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No. 1. Mr. Gr. A. "Woods to the Hon. J. Vogel. Sir,— Marine Survey Office, 9th May, 1870. In obedience to your instructions, I herewith enclose for your information the work of oceanic distances on the great circles, together with the local distances between certain ports in Pacific Waters; and a chart showing the routes suggested by yourself, and those proposed by Fowler, of H.M.S. " Challenger." ' I hare, &c, To the Hon. Julius Yogel, G-. A. "Woods, Postmaster-General, &c. Colonial Marine Surveyor.

the tho Mr.

Memorandum of Distances of San Fbancisco Boute via Honolulu. Assumed Positions. Latitude. Longitude. Sydney ... ... ... ... ... 33° 51' 42" S. 151° 14' E. San Francisco ... ... ... ... 37° 4830" X 122° 24' W. Cape Palliser ... ... ... ... 41° 37' S. 175° 17' E. Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 36° 50' S. 174° 49' E. Cape Farewell ... ... ... ... 40° 30' S. 172° 44' E. Manukau Heads ... ... ... ... 37° 3'S. 174° 32' E. Honolulu ... ... ... ... ... 21°18']Sr. 157° 55' W. East Capo Island ... ... ... ... 37° 40' S. 178° 36' E. Levuka, Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... 17° 41' S. 178° 49' E.

On Great Circle fob Distance. —San Francisco to Honolulu. San Francisco, Lat. 37° 48' 30" N., Long. 122° 24' "W. Honolulu ...Lat. 21° 18' X, Long. 157° 55' W. Lat. 37° 48' = 52° 12' Co. Lat., and Lat. 21° IS' = 68° 42' Co. Lat. Long. 122° 24' W., Long. 157° 55' = * diff. Long. 17° 45' i diff. Long. 17° 45' == Sine 9-4841066 Sine 3 18-9682132 Co. Lat. Sine 9-8977123 Co. Lat. Sine 9-9692720 2)38-8351975 19-4175987 19-4175987 -1 diff. Co. Lat. Sine ... 9-1568296 61° 15' S" Tang. ... 102607691 ... Sine 9-9428735 17° 2130" ... Sine 94747252 Distance, 2,083 miles = 34° 43. 00"

Honolulu to Auckland. Honolulu, Lat. 21° 18' N, Long. 157° 55' W. Auckland, Lat. 36° 50' S., Long. 174° 49' E. Lat. 21° 18' = 111 0 18' Co. Lafc., and Lat. 36° 50' = 53° 10' Co. Lat. Long. 157° 55' "W., to Long. 174° 49' E. = j diff. Long. 13° 38. i diff. Long. 13° 38' = Sine 93723735 Sine 3 187447470 Co. Lat. Sine 99692720 Co. Lat. Sine 9-9032977 38-6173167 19-3086583 ... 19-3086583 | diff. Co. Lat. Sine ... 9-6864816 22° 4355" Tang. ... 9-6221767 ... Sine 9-5870600 31° 478" ... Sine 9-7215983 Distance, 3,81414 miles = 63° 34' 16"

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Honolulu to Cape Pallisee. Honolulu ... Lat. 21° 18' X, Long. 157° 55' W. Cape Palliscr, Lat. 41° 37' S., Long. 175° 17' E. Lat 21° 18' = 111° 18' = Co. Lat., and Lat. 41° 37' == 48° 23' =c= Co. Lat. Long. 175° 17' to Long. 157° 55' = | diff. Long. 13° 24. | diff. Long. 13° 24' = Sine 9-3650158

18-7300316 Co. Lat. Sine 9-9692720 Co. Lat. Sine 9-8736722 38-5729758 19-2804874 19-2804874 i diff. Co. Lat. Sine ... 9-7160387

8° 2231" Tang 9-5698487 Sine 9-5417883 33° 4447" Sine 9-7446991 Distance 4,0491 miles = 67° 29' 34"

Cape Eaeewell to Wilson's Pkomontoey. • Cape Farewell ... Lat. 40° 30' S., Long. 172° 42' E. Wilson's Promontory, Lat. 39° 8' 8., Long. 146° 23' E. Lat 40° 30' = 49° 30' Co. Lat. and Lat, 39° 8' = 50° 52' Co. Lat. Long 172° 42' to Long. 146° 53' = i diff. Long. 13° 9' 30" i- diff. Long. 13° 9' 30" == Sine 9-3572539

18-7145078 Co. Lat. Sine 9-8810455 Co. Lat. Sine 98896822 38-4852355 19-2426177 19-2426177 i diff. Co. Lat, Sine ... 80764997 86° 551" Tang. ... 11-1661180 Sine 9-9989918 10° 533" Sine 9-2436259 Distance, 1,211 miles = 20° 11' 0"

Cape Beinga to Wilson's Pbomontoby. Cape Eeinga ... Lat. 34° 26' S, Long. 172° 41' E. Wilson's Promontory, Lat. 39° 8' S., Long. 146° 23' E. Lat 34° 26' = 55° 34 Co. Lat., and Lat. 39° 8' = 50° 52' Co. Lat. Long. 172° 41' E. td Long. 146° 23' = i diff. Long. 13° 9. | diff. Long. 13° 9' = Sine 9-8569836 18-7139672 Co. Lat. Sine 9-9163406 Co. Lat. Sine ... ... 98896822 38-5199900 19-2599950 19-2599950 i diff. Co. Lat. Sine ... 86128235 77° 18' 5" Tang 10-6471715 Sine 9-9892450 10° 45' 9-2707500 Distance, 1,290 miles *= 21° 30'

Mantteati to Wilson's Peomontoey. Manukau Lat. 37° 3' S., Long. 174° 32' E. Wilson's Promontory, Lat. 39° 8' 8., Long. 146° 23' E. Lat 37° 3' = 52° 57' Co. Lat., and Lat. 39° 8' == 50° 52' Co. Lat. Long 174° 32' to Long. 146° 23' = i diff. Long. 14° 4' 30". i diff. Long. 14° 4' 30" = Sine 9-3859489 187718978



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Co. Lat. Sine 9-9020628 Co. Lat. Sine 9-8896822 38-5636428 192868214 19-2568214 | diff. Co. Lat. Sine ... 8-259,3822 84° 384" Tang 11-0272392 Sine 99950931 11° 1238" ... .... Sine 9-2887283 Distance, 1,345} miles = 22° 25' 16"

Mahtjeaxt to Sydney. Manukau, Lat. 37° 3' 8., Long. 174° 32' E. Sydney ... Lat. 33° 52' S., Long. 151° 14' E. Lat. 37° 3' = 52° 57' Co. Lat., and Lat. 33° 52' = 56° 8' Co. Lat. Long. 151° 14' to Long. 174° 32' = i diff. Long. 11° 39' | diff. Long. 11° 39' = Sine ... 9-3052066 186104132 Co. Lat. Sine 90020628 Co. Lat. Sine 99192542 2)38-4317302 19-2158651 19-2158651 | diff. Co. Lat. Sine 8-4436736 80° 2434" Tan 107721915 Sine 9-9938873 9° 35' 49" 9-2219778 Distance 1,3,51J miles = 19° 1138"

On GrEEAT CIECLE FOB DISTANCE. —HONOLULU TO LeTUKA (Fl.ll ISLANDS). Honolulu, Lat. 21° 18' N., Long. 157° 55' W. Lovuka, Lat. 17° 41' S., Long. 178° 49' E. Lat. 21° 18' = 111° 18' Co. Lat., and Lat. 17° 41' S. == 72° 19' Co. Lat. Lang. 157° 55' W. to Long. 178° 49' E. = i diff. Long. 11° 38' i diff. Long. 11° 38' = Sine 9-3045934 18-6091868 Co. Lat. Sine 9-9692720 Co. Lat. Sine 99789789 38-5574377 19-2787188 19-2787188 i diff. Co. Lat. Sine ... 9-5231383 9-7555805 Sine 9-6945642 22° 3419" Sine 9-5841546 Distance 2,708 miles = 45° 8' 38"

Leyuea (Fiji Islands) to Attckiant). Levuka, Lat. 17° 41' S., Long. 174° 49' E. Auckland, Lat. 30° 50' S, Long. 178° 49' E. Lat. 17° 41' S. = 72° 19' Co. Lat. and Lat. 36° 50' = 53° 10' Co. Lat. Long. 174° 49' E. to Long. 178° 49' E. = i diff. Long. 2° 0' i diff. Long. 2° = Sine 85428192 Sine 3 17-0856384 Co. Lat. Sine 9 9789789 Co. Lat. Sine 99032977 36-9679150 18-4839575 184839575 i diff. Co. Lat. Sine ... 92206182. 9-2633393 Sine 92561560 9° 43' 40" Sine 92278015 Distance, 1,167 mile's = 19° 27' 20" 2



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Letuka (Fiji Islands) to East Cape. Levuka ... Lat. 17° 41' 8., Long. 178° 49' E. East Cape, Lat. 37° 40' 8., Long. 178° 36' E. Lat. 17° 41' = 72° 19' Co. Lat., and Lat. 37° 40' = 52° 20' Co. Lat. Long. 178° 30' to Long. 178° 49' = h cliff. Long. 6' 30" i diff. Long. 6' 30" = Sine 7:2766392 Sine 3 145532784 Co. Lat. Sine 99789789 Co. Lat. Sine 9-8984944 34-4307517 17-2153758 172153758 | diff. Co. Lat. Sine ... 9-2389532 0° 32' 34" Tang 79764226 Sine 79764929 9° 5854" Sine 92388829 Distance, 1,197 miles = 19° 57' 48"

Honolulu to Leyuka. Letuka to Honolulu. Lat. 21° IS' 9-5602 Lat. 17° 41' 9-4825 32° 4' 9-7969 31° 16' 97835 12° 49' 9-3571 10° 27' 9-2660 178° 49' E. 157° 55' "W. 168° 22' W. 168° 22' W. Longitude of point where great Circle cuts the Equator. 31° 1635" ... 9-7153070 72° 19' ... 9 9789789 29° 39' ... 96942859 Course from Equator to either place.

