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Presented to both Houses of the Assembly by command of His Excellency.

CONTEACT FOE CONVEYANCE OF EIIIGBANTS AND CaEGO. Aeticles of Ageeement made and entered into this sixteenth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, between Her Majesty Queen Victoria (who, with her heirs and successors, is and are hereinafter called "the Q,ueen"), of the one part, and " Tiie New Zealand Shipping Company (Limited)," carrying on business at Christchurch and elsewhere, in the Colony of New Zealand (who, with their successors and assigns, are hereinafter included in the expression "the Company"), of the other part. "Wheeeas an Agreement has been made by the Queen with the Company for the conveyance of passengers or emigrants, and for the carriage of cargo, in and by the ships or vessels of the Companv, from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the colony aforesaid, upon the terms, and subject to the stipulations and conditions, hereinafter mentioned or referred to : Now these presents witness that the Queen, so far as the covenants hereinafter contained are to be performed by Her, doth hereby covenant and agree with the Company ; and the Company, so far as the covenants hereinafter contained are to be performed or observed by them, do hereby covenant and agree with the Queen, in the manner hereinafter particularly set forth : 1. It is hereby mutually agreed that, in the construction of these presents, the words and expressions hereinafter mentioned shall have the meanings respectively assigned thereto, unless there shall be something in the context or subject-matter repugnant or contrary to such construction: that is to say, — " Agent-General" shall mean the Agent-General of the Government of the Colony for the time being, in London, in England ; and whenever under these presents any act or thing is required to be done or any power exercised in the United Kingdom by or on behalf of the Queen or the Government of the Colony, it shall be sufficient and binding if done by such Agent-General as aforesaid. Except where expressly provided to the contrary, whenever any act or thing is required to be done or any power exercised in New Zealand on behalf of the Queen, such act thing or power may be done, exercised, or performed by the Governor or the Minister for Immigration for the time being, on behalf of the Queen, or by such other person as the Governor or Minister may from time to time appoint. "Emigrants" shall mean any passengers or persons who may be sent out or be emigrating to the colony aforesaid under the provisions of any regulations or authority in force for the time being and relating to the conduct of emigration to New Zealand. " Statute adult" shall have the same meaning as the like expression has attached thereto in the Act of the Imperial Parliament of which the Short Title is " The Passengers Act, 1855." " Cargo" shall mean any goods, chattels, wares, or merchandise of any kind or description soever (not specially excepted by this contract), except live animals. " Delivery of cargo" shall mean delivery of cargo at the ship's slings or side, according to the custom of the port. 2. This contract shall be deemed to commence on the first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, and thereafter shall continue and be in force (subject to the conditions hereinafter contained) until the first day of November, 1877 : Provided that the Queen may at her option continue this contract (subject as aforesaid) until the first day of May, 1878, by giving to the Company notice in writing to that effect on or before the first day of August, 1877. 3. During the continuance' of this agreement, all emigrants and cargo, which the Agent-General shall send or be desirous of sending from the United Kingdom (except as hereinafter provided) to the said colony, shall be sent and forwarded by the ships or vessels of the Company: Provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the Agent-General from sending or forwarding any emigrants or cargo in fulfilment of any contracts entered into by him on behalf of the Queen before the commencement of this contract, nor affect or prejudice any contract, act, or thing hereinafter expressly exempted from the operation of these presents. I—D. 3.



4. The conditions set forth in the First Schedule hereto, and every part thereof, shall be incorporated with these presents, and shall be binding on the parties hereto as fully and effectually as if the same were set forth at length herein, and shall have the same force and effect as they would have if embodied in a charter-party on the employment or engagement of each ship by the Queen or the Agent-General. 5. Subject to such conditions, the Company shall find and provide such ships as maybe required by the Queen from time to time for carrying out this agreement, and for the conveyance of emigrants and for the carriage of cargo, or for only one of such purposes, or for both such purposes ; and the Company shall be entitled to be paid for the same as and in the manner particularly mentioned herein and in the said conditions respectively. 6. All ships engaged in the conveyance of emigrants or the carriage of cargo hereunder shall proceed from the port of London or Glasgow upon such dates as the Agent-General shall appoint in accordance with the said conditions, and such ships shall be prepared and fitted for sea subject to and according to the terms thereof; and on embarking the emigrants or completing taking in cargo (or both of these, if carrying both emigrants and cargo), shall proceed to such port in the colony as the Agent-General shall direct, being one of either of the ports of Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, or Port Chalmers: Provided that, if so required by the Agent-General, ships may be required to go to Bluff Harbour, Nelson, and Napier in the said colony, provided the Agent-General is able to give a fair number of emigrants, or of emigrants and cargo, or cargo; and in such case the Company shall be paid for the conveyance of the emigrants by such ship or the carriage of cargo therein at the like rates respectively as if the same were conveyed or carried to one of the first-mentioned ports, and the Queen shall be the sole judge as to the number of emigrants, or the quantity of cargo, or of both emigrants and cargo, to be conveyed under this provision. The Agent-General may also require such ships as may be necessary for the conveyance of emigrants or cargo to proceed direct to the Port of New Plymouth, in the said colony; and in such case there shall be paid to the Company an additional sum for the conveyance of every emigrant landed at such port at the rate of twenty shillings per statute adult, and for the carriage of cargo an additional sum to tho rates hereinafter provided at the rate of ten shillings per ton. 7. The Agent-General shall not be entitled to require the Company to provide a ship for the conveyance of a less number of emigrants than one hundred and fifty (150) statute adults (except in the special cases provided for under clause six hereof) nor to provide a ship capable of carrying more than three hundred and fifty (350) statute adults. 8. Any ship, whether carrying cargo or not, may be required to call at Plymouth, in England, for the purpose of embarking emigrants; and in such case Plymouth shall be deemed to be the port of embarkation for the purposes of this agreement. 9. The Company shall be paid for the carriage of cargo at the following rates, viz. :— Ordinary dead-weight, at the rate of twenty shillings per ton. Ordinary measurement, at the rate of thirty shillings per ton. Special cargo shall be paid for at such special rates as may be agreed upon in London between the Agent-General and the Company's agent there before shipment. The above rates for carriage of cargo shall be applicable in cases where the cargo is carried to the ports of Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Port Chalmers; provided that where cargo shall be carried for other ports in the colony than those last and hereinbefore mentioned, the same shall be delivered by the Company at such ports at an additional rate to those above mentioned of fifteen shillings per ton. Upon all cargo rates, whether special or otherwise, there shall be paid and allowed to the Company primage, at the rate of five per cent. Ordinary dead-weight is, and throughout this contract shall be, taken to be such weight as in no single piece weighs over three tons. Ordinary measurement is, and throughout this contract shall be taken to be, all goods usually taken by measurement. And all single pieces of dead-weight or measurement weighing over three tons shall be taken out of the ship by and at the expense and risk of the Queen. All bills of lading for cargo carried shall be made subject to the terms of this contract. 10. Freight for the carriage of cargo shall be paid in the following manner: —One-half thereof on signing the bills of lading, and the other half thereof on the delivery of the cargo on arrival at the port of destination in the colony. 11. The Company shall be paid for the carriage of emigrants, at the following rates, viz. : — Por every statute adult, the sum of thirteen pounds eleven shillings and sixpence (£l3 lis. 6d.) For every child of the age of one year and under twelve years, the sum of seven pounds eleven shillings (£7 lis.) 12. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to prejudice or affect any or either of the contracts, matters, or things hereinafter mentioned, whether the same now are in existence or may hereafter be in existence: that is to say, — (a.) Any contracts entered into by the Agent-General on behalf of the Queen or of the Government of the Colony prior to the commencement of this agreement. (b.) Any contract or engagement made or effected by means of the agency of the Government now in existence in Scotland for the conveyance of emigrants, or the carriage of cargo contracted to be delivered at the Clyde; and such emigrants or cargo to be sent or despatched from the ports of Greenock or Glasgow, or any oilier port in the Eiver Clyde, to the Province of Otago. 13. Nothing in this agreement contained shall be held to prevent the Queen, or the AgentGeneral on her behalf, from entering into a contract with the Albion Shipping Company of Glasgow for the conveyance of any emigrants or cargo or of emigrants and cargo from any port on the Eiver Clyde to Port Chalmers or Bluff Harbour, in the Province of Otago, on the same or lower terms as to the passage money and freight as are stated in this agreement: provided that if the Albion Shipping Company



