ... Timaru. " W°a_e_ Lodge '.'.'. '.'.'. '.'.'. Stafford. Court Waimea Stafford. United Otago District ... ... Dunedin. Otago District ... ... ... Dunedin. Court Enterprise Loyal Albion Lodge ... ... ... „ „ Pride of Blueskin ... ... ... " „ Dunedin Lodge ... ... ... „ .. Pride of Dunedin ... ... ... „ „ Hand and Heart Lodge ... ... „ v Pride of Leith „ Arrow Lodge ... ... ... Arrowton. . Robin Hood ... ... ... „ „ Dalton Lodge ... ... ... Balciutha. n Star of the Dunstan ... ...Clyde. „ Cromwell Lodge ... ... ...Cromwell. M Royal Oak of Kawarau ... ...Cromwell. „ Band of Friendship Lodge ... ... Kakanui. Havelock... Havelock. „ Tuapeka Pioneer Lodge ... ...Lawrence. fj Star of Tuapeka ... ... ... Lawrence. „ Naseby Lodge ... ... ... Naseby. n Pride of Oamaru ... ... ... Oamaru. „ Oamaru Lodge ... ... ... Oamaru. „ Prince of Wales Lodge Port Chalmers. Court Coromandel Coromandel. „ Alexandra Lodge ... ... ... Port Molyneux. Court Southern Cross ... ... ... Timaru. ~ Lake Wakatipu Lodge ... ... Queenstown. IV. Ancient Order oe Shepherds. „ Roxburgh Lodge .... ... ...Roxburgh. Sanctuary Sir George Grey ... ... Wellington. „ Mount Wendon Lodge ... ... Switzer's. Blue Spur Lodge Tuapeka. »• Independent Order oe Rechabites, Salford Unity. „ Waipori Lodge ... ... ... Waipori. Star of Hauraki Tent ... ... ... Short land. „ Waitahuna Lodge... ... ... Waitahuna. Star of Hope Tent ... ... ... Hokitika. New Zealand Central District ... Wellington. Invercargill District ... ... Invercargill. „. 0 _ _ Loyal Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge ... „ v VI. Sons and Daughters of Temperance St George Lodge Perseverance Division ... ... ... Christchurch. " Sons of Perseverance Lodge" '.:". Riverton. Hand-in-hand Division Waimate. ° Antidote Division ... ... ... Dunedin. II. —Independent Order of Odd Fellows. VII. Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. Grand Lodge of New Zealand ... Dunedin. Charleston Branch ... ... ... Charleston. Loyal Leith Lodge ... ... ... „ St. Joseph's Branch ... ... ... Dunedin. Grahamstown Branch ... ... ... Grahamstown. 111. Ancient Order of Foresters. Greenstone Branch ... ... ...Greenstone. Auckland District ... ... ... Auckland. Hokitika Branch ... ... ... Hokitika. Court City of Auckland ... ... ... „ Waimea Branch ... ... ...Stafford. Court Pride of Parnell ... ... ...Grahamstown. VIII. Miscellaneous Societies. Wellington District .. Wellington. Central Volunteer Fire Brigade ... ...Wellington. District Widow and Orphan Fund ... „ Kaeo and Wangaroa Friendly Society ...Kaeo. Court Sir George Grey ... ... ... „ Lumper's Accident Relief Association ...Auckland. „ Blenheim ... ... ...Blenheim. New Plymouth Friendly Society ... ... New Plymouth. „ Wairarapa ... ... ... Greytown. Primitive Methodist Mutual Aid Society, „ Little John ... ... ... Marton. No. 1, of New Zealand... ~. ...Dunedin. „ Loyal Enterprise ... ... ... Masterton. Auckland Educational Society ... ... Auckland. Nelson District ... ... ... Nelson. Wellington Co-operative Society (Limited) ... Wellington. Court Robin Hood ... ... ... „ Otago Provident Society ... ... ... Dunedin. „ Concord ... ... ... ... Greymouth. Lyttelton Industrial Co-operativo Society „ Unity ... ... ... ... Havelock. (Limited) ... ... ... ... Lyttelton. „ Perseverance ... ... ... Motueka. Waipu Union Provident Society (Limited) ... Waipu. SCHEDULE IV. Eebijlations made by the Govebnob, in Teems of "The Fbiendly Societies Act, 1877," Section 39. Application to Register Societies or Amendments of Form No. 3 annexed hereto, aud by a printed copy ol' Rules. the existing rules marked to show where the altera1. Every application to register a society under tions occur and what they are, and by the following "The Friendly Societies Act, 1877 " (in these regu- documents:— lations termed "the Act"), shall be in Form No. 1 („.) If the amendment consists of the addition subjoined to these regulations, and shall be sent to 0 r substitution of a new rule or rules, two copies the'Eegistrar of Friendly Societies for the Colony of 0 f such new rule or rules, each copy being New Zealand (hereinafter termed " the Eegistrar "). marked 0, and signed by three members and the 2. An amendment of the rules of a society may secretary: consist either — (Jl-) If the amendment consists of the re(a.) In the addition of a new rule or rules, or scission of any of the rules without any subpart of a rule or rules, to the existing rules; stitution, two copies of the resolution for such or rescission, each copy being marked O, and signed (b.) In the substitution of a new rule or rules, by three members and the secretary, or part of a rule or rules, for any of the existing . rules or any part thereof ; or— Cancelling and Suspension of Registry. (c.) In a rescission of any of the existing rules 4. Every request to cancel registry shall be sent to or any part thereof without any substitution; the Eegistrar in Form No. 4 annexed hereto, and shall or name some newspaper circulating in the city, town, or (d.) In more than one or all of these modes, place in which the registered office of the society is 3. An application to register an amendment of situated wherein it is desired that tho cancellation of rules must be made by the secretary of the society in registry shall be published, and shall be accompanied Form jNo. 2 annexed hereto, and must be sent to the by the sum requisite to defray the expenses of such Eegistrar accompanied by a statutory declaration in publication, and by such further sum as may be 2—H. 14.



required for publication of such cancellation in the i officers of such society or branch, or by persons Gazette. appointed wholly or partly by them. 5. Where application is made to cancel registry 18. The rules of every such society or branch under the compulsory powers of the Eegistrar, the shall contain provisions for the following matters in Eegistrar may require such application to be made addition to those required in the case of societies by in duplicate, in such form and to be supported by Schedule 11. ofthe Act and Form No. 1 to these resuch statutory declaration as he may direct, and gulations, and in the case of branches by Begulashall transmit one copy of such application to the tion 50. Governor for his approval. 1. Whether or not parents and guardians of 6. Notice before cancelling or suspension of members shall be entitled to be present and registry shall be in Form No. 5 annexed hereto. vote at meetings of the society, and to perform 7. The cancelling of registry shall be in Form acts of membership on behalf of their children. No. 6 annexed hereto. 2. The giving of security by the treasurer. 8. The suspension or renewal of suspension of 3. The investment of the i'uuds in a savings registry shall be in Form No. 7 annexed hereto. bank, or in Government or real securities, but 9. The advertisement of cancelling or suspension not otherwise. shall be in Form No. 8 annexed hereto. 4. The acceptance of a member into a regisTt ' t d D-fV tered society or brauch, or the payment to him ..','., . . c of a share of the accumulated funds, if any, on 10. Every notice ot a change in the situation of his attain j ng the age of sixteen years. tho registered office ot a society shall be sent to the The formg annexed to Regulations Ito G3 may be Eegistrar within fourteen days after every such modified by authority of the Registrar, to suit their change, m Eorm No. 9 annexed hereto. Notice of the app ii ca tion"to juvenile societies or branches, situation of the registered office oi a society on iirst registry shall be deemed to be given by the rule pro- Disputes. viding for the place of office. The place of business 19. The reference of a dispute to the Eegistrar of a society enrolled or certified before the Ist s h a lL be written on foolscap paper, in duplicate, in January, 1878, as stated in the rules thereof, or in j* orm _\ O . 14 annexed hereto. any notice of change duly sent to the Eegistrar, 20. The Eegistrar, upon receipt of the reference, shall be deemed to be the registered office of the s l_ a ll transmit one copy of it to the Governor for his society until notice of change, duly sent as herein CO nsent. provided, is received by the Eegistrar. 21. Every notice of hearing by the Eegistrar, and „ every requisition for the attendance of parties and rustees. witnesses, and the production of books and docu--11. All resolutions appointing trustees shall be mentS) B hall be in Form No. 15 annexed hereto, sent to the Eegistrar within fourteen days after the 2 2. Where it is necessary to enforce the attenddate of the meeting whereat any such resolution was allce 0 f a particular witness, or the production of a passed, in Form No. 10 annexed hereto. particular document, notice shall be in Form No. 10 „ . . annexed hereto. . 23. If an order for discovery is necessary, it shall 12. Every registered society (except as 111 the Act be m Form No 17 aimeX ed hereto. is provided) shall keep a record or register of all 2 4. The determination and order of the Eegistrar nominations made by the members, and ot all revoca- shall be in Form No. 18 annexed hereto, or as near tions and variations of the same. thereto as the circumstances of the case may in his Transfer of Funds or Money. judgment allow. 13. Every application to the Eegistrar to direct a Inspectors and Special Meetings. transfer of funds, debentures, securities, or moneys 25. An application for appointment of inspectors shall follow as near as may be the Form No. 11 or for calling a special meeting shall be sent to tho annexed hereto, and shall be accompanied by a Registrar, written on foolscap paper, in duplicate, in statutory declaration in Form No. 12 annexed hereto, Form No. 19 annexed hereto, and shall be accomor as near thereto as the facts admit, and by the panied by a statutory declaration, in Form No. 20 certificate of the funds or debentures, or by the annexed hereto, by three at least of the applicants, securities in respect of which the application is made. 26. The Eegistrar may, immediately upon receipt 14. Before making the application the society of the application, transmit one copy to the Governor shall submit to the Eegistrar for examination a draft for his consent, or may, before such transmission, copy on foolscap paper, written on one side only, of give notice of the application to the society, and the proposed application and declaration. send to the Governor any answer the society may 15. The Eegistrar, before directing the transfer, make. may require such further proof of any statement in 27. The appointment of inspectors shall be in the application as may seem to him to be necessary. Form No. 21 annexed hereto, or as near thereto as 16. The Eegistrar shall give his direction in Form circumstances may allow. No. 13 annexed hereto, so framed in each case as to 28. The notice of special meeting shall be in Form suit the particular circumstances. No. 22 annexed hereto. _~„.,. 29. The chairman of the special meeting shall Juvenile Societies. report to the Eegistrar as he may direct. 17. Societies and branches consisting wholly of members between three and sixteen years of age Special Resolutions. may be registered, provided they are — 30. Every application for approval of change of (a.) In connection with some institution or name must be made in duplicate in Form No. 23 anschool, and managed by the managers or teachers nexed hereto, and must be sent to the Eegistrar acthereof, or by a committee appointed wholly or companied by a statutory declaration in Form No. 24 partly by such managers or teachers : annexed hereto. If approved of, the word " ap(b.) In connection with some society regis- proved" shall be written at the foot or end of each tered under the Act, or a branch of any such such copy, and the same shall be signed by the society, aud managed by the committee or Eegistrar.