Honolulu to Cape Pallisee. 67° 2934" Sine 0-0344073 00344073 26° 48' Sine 96540586 96540586 111° 18' Sine 9-9692720 ...48° 23... 98736722 S. 27° 3'W 9-6577379 N. 21° 24' E. 9-5621381 Honolulu to Cape Palliser. Cape Palliser to Honolulu. Eat. 21° 18' 9-5602 Lat. 41° 37' 9-8222 Tang. 21° 2359" ...9-5931 Tang. 27° 247" ...9-7080 8° 63" 9-1533 18° 44' 95302 157° 55' W. 175° 17' E. 166° 1' W. 165° 59' W. Longitude of point where great Circle cuts the Equator. 27° 247"... 9-6577359 48° 23' 0"... 9-8736722 19° 52' ... 9-5314081 Course from Equator to either place.

Auckland to Leyuka, Fiji Islands. 19° 2720" Sine 0-4774572 0-4774572 4° 0' Sine 8 8435845 8-8435845 72° 19' Sine 99789789 53° 10' ... 9-9032977 11° 30' 9-3000206 9° 39' ... 92243394

East Cape to Leyuka. 19° 5743" Sine 01667127 0-4667127 13' Sine 75776684 75776684 72° 19' Sine 99789789 52° 20' .., 9-8984944 36' 8-0233600 ... 30' ... 79428755

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Manukau to Sydney. 19° 11' 38" Sine 0-4831132 0-4831132 23° 18' Sine 95971965 9-5971965 52° 57' Sine 9-9020628 50° 8' ... 9-9192542 73° 47' 9-9823725 87° 25' ... 9-9995639

Manukau to Wilson's Peomosttoex. 22° 251 6" Sine 0-4180068 0-4186088 28° 9' Sine 9 6737409 90737409 52° 57' Sine 99020628 ...50° 52... 9-8896822 80° 50' 9-9944105 ...73° 38... 9-9820299

Cape Kelnqa to Wilson's Pkomontoey. 21° 30' Sine 04359246 04359246 26° 18' Sine 96464735 9-6461735 55° 34' Sine 9 9163400 50° 52' ... 98890822 85° 38' 9-9987387 69° 29' ... 9-9720803

Cape Farewell to "Wilson's Peomohtoby. 20° 11' Sine 014621492 0-4621492 26° 19' Sine 96467290 96467290 49° 30' Sine ... ... 9 8810455 50° 62' ... 9-8896822 77° 42' 9 9899237 85° 20' ... 9-9985004

Ojf GrEEAT CIECLE -FOB. COUHSE.—SAN EeANCISCO TO HONOLULU. 34° 43' Sine 0-0851396 0-0851396 35° 30' Sine 99106860 9-9106860 52° 12' Sine 98977123 99692720 3ST. 61°30'E 98935379 67° 20' ... 9-9650970

Honolulu to Auckland. 63° 3416" Sine 00479405 0-0479405 27° 16' Sine 9-0609911 9-6609911 111° 18' Sine 9-9692720 53° 10' ... 9-9032977 28° 28' 9-6782038 24° 10' ... 96122293 Lat. 21° 18' = 9-5602 Lat. 36° 50' = 97777 Lat. 24° 10' = 96519 Lat. 28° 28'= 9-7341 9° 15' = 92121 18° 0' 9-5118 157° 55' W. 174° 49' E. 360 167° 10'W. 167° 11' W. Longitudes of point where the Great Circle cuts the Equator. 28° 28' Sine = 90782036 53° 10' Sine = 99082977 22° 25' Sin. = 9-5815013 Course from Equator to either place.

Honolulu to Leyuka. 45° 838" Sin 01.494271 01494271 23° 16' Sin 95966093 95966093 111° 18' Shi 99692720 72° 19' ... 99789789 S. 31° 16' 35" W 9 7153064 N. 32 Q 4' E. 9-/250153



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Oceanic Distances on Great Circles. Sydney to Three Kings ... ... ... ... ... ... 1039J Miles. Sydney to Wellington ... ... ... ... ... ... 1200 „ Sydney to Manukau ... ... ... ... ... ~. 1151$ ~ Wilson's Promontory to Cape Farewell ... ... ... ... ... 1211 „ Wilson's Promontory to Cape Eeinga ... ... ... ... ... 1290 „ Wilson's Promontory to Manukau ... ... ... ... ... 1345 „ Capo Palliser to Honolulu ... ... ... ... ... ... 4049J „ Auckland to Honolulu ... ... ... ... ... ... 3814 i „ Honolulu to San Francisco ... ... ... ... ... ... 2083 „ Levuka, Fijis, to Auckland ... ... ... ... ... ... 1167 „ Levuka, Fijis, to East Capo ... ... ... ... ... ... 1197 „ Levuka, Fijis, to Honolulu ... ... ... ... ... ... 2708 „

Locaji Distances. Cape Palliser to Wellington ... ... ... ... ... ... 31 „ Wellington to Cape Farewell ... ... ... ... ... ... 130 „ Wilson's Promontory to Melbourne ... ... ... ... ... 130 „ Auckland to Three Kings ... ... ... ... ... ... 237 „ Auckland to Manukau Heads ... ... ... ... ... ... 25 „ Auckland to Cape Eeinga ... ... ... ... ... ... 210 „ Auckland to Wellington via Manukau ... ... ... ... ... 314 „ Auckland to Wellington via Nelson and Manukau ... ... ... 404 „ East Cape to Cape Palliser ... ... ... ... ... ... 286 „

Summary. Miles. Sydney" to San Francisco via Three Kings, Auckland, and Honolulu ... ... ... 7,174 Sydney to San Francisco via Manukau, Auckland, and Honolulu ... ... .. 7,073J Sydney to San Francisco via Wellington and Honolulu ... ... ... ... 7,363 Melbourne to San Francisco via Cape B'einga, Auckland, and Honolulu ... ... .... 7,527 Melbourne to San Francisco via Auckland and Manukau ... ... ... ... 7,397 i Melbourne to San Francisco via Wellington and Honolulu ... ... ... ... 7,6-34 Sydney to Auckland via Manukau ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,176 a Sydney to Auckland via North Cape ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,276 JSydney to Wellington direct ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,200 Melbourne to Auckland via Manukau ..". ... ... ... ... ... 1,500 Melbourne to Auckland was North Capo ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,630 San Francisco to Auckland via Honolulu ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,8971 San Francisco to Wellington via Honolulu ... ... ... ... ... ... 6,163 i San Francisco to Auckland via Honolulu and Fiji's ... ... ... ... ... 5,958 San Francisco to Wellington via Honolulu and Fijis ... ... ... ... ... 6,805 Melbourne to Wellington ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,471



* This distance is by the East Capo; it would be shortened thirty-three miles by sending the mails through by Auckland and the Manukau, but no time would be saved, on account of the delay in trans-shipment. G-. A. "Woods, Lieut. Commander in charge of Coast Survey.

Miles. Increase. Decrease. San Francisco to Sydney via Honolulu, Auckland, and Three Kings Sail Francisco to Sydney via Honolulu, Auckland, and Manukau San Francisco to Sydney via Honolulu and Wellington San Francisco to Melbourne via Honolulu, Auckland, and Cape Iteinga San Francisco to Melbourne via Honolulu, Auckland, and Manukau ... San Francisco to Melbourne via Wellington 7174 7O73| 7363| 7527 7397 7634 1894 353 223 460 100i

9an Franciseo to Auckland via Honolulu ... San Francisco to Wellington via Honolulu San Francisco to Wellington via Honolulu, Auckland, Manukau, and Nelson San Francisco to Auckland via Honolulu and Levuka (Fiji) ... San Francisco to Wellington via Honolulu and Lovuka (Fiji) 589716163i 6301 266 403 5958 *6305 61 408


E.—No. 4a


No. 2. The Hon. W. Gisboene to the Hon. the Chief Secretaet, Victoria, (No. 99.) Sib, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 20th May, IS7O. Adverting to the letter dated 11th January last, addressed to you by the Hon. Mr. Vogel from Sydney, I have the honor to call your attention to the fact that you have not informed this Government whether you are prepared to contribute £6,000 annually to the California!! Mail Service. It is important to the success of the service that the contractor should receive the subsidy which it was presumed Victoria would not hesitate to give to the service. I have, &c, The Hon. the Chief Secretary, Victoria. W. Gisborne.

