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G.—No. I.





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No. 1. G. F. Bowen, Governor. To the Honorable Theodore Minet Haultatn, and James Townsend Edwards, Esquire, Greeting :— Whereas Her Majesty the Queen has been graciously pleased to sanction the issue to the Colonial Forces in New Zealand of the AVar Medal prepared to commemorate the services of Her Majesty's Imperial Forces engaged in the various military operations in New Zealand during the years 1845, 1846, 1847, 1860, 1861, 1862,1863, 1864, 1865, and 1866, and directed to be issued to Her Majesty's Imperial Forces for such services : And whereas the House of Representatives of New Zealand did, on the first day of September, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, adopt certain resolutions of a Committee of the said House, which were as follows : —" That, in accordance with the report of the Joint Committee, the New Zealand War Medal should be granted to such of the Colonial Forces and friendly Natives in all cases where the claimants have been actually under fire, or otherwise conspicuous for distinguished service in the field. The medal also to be giveD to the nearest relatives of any who have died of wounds or been killed in action." And whereas members of the said Colonial Forces (including friendly Natives), engaged in various military operations in New Zealand, have preferred their claims to the General Government of NewZealand for the grant to them of the said New Zealand AVar Medal; and it is expedient that the said Theodore Minet Haultain and James Townsend Edwards should be appointed for the purpose hereinafter mentioned: Now know ye that, reposing great trust and confidence in your ability, I, Sir George Ferguson Bowen, the Governor of the said Colony, do, with tho advice and consent of the Executive Council of New Zealand, by these presents, authorize and appoint you the said Honorable Theodore Minet Haultain, and James Townsend Edwards, Esq., to be, during pleasure, Commissioners to exercise, do, and perform the following acts, functions, and duties : — To examine and report on all claims which shall from time to time be referred to you the said Theodore Minet Haultain and James Townsend Edwards by the Colonial Secretary, of all persons who, being members of the Colonial Forces or being friendly Natives, have been or are alleged to have been, during the various military operations in New Zealand in the years 1845, 1846, and 1847, and from tho year 1860 to the year 1866 inclusive, also since the year 1866, actually under fire in an} r engagement with the enemy, or have been or are alleged to have been otherwise conspicuous for distinguished service in the field, and who have not, since the time in which they were so under fire or conspicuous for distinguished services as aforesaid, done any act or thing unworthy of a soldier ; and to report the names of all such persons as aforesaid, specifying those who are entitled to receive the said New Zealand AVar Medal. To inquire and ascertain the names (in full), rank, regiments, or corps, of such persons as aforesaid who were killed in action or died from wounds received during any of the military operations above referred to ; and also the names and dates of the actions or services in which, or in consequence of wounds received at which, such persons as aforesaid died. And for all or any of the purposes aforesaid, I do hereby direct you to hear and receive such evidence, whether oral or documentary, as you may think fit: And I do enjoin you, within four calendar months after the date of this commission, or as much sooner as the same can conveniently be done (using all diligence), to report to me all such particulars as you are directed to ascertain and report in the premises, together with such other particulars as you may think fit: And Ido order that this commission shall continue in force, and that you the said Commissioners, or either of you, may proceed in the execution thereof from time to time, and at any place or places, although the same be not continued by adjournment. Given under the hand of His Excellency Sir George Ferguson Bowen, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over Her Majesty's Colony of New Zealand and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same; and issued under the Seal of the said Colony, at the Government House, at Wellington, this third day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one. Approved in Council. Forster Goring, Clerk of the Executive Council.


D.—No. 1,

No. 2. INTERIM REPORT OP THE WAR MEDAL COMMISSIONERS. To His Excellency Sir George Ferguson Bowen, G.C.M.G., Ac, Ac, Ac. May it please Your Excellency,— In accordance with the instructions conveyed by the Commission of the 3rd February, 1871, we have examined all the applications from officers and men of the Colonial Forces for the New Zealand War Medal, which have been referred to us by the Hon. Colonial Secretary, and we have the honor to report as follows: — 1. On the accompanying Roll marked A we have included the names of those applicants who are entitled, under the terms of the Resolution of the House of Representatives, to receive the Medal for services performed during the years 1545, 1846, or 1847, or during the years from 1860 to 1866, both inclusive. 2. And on the Roll marked B the names of those who have established their claims to the Medal, if it is to be granted for services performed subsequent to the year 1866. 3. And in the Roll marked C we have given the names of those applicants whose claims we have rejected, and in each case have specified the reasons for such rejection. 4. We also transmit a Roll marked D, containing the names, rank and corps, Ac, of the officers and men of the Colonial Forces who have been killed in action, or have died from wounds received in action since the llth July, 1868. We have not yet been able to procure accurate returns of those persons who were killed in action prior to the llth July, 1868; and we have been obliged to defer tho consideration of some of the applications that have been transmitted to us until further proof of their correctness has been obtained. We are moreover aware that there are many persons who have not hitherto made application for the Medal, although they are entitled to claim it, and would invite attention to the fact that scarcely one of the many friendly Natives who fought with our troops, and on whom it was the intention of the Legislature that Medals should be conferred, have applied for the distinction. AVe therefore submit this as an Interim Report for your Excellency's consideration, and would respectfully recommend that the accompanying Rolls should be published, and that notice should be given both to the Europeans, and more particularly to the friendly Natives, that further applications will be received up to such date as your Excellency may fix for this purpose. T. M. Haultain. J. T. Edwards. Wellington, 27th March, 1871. Roll A. Nominal Return of Officers and Men of the Colonial Forces who have made application for the New Zealand War Medal for services performed prior to the 31st December, 1866, and whose claims are admitted by the Commissioners. Alexander, E. Maundrell, Lieutenant, Waiuku Volunteers Brigham, John, Trooper, Colonial Defence Force Allan, John, Sergeant, Taranaki Militia Brighouse, Thomas, Private, Napier Militia Allen, AV. S., Private, Taranaki A rolunteers Brook, A. Robert, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Anderson, James, Captain, Napier Militia Brown, Henry, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Andrews, John, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Brown, AV., Assistant-Surgeon, Armed Constabulary Andrews, Henry P., Ensign, Auckland Volunteers Brown, Cartwright, Lieutenant, Napier Militia Armstrong, John H., Private, Commissariat Transport Corps Brown, William, Sergeant, Taranaki Militia Atcherly, H. M. Langton, Colour-Sergeant, Ist AVaikato Militia Browne, Charles, Major, Taranaki Militia Atky-ns, Mensdorff W., Surveyor Buchanan, John, Captain, Napier Volunteers Austin, Samuel, Quartermaster-Sergeant, AA'anganui Native Bullot, Charles A., Sergeant, Taranaki Militia Contingent Bullot, Frederic, Constable, Armed Constabulary Babington, William H., Private, Porest Rangers Burgess, Alexander, Private, Taranaki Militia Baker, Robert, senior, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Burrett, Thomas, Trooper, AVellington Defence Force Baker, Robert, junior, Private, Taranaki A rolunteers Burrow, John, Constable, Armed Constabulary Baker, Thomas F., Assistant-Surgeon, Napier Military Settlers Burtton, John, Sergeant, Napier Militia Ball, George, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Butter, Alexander, Sergeant, Forest Rangers Barrett, Richard, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment Bygum, Hans, Private, Forest Rangers Barriball, AA'illiam, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Cadell, Thomas, Superintendent, River Transport Barton, Samuel, Private, Auckland Arolunteers Callaghan, Daniel, Private, 3rd AA'aikato Regiment Bayley, R., Private, Taranaki Volunteers Cann, J. George AVilliam, Sergeant, Ist AVaikato Regiment Bayly, Percy F. Walker, Private, Taranaki A'olunteers Capper, Samuel, Corporal, Ist AVaikato Regiment Beagley, AVilliam, Private, Napier Volunteers Carey, John, Assistant-Surgeon, Auckland Militia Bear, Jonathan, Sergeant-Major, Taranaki Military Settlers Carey, Mathew, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Beetham, AVellesley, Trooper, Colonial Defence Force Carnie, David, Private, 3rd AVaikato Regiment Bentley, George, Colour-Sergeant, Taranaki Military Settlers Carr, Henry Hyde, Constable, Armed Constabulary Berridge, William, Sergeant, Taranaki Arolunteers Carrington, Wellington, Captain, Taranaki Militia Biddle, Edward, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Carthew, Edward, Captain, Taranaki Military Settlers Billiald, Thomas, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Carven, Edward, Private, Wanganui Rangers Binnie, Alexander, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Casey, P., Private, 2nd AVaikato Bishop, Daniel, Private, Taranaki Bushrangers Caulton,Stapylton Cotton, Private, Napier Colonial Defence Force Black, William, Lieutenant, Taranaki A rolunteers Chapman, H. Parker, Lieutenant, Taranaki Military Settlers Black, John, Sergeant, Taranaki A Tolunteers Charles, Isaac, Sergeant, Auckland Colonial Defence Force Blackstock, George, Private, Napier Volunteers Cherry, George Thomas, Private, Taranaki A'olunteers Blake, A. H., Private, Napier Militia Chicken, John, Private, Napier Militia Blake, Richard T., Captain, Patea Militia Chitty, Charles, Sergeant, Commissariat Transport Corps Bland, John, Constable, Armed Constabulary Churton, A. H., Private, Auckland A rolunteers Birmingham, Robert, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment Churton, John Frederick, Sergeant, Auckland Militia Bond, AVilliam, Sergeant, Forest Rangers Clare, William, Major, Auckland Militia Bond, Philip, Private, Forest Rangers Clarke, 11. Tacy, Staff Interpreter Brassey, Willoughby, Major, Taranaki Military Settlers Clery, H. Alan, Ensign, Taranaki Military Settlers Brewer, John, Private, Napier Arolunteers Clifton, Theodore, Lance-Sergeant, 2nd AA'aikato Regiment



a.—No. 1.

Clifton, W. F., Private, Auckland A rolunteers Grindell, James, Private, Napier Volunteers Clinton, Patrick John, Private, Forest Rangers Gudgeon, W. E., Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary Clode, George, Sergeant, 2nd Waikato Regiment Gundrey, William J., Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary Clotworthy, George, Private, Forest Rangers Hague, John, Private, Napier Militia Codd, George, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment Halbert, Charles J., Private, Napier Defence Force Coffey, Martin F., Sergeant, Taranaki Military Settlers Haldane, Richard, Private, 4th Waikato Regiment Colson, Thomas, Private, Taranaki Militia Hall, Alfred C, Sergeant-Major, AVanganui Yeomanry Cavalry Colthart, John, Corporal, Wanganui Rangers Hall, J. W., Corporal, Taranaki Volunteers Comrie, James, Private, Pukekohe A'olunteers Hamilton, James 8., Private, 2nd AVaikato Regiment Cooper, George, Private, Mauku Volunteers Hamilton, J. Douglas, Trooper, Napier Mounted Arolunteers Corbett, George, Private, Taranaki A Toluiiteers Hamlin, P. E., Interpreter to Forces Corbet., James, Private, Taranaki Militia Hammerton, R. E., Lieutenant, Taranaki Volunteers Corbett, John Glasfurd, Captain, Taranaki Military Settlers Hammerton, T. E., Trumpeter, Taranaki Cavalry Volunteers Corry, John, Private, Napier Militia Hammond, Edwin, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Cosgrove, Patrick, Private, Napier Militia Hannay, John, Private, Forest Rangers Cossey, James Thomas, Private, Auckland Militia Hardy, Adolphus F., Private, Forest Rangers Crispe, Heywood, Sergeant, Forest Rifle Volunteers Harper, George, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment Crosby, Henry, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Harris, Benjamin, Lieutenant, Royal Cavalry Volunteers, Cullen, J. Crowhurst, Private, Napier Militia Otahuhu Currie, AVilliam, Private, Napier Arolunteers Harris, Joseph Donald, Colour-Sergeant, 3rd AVaikato Regiment Dalziel, AVilliam, Corporal, AVanganui Yeomanry Cavalry Harrison, Henry Shafto, Captain, Alexandra Cavalry A rolunteers Danvers, B. D., Ensign, Napier Militia Haultain, T. M., Colonel, 2nd Waikato Regiment Davidson, Alexander, Private, Forest Rangers Hawes, Robert Norgate, Corporal, Taranaki Military Settlers Davis, Henry Inman, Trooper, Wanganui Volunteer Cavalry Hay, William, Trooper, Taranaki Cavalry Arolunteers Davy, Henry, Corporal, Taranaki Volunteers Hay, William M., Ensign, Forest Rangers Deane, Horace E., Lance-Sergeant, Wellington Colonial Defence Heaphy, Charles, Lieutenant, Auckland Volunteers Force Hempton, Thomas, Private, Taranaki Militia Dempster, Alexander, Private, 2nd AVaikato Regiment Hendry, James R., Private, Mauku Volunteers Denholme, AVilliam, Private, Napier Militia Hendry, C. F. Henry, Private, Forest Rangers Dent, AVilliam, Private, Auckland Arolunteers Hill, Roger, Ensign, Auckland Militia Dette, Charles, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Hill, Henry Wilson, Lieutenant, Forest Rifles Devoy, Henry, Bugler, 3rd AVaikato Regiment Hill, Walter James, Private, Auckland A'olunteers Dillon, Michael, Private, 2nd AVaikato Regiment Hill, George, Private, Forest Rangers Dingeldey, H. John, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Hillier, AVilliam, Private, Taranaki Militia Dinwiddie, Peter, Private, Napier Volunteers Hinds, J. AVorrell, Lance-Corporal, Napier Military Settlers Dixon, Manley, Private, Taranaki A'olunteers Hirst, James, Sergeant, Taranaki Volunteers Donnelly, James, Trooper, AVellington Colonial Defence Force Hiscox, Andrew, Sergeant, Taranaki Military Settlers Dunfry, Charles, Private, Napier Volunteers Hodge, William, Corporal, Pukekohe Volunteers Durie, David Stark, Inspector, Armed Police, South Division Hodgen, John, Private, Mauku Volunteers Earl, R. A. N., Sergeant, Taranaki Militia Hogarth, Hugh, Private, Auckland A rolunteers Easton, George, Corporal, Pukekohe A'olunteers Holland, John L., Private, Auckland A'olunteers Easton, James, Private, Pukekohe A'olunteers Holmes, Alfred, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Edwards, Edward R., Sergeant, Commissariat Transport Corps Hope, Edwin Lewis, Private, 2nd AVaikato Regiment Ellaby, C. 11., Trooper, Wanganui Yeomanry Cavalry Hoskin, Richard, Private Taranaki Volunteers Elliott, John, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Howard, AVilliam, Private, Napier Military Settlers Elliotte,RobertHenry,Trooper,AVellingtonColonialDefenceForce Howell, Simeon, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Esther, Patrick, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Humphries, Edward, Corporal, Taranaki A'olunteers Everett, Charles, Sergeant, Taranaki Militia Humphries, AVilliam, Corporal, Taranaki A rolunteers Fallon, Joseph, Corporal, Forest Rangers Humphries, Thomas, Ensign, Taranaki A rolunteers Featherston, I. E., Superintendent of Wellington Huntley, R. H., Private, Auckland Militia Featon, Edward Henry, Private, Onehunga Naval Volunteers Hussey, John, E. AV., Sergeant-Major, AVanganui Yeomanry Featon, John, Private, Onehunga Naval Volunteers Cavalry Feehan, Thomas, Private, 4th AVaikato Regiment Hursthouse, C. Wilson, Lieutenant, Taranaki Militia Ferris, Charles W., Trooper, Napier Colonial Defence Force Hutcheson, David, Sub-Inspector, Auckland Colonial Defence Fielder, J. Beckett, Private, Napier Volunteers Force Finney, John, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Hutton, Howard, Captain, Auckland Cavalry Volunteers Flanagan, Edward, Private, 3rd Waikato Regiment Inch, Paul, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Flavell, William, Sergeant, AA'aiuku Volunteers Inch, Thomas, Private, Taranaki A'olunteers Fitzgerald, Michael, Captain, Napier Militia Inglis, James, Corporal, Mauku Volunteers Fitzgerald, Lionel C, Captain, Staff Officer Colonial Forces Irvine, James, Lieutenant, Napier Arolunteers Fitzgibbon, G. C, Private, Auckland Volunteers Irwin, Owen 0., Ensign, 4th AVaikato Regiment Flint, George 8., Constable, Armed Constabulary Irwin, Daniel, Sergeant, Ist Waikato Regiment Fookes, A. Cracroft, Lieutenant, Taranaki Military Settlers Jack, James, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Foot, Cecil John, Trooper, Wanganui Yeomanry Cavalry Jackson, William, Major, Forest Rangers Ford, AVilliam Alexander, Lance-Sergeant, 2nd AVaikato Regt. Jeffs, Charles K., Ensign, Ist Waikato Regiment Francis, AV. D., Bugler, Taranaki Militia Jennings, James, Private, Forest Rangers Fraser, AVilliam, Captain, Ist Waikato Regiment Jonas, M., Captain, Taranaki Volunteers Fraser, James, Lieutenant-Colonel, New Zealand Militia Jones, M. Jenkins, Sergeant, Taranaki Volunteers Frazer, John, Lance-Sergeant, Armed Police, South Division Jones, Timothy, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Furlong, Thomas, Trooper, Taranaki Cavalry Volunteers Jordan, Israel, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Furnival, G., Private, Taranaki Arolunteers Joyce, William George, Private, Mauku Volunteers Gallagher, John, Trooper, AVellington Colonial Defence Force Johnston, James, Private, Mauku Volunteers Garner, Frank W., Private, Napier Volunteers Johnstone, Thomas, Private, Napier Militia Gascoignc, F. AV., Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary Johnstone, Peter, Private, Napier Militia Gay, M. James, Private, Auckland Volunteers Johnstone, John, Private, Napier Militia George, F. Nelson, Brevet-Major, 3rd AVaikato Regiment Johnstone, William, Ensign, Wairoa Volunteers Gibbons, Charles R., Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Johnson, W., Ensign, Taranaki Cavalry A rolunteers Gibbons, Martin C, Trooper, Armed Constabulary Johnston, James, Private, Mauku Volunteers Gibson, Thomas, Sergeant, Colonial Defence Force, Auckland Keefe, Mathew, Sergeant, Ist AVaikato Regiment Giddy, AV., Private, Taranaki Volunteers Keleher, Jeremiah, Private, AVaiuku Volunteers Gillander, John, Private, Forest Rangers Kelsey, John, Private, 2nd AVaikato Regiment Goldsmith, Henry, Captain, Ist AVaikato Regiment Kempthorne, Arthur, Trooper, Poverty Bay Cavalry Volunteers Good, Thomas, Captain, Native Contingent Kenah, John W., Private, Taranaki Volunteers Goring, Forster Y., Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary Kennedy, Alexander, Captain, Napier Militia Grant, AVilliam, Sergeant, Commissariat Transport Corps Kenrick, Richard, Sergeant-Major, Colonial Defence Force Grayling, Irwin William, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Kershaw, Philip, Constable, Armed Constabulary Green, J. H., Corporal, Ist Waikato Regiment King, Robert, Lance-Corporal, Ist AVaikato Regiment Greenwell, George S., Private, Napier Volunteers Xing, John, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Greenwell, S. Thomas, Private, Napier Volunteers Xing, William, Private, AVanganui Rangers Greenwood, Robert, Cornet, Taranaki Cavalry Volunteers Kirkpatrick, Duncan, Private, Napier Volunteers Greenwood, R. AVilliam, Private, Taranaki Militia Kirwin, William Thomas, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Griffiths, Jabez Josiah, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Lambert, C, Lieutenant-Colonel, New Zealand Militia 2