31. Every application to register a special resolu- the society is situated, wherein it is desired that tion for the amalgamation of societies must be made notice of the award shall be published, and with it by each of the societies in duplicate in Form No. 25 shall be sent the sum requisite to defray the expenses annexed hereto, and must be sent to the Eegis- of such publication, and the further sum requisite for trar accompanied by statutory declarations from the like publication in the Gazette. officers of each society in Form No. 24-. No acknow- 44. The notice of investigation shall be in Form ledgmeut of registry shall be given to cither society ' No. 38 hereto annexed, and the award in Form until special resolutions in the like terms have been i No. 39. submitted for registry by the other or others. 45. The award of the Eegistrar for distribution of 32. Every application to register a special resolu- funds shall be in Form No. 40 hereto annexed. tion for the transfer of the engagements of a society 46. The notice of dissolution by award shall be in to another must be in duplicate in Form No. 26 Form No. 41 hereto annexed. annexed hereto, and must be sent to the Eegistrar 47. Notice shall be sent to the Eegistrar of any accompanied by statutory declarations iv Forms No. proceeding to set aside the dissolution of a society 21 and No. 27. or branch, not less than seven days before it is com--33. Every application to register a special resolu- meuced, by the person takiug such proceeding, iv the tion for converting a society into a company must be Form No. 42 ; and of any order setting a dissolution in duplicate in Form No. 28 annexed hereto, aud must aside, by the society or branch, within seven days be sent to the Eegistrar accompanied by a statutory after such order is made, in the Form No. 43. declaration in Form No. 24. „ . ~ ... _ . 34. An application for registry of a special resolu- Societies tcith Branches. tion for amalgamation with a company, or for transfer 48- No branch of a society can be registered under of engagements to a company, shall be in duplicate tnls Act wlllch ls already registered as a separate in Form No. 25 or No. 26, as the case may be, with society, nor is any such branch to be included m any the necessary modifications to suit the facts, and shall llst of branches under section 30, unless and until be accompanied by statutory declarations in Forms lts separate registry has been cancelled. No. 24 and No. 29. When the cancellation of the registry of any 35. A special resolution shall be registered by branch as a separate society is desired, with a view writing at the foot or end of each copy of the same to lts registration as a branch, the application must the word "registered," and by affixing to the same be made as required by Eegulation 37. the seal or stamp of the Eegistrar. 50- In registering branch rules the Eegistrar shall 36. Where the special resolution is for conversion see into, amalgamation with, or transfer of all the en- l- That tlie objects of the branch are not gagements of a society to a company, the following °tlier tl,an those. or one or more of those, of the words shall be added : " The registry of the Society . Society is hereby cancelled [or directed to be can- 2- That provision is made for the control of celled"!. central body of the society over the branch: Eegistrar. That there is a separate fund administered by the branch, or by a committee or officers Conversion of Registered Societies into Branches. appointed by the branch : „_ _, .. ~ . . . 4. The matters specified in Schedule 11. to the 37 -Every application to register a society as a Actj c tas to annual and quinquennial branch shall be made in the Jborm No. 30 hereto returns to the Registrar, are provided for, so far annexed, and shall be accompanied by a statutory de- as t he same are applicable to the branch in claration in lorm No. 31 hereto annexed, made and respect of any separate fund or funds, signed by the chairman of the meeting at which the 51 Branc]l rules produced with the application for resolution for conversion was passed, and by the re gi st ry of a society with branches must be si _ed secretary of the society. b three mem bers and the secretary of the same. 38. The notice of cancellation of the registry of 52 . A n application to register an amendment of the society, and of its registration as a branch, shall brauc h ru les may bo made by an officer of the be in Form No. 32 hereto annexed. societ _ ( in which cage the sta t u tory declaration in Dissolution support thereof must be made by the secretary of the branch in Form No. 46 annexed hereto ; or by the 39. The instrument of dissolution shall be in Form secretary of the branch, in which case the statutory No. 33 hereto annexed, and shall be signed in dupli- declaration must be made by an officer of the society cate and accompanied by a statutory declaration in in Form No. 45. Form No. 34 hereto annexed, and by a statement 53. Notice of any change in the place where a naming some newspaper circulating in the city, town, branch is established, and of any appointment of a or place in which the registered office of the society new trustee of a branch, or officer to sue and be is situated, wherein it is desired that notice of the sued on behalf of the same, shall be sent by the dissolution shall be published, and by the sum society to tho Eegistrar within three months after requisite to defray the expenses of such publication, such change of place or appointment, in Forms No. 47 and by the further sum requisite for the like publi- and No. 48 annexed hereto respectively, cation in the Gazette. 54. Notice of the establishment of a new branch 40. The Eegistrar shall return one of tho dupli- under section 30 (3) of the Act shall be in Form cates to the society with an acknowledgment of No. 44 annexed hereto. registry in Form No. 35 hereto annexed. 55. The annual and quinquennial returns of a 41. Alterations in the instrument of dissolution society with branches shall include all branches of shall be signed, declared to, and registered in like the society registered under the Act. manner. The valuation of a society with branches shall in--42. The advertisement of dissolution by instrument elude all funds under the control of the central body shall be in Form No. 36 hereto annexed. of such society. 43. Every application for dissolution by award of A registered branch shall, in respect of the valuathe Registrar shall be iv Form No. 37 hereto annexed, tion of any fund or funds administered by itself, or and shall name some newspaper circulating in the by a committee or officers appointed by itself, be city, town, or place in which the registered office of subject to the same obligations, and such branch,



its officers or committee, shall be liable to the same Societies " around or above, and the words "New penalties as if it were a registered society. Zealand " below. 59. The seal ofthe Eegistry Office shall be deemed Application of the Act to Industrial Assurance Com- a sufficient signature of the Eegistrar of Friendly pontes, and to Unregistered Friendly Societies. Societies, or of the Eevising Barrister appointed to 56. For the purposes of the Act, so far as its provi- certify the rules of Friendly Societies, for the pursions apply to industrial assurance companies or poses of section 9, sub-section (4) of the Act. to unregistered friendly societies, the memorandum and articles of association of any industrial assur- Modification of Forms. ance company registered under the Companies Acts, 60. The forms hereto annexed may be modified to or the instrument constituting any company not so suit particular cases, by authority of the Eegistrar. registered, and the rules, laws, or regulations of any . . unregistered friendly society, shall be deemed to be Limited Special Authorities. the rules of such company or society respectively ; 61. Where a limited application of tho provisions the registered office under the Companies Acts, or the of the Act is authorized for any purpose by the principal place of business of such company or society Governor, such limitation shall be stated, whether by respectively, shall bo deemed to be the registered way of enumeration or exception, in the rules of office of the same under the Act; and the directors every society registered for such purpose, of any company shall be deemed to be included 62. The forms annexed to Regulations Ito 54 may in the expression "the committee or managers" be modified, by authority of the Eegistrar, to suit any thereof. limited application of the provisions of the Act by Eees. special authority of the Governor. 57. The following fees shall be payable for matters G, 3" ?, acknowledgment of registry of a specially to be transacted, aud the inspection of documents authorized society, where the app.cation of the prounder this Act- visions ot the Act is limited, shall be in lorm No. 49 £ s ,t hereto annexed. For the acknowledgment of registry of a specially 64. A society may be registered for any of the authorized society ... ... ... 1 0 0 purposes specified in tho Act, conjoint!v with any For the acknowledgment of registry of every amend- specially authorized purpose. If the special authoritY ment of the rules of the same ... 010 0 ; l; {t d rf ; t fa v { - f For the registry of a special resolution by any society . . , ■* i-i , . , " . . (to include in the case of a change of name, the ai . ot lts purposes, be entitled to any ot the priviapprovnl of the same) ... ... ... 010 0 leges or exemptions of the Act beyond such as are For a direction to transfer funds or money ... 1 0 0 contained iv the provisions specified in the special For every appointment of inspectors, or calling of a authority, but shall, notwithstanding anything in F^^dSs^^of^C^on'adi.^ X ° ° -such special authority contained bo'subject, in reor for his award for dissolution or distribution sP ect ot any purposes other than those specially of funds ... ... ... ... 1 0 0 authorized, to the same duties and obligations as if And if more than one hearing or adjournment be- it were not a specially authorized society. come necessary, then £1 more for every hearing 65 . jf 0 valuation of the assets and liabilities of a after the first, and for every adiournment. „___,_«_. „_ v... _v u„ j i j. i i _.- For any order of the Eegistrar dispensing with con- soc e.y or branch shall be deemed to be a valuation scuts and conditions for amalgamation or transfer under the Act, where the person by whom the same of engagements ... ... ... ... 10 0 is made, has audited the accounts of the society or Fer every document (except as after mentioned) re- branch for the year next preceding the date at which quired to be signed by the Eegistrar, or to bear t j, e soc i e ty or branch is Valued. the seal of the Eep-istry Omce, not chargeable »,. -ii. i! • j. «. . -i • _. _ -, With any other feet, the Eegistrar ... 02 6 60 Where a society or branch desires that its For every inspection on the same day of documents assets and liabilties shall be valued and reported on (whether one or more) in the custody of the by an Actuary to be named by the Registrar, the Eegistrar relating to one and the same Bociety... 0 10 return of benefits and contributions, funds and For every copy or extract of any document in the effects, debts and credits, which the society or branch custody of the Registrar, not exceeding 216 words, is required to make in form prescribed by the Is.; and if exceeding that number, 4d. per folio of Eegistrar, shall be accompanied with a fee on the 72 words (in addition to the fee, if any, for the sig- following scale, viz.,— nature of the Registrar, or seal of the Eegistry If the number 0 f mem b e rs does not exceed Office). 150 £iq No fee is payable for the registry or recording of— If over 150 bu " t not exceedin ~ 25 0 "' 15 The cancelling or suspension ot registry of a 250 350 20 society: ;; 350 n " 600 '" 25 Any notice ot change ot office, or ot the appoint- 50Q 7qo 40 ment of trustees: " 700 " " I>ooo 55 Any notice of the establishment of a branch, or w -,i . r ,- i "_ n - c " '. ,_ the rules of the same, or any amendment an additional £26 for every■ 500 members or thereof portion thereof beyond 1,000. Where the number Any instrument of dissolution, or any amend- f 2,500 a special fee shall be ment therein • - ye E°glstrar tor the valuation. Any document or copy of document supplied to ,67" If *he causes the assets and liabilities a public department. f *socfj or b™c\ to, be ™^ and reP°*ed ™ Any document in respect of which a fee is fy the Actuary attached to the Eegistry Office, the already chargeable under or by virtue of the ,cc tobe . ref lved for tbe*ame f l,all b° P ald »lto &° Act or of any other statute. consolidated revenue of he colony j but if he shall rm._f_.__ i j- ■_ j-i. £ £ cause the same to be valued by any other Actuary The Registrar may also dispense with the fee tor ~ ~ ~ , ,. __ _ ■> J " ,, _ __ _ . • v i. tlirt-e-lourths only ot the tee, as nor Regulation 66 inspection ot documents m cases where he may con- , m ■ i i ■ __ . . *u*B- lV*. "v uo* ~'■__ ,i vi*. • i j shall be paid to such Actuary, and the remaining ouesider it tor the public interest to do so. t ~■ \ ._ ~, , ,-' . , " » uuc 1 fourth into the consolidated revenue of the colony. Seal of Registry Office. Applications for Dispensing with Consents to 58. The seal of the Eegistry Office shall bear the Amalgamation, Sfc. Royal Arms, with the words " Eegistrar of Friendly 68. Notice of an application that any of the



consents and conditions prescribed for an amalgams- assured thereby, and the fines and forfeitures to be imposed on tion or transfer of engagements maybe dispensed with, a . member, are provided for in Eule No. [State mmnber]. „i 11 i j .• j• .1 r< j, i. i i ii 4- lhe mode of holding meetings and right of voting, and tho shall be advertised m the Gazette at least one month „ ~ ~_3 „• _■ .. .„„ ~,.„ ;_,_,. ... ~ . , ~ —. . , . ~ , maimer of making, altering, or rescinding rules, are provided before application is made to the Eegistrar in that for - m Rlue No . r_ dlale „„„,„_.]. behalf. Such notice shall be in Form No. 50 hereto 5 T | le appointment and removal of a committee of manage, annexed. ment, by the name of , of a treasurer and other officers, 69. The application that any of the consents and and ot trustees, aw provided for in Bule No. [State number]. conditions prescribed for an amalgamation or transfer 6- * The composition ofthe central body, and the conditions of engagements may be dispensed with, shall be in under v.-hit_ a branch may secede from the society, are provided Form No. 51 hereto annexed, and shall bo sent to tho toT m Rule *">■ IState number}. Registrar in duplicate, with a copy of the Gazette in ., J he »™*°T* of lhe fl,nll!* tbe **&*• of t,,c , r, , .. ' _ __i '.- iiii and the audit of the same once a year at least, are provided ior which advertisement ot the same is published. j n jj v i 0 -^ 0 _ r state number]. 70. If, after hearing the trustees or committee of s A _ mual retuvns t0 the E(l „ istra ,. of t i ie receipts, funds, management and other persons whom he considers effects, and expenditure, and number of members of the society, entitled to be heard, and to whom such notice shall are provided for in Bule No. [State number]. be sent as the Registrar directs, the Registrar thinks 9. The inspection of the books of lhe society by every person fit to entertain the application, ho shall transmit a having an interest in the funds of the society (except as in tho copy of the same to the Governor for his consent »id iot is mentioned) is provided for in Eule No. [state , _* , number]. thereto. ■_. -,',., .__ ~ , 10. The manner in which disputes between the society and 71. Where any consents or conditions prescribed of m membew> or any *j claimillg throilgh a m ;, inbel . ior an amalgamation or transfer of engagements are ov lmdel . the rules, shall be settled, is provided for in Eule No. dispensed with, Forms Nos. 25, 26, 27, 28, aud 30, [State number]. as the case may be, may be modified by authority 11. f Provision i 9 made for meeting all claims upon the of tho Eegistrar to suit the circumstances of the society existing at the time of division before any such division casp takes place, in Eule No. [Stale number]. ' 72. In registering a special resolution for amalga- ]" J The keeping separate accounts of all moneys received ~ ___.-_ -iii or paid on account of every particular iund or bencht assured mation or transfer-of engagements, as prescribed by fol .' wlli .. h ~ , eparate lMo JJ contributions payable shall have Regulation 36, Where any prescribed consents or con- been adopted, and the keeping separate account of the expenses ditions have been dispensed with, the words "and of management, and of all contributions on account thereof, confirmed by tho Registrar " shall be added after the are provided for in Eule No. [State number]. word " registered." 18. § Returns every five years to the Eegistrar, of the sick--73. If, on an application for dispensing with any ness and mortality of the society, arc provided for in Eule No. •, 'j '' .... . * °, ~ •' f State number}. prescribed consents or conditions to an amalgamation L , J. , . c l- 4 ii i • 14. A valuation once af least in every live years ot the assets or transfer of engagements, more than one hearing or ~„'_ „., • . _• *__„,;.„„,„,i _-,__ __j .. i i i- i i? i and liabilities of the society, including tho estimated risks and adjournment become necessary, the same tee shall be contributions, is provided for in Eule No. [State number]. payable in respect of the same, as in the case of a ]5 , Provision for the voluntary dissolution of the society by dispute. consent of not less than five-sixths in value of the members, and -, , . T .... of every person for the time being entitled to any benefit, from Fees on certain Investigations. the fu^ rf , he BOciet „ unless his plaim be first sali9fietl or 74 Where application is made for an investigation adequately provided for, is made in Eule No. [Stale number]. into the affairs of a society, with a view to the dis- 16. The right of one-fifth of the total number of members solution thereof, upon the "ground that the rates of [IK of 100 members if the society have 1,000 and not exceedCOlltribution fixed in the rules of such Society are »"tf°°*- or of 500 member, if ths society have more than _p ._ , .11 c. jimp • 10,000. to apply to the Eegistrar for an investigation of tho insufficient to cover the benefits assured, tho Eegis- nllU Lr. of the society, or for winding np the same, is provided trar may, if he thinks fit, at any time before making f OT ;„ r„i c _._. [state number}. his award, require the payment of such fee as he may 17. «[ j t being intended to assure to the members or some of deem reasonable, not exceeding the scale fixed by | them a certain annuity, the tables of contributions for such Regulation 66, and such fee shall be paid in manner assurance are certified by , Esquire, an actuary qualified prescribed in Regulation 67. to S' ye 9Ucll certificate under section 10 of the said Act. 18. ** The provisions of section 31 of the above-mentioned Act are contained in Eule No. [State number]. Form No. l.—Segs. 1, 18. wit]l t]us application are sent— (<«.) Two printed [or written] copies of the roles [tt toNew Zealand. gotherwith the tables of couti-ibutions for annuities, certified as aforesaid], each marked A, and signed by each of the applicants. " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." , b j A list mar ked Bof the names of the secretary, and of every trustee or other officer authorized to sue and be sued on belialf of the society. APPLICATION TO EEGISTEE A SOCIETY. (V.) tt A list marked C of every branch, and of the place Name of society ■ where the same is established, and of the trustees or officers (if any) authorized to sue and bo sued on To the Eegistrar of Friendly Societies. behalf of each branch respectively. Application to register a society under tho above-mentioned (,/.) A copy [or copies] marked D of the branch rules Act, under the name of , is made by the eight persons which are [or are notj intended to be identical, whose names are subscribed at the foot hereof. ____ 1. The soeielv is a friendly society [or cattle insurance *If the society is not one with brunches, aline should be drawn through society, or benevolent society, or working men's club, or speci- this statement. , ... ... ~ « 1 ~ , ~, , », , 1.1 *_i • . _ _~ V-1 tlf the society does not divide its funds, a line should be drawn through ally authorized society, as the case may be]. tll ; s statement. (a.) * The society is one having branches. % If tho society is not a friendly society, or a cattle insurance society, a (b.) *The society is one receiving contributions by line should be drawn through this and the remaining numbered statements, v ' ..... . " ~ . .1 1 or if it lie a specially authorized society, turough any which arc not reumeans of collectors at a greater distance than ten dmA tmStioU ~/the auiho.i.y for registering the same. miles from the registered office. § n the society is a cattle insurance society, a line should bo drawn 2. The name and plaoe of the registered office of the society *J cjft*£^^2£K e __ ltwl to be less than 1,000 or less than are provided lor in Eule No. [State number]. 10,0011 members, the bracketed words relating to both or either of such 3. The whole of the objects for which the society is to be cases should be struck out. ~,,,,. ~ .... . , . ~ , , ~ i ... ~ ~ , ~ r 1 1, v llf this is not intended, a line should be drawn through this statement, established, the purposes ior which the funds thereof shall be ** If the so( . iety ia „ ot oue t0 which section 31 applies, a line should bo applicable, the terms of admission of members, the conditions drawn through this statement, under which any member may become entitled to any benefit tt If the society does not grant annuities, these words should be struck out. . +£ A line should be drawn through C and D if the society is not one *If this is not tbe case, a line should be drawn through this statement. having branches.