No. 3. Mr. E. Pearce to the Hon. W. Gisboene. Sir,— Wellington, 17th May, 1870. I have the honor to forward you copies of the Resolutions passed at the public meeting held at the Odd Fellows' Hall in this City on the 10th instant, with reference to the Mail Steam Service between California, this Colony, and Australia. In doing so, I wish to state that I do so at the request of the Committee appointed at the public meeting, for the information and consideration of His Excellency's Ministers. I have, &c, Edward Pearce, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Chairman of the Committee.

Copies of Resolutions passed at a Public Meeting held at the Odd Fellows' Hal], Wellington, Monday, 10th May, 1870—W. Waking- Taylob, Esq., M.H.R., in the Chair. Ist Resolution. —Moved by Edward Pearce, Esq., seconded by George Hunter, Esq. : — That it is of the greatest importance to the Colony of New Zealand, that a regular monthly mail steam service should be established between San Erancisco and Melbourne, the vessels to call at Wellington and Honolulu. The service to be performed by vessels of large size and sufficient power, having proper accommodation for a considerable number of passengers, and ample room for cargo. The contract to be entered into with parties who are known to have suitable steamers under their control, and able to give a guarantee that the service will be efficiently carried out. 2nd Resolution. —Moved by Robert Hart, Esq., seconded by W. B. Rhodes, Esq. : — That a Committee bo appointed to take the most energetic steps for the promotion of the object; to adopt the best means of communicating with all the Legislatures, Governments, and other bodies or individuals likely to concur in its attainment; to procure and diffuse the fullest possible information on the subject; to collect funds for defraying the preliminary expenses ; and generally to employ the most expedient methods available for agitating public opinion in favour of the plan. The Committee to consist of Messrs. W. W. Taylor, E. Pearce, G. Hunter, Robert Hart, M. S. Grace, W. Turnbull, A. P. Halcombe, E. Gifford, E. J. Wakefiekl, R. J. Duncan, J. Plimmer, C. J. Pharazyn, W. B. Rhodes, W. H. Palmer, E. T. Gillon, J. Dransfield, E. A. Krull, D. Mclntyre, J. E. Nathan, E. W. Mills, W. Johnston ; with power to add to their number. Brd Resolution —Moved by Thos. McKenzic, Esq., seconded by R. Port, Esq. : — That, as it is highly desirable that the co-operation of the Victorian Government should be secured in any contract for the establishment of an Australian-American Mail Service, the Hon. William Fitzherbert, the Hon. C. J. Pharazyn, and W. B. Rhodes, Esq., be appointed a deputation to wait on the Chamber of Commerce in Melbourne, to urge the Government of Victoria to join this Colony in initiating and supporting such a service. Edward Peaece, Chairman of the Committee.

No. 4. Mr. Gr. Eliott Eliott to Mr. E. Peaece. Sir,— Genera] Post Office, Wellington, 18th May, 1870. I am directed to convey to you the thanks of the Postmaster-General for your letter of the 17th instant, enclosing copies of Resolutions passed at a public meeting held at the Odd Eellows' Hall here on the 10th instant, with reference to the Mail Service between California, New Zealand, and Australia, and to inform you these Resolutions will be duly considered by the Government. 1 have, &c, Edward Pearce, Esq., Chairman of the Committee, G. Eliott Eliott, Wellington. Secretary.

No. 5. PROSPECTUS. Steam Communication between England and Australia in 49 days, via New York and San Eeancisco. The great "Western Eailway across the American Continent from San Erancisco to New York, having been in successful operation for the past seven months, we deem the present time opportune to address 3

E —No. 4a,



the Australian Colonists on the subject of a line of steamers, to run monthly between the Colonies and San Francisco. The subject has occupied the attention of many colonists for some considerable time, even dating from a period anterior to the breaking up of the Panama route. Like all new enterprises of magnitude, its successful working will be variously estimated ; but we feel assured that after an exposition of the advantages of the proposed route, prejudice and objections of whatsoever nature will subside, and the colonists cheerfully imite their efforts with ours on this side in having established a mail and passenger traffic so manifestly to the benefit of both countries. The Cunard line of steamers from Liverpool to New York are unequalled in speed, passenger accommodations and safety, performing the voyage in from nine to ten days; and from New York to San Francisco the journey is performed in seven days, in cars constructed with a special view to comfort, having excellent sleeping accommodations for those who desire the luxury of a good bed, and dietary which will compare favourably with the dietary in the best hotels in New York or London. A monthly line of steamers run between San Francisco and Japan, connecting with a line to China, and arrangements are being entered into for the China steamer to call at Honolulu, thus bringing the Colonies within thirty-five days steam communication of Japan. A line of powerful steamers combining speed with every comfort for passengers, having large roomy cabins with free ventilation, will connect this continent with the continent of Australia, calling at Honolulu, Fiji, New Caledonia, Brisbane, and Sydney. The route, embracing all those places of call, we have indicated for adoption, for the sake of performing the whole voyage in fine tropical weather, and avoiding the stormy coast of New Zealand. The mails for New Zealand and Victoria will be conveyed thither by a branch line from Viti Levu (Fiji). A subsidy of £120,000 per annum will be required by the company to enable them to lay on the line a class of steamers sufficiently powerful to maintain a rate of speed to accomplish the distance from Liverpool to Sydney in forty-nine days. Of this amount the American, French, and Hawaiian Governments will contribute a part. The balance not exceeding £75,000 would be required to be furnished by the Australian and New Zealand Colonies. The advantages to these Colonies from being in direct and rapid communication with all the places referred to, and their communication with Chili, at present interrupted by the breaking up of the Panama line, continued, is of sufficient importance, we presume, to warrant us in asking those Colonists to entertain the subject and to urge upon their respective. Governments the desirability of considering the matter. If after duo deliberation we are notified of a view favorable to the proposed route, we will be prepared to enter upon the service four months after we receive such notification. San Feancisco, September 27th, 1869. Collie, Stewaet & Co.

No. 6. The San Francisco and Australian Steamship Line, calling at Honolulu, New Caledonia, Queensland, Sydney, and Melbourne, connecting with a branch steamer for Auckland, New Zealand. The completion of the Bailroad across this continent awakens additional interest in establishing a firstclass line of powerful ocean steamships between this port and Australia, and the route through the tropical islands of Polynesia seems the most desirable for a high rate of speed and comfort to passengers. "Win. H. "Webb, Esq., of 54 Exchange Place, New York, has this day empowered Mr. George Collie, of our firm, to negotiate with the Governments indicated on the route on his behalf for contracts with subsidies for a regular monthly mail line to be performed by the following magnificent side-wheel steamships owned by him : — Nebraska —Al at Lloyds ; 2143 tons register ; 3,000 tons builders' measurement; 850 horse power; 28G feet long, and 41 feet beam ; built in May, 1867, and averaged 15-j knots on her trial trip. Nevada. —Al; 2,145 tons register ; 85 inch cylinder, 12 feet stroke; 284 feet on main deck, and licensed to carry 838 passengers ; average speed on trial trip, 15 knots, and built in December, 1867. Daootah. —Al at Lloyds ; 2150 tons register ; 281 feet long, and 41 feet beam ; 83 inch cylinder, and 12 feet stroke; licensed to carry 720 passengers. Santiago de Cuba. —l 627 ; 560 horse power; 237 feet long ; 38 feet beam; built in 1861 and rebuilt in 1867. These boats are unequalled for speed, passenger accommodation, comfort and safety; originally built for the North American Steamship Company, regardless of cost. San Francisco, 26th January, 1870. Collie, Stewaet & Co.

No. 7. Messrs. Cummins and Co. to the Hon. "W. Gisboene. Rectory House, Martin's Lane, Cannon Street, E.C., Hon. Sir, — London, 3rd December, 1869. We have the honor to inform you that a committee of English and Australian gentlemen having been formed in the month of September last, with the object of establishing a new cheap, rapid, and improved route between Europe and Australia, through America, in less than forty days, effecting a saving of 20 per cent, in time, and 40 per cent, in money ; have now concluded arrangements for the intended service by means of a line of steamers from Milford Haven to Portland, and another line in correspondence from San .Francisco to Sydney, by a Company to be styled " The Atlantic and Pacific Steamship Corporation," which Company will be prepared to submit to you a tender for conveying mails between Europe and the United States and New Zealand on the following terms : — 1. The service to bo performed in first-class steamships specially adapted to meet the wants of the Colony, of from 2,500 to 3,500 tons, and capable of accommodating 150 first-class and 750 second-class passengers.



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2. Every outward and homeward voyage to be performed "within a period of forty days to Sydney, or vice versa. 3. Premiums or penalties to be on the basis of £50 per diem. 4. Security for the due performance of the contract to be given to the satisfaction of your Government. 5. The subsidy to be paid to the Corporation for the transmission of the mails to be fixed at £1,000 per voyage out, and the same per voyage home. 6. The contract to be for ten years. It is also important you should be informed that the Corporation will undertake the conveyance of passengers from London and the chief cities and towns of England to Sydney at the unprecedentedly low rates of £60 first-class, and £30 second-class, including rail, provisions, and other charges ; the journey through America being at its widest part, is the most healthy, quickest and cheapest hitherto proposed. It being considered by the committee of the utmost importance that every practical facility should be afforded by your Government to the speedy conclusion of the present negotiation, we venture to urge on your attention the propriety of your nominating some representative in London on your behalf, with full power to treat and conclude with the Corporation. We are, &c, The Hon. the Chief Secretary for New Zealand, Cummins and Co. Wellington, N.Z.