shall decline to enter into such contract, then all emigrants and cargo which the Queen shall send or be desirous of sending to the said colony, from such ports on the Eiver Clyde, shall be forwarded and sent by the vessels of the Company upon the same terms and conditions as are stated in this agreement. 14. The Queen shall be at liberty to reject any vessel which shall not be of the class stated in the conditions, or which shall not be fitted in accordance with such conditions, and may require the Company to fulfil such conditions; and the Company shall pay to the Queen all damages and expenses occasioned by reason of their supplying any ship not of the class stated in the conditions, or not fitted in accordance with such conditions. In the event of the Company refusing or neglecting within a reasonable time (of which the Queen is to be judge), after being required bv the Queen, to furnish and supply any ship according to the terms of this agreement, the Queen may charter and employ from any other person a ship or ships, and recover from the Company the extra expenses (if any) incurred by such employment, or deduct the san.e out of any moneys that may be or become due from the Queen to the Company. 15. The Minister for Immigration may, at his discretion, from time to time furnish to the Company, at their principal place of business in Christchurch aforesaid, an approximate statement of the emigrants and cargo ordered by the Government of the Colony from Great Britain, and will cause instructions to be given to the Agent-General to meet the convenience of the Company in providing for the carriage of such emigrants and of such cargo, so far as he can do so consistently with the interests of the Government of the Colony. IG. The Company shall at all times have an agent in London, with full powers to act in all matters or things relating to this agreement on behalf of the Company, and such agent shall from time to time inform the Agent-General of any change in his address or place of business, and the acts of such agent, and all notices or directions given to him by the Queen under this contract shall be binding and conclusive on the Company in all respects touching or concerning the provisions hereof. The agent of the Company at present is Oliver Roper Strickland, 84, Bishopsgate-street Within. 17. The Company shall not assign, sub-let, or part with this contract, nor assign or dispose of the benefit or advantage thereof, or of any part thereof, without the consent in writing of the Minister for Immigration for the time being first had and obtained. In witness whereof the Most Honorable George Augustus Constantine, Marquis of Normanby, Earl of Mulgrave, Viscount Normanby, and Baron Mulgrave of Mulgrave, all in the County of York, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom ; and Baron Mulgrave of New Ross, in the County of Wexford, in the Peerage of Ireland; a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honorable Privy Council; Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George ; Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, hath, on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, hereunto set his hand, and hath caused the Seal of the Colony to be hereunto affixed ; and "The New Zealand Shipping Company, Limited," have hereunto set their Common Seal the day and year firstly hereinbefore written, this sixteenth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. (1.5.) NORMANBY. Sealed with the Seal of the Colony of New Zealand, and signed by the Governor of the said Colony, in the presence of FORSTER GORING, Clerk of the Executive Council. 16th November, 1876. Sealed with the Common Seal of " The New Zealand Shipping Company, Limited," in the presence of J. L. COSTER, Chairman, (L.S.) H. SELWYN SMITH, General Manager. FIRST SCHEDULE. Conditions op Contkact made with Her Majesty Queen Victoria (referred to as " the Queen ") bj "The New Zealand Shipping Company Limited" (referred to as "the Company"), for the Conveyance of Cargo and Emigrants from the United Kingdom to New Zealand, and referred to in the agreement. 1. Everv ship to be employed shall have a minimum height between decks of seven feet from deck to deck (save and except in case of the employment of the ships " Mataura" and " Waitara," and such other vessels as may be ordered to outports), and be in all other respects approved by the Queen, and which ships shall have a height between decks of six feet nine inches at the least, and shall be classed in Lloyd's Register not lower than class Al, and, if the ship prove to be otherwise, the Queen may refuse to employ the said ship under this agreement. 2. The Company will convey with all despatch such passengers and cargo as the Queen may



