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SCHEDULE D. LIST OF MEDICINES, &C, REQUIRED FOR EVERY 100 PASSENGERS. N.B. — The Medicines, fyc, must he procured from the Apothecaries' Hall, or from some duly qualified Chemists and Druggists, and be approved by the Agent-General. All the Medicines to be put in Stopper Bottles, and the Ointments in Tins. All the poisonous articles to be legibly marked " Poisons." Where more than 16 oz. of an article are required it is to be supplied in two vessels — one for use, and the other for store: — lb. oz. dr. lb. oz. dr. lb. oz. dr. 0 6 0 Acid Acetic. 0 8 0 Liniment: Camph. 0 0 8 Pulv. Opii. 0 10,, Carbolic, B.P. 060 „ Opii. 080,, Potassa; Bicarb. 8 0 0,, „ * 200 „ Saponis. 060,, „ Nitratis. 16 0 0 „ „ ** 0 3 0 Liquor Ammonia;. 0 6 0,, „ Tart. Acid. 112 0 0,, „ *** 0 0 1 „ Atropise. 0 6 0,, Ehei. co. 0 3 0,, Citric. 100 „ Calcis. 010,, Scammon co. 0 10,, Gallic. 010 „ Morphia; Acetatis. 030,, Zingiberis. 0 2 0,, Hydrochlor. 020 „ Plumbi Subacet. 040 Quassia?. 0 0 8,, Hydrocyanic, Dil. 020 „ Potassaj. 014 Quinse Sulph. 0 18,, Nitric. 300 „ „ Permang.§ 004 Santonine. 0 6 0,, Sulphur Dil. 040 Magnesia; Carb. 004 Saponis Dur. 1 gall. Alkaline Perman- 14 0 0 „ Sulph. 0 8 0 Senna; Fol. ganatis (Condy's prepa- 3 0 0 Mist. Sennse Co. 3 0 0 Sodae Bicarbonas. ration.) 0 0 4 01. Anelhi. 0 4 0 Sp. JEtheris. 0 10 JEther. 0 0 4,, Anisi. 100,, „ Nitrosi. 0 10 Alumen. 0 0 2,, Croton. 100,, Ammonia; Arom. 0 6 0 Ammon Carb. 2 0 0,, Lini. 010 0 „ Eectif. 10 0 Am.vlum. 0 10,, Menth Pip. 300 Sulph. Sublimatum. 0 10 Antimon. Tart. 4 0 0,, Morrhuse. 060 Syr. Ferri lodid. 0 10 Argenti Nitras. 10 0,, Olivas. 004 Sol. Morph. Acetat. 14 0 0 Calx Chlorate. 4 0 0,, Eicini. 060 Knot. Arnica;. 0 2 0 Calx (Eecens.) in stop. 10 0,, Terebinth. 080 „ Camph. co. bottle. 0 0 1 Opium. T. 4 0 „ Card. co. 0 6 0 Camphor. 2 0 0 Oxymel Srilla;. v 012 0 „ Calechu. Chart* Epispastica (6 sq. 6 doz. Pil Aloes cum Myrrha. "") g| 0 0 8,, Digitalis. feet in case) 4 „ „ Col. co. ■go 0 6 0 „ Ergots. 16 0 0 Chloride of Zinc (Bur- 6 „ „ Col. co. Hyosc. £| 0 4 0,, Ferri Perchloridi. nett's solution of.) 3 „ „ Hydrarg. % g 0 4 0 ~ Hyoscvani. 0 8 0 Chloroform. 3 „ „ „ Chlorid Co. S 0 4 0,, Kino. 0 6 0 Conf. Senna;. 5 „ „ Ipec c Scilla. o 2 0 6 0 „ Opii. 0 8 0 Copaiba. 6 „ „ Quinae. .2. 3 10 0 „ Ehei. 0 0 2 Creosote. 6 „ „ Ehei co. £1! 0 2 0,, Scilla;. 1 0 0 Creta Proep. 