No. 8. Messrs. Cummins and Co. to the Hon. W. Gisboene. The Atlantic and Pacific Steam Ship Corporation, Limited, Temporary Offices 40 and 41, Palmerston Buildings, Hon. Sic,— ' Bishopsgate Street, E.C., London, 25th February, 1870. In reference to ours of the 3rd December, we have now the honor to inform you that the Company referred to has been established under the most favourable auspices. Official communications in reference thereto are forwarded by the present mail. We have, &c, To the Chief Secretary of the Colony of Cummins and Co., New Zealand. Eectory House, Martin's Lane, E.C.

No. 9. The Seceetart A. & P. S.S. Cohpoeation to the Hon. W. Gisboene. The Atlantic and Pacific Steam Ship Corporation, Limited, Temporary Offices 40 and 41, Palmerston Buildings, Hon. Sic, — Bishopsgate Street, 8.C., London, 25th February, 1870. Referring to Messrs. Cummins and Co.'s letter of the 3rd of December, I have the honor to enclose you an official tender on behalf of the above Company, and in explanation of the general advantages presented by the route, send by boot post a pamphlet entering fully into the subject. I may mention that the Company possesses an influential direction, and is well supported with a capital of £1,000,000 sterling, and power to issue £500,000 Debenture Bonds. Arrangements have been made to facilitate the early commencement of the service by purchasing boats already built, while the building of the remainder will be pushed forward with all convenient speed. Believing that this Company can do the service in a manner not to be rivalled, and hoping to receive satisfactory replies from your Government, I have, &c, To the Chief Secretary of the Colony of Edmund Wm. Wheeler, New Zealand. Hon. Secretary.

Enclosure in No. 9. Mr. E. "W. Wheeleb to the Hon. W. Gtsboene. The Atlantic and Pacific Steam Ship Corporation, Limited, Temporary Offices, 40 and 41, Palmerston Buildings, Hon. Sib, — Bishopsgate Street, E.G., London, 24th February, 1870. I am instructed, on behalf of the above Company, to tender for the conveyance of the mails between England and Wellington, New Zealand. This Company will undertake, in consideration of a subsidy of £20,000 per annum, payable as usual, or in such other manner as may be hereafter arranged, to carry the outward and homeward mails by a monthly through service, to be performed as follows, viz.: — 1. From England to Portland, Halifax, or other suitable American port, in large and powerful steamers. 2. By express train across the Continent of America to San Francisco. 3. By steamers of adequate size and power running between San Francisco and Sydney, calling at Fiji Islands or New Caledonia, where the New Zealand mails will be transshipped and conveyed by an express boat to "Wellington. 4. The service to be performed in forty days from time of leaving England, subject to premium or penalties of £50 per diem.

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Security for the due performance of the contract to be given to the satisfaction of your Government. Contract to be for ten years, with option to the Company to terminate upon giving a twelve months' notice. I have, &c, The Chief Secretary of the Colony Edmund Wm. Wheeler, of New Zealand. Secretary pro tern.

No. 10. The Hon. I. E. Feathebstoit and Hon. F. D. Bell to the Hon. W. G-isbokne. Sir,— London, 23rd February, 1870. We have the honor to enclose herewith a letter from the Atlantic and Pacific Steam Company, dated 11th instant, containing proposals for the establishment of a through Steam Mail Service between this country and New Zealand and Australia via San Francisco, crossing the United States by the Pacific Railway. We had had several interviews and lengthened discussions with the gentlemen concerned in this Company prior to the receipt, by the mail just received, of private intelligence from the Hon. Mr. Vogel, to the effect that he would probably succeed in an arrangement for a steam service between Sydney and San Francisco ; and as the promoters of the Atlantic and Pacific scheme assured us very positively that their arrangements as to capital and boats were really complete, we had given some encouragement to them that we would enter into an agreement for giving the subsidy for which the House of Representatives made provision last Session, upon being thoroughly satisfied that ample means and resources were secured for the establishment of the proposed service with efficiency and regularity. The receipt this morning of a press telegram, dated Ist February, from Galle, published in the Times, to the effect that a contract had been actually executed at Sydney, has of course interrupted all proceedings for the present here. We have acquainted the Atlantic and Pacific Company that the intelligence in question prevents us from continuing our communications on the same footing as before, but that, if it be not confirmed by the mail, we shall be ready to renew negotiations with them. A meeting of their Directors was to take place at once to consider the course the Company ought to take, but the gentlemen whom we have seen appear to be impressed with the belief that the Company will go on with its project notwithstanding the news just telegraphed from Galle. We have, &c, F. D. Bell, I. E. Featiierston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Commissioners.

Enclosure in No. 10. Mr. E. "W. Wiieeleu to the Hon. D. Bell and Hon. Dr. Feathekstoh". The Atlantic and Pacific Steam Ship Corporation (Limited), Temporary Offices Palmerston Buildings, Bishopsgate St., E.C., Hon. Sirs, — London, 11th February, 1870. In accordance with your suggestion to the deputation which had the pleasure of waiting upon you, I beg to forward for your consideration (unofficially) rough drafts and details relating to the proposed operations of this Company, the formation of which is now all but completed. Allow me first to solicit your attention to a few of the more general advantages which can be afforded by this Company, in consequence of the valuable privileges and concessions enjoyed by it, and the admirable route selected. The pamphlet already furnished you will have indicated many of these advantages at length; but excuse my presenting the following salient points : — 1. Milford Haven is superior to every other harbour in England for the despatch of ocean mail steamers, being the nearest seaport to America, within constant and very rapid communication with London and the various populous and commercial centres in England, passengers, mails, &c, can be conveyed in the railway carriages alongside the steamer, without change or delay. The depth of water in the harbour is such, that at all times and states of the tide ample means of ingress and egress are afforded, whereby the Company's steamers can start and arrive at any time, and avoid the delays, dangers, and inconvenience unavoidable at all other ports, at an unfavourable state of the tide; and, moreover, the use of steam tenders can be dispensed with. 2. By selecting Portland for the Atlantic terminal port, not only is an admirable harbour secured, but the sea journey is shortened by at least twenty hours compared with that to New York; in addition to which, the possession of ample railway communication with the various parts of America, and our arrangements with the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada (in direct connection with the Union Pacific Railway via Detroit, Chicago, Omaha, &c), give especial advantages, and effect a saving of time in the through journey between England and San Francisco. I may mention that it is the intention of the Company to use Portland as a terminal port only until the completion of the intercolonial railway (expected in about eighteen months), when Halifax, Nova Scotia, will be promptly adopted instead, and nearly eighteen to twenty-four hours further saved, whilst the general advantages, safety, &c, of the voyage will be augmented. To sum up these preliminary remarks, I mnj remind you that, in consequence of the selection of these terminal ports for the Atlantic Service, the interests of various powerful bodies are enlisted, in addition to the natural advantages, in themselves sufficient to decide the matter. This Company may confidently rely upon the support of the wealthy and influential landholders deeply interested in the prosperity of Milford Haven, and by the beneficial arrangements conceded by the Great Western Railway of England (two of whose directors will always be on our Board), and its active support otherwise, a solidity is given to the service which no mere sectional service could possibly secure. In addition to this, the selection of Portland or Halifax induces the direct countenance and aid of all interested in the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada; and as both these