place on board any ship employed under this contract to the usual place of disembarkation at one of the ports mentioned in the above agreement, as the Queen mav direct. During this contract every ship shall always be tight, strong, and substantial, properly masted, rigged, equipped, and stowed, and be in all respects seaworthy, and be properly manned with efficient officers and crew ; and if the Queen shall object to any of the officers or crew, they shall be removed and replaced by others to her satisfaction. During the voyage the boats, with all requisite gear, masts, sails, oars, &c, shall always be kept ready for immediate use. The Company shall be responsible for the conduct, acts, and defaults of the Master, officers, crew, baker, and cooks of the ship, but not of the Surgeon. 3. Each ship shall, at the cost of the Company, be provided with the necessary quantities of provisions and other articles and things to enable the stipulations hereinafter contained to be observed and complied with, and also with all necessary and sufficient provisions and stores for the officers and crew of the ship, aud for any passengers (if any) other than those selected by the Queen, and of not inferior quality to that of the like articles provided for the passengers. 4. Each ship shall be subject to approval by the Queen, and shall be fitted and provided to her satisfaction with sufficient scuttles, deck lights, and ventilation. Also with proper bed-places, seats, tables, water-closets, urinals and shoots, hospitals and dispensary, issuing room, &c. ; pump and hose for drawing water from the hold; cooking apparatus ; oven, baking troughs, and other requisites for baking bread, to be approved of by the Queen. Also with the articles mentioned in the Schedules hereunto annexed, and with whatever else the Queen may deem necessary for the cleanliness of the ship, and the convenience and safety of the passengers. 5. Notwithstanding the provisions of " The Passengers Act, 1855," a space of 18 clear superficial feet, at the least, of deck shall be calculated and allowed for the use of each statute adult, including the space allotted for hospitals, bath-room, water-closets, dispensary, and issuing-room, &c. The 'tweendecks shall be divided for passengers into three compartments only, viz. for single men, married couples, and single women ; and there shall be at least one separate hatchway and ladder-way from each compartment to the upper deck. 6. An issuing-room, of dimensions approved by the Queen, shall be provided, either on the passenger deck or on some part of the main deck, whence the provisions shall be issued daily to the passengers as hereinafter provided. The issuing-room to be fitted with counter, scales, and weights, and all other requisites. 7. Three separate hospitals shall be provided —one for men, one for women and children, and one for single women—which shall in all cases where practicable be on the upper deck ; but if this be not conveniently practicable, the one for men maybe in the single men's compartment of the 'tween-decks, the one for women and children in the married people's compartment, and the one for single women in their own compartment; but in every case one of such hospitals must be on deck. Such hospitals shall be of the form and dimensions required by the Queen, and shall be furnished with such bedding and requisites as she shall consider necessary. In all cases where the deck hospital is under the same ceiling as the galley and a condenser, there shall be a compartment between them and the hospital. A bath-room, with bath and proper appliances for obtaining a sufficient supply of water, shall be provided for use by women and children, to the satisfaction in all respects of the Queen. A bath-room, or requisite appliances for bathing, shall also be provided on the upper deck for use by men. 8. The Company shall at their expense, and to the satisfaction of the Queen, provide and fit up, on a covered space on the upper deck, an apparatus for distilling fresh from salt water, of a size calculated to supply not less than 500 gallons of water in twenty-four hours, and to be approved on behalf of the Queen; and shall provide a person competent to manage the apparatus, and shall keep the same working throughout every day at the ship's expense so long as there are any passengers on board, and shall make all issues of water to the passengers, as far as practicable, from the water so distilled. .It shall be in the option of the Queen to release the Company from the obligation to supply a condenser if less than 100 adult emigrants, or the equivalent thereof, should proceed in the ship. 9. No gunpowder, bides, or any commodity likely in the opinion of the Queen, by reason of its nature, quality, or quantity, to be detrimental to the safety or health of the passengers, shall be taken as cargo or otherwise. Such gunpowder as may be necessary for the ship's use shall be properly stowed in a place of security. Hail, bar, hoop, and pig iron shall not be taken in quantities exceeding one-fourth of the ship's register tonnage, nor salt in quantities exceeding one-tenth of such tonnage. The cargo, of whatever kind, shall be stowed to the satisfaction of the Queen. 10. The Queen shall give not less than six weeks' notice in writing to the Company when a ship is required for the conveyance of emigrants, and the approximate amount and description of cargo or freight, with the approximate number of statute adults, to be despatched by each ship, and the date named as that on which the ship is required shall be called the embarkation day. 11. Ten days prior to the day fixed as the embarkation day, the Queen shall furnish in writing to the Company a list of the names and ages of the emigrants expected to embark, upon which data the Company shall proceed to fit up the ship, and the Queen shall not be liable to make any payment in respect of any person who shall not actually embark as a passenger, notwithstanding the name of such person may have been included in any list furnished by the Queen. 12. All the fittings shall be completed, the cargo, provisions, and water shipped and stowed away —space being left in an approved part of the ship for the emigrants' baggage, as hereinafter provided — the 'tween-decks cleared, and the ship in all respects ready for the reception of passengers at the port of embarkation twenty-four hours before noon of the day hereinbefore named as the embarkation day, after which time no other car;-o shall be shipped, and a certificate shall be obtained hy the Company from an officer to be appointed by the Queen for that purpose to the following effect: —" I hereby certify that the fittings of the ship were complete, and that the vessel was in all respects ready for the reception of her passengers * noon of day of 187 ." The passengers shall then be taken