(Signed) 1 Member. Form No. 4.— Keg. 4. 2 3 „ New Zealand.----4 5 „ 6 „ " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." 7 8 Secretary. Eegistered Office : EEQUEST TO CANCEL EEGISTEY. Date: day of 18 . , T _ . • , 1 Name ot society : [If the society intends to avail itself of s. 15 (2) as to the Eegister No.: holding of land, s. 15 (7) as to discharge of mortgages by To the Eegistrar of Friendly Societies, receipt indorsed, s. 1G as to loans to members, s. 17 as to accu- , „, , . . , , . _, ~. . , , ululating surplus of contributions for members' use, or s. 18 as ~ '-J! 10 above-mentioned society desires tha its registry under to sccui-ilv by officers, rules for those purposes must be made, tl,e *»<™.*y pieties Act may be cancelled on the following and it sh.uld be stated in what rules this has been done.] ground-viz. [Statereason for desiring cancelling of registry, as, for instance, that it is a branch ot the , winch has been registered as a single society, or as the case may be] ; and at a general meeting* duly held on the day of , 18 , it was resolved as follows: "That the trustees be authorized to request the Eegistrar to cancel the registry of Form No. 2,—Beg. 3. ■* 6°f ?•*•" . . .. „ f . 2. This request is made by t lie trustees accordingly. New Zealand *** '9 desired that notice of such cancelling be published in the [naming some newspaper], circulating in the city, town, or place of [naming place], in which the registered office of the "Friendly Societies Act, 1877." society is situated * 4. The sum ot , being (he cost of publishing such notice in the said newspaper, and lhe further sum of , APPLICATION TO EEGISTER AN AMENDMENT OF being the cost of publishing the same in the Gazette, are here- _ „ , with transnutted. RULES- (Signed) *l Name of society: > f Trustees. Eegister No. j To the Eegistrar of Friendly Societies. I^^ of 18 Application to register an amendment of the rules of the is made by the person being the Secretary to the said *If not at a general meeting, state in what manner the request has been society, whose name is subscribed at the foot hereof. *. .Ul'the trustees to sign. With this application are sent— (a.) A printed [or written] copy of the registered rules, marked to show where the alterations occur, and what they are : (J.) Two printed [or written] copies of the amendment,* each marked O, and signed by the applicant Form No. 5. — Beg. 6. and three members of the society: (c.) A statutory declaration of an officer of the society New Zealand. that the amendment now submitted for registry has been duly made by the society, and that, to the best of his knowledge and belief, the same is not con- " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." trary to the provisions of the above-mentioned Act in that behalf. (Signed) , Secretary. NOTICE BEFOEE CANCELLING OE SUSPENSION OF Eegistered office: EEGISTEY. Date= day of 18 . _j ame 0 f society i * This word includes a resolution rescinding a rule. itegister JNO. Notice is hereby given to the above-mentioned society that it is the intention of the Eegistrar to proceed on the* day of 18 , to cancel [or to suspend for (any term not exceeding three months)] the registry of tho society, unless cause be shown to the contrary in the meantime. Form Ao. 3. Keg. 3. Tbe ground of such proposed cancelling [or suspension] is that tho acknowledgment of registry has been obtained by fraud New Zealand. r^ or ; ssu _d in mistake, or that the society exists for an illegal purpose, or has wilfully and after notice from me violated the provisions of the above-mentioned Act, or has ceased to exist. " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." The facts should be briefly specified where practicable.] (Signed) , Eegistrar. Date : day of ,18 . DECLAEATION IN SUPPOET OF AN AMENDMENT OF EL TLES. * This will be not less than two months after the date ofthe notice. Name of society : Eegister No. I , of , an officer of the above-named society, do solemnly and sincerely declare that the amendment of the rules of the said society, a copy of which is hereto annexed, has been duly made by the society, and that, to the best of Form *~0- G.—Reg. 7. my knowledge and belief, the same is not contrary to the provisions of the Act above referred to. New" Zealand. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled " The Justices of the Peace " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." Act, 1866." "&_-?.£trS-A this 'hl _. . CELLING OF EEGISTEY. of , in the year of our Lord one Name of society: thousand eight hundred and , Eegister No. before me rp HE re gi ß try of the above-mentioned society is hereby cancelled * One of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace iv aud for the said colony. at its request [or as the case may be. The Registrar may, if he



thinks fit, add a statement, as in Form No. 5, of the ground of Form No. 10.— Reg. 11. the cancelling], (Signed) , Eegistrar. New Zealand. Date : day of ,18 . "Friendly Societies Act, 1877." NOTICE OF EESOLUTION APPOINTING TEUSTEES. Name of society : Form No. 1.-Reg. 8. Eegister No. At a meeting of the society, held the day of , New Zealand. 18 , it was resolved, by a majority of the members present and entitled to vote, That of , of , and of , [Give full name, address, " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." and description] be a trustee [or trustees] of the society. [If it is not a first appointment, add in place of , deceased, or resigned, or removed, as the case may be.] SUSPENSION OE EENEWAL OF SUSPENSION OF (Signed) , Trustee. EEGISTEY. , Trustee. Name of society : , Trustee. Eegister No. , Secretary. The Eegistry of the above-mentioned society is hereby [further*] . suspended for [any term not exceeding] three months from this Eeceived this day of , 18 , notice of the date, on the ground that [Here slate the ground of suspension, appointment of as trustees of the society, as in Form No. 5.] register No. •„»,.*'. (Signed) , Ec .strar. [Seal of the Eegistry Office, or signature Date: day of , 18 . of the Eegistrar.] * This word will be inserted only in case of renewal of suspension. _ Th _ s Par' .to J? c detached by the Begistrar when the notice is registered, * and returned to the society. Form No. 11.— Reg. 13. Form No. B.—Reg. 9. New Zealand. ADVEETISEMENT OF CANCELLING OE SUSPENSION. "Friendly Societies Act, 1877." Notice is hereby given that the Eegistrar of Friendly Societies has, pursuant to section 11 of "The Friendly Societies Act, ,—_--__,, ._,. — „ „ T —— 1877," by writing under his hand dated the ? day of JOTUaAamfIrTOH DIEECTION TO TEANSFEE 18 ! cancelled [or suspended for (State the tern,)] the ?™DS, DEBENTUEES, SECUEITIES, OE MONEY. registry of the society (Eegister No. ), held at Name of society : [Here state the ground for cancelling or suspension}. Eegister No. The society, subject to the right of appeal given by the said Application for a direction to transfer funds [debentures, Act, ceases to enjoy [during such suspension] the privileges of a securities, or moneys] is made by the four persons whose names registered society, but without prejudice to any liability in- are subscribed at the foot hereof, being the secretary and three curred by the society, which may be enforced against it as if members of the above-mentioned society. such cancelling [or suspension] had not taken place. 1. jhe society, at a meeting held' on tbe day of (Signed) , Eegistrar. . by a resolution of a majority of the members present, and entitled to vote thereat, appointed o [Mere name and describe all the trustees then appointed], to be trustees. 2. A copy of such resolution, duly signed, was sent to the Eegistrar. Form No. 9.— Reg. 10. 3. On the day of , the sum of was invested [in the purchase of] [Describe nature New ZEALAND. of funds, debentures, securities, or moneys] in the names of the said trustees, and the same is still standing in their names, as follows: [State exactly in what names the funds "Friendly Societies Act, 1877." stand]. 4. The said is absent from New Zealand [or became bankrupt, on the day of , or filed a petition NOTICE OF CHANGE OF EEGISTEEED OFFICE. (.. executed a deed) for liquidation of his affairs by assignment Name of society : or arrangement or for composition with his creditors, on the Eegister No. ' day of ,or has become a lunatic, or died on Notice is hereby given that the registered office of the above- tlle tky of, .. , •"" has u.° t eel\ heaT* ? f for mentioned society is removed from ,in the city . ~ * eaTS ' and lfc 19 not known vheiher he ls *»- °r [town, or place] of , and is now situated at , .4. ~ , _ ~ . , , , . in the the city [town, or place] of . 5. On the clay of , the society by a resolution Dated this of 18 majority ot the members present and entitled to vote at . a meeting thereof, removed the said from his office of > Trustees * trustee, and appointed [Give full name and description] in his i ' place ; and a copy of such resolution, duly signed, was sent to o , the Eegistrar. To the Eeeistrar ®' ince suc^ remoTa'> application has been made in writing ° ' to the said [removed trustee] to join in the transfer of the said . funds [debentures, securities, [or moneys into the names of the t Eeceived this day of , notice of removal of ga id [Ber* give the names of the other trustees, and of the new tho registered office of the society, Eegister No. , trustee appointed in the place of the one removed], as trustees to , in the city [town or place] of . f or the said society, but he has refused to comply [or has not [Seal of Eegistry Office, or signature complied] with such application. [This paragraph may be of Eegistrar.] omitted, or varied, as the facts require.} t ... —-. —-—: 7. This application to the Eegistrar is made pursuant to t This part "to be df-_ed by the Registrar when the notice is registered, " Tlie Friendly Societies Act, 1877," section 14, that he may and returned to the society. direct the said funds, debentures, securities, or moneys to be