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companies have most influential and wealthy bodies of shareholders (to say nothing of the numerous and important proprietaries of other undertakings interested in these places), a very large portion of the capital of the proposed Company is certain to be placed in these channels, irrespective of the general public. I may also point out the immense advantages presented by the fact, that the Board of this Company, and those of the railway companies interested with whom the arrangements have been made, will all meet in London, and can thus, if necessary, be in constant intercommunication, which can never be the case under any other organization. With the general features of the Pacific section I need not trespass upon you, as you are so fully acquainted therewith; I therefore pass at once to the following points, upon which I invite your especial attention: — («.) The Company will contract to convey the mails in the unparalleled short period of forty days ; but I am assured by most competent authorities, that, with the steamships we propose to employ and the railway facilities secured, it will eventually be reduced to an average of thirty-two or thirtythree days. Such a result can only be attained hj a thorough harmony in arrangements, for which it is necessary both Atlantic and Pacific lines of communication should be under one control; otherwise, were a steamer by any accident delayed on either side, a detention of some days on the Atlantic, or a month on the Pacific, might be occasioned. (5.) The through service, in addition, affords extraordinary facilities for commercial intercourse. Arrangements are in progress by which through tickets will be procurable, not only at every important place in Great Britain and Ireland, but also from all parts of the Continent of Europe and America, to and from the Australian Colonies. These tickets will give the option of breaking the journey for any purpose within a reasonable limit of time at all the various important places in the route, an advantage which one substantial company can alone properly offer. (c.) The route selected, passing through a portion of Canada and in connection with lines owned by British capitalists, not only binds the Anglo-Saxon race in an intimate connection, but unites the great gold-producing countries of the world with each other and the Mother Country. Facilities are afforded for emigration ; and yet, as before stated, the whole control is centred in London, and amenable to the same government and laws. (d.) It may be well to refer to the advantages of climate, unity of language, and avoidance of the discomforts and dangers of the long sea route, the extremes of temperature, &c, the expense of the route via Suez, the dangers of the Red Sea, and the trans-shipment in hot climates, all of which are points worthy of consideration. In conclusion I may mention the urgent need for more rapid communication, arising from the increasing trade of Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. You are so thoroughly impressed, I am well aware, with the various points bearing on the Pacific Service, that it would be unnecessary for me to enlarge upon them. I therefore present to you that as yet no steam ships in the world have proved as efficient, safe, and economical as the British, a fact simply proved on the Atlantic by the collapse of the Collins line. And to ensure a success, financially and commercially, no other steam ships can be employed than large and powerful iron screw steam ships, built in England especially for the purpose, and fitted with every modern appliance, such as the Company are prepared to place on botli sections of the route. Experience has proved that in the long run the screw must supplant the paddle, and up to the present time British screw steam ships have never been surpassed for punctuality and efficiency. The mileage details, estimated times, &c, proposed speed, tonnage, &c, of the ships, will, I believe, be self-explanatory, and adequately satisfy you of the way in which the Company propose to work theservice, while the capital proposed (£1,000,000) should be ample to place it upon a satisfactory footing. But I may mention my Committee are so impressed with the enormous traffic likely to result from the means of intercommunication afforded, that they believe in a short time a fortnightly Pacific Service will become a necessity, and they are prepared now to contract to provide this upon a sufficient notice from your Government, and the payment of a proportionate increase of subsidy. The main object of this communication is to demonstrate that the route can only be permanently successful if worked as a whole, and that a sectional service must inevitably lead to irregularity, disappointment, and delay; that no Company can be more influentially supported, or inaugurated at a more auspicious time; that it is most important no circumstances should be allowed to delay its immediate incorporation; and that the undertaking is in every way deserving the support of the New Zealand and Australian Governments. I have, &c, The Hon. F. Dillon Bell, and Hon. Dr. Featherston, Edmund Wm. Wiieelek, Commissioners from the Government of New Zealand. Hon. Secretary.

No. 11. The Hon. I. E. Featheeston and Hon. P. D. Bell to the Hon. W. Gisboene. Sib, — London, 25th February, 1870. Adverting to our letter of the 23rd instant, on the subject of a steam service between this country and the Australasian Colonies via San Francisco, we have the honor to enclose letters which we have just received from the Secretary of the Atlantic and Pacific Company. Sir Charles Clifford, who was asked to go on the direction of this Company, assures us that satisfactory proof exists of the Company being sufficiently strong in point of finance to go on with their undertaiung ; that the Great Western Railway Company, and an Insurance Company largely interested in landed estates near Milford Haven, have expressed their determination to sustain the project; and that, notwithstanding the news of the signature of Mr. Vogel's contract at Sydney, the Atlantic and Pacific Company really mean to go on with their scheme. "We have, &c, I. E. Featheeston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, &c. F. D. Bell, Commissioners. 4

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Enclosure 1 in No. 11. Mr. E. W. WnEELEE to the Hon. F. D. Bell and Hon. Dr. Feathehstox. The Atlantic and Pacific Steam Ship Corporation (Limited), Temporary Offices, Palmerston Buildings. Bishopsgate St.. EC., Hon. Sies, — London. 14th February. 1870. I beg to acknowledge your esteemed favour of yesterday's date, addressed to the " Provisional Directors of the Atlantic and Pacific Company," and to express their regret that circumstances should have transpired to restrain you from further treating with them, for the conveyance of the New Zealand mails to and from England, until the receipt of your next Despatches. Notwithstanding the telegraphic communication referred to in your communication, it appears very questionable whether any contract has been signed by the New Zealand Government with parties who are capable of effectively carrying out a permanent British and Australian Postal Service via San Francisco ; and I am therefore instructed to hand you the Tender herewith, for the conveyance of the mails between England and New Zealand, in the manner and time therein expressed, and at the same time to accompany it with similar tenders* which we are prepared to make to the Australian Governments whose interests will be served by the establishment of the service. To accomplish this object with as little delay as possible, this Company has purchased three of the boats lately running between Panama and Wellington, and will be prepared to despatch them to their respective Pacific stations, as soon as they can be got ready for sea. These steamers, although not so large as those it is contemplated to build for the purpose, have proved themselves efficient, commodious, and popular boats, and, by making a temporary use of them, the company will be in a position to commence the service on the acceptance of their tenders. It is hardly necessary for me to state that the capital and connections of this Company will be such as to serare the proper performance of any contract it may make, its commercial success being all but certain, from the new channels of trade that will be opened up, and the support that will be received from the Emigration League, the Great Western Railway of England, and the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada, the two latter of which have already granted large concessions, and are also pledged to secure the comfort and punctuality of the land portion of the service. I may add that the proposed branch from Fiji Islands to New Zealand will be in no way inferior to any other portion of the route, the vessels engaged being selected with a view to maintain the same speed, and afford the same kind of accommodation, as those on the main route between San Francisco and Fiji. I have, &c, The Hon. F. Dillon Bell and Hon. Dr. Featherston, Edmund Wm. Wheelee, Commissioners from the Government of New Zealand. Hon. Secretary.

Enclosure 2 in No. 11. Mr. E. W. WnEELEE to the Hon. Dr. Featheeston and Hon. P. D. Bell. The Atlantic and Pacific Steam Ship Corporation (Limited), Temporary Offices, 40 and 41, Palmerston Buildings, Hon. Sies, — Bishopsgate Street, E.C., London, 24th February, 1870. I beg to enclose you official tenderf from the above Company to your Government for the conveyance of the New Zealand mails, and also copies of similar tenders we send per Marseilles mail to the Governments of Queensland and New South Wales, and regret the great pressure of business prevented my sending them before. Allow me to call your attention to the wording of the telegram, which does not state that a postal contract has been signed, but simply that a contract has been signed for running steamers between the various places there named, without any mention of subsidy. I have, &c, The Hon. Dr. Featherston and Hon. F. Dillon Bell, Edmtjnd Wm. Wheelee, Commissioners from the Government of New Zealand. Hon. Secretary.

No. 12. Mr. E. W. Wheeler to the Hon. W. Gisborne. The Atlantic and Pacific Steam Ship Corporation, Limited, Temporary Offices, 40 and 41, Palmerston Buildings, Hon. Sic, — Bishopsgate Street, E.C., London, 25th March, 1870. I have the honor to annex duplicate of my last respects of 25th February, containing a tender for the conveyance of the New Zealand mails via San Francisco. The Company has been registered but, as the capital of the Corporation is being privately subscribed, a prospectus has not yet been published. For your information, however, lam permitted to enclose a proof copy, and a list of the names of those gentlemen who are likely to be the directors. By next mail I hope to be able to add other names to the direction of gentlemen of influence and station connected with the Colonies, when full publicity will be given to the undertaking. Under these circumstances I have to request that you will not allow the names mentioned in any way to transpire until the nest advices. Should your Government be inclined to entertain the proposal made by this Corporation, I trust * These tenders, with some modifications, are substantially the same as those made to the various Australian Governments, on our behalf, by Messrs. Cummins and Co., on 3rd December last. f Same as that enclosed in Mr. Wheeler's letter to the Colonial Secretary of New Zealand, of 25th February, 1870.



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they will instruct their Agent-General, or some other representative in London, to negotiate and conclude an arrangement for an early commencement of the service, for which the Corporation will then be fully prepared. I have, <fee, The Chief Secretary of the Colony Edmund Wm. Wheelee, of New Zealand. Secretary pro. tern.

No. 13. The Hon. W. Giseoene to the Hon. I. E. Featherston and Hon. F. D. Bell. (No. 103.) Colonial Secretary's Office, Gentlemen, — Wellington, 28th May, 1870. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letters of the 23rd and 25th February last, in which you enclose communications from the Honorary Secretary of the Atlantic and Pacific Steam Ship Corporation (Limited), containing proposals for the establishment of a through Steam Mail Service between Great Britain and New Zealand and Australia via San Francisco. In reply, I have to state that, as you are by this time aware, a similar service under contract has already been commenced. It is quite possible that the contractors may require to make fresh arrangements with the concurrence of the Government, and I do not undervalue the importance of there being another competitor, or, as the case may be, co-operator, in the field. You will understand, therefore, that it is in a friendly spirit I now criticise the proposal submitted to you. There is, as far as New Zealand is concerned, a cardinal objection to the proposal in the intention to make the New Zealand service only a branch one from the Fijis or New Caledonia; nothing short of New Zealand being placed in the main line of traffic between Honolulu and Australia will suit that Colony. I may observe, also, that it appears to me the Company is not safe in calculating that all or even a majority of the passengers passing between the Australasian Colonies and England will be content with the Portland route. I think the well-established route by New York will be preferred, affording, as it does, the opportunity of making a stay in that city. lam not aware if the Company expect any assistance from the United States; but, if so, I may mention that, from inquiries instituted by the late Mr. Crosbie Ward, there is little room to doubt that the aid of the United States will only be extended to an American Company. Seeing that the service must pass through so much of the United States territory, the countenance of that country is for many reasons most desirable. The Hon. I. E. Featherston and the Hon. F. D. Bell, I have, &c, care of John Morrison, Esq., 3, Adelaide Place, W. Gisboene. King William Street, London.

