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place on board any ship employed under this contract to the usual place of disembarkation at one of the ports mentioned in the above agreement, as the Queen mav direct. During this contract every ship shall always be tight, strong, and substantial, properly masted, rigged, equipped, and stowed, and be in all respects seaworthy, and be properly manned with efficient officers and crew ; and if the Queen shall object to any of the officers or crew, they shall be removed and replaced by others to her satisfaction. During the voyage the boats, with all requisite gear, masts, sails, oars, &c, shall always be kept ready for immediate use. The Company shall be responsible for the conduct, acts, and defaults of the Master, officers, crew, baker, and cooks of the ship, but not of the Surgeon. 3. Each ship shall, at the cost of the Company, be provided with the necessary quantities of provisions and other articles and things to enable the stipulations hereinafter contained to be observed and complied with, and also with all necessary and sufficient provisions and stores for the officers and crew of the ship, aud for any passengers (if any) other than those selected by the Queen, and of not inferior quality to that of the like articles provided for the passengers. 4. Each ship shall be subject to approval by the Queen, and shall be fitted and provided to her satisfaction with sufficient scuttles, deck lights, and ventilation. Also with proper bed-places, seats, tables, water-closets, urinals and shoots, hospitals and dispensary, issuing room, &c. ; pump and hose for drawing water from the hold; cooking apparatus ; oven, baking troughs, and other requisites for baking bread, to be approved of by the Queen. Also with the articles mentioned in the Schedules hereunto annexed, and with whatever else the Queen may deem necessary for the cleanliness of the ship, and the convenience and safety of the passengers. 5. Notwithstanding the provisions of " The Passengers Act, 1855," a space of 18 clear superficial feet, at the least, of deck shall be calculated and allowed for the use of each statute adult, including the space allotted for hospitals, bath-room, water-closets, dispensary, and issuing-room, &c. The 'tweendecks shall be divided for passengers into three compartments only, viz. for single men, married couples, and single women ; and there shall be at least one separate hatchway and ladder-way from each compartment to the upper deck. 6. An issuing-room, of dimensions approved by the Queen, shall be provided, either on the passenger deck or on some part of the main deck, whence the provisions shall be issued daily to the passengers as hereinafter provided. The issuing-room to be fitted with counter, scales, and weights, and all other requisites. 7. Three separate hospitals shall be provided —one for men, one for women and children, and one for single women—which shall in all cases where practicable be on the upper deck ; but if this be not conveniently practicable, the one for men maybe in the single men's compartment of the 'tween-decks, the one for women and children in the married people's compartment, and the one for single women in their own compartment; but in every case one of such hospitals must be on deck. Such hospitals shall be of the form and dimensions required by the Queen, and shall be furnished with such bedding and requisites as she shall consider necessary. In all cases where the deck hospital is under the same ceiling as the galley and a condenser, there shall be a compartment between them and the hospital. A bath-room, with bath and proper appliances for obtaining a sufficient supply of water, shall be provided for use by women and children, to the satisfaction in all respects of the Queen. A bath-room, or requisite appliances for bathing, shall also be provided on the upper deck for use by men. 8. The Company shall at their expense, and to the satisfaction of the Queen, provide and fit up, on a covered space on the upper deck, an apparatus for distilling fresh from salt water, of a size calculated to supply not less than 500 gallons of water in twenty-four hours, and to be approved on behalf of the Queen; and shall provide a person competent to manage the apparatus, and shall keep the same working throughout every day at the ship's expense so long as there are any passengers on board, and shall make all issues of water to the passengers, as far as practicable, from the water so distilled. .It shall be in the option of the Queen to release the Company from the obligation to supply a condenser if less than 100 adult emigrants, or the equivalent thereof, should proceed in the ship. 9. No gunpowder, bides, or any commodity likely in the opinion of the Queen, by reason of its nature, quality, or quantity, to be detrimental to the safety or health of the passengers, shall be taken as cargo or otherwise. Such gunpowder as may be necessary for the ship's use shall be properly stowed in a place of security. Hail, bar, hoop, and pig iron shall not be taken in quantities exceeding one-fourth of the ship's register tonnage, nor salt in quantities exceeding one-tenth of such tonnage. The cargo, of whatever kind, shall be stowed to the satisfaction of the Queen. 10. The Queen shall give not less than six weeks' notice in writing to the Company when a ship is required for the conveyance of emigrants, and the approximate amount and description of cargo or freight, with the approximate number of statute adults, to be despatched by each ship, and the date named as that on which the ship is required shall be called the embarkation day. 11. Ten days prior to the day fixed as the embarkation day, the Queen shall furnish in writing to the Company a list of the names and ages of the emigrants expected to embark, upon which data the Company shall proceed to fit up the ship, and the Queen shall not be liable to make any payment in respect of any person who shall not actually embark as a passenger, notwithstanding the name of such person may have been included in any list furnished by the Queen. 12. All the fittings shall be completed, the cargo, provisions, and water shipped and stowed away —space being left in an approved part of the ship for the emigrants' baggage, as hereinafter provided — the 'tween-decks cleared, and the ship in all respects ready for the reception of passengers at the port of embarkation twenty-four hours before noon of the day hereinbefore named as the embarkation day, after which time no other car;-o shall be shipped, and a certificate shall be obtained hy the Company from an officer to be appointed by the Queen for that purpose to the following effect: —" I hereby certify that the fittings of the ship were complete, and that the vessel was in all respects ready for the reception of her passengers * noon of day of 187 ." The passengers shall then be taken