G.—No. 1



Lamont, J. Hannay, Corporal, Napier Militia O'nalloran, G. S., Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary Lane, James, Constable, Armed Constabulary Olliver, Frank, Trooper, Auckland Defence Force Langley, John, Private, Napier Militia Olivier, Charles, Corporal, Taranaki Volunteers Langman, Richard, junior, Private, Taranaki Arolunteers Olivier, Francis, Sergeant, Taranaki Volunteers Large, J. 8., Corporal, Napier A'olunteers Olson, Edward, Trooper, Taranaki Cavalry Volunteers Lander, Charles, Private, Taranaki A'olunteers ' O'Meara, Edward, Private, Auckland Volunteers Lawrence, B. Charles, Sergeant, Taranaki Volunteers Ormond, F. F., Assistant-Surgeon, Napier Military Settlers Lawson, John R., Ensign, Taranaki Militia Osborne, James, Private, Forest Rangers Leslie, David, Private, Napier Militia Oxenham, John, Trooper, Taranaki Cavalry Volunteers LeQuesne, Joseph, Colour-Sergeant, Napier Militia Page, A. M. A., Captain, Taranaki Military Settlers Lloyd, Frank, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Pain, John, Trooper, AVellington Colonial Defence Force Locke, Samuel, Commanding Native Force, Fast Coast Palcthorpe, Thomas, Colour-Sergeant, Ist AVaikato Regiment Lockie, G. S., Quartermaster-Sergeant, Commissariat Transport Palmer, Charles, Private, Auckland A'olunteers Corps Pearn, Alfred, Private, Taranaki A'olunteers Lodder, William, Engineer, Colonial s.s. "Sturt" Percy, John A., Captain, AVanganui Yeomanry Cavalry Long, Joseph, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Perry, Francis T., Corporal, Taranaki Military Settlers Lull', Joseph, Private, Napier Militia Perry, Cranley L., Ensign, 2nd Waikato Regiment Luke, AVilliam, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Phillips, John, Private, Taranaki Militia Lusk, D. H., Major, Mauku Volunteers Philips, Charles P., Sergeant, Auckland A'olunteers Lydon, George, Constable, Armed Constabulary Pierse, 0., Trooper, Wanganui Cavalry Volunteers Lynch, Thomas O. S., Private, Auckland Arolunteers Pilbrow, John, Private, Poverty Bay Volunteers Lyon, William Charles, Lieut.-Colonel, Auckland Militia Pilmer, A. A. Gordon, Lieutenant, Forest Rangers McAulilf, James, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment Pohlen, Heinrich, Private, Forest Rangers Macbeth, Francis, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment Porter, Thomas AV., Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary MeCann, Lawrence, Private, Commissariat, Transport Corps Preece, George, Captain, New Zealand Militia McCarthy, Patrick, Private, Mauku A'olunteers Prosser, Henry, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment McConochie, John, Private, Napier Militia Pulford, Edward, Private, Napier Militia McConncil, John, Private, Auckland Volunteers Quain, Richard, Sergeant, 2nd Waikato Regiment McC'onnell, Alexander, Private, Auckland Arolunteers Rawson, F. George, Private, Taranaki Volunteers McCoi-mick, Thomas J., Trooper, Colonial Defence Force Reed, William, Private, Napier Volunteers McDonald, John K, Private, Taranaki A'olunteers Rees, George, Lance-Sergeant, Taranaki Military Settlers McDonald, D. 8., Private, Taranaki A'olunteers Reid, David, Private, Napier Military Settlers McDonell, C, Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary Reilly, John T., Private, Taranaki Military Settlers McDonnell, Thomas, Lieut.-Colonel, New Zealand Militia Revell, F. Henry, Sergeant-Major, Colonial Defence Force McDonnell, William, Captain, Native Contingent Reynolds, Henry 11., Colour-Sergeant, 2nd Waikato Regiment McDonnell, George, Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary Richards, William, Private, Taranaki Militia McGahey, C, Sergeant-Major, Taranaki Militia Riches, Alexander, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers McGuire, Henry, Private, Mauku A'olunteers Roberts, AVilliam H., Private, Taranaki Militia McGuirk, James, Corporal, Forest Rangers Robinson, AVilliam R., Sergeant, Napier Volunteers Mclntyrc, AVilliam, Private, Mauku Volunteers Robson, T. John, Private, Napier Military Settlers MeKellar, A. A. M., Lieutenant, Taranaki Militia Roche, Parker, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers McKcllar, James S., Captain, Taranaki Militia Roche, Thomas, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers McKenzie, Daniel, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment Rodriguez, Antonio, Trooper, Taranaki Cavalry Volunteers Mcßae, Farquhar, Private, 2nd AVaikato Regiment Ross, Alfred, Captain, Wanganui Militia Madigan, Patrick, Private, Forest Rangers Routledge, William, Ensign, Napier Volunteers Mahoney, Daniel, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Rudman, Henry, Private, Napier A'olunteers Mair, AVilliam Gilbert, Major, Auckland Militia Rushton, J. Richard, Ensign, Opotiki Rangers Mauley, G. Kent, Sergeant, Mauku A'olunteers Russell, Albert H., Trooper, Defence Force, Auckland Mann, Richard, Private, Auckland A'olunteers Russell, AV. Fairvveather, Sergeant, AVanganui Volunteers Mann, Thomas, Private, Auckland A'olunteers Rye, Lewes, Lieutenant, Commissariat Transport Corps Mainwaring, R. C, Interpreter to Forces Sandes, T. Goodman, Sergeant, Auckland Engineer A'olunteers Marks, Hannibal, Bugler, Auckland Volunteers Seanlan, Michael, Private, Napier Militia Marsh, IT. Thomas, Corporal, Napier Volunteers Scantling, Richard, Private, Taranaki Militia Martin, John, Private, Napier A'olunteers Scott, W. H, Trumpeter, AVanganui Volunteer Cavalry Master, James S., Sergeant, Armed Constabulary Scotter, William, Private, Auckland Arolunteers Maxfield. Harry, Private, Auckland A'oluuteers Shanaghan, James, Constable, Armed Constabulary Mearn, James, Private, Taranaki Bushrangers Sheehy, Patrick, Sergeant, Taranaki Military Settlers Mellsop, Charles AV., Private, Mauku A'olunteers Sheppard, George, Private, Auckland A'olunteers Mcllsop, John T., Lieutenant, Mauku Cavalry Volunteers Sheppee, J. Wray, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Mellsop, James, Ensign, Forest Rifles Sherret, A. Stephen, Lieutenant, Forest Rangers Meredith, Edward C, Colour-Sergeant, Native Contingent Shirley, Thomas, Private, Napier A'olunteers Messenger, AVilliam 8., Captain, Taranaki Militia Simpson, Leonard, Captain, 2nd AVaikato Regiment Messenger, Charles J., Lieutenant, Taranaki A'olunteerß Skinner, AV. Henry, Private, Taranaki A roluntcers Messenger, AVilliam, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Slater, Francis, Colour-Sergeant, Napier Militia Menzies, James, Private, Auckland A'olunteers Slater, AValter. Private, Napier Militia Miller, AVilliam, Colour-Sergeant, Napier Militia Smith, A. Randolph, Private, Taranaki Militia Moginie, John C'., Private, Auckland A'olunteers Smith, Alfred, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Mogridge Charles, Sergeant, Napier Militia Smith, James, Trooper, AVellington Defence Force Moir, AVilliam, Captain, Ist AVaikato Regiment Smith, Robert, Lance-Sergeant, Napier Militarv Settlers Moody, Thomas A'.,.Sergeant, 2nd AVaikato Regiment Smith, AVilliam, Private, Napier Militia Moore, Philip G, Private, Taranaki Militia Smyth, James Hanna, Sergeant-Major, Napier Military SettlersMorrison, Walter J., Captain, Taranaki Militia Spiller, Harvey, Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary Morrison, Thomas, Private, Nupier Militia Spurdle, AVilliam A., Sergeant, Taranaki A'olunteers Morrow, Richard, Private, Auckland A'olunteers Stack, William Griffin, Captain, Ist Waikato Regimen Morrow, Arthur, Private, Auckland A'oluuteers Standish, Frank, Lieutenant, Taranaki Militia Neill, Samuel, Quartermaster-Sergeant, AVanganui Militia Stapp, Charles, Brevet Major, New Zealand Militia Nelly, M. Lewis, Sergeant-Major, 2nd Waikato Regiment Stevens, Henry, Private, Napier Militia Nowall. Steuart, Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary Stevens, Francis, Sergeant, Taranaki A'olunteers Newland, John, Private, Taranaki A'olunteers Stewart, Thomas, Trooper, Auckland Colonial Defence Forco Newland, Henry, Sergeant, Taranaki Volunteers Stewart, AVilliam, Corporal, Napier Military Settlers Nicholson, John C, Corporal, Wanganui Yeomanry Cavalry Stewart, AV. Charles, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Nixon, John, Major, Wanganui Militia St. John, John Henry Herbert, Lieutenant-Colonel, New Zealand Nodder, John, Sergeant, Taranaki A'olunteers Militia Nolan, John, Private, Forest Rangers Stratford, John Hugh, Ensign, 3rd AA'aikato Regiment Nolan, Martin, Private, Forest Rangers Strong, Howard, Trooper, AVanganui Yeomanry Cavalry, AV. H., Private, Napier Militia Stunner, Edward, Constable, Armed Constabulary O'Brien, Mai-tin, Sergeant, Armed Constabulary Sutton, Edmund, Private, Napier Militia O'Callaghau, AVilliam J. P., Lieutenant, Taranaki Military Swainson, H. Gabriel, Private,Hutt Company,Wellington Militia Settlers Swainson, AVilliam John, Assistant Interpreter to Forces O'Carroll, P. Joseph, Assistant-Surgeon, 3rd AVaikato Regiment Styak, AVilliam, Ensign, Commissariat Transport Corps O'Connor, John, Private, Taranaki Bushrangers Tatton, AVilliam George, Private, Taranaki Volunteers O'Donnell, Charles, Private, Napier Militia Tatton, William, senior, Private, Taranaki Militia


G.—No. 1.