No. 14. The Hon. I. E. Feathekston and Hon. E. D. Bell to the Hon. W. Gisbobne. (No. 12.) Sib,— London, 25th March, IS7O. Adverting to our communication by last mail, on the subject of the Atlantic and Pacific Mail Company's offer to establish a service by steam between England and New Zealand and Australia via San Francisco, we have to enclose a letter received from the Secretary of that Company, from which you will perceive that they are taking steps to prosecute their enterprise, and have been registered. It is our intention to have further personal communication with the Directors of this Company, of which you will be informed in due course. We have, &c, I. E. Featiieeston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, F. D. Bell, New Zealand Commissioners.

Enclosure in No. 14. Mr. E. W. "Wheeleb to the Hon. Dr. Featheeston and Hon. F. D. Bell. The Atlantic and Pacific Steam Ship Corporation, (Limited,) Temporary Offices, 40 and 41, Palmerston Buildings, Hon. Sibs : — Bishopsgate Street, E.C., London, 24th March, 1870. From the advices we hare received, we are able to state that there is no American Company likely to interfere with the service we contemplate undertaking, and that the Government of New South Wales have, in consequence of our tender and the want of Parliamentary powers, declined to subsidize the route proposed by Mr. Hall. Having now formed a highly influential Board, and obtained considerable private subscriptions towards the capital required for the service, we are now in a position again to lay before you the offer previously made ; with this view we enclose you copy of a letter forwarded your Government by the outgoing mail, and as soon as you feel yourselves authorized to make arrangements, I shall be happy, as the Secretary of this Company (now registered), to enter into treaty with you, in order to settle the terms of the subsidy and all details, and arrange for the sureties you will require for the due performance of any contract the Company may undertake. I have, &c, The Hon. Dr. Featherston and Hon. F. Dillon Bel], Edmund Wm. Wheeleb, Commissioners from the Government of New Zealand. Secretary pro tern 5

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No. 15. Mr. H. H. Hall to the Hon. J. Vooel. Sic,— Auckland, 11th June, 1870, " Noon." Since I had the pleasure of addressing you on 21st April, I have made the voyage to San Francisco and back to this port. lam happy to inform you that I have succeeded beyond my most sanguine expectations in making arrangements for the future conveyance of passengers and" mails between Honolulu and San Francisco with the North Pacific Transportation Company, which Company, after my explaining the nature of my contract with the New Zealand Government, fully approved of my proceedings, and are prepared to carry out my engagements to the fullest extent. The "Idaho " was taken off and the " Ajax" substituted, which vessel made the voyage in nine and a half days, and her return trip, it is expected, will occupy ten days. In July, the " John L. Stevens " will take the place of the " Ajax." She is expected to do her voyage in eight days from San Francisco to Honolulu, and the return in nine days. I had two large steamers offered me to take the place of the " Wonga Wonga " and the " City of Melbourne," at a far less rate of charter than I am now paying the A.S.N. Co.; but after thoroughly investigating them, I found that they would not accomplish my portion of the voyage in less time than the present steamers do. The steamers I allude to belong to Mr. Webb, of New York. They are side-wheel boats of over 2,000 tons burthen, and said to be very fast; but on ascertaining the rate of speed they accomplished on their former voyages the average only showed about nine and a half knots, and that rate would be diminished wheu loaded for a long voyage. The Manager of the Pacific Mail Company advised me not to make the same mistake that they are now labouring under, but to have by all means screw steamers properly rigged for sailing. They have three side-wheel steamers of between 3,000 and 4,000 tons burthen plying between San Francisco and China, running 6,400 miles, which distance occupies thirty-six days. The distance between Sydney, Auckland, Honolulu, and San Francisco, that we are now performing, is 7,400 miles, my portion being 5,300 miles. This distance, at ten knots per hour, will require twenty-two days actual running time. I find that this will be the highest rate of speed the " Wonga Wonga" and " City of Melbourne " can attain to, and require great pushing to keep that average. You are aware that those boats were represented to consxime twenty-two tons of coals per day on ten-knot speed, whereas the consumption is nearer thirty-five tons to get that speed. My present detention on each vessel has been three days in Honolulu; in future, twenty-four hours will cover all. The Hawaiian Government are now building a wharf expressly for the accommodation of my vessels. On my arrival in Sydney, fuller details will be forwarded to you. I have, &c, The Hon. J. Vogel, Postmaster-General. H. H. Hall.

No. 16. The Hon. Chaeles Cowpee to the Hon. J. Vogel. Sib,— Sydney, sth May, 1870. In your letter of the sth ultimo —the receipt of which I was able, for the reasons stated, only hastily to acknowledge in my letter of the 27th of the same month, by the then outgoing mail —you remind me that I have not yet informed you whether I have made provision for contributing month by month, pending other arrangements, as suggested in your letter of the 10th of January last, for the carriage of New South "Wales mails to California at the rate of £10,000 a year, being the sum agreed on as that which should be asked from New South Wales, that Colony making with Queensland such, arrangement as the two Colonies might mutually agree upon; and you add that it was understood that the Postmaster-General would arrange to make the payments out of ordinary services, or that, on Parliament meeting, special provision would be sought for the purpose. 2. If I refer to the terms of the Memorandum of Agreement relating to the Californian Postal Service, it is to provide that no misapprehension shall arise from the expressions which I have quoted in the first paragraph of this letter from yours of the sth ultimo. 3. It is stated in the Memorandum of Agreement, that in the event of New Zealand being able to contract for a service between San Francisco, Auckland, and Sydney, Now South Wales and Queensland shall contribute to the cost in the proportion of three-fifths by New Zealand, and two-fifths by New South Wales and Queensland, provided that the cost to New South Wales and Queensland shall not exceed £10,000 per annum. 4. From this it will be seen that the liability in these proposed arrangements was the liability of New South Wales and Queensland equally, and not of New South Wales on behalf of Queensland, to whose Government she should be supposed to look for her share of the expenditure. 5. With this brief preliminary explanation, I have now the honor to say, in reference to my letter intimating to you the course taken by the Queensland Government in their withdrawal from the arrangements provisionally concurred in by them, that I have, notwithstanding such expressed determination on their part, reopened correspondence, in the hope of inducing them to abide by arrangements provisionally entered into by them, approved of in the main by the Cabinet, and to be left to the approval or disapproval of their Legislature ; and it is not without a hope that such communications may lead to a favourable issue. 6. The Government of Mr. Lilley has, as you are doubtless aware, after being in considerable difficulty for a length of time, succumbed; but I will take an early opportunity of renewing negotiations with the present Ministry, and I trust that the expressed determination of withdrawal may not be ultimately persevered in. 7. In the meantime the papers will be laid before our Parliament; but as it is about proroguing, nothing further is likely to take place in the matter, until after its reassembling early in August next. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary of New Zealand. Chaeles Cowpee.

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No. 17. The Hon. J. Togel to the Hon. the Postmaster-General, Sydney. Sir,— General Post Office. Wellington, 2nd August, 1870. Being in expectation of a further communication. I have delayed acknowledging the letter from the Hon. Mr. Cowper, addressed to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington, of sth May last, on the subject of the mail service via California. In reply to that letter, I have the honor again to point out that it was understood that the provisional agreement applicable to the supposition that the three Colonies would establish the two services, should not stand in the way of assistance being rendered to the service via California already established. The provisional agreement has, it appears, quite fallen through, but the Californian Service has continued, and New South Wales has taken advantage of it, Sydney being the terminus. I regret to learn that your Government hesitates to make so small a contribution to so important a.n undertaking, and am of opinion that until they sufficiently appreciate the value of the service to be willing to make that contribution, your Department should abstain from using it. I hope, on consideration, your Government will recognize that it is in no unfriendly spirit that this Government is constrained to come to the conclusion that it cannot agree to convey mails or correspondence by this route to or from non-contributing Colonies on such arrangement as is proposed in the enclosure to your letter of the 26th April last. I have, Ac, The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Sydney. Julius Vogel.

No. 18. Mr. H. L. Hurst to Mr. G. Eliott Eliott. (No. 476-70.) Sir,— General Post Office, Adelaide, 17th May, 1870. I am directed by the Postmaster-General to request that you would kindly furnish him with a copy of the time-table for the Pacific Mail Steamers, and also of the conditions under which correspondence from this Colony can be forwarded by them. I have, &c, The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, N.Z. H. L. Huest.

No. 19. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Secretary, General Post Office, South Australia. Sir, — General Post Office, Wellington, 3rd June, 1870. I am directed to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 17th ultimo (No. 467-70), requesting that you be furnished with a copy of the time-table for the Pacific Mail Steamers, and also of the conditions under which correspondence from South Australia can be forwarded by these steamers. In reply, I beg to refer you to a letter from the Hon. Mr. Gisborne to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, South Australia, of date 28th February last (No. 52), as to the terms on which South Australian correspondence can be forwarded by the San Francisco route. As regards the time-table of the steamers referred to, they leave Sydney on the last day of each month, and Auckland on the 7th of the following month ; and, in return, they leave San Francisco on the 10th of each month, as stated in the copy of the contract which accompanied the letter from the Hon. Mr. Gisborne above alluded to. I have, &c, G. Eliott Eliott, The Secretary, General Post Office, Adelaide, S.A. Secretary.