transferred into the names of the said , as trustees for And that the said is absent from New Zealand the society, by [This blank should be filled by the [or as the case may be], names of the surviving or continuing trustees (if any), and if And that has been appointed trustee of the said they be willing and able to make the transfer; but if there be society in place of the sail no such trustee, or if any such trustee refuse or be unable to ("■)* I, as Registrar under tho said Act, hereby direct, purmake the transfer, then by the tvords by such officer or person suant to section 14 of the said Act, that the said [State or persons a 9 the Eegistrar shall direct; and a full statement nature and amount of funds, debentures, securities, or moneys] of the facts and of the grounds of such refusal or inability standing in the names ofthe said be transferred by tho should be made.} said into the names of the said and (Signed) , Secretary. (b.) And that there is no surviving or continuing trustee of , Member. the said society [or that the surviving and continuing trustees , Member. refuse or are unable to transfer the said funds (debentures, , Member. securities, or moneys), in pursuance of my direction]. Eegistered Office, I, as Eegistrar under the said Act, hereby direct, pursuant to Date: day of 18 . section 14 of tbe said Act, that the said sum of , so tv. „,„ -r. ; 0t ,.„-. standing in the books of [or in the control of 1 the Colonial lo the Kegistiar. Treasurer, [or the Bank of , or (Name corporation, body, person or persons in whose books the funds or moneys are standing, or in whose control they are)] be transferred by the said Colonial Treasurer [or by (designate Form No 12 Reg 13 officer, person, or persons by ie horn transfer is directed to be *' made)} into tbe names of the said (Signed) , Eegistrar. New Zealand. Address: Date : day of ,18 . " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." * The paragraphs marked (a) or (S) will be used as the case requires. DECLAEATION VERIFYING STATEMENTS IN AN ____. APPLICATION FOE DIEECTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS OE MONEY. Name of society : Form No. 14.— Reg. 19. Eegister No. I, of , do solemnly and sincerely declare that I New Zealand. am the secretary of the above-mentioned society. That and , whose names are subscribed at the . foot of the application hereto annexed, arc members of the " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." said society. That and have been duly appointed trustees _ _ of the said society. EEFEEENCE OF A DISPUTE. That on the day of , 18 , the sum of Disr ute between and [ an officer of] the was invested in [the purchase of] [Describe nature of society. funds, debentures, securities, or moneys], in the names of the Beoiater N'thcii trustees of the said society, and the declarant believes that ~ ° the said funds [debentures, <ye.] are now standing vested in the \ nE above-named parties, by consent, refer the dispute between names of the said and ,as follows [State as in them to tlle -Registrar. Form No. 11]. (Signed) , Claimant. That the said is absent from New Zealand [or as _, • Officer or Trustees. the case may be]. h... ald, . states as follows :— That on'the day of 18 , the said *■• Tlmt he ls a member [or claims through a member, or was removed from his office of trustee, and was ap- ""der the rules] of the said society, pointed in his place. 2- -"-"at 'le claims to be entitled as follows [Giveparticulars That since such removal application has been made in writing °J the claim.} to the said to join in the transfer of the said funds ,3; I''at the claim is proposed to be supported by the evidence [debentures, securities, or moneys] into the names of the said ?* a } e iollowmg witnesses, and by the production of the follow - ,as trustees for the said society, but lie has refused to mS books and documents [Give list]. comply [or has not complied] with such application. [This Signature : paragraph may be omitted or v.aried as the facts require.] Address: And 1 make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing Date : day of ,18 . the same to be true, and by virtue of an Act of the General The said as an officer (or as trustees) of the said Assembly of New Zealand intituled " The Justices of the Peace society, states [or state] as follows : Act, 1860." _^ 1, That he [or the society] disputes the claim of the said (Signed) , Secretary. on the following grounds [State grounds of dispute]. Made and subscribed at , in the 2. That his case [or the case of the society] is proposed to Colony of New Zealand, this day be supported by the evidence of the following witnesses, and by of ii> the year of our Lord one the production of the following books and documents [Give thousand eight hundred and , list]. before me [one of Her Majesty's Justices Signature of the officer or of the Peace in and for the said colony.] signature of trustees. Eegistered office : Date : day of , 18 Form No. 13.— Reg. 16. _ _ _,_ _ J Form No. 15.— Reg. 21. New Zealand. .. ~ New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." ■■ Friendly Societies Act, 1877." DIEECTION BY TIIE EEGISTRAE TO TEANSFEE NOTICE AND BEQUISITION. FUNDS, DEBENTURES, SECURITIES, OR MONEY. Dispvte between and [ an officer of] the Whereas it has been made to appear to me that _ society. [Describe nature of funds, debentures, securities, or moneys] is Register J\o. now standing in the names of and ,as trustees 1° of , a society registered under the above-mentioned Take notice that I shall proceed to hear the matter in dispute, Act. which has been referred to me pursuant to the said Act, on



the day of next, at o'clock, I, , Esquire, Registrar, determine a 9 follows : — at . And that I shall require the attendance there of The said [or the trustees of the society] shall on or nil parties concerned, and of the witnesses named, and the pro- before the day of next, pay to the sum duction of the books and documents specified in the statement of ; [or the society or name of party shall, on or made by you in the reference of the dispute. before the clay of next, reinstato the said (Signed) , Registrar. Os a member, or whatever the act may be that the Registrar Date: day of ,18 . thinks ought to be done by the party. Other provisions may here be added if necessary, and the payment of a sum of money by way of damages may be provided for as an alternative to the doing of any act] : Form No. 16. — Reg. 22. Or, the society is not indebted to [name of party, or as the - ■ case may require}. New Zealand. The expenses hereof are ordered to be paid out of the funds of the society [or as the case may be], " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." Given under my hand this day of ,18 . (Signed) , Eegistrar. SPECIAL REQUISITION TO WITNESS N.B.—Under section 20 of the above-mentioned Act, applicaDispute between and [ an officer of] the &iqs-___VoS_! °f tMS ""^ *"* * ""^ *° * society. ° Register No. To . Puesttant to section 20 of the above-mentioned Act, you are required to attend at on the day of next, at o'clock, to give evidence relating to F• /V 1Q 7? 21? the matter in question, and to produce the following books and ' * •*" documents [State them}. _■„„. rj„' , „ (Signed) , Registrar. New Z_land. Date: day of , 18 . N.B.—By b. 20 (b.) of the said Act it is enacted that " the " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." Registrar to whom any dispute is referred may administer oaths, and may require the attendance of all parties concerned, and of witnesses, and the production of all books and documents APPLICATION UNDER SPECIAL POWERS OF relating to the matter in question ; and any person refusing to REGISTRAR. attend, or to produce any documents, or to give evidence before Name of society : such Registrar, shall be guilty of an offence under this Act." Register No. The penalty for such offence is not less than one pound nor Application made pursuant to section 21 of the above-men-more than five pounds, and a new offence is committed in every tioned Act. week during which the default continues. _. The above-mentioned society has members. 2. This application is signed by one-fifth of the members [or by 100 members if the whole number exceeds 1,000 and does not exceed 10,000; or 500 members if the whole number exceeds Form No. 17.-- Reg. 23. 10,000]. 3. The application is, that the Registrar may appoint inspecNew Zealand. * org Yor may call a special meeting] pursuant to the said section. "Friendly Societies Act, 1877." 4- The grounds of the application are as follow [State the grounds fully], ORDER FOR DISCOVERY. ,\ 5 V T. " ?PP lica"t3 «™ Prepared to support the application by . . tfio following evidence, for the purpose oi showing that they have In the matter of a dispute between and L good reason for making the application, and are not actuated an officer-of] the society, Register No. referred by _ ia li.i ou _ motives in doing so—viz., a statutory declaration to me pursuant to the above-mentioned Act: hereto annexed by [names] three of the present applicants, and •I. , Esquire, Registrar, order and direct as v_Sere state the nature of the evidence proposed to be given]. follows : 6. The applicants are prepared, if required, to give security 1. That within fourteen days from tho service of this order for Co3ts to tne exte nt of [State amount], do deposit at my office [State where] for inspection by m -. , r_ t . the parties the following documents [State the documents]. ~P i- i • .- 4 v. i. „ mi _. _i j <. tj. Address to which communications are to be sent: 2. That on the day of next, at ]_) te • day of 18 o'clock [*au officer of the society] do appear before me ' _. '_ . at my office above-named, and make discovery upon oath of all * Signatures by mark only must be attested by a witness not being one things within his knowledge [* as such officer] relative to the of the applicants, following matters [State the matters as to which discovery is granted]. Given under my hand this day of 18 . (Signed) , Registrar. N.B. —By section 20 (c) of the said Act it is enacted that the Registrar to whom any dispute is referred may grant to either Form No. 20.— Reg. 25. party such discovery as to documents and otherwise, or such inspection of documents, us might be granted by any Court of New Zealand. law or equity, such discovery to be made on behalf of the society or registered branch by such officer of the same as such Registrar may determine. « Friendly Societies Act, 1877." * These words will be omitted if the discovery is to be made by the other party to the dispute. * DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION UNDER SPECIAL POWERS OF REGISTRAR. Name of society : Form No. 18.—Reg. 24. Register No. We, three of the members of the above-named society, do New Zealand. solemnly and sincerely declare that, in making the application, a copy of which is hereto annexed, we are not, nor to the best of our knowledge and belief is any person whose signature is " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." appended to such application, actuated by malicious motives, ' and that to the best of our knowledge and belief there is good reason for making such application. DETERMINATION AND ORDER. And we make this declaration conscientiously believing tho In the matter of a dispute between and [ , same to be true, and by virtue of an Act of the General officer of] the society, Register No. , referred Assembly of New Zealand intituled " The Justices of the Peace to me pursuant to the above-mentioned Act: Act, 1866. 3—II. 14.



Mado and subscribed at , in tho The following is a copy of a special resolution passed by tho Colony of New Zealand, this day rotes of three-fourths of the members present and entitled to of , in the year of our Lord one vote at a general meeting of the society, of which notice was thousand eight hundred and , duly given, held on the day of 18 , pursuant before me [ono of Her Majesty's to section 22 of the above-mentioned Act [The resolution to Justices of the Peace in aud for the said be copied at length]. colony]. C Chairman of the first (. general meeting. (Signed) , Secretary. C Chairman of the < subsequent general Form No. 21.— Reg. 27. ( meeting. Eegistered Office i New Zealand. Date i day of ,18 . " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." APPOINTMENT OF INSPECTORS. r «. _. - „„ „ „„„„,, Form Ao. 21.— Regs. 30, 31, 32, 33, 34. Name of society : Eegister No. „ Pursuant to section 21 of the above-mentioned Act, I hereby appoint [and ] inspector [or iuspectors], to examine into the affairs of the above-mentioned society, and to ~.-.. ~ _ . • ._-..,, report thereon. Friendly Societies Act, 1877. Ono copy of the application for inspection is sent herewith ■ for the guidance of the inspector [or inspectors]. He [or they] may require the production of all or any of the DECLARATION TO ACCOMPANY APPLICATION FOR books and documents of the society, and may examino on oath EEGISTEY OF A SPECIAL RESOLUTION. its officers, members, agents, and servants in relation to its _j_ me 0 f society : business, and may administer such oath. Register No The inspection is to commence on the day of next, at o'clock, and to bo held at . . of > an officer of the above-named society, do (Signed) , Registrar. solemnly and sincerely declare that, in making the special resoDate: day of , 18 . lution, application for registry of which is appended to this declaration, the provisions of section 22 of " The Friendly Societies Act, 1877," have been duly complied with. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of an Act of the General Form No. 22.— Reg. 28. Assembly of New Zealand intituled " The Justices of tho Peace Act, 1866." New Zealand. Made and subscribed at , in the Colony of New Zealand, this day of , in the year of our Lord one " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." thousand eight hundred and before me [one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the said NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO BE HELD BY colony] THE REGISTRAR'S DIRECTION. [To be given either by letter addressed to every member, or by advertisement, or in such other manner as the Registrar directs.] Name of society : Form No. 25.— Regs. 31, 34. Register No. Notice is hereby given that a special meeting af the above- New Zealand. mentioned society will be held, by direction of the Registrar, pursuant to section 21 of the above-mentioned Act, on the day of next, at o'clock, at " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." which meeting shall appoint its own chairman, and shall then proceed to discuss and determine on the following matters [State them]. APPLICATION FOR REGISTRY OF SPECIAL RESO(Signod) , Registrar. LUTION FOR AMALGAMATION OF SOCIETIES. Date i day of , 18 . *Name of society (a) Register No. Name of society (b) Register No. [And so ou if more than two.] To the Registrar of Friendly Societies. Form No. 23.— Reg. 30. Application for registry of a special resolution for the amalgamation of the above-mentioned societies is mado by the three persons whoso names are subscribed at the foot hereof : New Zealand. 1. The following is a copy of a special resolution passed by the votes of three-fourths of the members present and entitled to vote at a general meeting of the (a) , of which notice " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." was duly given, held on the day of , 18 , pursuant to section 22 of the above-mentioned Act [The resolution to be copied at length]. APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGE OF +2> The lmmber of Totes to which all the members of the NAME AND REGISTRY OF SPECIAL RESOLU- W . society are entitled pursuant to section 26 (7) of TION. tnc said Act ls ; the number of votes of the members . , , wll° assented at the said meeting is ; and the written Name already registered : consents of members entitled to votes, and of every Register No. person for the time being receiving or entitled to any relief, To the Registrar of Friendly Societies. annuity, or other benefit from the funds of the society, are APPLICATION for approval of a change of name of the above- *As this application must be made by each society, the order in which mentioned society, and tor registry of a special resolution to tlie societies are named must be inverted" or changed in each application, that effect, is made by the three persons whose names are sub- „.f Th!s wi" m]J be neecssary when the society is a friendly society, and scribed at the foot hereof. [„ 1 . con3ents' or aD-v of them > have not been dispensed with by the _e g i ß .