on board with their baggage by the Company, and the victualling of them shall commence, the Queen being allowed two clear days, besides the day fixed for embarkation, to provide passengers ; and the ship shall proceed to sea on the day after the completion of the embarkation, or so near thereto as is possible. 13. In the event of the ship not being ready as before described, of which the Queen shall be the sole judge, the Company shall pay demurrage at the rate of £25 per day for each noon that may intervene between the time appointed for the ship to be ready as aforesaid and the time at which the vessel is reported ready by the officer of the Queen; and the Queen may in her discretion provide the Surgeon, Matron, and passengers with board and lodging on shore, until all preparations shall have been completed to her satisfaction, the expenses of which shall be repaid by the Company, and the Queen may deduct the expenses so incurred, as well as the demurrage, out of the first moneys becoming due, as hereinafter described, to the Company. 14. The Company, or some member of their staff duly authorized by them, shall provide, fill in, sign, and issue all contracts required to be given to the passengers by the law for the time being in force relating to emigrants. 15. The Company shall provide a passengers' steward, whose duty it shall be to issue to the passengers daily the provisions and water to which they are entitled according to the underwritten dietary scale. 16. The Company shall also provide, for the exclusive use of the passengers, a competent baker and a cook, and sucli an additional cook, if any, as required by " The Passengers Act, 1855." 17. The passengers' steward, baker, and cook or cooks shall be approved respectively by the Queen. 18. The Queen shall appoint a Surgeon to each ship. The Surgeon will be an officer of the ship, and be borne on the articles. Instructions will be issued to him as respects the Government emigrants, and the Company shall stipulate expressly with and obtain an undertaking from the Captain that those instructions shall be respected and carried out. The Surgeon shall be provided by the Company with a separate cabin, properly fitted up to the satisfaction of the Queen, and a first-class passage, with iO cubical feet of space in the hold for luggage, and shall have an allowance of one bottle of ale daily, and three bottles of wine weekly for his personal consumptiou, or the Company may agree with the Surgeon to give him a sum of money instead of any allowance of wine or ale whatever. 19. The Queen will not interfere in the appointment of the Captain, or any of the officers or crew of the ship ; but it shall be competent to her, if she should have good and sufficient reason to do so, from time to time to direct the removal of any or either of them, and the Company shall remove them and appoint others. The Chief Officer must in all cases have a Master's Certificate as well as the Captain. The Queen will also issue instructions to the Captain as respects the Government emigrants, and the like undertaking shall be taken by the Company from him, that they will be faithfully observed. 20. The Company shall place on board the ship, on the embarkation day, a competent person, approved of by the Queen, whose duty it shall be to assist the officer appointed by the Queen in the embarkation arrangements, to put the passengers into their proper berths, to see that efficient provision is made for victualling them, and generally to do whatever is necessary for the comfort and convenience of the passengers, and shall remain on board until the ship is cleared for sea. He shall see that the arrangements for messing the passengers are properly understood and acted upon, both by the officer charged with the serving out of the provisions and the passengers' cooks, as well as by the passengers themselves, and shall do generally what is necessary for the establishment of order and regularity in these respects. These arrangements for the messing and general management of the passengers, as well as all others which concern their convenience and comfort, shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Queen before the ship sails from the port of embarkation. 21. When the Queen shall have signified her approval with regard to the matters referred to in the preceding section, and with the general equipment of the ship, such ship shall proceed with all possible despatch to her destination, and shall not touch at any intermediate port other than that to be designated by the Queen, except from urgent necessity. 22. Pull rations, according to the scale mentioned in Schedule A, shall be issued during the voyage, and until the passengers are landed at port of destination in New Zealand, to each male and female passenger of twelve years of age and upwards, and half-rations to children of one year and under twelve years of age. The water and all articles of food shall be of the best quality, and shall be shipped in not less quantities than mentioned in the same Schedule, and shall be in sweet and good condition when issued for the use of the passengers. Children between one and twelve years of age shall receive preserved meat instead of salt meat every day; and, in addition to the articles to which they are entitled by the scale in Schedule A, a further allowance as set forth in Schedule B. Children under one year of age shall receive the rations specified for them in Schedule B, which shall be shipped in not less quantities than therein mentioned. To infants under four months old, such nutriment shall be issued as the Surgeon may consider necessary. An additional quart of water shall be issued daily for the use of each person sick in the hospital if the Surgeon shall so order. While in any port of the United Kingdom, or in any port into which the vessel may put before completing the voyage, and for two days after leaving it, and while the emigrants remain on board in port of disembarkation, two-thirds of a pound of fresh meat, one and a half pounds of soft bread, and one pound of potatoes per statute adult, shall be issued daily, with a suitable supply of vegetables, in lieu of other rations, except tea, coffee, sugar, and butter. Children between one and twelve years of age, in addition to the rations provided for in this scale, shall have a pint of fresh milk daily. Children under one year and above four months of age shall have the same rations as detailed in Schedule B, substituting fresh milk for preserved, and children under four months of age shall have such nutriment as the Surgeon may consider necessary. All or any of the children shall be messed separately if and



An additional quart of water, in excess of the quantity provided by the above-written dietary scale, shall be issued to each statute adult, daily, while the ship is within the tropics. These quantities to be net, exclusive of the water required for cooking the provisions which the Passengers Act requires shall be served in a cooked state. Proper arrangements are to be made for the proper and efficient cooking of these provisions, and for the distribution of them among the passengers at the stated hours for meals. The slush shall not be the perquisites of the cook, but shall be reserved for the use of the emigrants, and divided amongst them at the discretion of the Surgeon. Provided that the Minister for Immigration for the time being may at any time alter the scale of rations set forth in Schedules A and B, on giving three months' previous notice in writing to the Company in New Zealand ; and if by reason of such alteration, the quantity of rations to be supplied by the Company shall be diminished, then a proportionate reduction upon the price stipulated to be paid for the conveyance of emigrants under this agreement shall be made and allowed by the Company to the Queen ; and if on the other hand such supply shall be increased, the extra cost of such increased supply shall be paid by the Queen to the Company, in addition to the price stipulated to be paid for the conveyance of such emigrants, as aforesaid. 23. Medical comforts, according to scale set forth in Schedule C, shall also be placed on board. A list of these articles, signed by the Company or their Agent, shall be supplied to the Queen, and they shall be issued by the Captain on the requisition of the Surgeon. 24. Medicines and other articles, as per annexed Schedule D, together with any extra medicines and articles which may be required by any regulations for the time being of the Board of Trade, shall be obtained by the Company and placed on board in some easily accessible position, to be specially approved by the Queen under the charge of the Surgeon. 25. The Surgeon shall keep a medical journal and a list of the medical comforts issued, both of which shall be handed to the Immigration Officer on the arrival of the ship at its port of destination in New Zealand. 26. No single man shall be taken in the ship as a saloon passenger, without the consent of the Queen, unless he is a member of a family also passengers in the ship. No passengers not provided by the Queen shall be berthed between decks, without special permission in writing, and no steerage passenger not provided by her shall be taken in the ship unless approved in like manner by the Queen. 27. The passengers shall not be molested either on crossing the Line, or at any other time, and they shall be properly treated in every respect by the Master, officers, and crew of the vessel. The Master shall strictly prohibit and prevent, on the part of the crew or officers, any communication with the female passengers; and a special clause embodying these stipulations shall be inserted in the ship's articles. The Master'shall himself abstain from all improper and unuecessary communication with the female passengers; and he shall attend to all practicable suggestions of the Surgeon calculated to promote the health and comfort of the passengers. The Master and officers shall not directly or indirectly sell or permit to be sold to the passengers any article except tobacco, and this only with the sanction of the Surgeon. 28. The upper deck, excepting the space occupied by the spare spars and boats, shall be kept quite clear for the use of the passengers. The single women shall have the use of the poop-deck for exercise, and shall not be permitted, when on dock, to go into any other part of the ship; and no sailmaking or sail-mending is to be permitted on the poop-deck during the voyage. 29. A proper space, to be approved by the Queen, shall be set apart in the hold of the ship for passengers' luggage, at the average rate of fifteen cubic feet for every statute adult; the whole of such space to be free of charge, and at the disposal of the Queen if not all required for emigrants' luggage. Luggage beyond the said average of fifteen cubic feet to be charged for at a rate not exceeding one shilling per cubic foot. The Master shall cause such luggage as is marked " Wanted on the Voyage," and required by any of the passengers, to be brought out of the hold every third cv fourth week for the exchange of articles. 30. The ~Queen shall cause constables and others to be appointed, whose duty it shall be to maintain, under the directions of the Surgeon and Captain, order and cleanliness throughout the ship, and especially to keep the water-closets clean and in good order. One of such Constables, who shall be a married man, shall be appointed in respect of every thirty single women, to attend to the drawing and the cooking of the provisions of the single women, and the delivery of them to their compartment of the ship, as provided in the instructions to the Captain and Surgeon, and the Queen shall pay all gratuities of all descriptions attaching to these appointments, as also provided in those instructions. 31. The Company shall provide in the single women's compartment an enclosed cabin for a matron, to be appointed by the Queen. The matron shall have a free passage, and be supplied with her food and one reputed quart bottle of beer daily, in her own compartment, from the Captain's table, or the Company may agree with the matron to allow her a sum of money in lieu of such bottle of beer daily. 32. On arrival at the port of disembarkation the Company or their agent shall transmit a nominal list of all the passengers on board, signed by them or him and the Surgeon, to the Immigration Officer or other officer acting in that capacity. This list shall be a transcript of the list of the passengers embarked, with a note against the name of each individual who, from any cause, may not be landed alive, stating the reason thereof, and added thereto the names or description of infants wrho may have been born on the voyage. The Company shall, without charge, land the passengers, with their luggage, as they may be directed to do by the Immigration Officer. 33. Seven clear working or lay days shall be allowed for the disembarkation of the passengers, exclusive of the day of arrival. The Queen shall pay demurrage, at the rate of fourpence halfpenny per ton register per day, for every day the ship is detained by Her beyond this period. And until these lay days shall have expired, or all the passengers shall have finally quitted the ship, bulk shall not be broken, or the berths of the passengers disturbed, except with the consent of the Immigration