No. 20. Mr. J. Tilley to the Hon. J. Vogel. (No. 38,434) General Post Office, Sir,— London, 19th May, 1870. The Postmaster-General has received, through. Her Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonies, your letter of the Bth of February last, and also your further letter of the 19th of the same month addressed to this office direct, on the subject of the contract which has been entered into by the New Zealand Government for a monthly mail service between Sydney, Auckland, and San Francisco. In reply, I am directed by His Lordship to acquaint you, that arrangements have been made, in compliance with your request, for the transmission by the new route of all correspondence for New Zealand not addressed to be sent by any other route, as well aft of correspondence for the Australian Colonies generally, if specially addressed to be so sent. The rates of postage to be charged will, for the present, be the same as on correspondence sent via Southampton and Suez. With reference to the hop© which you express that, considering the importance of this mail service, the Imperial Government will grant to it the same allowance and privileges in postage which they granted to the former service between Panama and New Zealand, the Marquis of Hartington desires me to state that, when the mail service via Panama was established, Her Majesty's Government consented to forego all claim to a share of the sea postage, although the conveyance of the New Zealand mails between Southampton and Colon was effected by means of steam vessels subsidized by



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the Government. In that case, however, the subsidy paid was a fixed annual sum, and no additional payment had to be made in consequence of the New Zealand mails being so forwarded. But the transmission of these mails by way of the United States will take place under very different circumstances. One of the lines of packets by which a large portion of the correspondence is weekly forwarded to the United States is provided under a contract, according to which a payment is made for every ounce of letters and every pound of printed papers carried; and, in addition to this, transit rates must be paid to the United States Post Office for the territorial conveyance through the United States of the whole of the letters and printed papers contained in mails/or New Zealand sent by that route. As respects the mails in the opposite direction, they are all carried by mail packets maintained at the expense of the United States Post Office, and credit must be given by this office to the United States Post Office, not only for the territorial transit postage, but also for the sea postage from New York to this country. The rates now levied in the United Kingdom on correspondence addressed to New Zealand via Southampton and Suez, and which you propose should be charged by the new route, will not, as respects newspapers, books and patterns, be sufficiently high to provide for their conveyance to New York and their transit through the United States ; but looking at the strong objections expressed by the Governments of New Zealand and the Australian Colonies some years ago, when it was proposed to increase the charge on printed papers sent from the United Kingdom, the Postmaster-General has thought it inexpedient to make any addition at the present time ; but I am to point out that, if these low rates are to be maintained, it must be on the distinct understanding that the Government of New Zealand will repay this office for any outlay it incurs in the transmission of the mails. The whole postage, however, collected here on the correspondence despatched must be retained. The rate of 6d. per half-ounce on letters will provide for their conveyance as far as San Francisco, and for the conveyance from San Francisco to England of the letters sent in the opposite direction, on which nothing will be collected here. The rates on newspapers, books, and patterns will simply provide for their conveyance as far as New York. The United States transit rate of 3d. per pound must therefore be accounted for by New Zealand to this country, by which the payment will be made to the American Post Office. On newspapers, books, and patterns sent from New Zealand to the United Kingdom, no postage will be collected on delivery in this country ; and as this office will have to pay to the United States Post Office 3d. per pound for territorial transit, and 3d. per pound for sea conveyance by its mail packets from New York to this country, those amounts must further be repaid by New Zealand. The Postmaster-General has embodied these views in a letter which he has just addressed to the Lords of the Treasury. It is observed that the contract entered into does not provide for a service beyond Sydney, in the first instance ; but that power is taken to extend the service to Melbourne, provided satisfactory arrangements can be made with the Government of Victoria, and, on this point, the Postmaster-General desires me to request that you will be good enough to keep this office duly informed of any arrangements which may be made in this respect. In a separate letter to you of this date, I have explained in detail the arrangements which have been adopted for the making up and despatch of mails by the new route ; but there is one other point to which I may refer in the present letter, viz., the power vested in you by the contract to delay the departure of the packet from any port for twelve hours only. It appears to the Marquis of Hartington that this is a very short time as respects the departure from San Francisco, considering the long distance which the mails from the United Kingdom have to be conveyed, and the risks of delay to which they are unavoidably exposed. I have, &c, The Postmaster-General, Auckland. John Tilley.

No. 21. Memorandum by Mr. Gray, Inspector of Post Offices, attached to the foregoing Letter. If I understand this letter rightly, the London Office will defray from their postages the expense incurred for conveying the letter portion of their mails as far as San Francisco, which is at the rate of 3d. per half-ounce, and will also apply the remaining 3d. to defraying the cost for conveying the letter portion of our mails from San Francisco to England. They will also defray the cost for conveying the newspaper and book portions of their mails as far as New York; but the cost of their further conveyance thence to San Francisco, at the rate of 3d. per pound, will be a charge against this Department, as also the cost of conveying the newspaper and book portions of our mails between San Francisco and England, at the rate of 6d. per pound. If this view be correct, the account for transit conveyance of the outward mail of the 2nd April last, and of the inward one received on the 15th instant, will be nearly ais follows : —•


Description. Weight. Cost of Conveyance chargeable against New Zealand. Estimated Receipt in Postage. Letters Newspapers Books and Patterns lbs. oz. 539 2 1,862 5 8G 2 £ s. d. 59 11 0 46 11 2 2 3 0 £ a. d. 575 1 6 56 10 8 6 9 0 Totals 2,487 9 £108 5 2 £638 1 2



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Making the total charge against this Department for conveying these two mails £257 14s. 4d., the principal items being for the newspaper and book portions of the inward mail, on which no postage is received here. I would also suggest that the period fixed in the contract for detention of the steamer at any port free of cost, should, as regards San Francisco, be extended to forty-eight hours, as it may happen, especially in the winter season, from bad weather, accidents, &c, that steamers bringing supplementary mails may not be able to reach New York within the time calculated upon by the London Office, and such mails may, at the fixed date for the departure of the steamer from San Francisco, be within twenty-four or forty-eight hours of that port. To avoid the present delay which occurs at Honolulu, I would further submit, that the steamer should depart from Auckland on the 3rd or 4th at latest, to enable her to reach Honolulu by the 20th, the day on which the steamer from San Francisco generally arrives. 22nd July, 1870. ™ = _ ==ra ,___ rararara _ W- Geat-

No. 22. Mr. J. Tilley to the Hon. J. Vo&BL. Sib,— General Post Office, London, 19th May, 1870. With reference to my letter of this day's date, on the subject of the new mail service between the United Kingdom and New Zealand via the United States, I beg to inform you that, in accordance with the arrangements in force with respect to correspondence addressed to the United States, the mails for New Zealand will be made up in this country at three offices, viz., London, Liverpool, and Dublin; and that, in order to insure the due arrival of them at San Francisco, the bulk of the bags will be despatched at least twenty days in advance of the day fixed for the departure of the packet from that port; such despatch being followed by supplementary mails despatched by two subsequent steamers to Now York. I enclose, for your information, some copies of the notice which has been issued to the public in this country, showing the dates fixed for the despatch of the mails in each month during the present year. The mails from this country will be enclosed in separate bags, marked " Letters," " Books," or " Newspapers," as the case may be ; but when the correspondence of either class is not sufficient to fill a bag, the books or newspapers, or both, will be placed in the letter bag. It would be convenient to this Department if you would cause the mails from New Zealand for the United Kingdom to be made up in two portions, one labelled " Mail for England," to contain the letters—but the letters only —for all parts of the United Kingdom except London, and the other labelled " Mail for London," to contain all newspapers, books, and patterns without distinction, and the letters for London and countries in transit through England ; the bags being marked " Letters," "Books," "Newspapers," respectively, as in the case of the mails from this country. The table of rates now in use for accounting to this Department upon letters sent from New Zealand in transit through the United Kingdom for foreign countries and colonies, by the route of Suez and Southampton, will be equally applicable to correspondence forwarded via San Francisco; but, for the reasons explained in my letter above referred to, with respect to the appropriation of the postage, the form of letter bill which was formerly used for the mails via Panama will not be applicable to the new route. I enclose a specimen of the letter bill prepared for the use of this office, and also a form of letter bill which should be used by the New Zealand Office for mails to this country. When the mails were sent via Panama, as a rule, and correspondence for the Australian Colonies was forwarded by the same route when bearing a special address, it was the practice to send the bags for Sydney separately, and to enclose those for the other Colonies in the mail for New Zealand; and this course will again be followed. It was also the practice, in accordance with a request from your office, to forward to Wellington a duplicate of each of the letter bills sent to the other Colonies ; but, as the mode of accounting under the new arrangement will differ from that under the old, such a course appears to be no longer necessary, and the particulars of the number of bags for the several Colonies, and net weight of their contents, will therefore be entered, instead, on the back of the letter bill for New Zealand. I have, &c, The Postmaster-General, Auckland. Joiin Tilley.