appended hereto [except the consents of , whose claims of the society held on the day of , at have been duly satisfied or have been provided for. (State in [or as the case may be, slating by what authority the transfer is what manner such provision has been made.)}. accepted], the society lias undertaken to fulfil all the engage- , Chairman of the first ments of the Bociety, Register No. . j general meeting. -^-nc* *■ make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing ( Secretary of the first- *-ne Ean>e t0 D 0 true, and by virtue of an Act of the General ) named society. Assembly of New Zealand, intituled " The Justices of tha r Chairman of the ?<**> Act > 1866-" j subsequent general Made and subscribed at , in the (. meeting. Colony of New Zealand, this day Registered office [of the a]: of , in the year of our Lord ono Date: day of , 18 . thousand eight hundred and , before me [one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the said Form No. 26.—Regs. 32, 34. colony]. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1877." Form No. 28.— Reg. 33. APPLICATION FOR REGISTRY OF A SPECIAL RESO- New Zealand. LUTION FOR TRANSFER OF ENGAGEMENTS. Name of society transferring its engagements: „ . . ~ _, . .. . , ,„„„„ Register No. Friendly Societies Act, 1877." Name of society undertaking to fulfil transferred engagements : Register No. .„..,,___-. APPLICATION FOR REGISTRY OF SPECrAL RESOIo the Registrar of Friendly Societies. LUTION FOR CONVERSION INTO A COMPANY. Application for registry of a special resolution for transfer of engagements of the first-named society is made by the* aame ot society : persons whose names arc subscribed. Kegister JNo. 1. The following is a copy of a special resolution passed by To the Registrar of Friendly Societies, the voles of three-fourths of tbe members present and entitled Application for registry of a special resolution for conversion to vote, at a general meeting of tiie first-named society, of which of the above-mentioned society into a company is made by tho notice was duly given, bold the day of , 18 , three persons whose names arc subscribed at the foot hereof, and confirmed by a majority of the members present and entitled The following is a copy of a special resolution passed by the to vote at a subsequent general meeting, of which notice was votes of three-fourths of lhe members present and entitled to duly given, held the day of , 18 , and con- vote at a general meeting of the said society, of which notice firmed by a majority of the members present and entitled to was duly given, held on tiie day of ,18 , and vote at a subsequent general meeting, of which notice was duly confirmed by a majority of the members present and entitled to given, held on the day of , 18 [The resolu- vote at. a subsequent general meeting, of wbieh notice was duly tion to be copied at full length], given, held on the day of , 18 , purf2. The number of votes to which all the members of the suant to section 22 of the above-mentioned Act [The resolution first-named society are entitled pursuant to section 2G (7) ofthe to be copied at length], said Act is ; the number of votes of the members who (Chairman ofthe first assented at tho said meeting is ; and the written con- general meeting, scnts of members entitled to votes, and of every person (Signed) .Secretary. for tbe time being receiving or entitled to any relief, annuity, r Chairman of tlio or other benefit from the funds of the society, are appended j subsequent general hereto, except the consents of , whose claims have been (. meeting, duly satisfied or have been provided for [State in what manner Registered Offico: such provision has been made}. Date: day of ,18 . 3. The last-named society has [Stale in what manner} undertaken to fulfil the engagements of the first-named society, as testified by the signatures of tho trustees and secretary of the said last-named society to tbis application, and by the declaration ofthe secretary ofthe same sent with this application. Form No. 29. — Reg. 34. ( Chairman of the first i. geueral meeting. New Zealand. ( Secretary of the first- !, named society. (Chairman of the "Friendly Societies Act, 1877." < subsequent general (. meeting. . Trustees of the last- DECLARATION BY OFFICER OF COMPANY AMAL- [ named society. GAMATING OR ACCEPTING TRANSFER OF ( Secretary of the last- ENGAGEMENTS. ( named society. Name of company i Registered Office of transferring society: I, of , an officer of the above-named company, Date: day ot , 18 ■ ,j 0 so . emil ly and sincerely declare that, by a resolution of a * The number will vary according to that of the trustees of the society special general meeting of the company, held on tho undertaking to fulfil transferred engagements. day of , at [or as the case may be, stating by t This will only be necessary when the society is tt friendly society, and % f authorih . ihe amalgamation is agreed to or the transfer of the consents, or unv ol them, have not been dispensed with by the Kegis- _*______ 1 J . __._.._ jjjj," ' - * engagements accepted], the company has agreed to an amalgamation with [or undertaken to fulfil all the engagements of] the society, Register No. Form No. 27.— Reg. 32. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of an Act of the General New Zealand. Assembly of New Zealand intituled " The Justices of the Peace Act, 1866." " Friendly SoeieLies Aot, 1877." Made and subscribed at , in the Colony of New Zealand, this day DECLARATIONI BY OFFICE*OF SOCIETY ACCEPT- [^mnd _&___»!_" ™ ~ ING TRANSFER OF ENGAGEMENTS. ,-_„. _. [one of H _, Maje9t -. 8 Name of society : Justices of the Peace in and for the said Register No. colony]. J of , an officer of the above-named society, do solemnly and sincerly declare that, by a resolution of a meeting



Form No. 30. — Reg 37. cancelled, and the said society is hereby registered as a branch of the New Zealand. (Signature.) Date : day of ,18 . "Friendly Societies Act, 1877." APPLICATION FOR THE CONVERSION OF A REGISTERED SOCIETY INTO A BRANCH. ' Form No. 33— Reg. 39. Name of society : Register No. New Zealand. To the Registrar of Friendly Societies. Application to register the above-mentioned society as a branch .._ ~. „ ... , 10 _» of the is made by the three persons whoie names are "Friendly Societies Act, 18/7. subscribed at the foot hereof. ™ IW_£S£ ___£ of the resolution passed at a _ INSTRUMENT OF DISSOLUTION, general meeting of the said society, of which notice was duly Name of society : given, held on the day of , 18 ,by which it Register No. was determined that the said society should become a branch Instrument of dissolution of the , made the under this Act of the above-mentioned . day of 18 , pursuant to "The Friendly Societies (b.) A copy, marked B, of the rules of tho first-mentioned Act, 1877," section 26, and signed by [in the case of a society [ .narked to show the amendments mado at the above- society not a Friendly Society three-fourths of the members ; mentioned meeting]. but in the case of a Friendly Society] five-sixths in value of tho [(c) Two copies, each marked C, of Buch amendments of members, including honorary members, if any, and by every rules]. person for tho time being receiving or entitled to receive any f Secretary of the first- relief, annuity, or other benefit from the funds of the society }. named society. [except whose claims have been duly satisfied or have . Chairman of the gene- been provided for (Slate in what manner such provision has been \ ral meeting. made)]. f Secretary of the second- It is agreed and declared as follows : — ). named society. 1. The liabilities and assets of the society are the following Registered office : [Sere set them forth in detail]. Date: day of , 18 . 2. The number of members is , and the nature of -. .. -. : z ; -, ~77 7. T T~r their interests in the society respectively is as follows: *If no amendments of rules were made at the meeting, the words in „ r_ • . i *_•_. .i. '_.. . . r brackets should be struck out. 3- nw society has no creditors other than such members [or if there be any, stale the amount due to them and the provision to be made for its payment]. 4. The funds and property of the society shall be appropriated Form No. 31.— Reg. 37. an(t divided in the following manner [or in such manner as the Registrar may award]. New Zealand. [Here insert any other provisions the society desires io make as • to the dissolution.] " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." i No. of Votes Signatures of Members. of each DECLARATION TO ACCOMPANY APPLICATION FOR Member. CONVERSION OF A REGISTERED SOCIETY INTO — 1 _ A BRANCH. Name of society: Register No. AY.:, of , chairman of the meeting at which a ~. ~ ~ ~ ' resolution was passed for the conversion of the above-men- * Signatures of persons receiving or entitled to receive any tioned society into a branch of tho , and of rehef, annuity, or other benefit Irom the funds of the society; , secretary of the first-mentioned society, do solemnly (belieduie.) and sincerely declare that the said resolution was duly passed by three-fourths of the members present and entitled to vole List of Members who have not signed the foregoing No. of Votes at a general meeting of the said society, of which notice was Instrument. Member. duly given, held on the day of , 18 , and m that tho amendments to the rules of the said society, accompanying this declaration, were duly made at the Baid meeting. And wo make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled " The Justices of tho Peace TTTI 77; I 7 ', : ~, _—. ,, — Act 1866" —All signatures by mark only must be attested by a Made and subscribed at , in tho witness who does not sign as a member. Colony of New Zealand, this day of , in the year of our Lord one * These consents may be given separately. thousand eight hundred and , before mo [one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the said colony]. (Signed) ' of the general meeting. V B . Secretary of the Society. Form No , zi.—Reg. 39. New Zealand. Form No. 32.— Reg. 38. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." "Friendly Societies Act, 18877." DECLARATION TO ACCOMPANY INSTRUMENT OF DISSOLUTION. CONVERSION OF A REGISTERED SOCIETY INTO A Name of society: BRANCH. Register No. Name of society: Zj 0 - , one of the trustees [or we, and Register No. three members and the secretary] of the above-named The registry as a separate society of tho is hereby society, do solemnly and sincrely declare that, in making the



instrument of dissolution [or the alteration of the instrument 3. The grounds upon which such insufficiency is alleged are of dissolution]' appended to. this declaration, the provisions of as follow \_State grounds]. "The Friendly Societies Act, 1877," have been complied with. 4. The Registrar is hereby requested to make or cause to be And I [or we] make this solemn declaration conscientiously made, pursuant to " The Friendly Societies Act, 1877," section believing the same to be true, and by virtue of an Act of the 26, an investigation into the affairs of the society, with a view to General Assembly of New Zealand intituled "The Justices of the dissolution thereof. the Peace Act, 1866." 5. It is desired that notice of the award of dissolution be Made and subscribed at , in the published in the [naming some nev)sj)aper~\, circulating in the Colony of New Zealand, this day city, town, or place of [naming place], in which the registered of , in the year of our Lord one office of the society is situated. thousand eight hundred and , 6. The sum of , being the cost of publishing such before me [one of Her Majesty's notice in the said newspaper, and the further sum of Justices of the Peace in and for the said for the cost of publishing the same in the Gazette, are herewith colony]. transmitted. (Signatures of members.*) Registered office : Date: clay of , 18 . t, t\t o^ 7o An * Any sieuature by mark only must be attested by a witness who does Form No. SS.—Beff. 40. not sig^ as \ me mber New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." Form No. SS.—Seg. 41. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OP REGISTRY OP INSTRU- Kew Zealand. MENT OP DISSOLUTION. Name of society: tern- ji a --a* a i in*- >> Register No. * Friendly Societies Act, 187/." The foregoing instrument of dissolution [or alteration of the instrument of dissolution] of the society is registered NOTICE OF INVESTIGATION. under "The Friendly Societies Act, 1877," this duv of -. T n • t 1 q ■ iName ot society : (Seal ov stamp of Registrar.) No. Notice is hereby given that the Registrar will proceed, by himself [or bv (name of) Actuary, whom the Registrar hereby appoints for the purpose] to investigate the affairs of the abovementioned society, in compliance with an application in that ' behalf) made pursuant to section 26 of the above-mentioned Form No. 3S.—Reg. 42. Act> on » the day oi. > ls Ltwo months at least after the date of the notice], at o'clock, New Zealand. at (Signed) , Registrar. Address: "Friendly Societies Act, 1877." Date: da? of > 1S ■ (To be addressed io the society at its registered office.) ADVERTISEMENT OF DISSOLUTION BY INSTRUMENT. Notice is hereby given that the society, Register No. , held at , is dissolved by instrument, registered at this office the day of , unless within three Form No. 59.—Reg. 44. months from the date of the Gazette in which this advertise- • ■ ment appears, proceedings be commenced by a member or other New Zealand. person interested in or having any claim on the funds of the society to set aside such dissolution, and the same is set aside accordingly. " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." (Signed) , Registrar. Registrar of Friendly Societies' Office, day of , 18 . AWARD OF DISSOLUTION. Name of society : Register No. Pursuant to section 26 of the above-mentioned Act, I hereby award that the shall be dissolved, and its affairs wound Form No. 37. Reg. 43. UP a? rom tlle daJ °^ ; and- -*- c'"'ect that the assets of the said society shall be divided and appropriated in Hew Zealand. lne following manner :— (Signed) , Registrar. Address: " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." Viitc: da? of , 18 . APPLICATION TO REGISTRAR FOR AWARD OF DISSOLUTION. Name of society : Register No. _ „ _ . . , . ,. . ,. r ., , Form No. 4,0—Reg. 45. Application* for an award or dissolution oi tho abovementioned society is mado by the members whose names are New Zealand subscribed at the foot hereof. 1. The society consists of members, one-fifth of the 7 h0l 1 e^ mber ! °f WhT [T 10° °J m°Z I"' 10! ifthe S°cie% " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." lias 1,000 members and not exceeding 10,000, or 500 or more ot whom if the society has more than 10,000 members] have signed this application. AWARD FOR DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS. 2. The funds of the society are insufficient to meet the existing claims thereon [or the rates of contribution fixed in -Name of society : the rules of tho society are insufficient to cover tho benefits KegiiierJNo. assured]. Puesuant to section 26 of the above-mentioned Act, and to