Teir, Robert, Private, Napier Militia Wheeler. Allen, Private, Mauku A'olunteers Temple, Charles, Private, Forest Rangers White, W. Bertram, Ensign, AVellington Militia Thierry, Charles F. de, Interpreter to Forces AVhiteside, Samuel, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment Thompson, Robert, Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment Whitson, Thomas, Private, Auckland A'olunteers Todd, Alexander, Private, Napier Militia AVilkes, J. Collins, Private, Auckland A'olunteers Torre, John James, Sergeant, Napier A'olunteers Wilkinson, George Thomas, Private, Arolunteer Engineers Townley, John, Private, Napier Volunteers Wilcoeks, E. Smyth, Bugler, Taranaki A'olunteers Tuke, Arthur, Inspector, Armed Constabulary Williams, Isaac, Private, Napier Militia Tuke, Edmund, Lieutenant, Napier Military Settlers AVilliams, James, Sergeant, Forest Rangers Tuffin, George, Private, AVanganui Rangers AVilliams, Richard, Private, Napier Militia Turner, A. C., Captain, Auckland Militia AVills, Thomas, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Uren, Thomas, Sergeant, 3rd Waikato Regiment AVilson, Thomas, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers ITpjolm, James Thomas, Sergeant, Taranaki Militia AVilson, John, Captain, Napier Militia Vining, James, Private, Napier Militia AVilson, Charles James, Sub-Inspector, Colonial Defence Force Vragnizan, Peter, Private, Auckland Militia AVilson, P. G., Captain, Taranaki Arolunteers AA'aili., Henry, Private, Taranaki A'olunteers • AA'incbcombe, Walter, Sergeant, Taranaki Military Settlers AValker, Samuel, Assistant-Surgeon, New Zealand Militia AA'ood, James M., Sergeant, Napier Militia Walker, G. P., Captain, Ist AVaikato Regiment Wood, Reader G., Lieutenant, Auckland Militia AValker, Daniel, Private, 2nd AVaikato Regiment AA'oolfield, Thomas R., Trooper, Auckland Cavalry Volunteers Ward, Patrick, Sergeant, Taranaki Military Settlers AVorgan, George, Interpreter to Forces Ward, George, Private, Forest Rangers Wright, Edward, Private, Taranaki A'olunteers Ward, John, Private, Taranaki A'olunteers AVref'ord, Charles R., Sergeant, Napier Defence Force AValtcr, James, Sergeant, Forest Rangers Wrigg, Harry C. AV.. Private, Auckland Militia AVebstcr, William Dawson, Private, Taranaki A'olunteers AVyatt, Edward, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment, AVebster, F. Lewis, Captain, Taranaki A'olunteers Yeates, George AVilliam, Captain, 2nd Waikato Regimeut. AArcston, AVarwiek, Corporal, Taranaki A'olunteers

Roll B. Nominal Return of Officers and Men of the Colonial Forces who have made application for the New Zealand War Medal for services performed subsequent to the 31st December, 1866, and whose claims are admitted by tho Commissioners. Aagaai-d, Michael, Trooper, Patea Yeomanry Cavalry Dolan, Patrick, Constable. Armed Constabulary Adamson, Stephen, Trooper, Wanganui Yeomanry Cavalry Drummond, John Edward, Constable, Armed Oonstabulary Adamson, William, Trooper, Wanganui Yeomanry Cavalry Dundas, Henry AVilliam, Sergeant, Armed Constabulary Allan, Thomas, Sergeant, Wairoa Rifle Arolunteers Elmslie, Peter, Corporal, AVairoa Rifle Volunteers Anderson, James, Trooper, AVanganui Volunteer Cavalry Evans, Charles, Corporal, Poverty Bay Afilitia Armstrong, J. Wilson, Corporal, AVanganui Volunteer Cavalry Evans, Frank AA'., Trooper, Wanganui Volunteer Cavalry Armstrong, Thomas, Trooper, Wanganui Volunteer Cavalry Evans, John, Constable, Armed Constabulary Avent, John, Sergeant, Ist AVaikato Regiment Finlay, AVilliam, Constable, Armed Constabulary Baker, James AV., Cornet, Kai Iwi Volunteer Cavalry Finnimore, William, Major, AVanganui A'olunteer Cavalry Baker, Richard, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment, Fitzgerald, John, Private, AVanganui Militia Ballance, John, Cornet, AVanganui Volunteer Cavalry Fitzgerald, Patrick, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Bauer, Charles, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Fitzgerald, Thomas, Sergeant, Ist AVaikato Regiment Beamish, John G., Constable, Armed Constabulary Ford, Arthur S., Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Beaven, Frederick, Trooper, Wanganui A'olunteer Cavalry Forster, Arthur S. 8., Sub-Inspector, Ai-med Constabulary Beere, Edward Holroyd, Private, Auckland Engineer Volunteers Forster, 11., Sergeant-Major, Armed Constabulary Blake, James George, Corporal, Armed Constabulary Garrett, Roland, Lieutenant, Kai Iwi Volunteer Cavalry Bowler, Harry, Trooper, Patea Yeomanry Cavalry Gibson, Harrison, Trooper, AA'anganui A'olunteer Cavalry Bradley, James Thomas, Colour-Sergeant, Ist Waikato Regiment Gibson, AVilliam, Trooper, Wanganui A'olunteer Cavalry Brett, —, Sergeant, Armed Constabulary Glennie, AVilliam, Constable, Armed Constabulary Brewer, 11. AI., Ensign, New Zealand Militia Goldsmith, Erie C, Sergeant, Auckland Engineer A'olunteers Brown, Harry. Constable, Armed Constabulary Gordon, Thomas, Trooper, Wanganui A'olunteer Cavalry Brown, Patrick, Sergeant, Armed Constabulary Grant, A., Constable, Armed Constabulary Bryce, John, Captain, Kai Iwi A'olunteer Cavalry Gray, Charles Al., Private, AVanganui Militia Busst, James Alfred, Private. Ist AA'aikato Regiment Gwynneth, John, Captain, Bay of Plenty A'olunteer Cavalry Campbell, Allan Z., Cornet, Kai Iwi Volunteer Cavalry Hair, Robert, Cornet, AVanganui Volunteer Cavalry Campbell, George W., Trooper, Kai Iwi A'olunteer Cavalry Jlallett, Charles, Constable, Armed Constabulary Capper, Alfred 6., Trooper, Kai Iwi A'olunteer Cavalry Hammond, John E., Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Carkeek, Arthur Wakefield, Sergeant, Armed Constabulary Handley, John, Sergeant, Kai Iwi Cavalry Volunteers Chadwiek, Joseph, Quartermaster-Sergeant, AVanganui Volun- Handley, Thomas, Trooper, Wanganui Volunteer Cavalry tecr Cavalry Handley, William, Sergeant, Wanganui .Militia Chapman, Charles S., Private, Wellington Rifles Hare, George, Constable, Armed Constabulary Chawner, Edward, Sergeant, Taranaki Militia and Armed Con- Harris, Thomas, Constable, Armed Constabulary stabulary Harrison, H. F., Constable, Armed Constabulary Curtz, Hans Christian, Private, Wairoa Rifle A'olunteers Haselden, Frederick 11., Lance-Corporal, Ist Waikato Regiment Clarke, H. M., Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment Hickey, Patrick, Constable, Armed Constabulary Collins, James, Constable, Armed Constabulary Hicks, Richard, Trooper, Kai Iwi A'olunteer Cavalry Collins, Robert, Captain, New Zealand Militia Hindley, James, Trooper, AVanganui A'olunteer Cavalry Connelly, John F., Trooper, Bay of Plenty Volunteer Cavalry Howe, John, Trooper, Wanganui A'olunteer Cavalry Connoll, Thomas, Trooper, AVanganui A'olunteer Cavalry Home, Copley, Private, Nelson Cont'"'--nit Crapp, Arthur Algernon, Sub-Inspector, Auckland A'olunteer Hughes, James, Trooper, AVanganui ', u.unteer Cavalry Enginecrs and Armed Constabulary Hunter, Andrew, Trooper, Kai Iwi A'olunteer Cavalry Cummings, Joseph, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Hunter, Moore, Trooper, Kai Iwi Volunteer Cavalry Gum—lings, Matthew, Lance-Corporal, Ist AA'aikato Regiment Hurley, Daniel, Corporal, AVanganui A'olunteer Cavalry Cummins, Thomas Dick, Senior Sergeant, AA'anganui Volunteer Hurley, AA Tilliam, Trooper, AVanganui A'olunteer Cavalry Cavalry Izgard, Henry E., Constable, Armed Constabulary Cunnahell, Alexander de AA'olf, Trooper, Kai Iwi A'olunteer Jackson, J. Howard, Private, Auckland A'olunteer Engineers Cavalry Jenkins, AVilliam, Sergeant, AVairoa Rifle A'olunteers Danahy, John, Trooper, AVanganui A'olunteer Cavalry Johnson, Alexander, Constable, Armed Constabulary Davis, George S.. Trooper, AVanganui A'cltrateer Cavalry Johnston, Charles, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Davis, William Hudson, Private, AVanganui Militia Johnstone, George, Trooper, Kai Iwi A'olunteer Cavalry Day, Richard Solomon, Lieutenant, AVanganui A rolunteer Johnstone, James, Private, AVairoa Rifle A'olunteers Cavalry Jones, John, Corporal, Kai Iwi A rolunteer Cavalry Denham, AVilliam, Sergeant, Auckland Engineer Volunteers Jordon, Richard Coles, Private, Auckland Engineer Volunteers Dennis, F. 8., Trooper, Poverty Bay Arolunteer Cavalry Kelly, Patrick Joseph, Lance-Sergeant, Ist AVaikato Regiment Dickie, Alexander, Private, AA'airoa Rifle A'olunteers Kirk, Robert, Trooper, Kai Iwi A'olunteer Cavalry Dickie, John, senior, Private, AVairoa Rifle A'olunteers Lake, Thomas, Private, Poverty Bay Mililia Dickie, John, junior, Private, AVairoa Rille Arolunteers Levy, Lewis Lyons, Trooper, AA'anganui Volunteer Cavalry



G.—No. 1



Lingard, William, Trooper, Kai Iwi Volunteer Cavalry Powell, Wilmot, Captain, Wanganui Militia Litchfield, Charles, Sergcant-Major, Bay of Plenty Volunteer Poynter, James Benjamin, Trooper, Poverty Bay Mounted Cavalry Volunteers Littlewood, AVilliam, Trooper, Kai Iwi Volunteer Cavalry Pycroft, Henry, Constable, Armed Constabulary Lloyd, Thomas, Corporal, AVellington Rangers Pyke, Accent Adolphus, Private, AVanganui Militia Lockett, Edward Charles, Sergeant-Major, Wanganui Volunteer Rabbits, Edward, Constable, Armed Constabulary Cavalry Restieaux, Walter, Private, European Contingent Lomax, H. A., Lieutenant, AVellington Militia Richards, Josiah, Trooper, AA'anganui A'olunteer Cavalry Long, James, Constable, Armed Constabulary Richards, Loftus, Colour-Sergeant, Ist Waikato Regiment Lound, Charles, Lance-Corporal, Armed Constabulary Robinson, Charles, Trooper, Wanganui A'olunteer Cavalry Macdonald, John S., Trooper, Wanganui A'olunteer Cavalry Roche, Henry, Constable, Armed Constabulary Mair, Gilbert, Lieutenant, Auckland Militia Rolfe, Frederick, Trooper, AVanganui Volunteer Cavalry Maugnus, Andrew, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Rolls, Mark, Constable, Armed Constabulary Manning, William Brown, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Ross, George, Trooper, AVanganui A'olunteer Cavalry Marshall, AVilliam, Constable, Armed Constabulary Ross, Hugh, Private, Wanganui Militia Mason, George Henry, Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment Rowland, Anthony, Sergeant, Kai Iwi A'olunteer Cavalry Mathieson, George S., Constable, Armed Constabulary Rowe, Henry T., Sergeant, Auckland Engineer Volunteers McCallum, James Wallace, Private, AVairoa Rifle A'olunteers Rowe, Thomas, Trooper, AVanganui A'olunteer Cavalry McCarthy, Timothy, Constable, Armed Constabulary Rußsell, John, Trooper, AVanganui Volunteer Cavalry McCulloch, George, Private, Wanganui Militia Ryan, George, Private, Taranaki Arolunteer Militia Mclldowie, Daniel, Private, Wairoa Rifle Volunteers Scott, George Lindsay, Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment Middlemas. Andrew, Ensign, New Zealand Militia Scott, John, Corporal, AVanganui Militia . Mitchell, Alexander, Trooper, Wanganui Arolunteer Cavalry Scott, Nixon, Constable, Armed Constabulary Mitchell, Charles, Constable, Armed Constabulary Shephard, Richard, Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment "Mitchell, John, Private, Auckland Engineer Volunteers Sherwood, George F., Trooper, AVanganui Volunteer Cavalry Monck, James 8., Constable, Armed Constabulary Short, John, Corporal, Armed Constabulary Moody, Samuel, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Short, Francis Julian, Trooper, Armed Constabulary Moore, John, Constable, Armed Constabulary Skeet, Henry Luf'kin, Captain, Auckland Engineer Volunteers Morgan, Alfred, Trooper, Kai Iwi Volunteer Cavalry Small, George P., Trooper, AVanganui Volunteer Cavalry Morgan, Edmund James, Sergeant, Kai Iwi Volunteer Cavalry Smith, Joseph Alder, Private, AVairoa Rifle Volunteers Morgan, Edwin Robert, Sergeant, Kai Iwi Volunteer Cavalry Southcombe, James, Trooper, Wanganui A'olimteer Cavalry Morgan, Tom, Trooper, Kai Iwi Volunteer Cavalry Spillard, James, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Morrison, Edward, Private, Wairoa Rifle Volunteers Stevenson, John, Private, AA'anganui Militia Morton, John, Corporal, AA'airoa, Rifle A'olunteers Stewart, Robert, Trooper, AVanganui Volunteer Cavalry Muir, James, Lance-Sergeant, Ist AVaikato Regiment Stidolpb, Sydney, A'olunteer, Armed Constabulary Murray, Andrew, Sergeant, AVanganui Volunteer Cavalry Slower, Samuel, Trooper, AVanganui A'olunteer Cavalry Mussen, Henry G., Trooper, Kai Iwi A'olunteer Cavalry Tomlinson, AVilliam, Trooper, Kai Iwi Volunteer Cavalry Mussen, Philip, Honorary Surgeon, Kai Iwi Volunteer Cavalry Toole, Thomas, Trooper, AA'anganui Volunteer Cavalry Nathan, Anthony, Corporal, AVanganui A'olunteer Cavalry Tregar, Edward, Corporal, Auckland Engineer Volunteers Nathan, J. C, Trooper, AVanganui A'olunteer Cavalry Trigey, Richard, Private, AA'anganui Militia Neary, Stephen, Trooper, AA'anganui Volunteer Cavalry Villers, Joseph, Trooper, AVanganui Cavalry Volunteers Nicholls, George AA'., Lieutenant, AVellington Militia Vivian, AVilliam, Trooper, AVanganui Cavalry A'olunteers Nicholls, AVilliam, Corporal, Kai Iwi, A'olunteer Cavalry Wall, Silas, Trooper, AVanganui Cavalry Volunteers Noake, Maillard, Major, New Zealand Militia AVallace, John, Trumpeter, Kai Iwi Cavalry A'olunteers O'Hanlon, C. P., Trooper, Kai Iwi Volunteer Cavalry AVarne, George Morton, Constable, Armed Constabulary Oldfleld, Thomas, Sergeant, Armed Constabulary AA'atson, AA'illiam, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Orbell, George Grahame, Sergeant, Armed Constabulary AVatt, Andrew, Trooper, Kai Iwi Volunteer Cavalry Pakeuham, Joshua, Acting Assistant Surgeon, Wanganui Volun- AVatts, John Ross, Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary teer Cavalry AVebb, James, Constable, Armed Constabulary Parkes, Charles, Trooper, AVanganui Volunteer Cavalry AVicksteed, A., Trooper, Kai Iwi Volunteer Cavalry Payne, Francis C, Constable, Armed Constabulary Wilkie, John, Private, AVairoa Rifle Volunteers Peake, George, Trooper, Kai Iwi Volunteer Cavalry AVilliamson, Francis, Private, Corps of Guides Peake, H. L., Trooper, Kai Iwi Volunteer Cavalry AVilson, Stewart, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Peake, John. Trooper, Kai Iwi A'olunteer Cavalry AVitchell, 11. AA'., Ensign, AVanganui Militia Pearce, David, Private, AVellington Rangers AVoolly, James, Private, Auckland Engineer Volunteers Pearse, Henry, Constable, Armed Constabulary AA'ray, C. A., Lieutenant, European Contingent Penfold, Edward, Trooper, AA'anganui Volunteer Cavalry AA'right, George S., Trooper, Kai Iwi Volunteer Cavalry Pitt, C. Dean, Lieutenant, Ist Waikato Regiment Wright, Henry, Trooper, AA'anganui Volunteer Cavalry Patterton, A. de Courcy, Private, Auckland Volunteer Engineers AVyon, James, Constable, Armed Constabulary Powell, AA'illiam Tynan, Sergeant, Armed Constabulary Young, John, Trooper, AA'anganui A'olunteer Cavalry.

