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D.—No. 1.

List No. 3. Roll of Non-commissioned Officers and Men of the Ist Waikato Regiment who volunteered for Service with the Imperial Commissariat Transport Corps, and who were employed and paid by the Imperial Government, during the Military Operations in New Zealand, and who are therefore entitled to the New Zealand Medal, 1861 to 1866. [Note. —Names printed in italics are scored through in original list.] Sergeants. Campbell, Joseph Forrest, James Kennedy, Denis McPherson, James Curry, Arthur Greene, Thomas Llewellyn, George Small, Jabez AV. Crookshank, James Hughes, David Magill, John Smith, George Douse, Arthur Inglis, Robert Murphy, Patrick AVorthington, H. C. Ellinburgh, C. A. Johnstone, J. F. Corporals. Allan, Wm. A. Edhouse, Henry Hamilton, J. A. Mason, George H. Brady, John Ellew, AValter Hannan, Isaac Palmer, Benjamin Carty, James Edwards, Henry Jervois, John Pearman, J. AV. Davey, William Frevin, Thomas Ling, Frank Randall, John R. Donnelly, John Grounds, William Moon, William Small, James Donnall, James Hawarth, Edward Mossman, Edward, deserted Whitlow, AA T. E. Dalton, James Hutton, John Artificers. Brashill, John Golding, Edward Hall, Charles Rogers, Peter Bartlett, Charles Hodge, Robert Hodge, Andrew Sellars, Thomas Connelly, Jeremiah Harrison, George Milne, John Schuckmacker, Julius Etheridge, Thomas Henderson, James Peck, Thomas AVaterson, George Privates. Armstrong, Patrick Cobine, Joseph Hamilton, James McNamara, Michael, 2nd Anderson, J. E. Clarke, Samuel Howard, Edward Newby, Francis Anderson, James Campbell, AArilliam W. Hinds, John Nichols, Richard Appleton, William Coventry, Robert Hills, Charles Nicholson, Andrew Ash, John Donnelly, John Ibbetson, AVilliam Newman, Benjamin Austray, George Dumford, George AV. Irvine, Daniel Nelson, Peter Browne, Thomas Davis, Joseph Johnson, George Nolan, Michael Burke, John Dennis, John Johnstone, Henry Nankeville, AVilliam Burr, Jesse Dunn, AArilliam James, George Nankeville, Thomas Brown, John Darmete, Charles Jones, John O'Neill, Patrick Burroughs, John Davis, Edward Keefe, Mathew Olier, James Barrass, John, deserted Davidson, James Kennedy, James O'Grady, John Birr, Isaac Diggle, John Ring, Richard Phillips, AVyndham Bodell, James Douglas, Robert Klauss, August Pogson, Joseph Busso, Charles Davey, Richard Kingsley, Joseph Pye, Henry Bryce, AA'dbam Duncan, John Kelly, Peter Provost, Bartlett Bull, John Dietricht, Godley Keelan, Thomas Potter, John Burleigh, AVilliam Deckan, John Kirwin, Benjamin Powell, Samuel Brennan, Thomas Dallathy, John Lynch, Edward Prior, J. H. Bill, David Davis, John Lloyd, Henry Peel, Thomas Byrne, Charles Dowuie, James Latimer, Frederick Patton, Robert Bird, Joseph Donovan, AVilliam Lyall, Patrick Parker, John Bartlett, Joseph Dette, Charles Lake, Francis Pensall, Daniel Begg, John Earles, Stephen Lees, AVilliam Pickett, James Burke, Michael Enright, Timothy Lyons, Robert Reeves, Samuel Behems, Hendrick Ellis, Robert Lacey, Edward Reid, George Bartlett, Charles Elgin, John, deserted Lamb, Frederick Rooney, Abraham Burner, AVilliam Farrell, Benjamin Lamb, George, deserted Rose, William Albert Balloon, John Folkhanl, R. W. ' Lough, Henry Reilly, Peter Boyd, Robert Frazer, John Lutterill, Robert Reid, Henry Brown, James Farrar, Frederick Lloyd, Isaac Rimnon, John Baskeville, John Freeman, Henry Littlewood, Thomas Rolph, Charles Bianawitch, Mark, deserted Fitzgerald, Thomas Lundy, Alexander Richardson, A.ralter Ball, AVilliam Fox, Godfrey Morgan, Robert, Ist. Roach, Patrick, deserted Carrell, Michael Fitzgerald, Patrick Morgan, Robert, 2nd. Rudd, AVilliam Campbell, John Gibbs, James Moeiller, Charles Rogers, Job Campbell, James Goldsmith, AArilliam Mills, Hubert Stansfield, Squire, deserted Campion, John Gait, William Mann, George Stewart, Robert Curry, George GafTney, Thomas Markham, John Shaw, Reginald Carty, James Garner, Charles Mediue, Thomas Struthers, John Cameron, AVilliam Glennan, Michael Morrison, Edward J. Stubbs, AValter Clifford, Denis Gwinnej', Michael Mailer, Henry Simpson, Edward Cresswell, David Graham, Alexander Moller, Claus Stevenson, Malcolm Crabble, George Grogan, Charles Miller, Alfred Sinclair, John Chapman, Thomas Gunter, Frederick Mason, Francis Steny, James Cookson, Edmond Galbraith, Albert Mathews, Henry Smith, AVilliam Carr, Robert GafTney, James Monaghan, Michael Shields, AVilliam Connor, George Hadder, John Moyle, AV. M. Spingford, Alfred Cummings, AArilliam Hislett, AA'illiam Morris. James Sutton, AA'illiam Connor, Peter, deserted Horton, Isaac Murray, Andrew Sheedon, Elijah Carstairs, David Hennessy, AVilliam Milliehamp, Francis Starke, James Clutterbuck, John Hobbs, John Moon, William Sullivan, Patrick Cumming, Mathew Hawthorn, Thomas Murphy, AA'illiam Seymour, D. W. Cameron, Dugald Hayes, Thomas Mitchell, Edgar Stannett, Edward Carleton, Henry Hoff, John McNamara, Michael, Ist Thomson, Joseph Champneys, Frederick, dsrtd. Hudd, James McCleary, William, deserted Tait, Robert G. Chaplin, Samuel Hannon, AVilliam McMaster, John Tinney, Robert Coates, William Heisficld, William G. McKennis, Frederick Todd, William Clough, August Hinde, Thomas G. Montague, William Terry, Charles Cooper, George Hughes, George MeGivern, U-eorge Vyse, Euclid Creed, Robert, deserted Haldane, Thomas McGhee, Jamee Vale, Robert K. Cook, James George Hutton, John MeDermott, Thomas Walker, James K. 4