Officer or other officer acting in that capacity. Presh provisions, in lieu of the ordinary rations, as provided in one of the sections of Article 22 of the present agreement, shall be issued to the passengers who remain on board during the seven lay days already mentioned. 34. If at the port of disembarkation the ship shall be placed' in quarantine, the passengers shall be victualled as described in the said section of Articles 22 and 23, at the expense of the Company, either in the ship or in any lazaretto or receiving ship to which they may be removed, during the seven clear days allowed for disembarkation under Article 33; but if the Queen shall require the passengers to remain in the ship beyond this period, they shall be victualled at the expense of the Queen, and demurrage paid by Her as already provided. 35. The Company shall be responsible for the conduct, acts, and defaults of the Master, officers, and crew, the passengers' baker, and cooks of the ship, and for the proper and considerate treatment of the passengers throughout the voyage, and for the observance and performance, well and faithfully, of all the conditions aud regulations expressed and implied in this agreement, and in the Order in Council dated 7th January, 18C4, for the order and discipline of emigrant ships ; and also in the regulations of the Government of New Zealand relating to emigrant ships; and the instructions issued for the information and guidance of the Captains and Surgeons of those ships. 36. Subject to the faithful observance and performance by the Company of all the stipulations and conditions herein contained on their part to be observed and performed, the passage money shall be paid as follows, that is to say,— As to the first moiety thereof, the Queen shall, within fifteen days after there shall have been deposited with the Agent-General at his offices in London the following documents, viz. :■ —(1.) An account, in triplicate, signed by the Company or their agent, stating full particulars of the claim ; (2.) A certificate from the despatching officer showing when the ship was ready for the reception of her passengers ; and (3.) A certificate, in triplicate, of the final departure of the vessel from Great Britain, signed by the Company or their agent and the officer mentioned in clause 12 hereof, with a schedule of the names and age of every individual embarked; and upon being satisfied that the vessel has finally sailed, and that the stipulations herein contained have been observed and performed up to that time, pay one moiety of the passage money at the rates mentioned in the contract in respect of the passengers who shall be mentioned in the said certificate as having embarked, and who shall have finally sailed. As to the second moiety thereof, the Queen shall pay the remaining moiety of the passage money (subject to such deductions as hereinafter mentioned, not exceeding in the whole the sum of £1,000) to the Company or their agent, whose receipt shall be a sufficient discharge therefor. The Queen shall not, however, be liable to make such payment until the expiration of fifteen days after there shall have been deposited with the Immigration Officer at the port of arrival, or such other officer as the Government of the colony may appoint to receive the same, the three following documents, viz.: — (1.) An account, signed by the Company or their agent, stating the full particulars of the claim. (2.) A certificate, signed by such Immigration Officer, or by such other officer as may be appointed for the purpose by the Government of the colony, containing a nominal list of all the passengers landed alive at the port of destination, and certifying that they have been duly landed; such list being an actual transcript of the list of persons mentioned in the certificate of final departure, with a note against the name of each individual who from any cause may not be landed alive in the colony, stating the reason thereof. (3.) A certificate, signed by the Surgeon-Superintendent, specifying the names and ages of all who may have died or left the ship during the voyage, or, if none have so died or left the ship, containing a declaration to that effect. Provided always that the second moiety of the passage money shall be payable only in respect of such passengers as shall be certified as aforesaid to have been landed alive in the colony, and not in respect of any passengers who may have died or left the ship before her arrival, or who may leave the colony by the same vessel. Provided also, that any payment which would otherwise become due under this charter-party to the said Company shall be forfeited if they or any person interested in such payment shall effect or cause to be effected an assurance against mortality resulting from disease upon the lives of any of the passengers embarked under the authority of the Queen. 37. Should hostilities occur between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and any foreign Power before the sailing of any ship to be despatched under this contract, it shall be optional with either party to annul this contract. 38. Provided always that, if the said Immigration Officer, at the port of arrival, or any officer acting in that capacity, shall report to the Minister for Immigration that the passengers bave not been properly treated during the voyage, or that the stipulations in this charter-party do not appear to have been in all respects duly observed and fulfilled, it shall be lawful for the Minister for Immigration of the said colony, or, in his absence, for any Minister or Officer of the Government of New Zealand acting on his behalf, to determine and direct what sum of money (if any) not exceeding the sum of £1,000 shall be deducted by the Queen from the said second moiety of the passage-money; and the same may be deducted and retained accordingly, it being agreed that, in assessing such sum, the said Minister shall assume that the Queen represents in the aggregate all the passengers who shall have been improperly treated, or in respect of whom the said stipulations shall not have been duly observed and performed, and that the Queen is entitled to compensation accordingly, and this notwithstanding any proceedings which may be taken by any of the passengers on their own account, and without prejudice thereto, or any compensation having been paid to any of them, it being also agreed that, if the Company feel aggrieved by the determination of the said Minister, or such other Minister or officer as aforesaid, they may apply to a Judge of the Supreme Court to have the same reviewed by him, and if the said Judge or any one of the Judges of the Supreme Court shall think fit to vary or disallow the amount so to be deducted as aforesaid, his decision shall prevail, and any deduction from the said second moiety of the passage-money (if any) shall be made according to his decision, and shall be binding and conclusive on all parties concerned.