Roll C. Nominal Return of Men of the Colonial Forces who have made application for the New Zealand War Medal, but whose claims have been rejected by the Commissioners. Bliicher, Christian Charles, Surveying Party. bulary, sth Division. McMinn, Edward Graham, Senior Sergeant, Armed Consta- | Southcc, Henry, Constable, Armed Constabulary, sth Division. Roll D. Nominal Return of Officers and Men of the Colonial Forces who have been Killed in Action or who have Died of AVounds subsequent to the llth of July, 1868. 3 c When Name. Rank. Corps. Where Born, o — j-.,, , Where Killed. Remarks. _! I Ross, Frederick ... Sub-Inspr. A.C. ... ... 12 July, 1868Turuturu Mokai McFadden, John ... Sergeant No. 2 Div. A.C. ... ... ditto ditto Blake, John ... Corporal ditto ... ... ditto ditto Ross, Ralph ... Constable ditto ... ... ditto ditto Shields, Patrick ... ditto ditto ... ... ditto ditto Holden, George ... ditto ditto ... ... ditto ditto Gaynor, AVilliam ... ditto ditto ... ... ditto ditto Beamish, Allen ... ditto ditto ... ... (wounded) do. ditto Since dead.

G.—No. 1.

ROLL D.-continued.




G.-No. 1



No. 3. Mr. W. C. Sargeaunt to the Hon. the Colonial Treasurer. Offices of the Crown Agents for the Colonies, Sir, — Spring Gardens, London, S.W., 16th March, 1871. I have tho honor to enclose copy of a correspondence relative to the forwarding, through this office, to New Zealand of certain medals for various persons in that Colony engaged in the New Zealand wars 1861-66, and to inform you that these medals have been shipped by the sailing vessel "Edinburgh Castle" direct to Wellington, as it was considered better to delay their arrival for a few weeks than to incur the risk of damage to the cases, and possible loss of contents, if they had been sent by P. and O. steamer and overland, owing to the changes in transit by that route. I send also the following documents relating to the above : — 1. Bill of lading. 2. Shipping agent's freight Ac. account, £16 7s. Bd. 3. Nine lists or rolls giving the names and particulars of the recipients of the medals. I have, Ac, The Hon. the Colonial Treasurer, New Zealand. AV. C. Sargeaunt.

Enclosure 1 in No. 3. Mr. H. T. Holland to the Crown Agents for the Colonies. Gentlemen, — Downing Street, 31st January, 1871. I am directed by the Earl of Kimberley to acquaint you that a letter has been received from the War Office stating that a large number of medals for service in New Zealand had been received at that Department, and requesting to be informed how they should be transmitted to tho Colony. Lord Kimberley has suggested that they should be forwarded through yourselves as Crown Agents. I am, Ac, The Crown Agents for the Colonies. H. T. Holland.

Enclosure 2 in No. 3. Mr. Edward Lugard to the Crown Agents for the Colonies. Gentlemen, — War Office, Bth February, 1871. I am directed by Mr. Secretary Cardwell to transmit to you a copy of a letter which has been addressed, by his direction, to the Colonial Office, together with a copy of the reply which has been received to it, relative to the transmission to New Zealand of medals, as enumerated in the enclosed list, for officers and men of the Local Forces in that Colony, and for civilians who were employed in the Imperial Commissariat Transport Corps, and were paid from Imperial funds. The boxes containing these medals are also transmitted herewith, and, in accordance with the recommendation in the Colonial Office letter, I am to request that you will take measures for forwarding them to the Colony by an early and safe opportunity. They have been addressed to the Officer Administering the Government, who, it will be seen, has been instructed by the Secretary of State for the Colonics to conform to the directions of this Department as to the distribution of the medals; and the rolls (9) of the names of those for whom they are intended are forwarded herewith, for transmission to the Colony, with the medals. I have, Ac, The Crown Agents for the Colonies. Edward Lugard.


G.—No. 1

Enclosure 3 in No. 3. Mr. Edward Lugard to Mr. H. T. Holla.'d. Sir,— War Office, 21st January, 1871. I am directed by Mr. Secretary Cardwell to request you will state to the Earl of Kimberley that medals for service in New Zealand have been received in this office for 1,942 officers and men of the Local Forces in New Zealand, and for civilians who were employed in the Commissariat Transport Corps and paid from Imperial funds, as enumerated in the enclosed list. With the view to facilitate the issue of these medals, Mr. Cardwell would suggest, for Lord Kimberley's consideration, that the Government of that Colony, which has, it is understood, the means of identifying the persons named in the rolls from which the medals were prepared, should be intrusted with the task of distributing them, the rolls, which will accompany the medals, being returned to this Department at the expiration of two years from their receipt in New Zealand, together with such medals as may then remain unclaimed, either by reason of their not having been applied for, or on account of the persons for whom they were intended having died previously to the date of the General Order of March, 1869, notifying the grant of the medal. Should Lord Kimberley concur in this proposal, I am to request that you will move His Lordship to cause the necessary instructions to be given to the Colonial Government with the view to carrying it out, and at the same time to favour Mr. Cardwell with his opinion as to the manner in which the medals should be transmitted to New Zealand. I have, Ac, Edward Lugard.

Enclosure 4 in No. 3. Mr. H. T. Holland to the Under Secretary of State, AVar Office. Sir, — Downing Street, 31st January, 1871. I have laid before the Earl of Kimberley your letter of the 21st instant, enclosing a list of officers and men of the Local Forces in New Zealand, and of civilians employed in the Commissariat Transport Corps and paid from Imperial funds, who are entitled to the New Zealand Medal. His Lordship has instructed Sir George Bowen to conform to Mr. Cardwell's wishes in respect to the issue of these medals. In answer to the inquiry contained in the last paragraph of your letter, His Lordship would recommend that the medals should be forwarded to the Colony through the Crown Agents. I am, Ac, The Under Secretary of State, War Office. H. T. Holland.

List of Officers and Men of the Local Forces, and Civilians, in New Zealand, who were employed in the Imperial Transport Corps, and paid from Imperial funds, entitled to the New Zealand Medal: — List No. 1. Officers of Local Forces ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 36 names. ~ 2. Non-commissioned Officers and Men of the Auckland Militia ... ... ... ... 216 „ „ 3. Non-commissioned Officers and Men of the Ist AVaikato Regiment ... ... ... 311 „ „ 4. Non-commissioned Officers and Men of the 2nd Waikato Regiment ... ... ... 309 „ „ 5. * Non-commissioned Officers and Men of the 3rd AVaikato Regiment... ... ... 587 ~ „ 6. Non-commissioned Officers and Men of the 4th AVaikato Regiment ... ... ... 4 „ „ 7. Civilians employed as bullock drivers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 177 „ „ 8. Civilians employed as clerks, &c. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 62 „ „ 9. t Non-commissioned Officers and Men of Local Forces employed as clerks, __c. ... 240 „ Total 1,942 „

List No. 1. Roll of Officers of the Local Forces in New Zealand, who volunteered for Service with the Imperial Commissariat Transport Corps, and who were employed and paid by the Imperial Government during the Military Operations in New Zealand, and who are therefore entitled to the New Zealand Medal, 1861 to 1866. [Note. —Names printed in italics are scored through in original list.] Kells, G., Captain, Auckland Militia Howe, W. H. D., Lieutenant, 2nd Waikato Macpherson, A., Lieutenant, Auckland Militia Malone, G. D., Lieutenant, 2nd AVaikato Carver, R. P., Ensign, Auckland Militia Sat/nor, George, Lieutenant, 2nd AVaikato ; medal prepared on Hobin, W., Ensign, Auckland Militia Miscellaneous List, No. 6. Lusk, D. H, Captain, Ist Waikato Rye, Lewis, Lieutenant, 2nd Waikato Moir, W., Captain, Ist Waikato Spiller, H., Lieutenant, 2nd Waikato Skene, James, Captain, 2nd Waikato; medal prepared on Way, H. F., Lieutenant, 2nd Waikato; medal prepared on Miscellaneous List, No. Miscellaneous List, No. 3 Smith. 11. G., Captain, Ist AA'aikato Yates, George AV., Lieutenant, 2nd AVaikato Hunter, H., Lieutenant, Ist AVaikato Cooper, A. R., Ensign, 2nd Waikato Lomax, H. B , Lieutenant, Ist Waikato Glassock, H., Ensign, 2nd Waikato Pitt, O. D., Lieutenant, Ist AVaikato ; medal prepared on Herford, W. V., Brevet-Major, 3rd AA'aikato Miscellaneous List, No. 6. Breton, G. R., Captain, 3rd Waikato Coates, W. 11., Ensign, Ist AA'aikato DuMoulin, John P., Captain,3rA AVaikato ; medal prepared on Frazer, J. 'P., Ensign, Ist AA Taikato Miscellaneous List, No. 7. Goring, F. Y., Ensign, Ist Waikato Ruck, F. W., Captain, 3rd AVaikato Lacorrence, E., Ensign, Ist AVaikato Hay, J. 8., Lieutenant, 3rd AA'aikato Muller, 11., Ensign, Ist Waikato Percival, AV., Lieutenant, 3rd AVaikato Hills, F. J., Major, 2nd Waikato Cheve, G. Scott, Ensign, 3rd AVaikato Harrison, H. B. R., Lieutenant, 2nd Waikato Nichol, George, Ensign, 3rd AA'aikato Home, George, Lieutenant, 2nd Waikato Owen, F., Ensign, 3rd Waikato * Medal issued from War Office to Sergeant F. Fowler, 3rd AA'aikato Regiment (No. 877). + Medal issued from AVar Office to Issuer J. G. Cook, Auckland Militia (No. 781).



G.-No. 1.



List No. I— continued. Perry, C. L., Ensign, 3rd Waikato Connell, D. AV., Ensign, 4th Waikato Vickers, E. C, Ensign, 3rd Waikato ; medal prepared on Mis- Styak, F. 1., Ensign, 4th Waikato cellaneous List, No. 8 Clarke, W. H. S., Lieutenant, Madras Army ; medal prepared Wardell, F. G., Enßign, 3rd Waikato on Miscellaneous List, No. 4 Macpherson, James, Captain, 4th Waikato; medal prepared on Caloert, Charles Augustus, Veterinary-Surgeon, Civilian ; medal Miscellaneous List, No. 6 prepared on Miscellaneous List, No. 7 J. AV. Bailey, Assistant Commissary-General, (late Director Commissariat Transport Corps). AV. T. Power, Commissary-General in Chief. List No. 2. Roll of Non-commissioned Officers and Men of the Auckland Militia, who volunteered for Service with the Imperial Commissariat Transport Corps, and who were employed and paid by the Imperial Government during the Military Operations in New Zealand, and who are therefore entitled to the New Zealand Medal, 1861 to 1866. [Note. —Names printed in italics are scored through in original list.J Sergeants. Burke, John Kiernan, F. W. Nabbs, William Smith, Gough Forbes, Robert Lovell, George Piercy, Francis Winter, Jeremiah Gilmore, William Malvern, Charles Randall, AVilliam Young, James Hind, G. R. Corporals. Brien, William Gold, Robert Isaacson, Charles Smith, George Bannister, AA rilliam Hewitt, William MeCollogh, Thomas Temm, Carl Can; Henry, deserted Humphreys, Charles Parker, James, deserted AVhitney, Robert Clarke, Milton Huddy, W. C. Stevenson, James Warrinyton,Thomas, deserted Edwards, F. R. Artificers. Barrett, William Gage, William Pring, Frederick Spink, James, deserted Cotton, Edwin Henwood, Samuel Peacock, William Walton, George Drew, Robert Privates. Atkinson, J. W. Decarteret, Samuel I Jones, AVilliam Pill, Henry Atcheson, Timothy Diggles, John | Jones, Thomas Peacock, AVilliam Atcheson, Thomas Darlcy, Henry Joyce, William Porter, John, deserted Adshead, George Downe, Robert, deserted ' Kirwin, Patrick Pearce, Francis, deserted Allison, Thomas Doody, Michael Kennedy, Alexander Pearse, Edward Beates, Charleß Dempsey, William Killen, Henry Patterson, Andrew Broadbent, John Davis, Phillip, deserted Ring, Richard Powell, Charles Bulman, Robert Dicken, Thomas Kenny, John Potts, John Booth, Joseph Doull, AVilliam Kelly, George, deserted Porter, James Brown, David England, Thomas Kerr, James Quinn, Henry Bennett, John England, Charles Ring. A\ Tilliam Rudding, John Bourke, John Edwards, Frederick Kirke, Arthur W. Robson, James Blackie, Thomas Elder, Robert, deserted King, Edward Rusden, Samuel Bassett, Richard Edwards, John Lammie, George Ryan, John Bates, David Frank, Charles Lawton, Thomas Reilly, Hamilton Bell, James Foster, Michael Langhorn, Samuel Ritchie, AVilliam Burns, William Fraser, John Livingstone, Archibald Reynolds, George Badfield, William, deserted Ferguson, Robert Lord, Samuel Reid, AVilliam Baldry, John Folkhard, Thomas Lovette, George Richards, Charles Barnett, Thomas Flannaghan, John Lucas, Charles Rowe, G. AV. Barrow, William, deserted Fraser, Henry Lyden, John Ratcliffe, AVilliam Bell, Thomas R. Fawcus, George Leary, Robert Roberts, Thomas Bull, Alfred Foreman, Marshall Leavy, Samuel Rowley, George Bullock, Cornelius Fort, Andrew Lewis, John Reese, George, deserted Barnes, Zachariah Fosbury, Richard Lent, \A Tillia_n Randall, Edward Bolyer, Walter, deserted Gallagher, Thomas Lindsay, Robert, deserted Smith, Robert Belts, Edioard, deserted Gallagher, John Lee, Charles Sykes, John Burns, Andrew T. Gildard, James, deserted Mallon, George Skates, William IL, deserted Calvert, John Gill, Charles Martin, Bernard Sanderson, William, deserted Carter, John Goldfchorp., William Mylcs, Robert Sutherland, David Culleney, Patrick Gregory, Walter Moore, AVilliam Siddons, James Courtenay, Nicholas Gazeley, William -Martin, Patrick Stuart, William Callaghan, Thomas Graham, Charles Mahoney, John, deserted Smith, William J. Cox, John Grant, Thomas Miller. Robert Stanton, Robert Carter, William, deserted Gold, AVilliam May, John Summers, Henry Campion, George Goss, Daniel May, Thomas Sault, William Clarke, AVilliam Grace, Thomas .Meade, George Smith, James Colbert, Edmond George, John Malcolm, William, deserted Sharman, Thomas Caldicott, AVilliam Hart, William, deserted Mc.Muhou, Patrick Trumball, Thomas, deserted Coleman, Michael Harrison, William, deserted McKay, Andrew Tiernay, Barnard Coulan, Bernard Harris, senior, Robert McGloin, Thnddeus Tobin, Terence Connor, Hugh Harris, junior, Robert MeQ natters, Edward Thorn, Samuel, deserted Cookson, Joseph Healey, Peter McDonnell, Patrick AVatson, John Coolie, George Iliudel, Charles McKenna, Edward AVood, AVilliam Cosgrave, AVilliam Hawbel, John McArthur, James Weston, Henry Cunningham, John Hanson, Andrew MeCleary, AVilliam AVilson, Peter Cuthbert, AVilliam Hare, Henry Mcßride, John AVilson, John Deacon, Thomas Hardwick, George McLaughlin, Thomas Wright, Thomas Dillon, Henry Hawkes, James, deserted Nash, John Walsh, Patrick Dillon, James Huntley, Walter OKI field, James AVilson, AVilliam Dillon, Robert Heffcrman, Cornelius Preston, James, deserted AA'ildrow, Joseph. Donnelly, Thomas J. AV. Bailey, Assistant Commissary-General (late Director Commissariat Transport Corps). AV. T. Power, Commissary-General in Chief.