the instrument of dissolution of the same, registered on the I The above-named society [or branch] hereby gives you notice day of 18 ,1 hereby award and direct that i that, by an order of the Resident Magistrate's Court of the the assets of the society shall be divided aud appropriated iv District of , dated the day of , copy the following manner: — whereof is hereto annexed, the dissolution of the said society (Signed) , Registrar. [or branch] was set aside. Address: ") Date: day of , 18 . i Trustees. Secretary. Registered Office: Date: day of 18 . (This notice must be sent within seven days after tho order to set aside dissolution is made. A copy of the order is to be annexed.) Form No. 41.— Reg. 46. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." Form No. 44.— Regs. 48 and 54. ADVERTISEMENT OF DISSOLUTION BY AWARD. „ ~— New Zealand. Notice is hereby given that, on tho day of ' the Registrar signed an award for the dissolution of the society, Register No. , held at , and that "Friendly Societies Act, 1877." such society is thereby dissolved, unless within three months from the date of the Gazette in which this advertisement appears proceedings bo commenced by a member or other per- NOTICE OF ESTABLISHMENT OF BRANCH.* son interested in or having any claim on the funds of the jj ame 0 f so _i_t v . society to set aside such dissolution, and the same bo set aside _t elr i s _er No ' accordingly (Signed) , Registrar. To tlle Registrar of Friendly Societies. Registrar of Friendly Societies' Office, A branch of the above-named society has been established at day of , 18 . , and is to be called 2. The branch is [or is not] to have trustees [or officers authorized to sue and be sued on its behalf] other than those ofthe society [if so, add], and the following arc the names of such trustees [or officers]. 3. The rules of the branch aro [or are not] identical with Form No. 42. — Reg. 47. those of the other branches of the society [if not so, add], and a copy of the rules of the branch is sent herewith. New Zealand. (Signed) , Secretary of the society. Registei-ed office of the society: Date: day of , 18 . " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." * This form may be adapted, by authority of the Registrar, so as to include any number of branches. NOTICE OF PROCEEDING TO SET ASIDE DISSOLUTION OF SOCIETY OR BRANCH. Name of society : Register No. Name of branch: Place of branch : To the Registrar of Friendly Societies. Form iz ,_ Reg , 52 . Whereas on the day of , the above-named society [or the above-named branch] was dissolved [or purported to be dissolved] by [an instrument of di.solution pur- New Zealand. porting to be duly registered, or the award ofthe Registrar]. I hereby give you notice that I intend, after not less than seven days from the date hereof, to take proceedings for setting " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." aside such dissolution, in the Resident Magistrate's Court of the District of Dated this day of 18 . DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF AMENDMENT OF (Signature.) BRANCH RULES.* (Address.) Name of society : Register No. Name and No. of branch : I ;of , an officer of the above-named society, do solemnly and sincerely declare that the amendment of the rules of the said branch, "the application for registry of which Form No. 43.—Reg. 47. i a appended to this declaration, has been duly made in conforimty with the rules of the society and branch in that behalf, New Zealand. an j that to the best of my knowledge and belief the same is not contrary to the provisions of the above-mentioned Act. And 1 make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing "Friendly Societies Act, 1877." t,] le Balll _ to be true, and by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled " The Justices of the Peace Act, 1806." NOTICE OF ORDER TO SET ASIDE DISSOLUTION. _, ' ..-,,,,. ;„ .i„_ •Nt ___ „f „.....___.. Made and subscribed at , in the S„. tor No ™°»y of New Zealam1' •**" day Ne of branch- of , in the year of our Lord one __£_ branch:' tl>°usalld ci Sht lu"ldred f "n(* MilWT >' _ ~ _ .. . _„_. __ „__.__. belure me [one of Iter Majesty s To the Registrar of Friendly Societies. Justices of the Peace in and for tho said Whereas on the day of , tbe above-named colony] society [or the above-named branch] was dissolved or purported _ — to be dissolved by [an instrument of dissolution purporting to « __is form may be adapted, by authority of the Registrar, so as to include be duly registered, or the award of the Registrar]. any number of branches.



Form No. 46.--Reg. 52. , and ,of , was [or were], on the day of , 18 , duly appointed [Give full New Zealand. names, addresses, aud descriptions] a trustee [or trustees] [or an officer or officers to sue and be sued on behalf] of the abovementioned branch, in the place of , deceased [or re"Friendly Societies Act, 1877. signod or ro moved]. An officer of the society. DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF AMENDMENT OF j Trustees. BRANCH RULES.* + Received this day of , 18 , notice of tha Name of society: appointment of as trustees [or officers to sue and be .Register No. sued] of the branch of the society. Name and No. of branch: ( Seal of Registrar.) I, of , secretary of the above-named branch, do solemnly and sincerely declare that the amendment of the rules of the said branch, the application for registry of which is ■ appended to this declaration, has been duly made in conformity with tho rules of the Eociety and branch in that behalf, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief the same is not Form No. 49. — Reg. 63. contrary to the provisions of the above-mentioned Act. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing New Zealand. the same to be true, and by virtue of an Act of the Q-eneral Assembly of New Zealand intituled " The Justices of the Peace Act, 1866." " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." Made and subscribed at , iv the Colony of New Zealand, this day ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF REGISTRY OF A SOCIETY ot , in the year ot our Lord one ttxt___ a ttitt. .;-_ nnumn irri'trnDTTV ~ . '. ~ , j j j UNDER A LIMITED SPECIAL AUTHORITY. thousand eight hundred and , before me [one of Her Majesty's The society is registered as a specially authorized Justices of the Peace in and for the said society under "The Friendly Societies Act, 1877," subject to colony]. the limitations expressed in the foregoing rules, this day of * This form may be adapted, by authority of the Registrar, so as to (Seal of Registrar.) include any number of branches. Form No. 47. — Reg. 53. Form No. 50.— Reg. 68. New Zealand, • New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1877." "Friendly Societies Act, 1877." « NOTICE OF CHANGE OF PLACE OF BRANCH* Name of society: Register No ' ADVERTISEMENT OF APPLICATION FOR DISPENSName and No. of branch: ING WITH CONSENTS OR CONDITIONS FOR Notice is hereby given that the place where the above- AJ^^ AMATION 0R ™ANSFER OF ENGAGEmentioned branch is established is removed from to . Notice is hereby given that the society, Register Dated this day of , 18 . No. , whose registered office is at , desires to ainalgaCSiened) 'A" offioer o£ tlle 80cioty- mate with [or transfer all its engagements to] the " . Secretary of branch. society, Register No. ,or the , a company under To the Registrar of Friendly Societies. " The Joint Stock Companies Act, 1860 ;" and that on tho day of , the trustees [or committee of managet Received this day of , 18 , notice of the ment] of the first-named society intend to apply to the Registrar change of place of the branch of the society, that the foUowing consents and conditions prescribed by "The Register No. , to . Friendly Societies Act, 1877," for an amalgamation or transfer (Seal of Registrar.) 0 f engagements may be dispensed with —viz. [Stale what con. * This form may be adapted, by authority of the Registrar, so as to sents and conditions]. include any number of branches. } Trustees [or Members of the t This part to bs detached by the Registrar when the notice is registered, j Committee of Management. . and returned to the society s omcer. •* o j Form No. 48.— Reg. 53. Form No- oh—Reg. 69. New Zealand. New Zealan - "Friendly Societies Act, 1877." "Friendly Societies Act, 1877." NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF NEW TRUSTEE [OR OFFICER TO SUE OR BE SUED] OF BRANCH.* APPLICATION FOR DISPENSING WITH CONSENTS Name of society: OR CONDITIONS FOR AMALGAMATION OR TRANSRegister No. FER OF ENGAGEMENTS. Name, place, and No. of branch: .. „ . _■*~_.._. _ c Name of society: Notice is hereby given that ,of , , ot R e gi ster jj 0 . ~ * This form may be adapted, by authority of tbe Eegistrar, so as to Application is made by the trustees [or committee of manage-hf^SSl_r__-«^t- Registrar _en the notice is registered, """J] of the above-named society, for the purpose hereinafter and returned to the society's officer. mentioned.



1. The above-named society desires to amalgamate wtih 3. Notice of tiie intention to make the present application [or transfer all its engagements to] the society, -was advertised in the Gazette, on the day of BesisterNo. , [or the company, a company , being one calendar month previous to the date of this under " The Joint Stock Companies Act, I860"]. application, and a copy of the Gazette in which such notice 2. The trustees [or committee of management] of the appears is sent herewith. Ant-named society hereby apply to the Eegistrar that the "J Trustees [or Members of the following consents and conditions prescribed by the Friendly j Committee of Management.] Societies Act for an amalgamation or transfer of engagements may be dispensed with—viz. [State what consents and conditions}. SCHEDULE V. INSTRUCTIONS TO REGISTRARS OE BIRTHS AND DEATHS AS TO THEIR DUTIES UNDER " TIIE FRIENDLY SOCIETIES ACT, 1877." Br "The Friendly Societies Act, 1877," it has been enacted that Registrars of Births and Deaths shall, for a sum not exceeding Is., grant any certificate of a birth ot* death that may be required for the purposes of tho Act, on application being made for the same in such form and under such regulations as shall be approved by the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages. (Section 14, subsection 10.) No further sum whatever, even for a search, can therefore be charged for any such certificate ; but if application is made at one time for more certificates than one of the same birth or death for the purposes of and in the manner prescribed by the A.ct, the sum charged for every such certificate, other than the first, shall not exceed Gd. ; and whenever the Registrar is required by the person applying for any certificate of birth or death to fill up the form of application, he may demand a sum not exceeding 3d. for so doing. Medical practitioners in attendance on deceased persons are required to furnish certificates showing the cause of death, and Registrars are required by their regulations (No. 51, page 10), if the medical certificate be not forthcoming, to make inquiry as to the name of the medical attendant, if any, and the cause of the non-delivery of the certificate, and to warn the medical attendant against a breach of " The Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1875," in neglecting to furnish the certificate. "When about to register the death of a child under ten years of age, whose parents belong to the labouring classes, the Registrar should inquire whether any sum of money is payable on such death by any Society or Industrial Assurance Company; and in every case iv which any such child was, during its last illness, attended by a registered medical practitioner, and no inquest held, the Registrar should require the informant to produce a certificate of the cause of death signed by such practitioner; and if _fuch practitioner refuses or neglects to give such certificate, he should at once be proceeded against under section 36 of " The Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1875." Forms. The Registrar-General has caused forms of the four following descriptions to be prepared: — 1. Form of application for a certificate of the death of a person aged ten years or upwards. 2. Form of application for a certificate of the death of a child between five and ten years of age. 3. Form of application for a certificate of the death of a child under five years of age. 4. Form of application for a certificate of birth. On every such form the following regulations are printed, aud the approval of the RegistrarGeneral is signified:— Regulations tinder which Applications for Certificates of Birth (or Death) for the Purposes of " The Friendly Societies Act, 1877," must be made. " The application must be made on a form similar to this, and must be signed by the applicant ; and the fee of Is. must be paid at the time the application is made. " The application may be made ou any day except Sunday, Good Friday, Christmas Day, or other duly-recognized public holiday. " If the application is made otherwise than personally, it must, with the fee of Is., be conveyed to the Registrar free of all cost to him ; and an envelope or cover of the proper size must also be sent, fully addressed to the person to whom this document is to be returned. If it is to be returned by post, the necessary postage stamps must be affixed to such envelope or cover." Application for tho above forms should be made when required to the Registrar-General, or to the Registrar of Births and Deaths, from whom the certificate is to bo obtained. Applications foe Certificates. Every application for a certificate of birth or death, for the purposes of the above-mentioned Act, must be made ou one of the above forms appropriate to the circumstances of the case. Whenever application is made for a certificate of the death of a child between five and ten years of age, or for a certificate of the death of a child under five years of age, the applicant must state on the form the name of the Society or Industrial Assurance Companj' from which a sum of money is sought to be obtained, and the sum to be obtained. (Section 29, subsection 3.) And such sum must not, together with the moneys mentioned in any previous certificate or certificates of the same death, exceed £10 in •the case of a child between five and ten years of age, and must not exceed £6 in the case of a child



vnder five years of age. (Section 29, subsection 4.) If the applicant is unable to write, or can only do so imperfectly, the Eegistrar may fill up the form of application. Every application must be dated, and the applicant must affix bis or her signature or mark thereto. Certificate on Form No. 1. On receiving an application (on Form No. 1) for a certificate of the death of a person aged ten years or upwards (insured with a registered Friendly Society), the Eegistrar should at once comply therewith, by writing in the schedule on the back thereof a correct copy of the entry made in the register book.* Certificates on Forms 2 and 3. On receiving an application (ou Form No. 2) for a certificate of the death of a child between five find ten years of age, or an application (on Form No. 3) for a certificate of the death of a child under five years of age (required for the purpose of obtaining money from any Society whatever, or from an Industrial Assurance Company), tho Eegistrar or other person having the custody ofthe register book must, before granting such certificate, see whether tho cause of death was recorded in the register book on the authority of the certificate of a registered medical practitioner who attended such deceased child during its last illness, or whether the death was registered by a Coroner after inquest held. In either of such cases he should at once grant the required certificate. If, however, no such medical certificate of tho cause of was produced at the time of registration, and no inquest was held respecting such death, but the cause of death was recorded solely on the authority of information given by tho informant, tho Eegistrar must, before issuing a certificate of the death, require the production of a certificate of the probable cause of death signed by a registered medical practitioner. If the applicant is unable to obtain such a certificate, he or she must be required to produce othm- satisfactory evidence of the probable cause of death. (Section 29, subsection -J..) The Eegistrar-Gencral desires that in every case in which the issue of a certificate of the death of a child depends upon the production cf " satisfactory evidence !' of the probable cause of such death, the Eegistrar will exercise the utmost caution in determining whether the evidence produced is really " satisfactory." A statutory declaration of the probable cause of death by a person who is not a parent of the child, and is not interested in any moneys to be received at its death, may be accepted as satisfactory evidence ; but where a statutory declaration is not produced, the Eegistrar may accept the next best evidence he can obtain, such as the statement of an unregistered medical attendant, or of a person who was in attendance on the deceased child during its last illness, but is not a parent of the child, and is not interested in the money to be received. If, in endeavouring to obtain such satisfactory evidence, it should appear that the death has been caused by violence, or has been attended by suspicious circumstances, the Eegistrar must take such means as may be necessary, either through the police or otherwise, to bring the case under the notice of the Coroner, whatever may have been inserted in the entry as the cause of death. If in any such case it is determined that an inquest is unnecessary, the opinion of the Coroner, or the result of an inquiry by the police, may be accepted as " satisfactory evidence." On receipt of the certificate of a registered medical practitioner, or of satisfactory evidence of the probable cause of death, the Eegistrar may write in the schedule, on the back of the form of application, a correct copy of the entry made in the register book. He should then draw a line through the words or statements in the paragraph marked (a.), immediately following the schedule, which do not apply to the case, so that it may plainly appear nnder which of the four above-mentioned conditions the certificate of the death is granted. If it be a case in which "satisfactory evidence" of tha probable cause of death has been produced, he must state in the blank space marked (b.) the precise nature of such evidence —thus i Statutory declaration by [naming person making the same, or statement of , medical attendant, or opinion of Coroner, or inquiry by the police, or as the case may ie]. In the blank space marked (c) he must insert the probable cause of death, if such has been ascertained by a medical certificate or by satisfactory evidence. In the blank space marked (d) he must state whether tho certificate is tho "first," "second," " third," " fourth," &c. certificate of the same death which he has issued. (Section 29, subsection 3.) In the blank space marked (c) he must state the name of the Friendly Society or Industrial Assurance Company from which a sum of money is sought to be obtained. (Section 29, subsection 3.) In the blank space marked (f) he must state the sum of money sought to be obtained (section 29, subsection 3), which sum, together with the mone)s mentioned in any previoiis certificate or certificates of the same death, must not, in the case of a child between five and ten years of age, exceed £10; and, in the case of a child under five years of age, must not exceed £6. (Section 29, subsection 4.) Certificate on Form No. 4. On receiving an application (on Form No. 4) for a certificate of the birth of a person (to be insured with a registered Friendly Society), the Eegistrar should at once comply therewith, by writing in the schedule on the back thereof a correct copy of the entry made in the register book. Miscellaneous. The Eegistrar issuing the certificate must insert the.rein the date on which it is issued, and must slffix his signature thereto. * NJB. —If a certificate of the death of a person aged ten years or upwards, or a certificate of the birth cf any person, insured or to be insured in an unregistered Friendly Society, or in any Benevolent Society (registered or not), or in an Industrial Assurance Company, is required, such certificate should be given on an ordinary form, and the ordinary fee of 2s. 6d., or if under seal, 5a., must be charged. __--__. 14.