on board in air-tight casks. Upon Sunday, eight ounces of flour per adult shall be issued to the


I S ■3 S CD 0 o Pot. .TOES. s a i 5 fa a I g I o 1 X u d o e i d I i Sunday £ oz. oz. oz. 6 oz. 2 oz. OZ. 2 oz. 20 oz. 4 pint. 11). 1 * oz. oz. oz. 4 oz. 2 OZ. oz. 4 oz. qts. 3 Monday 8 3 2 12 4 4 I 4 3 Tuesday 8 2 12 4 i i 4 3 Wednesday 6 2 3 2 12 4 1 i 3 * 3 Thursday 8 2 12 4 4 4 4 3 Friday 6 2 12 4 i 1 1 4 i i 4 3 Saturday 8 2 3 2 12 4 I 4 3 Weekly Totals 16 16 IS 1-i-92 2S v 1 1* 16 8 21 Mixed Pickles Mustard Limejuice while in the tropics i pint. I oz. 6 oz. Salt Pepper 2oz. i oz.



SCHEDULE A.—continued. To provide for the above rations at sea, the following quantities at least of provisions and water are to be shipped for every 100 statute adults, and in the same proportion for any number less than 100 statute adults: — 2,144 lbs. beef. 403 lbs. preserved onions. 2,144 lbs. pork. 1,076 lbs. raisins. 2,419 lbs. preserved meat. 201 lbs. tea. 80G lbs. suet. 268 lbs. coffee roasted. 1,206 lbs. butter. 2,144 lbs. sugar raw. 1,875 lbs. biscuit. 1,072 lbs. molasses. 12,348 lbs. flour. 536 pints mixed pickles. 1,809 lbs. rice. 67 lbs. mustard. 1,809 lbs. oatmeal. 268 lbs. salt. 1,072 pints peas. 34 lbs. pepper. 1,608 lbs. preserved potatoes. 300 lbs. limejuice. 1,072 lbs. preserved carrots. 13,000 gallons water. N.B.—The quantities of salt beef and salt pork will have to be reduced and the quantity of preserved meat increased in equal proportion, according to the number of children in each ship ; 2 lbs. less butter and 4 lbs. less onions to be shipped for each child included in the number of statute adults.

SCHEDULE B. Children between 1 and 12 years of age are to receive preserved meat instead of salt meat everyday ; and in addition to the articles to which they are entitled by the above-written scale, one pint of preserved milk and three pints of water daily; and 8 oz. of oatmeal, 4 oz. preserved soup, 8 oz. flour, 4 oz. rice, and 10 oz. sugar weekly. Children above four months, and under one year old, three pints of water, one pint of preserved milk and four ounces preserved soup daily ; and twelve ounces white biscuit, eight ounces oatmeal, four ounces sago or arrowroot, eight ounces flour, four ounces rice, and ten ounces sugar, weekly. To infants under four months old, such nutriment shall be issued as the Surgeon may consider necessary. An additional quart of water to be issued dailv for the use of each person sick in the hospital if the Surgeon shall so order.

SCHEDULE B—continued. To provide for the above rations at sea, the following net quantities at least are to be shipped for each child: — 30 lbs. condensed milk. 10 lbs. flour. 38 lbs. oatmeal. 5 lbs. rice. 9 lbs. preserved soup. 13 lbs. sugar. | lb. extract of meat. And for each infant: — 30 lbs. condensed milk. 2 lbs. arrowroot. 18 lbs. preserved soup. 11 lbs. flour. 1^ lbs. extract of meat. 5 lbs. rice. 11 lbs. oatmeal. 13 lbs. sugar. 3| lbs. sago. 16 lbs. biscuit, white.

SCHEDULE C. The subjoined medical comforts shall also be placed on board, in the following proportions, to every 100 statute adults. A list of these articles, signed by the Captain, shall be supplied to the AgentGeneral, and they shall be issued by the Captain on the requisition of the Surgeon, viz.: — 28 lbs. of Carolina rice. 18 bottles sherry. 20 |-lb. packets of best prepared oatmeal grits. 1 gallon gin. 35 lbs. West India arrowroot. 1 gallon methylated spirits of wine. 30 lbs. Scotch barley. 36 quart bottles port wine. 25 lbs. sago. 4 gallons brandy. 10 lbs. tapioca. 3 „ whiskey. 50 lbs. best preserved meat soup^| 1 gallon vinegar. (half of this to consist of 48 dozen imperial pints approved stout. Edward's Desiccated soup), . ~, ~ Malts and hops, or other approved materials 50 lbs. preserved beef tea, j-m - . ins. for leavening bread. 50 lbs. preserved broth, 2 bushels quicklime, in air-tight casks, con--50 tins of condensed milk, J taining 1 bushel each. 20 lbs. preserved chicken broth, in i-lb. tins. 3| cwt. best yellow soap. 40 lbs. preserved boiled mutton and beef, in 400 lbs. loaf sugar. 1-lb. and i-Yb. tins, half and half. 50 lbs. of flour. 5 lbs. extract of meat. 2—D. 3.