D.—No. 1.

List No. 3. Roll of Non-commissioned Officers and Men of the Ist Waikato Regiment who volunteered for Service with the Imperial Commissariat Transport Corps, and who were employed and paid by the Imperial Government, during the Military Operations in New Zealand, and who are therefore entitled to the New Zealand Medal, 1861 to 1866. [Note. —Names printed in italics are scored through in original list.] Sergeants. Campbell, Joseph Forrest, James Kennedy, Denis McPherson, James Curry, Arthur Greene, Thomas Llewellyn, George Small, Jabez AV. Crookshank, James Hughes, David Magill, John Smith, George Douse, Arthur Inglis, Robert Murphy, Patrick AVorthington, H. C. Ellinburgh, C. A. Johnstone, J. F. Corporals. Allan, Wm. A. Edhouse, Henry Hamilton, J. A. Mason, George H. Brady, John Ellew, AValter Hannan, Isaac Palmer, Benjamin Carty, James Edwards, Henry Jervois, John Pearman, J. AV. Davey, William Frevin, Thomas Ling, Frank Randall, John R. Donnelly, John Grounds, William Moon, William Small, James Donnall, James Hawarth, Edward Mossman, Edward, deserted Whitlow, AA T. E. Dalton, James Hutton, John Artificers. Brashill, John Golding, Edward Hall, Charles Rogers, Peter Bartlett, Charles Hodge, Robert Hodge, Andrew Sellars, Thomas Connelly, Jeremiah Harrison, George Milne, John Schuckmacker, Julius Etheridge, Thomas Henderson, James Peck, Thomas AVaterson, George Privates. Armstrong, Patrick Cobine, Joseph Hamilton, James McNamara, Michael, 2nd Anderson, J. E. Clarke, Samuel Howard, Edward Newby, Francis Anderson, James Campbell, AArilliam W. Hinds, John Nichols, Richard Appleton, William Coventry, Robert Hills, Charles Nicholson, Andrew Ash, John Donnelly, John Ibbetson, AVilliam Newman, Benjamin Austray, George Dumford, George AV. Irvine, Daniel Nelson, Peter Browne, Thomas Davis, Joseph Johnson, George Nolan, Michael Burke, John Dennis, John Johnstone, Henry Nankeville, AVilliam Burr, Jesse Dunn, AArilliam James, George Nankeville, Thomas Brown, John Darmete, Charles Jones, John O'Neill, Patrick Burroughs, John Davis, Edward Keefe, Mathew Olier, James Barrass, John, deserted Davidson, James Kennedy, James O'Grady, John Birr, Isaac Diggle, John Ring, Richard Phillips, AVyndham Bodell, James Douglas, Robert Klauss, August Pogson, Joseph Busso, Charles Davey, Richard Kingsley, Joseph Pye, Henry Bryce, AA'dbam Duncan, John Kelly, Peter Provost, Bartlett Bull, John Dietricht, Godley Keelan, Thomas Potter, John Burleigh, AVilliam Deckan, John Kirwin, Benjamin Powell, Samuel Brennan, Thomas Dallathy, John Lynch, Edward Prior, J. H. Bill, David Davis, John Lloyd, Henry Peel, Thomas Byrne, Charles Dowuie, James Latimer, Frederick Patton, Robert Bird, Joseph Donovan, AVilliam Lyall, Patrick Parker, John Bartlett, Joseph Dette, Charles Lake, Francis Pensall, Daniel Begg, John Earles, Stephen Lees, AVilliam Pickett, James Burke, Michael Enright, Timothy Lyons, Robert Reeves, Samuel Behems, Hendrick Ellis, Robert Lacey, Edward Reid, George Bartlett, Charles Elgin, John, deserted Lamb, Frederick Rooney, Abraham Burner, AVilliam Farrell, Benjamin Lamb, George, deserted Rose, William Albert Balloon, John Folkhanl, R. W. ' Lough, Henry Reilly, Peter Boyd, Robert Frazer, John Lutterill, Robert Reid, Henry Brown, James Farrar, Frederick Lloyd, Isaac Rimnon, John Baskeville, John Freeman, Henry Littlewood, Thomas Rolph, Charles Bianawitch, Mark, deserted Fitzgerald, Thomas Lundy, Alexander Richardson, A.ralter Ball, AVilliam Fox, Godfrey Morgan, Robert, Ist. Roach, Patrick, deserted Carrell, Michael Fitzgerald, Patrick Morgan, Robert, 2nd. Rudd, AVilliam Campbell, John Gibbs, James Moeiller, Charles Rogers, Job Campbell, James Goldsmith, AArilliam Mills, Hubert Stansfield, Squire, deserted Campion, John Gait, William Mann, George Stewart, Robert Curry, George GafTney, Thomas Markham, John Shaw, Reginald Carty, James Garner, Charles Mediue, Thomas Struthers, John Cameron, AVilliam Glennan, Michael Morrison, Edward J. Stubbs, AValter Clifford, Denis Gwinnej', Michael Mailer, Henry Simpson, Edward Cresswell, David Graham, Alexander Moller, Claus Stevenson, Malcolm Crabble, George Grogan, Charles Miller, Alfred Sinclair, John Chapman, Thomas Gunter, Frederick Mason, Francis Steny, James Cookson, Edmond Galbraith, Albert Mathews, Henry Smith, AVilliam Carr, Robert GafTney, James Monaghan, Michael Shields, AVilliam Connor, George Hadder, John Moyle, AV. M. Spingford, Alfred Cummings, AArilliam Hislett, AA'illiam Morris. James Sutton, AA'illiam Connor, Peter, deserted Horton, Isaac Murray, Andrew Sheedon, Elijah Carstairs, David Hennessy, AVilliam Milliehamp, Francis Starke, James Clutterbuck, John Hobbs, John Moon, William Sullivan, Patrick Cumming, Mathew Hawthorn, Thomas Murphy, AA'illiam Seymour, D. W. Cameron, Dugald Hayes, Thomas Mitchell, Edgar Stannett, Edward Carleton, Henry Hoff, John McNamara, Michael, Ist Thomson, Joseph Champneys, Frederick, dsrtd. Hudd, James McCleary, William, deserted Tait, Robert G. Chaplin, Samuel Hannon, AVilliam McMaster, John Tinney, Robert Coates, William Heisficld, William G. McKennis, Frederick Todd, William Clough, August Hinde, Thomas G. Montague, William Terry, Charles Cooper, George Hughes, George MeGivern, U-eorge Vyse, Euclid Creed, Robert, deserted Haldane, Thomas McGhee, Jamee Vale, Robert K. Cook, James George Hutton, John MeDermott, Thomas Walker, James K. 4



D.—No. 1

Privates —continued. Watt, Robert Wroth, Digory Williams, John Wiseman, John White, John Wellesley, Arthur Wylass, James Young, John Wigney, Frederick Willis, Phillip Wallace, James Young, George. Wilkinson, Benjamin AVilson, James J. W. Bailey, Assistant Commissary-General (late Director Commissariat Transport Corps). W. T. Power, Commissary-General in Chief. List No. 4. Roll of Non-commissioned Officers and Men of the 2nd AVaikato Regiment who volunteered for Service with the Imperial Commissariat Transport Corps, and who were employed and paid by the Imperial Government during the Military Operations in New Zealand, and who are therefore entitled to the New Zealand Medal, 1861 to 1866. [Note. —Names printed in italics are scored through in original list.-} Sergeants. Apjohn. Michael Cleming, Thomas Harper, R. H, deserted Scott, John Boyle, John Douglas, William, deserted Lempriere, F. C. Sage, Jesse Burns, John Finch, Thomas Logan, Marcus D. Sullivan, Jeremiah Bamford, Thomas J. Flack, Peter Lambert, Edward Saurie, Thomas Bredin, George Grant, Thomas Nabbs, William Wright, William. Brown, AA'illiam Goodman, Henry Reilly, Eugene Corporals. Allan, Walter Donovan, John Knight, Henry Robertson, Robert Brady, Patrick De Blaekquiere, George Moore, Walter Summerway, Robert Blackburn, William, deserted Edwards, John Malibond, John Taylor, Patrick Clark, Archibald Elton, William Owen, James Webb, Joseph. Cave, William J. Keeley, Thomas Artificers. Bell, AA'illiam Fyfe, John Polliski, Henry Sherlock, John Bell, James Harkins, James Perkins, Frederick Taylor, Thomas Coleman, Peter Lee, Charles Philbrick, Edwin, deserted Walker, Joseph, deserted Cowley, Richard Lohman, George, deserted Pitcher, George, deserted Winter, William Davidson, James Leon, Richard Smith, John Weston, Nathaniel Doherty, Patrick Morgan, William Sutherland, James Way, Francis. Fort, William Henry Privates. Aldridge, George Campbell, Archibald Gates, Henry Lane, John Arbuckle, James Catgill, Robert Gallagher, Hugh, deserted Lake, Warwick Aldridge, AA'illiam Calpine, John, deserted Gwan, Robert Lynch, Peter Allen, David Clarke, John Gleeson, Michael Lynch, Francis, deserted Allen, Henry Connor, Patrick Holmes, Anthony Lynch, James Appleyard, William Chandler, AA'illiam Kincks, John Lynch, Christopher Alwell, Edward Cox, Richard Holmes, Charles W. Linford, AVilliam Bougarde, James Craig, James Holland, George Murphy, Thomas Bright, James Cain, Thomas Harris, Ellis, deserted Madigan, John Broadbead, George Colthurst, William Humphreys, P. F., deserted Malone, William Barry, Michael Coventry, James Hodges, Henry Morton, Henry Bourke, James, deserted Casey, John Hudson, Owen Monaghan, John Bree, Helier Carnell, Henry Hebden, George Murray, AVilliam Bell, Peter, deserted Cosborne, George, deserted Hinckman, George Maynes, George Belts, Henry, deserted Double, Richard Hughes, Thomas Mitchell, Alexander Bray, Bernard Durden, James Hunt, Philip Muir, Alexander, deserted Beny, Robert Dempster, Alexander Howe, Robert Montgomery, James, deserted Brawne, Robert Doivn, James, deserted Hull, Thomas Miller, J. H. Buck, AA rilliam Devitt, Edward Hulme, Andrew Miller, Edward F., deserted Brown, John Deabane, AA'illiam Hewitt, William Martin, Christopher Brennan, Thomas Denis, Richard Hibbert, James Martin, John Begg, Andrew Dampier, James, deserted Hobin, John, deserted Murray, Alexander Blygh, Dunbrick Davis, AVilliam Holdsworthy, AVilliam Mahoney, Patrick Burnett, James Dee, AVilliam Hope, Edwin Makings, John Bowden, Alexander Divine, William Harkins, James Mahoney, Simeon Bell, George Donnelly, Patrick James, Peter Mackie, James Bullen, Samuel Ducksberry, James Jarvis, George McGrath, Patrick Brown, Robert Desmond, Michael Jackson, Charles McHeever, William Baird, AValter Desmond, John Johnstone, Joseph McLaughlin, John Butter, Henry, deserted Durston, Sydney, deserted Johnson, Saul McKaye, John Beetham, F. AV. English, William Jamieson, William MeKenzie, John, deserted Blake, Michael Edmunds, Thomas Jackson, Frederick Mcßride,WilliamJ.,AeserteA Beet, William Edmunds, William Jennings, James McGinley, James Botham, Robert, deserted Easdale, James, deserted Knaggs, George McKaye, Alexander Birmingham, Robert Egan, John Keating, James McAten, Michael Biddulph, Charles Edwards, John Kemm, William McCormick, Robert Blythe, Frederick Ferguson, Michael Knapp, Samuel McNeil, Alexander Cairns, Thomas Fory, James Kirwin, AA'illiam McSpadden, Michael Clancey, Michael Fleming, Robert Kerr, Charles McKane, John, deserted Crew, Henry Frost, Edward Kelly, AVilliam McDowell, John Cameron, Mathew, deserted Fanar, Simeon Keenan, John McAulifle, James Charlton, John Fortune, John Keown, Thomas, deserted McLeod, Gordon Casey, Michael, deserted Grant, Francis Langshaw, Frederick McCready, Andrew Carter, Edward Gordon, James Little, George McManus, John Comerie, George Gibbons, Patrick Lovette, Edward McShane, James Callaghan, James, deserted Gower, Joseph Locker, AA'illiam McKean, John Coni-oy, Arthur Gubbins, AVilliam Lynch, John McAlister, Hugh, deserted Camel], Henry Grcgan, L. W. Lang, Hugh McDermott, Owen



