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required for publication of such cancellation in the i officers of such society or branch, or by persons Gazette. appointed wholly or partly by them. 5. Where application is made to cancel registry 18. The rules of every such society or branch under the compulsory powers of the Eegistrar, the shall contain provisions for the following matters in Eegistrar may require such application to be made addition to those required in the case of societies by in duplicate, in such form and to be supported by Schedule 11. ofthe Act and Form No. 1 to these resuch statutory declaration as he may direct, and gulations, and in the case of branches by Begulashall transmit one copy of such application to the tion 50. Governor for his approval. 1. Whether or not parents and guardians of 6. Notice before cancelling or suspension of members shall be entitled to be present and registry shall be in Form No. 5 annexed hereto. vote at meetings of the society, and to perform 7. The cancelling of registry shall be in Form acts of membership on behalf of their children. No. 6 annexed hereto. 2. The giving of security by the treasurer. 8. The suspension or renewal of suspension of 3. The investment of the i'uuds in a savings registry shall be in Form No. 7 annexed hereto. bank, or in Government or real securities, but 9. The advertisement of cancelling or suspension not otherwise. shall be in Form No. 8 annexed hereto. 4. The acceptance of a member into a regisTt ' t d D-fV tered society or brauch, or the payment to him ..','., . . c of a share of the accumulated funds, if any, on 10. Every notice ot a change in the situation of his attain j ng the age of sixteen years. tho registered office ot a society shall be sent to the The formg annexed to Regulations Ito G3 may be Eegistrar within fourteen days after every such modified by authority of the Registrar, to suit their change, m Eorm No. 9 annexed hereto. Notice of the app ii ca tion"to juvenile societies or branches, situation of the registered office oi a society on iirst registry shall be deemed to be given by the rule pro- Disputes. viding for the place of office. The place of business 19. The reference of a dispute to the Eegistrar of a society enrolled or certified before the Ist s h a lL be written on foolscap paper, in duplicate, in January, 1878, as stated in the rules thereof, or in j* orm _\ O . 14 annexed hereto. any notice of change duly sent to the Eegistrar, 20. The Eegistrar, upon receipt of the reference, shall be deemed to be the registered office of the s l_ a ll transmit one copy of it to the Governor for his society until notice of change, duly sent as herein CO nsent. provided, is received by the Eegistrar. 21. Every notice of hearing by the Eegistrar, and „ every requisition for the attendance of parties and rustees. witnesses, and the production of books and docu--11. All resolutions appointing trustees shall be mentS) B hall be in Form No. 15 annexed hereto, sent to the Eegistrar within fourteen days after the 2 2. Where it is necessary to enforce the attenddate of the meeting whereat any such resolution was allce 0 f a particular witness, or the production of a passed, in Form No. 10 annexed hereto. particular document, notice shall be in Form No. 10 „ . . annexed hereto. . 23. If an order for discovery is necessary, it shall 12. Every registered society (except as 111 the Act be m Form No 17 aimeX ed hereto. is provided) shall keep a record or register of all 2 4. The determination and order of the Eegistrar nominations made by the members, and ot all revoca- shall be in Form No. 18 annexed hereto, or as near tions and variations of the same. thereto as the circumstances of the case may in his Transfer of Funds or Money. judgment allow. 13. Every application to the Eegistrar to direct a Inspectors and Special Meetings. transfer of funds, debentures, securities, or moneys 25. An application for appointment of inspectors shall follow as near as may be the Form No. 11 or for calling a special meeting shall be sent to tho annexed hereto, and shall be accompanied by a Registrar, written on foolscap paper, in duplicate, in statutory declaration in Form No. 12 annexed hereto, Form No. 19 annexed hereto, and shall be accomor as near thereto as the facts admit, and by the panied by a statutory declaration, in Form No. 20 certificate of the funds or debentures, or by the annexed hereto, by three at least of the applicants, securities in respect of which the application is made. 26. The Eegistrar may, immediately upon receipt 14. Before making the application the society of the application, transmit one copy to the Governor shall submit to the Eegistrar for examination a draft for his consent, or may, before such transmission, copy on foolscap paper, written on one side only, of give notice of the application to the society, and the proposed application and declaration. send to the Governor any answer the society may 15. The Eegistrar, before directing the transfer, make. may require such further proof of any statement in 27. The appointment of inspectors shall be in the application as may seem to him to be necessary. Form No. 21 annexed hereto, or as near thereto as 16. The Eegistrar shall give his direction in Form circumstances may allow. No. 13 annexed hereto, so framed in each case as to 28. The notice of special meeting shall be in Form suit the particular circumstances. No. 22 annexed hereto. _~„.,. 29. The chairman of the special meeting shall Juvenile Societies. report to the Eegistrar as he may direct. 17. Societies and branches consisting wholly of members between three and sixteen years of age Special Resolutions. may be registered, provided they are — 30. Every application for approval of change of (a.) In connection with some institution or name must be made in duplicate in Form No. 23 anschool, and managed by the managers or teachers nexed hereto, and must be sent to the Eegistrar acthereof, or by a committee appointed wholly or companied by a statutory declaration in Form No. 24 partly by such managers or teachers : annexed hereto. If approved of, the word " ap(b.) In connection with some society regis- proved" shall be written at the foot or end of each tered under the Act, or a branch of any such such copy, and the same shall be signed by the society, aud managed by the committee or Eegistrar.