Eegistrars will observe that whereas by the provisions of section 13, subsection 2, the Society may receive satisfactory proof of death instead of a Eegistrar's certificate, such deceased person being ten years of age or over, prior to the payment of any sum of money; yet by section 29, subsection 2, it is enacted that "no Society or registered branch shall pay any sum on the death of a child except . . upon the production ... of a certificate of death issued by the Eegistrar of Births and Deaths ;" and by section 29, subsection 6, it is enacted that it shall be an offence—" (a.) If any Society or registered branch pays money on the death of a child under ten years of age otherwise than is provided by this Act. (b) If any parent, or personal representative of a parent, claiming money on the death of a child, produces any certificate of such death other than is herein provided to the Society or registered branch or Societies, or registered branches from which the money is claimed, or one fraudulently obtained, or in any way attempts to defeat the provisions of this Act in respect to payments upou the death of children." No money can therefore be paid by any registered Society nor by any Industrial Assurance Company on the death of a child under ten years of age, except on the production of a certificate issued by a Eegistrar of Births and Deaths. .*. m. E. E. Brown, Eegistrar-General's Office, Wellington, New Zealand, Begistrar-General. 13th March, 1878. Note.—Registrars should hear in mind that they must not, under any circumstances whatever, issue any one or more certificates of the death of a child nnder ten years of age for the payment, in the whole, of a sum of money exceeding the statutory limit, £fi or £10, as the case mny be. If any Registrar has reason to believe that any Society or Industrial Assurance Company has offended against tho provisions of section 29, he should report the case to the Registrar-General.

FORM No. 1. CERTIFICATE of the DEATH of a PERSON aged Ten Years or upwards, issued for the purposes of "The Friendly Societies Act, 1877." Registration District of , in the Colony of New Zealand.

Given under my hand this day of 18 . (Signed) , Eegistrar. Attention is directed to the following requirements of the Act:— By section 13, subsection 2, it is enacted that no Society or registered branch shall pay any sum of money upon the death of a member or other person whose death is or ought to be entered in any register of deaths, except upon the production of a certificate of such death, under the hand of the Eegistrar of Births and Deaths, or other person having the care of the register in which such death is ought to be entered, or under the hand of a duly-qualified medical practitioner, or other satisfactory or proof of such death: Provided always that the foregoing provision shall not apply to deaths at sea. Form No. 1. (To be printed on back of preceding Form.) Form of Application for a Certificate of the Death of a Person aged Ten Years or upwards, for the purposes of " The Friendly Societies Act, 1877." To the Eegistrar of Births and Deaths having the custody of the register in which the death of the under-mentioned person is registered. I, the undersigned, hereby demand, for the purposes ofthe above-mentioned Act, a certificate ofthe death of the person named in the subjoined schedule, such certificate to be written in the form ou the back of this application.

lESCRIPTI' f Deceasi Cause of Death. Parents. If Re( Burial Where Born. If Deceased was Married. Informant. Eegishstered. trar. ■6 - c _ = — . S c - i a a o a* °° & __ S f. g o - 5* 1-c " .5 «__ t_ H SO * __. 1 d€l-_- ,_! if Tl TJ _ -*j 2 o fl) _._ «J -3 o ea _£ fi"s5l*n ».- gS 0 ° „ — ._ -___ = _: S_-32 !5 2 3 «j — r- E. Of... *. B riSt) •* * -S- - 8 J_i I 1 B .7 9 __5 B S_ S _ £.—•_. g a "a 50 • "j _2°j 0> J__ © -^ — jj _T = -s §"= o c -a 2 -n C3 ... t-H __,=*■ jj. fe ft S _ K fc_. _ 3 pq _> E Id _ fit c Cm O o I'd a S| °___ 3 •&~P. 3. __J -— O c.£ a a - 43 |S. ._ c a | _ . « o H J *"~ r o 1 •__ •—< t>_ -a o sJ _j 5 g "E a J3 "na t *~3 sv a >•*--*■ .__> 5 *c £t ' -2 siJB 5 s s o3 . .EH .a** 51 . . . ! _-_ 1—i OJ C*3 h-( I ■ . — 1 1 J J 231 _, I.S1 a 2 i i . 1 a 0 _! ■ 8 St* ° g o g a __. = _ ."T 8 fc'I'g » B)|.S I *«s § - » 3 * _i ___ •** __) to — 'So O oi £ P. I y __ *-* a p. _ c r-i Oi r. C<j CO 1. CM* I

Name and Surname of the Deceased. Age. When Died. Where Died. Dated this day of ,18 (Signature.)



Eeguxations under which Applications for Certificates of Death, for the purposes of " The Friendly Societies Act, 1877," must be made. The application must be made on a form similar to this, and must be signed by the applicant; and tho fee of Is., if for one certificate only, must be paid at the time the application is made. If the application is for more than one certificate, the fee of Gd. must be paid for every certificate in excess of one. The application may be made on any day except Sunday, Good Friday, Christmas Day, or other duly-recognized public holiday. If the application is made otherwise than personally, it must, with the fee of Is., be conveyed to the Eegistrar free of all cost to him ; and an envelope or cover of the proper size must also be sent, fully addressed to the person to whom this document is to be returned. If it is to be returned by post, the necessary postage stamps must be affixed to such envelope or cover. Approved. "Wm. E, E. Brown, Eegistrar- General.

FORM No. 2. CERTIFICATE of the DEATH of a CHILD between Five and Ten Years of Age, issued for the purposes of "The Friendly Societies Act, 1877." Registration District of , in the Colony of New Zealand.

(a.) The cause of death of the above-mentioned child having been entered in the register of deaths on the certificate of a Coroner after inquest held [or of a registered medical practitioner who attended such deceased child during its last illness ; or a certificate under the baud of a registered medical practitioner ; or satisfactory evidence—namely, (b) having, since the registration of the death, been produced, that the probable cause of death of the above-mentioned child was (c) ] .- I grant this (d) certificate to be produced to the (c) , said to be liable for the payment of the sum of (f) £ on the death of the said child. Given under my hand this day of , 18 . (Signed) , Eegistrar. (a.) The Registrar will draw a line through the words or statements which do not apply to the case, (b.) State hero the nature of the evidence produced, (c.) Insert here the probable cause of death as stated in such certificate, or as ascertained by such evidence, (d.) Slate here whether this is tho first, second, third, fourth, &c, similar certificate of this death which lias I een issued, (c.) Insert here the name of the Society or Industrial Assurance Company, (f) Insert here the sum for which the Society or Company is said to be liable, which cannot, together with the moneys mentioned in any previous certificate or certificates of the same death, exceed £10. Form No. 2. (To be printed on back of preceding Form.) Form of Application for a Certificate of the Death of a Child between Five and Ten Tears of Age, for the purposes of " The Friendly Societies Act, 1877." To the Eegistrar of Births and Deaths having the custody of the Eegister in which the death of the under-mentioned person is registered. I, TnE undersigned, hereby demand, for the purposes of the above-mentioned Act, a certificate ofthe death of the person named in the subjoined schedule, such certificate to be written in the form on the back of this application. Name and Surname of the Deceased. Age. When Died. Where Died.

Desceiption of Deceased. CArsE op Death. Paeests. If Eec Bueial WnEEE Bobs. INTOBMA.T. Eeqis1EAH. USTBBED. nd __ p _ E o » C SS g __; £ g s ai ■0 § c_ o a o tl: *. ■_ s as H <_> _ z. *•_ ■ 1_ -4 ,5i .5 - 2 H . " _. — •- d A .3 -j-*- 1 s _ .§ S a t § i*8jj § c3 __■_._. _.. oo_ <*? » fh" oi co _ *—< ° _ o o ° . __ 1 ll J 3 sal I •- _M Pn °Ji 2*S|^ 2 §.- i 5 £ § r . to^_"^f.f JH H (N CO 'fi - 0) _- -- . d . en .i O o .III SfS. 3 — f. f. o'S T3 t _ 3.9 S "la s _ to e.s (§ M • " E -73 0) O 0 _ __S 2 S*. r- o qj b 9 "5 a -Jj o o z *- •a •_ §_• i-f .5* '£ „ | v 2 £ Ss t_; 2 S 3 S t £B _ | .{tap w l*f£B*l-ll*».S .- Gm _■+. _ 3 i" . 2 ■3 .2 • _ *— S £ I . _ H H ei H N CO r. t. c_



N.B. —The applicant must insert in the blanfc spaces in the following paragraph the name of tho Society or Industrial Insurance Company from which a sum of money is sought to be obtained, and the sum sought to be obtained from such Society or Company, which cannot exceed £10. I apply for the certificate for the purpose of obtaining from the (a) Society or Company the sum of Dated this day of , 18 . (Signature.) Begttlations under which Applications for Certificates of Death for the purposes of "The Friendly Societies Act, 1877," must be made. The application must be made on a form similar to this, and must be signed by the applicant; and the fee of Is., if for one certificate only, must be paid at the time the application is made. If the application is for more than one certificate, the fee of Gd. must be paid for every certificate in excess of one. The application may be made on any day except Sunday, Good Friday, Christmas Day, or other duly-recognized public holiday. If the application is made otherwise than personally, it must, with tho fee of Is., be conveyed to the Eegistrar free of all cost to him ; and an envelope or cover of tho proper size must also bo sent, fully addressed, to the person to whom this document is to be returned. If it is to be returned by post, the necessary postage stamps must be affixed to such envelope or cover. Approved. Wm. E. E. Brown, Eegistrar- General. (a.) If the money is sought to be obtained from an Industrial Assurance Company, draw a Hue through the words " Society or." If it is sought to be obtained from a Friendly Society, draw a line through the words "or Company."

FORM No. 3. CERTIFICATE of the DEATH of a CHILD under Five Years of Age, issued for the purposes of "The Friendly Societies Act, 1877. Registration District of , in the Colony of New Zealand.

(a.) The cause of death of the ahove-mentioned child having heen entered in the register of deaths on the certificate of a Coroner after inquest held [or a registered medical practitioner who attended such deceased child during its last illness ; or a certificate under the hand of a registered medical practitioner; or satisfactory evidence—namely, (b) having, since the registration of tho death, been produced, that the probable cause of death of the above-mentioned child was (c) ] -. I grant this (d) certificate to be produced to the (c) , said to be liable for the payment of the sum of (f) £ on the death of the said child. Given under my hand this day of ,18 . (Signed) , Eegistrar. (a.) The Eegistrar will draw a lino through tho words or statements which do not apply to the case, (b.) State here the nature of the evidence produced, (c.) Insert here the probable cause of death as stated iv such certificate, or as ascertained by such evidence, (d.) State here whether this is the first, second, third, fourth, &c, similar certificate of thia death which has been issued, (c.) Insert here the name of the Society or Industrial Assurance Company. (/.) Insert here the sum for which the Society or Company is said to be liable, which cannot, together with the money mentioned in any previous certificate or certificates of the same death, exceed £6. Form No. 3. (To be printed on back of preceding Form.) Form of Application for a Certificate of tho Death of a Child under Five Years of Age, for tiie purposes of " Tho Friendly Societies Act, 1877." To the Eegistrar of Births and Deaths having the custody of the Eegister in which the death of the under-mentioned person is registered. I, the undersigned, hereby demand, for the purposes of the above-mentioned Act, a certificate of the

Desceiptioh op Deceased. Cause of Death. Paeents. If Bueial Eegisteeed. WnEBE BOBN. Infoemakt. BegistBak. _i s 5 a — S = a n i i - a a * cj *. a & M o <f> y, , *_ —. .h ew ? _o d o a O O ll 1 J ll 1 _•_ . . § S ■*. s ~2as^_ H „. b ,o JJJIj » „ IJ3l__l Illl_ili QR^ . _ _ *_ r4ffi« r. 01 « _j tu . . o o 'fi _, ° -J . 'li. § I M °.'o « _s 1 S3S I as* 5 E S. a" a II. aj_2 fl 2 * _ POO . _ j; 0 o d -g Oi !. O „ « j i § taj 5 "s n . ti ss g _ . _ § M S Sixip.S. =--2-8 r—I C. CO •*. ■ 2 a « . a. P. _ . a *_ 3> B J 0Q -"P r-i N d tH r-i N


a.—l 4

death of the person named in the subjoined schedule; such certificate" to bo written in the form on the back of this application.