D.—No. 1

Privates —continued. McCormick, Michael Pearson, J. F. Stevenson, James Vissart, Richard, deserted McCallum, D., deserted Penny, John Skidmore, James, deserted Whelan, Patrick Nicholson, James Philpot, George Stevenson, William D. Wheeler, Walter Nunn, Edwin Polwart, John Saunders, Joseph Webb, Joseph Nichol, Thomas B. Quinlan, Thomas Stubbs, Walter Winton, Thomas, deserted Nutt, Samuel James Revcll, AA'illiam Seaton, Richard Winepress, William Newarau, Josiah, deserted Robertson, Robert Smith, Thomas, deserted Wight, Thomas, deserted Neil, Daniel Rattegan, AV. H. J. Scottie, Nicholas Woodcock, Thomas Nugent, Michael Roach, James Smith, Charles Walters, George O'Connor, John Renshaio, Joseph, deserted Sharlock, John Williamson, AVilliam Patterson, John Raynor, James Smith, Edward Williamson, Henry Pierce, Martin Rushforth, Thomas Smith, John Woodcock, Alfred Philips, Oliver, deserted Rigall, AA'illiam Stevenson, Mathew Wilson, Frederick Piggot, James Rippey, Robert, deserted Thomson, John C. Worseman, Edward Painter, John Reardon, Timothy Thompson, John Woods, Charles Price, Charles Russell, William, deserted Thorpe, Joseph Wilson, John R. S. Pratt, Thomas Smith, George Thomas, John, deserted West, William Pratt, George Sharp, David Tringham, Philip Warden, John Pilkington, Henry Sattleday, Richard, deserted Tucker, John Williams, Thomas Pilkington, Edward Squib, George Taylor, Thomas Wick, John Potter, John Skelley, John Troutman, Edward Warminton, Ernest Pulling, AVilliam Showers, Rufus Third, Arthur Young, William J. Peat, AVellington Swanson, William Tobin, Denis Young, Daniel Pull, John Stubbings, Benjamin TJnderdown, Thomas Zelfel, Hem-ieh. Purcell, William Stapleton, E. J. W. Bailey, Assistant Commissary-General (late Director Commissariat Transport Corps). W. T. Power, Commissary-General in Chief. List No. 5. Roll of Non-commissioned Officers and Men of the 3rd Waikato Regiment who volunteered for Service with the Imperial Commissariat Transport Corps, and who where employed and paid by the Imperial Government during the Military Operations in New Zealand, and who are therefore entitled to the New Zealand Medal, 1861 to 1866. [Note. —Names printed in italics are scored through in original list."] Sergeants. Birchfield, William Hany, Thomas Moore, William Reid, Cavendish Brown, Patrick Hodson, James McGuire, James Schofield, Samuel Clarke, William Heaton, James McMillan, Alexander Tattersall, Stanley Dowe, Anderson, Halifax, Francis McGillvrey, James Turner, Henry Fenton, AVilliam Lingbia, Levin O'Neil, Patrick Woodford, Henry E., deserted Fowler, Frederick* Loveday, Lambert O'Brien, Lawrence Wiesbaden, William Gilmore, George Morgan, James Russell, Denis Wigmore, Joseph. Gray, Peter Molloy, Joseph Ruddock, Daniel Corporals. Alcock, John Ellis, George Joyce, William Reilly, Cornelius Barrie, Robert Elliot, Alexander James, Alfred Smith, Goff, deserted Burbidge, Henry Furlong, Andrew Kelly, James Toole, R. H. Brett, Frederick Gibb, Thomas R. Meikle, Alexander Taylor, George Clements, Archibald . Goldsmith, John McQuarrie, Hugh Thomson, James Chitty, Charles Hart, Thomas McKenzie, John Wilson, Charles Campion, George Haskell, Hubert Neynoe, Loftus Wainwright, Charles Clifford, Michael Heaton, James Price, Charles T., deserted Williamson, James. Davidson, Robert Artificers. Anderson, George Cleak, George Haslon, Charles Quann, Michael Bricn, Frederick Elder, Robert Henderson, David Roper, Thomas Bruce, Robert Evans, Benjamin Kean, Francis Spoioart, Robert, deserted Ball, Richard Flanigan, John ] Macartney, Samuel Taylor, Thomas Bell, Fraser Fry, Arthur McKaye, Donald, deserted Williams, John Cornice, John Garrett, Thomas McKenzie, George Wall, Robert Costello, William Gibbons, Patrick McDonald, George Pickthall, Thomas. Cox, George Gough, AVilliam Peddie, Daniel Privates. Adams, Thomas Brown, John, Ist, deserted Bond, John Burke, Francis Anson, James Brien, James Beggs, James Brown, Francis Alley, George Bryant, George Bryant, John Paggs, Thomas Acker, John Bartlett, Daniel Barker, John Blackburn, AVilliam Ansell, Thomas Birch, John Bath, Michael Boye, Christopher Anes, John Bell, George, deserted Byrne, Martin Bond, William Agnew, William, deserted Black, Charles Brisland, James Boyle, Thomas Andrews, AA'm. A. Broadbent, Anthony Bruce, Donald Brindle, Coosdale Allen, David Bartlett, Thomas Bates, Samuel Bryan, John Anderson, James Barrack, George, deserted Bowen, Samuel Brilly, Henry Allen, Henry, deserted Berger, Charles Bondfield, Patrick Brennan, Patrick Atcheson, Timothy Birch, James Blakeney, James Boce, Helier Brecht, Charles, deserted Brown, William Buttell, Raynor Bowes, James, deserted Bayliss, Charles, deserted Buchanan, William Busby, Abraham Burton, Benjamin Boatel, Rennier, deserted Butters, Alexander Brown, John, 2nd Burnes, William Booker, AA'illiam Bowen, Henry Ballantinc, Alexander Bryne, John Burgess, Alexander Bray, John ' Box, William Bissett, William Bullen, Samuel Barrett, James Briggs, AVilliam Bulmon, Robert Brown, Robert Bowe, John Burton, Patrick Burke, Thomas * Sent, Mounted Police Force, Liverpool, N.S.W.—7th Feb., 1871.



D.-No. 1

Privates —continued. Bird, John Dawe, John Hardings, Charles Mander, William Burns, Michael, deserted Dyer, Henry Hayes, AVilliam Major, Isaac Clapworthy, AArilliani Dillon, Daniel Hutton, John Moore, Walter Carson, James Day, William Halliday, David Melrose, Alexander Clarke,Owen Drew, James Halifax, Thomas Mayne, John Cane, John Dailey, Henry Hannon, Joseph Murphy, Denis Currell, William Davenport, Henry Harris, John Mallet., Michael Collins, AA'illiam Dillon, Joseph Harvey, John Mulrenan, Thomas Clinton, Charles Davis, Robert Himmond, James Marks, Hugh Cave, Thomas, deserted Deans, James Harvey, Nathan Martin, James Corey, W. Dighan, Henry Haslam, John McCready, Maxwell Caddigan, John Day, John House, Robert McGill, Charles Cobbam, AVilliam Dean, Mark Hogan, Charles McGee, James Churchill, Beetham, deserted Doyle, Thomas Holland, Georgo McNeale, John Cowley, Richard English, Joseph Henley, John McKaye, Robert, Ist Cuthbert, William Evans, John Hughes, George MeKenna, Robert Clarke, John Evans, James Huichins, William, deserted McGan, Francis Craig, William Everett, Thomas Ives, AVilliam McGregor, Hugh Clough, John, deserted Elberry, John Johnstone, C. J. MeCowat, AVilliam Coyle, Thomas Evans, William, deserted Jones, Thomas, Ist McMillan, Charles Campbell, David Ellis, Edward, deserted Jones, Thomas, 2nd McKinnon, Alexander Carr, Thomas Eaton, Thomas, deserted Jones, AA'illiam McLaughlin, Thomas Cannon, Charles Finch, George Joyce, James McLaren, Thomas Cox, William Fitzgerald, Michael, deserted Johnson, Peter Melvor, William Clarke, Michael Ferdinando, Antonio Jennings, Peter McConnell, Thomas Courtenay, John Fry, Lewis Johnson, John McLean, Lachlan Cane, William Fairbairn, Robert Joiner, Henry MeKenna, Daniel Crick, William Frost, William Jonkers, Henry McKaye, Thomas Charteris, Luden Ferrand, Edward Jacks, AA'illiam McDonald, AVilliam Churchill, Thomas Fleming, George Jones, George McQuarric, Alexander Cahill, Edward Fowlarton, Mathew J*ff>> William, deserted McCrystal, Charles Charnock, George, deserted Fry, Henry Johnson, Edward McCann, Lawrence Cooke, Frederick W. Fitzgerald, Armstrong Jones, Evan McCleve, Francis Callaghan, Daniel Foster, AVilliam Jess, AA'illiam McKaye, Robert, 2nd Cahill, Patrick Fyfe, David Keele, Theodore McCann, Francis Carey, Edward Freeman, Edward Kirkland, James McDonald, James, deserted Cramp, James Fennell, Patrick Kerr, AVilliam Kewall, William, deserted Clark, Ambrose, deserted Fitzgerald, AA'illiam Krimble, William Neilson, John, deserted Chapman, James Fogherty, Thomas -King, Thomas Naylor, Joseph Collins, John James Frank, Charles Kelley, James Newburn, Henry Cooper, Thomas Gilliland, Samuel Kemmison, AVilliam Neill, James Cheshill, Jacob Gay, Archer Keeley, Patrick Naylor, William Campbell, Dugald Gammon, Edward Keefe, James Nash, AVilliam Curlcy, John Golding, John Kelly, John Nixon, AVilliam Campbell, George Goymier, Edward Kirk'e, Thomas Nelson, Charles Conn, Edward Grimley, Joseph, deserted Kennedy, Thomas Nugent, John Cox, George Garrett, AVilliam Kidd, William Newton, A. Coxhead, John Gilbert, John Leo, William Naylor, John Collins, Joseph Griffith, AVilliam Lewis, John Nichol, Hugh Cox, James Goodall, John Lloyd, James O'Donoughue, Michael Cayle, Peter Goring, John Lovett, John, deserted O'Connell, Thomas Collins, James Grestock, George Law, Thomas O'Sullivan, John Cowie, George Gibson, James Lock, John Oakley, William Colter, Peter Gledbill, John Lamont, John O'Brien, Daniel Cobley, William Gallagher, Peter Loney, James O'Grady, John, deserted Chapman, Francis Galloway, William Lyden, Christopher O'Rafferty, John Campbell, John Galloway, Peter Lake, Charles Petty, AVilliam Crossland, John, deserted Gee, James Loombs, William Parkhouse, Richard Chapman, Isaac Gollen, Alexander Lyford, Absalom Phillips, Richard Calder, Andrew Goodwin, John Lang, Hugh Peacock, John Casey, William Herbert, Harry Lewis, Mathew Puck, Hans Coleman, James Hoolaghon, John Lamb, Edward Peacock, AA'illiam Clelland, Archibald Howes, James Lyons, Patrick Petit, Gable Crofts, James Hendry, David, deserted Lee, John Pelliot, Gabriel Conway, Francis, deserted Henry, Thomas Luther, Moses Paterson, Mathew Conway, Bartholomew Harvey, Anthony, deserted Lockwood, Alfred Perkins, Charles Cave, William, deserted Henry, Charles, deserted Leslie, John Preston, Joseph, Ist Cornell, George, deserted l Higham, George Laurence, James Preston, Joseph, 2nd Christie, John Howes, Robert Lane, George Pepper, John, deserted Campbell, Laurence Hyde, Edward Leslie, Thomas Percival, Michael Cook, John Hain, John Lee, AVilliam Percival, James Cummings, Henry Hudson, Joseph, deserted Lewis, Henry Parsons, AVilliam Cahill, Phillip Hill, William, deserted Lock, Albert Peden, Joseph Coventry, Robert Hames, George Lowes, Thomas Panton, Robert Dale, AVilliam Holland, John Lockie, George S. Pearson, AVilliam Davidson, Robert Hogan, John Murphy, AA'illiam Hy. Quinlan, Andrew Donnelly, Thomas Harris, William Mansfield, Mark Quirke, Filman Dale, John Hickey, John Morrison, AVilham Quinu, Michael Dangerfield, William Humley, Patrick Murray, James Quilty, Andrew Downs, Joseph Hynes, William Morton, George Quint, Henry Davis, Israel Howarth, George, deserted Morris, James Quick, Edwin Davie, Thomas Hodgson, Henry Moore, James Rodda, AA'illiam Douglas, H. Hampton, Samuel Mead, Edwin Robinson, James, deserted Denburgh, William Hodgson, James Myers, George Roberts, Thomas Davis, Edward Hayes, Robert Mahon, Charles Rhodes, Thomas Dixon, Samuel Howell, Henry Moore, Gustavus Robertson, Alexander Dobbins, Thomas Hudson, George Morgan, James Rose, AVilliam H. Drew, John Hanson, Gordon Muuroe, Cattell Robinson, Marshall Dryburgh, John Humphreys, AA'illiam Moroney, Francis Rigall, AA'illiam Duckworth, John Howard, Charles Mathews, George Russimar, AVilliam Donovan, Denis Howiss, Henry Maher, Patrick Rooke, John, deserted



G.—No. 1.

Privates —continued. Reilly, Thomas Sugar, Lockhart Townsend, Robert, deserted Williams, Henry Russell, James Sullivan, John Toivhill, Daniel, deserted Woodlock, John Richardson, Henry Scatchard, James Thomas, David Woolley, AVilliam Ritchie, AVilliam Scatchard, William Turner, Hugh AA'all, William Roberts, Henry Sprennett, Thomas Tisdale, James Wilson, James Richmond, Thomas Sbennan, Thomas Trestler, Thomas AVilson, John Rankin, AA Tilliam Scott, Thomas Taggart, Andrew AVilliams, Francis Russell, George Stewart, Robert Taylor, Henry Waters, George Ryan, Michael, deserted Smith, James Troye, Patrick Wheeler, John Reilly, Charles Sylvester, James Thomson, Peter AVaters, Thomas Richards, Thomas Smith, William, Ist Towhill, Samuel AVilliams, John Rowe, George Simpson, Gerard Urquhart, Douglas Wighton, Charles Ryan, Patrick Smith, Patrick Yalpey, John Walker, J. 8., deserted Rooney, James Spreddon, Joseph Veickman, Henry AVight, Thomas Robinson, John Spruce, James Woods, Albert AA Tells, AVilliam Simpson, John Swakwassar, AVilliam Wilkinson, Alfred AA'alker, Robert Stevens, James Smith, AA'illiam, 2nd Ward, Daniel AVright, John Sutherland, Alexander Sanders, Thomas White, Adair Williams, Frederick, deserted Sutton, Thomas Streeter, W Tilliam Ward, John AA'addington, Henry Sevan, Patrick Stewart, James Wield, Johns Walters, John Sullivan, James Shuten, John Wall, James Wild, Samuel Sims, George Stevenson, George Wilkinson, Samuel AVorthington, George Somerton, Edward, deserted. Sanderson, AVilliam Wooliscroft, Henry Webb, Edward Scott, John Seccole, George, deserted White, Thomas, deserted Warner, Richard Stallard, Francis Smith, Robert Waring, Charles Welsh, John, deserted Sweeney, James Staight, Arthur A. Williams, Richard, deserted Wooliscroft, Edward Smith, J. 8., deserted Tevistdell, James Wilson, Joseph Zielestiere, Samuel. J. W. Bailey, Assistant Commissary-General (late Director Commissariat Transport Corps). AV. T. Power, Commissary-General in Chief.

