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appended hereto [except the consents of , whose claims of the society held on the day of , at have been duly satisfied or have been provided for. (State in [or as the case may be, slating by what authority the transfer is what manner such provision has been made.)}. accepted], the society lias undertaken to fulfil all the engage- , Chairman of the first ments of the Bociety, Register No. . j general meeting. -^-nc* *■ make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing ( Secretary of the first- *-ne Ean>e t0 D 0 true, and by virtue of an Act of the General ) named society. Assembly of New Zealand, intituled " The Justices of tha r Chairman of the ?<**> Act > 1866-" j subsequent general Made and subscribed at , in the (. meeting. Colony of New Zealand, this day Registered office [of the a]: of , in the year of our Lord ono Date: day of , 18 . thousand eight hundred and , before me [one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the said Form No. 26.—Regs. 32, 34. colony]. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1877." Form No. 28.— Reg. 33. APPLICATION FOR REGISTRY OF A SPECIAL RESO- New Zealand. LUTION FOR TRANSFER OF ENGAGEMENTS. Name of society transferring its engagements: „ . . ~ _, . .. . , ,„„„„ Register No. Friendly Societies Act, 1877." Name of society undertaking to fulfil transferred engagements : Register No. .„..,,___-. APPLICATION FOR REGISTRY OF SPECrAL RESOIo the Registrar of Friendly Societies. LUTION FOR CONVERSION INTO A COMPANY. Application for registry of a special resolution for transfer of engagements of the first-named society is made by the* aame ot society : persons whose names arc subscribed. Kegister JNo. 1. The following is a copy of a special resolution passed by To the Registrar of Friendly Societies, the voles of three-fourths of tbe members present and entitled Application for registry of a special resolution for conversion to vote, at a general meeting of tiie first-named society, of which of the above-mentioned society into a company is made by tho notice was duly given, bold the day of , 18 , three persons whose names arc subscribed at the foot hereof, and confirmed by a majority of the members present and entitled The following is a copy of a special resolution passed by the to vote at a subsequent general meeting, of which notice was votes of three-fourths of lhe members present and entitled to duly given, held the day of , 18 , and con- vote at a general meeting of the said society, of which notice firmed by a majority of the members present and entitled to was duly given, held on tiie day of ,18 , and vote at a subsequent general meeting, of which notice was duly confirmed by a majority of the members present and entitled to given, held on the day of , 18 [The resolu- vote at. a subsequent general meeting, of wbieh notice was duly tion to be copied at full length], given, held on the day of , 18 , purf2. The number of votes to which all the members of the suant to section 22 of the above-mentioned Act [The resolution first-named society are entitled pursuant to section 2G (7) ofthe to be copied at length], said Act is ; the number of votes of the members who (Chairman ofthe first assented at tho said meeting is ; and the written con- general meeting, scnts of members entitled to votes, and of every person (Signed) .Secretary. for tbe time being receiving or entitled to any relief, annuity, r Chairman of tlio or other benefit from the funds of the society, are appended j subsequent general hereto, except the consents of , whose claims have been (. meeting, duly satisfied or have been provided for [State in what manner Registered Offico: such provision has been made}. Date: day of ,18 . 3. The last-named society has [Stale in what manner} undertaken to fulfil the engagements of the first-named society, as testified by the signatures of tho trustees and secretary of the said last-named society to tbis application, and by the declaration ofthe secretary ofthe same sent with this application. Form No. 29. — Reg. 34. ( Chairman of the first i. geueral meeting. New Zealand. ( Secretary of the first- !, named society. (Chairman of the "Friendly Societies Act, 1877." < subsequent general (. meeting. . Trustees of the last- DECLARATION BY OFFICER OF COMPANY AMAL- [ named society. GAMATING OR ACCEPTING TRANSFER OF ( Secretary of the last- ENGAGEMENTS. ( named society. Name of company i Registered Office of transferring society: I, of , an officer of the above-named company, Date: day ot , 18 ■ ,j 0 so . emil ly and sincerely declare that, by a resolution of a * The number will vary according to that of the trustees of the society special general meeting of the company, held on tho undertaking to fulfil transferred engagements. day of , at [or as the case may be, stating by t This will only be necessary when the society is tt friendly society, and % f authorih . ihe amalgamation is agreed to or the transfer of the consents, or unv ol them, have not been dispensed with by the Kegis- _*______ 1 J . __._.._ jjjj," ' - * engagements accepted], the company has agreed to an amalgamation with [or undertaken to fulfil all the engagements of] the society, Register No. Form No. 27.— Reg. 32. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of an Act of the General New Zealand. Assembly of New Zealand intituled " The Justices of the Peace Act, 1866." " Friendly SoeieLies Aot, 1877." Made and subscribed at , in the Colony of New Zealand, this day DECLARATIONI BY OFFICE*OF SOCIETY ACCEPT- [^mnd _&___»!_" ™ ~ ING TRANSFER OF ENGAGEMENTS. ,-_„. _. [one of H _, Maje9t -. 8 Name of society : Justices of the Peace in and for the said Register No. colony]. J of , an officer of the above-named society, do solemnly and sincerly declare that, by a resolution of a meeting