6 „ „ Sapon co. j Jjg 0 8 0 „ Senna;. 0 10 Cupri Sulph. lb. oz. dr. Hft 0 3 0 „ Valerian Ammon. 0 10 Empl. Cantharidis. 0 0 4 Pil Subchlor comp. 10 0 TJng. Calamina;. 0 0 8 Extr. Aloes Aquos. 0 10 Plumbi. Acetatis. 10 0,, Cetacei. 0 0 4,, Belladona. 0 4 0 Potasßii lodia. 030,, Hydrarg. 0 2 0,, Coloc Comp. 012 0 Pulv. Acacia; Gummi. 010,, Hydrarg. Nit. 0 0 4,, Conii. 080,, Aluminis. 010,, Hydrarg. Ox. Eub. 0 0 4 „ Hyoscyam. 0 0 3 „ Antimonialis. 10 0,, Eesinse. 0 0 4,, Opii. 010,, Aromat. 200,, Sulphur. 0 2 0 Ferri et Quins; Citr. 10 0,, Astringens. 030,, Zinci. 0 0 4,, Sulph. 020,, Borax. 010 Vinum Colehici. 0 6 0 Glycerine. 0 10,, Catechu comp. 080 „ Ipecac. 0 4 0 „ Acid Tannic. 0 2 0,, Creta; Aromat. cum 020 Zinci Sulphat. 0 2 0 Hydrat. Chloral. Opio. 10 0 Lint, best. 0 10 Hydrag. cum Creta. 0 2 0,, Ipecac. 200 Tow, common. 0 0 4 „ Subchlorid. 0 2 0,, „ co. 200,, fine. 10 0 Lard. 0 4 0,, Jalaps co. 400 Desaicated Soup. 14 0 0 Linseed Meal. 0 18,, Kino c. Opio. Children's Feeding Bottles, 12 in number, and 6 spare Teats for each. LIST OF MEDICAL APPAEATUS. 500 Blank Adhesive Labels 2 Minim Measure "" 1 Male Syringe ~*| 1 1-oz. „ 1 „ „ Glass 1 2-oz. „ 1 Female „ 1 Set Splints 1 „ „ Glass 1 Enema Syringe and Stomach Pump 6 doz. Phials (assorted) 1 4-oz. Syringe 8 ~ „ Corks di 1 Bleeding Porringer 4 Sponges jj| 1 Pair of Scissors 3 1 Bed Pan - 2 Skins of Leather m 1 Paper of Pins a 1 Set Copper Scales and Weights, \ lb. to \ oz. "S 1 Hernia Truss No. 8, Eight and Left I * 1 Box of Small Scales and Weights 8 2 Papers of Pill Boxes ,2 1 Iron Mortar and Pestle • o 12 Gallipots jg 2 Wedgwood Mortars and Pestles 8 Leg and Arm Bandages jc 1 » Funnel d§ 12 yds. Calico o 2 Spatulas o 6 „ Flannel 1 Pill Tile O 2 Flannel Bandages, 7 yds. long, 6 in. wide A 2-gallon Water Filter 2 Triangular Bandages, base 48 in., sides 33 in. each 4 Saucepans of different Sizes for the exclusive use 4 yds. Waterproof Sheeting of the Hospital 1 yd. Oiled Silk 1 Tin Bath, 2 feet by 18 inches 2 Quires of Paper for putting up Medicines J 2 yds. Silver Wire i Square Yard of Markwick's Spongio Piline Cotton Wool * Pale fluid: a miiture containing in each 100 parts not less than 80 parts of Carbolic (or Phenic) and Cresylie Acids, and their homo. logues; and not more than 20 parts of water. •* Crude liquid Acid. *•* A powder containing nof.leis'than JO per cent, of pure Carbolic or Creiylio Acid, § B.P, or Condy'B Fluid (Crimson).