List No. 6. Roll of Non-commissioned Officers and Men of the 4th AVaikato Regiment who volunteered for Service with the Imperial Commissariat Transport Corps, and who were employed and paid by the Imperial Government during the Military- Operations in New Zealand, and who are therefore entitled to the New Zealand Medal, 1861 to 1866. Privates. Bricn, AVilliam j Dennis, P. | Mack, P. | McPhersou, James. J. AV. Bailey, Assistant Commissary-General (late Director Commissariat Transport Corps). W. T. Power, Commissary-General in Chief.

List No. 7. Roll of Civilians who volunteered for Service with the Imperial Commissariat Transport Corps as Bullock Drivers, and who were employed, and paid by the Imperial Government during the Military Operations in New Zealand, and who are entitled to the New Zealand Medal, 1861 to 1866. Nowlan, AA'., Superintendent I Campbell, Joseph Gale, Augustus Julian, Henry Atkinson, James, Sergeant- Corbitt, AVilliam Garlly, AVilliam Johnston, John Major Crokam, AArilliam Gardner, James Jury, John Anderson, Alexander Caddy, E. B. Grant, Irani Knuckey, Samuel Armstrong, J. H. Crozier, Graham Grooves, James Knuckey, Oliver Anderson, John Cox, Hewing Gray, Robert Leitze, George Askin, Robert Cavanagh, Patrick Gray, Charles Logan, James Antridge, Henry Cameron, Angus Gray, Benjamin Lowe, James Bayley, AA Talter Daley, Bernard George, AA'illiam Langman, Thomas Bishop, AVilliam Darling, George Hampton, John Loveridge, Samuel Bayley, James Dorgan, AA'illiam Hancock, John Mathews, Nehemiah Blane, John Dempsey, AA'illiam Hansom, Charles McGinlcy, John Bould, Robert Delaney, James Hewitt, Vincent Milligan, John Barker, John Dent, AVilliam Howlder, John Morrell, James Baker, John Dingle, James Hayes, John Malone, AA'illiam Beaver, James Dudgeon, George Hindon, AA'illiam Moore, Henry Blackburn, Richard Edwards, Robert Harris, Robert McKee, AVilliam Bond, James Ewarth, James Haddock, Thomas Murphy, Walter Bedford, John Eady, James Hagarty, Michael McCaushie, Thomas Bresnahan, S. Elliott, Peter Huston, Thomas McGratb, Edward Bishop, James Eva, Stephen Hayes, Henry Melville, James Bayley, Alfred Elliott, John Hellicr, John Mowance, W. L. Blazill, John Elliott, AA'illiam Harvey, James May, AVilliam ' Butterworth, John Elliott, Thomas Harvey, John McLeod, Murdock Blazill, James Fritze, George Hambiyn, Charles Moir, George Brook, Robert Ford, Francis Harrison, AA'illiam McPhee, Neil Carey, Langer Fort, Adam Harrison, Arthur Machael, Alexander Cairns, Robert Farrell, Charles Hambiyn, James Machael, Robert Cran, James Furze, William Hunt, Edward Moyle, AA'illiam Cunningham, Richard Foreman, John Hickey, Lawrence McEwen, Patrick Crane, James Fercoe, AVilliam Jamieson, James McDonald, John Collingwood, Edward Gorton, G. J. Jamieson, John McDonald, AA'illiam Coombs, AVilliam Gregory, John Johnston, AVilliam Nicholson, Mark Coombs, George Goodman, Joseph Jones, Thomas Northcott, John 5



G.—No. 1



List No 7 — continued. O'Donnell, Bernard Russell, John Saunders, Edward Turnbull, James Ord, William Eafferty, John Sutherland, David Tindell, John Pect, William Reid, Thomas Scott, Charles Turnock, Adams Penny, John Rattenbury, James Sehlinker, Albert Waterton, Robert Power, P. Rodgers, Josiah Stevenson, James Whittle, John Palmley, James Richards, William Tobin, G. M. AVestbrook, Jacob Peter, Alexander Rundle, Richard Taylor, Robert Will, William Pearne, James Rundle, Robert Taylor, Donald Woods, Robert Pattymore, Jacob Rowe, AVilliam Thorpe, Robert Wells, Robert Richardson, Thomas Stewart, Robert Twiss, Charles Young, William. Ruthven, Gilbert Scanlan, AVilliam J. W. Bailey, Assistant Commissary-General (late Director Commissariat Transport Corps). W. T. Power, Commissary-General in Chief.

List No. 8. Roll of Civilians who volunteered for Service with the Imperial Commissariat, and who were employed and paid by the Imperial Government during the Military Operations in New Zealand, and who are therefore entitled to the New Zealand Medal. [Note. —Names printed in italics are scored through in original list.] Clerks. Anderson, S. Dempsey, W., late 40th Regt. Henshaw, J. O'Neill, W. Alexander, S. C, medal already Evans, R. Hackett, J. Osborne, W. ordered, List 5 Flynn, James, late 14th Regt. Jones, Henry J. Short, Edward, late 40th or Allnutt, J. Fitzpatrick, J., medal already Mcßean, T. J. 70th Regt. Broad, F. ordered, List 7 Mclvin, A. Kells, J. F. Castray, F. W. Green, J., medal already O'Farrell, R.H. Tylee, J. T. Craig, R., late 57th Regt. ordered, List 8 O'Halloran, G. Vaughan, J. H. Storekeepers. Bruce, C. I Harrymount, James, medal I Kind, William j Slater, D. G. | already ordered, List 4. Superintending Agricultural Operations. Oldham, Henry. Superintending Hulks and Stores. Hunt, AV. T. Boatmen. Booth, James, Superintendent Delaney, John Hertford, C. Nelson, P. Kingi, Mete, Assistant Super- Davis, James Iverson, P. Smith, W. intendent Edmunds, J. J. James, J. Smith, B. Gray, John, Coxswain Emerson, C. Lomery, T. Stroud, A. McAdam, AV., Coxswain Fisher, J. Marshall, R. A. Wilson, Thomas Wood, A., Coxswain Flanagan, Charles Meedrum, D. Wilson, B. Bailey, AA'illiam Goscomb, G. Mouatt, J. Wright, Thomas Brown, John Gates, Edward McGeevie, T. Wright, H. Crawley, James Gale, AV. McKee, David Usher, John. Capes, Joseph Certified that all the men named in this Roll were actually engaged in the field against the enemy in New Zealand, and are entitled to the New Zealand Medals. H. Stanley Jones, Com.-Gen., H.P. AV. T. Power, Commissary-General in Chief.

List No. 9. Roll of Non-commissioned Officers and Men of the Local Forces who volunteered for Service with the Imperial Commissariat, and who were employed and paid by the Imperial Government during the Military Operations in New Zealand, and who are therefore entitled to the New Zealand Medal. Clerks. Sergeants— Corporals — Brown, AV. AV., Auckland Militia Llewellyn, Trevor, Auckland Militia Cook, William, Auckland Militia MeKenna, AVilliam, Ist AVaikato Clarke, H. M., Ist AVaikato Privates — Creed, Thomas, Ist AVaikato Brand, J., 2nd AVaikato Forsyth, Robert, Auckland Militia Campbell, James, Auckland Militia Lempriere, T. R., 2nd AVaikato Grant, William, 2nd Waikato Lambert, Edward, 2nd AA'aikato Greenway, J. AV., Auckland Militia Palmer, Alfred, Auckland Militia Hutton, John, 2nd AVaikato Smith, Richard, Auckland Militia Ibbotson, H. J., 3rd AVaikato Tiddyman, Richard, Ist AVaikato Longbottom, Jam_e, Auckland Militia Webber, 8., Auckland Militia Mitchell, R., Ist AVaikato Corporals —■ Satchell, William, Auckland Militia Anderson, J., 2nd AVaikato AVormington, George, Auckland Militia Bartley, J., Auckland Militia AA'aters, Edward, Auckland Militia Hayward, Henry, Auckland Militia Conductors. Sergeants— Privates— Clarke, George, Ist AA'aikato Poyzer, Otho, Auckland Militia AVorthington, H. C, Ist Waikato AVhitaker, Thomas, Auckland Militia Storekeepers. Sergeants — Corporal — Burgess, AA'. R., Ist AVaikato Clarke, J., Auckland Militia Kensington, AV. C, Ist AA'aikato Private— Rorrison, G., Auckland Militia Raynor, J., 3rd AA'aikato



G.—No. 1

Issuers. Sergeants—• Sergeants— Anderson, J. C, Auckland Militia ■ Stackpole, —, Auckland Militia Bacon, A., Auckland Militia Thomson, A. H., Auckland Militia Bond, Charles J., Auckland Militia Thurston, C, 2nd AVaikato Baker, Henry, 2nd Waikato Tuff, William, Auckland Militia Busst, T., Ist Waikato Thunder, Henry, Ist Waikato Cowie, Edward, Auckland Militia Watson, Henry, Auckland Militia Cowie, Andrew, Auckland Militia AVatson, William, Ist Waikato Corby, —, 2nd AVaikato Corporals— Curtis, G. A., Auckland Militia Cook, P. R., 2nd Waikato Churchhouse, AV. R., Auckland Militia Jamieson, John, 2nd Waikato Davis, James, Auckland Militia Pemberton, T. M., 2nd AVaikato Davey, John, Auckland Militia Roy, Charles, Ist AVaikato DeLeon, Henry, Ist AVaikato Privates—■ Edinburgh, C, Ist Waikato ■ Clarke, H. M., Ist Waikato Fleming, Andrew, Auckland Militia Cook, J. G., Auckland Militia Franshaw, T., Ist AVaikato Fitzgerald, —, 2nd Waikato Ferrell, Henry, 2nd AA'aikato Hurdle, James, Auckland Militia Gabert, 8., Auckland Militia Hayward, John, 2nd AVaikato Gay, J., 2nd AVaikato Langdon, F., 2nd AVaikato Green, Joseph, Ist AA'aikato Launcy, Charles, 3rd Waikato Jennings, A., Auckland Militia Mitchell, R. M., Ist Waikato Kellow, —, 2nd AVaikato Robinson, G., Auckland Militia Knox, James, 4th AVaikato Stroud, L. A., Auckland Militia Morton, James, Auckland Militia Saunders, Thomas, 3rd Waikato Mitchell, R. M., 3rd AVaikato Sanders, James, Auckland Militia McKenzie, A., 3rd AVaikato Houghton, 'P., Auckland Militia Page, James, Auckland Militia Veckness, —. Ist Waikato Rainor, John, Auckland Militia AA'oodward, John, 2nd AVaikato. Raines, J., 2nd AVaikato Butchers. Sergeants— Privates — Drake, John, Auckland Militia Hearfield, W. G., 2nd Waikato Drew, James, Auckland Militia Hodgin, James, Ist Waikato Martin, Denis, Auckland Militia Kelly, —, Auckland Militia Corporal— Kill, T., 3rd AVaikato Johns, AVilliam, 2nd Waikato McDonald, J., 2nd Waikato Privates— Mclntyre, J., Ist AVaikato Adams, AV., 3rd Waikato Plumber, C, 2nd AVaikato Arnold, John, Auckland Militia Pile, H., Auckland Militia Allison, Robert, 2nd Waikato Pretty, Joseph, 2nd AVaikato Bee, Thomas, 2nd Waikato Slack, J., 2nd Waikato Brearly, Michael, 2nd AA'aikato Smith, P. F., 2nd AVaikato Claypole, A., 2nd AA'aikato Staunton, Thomas, 2nd AA'aikato Doyle, —, 2nd Waikato Sinclair, A., 3rd AVaikato Fee, James, 3rd AVaikato Tothill, Daniel, Auckland Militia Home, T., 2nd AVaikato AA'illiams, R., 3rd AVaikato. Bakers. Sergeants— Privates— Barnes, J., Auckland Militia Lindsay, William, Auckland Militia Corbett, Michael, Ist Waikato Lane, William, Auckland Militia Casey, Patrick, 2nd Waikato McCormack, R., Ist AVaikato Foreman, Henry, Auckland Militia McEnany, James, Auckland Militia Morgan, Robert, Auckland Militia Murray, William, 2nd Waikato Stone, Charles, Auckland Militia Murray, John, 2nd Waikato Slack, John, Ist AA'aikato McClennan, James, 3rd Waikato Privates— McDcrmott, N., 2nd AVaikato Avery, George, Auckland Militia McGuire, H., 2nd Waikato Bailey, AA'illiam, 2nd Waikato Margrove, J., Auckland Militia Briscoll, T., Auckland Militia Morgan, R., Ist Waikato Bishop, H., Auckland Militia Musgrove, AV., 2nd AVaikato Bruce, Samuel, 3rd AA'aikato O'Connor, John, Auckland Militia Barnes, P., Auckland Militia Poulter, AVilliam, 3rd AVaikato Bedford, AV., 2nd Waikato Pentonny, A., Auckland Militia Brcwis, S., 2nd AVaikato Palmer, James, Auckland Militia Chalone, Michael, Auckland Militia Rose, Edwin, Ist AVaikato Clovan, Patrick, Auckland Militia Roberts, Daniel, Auckland Militia Coombs, AV., 2nd AVaikato Schmidt, A., Auckland Militia Daniel, R., Auckland Militia Stevenson, AVilliam, Auckland Militia Darling, R., Auckland Militia Shields, James, Auckland Militia Geraty, —, 2nd AVaikato Sidey, —, Auckland Militia Gray, John, Auckland Militia Seedey, James, Ist AVaikato Geohagan, AVilliam, Ist Waikato Trobe, S., 2nd AVaikato Hawkes, George, Auckland Militia AVilson, T., 2nd AVaikato Kelly, James, 2nd AA Taikato Vv'ay, T., Ist Waikato. Lawe, W. F., Ist Waikato Labourers. Privates — Privates — Arthur, J., Auckland Militia Cargill, J., 2nd Waikato Anderson, Samuel, 2nd Waikato Connelly, John, Ist AVaikato Addiss, Daniel, Ist AVaikato Dawson, James, Ist Waikato Bindon, H. AV., 2nd Waikato Dickie, James, 2nd Waikato Brown, Daniel, Ist AVaikato Dillon, P., 2nd Waikato Baijent, H., 2nd AVaikato Finnigan, A., Auckland Militia Boyce, James, Auckland Militia Fletcher, —, Auckland Militia Creasy, AA'illiam, Ist AA Taikato Fernandez, Joseph, Ist. AVaikato Campbell, John, Auckland Militia Gridall, T., Auckland Militia Charles, Samuel, Auckland Militia Grubb, —, 2nd AVaikato