SCHEDULE D. LIST OF MEDICINES, &C, REQUIRED FOR EVERY 100 PASSENGERS. N.B. — The Medicines, fyc, must he procured from the Apothecaries' Hall, or from some duly qualified Chemists and Druggists, and be approved by the Agent-General. All the Medicines to be put in Stopper Bottles, and the Ointments in Tins. All the poisonous articles to be legibly marked " Poisons." Where more than 16 oz. of an article are required it is to be supplied in two vessels — one for use, and the other for store: — lb. oz. dr. lb. oz. dr. lb. oz. dr. 0 6 0 Acid Acetic. 0 8 0 Liniment: Camph. 0 0 8 Pulv. Opii. 0 10,, Carbolic, B.P. 060 „ Opii. 080,, Potassa; Bicarb. 8 0 0,, „ * 200 „ Saponis. 060,, „ Nitratis. 16 0 0 „ „ ** 0 3 0 Liquor Ammonia;. 0 6 0,, „ Tart. Acid. 112 0 0,, „ *** 0 0 1 „ Atropise. 0 6 0,, Ehei. co. 0 3 0,, Citric. 100 „ Calcis. 010,, Scammon co. 0 10,, Gallic. 010 „ Morphia; Acetatis. 030,, Zingiberis. 0 2 0,, Hydrochlor. 020 „ Plumbi Subacet. 040 Quassia?. 0 0 8,, Hydrocyanic, Dil. 020 „ Potassaj. 014 Quinse Sulph. 0 18,, Nitric. 300 „ „ Permang.§ 004 Santonine. 0 6 0,, Sulphur Dil. 040 Magnesia; Carb. 004 Saponis Dur. 1 gall. Alkaline Perman- 14 0 0 „ Sulph. 0 8 0 Senna; Fol. ganatis (Condy's prepa- 3 0 0 Mist. Sennse Co. 3 0 0 Sodae Bicarbonas. ration.) 0 0 4 01. Anelhi. 0 4 0 Sp. JEtheris. 0 10 JEther. 0 0 4,, Anisi. 100,, „ Nitrosi. 0 10 Alumen. 0 0 2,, Croton. 100,, Ammonia; Arom. 0 6 0 Ammon Carb. 2 0 0,, Lini. 010 0 „ Eectif. 10 0 Am.vlum. 0 10,, Menth Pip. 300 Sulph. Sublimatum. 0 10 Antimon. Tart. 4 0 0,, Morrhuse. 060 Syr. Ferri lodid. 0 10 Argenti Nitras. 10 0,, Olivas. 004 Sol. Morph. Acetat. 14 0 0 Calx Chlorate. 4 0 0,, Eicini. 060 Knot. Arnica;. 0 2 0 Calx (Eecens.) in stop. 10 0,, Terebinth. 080 „ Camph. co. bottle. 0 0 1 Opium. T. 4 0 „ Card. co. 0 6 0 Camphor. 2 0 0 Oxymel Srilla;. v 012 0 „ Calechu. Chart* Epispastica (6 sq. 6 doz. Pil Aloes cum Myrrha. "") g| 0 0 8,, Digitalis. feet in case) 4 „ „ Col. co. ■go 0 6 0 „ Ergots. 16 0 0 Chloride of Zinc (Bur- 6 „ „ Col. co. Hyosc. £| 0 4 0,, Ferri Perchloridi. nett's solution of.) 3 „ „ Hydrarg. % g 0 4 0 ~ Hyoscvani. 0 8 0 Chloroform. 3 „ „ „ Chlorid Co. S 0 4 0,, Kino. 0 6 0 Conf. Senna;. 5 „ „ Ipec c Scilla. o 2 0 6 0 „ Opii. 0 8 0 Copaiba. 6 „ „ Quinae. .2. 3 10 0 „ Ehei. 0 0 2 Creosote. 6 „ „ Ehei co. £1! 0 2 0,, Scilla;. 1 0 0 Creta Proep. 6 „ „ Sapon co. j Jjg 0 8 0 „ Senna;. 0 10 Cupri Sulph. lb. oz. dr. Hft 0 3 0 „ Valerian Ammon. 0 10 Empl. Cantharidis. 0 0 4 Pil Subchlor comp. 10 0 TJng. Calamina;. 0 0 8 Extr. Aloes Aquos. 0 10 Plumbi. Acetatis. 10 0,, Cetacei. 0 0 4,, Belladona. 0 4 0 Potasßii lodia. 030,, Hydrarg. 0 2 0,, Coloc Comp. 012 0 Pulv. Acacia; Gummi. 010,, Hydrarg. Nit. 0 0 4,, Conii. 080,, Aluminis. 010,, Hydrarg. Ox. Eub. 0 0 4 „ Hyoscyam. 0 0 3 „ Antimonialis. 10 0,, Eesinse. 0 0 4,, Opii. 010,, Aromat. 200,, Sulphur. 0 2 0 Ferri et Quins; Citr. 10 0,, Astringens. 030,, Zinci. 0 0 4,, Sulph. 020,, Borax. 010 Vinum Colehici. 0 6 0 Glycerine. 0 10,, Catechu comp. 080 „ Ipecac. 0 4 0 „ Acid Tannic. 0 2 0,, Creta; Aromat. cum 020 Zinci Sulphat. 0 2 0 Hydrat. Chloral. Opio. 10 0 Lint, best. 0 10 Hydrag. cum Creta. 0 2 0,, Ipecac. 200 Tow, common. 0 0 4 „ Subchlorid. 0 2 0,, „ co. 200,, fine. 10 0 Lard. 0 4 0,, Jalaps co. 400 Desaicated Soup. 14 0 0 Linseed Meal. 0 18,, Kino c. Opio. Children's Feeding Bottles, 12 in number, and 6 spare Teats for each. LIST OF MEDICAL APPAEATUS. 500 Blank Adhesive Labels 2 Minim Measure "" 1 Male Syringe ~*| 1 1-oz. „ 1 „ „ Glass 1 2-oz. „ 1 Female „ 1 Set Splints 1 „ „ Glass 1 Enema Syringe and Stomach Pump 6 doz. Phials (assorted) 1 4-oz. Syringe 8 ~ „ Corks di 1 Bleeding Porringer 4 Sponges jj| 1 Pair of Scissors 3 1 Bed Pan - 2 Skins of Leather m 1 Paper of Pins a 1 Set Copper Scales and Weights, \ lb. to \ oz. "S 1 Hernia Truss No. 8, Eight and Left I * 1 Box of Small Scales and Weights 8 2 Papers of Pill Boxes ,2 1 Iron Mortar and Pestle • o 12 Gallipots jg 2 Wedgwood Mortars and Pestles 8 Leg and Arm Bandages jc 1 » Funnel d§ 12 yds. Calico o 2 Spatulas o 6 „ Flannel 1 Pill Tile O 2 Flannel Bandages, 7 yds. long, 6 in. wide A 2-gallon Water Filter 2 Triangular Bandages, base 48 in., sides 33 in. each 4 Saucepans of different Sizes for the exclusive use 4 yds. Waterproof Sheeting of the Hospital 1 yd. Oiled Silk 1 Tin Bath, 2 feet by 18 inches 2 Quires of Paper for putting up Medicines J 2 yds. Silver Wire i Square Yard of Markwick's Spongio Piline Cotton Wool * Pale fluid: a miiture containing in each 100 parts not less than 80 parts of Carbolic (or Phenic) and Cresylie Acids, and their homo. logues; and not more than 20 parts of water. •* Crude liquid Acid. *•* A powder containing nof.leis'than JO per cent, of pure Carbolic or Creiylio Acid, § B.P, or Condy'B Fluid (Crimson).