Namo and Surname of the Deceased. Age. When Died. Where Died.

N.B.—The applicant must insert in the blank spaces in the following paragraph the name of the Society or Industrial Assurance Company from which a sum of money is sought to be obtained, and the sum sought to be obtained from such Society or Company, which caunot exceed £6. I apply for the certificate for the purpose of obtaining from the (a) Society or Company the sum of Dated this day of , 18 . (Signature.) Regulations under which Applications for Certificates of Death for the purposes of " The Friendly Societies Act, 1877," must be made. The application must be mado on a form similai* to this, and must bo signed by the applicant; and tho fee of Is., if for one certificate only, must be paid at the time the application is made. If tho application is for more than one certificate, the fee of Gd. must be paid for every certificate in excess of one. The application may be made on any day except Sunday, Good Friday, Christmas Day, or other duly-recognized public holiday. If the application is made otherwise than personally, it must, with the fee of Is., be conveyed to the Eegistrar free of all cost to him; and an envelope or cover of the proper size must also be sent, fully addressed to the person to whom this docu;r.ent is to be returned. If it is to be returned by post, the necessary postage stamps must be affixed to such envelope or cover. Approved. Wm. E. E. Beown, Eegistrar- General. (a.) If the money is so-tight to be obtained from an Industrial Assurance Company, draw a line through the words " Society or." If it is sought to be obtained from a Friendly Society, draw a lino through the words "or Company."

FORM No. 4. CERTIFICATE of BIRTH, issued for the purposes of "The Friendly Societies Act, 1877." Registration District of , in the Colony of New Zealand.

Form No. 4. (To be printed on back of preceding Form.) Foem of Application fct* a Ceetificate of Bieth, for the purposes of '-' The Friendly Societies Act, 1877." To the Eegistrar of Births and Deaths having the custody of the Eegister in which tho birth of the under-mentioned person is registered. I, the undeesigned, hereby demand, for the purposes of the above-mentioned Act, a certificate of the birth of the person named in the subjoijjed Schedule, such certificate to be written in the form on tho back of this application.

Child. 'ABENTS. Infoemant. Registbae. Child. a t. o P o E s _ a _■ B 6 - ° tT **•* j§ o O -g t*H _ ft I & _ 6 ■ ll a _ |ti m g ° _ » _ j_ __ a *> _ Fatheb. -2 E ■ £ -a a s M.0THEB. a S -a ■8 _ § 1 -i a B .J= s a «-e c. a «>.a i. f — CO * 8_§ ° _ be I al s O ha O 9 O d g S £"£ t. fl _p .h o ■« Ai : rt « h tj fl a __: «•» o & 'fl d fl fl t_ to ro w _ fl rH N CO .< | a "£ oh 2 6 'ec 0 P s g ~ 1. B e3 . 9 1_ ■SB (_ tn |1 o- .2 "■ 60 c_ 6 _ o fH oi CO _f I. N Given uider my hand this ■y of ,18 (Si| ;ned .Eej itrar.



Dated this day of , 18 . (Signature.) Regulations under which Applications for Certificates of Birth for the purposes of " The Friendly Societies Act, 1877," must be made. TnE application must be made on a form similar to this, and must be signed by the applicant; and the fee of Is., if for one certificate only, must be paid at the time the application is made. If the application is for more than one certificate, the fee of Gd. must be paid for every certificate in excess of one. The application may be made on any day except Sunday, Good Friday, Christmas Day, or other duly-recognized public holiday. If the application is made otherwise than personally, it must, with the fee of Is., be conveyed to the Registrar free of all cost to him; and an envelope or cover of the proper size must also be sent, fully addressed to the person to whom this document is to be returned. If it is to be returned by post, the necessary postage stamps must be affixed to such envelope or cover. Approved. Wm. E. E. Beown, Eegistrar-General. By section 14, subsection 10 of the above-mentioned Act, it is enacted that, " For the purpose of this Act a certificate of the birth or death of any member or person insured or to be insured with a registered Friendly Society or registered branch shall be given under his hand by the Eegistrar of Births and Deaths, or other person having the care of the register of births and deaths in which such birth or death is entered, for a su :i not exceeding Is., in place of all fees or payments in respect of the same, on application being made for the same, iv such form and under such regulations as shall be approved by the Eegistrar-General of Births Deaths and Marriages." N.B. —If a certificate of the birth of a person insured or to be insured in an unregistered Friendly Society, in any Benevolent Society (registered or not), or in an Industrial Assurance Company, is required, such certificate must be given on the ordinary form, and the fee payable will be that provided by " The Eegistration of Births and Deaths Act, 1875 " —2s. 6d. if not under seal, ss. if under seal. SCHEDULE VI. Insteuctions to Valuees appointed undee " TnE Feiendlt Societies Act, 1877." 1. The Valuer may require that the particulars for valuation shall be supplied to him in such form as he may think fit, together with a copy of the rules for the time being of the society, and copies of the annual returns, and also of the annual statements of account of the society where these are not identical with the annual returns, for at least the five years next preceding the date up to which the valuation is to be made. 2. The Valuer may ask for such further information as to the affairs of the society as he may deem necessary for the purpose of his valuation. 3. In no valuation of a society's future sickness liabilities shall the total sickness per annum at each age up to age seventy expected to be experienced be less than that given by " Eatcliffe's Sickness Experience for the Years 1866-70 of the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows, Eural, Town, and City Districts combined." 4. In the case of societies granting sick allowance beyond the age of seventy, the Valuer shall call attention in his report to the principles on which he has valued this portion of the sickness liabilities with special reference to the probable effect of cases of prolonged sickness on the funds of the society. 5. In no valuation of a society's future sickness liabilities shall a higher rate of mortality at any age be einploved than that given by " Eatcliffe's Mortality Experience for the Years 1866-70 of the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows, Rural, Town, and City Districts combined." 6. In the case of societies having members engaged in occupations more than usually hazardous or injurious to health, or having members residing in localities known to be unhealthy, the Valuer shall in his valuation make such allowance or allowances as regards conditions 5 and 6 as he may deem expedient, and shall call especial attention thereto in his report on the valuation.

'AMES OF THE 'aee: :ts op such 'eeson. Kanie and Surname of ;he Person u Certificate of w Birth is required. Where such Person was Born. In what Year such Person was Bom. Father. Mother.



7. The Valuer may, in estimating the value of a society's liabilities under its assured benefits, uso such a rate or rates of interest as he may consider expedient; but when such rate or rates shall exceed _ per cent., he shall, in his report on the valuation, state fully the grounds on which a higher rate of interest is made use of. 8. No allowance is to be made for possible future profits arising from secessions, unless the number of contributing members in the society and the nature of the society's business be such as fully to justify an allowance being made ; and the Valuer shall in all such cases state in his report what allowance has been made, and the grounds on which it is made. 9. The method of valuation must in no case have the effect of treating any of the society's assurance contracts as assets ; in other words, the liability of the society under its assurance contracts must in no case be treated as having a negative value. 10. Tiie valuation report must in all cases state distinctly what provision is made for future expenses of management, and for all other future expenses (such as those connected with medical attendance) lhe present value of which does not admit of actuarial computation ; and the Valuer shall state whether, in his opinion, judging from the experience of the society, such provision is adequate. 11. In making his report on the valuation, the Valuer shall in all cases specially call attention to the assumptions on which the valuation is based, particular care being exercised in this respect where the number of members is small. 12. Valuers are requested to make themselves acquainted with the provisions of " The Friendly Societies Act, 1877," and with the regulations made by tho Governor, which affect the exercise of their functions. Their attention is particularly directed to section 13 (If) of the Act, and to regulations 55, 65. Additional Insteuctions to Public Valuees appointed by the Goveenoe. 1. A Public Valuer is bound to undertake by himself, or through some other Public Valuer, every valuation tinder the Act tendered to him by a registered society or branch. 2. A Public Valuer shall make his valuation, and furnish to the Eegistrar the report and abstract of valuation required by section 13 (If) of "The Friendly Societies Act, 1877," within three calendar months after the necessary particulars have been supplied to him, unless there be just and sufficient reasons for any delay. 3. If, in consequence of the large number of valuations under the Act which are submitted to him, a Public Valuer is unable to complete any such valuation within the time above specified, he may transfer such valuation to another Public Valuer upon the same terms and conditions. 4. It has beeu determined by the Governor that for the present, and until he shall otherwise order, the scale of payment to Public. Valuers shall be not higher than the following:— £ s. d. If the number of members does not exceed 75 ... ... ... 400 If over 75, but not exceeding 100 ... ... ... ... 5 0 0 „ 100, „ 150 ... ... ... ... 7 0 0 „ 150, „ 200 ... ... ... ... 9 0 0 „ 200, „ 250 ... ... ... ... 11 0 0 „ 250, „ 300 ... ... ... ... 12 12 0 „ 300, „ 400 ... ... ... ... 15 15 0 „ 400, „ 500 ... ... • ... ... 18 18 0 „ 500, „ 600 ... ... ... ... 21 0 0 „ 600, „ 750 ... ... ... ... 24 3 0 „ 750, „ 1,000 ... ... ... ... 29 8 0 —with an additional £5 ss. for every 250 members, or portion thereof, beyond 1,000. Where the number of members exceeds 2,500, the fee shall be a matter of special arrangement. Public Valuers may accept valuations on terms lower than those of the above scale. 5. The appointment of a Public Valuer will terminate on the 30th June ensuing upon the date of such appointment, the reappointment at that time of any person to be a Public Valuer being entirely at the discretion of the Governor. Wm. E. E. Beown, Eegistrar of Friendly Societies.




I.—Applications foe the Reoistey op Societies. II.—Applications poe the Reoistey of New Sets of Rules. Name of Society. Date of First Application. How finally dealt with. Name of Society. ipp.?™ Ho*, finally dealt witb. 1. Loyal Excelsior Lodge, I. O . 0 . F., M.U., New Plymouth 2. New Zealand District, Independent Order of Rechabites 3. Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners, New Zealand District 4. Otago - Canterbury District, Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society 5. Otago Railway Employes Benefit Society 6. Court Bobin Hood Qf Juvenile Foresters, New Plymouth 7. Greymouth Branch, Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. 8. Court Royal Oak, A.O.F., Westport 2 Jan., 1878 17 Jan., 1878 31 Jan., 1878 14 Feb., 1878 7 Feb., 1877 Society requested to make application in proper form. Ditto. Society requested to send rules. Society requested to mako application in proper form. 1. Wellington District, A.O.F. 2. Nelson District. I.O.O.F., M.U. 3. North Canterbury District, I. O. O. F., M.U. 4 Jan., 1878 Society informed of Revising Barrister's objections, and advised to cancel and reregister.^.Notifies intention of following this advice. 25 Feb., 1878 Society advised to cancel and reregister. 16 Mar., 1878 Advised to cancel and re-register. Forwards application for cancelment and re-registration. Society informed of Revising Barrister's objections to the'new rules. ll May, 1878 Advised" to cancel and re-register. 27.May, 1878 Advised to caneel and re-register. Asked to supplement its new rules. 24 June, 1878 Advised to cancel and re-register. 25 June, 1878 Advised to cancel and re-register. Has notified its intention of following the advice. 16 July, 1878 Advised to cancel and re-register. Rules submitted to | Revising Barrister. 25 Feb., 1878 16 Mar., 1878 4 Jan., 1878 Ditto. 25 Aug., 1877 11 Mar., 1878 Copy of Revising Barrister's objections forwarded. Objections of Revising Barrister explained. 4. Court Concord, A.O.F., Greymouth 5. Sauctuary Sir Or. Grey, Ancient Order of Shepherds, Wellington IMay, 1877 Copy of Revising Barrister's objections forwarded. Ditto. 9. Pioneer Lodge, Ancient Order of Druids, Christchurch 10. Court Pioneer, A.O.F., Tinui 11. Progress Division, Sons of Temperance, Kaiapoi 12. Auckland Working Men's Club 13. Wellington Branch, Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society 25 Mar., 1878 27 April, 1878 Conditions of registration explained. Society requested to make application in proper form. Ditto. 6. Court Robin Hood, 1 A.O.F., Nelson' 7. Auckland District, A.O.F. 15 Juno, 1878 24 June, 1878 8. Court Sir George Grev, A.O.F., Wellington 24 July, 1878 Society requested to supplement its rules. III.—Applications foi l. 1 North' Wcstland District, I.O.O.F., M.U. 2. Loyal Marlborough Lodge, I.O.O.F..M.U., Blenheim . the Reoistey op Amendments. 17 Jan., 1878 I Registered, 11 April; y 1878. 18 June, 1878 Referred to Revising Barrister. By Authority : Geoeoe DidsbuSy, Government Printer, Wellington.—1878.

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Bibliographic details

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (FIRST ANNUAL REPORT BY THE REGISTRAR OF)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1878 Session I, H-14

Word Count

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (FIRST ANNUAL REPORT BY THE REGISTRAR OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1878 Session I, H-14

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (FIRST ANNUAL REPORT BY THE REGISTRAR OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1878 Session I, H-14

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