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G.—No. 1



List No 7 — continued. O'Donnell, Bernard Russell, John Saunders, Edward Turnbull, James Ord, William Eafferty, John Sutherland, David Tindell, John Pect, William Reid, Thomas Scott, Charles Turnock, Adams Penny, John Rattenbury, James Sehlinker, Albert Waterton, Robert Power, P. Rodgers, Josiah Stevenson, James Whittle, John Palmley, James Richards, William Tobin, G. M. AVestbrook, Jacob Peter, Alexander Rundle, Richard Taylor, Robert Will, William Pearne, James Rundle, Robert Taylor, Donald Woods, Robert Pattymore, Jacob Rowe, AVilliam Thorpe, Robert Wells, Robert Richardson, Thomas Stewart, Robert Twiss, Charles Young, William. Ruthven, Gilbert Scanlan, AVilliam J. W. Bailey, Assistant Commissary-General (late Director Commissariat Transport Corps). W. T. Power, Commissary-General in Chief.

List No. 8. Roll of Civilians who volunteered for Service with the Imperial Commissariat, and who were employed and paid by the Imperial Government during the Military Operations in New Zealand, and who are therefore entitled to the New Zealand Medal. [Note. —Names printed in italics are scored through in original list.] Clerks. Anderson, S. Dempsey, W., late 40th Regt. Henshaw, J. O'Neill, W. Alexander, S. C, medal already Evans, R. Hackett, J. Osborne, W. ordered, List 5 Flynn, James, late 14th Regt. Jones, Henry J. Short, Edward, late 40th or Allnutt, J. Fitzpatrick, J., medal already Mcßean, T. J. 70th Regt. Broad, F. ordered, List 7 Mclvin, A. Kells, J. F. Castray, F. W. Green, J., medal already O'Farrell, R.H. Tylee, J. T. Craig, R., late 57th Regt. ordered, List 8 O'Halloran, G. Vaughan, J. H. Storekeepers. Bruce, C. I Harrymount, James, medal I Kind, William j Slater, D. G. | already ordered, List 4. Superintending Agricultural Operations. Oldham, Henry. Superintending Hulks and Stores. Hunt, AV. T. Boatmen. Booth, James, Superintendent Delaney, John Hertford, C. Nelson, P. Kingi, Mete, Assistant Super- Davis, James Iverson, P. Smith, W. intendent Edmunds, J. J. James, J. Smith, B. Gray, John, Coxswain Emerson, C. Lomery, T. Stroud, A. McAdam, AV., Coxswain Fisher, J. Marshall, R. A. Wilson, Thomas Wood, A., Coxswain Flanagan, Charles Meedrum, D. Wilson, B. Bailey, AA'illiam Goscomb, G. Mouatt, J. Wright, Thomas Brown, John Gates, Edward McGeevie, T. Wright, H. Crawley, James Gale, AV. McKee, David Usher, John. Capes, Joseph Certified that all the men named in this Roll were actually engaged in the field against the enemy in New Zealand, and are entitled to the New Zealand Medals. H. Stanley Jones, Com.-Gen., H.P. AV. T. Power, Commissary-General in Chief.

List No. 9. Roll of Non-commissioned Officers and Men of the Local Forces who volunteered for Service with the Imperial Commissariat, and who were employed and paid by the Imperial Government during the Military Operations in New Zealand, and who are therefore entitled to the New Zealand Medal. Clerks. Sergeants— Corporals — Brown, AV. AV., Auckland Militia Llewellyn, Trevor, Auckland Militia Cook, William, Auckland Militia MeKenna, AVilliam, Ist AVaikato Clarke, H. M., Ist AVaikato Privates — Creed, Thomas, Ist AVaikato Brand, J., 2nd AVaikato Forsyth, Robert, Auckland Militia Campbell, James, Auckland Militia Lempriere, T. R., 2nd AVaikato Grant, William, 2nd Waikato Lambert, Edward, 2nd AA'aikato Greenway, J. AV., Auckland Militia Palmer, Alfred, Auckland Militia Hutton, John, 2nd AVaikato Smith, Richard, Auckland Militia Ibbotson, H. J., 3rd AVaikato Tiddyman, Richard, Ist AVaikato Longbottom, Jam_e, Auckland Militia Webber, 8., Auckland Militia Mitchell, R., Ist AVaikato Corporals —■ Satchell, William, Auckland Militia Anderson, J., 2nd AVaikato AVormington, George, Auckland Militia Bartley, J., Auckland Militia AA'aters, Edward, Auckland Militia Hayward, Henry, Auckland Militia Conductors. Sergeants— Privates— Clarke, George, Ist AA'aikato Poyzer, Otho, Auckland Militia AVorthington, H. C, Ist Waikato AVhitaker, Thomas, Auckland Militia Storekeepers. Sergeants — Corporal — Burgess, AA'. R., Ist AVaikato Clarke, J., Auckland Militia Kensington, AV. C, Ist AA'aikato Private— Rorrison, G., Auckland Militia Raynor, J., 3rd AA'aikato