SCHEDULE E. Each Ship shall be furnished with at least — Two Chronometers. Boats according to tonnage, 2 Admiralty Charts of all the , , -^ . ~ , fitted with Clifford's lowering Seas the Ship is to traverse, n, , ■„ f T] -~ ° apparatus, and 2 Life Boats, and with Admiralty Charts of Cables, & ol \ .Lloyd s re- 6 ]ife erverg in eacl the p orts and Harbours of chain Haw- quirements for and com ' es in each boat . New Zealand accor din g to a sers, &c. J classification. The c^^ Code signal list which can be obtained at Lightning Conductor, fitted. Book. the Office of the Agentm , . ■, r> o -i A set of the Commercial Code General. Two complete suits of Sails, signal P i agß . An approved Apparatus for and proper Storm Sails. The = ktegt Commercial Code Ligt Extinguishing Eire. of Ships.

Mess Utensils to be put on Boabd foe eteet Seven Statute Adults. 1 Mess Kit, with iron handles, 2 gallons. 1 Tin Oval Dish, with colander and cover, 14 inches long, 8 inches deep. 1 Quartern Tin, for baking bread. 1 Half-quartern ditto ditto. 1 Bread Tub, with wooden hoops and cover. 1 Tin pot, holding 3| pints, with cover, &c, for boiling water. 1 Teapot of same size. 1 Water Breaker, 3 gallons, or 1 double Block Tin Water Bottle, with 3 studs for feet. 1 Tin Mustard Pot. 1 Pepper and Salt Cellar. 1 Butter Dish, 7 inches by 3 inches deep. 3 sets Tin Tallies, with wire lanyards, each set numbered from 1 upwards. 2 Potato Nets, f-inch mesh, holding 10 pounds. 1 Pudding Bag—canvas. 2 Mess Towels, 1| yards long, J yard wide. 1 Wash Leather.

Small Stoees. No. of Passengers. Under ,200, Above 200 an<3oo der 300. Brooms, birch ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 24 80 Ditto, coir ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 24 30 Mops, handled ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 16 20 Swabs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 16 20 Scrapers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 16 20 Hair brushes, with long handles ... ... ... ... ... 12 16 20 Ditto, with short handles ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 16 20 Dust Pans ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 10 12 Scrubbing Brushes ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 10 12 Combined Brushes and Squeegees ... ... ... ... 6 8 10 Pails, holding 3 gallons ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 8 10 Shovels ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 4 5 Holystones ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 70 80 Ditto, mounted ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 8 8 Eubbish Tubs, with rope beckets ... ... ... ... 3 4 4 Charcoal—bushels ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 24 28 Coals for cooking for passengers —tons ... ... ... ... 30 35 40 Ditto (best Steam Coal) for distilling apparatus —tons ... ... 15 20 25 Sand —bushels ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ton 1£ ton 2 tons Swing Stoves ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 5 6 Dry Sawdust—bushels ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 30 40



COOKING APPAEATUS AND MISCELLANEOUS AETICLES FOE EACH SHIP. Cooking Hearth, or two Cooking Hearths, as the case may be, complete with furnaces, ovens, pots, saucepans, coppers, steamers, &c, as described in the Emigration Commissioners' list No. 5, May, 1863. Oven and Appurtenances for baking bread, Kneading Trough, with cover, shelves, &c, for use of baker. One Copper Hold Pump, with 60 feet of hose, in two lengths, to issue allowance of fresh water from upper deck. Scuttle Butts. Tubs for cook and Harness Casks. Two Copper Pumps for water. Tarpaulin for each hatchway, large enough to cover the hatchways tent fashion. Main Deck and Poop Awnings, with side screens complete. Windsails and Life Buoys. Canvas Screens for each hatchway. Prices' Hexagonal Safety Candle Lanterns, with spring sockets, Emigration Commissioners' pattern: — 12 for the first 100 statute adults. 1 for every 20 statute adults additional. 2 spare Plates of Glass for each lantern. 1 spare Spring for each lantern. 1 „ Padlock for each lantern. Price's Patent Stearins Sperm Candles, as prepared and packed for the Emigration Commissioners' Ships: — 50 of size No. 3, to burn 3 hours ) Eaoh size t0 be PacM 50 do. No. 4, to burn 4 hours £■ for each Lantern, f in " se v*™te bo *> _.- , xt r j. v x 1 \ r anl* tne number and 50 do. JSo. 5, to burn 5 hours ) f contents of eaoh boi) 500 do. JSo. 7, to burn 7 hours; for each ship. ) i eg ibiyprintedthereon. Three Eeflector Hand Lanterns, to burn Price's patent candles, with a proper supply of candles for each. Knives, Steel, Flesh Forks and Tormentors, Ladles, Meat Saw, Chopper and Cleaver, Lever, Knives, Grindstone in trough. Three Coffee Mills. One Eice Sieve, tin with brass wire gauze. One Biscuit Mill with fly-wheel. Two Sieves for sand, i-inch mesh. One set Pewter Measures, quart downwards. One set Tin do. do. One set Wood do. do. Three Tin Scoops, assorted sizes. One pair Flour Scales and Weights, 14 lbs. downwards. One set Counter Balance Scales and Weights, 4 lbs. downwards. 12 extra panes Glass for skylights. 6 Eope Mats, 3 feet x 2 feet. 2 Cots for hospitals. 2 Nursery Lamps, with kettle and pannikin for each. 1 Portable Water-closet for each Hospital, with galvanized iron slop pail. 2 Fire Engines complete, with 90 feet delivery hose for each. 100 feet f-inch Deal Boards. 100 feet 1-inch ditto. 50 feet Quartering. 10 lbs. Nails, assorted. 1 dozen Iron Hasps and Staples, assorted sizes. 6 feet Lead Piping, each size used for water-closets. Solder, Eesin, and 2 Soldering Irons. 4 square feet 6-lbs. Lead. G Padlocks, assorted keys. 4 Thermometers for surgeon. By Authority: Gkoeoe Didsboby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB77.

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CONVEYANCE OF EMIGRANTS AND CARGO, (CONTRACT FOR, WITH THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1877 Session I, D-03

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CONVEYANCE OF EMIGRANTS AND CARGO, (CONTRACT FOR, WITH THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1877 Session I, D-03

CONVEYANCE OF EMIGRANTS AND CARGO, (CONTRACT FOR, WITH THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1877 Session I, D-03

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