a—No. i



Labourers —continued. Privates — Privates— Gray, AVilliam A., 2nd Waikato McCusker, Peter, Ist Waikato Harriss, D., Auckland Militia McCleary, T., Ist AVaikato Hawcroft, George, Ist Waikato Morgan, William, 4th Waikato Hurle, J., Ist Waikato McKaye, T., Ist Waikato Home, T., 2nd Waikato O'Loghlin, John, 2nd Waikato Hinton, Joseph, 4th Waikato Perks, John, Auckland Militia Jones, William, Auckland Militia Scholes, J., Ist Waikato James, Robert, Auckland Militia Scott, Henry, Ist Waikato Long, Charles, 3rd Waikato Scheckenberg, J., Ist Waikato Longbred, Auckland Militia Scarr, J., Auckland Militia Munro, William, Ist Waikato Turner, M., Auckland Militia McPike, —, Auckland Militia Ward, AV., 2nd Waikato McNichol, William, Ist Waikato AVooster, Thomas, 2nd Waikato. Boatmen. Corporals— Privates— McGibbon, 2nd Waikato McNulty, J., 2nd Waikato Young, George, Ist Waikato McCabe, Charles, 3rd Waikato Privates — McGhur, T., 2nd AVaikato Allen, Henry, 3rd Waikato Ridge, C, 2nd Waikato Borrell, W., 2nd Waikato Rose, A., Ist Waikato Collingwood, A., Auckland Militia Resdale, A., 2nd Waikato Campbell, H., 2nd Waikato Ramsey, J., Ist AVaikato Flower, C, 2nd Waikato Ranford, J., 2nd AVaikato Fellow, C, 2nd Waikato Tucker, J., 2nd Waikato Hart, AV., 2nd Waikato Paviour, E. P., Ist AA'aikato Hazelgrove, J., 2nd AVaikato Odell, E., 2nd AVaikato Hamilton, AV., 2nd Waikato Wade, T., 2nd Waikato Certified that all the men named in this Roll were actually engaged in the field against the enemy in New Zealand, and are entitled to the New Zealand Medal. H. Stanley Jones, Com.-Gen., H.P. W. T. Power, Commissary-General in Chief.


a.— xo. i


FURTHER REPORT OF MEDAL COMMISSIONERS. To His Excellency Sir George Ferguson Bowen, G.C.M.G., Ac, Ac, Ac. May it Please Your Excellency, We the Commissioners appointed by a Commission bearing date tho 3rd day of February, 1871, being enjoined to report within four calendar months such particulars as we have been directed to ascertain, do now forward as our final Report for your Excellency's consideration, Rolls A, B, and C, which contain the names of all applicants for the New Zealand AVar Medal which have been referred to us by the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, and on which we have been able to arrive at any conclusion since the date of our Interim Report. The Commissioners desire to bring to your Excellency's notice that the Rolls they have prepared do not contain the names of all the officers and men of the Colonial Forces, both European and Maori, who are entitled to the New Zealand AVar Medal, in order that it may be taken into consideration whether longer time should be allowed and further steps taken to carry out fully the intentions of the Legislature on the subject. T. M. Haultain. AVellington, 2nd June, 1871. J. T. Edwards.

Roll A. Nominal Return of Officers aud Men of the Colonial Forces who have made application for the New Zealand AVar Medal for services performed prior to the 31st December, 1866, and whose claims are admitted by the Commissioners. Allen, Samuel, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Martin, Peter, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Armitago, Erasmus, Private, Taranaki A'olunteers Martin, AVilliam Peter, Private, Taranaki A'olunteers Armstrong, J. Henry, Captain, Taranaki Militia Mayo, AA'illiam, Private, Napier Military Settlers Bayley, James, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Mellon, Edward, Trooper, Auckland Defence Force Bridgman, AA'illiam R., Sergeant, Auckland A'chm-eers Murphy, Owen, Private, Hawke's Bay Militia. (Probably Brock, Adam, Private, Auckland Volunteers entitled to Imperial Medal for services in 65th Regiment.) Brownlie, John, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Munro, Daniel, Private, Auckland Militia Bryce, Thomas, Private, Hutt Militia : Morpeth, James Bruce, Private, Auckland Volunteers Carey, AA'illiam, Private, Auckland Colonial Defence Force j Morrison, Thomas, Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment Christie, AA'alter, Trooper, AVanganui Yeomanry Cavalry I O'Kearney, Francis J., Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment Clark, James McC, Captain, Auckland Volunteers Pepperall, John, Private, Taranaki A'olunteers Cook, George, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Pierce, Octavius, Private, Forest Rangers Courtney, Frank, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Putnam, Philip, Sergeant-Major, Napier Colonial Defence Cox, Alfred W., Private, Hawke's Bay Militia Force Crabbe, George Alfred, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Turner, Charles Henry, Private, Auckland Volunteers Crawford, James, Private, AA'airoa Rifle Volunteers Ramsay, Malcolm P., Corporal, Ist Waikato Regiment Crawford, Alexander, Private, 2nd AVaikato Regiment Ransley, Joseph, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Darneds, Charles, Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment Rassman, Charles, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Davorcn, George T., Sergeant, Ist AVaikato Regiment Rayner, John, Private, Auckland Volunteers Edmonds, Thomas, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Rayner, Alfred, Private, Auckland Volunteers Elder, AA'illiam, Private, 3rd AA'aikato Regiment Rawson, Charles Edward, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Fookes, Frederick Pearse, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Redmond, John James, Colour-Sergeant, Ist AVaikato Regiment Fortescue, Percival T., Ensign, Taranaki Military Settlers Rigby, John, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Fraser, AVilliam, Sergeant, Auckland Defence Force Robinson, John, Private, AVanganui Rangers Gayne, Charles, Private, 3rd AVaikato Regiment Rookes, Charles Cecil, Lieut.-Coloncl, AVanganui Militia Ginger, T. E., Private, Taranaki A'olunteers Scammell, C. George, Private, Taranaki A Tolunteers Ginger, Diston, Private, Taranaki A roluntecrs Smith, AVilliam, Private, Ajtckland Militia Ginger, Stanley, Private, Taranaki A'olunteers Tuke, Arthur, Inspector, Armed Constabulary Grecnway, C, Private, Taranaki A'olunteers Walmsley, William, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Hammerton, G. Disney, Bugler, Taranaki A'olunteers AVatts, AV. J., Private, Auckland Defence Force Hassell, George, Private, 2nd AVaikato Regiment AA'alker, AArilliam Baker, Corporal, Taranaki A'olunteers Hedderwick, John, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers AA'alker, Alexander Newman, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Hegarty, James, Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment AVclls, Robert, Sergeant, Taranaki Volunteers Henderson, James, Private, AVairoa Volunteers AVay, Thomas, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Hendersou, AA'illiam, Private, Wairoa A'olunteers AA'ilkinson, John AA'., Private, Taranaki Alilitia Higgins, David, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Williams, George, Private, Taranaki Militia Hoby, Oliver Edward, Private, Taranaki A'olunteers AA'oon, Garland AA'illiam, Private, Taranaki A'olunteers Holloway, Henry, Sergeant, Taranaki Military Settlers Honeyfield, James Charles, Private, Taranaki Militia Atkyns, Augustus A., Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Hooper, Clarence, Surgeon, New Zealand Militia Burrows, John, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Hutchinson, Charles John, Lieutenant, Taranaki Military Cooper, George E., Sergeant, 2nd AVaikato Regiment Settlers Gatland, James Brown, Private, Auckland A'olunteers Hyde, Thomas, Private, AA'airoa Volunteers Halpert, John, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Jones, Henry Ireson, Captain, AVanganui Volunteers Hart, Theodore, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Kates, George, Private, 2nd AVaikato Regiment Kerr, Thomas, Private, AVanganui Rangers Keeling, Robert North, Private, Taranaki A'olunteers McCashion, Patrick, Private, Hawke's Bay Military Settlers Kemp, Henry, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Macdonald, Angus A. K, Private, Auckland Volunteers Lethbridge, Richard, Private, Taranaki Militia McKenzie, Daniel, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment Long, Joseph, Private, AA'anganui Rangers Northcroft, H. AV., Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary McDonald, Charles, Private, AVairoa Volunteers Reede, Cavendish Henry, Private, 3rd AA'aikato Regiment McEvoy, James, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Reed, AVilliam, Private, Hawke's Bay Arolunteers McLean, James, Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment Somerville, Richard, Lieutenant, Auckland Volunteers McGregor, John, Guide to Her Majesty's Forces, Wanganui Temm, Charles, Private, 3rd AVaikato Regiment MeSweeney, Eugene, Corporal, 3rd AA'aikato Regiment , Von Stunner, Frederick John, Private, Auckland Volunteers Madden, John, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment ; Ward, John, Sergeant, Forest Rangers.

G.—No. 1



Roll B. Nominal Return of Officers and Men of the Colonial Forces who have made application for the NewZealand AVar Medal for services performed subsequent to the 31st December, 1866, and whoso claims have been admitted by the Commissioners. Anderson, John, Private, Wanganui Militia Watt, Robert, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Blake, Edward J., Sergeant, Patea Field Force AYelsh, Marcus P., Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Bowler, Alexander, Sergeant, Patea Yeomanry Cavalry Wilson, John Edward, Private, AVanganui Militia Browne, Hugh, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment White, John, Private, Ist, AA'aikato Regiment Bryson, Alexander, Constable, Armed Constabulary Young, John, Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment Burslem, Godolphin John, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Burrows, Arthur W., Private, Tauranga Militia Butler, John, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Anderson, Andrew, Constable, Armed Constabulary Campion, John, Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment Bigley, Charles, Sergeant, Armed Constabulary Chapman, David Fisher, Corporal, AVellington Rifles Brown, Charles, Sergeant, Armed Constabulary Collingwood, Henry Alexander, Corporal, Armed Constabulary Brodkorb, AVerner, Constable, Armed Constabulary Connelly, Charles, Trooper, Bay of Plenty A'olunteer Cavalry Brown, Daniel, Constable, Armed Constabulary Corri, Albert Tyssen, Sergeant, Ist Waikato Regiment Clausing, Henry, Constable, Armed Constabulary Crawford, James Dundas, A'olunteer, AA'est Coast Expedition Coffey, Denis, Constable, Armed Constabulary Dobbyn, Stephen, Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment Collart, Robert, Constable, Armed Constabulary Donnelly, John, Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment Cudworth, Walter, Constable, Armed Constabulary Earl, AVilliam, Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment Farrelly, Thomas, Constable, Armed Constabulary Farrell, Robert, Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment Ferraby, John, Constable, Armed Constabulary Fitzgerald, Thomas, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Guthies, AA'illiam J., Constable, Armed Constabulary Gravatt, Edward, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Hall, John, Constable, Armed Constabulary Hardinge, Henry D. Cecil, Private, AA'anganui Militia Harding, Charles, Constable, Armed Constabulary Hay ward, George, Private, Patea Militia Harington, Philip, Lieut.-Colonel, Ist AVaikato Regiment Herbert, Michael, Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment Hopcraft, James, Ensign, Ist AVaikato Regiment Kearney, Henry Richard, Sergeant, Patea Volunteers Hutton, John, Private, Armed Constabulary Kelly, Thomas, Private, Armed Constabulary Jamieson, James, Constable, Armed Constabulary Kinsley, Joseph, Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment Keruaghan, James, Constable, Armed Constabulary Lea, Edwin, Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment Long, Charles, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Louis, Edward, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment MeCrory, Patrick, Constable, Armed Constabulary Meagher, Patrick, Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment McDonald, Alexander, Constable, Armed Constabulary Monahan, John, Trooper, AA'anganui Cavalry McDonald, Norman, Constable, Armed Constabulary Murphy, James, Sergeant, AA'ellington Rifles McDonald, Peter, Constable, Armed Constabulary McCan, John Harris, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment McHugh, Patrick, Constable, Armed Constabulary McMahon, Charles, Private, Armed Constabulary McKearney, Hugh, Constable, Armed Constabulary McDonald, AVilliam H. C, Private, AA'anganui Militia Maskery, Stephen, Constable, Armed Constabulary Norris, E. Goddard, Volunteer, Tauranga Militia Meredith, James, Sergeant, Ist AA'aikato Regiment O'Brien, AArilliam, Private, Armed Constabulary Merrylees, C. John, Constable, Armed Constabulary Ogden, Jchn, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Mills, H. AV., Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment O'Shannessy, Peter, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment O'Hanlon, Peter, Constable, Armed Constabulary Pearse, Thomas Alan, Private, Hawke's Bay Arolunteers Pegley, Roland, Constable, Armed Constabulary Phillips, Windham F., Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment Rehbork, Christian, Constable, Armed Constabulary Redfern, George, Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment Reilly, Michael, Private, Ist AVaikato Regiment Rolfe, Charles AA'., Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Rose, Hemming L., Constable, Armed Constabulary Small, James, Sergeant, Ist AVaikato Regiment Ryan, AVilliam, Trooper, AVanganui Cavalry Snowdon, Thomas, Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment Spring, Francis, Constable, Armed Constabulary Spurling, John, Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment Strauchan, T. H., Sergeant, Armed Constabulary Spiering, Andrew, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Tatty, Hugh, Constable, Armed Constabulary Stuart, John, Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment 'league, John A'aughan, Constable, Armed Constabulary Swan, John, Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment Vincent, Richard Barrett, Constable, Armed Constabulary AA'adsworth, John, Private, Ist AA'aikato Regiment AA'aldon, Otto, Constable, Armed Constabulary AVasley, E. Oliver, Private, 2nd AA'aikato Regiment AA'inslow, AA'illiam, Constable, Armed Constabulary.

Roll C. Names of Officers and Men of the Colonial Forces whose claims have been considered by the New Zealand War Medal Commissioner, and have been rejected. Davies, Thomas Woodwall, Constable, sth Division Armed Con- I Greenway, Edward, Lieutenant, AVanganui Militia stabulary 1 J. T. Edwards, Commissioner.

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PAPERS RELATIVE TO THE ISSUE OF THE NEW ZEALAND WAR MEDAL., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1871 Session I, G-01

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PAPERS RELATIVE TO THE ISSUE OF THE NEW ZEALAND WAR MEDAL. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1871 Session I, G-01

PAPERS RELATIVE TO THE ISSUE OF THE NEW ZEALAND WAR MEDAL. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1871 Session I, G-01

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