Enclosure in No. 22. (No. 18, J870.) Mails for New Zealand via San Peancisco. The Government of New Zealand have entered into a contract with the " Californian, New Zealand, and Australian Mail Line of Steam Packets," for the conveyance of mails once a month each way between San Francisco, Auckland, and Sydney. 6

Description. Weight. Cost of Conveyance chargeable against Zealand. Eeceipts. lbs. oz. 390 4 10,521 5 1,435 4 £ b. d. £ s. d. Letters Newspapers ... Books and Patterns 131 10 4 17 18 10 Totals ... 12,346 13 £149 9 2

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These vessels are appointed to sail from San Francisco, on the outward voyage, on the 10th of each month, and mails will accordingly be made up in this country, for transmission by the new line of packets, on such dates as will, in all probability, insure their reaching San Francisco previous to the appointed date of sailing. The following table showa the dates on which the mails for New Zealand will be made up during the present year. Three despatches will be made in each month ; but although it may reasonably be expected that mails sent by the latest despatch will reach San Francisco before the departure of the packet, the public are recommended to post their correspondence in time to be forwarded by one of the previous despatches : —■

N.B. —On those occasions when the mails are despatched via Queenstown, mails will be made up at Liverpool on the same day as in London, and at Dublin on the following day. The following are the rates of postage which will be chargeable upon the correspondence so forwarded, and these rates must be pre-paid: — Letters. —Sixpence per half-ounce. Newspapers, book packets, and patterns : —

All correspondence for New Zealand will, as a rule, be henceforth forwarded via San Francisco,in the absence of any special indication to the contrary ; but letters, &c, for the Australian Colonies generally, will continue to be forwarded via Suez, unless specially addressed to be forwarded via San Francisco, and in such case they will be liable to the same rates of postage as correspondence for New Zealand. By command of the Postmaster-General. General Post Office, 9th May, 1870.

No. 23. Memorandum by the Inspector of Post Offices, New Zealand, attached to the foregoing Letter. The mail just arrived from London via San Francisco was received in the manner here described. Our Mail Agents should be instructed to sort the mails from New Zealand for the United Kingdom, as requested by the London Office ; for which purpose, new forms of letter bills, acknowledgments, and labels will be necessary. As none of the Australian Colonies seem disposed to contribute to the maintenance of this service, I would beg to suggest, that they be informed that this Department will refuse to convey mails either to or from them by this service, for or from places other than New Zealand, so long as they decline contributing towards the line. I would suggest, also, that the Post Offices of London, Washington, Canada, Vancouver Island, Panama, and Honolulu be instructed to forward all correspondence from them, and offices under their control, for the Australian Colonies, by way of Suez, whether specially directed via San Francisco or not. Should this be approved of, I would further suggest that the Mail Agent be instructed to cause all mails on board the mail steamer, on her arrival at Auckland from Sydney, to be landed and sent to the Post Office at Auckland, and those for places other than New Zealand to be returned to Sydney by first opportunity. W. Geay.

Month. itea of Despatch from Londi m. Port of Embarkation. May ... June ... July ... August Tuesday, 17th C Thursday, 16th f Tuesday, 19th (Morning) Tuesday, 16th f Saturday, 17th Tuesday, i8th Tuesday, 15th Saturday, 17th Thursday, 19th Saturday, 18th Tuesday, 19th (Evening) Thursday, 18th Saturday 21st Tuesday, 21st (Morning) Thursday, 21st Saturday, 20th Tuesday, 20th (Evening) Queenstown. Queenstown. Southampton. Southampton. Queenstown. Queenstown. Queenstown. Southampton. Queenstown. Queenstown. Queenstown. September October November December Tuesday, 20th (Morning) Thursday, 20th Thursday, 17th Tuesday, 20th Saturday, 22nd Saturday, 19th Thursday, 22nd ...

For each Ne Kegistered at t; Office for trans wspaper duly he General Post imission abroad. For Book Packet or Pac' :et of Patterns or Samples. Not exceeding 4 oz. For every additional 4 oz. Not exceeding 1 oz. in weight. Above 1 oz. and not exceeding 2 oz. Above 2 oz. and not exceeding 4 oz. For every additional 4 oz. Id. Id. Id. 2d. 4d. 4d.



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Xo. 24. The Hon. J. A. Cresweix, Postmaster-General. "Washington, to the Hon. J. Vogel. (No. 22.237.) Post Office Department, Sib,— 'Washington, D.C., May 28, 1870. In compliance with a request made by Mr. William Gray, Her Majesty's Inspector of Post Offices in the Colony of New Zealand, during his recent visit to this Department, I have the honor to enclose herewith for your consideration an informal draft of Articles for a Postal Convention, establishing and regulating a direct exchange of correspondence between the two countries by means of the line of Colonial Mail Packets recently placed upon the route from Auckland to San Francisco, via Honolulu. This draft embraces substantially the basis of an arrangement, as suggested in my interview with Mr. Gray, viz.: an international letter rate of sixpence (12 cents), of which prepayment of at least one single rate shall be compulsory ; each country to levy and collect its domestic rates of postage on newspapers and other printed matter, whether sent or received ; and no postage accounts to be kept between the two Departments, except in the correspondence which the Colony of New Zealand shall send in closed mails via the United States to other countries. The rates of United States territorial and sea transit charges on any closed mails which your Department may wish to forward to other countries by way of the United States, as proposed in this draft, are fixed at a low standard as compared with the postage rates charged in the United States upon correspondence addressed to these countries, my desire being to extend to your Department as cheap facilities as possible for the transmission of this class of correspondence by way of the United States. I have to request that you will examine and consider the details of the arrangement proposed and the accompanying draft of Articles, and advise me of any suggestions you have to offer on the subject. If the draft of Articles proposed meets with your approval, you will please cause the Articles to be prepared for formal execution in duplicate, and, after signing the same on behalf of your Government, transmit them to me by return steamer for execution on behalf of this Department. I am, &c, The Postmaster-General, Wellington, Jno. A. J. Creswell, New Zealand. Postmaster-General.

Enclosure in No. 24. Postal Contention between the United States of America and the Colonial Government of New Zealand. The undersigned, being thereunto duly authorized by their respective Governments, have agreed upon the following articles,- establishing and regulating the exchange of correspondence between the United States of America and the Colony of New Zealand. Article I. There shall be an exchange of correspondence between the United States of America and New Zealand, by means of the direct line of Colonial Mail Packets plying between San Prancisco and New Zealand, as well as by such other means of direct mail steamship transportation between the United States and New Zealand as shall hereafter be established, with the approval of the respective Post Departments of the two countries, comprising letters, newspapers, and printed matter of every kind, originating in either country and addressed to and deliverable in the other country ; as well as correspondence, in closed mails, originating in New Zealand and destined for foreign countries by way of the United States. Article 11. The Post Offices of New York, Boston, and San Prancisco, shall be the United States Offices of Exchange, and the Marine Post Office the Office of Exchange of the Colony of New Zealand, for all mails transmitted under this arrangement. Article 111. No accounts shall be kept between the Post Departments of the two countries upon the international correspondence, written or printed, exchanged between them, but each country shall retain to its own use the postages which it collects. The single rate of international letter postage shall be twelve cents in the United States, and six pence in New Zealand, on each letter weighing half an ounce or less, and an additional rate of twelve cents (six pence) for each additional weight of half an ounce or fraction thereof, which shall in all cases be prepaid, at least one single rate, by means of postage stamps, at the office of mailing in either country. Letters unpaid, or prepaid less than one full rate of postage, shall not be forwarded; but insufficiently paid letters, on which a single rate or more has been prepaid, shall be forwarded, charged with the deficient postage, to be collected and retained by the Post Department of the country of destination. Letters fully prepaid, received in either country from the other, shall be delivered free of all charge whatsoever. The United States Post Office shall levy and collect, to its own use, on newspapers addressed to or received from New Zealand, a postage charge of two cents; and on all other articles of printed matter addressed to or received from New Zealand, a postage charge of four cents per each weight of four ounces or fraction of four ounces. The Post Office of New Zealand shall levy and collect, to its own use, on newspapers and other articles of printed matter, addressed to or received from the United States, the regular rates of domestic postage chargeable thereon by the laws and regulations of the Colony of New Zealand.

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Newspapers, and all other kinds of printed matter, are to be subject to the laws and regulations of each country, respectively, in regard to their liability to be rated with letter postage, when containing written matter, or for any other cause specified in said laws and regulations, as well as in regard to their liability to Customs duty, under the revenue laws. Article IV. The United States Office engages to grant the transit through the United States, as well as the conveyance by United States Mail Packets, of the correspondence in closed mails which the New Zealand Post Office may desire to transmit via the United States to British Columbia, the British North American Provinces, the West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America, and at the following rates of United States transit postage, viz.: — For the United States territorial transit of closed letter mails from New Zealand, for Mexico, British Columbia, Canada, or other British North American Provinces, when transmitted entirely by land routes, six cents per ounce for letter mails, and sixteen cents per pound for all kinds of printed matter. For the United States territorial and sea transit of closed mails from New Zealand for British Columbia, or other British North American Provinces, Mexico, Central and South America, or the West India Islands, when transmitted from the United States by sea, twenty-five cents per ounce for letter mails, and twenty cents per pound for all kinds of printed matter. The New Zealand Post Office shall render an account to the United States Post Office, upon Letter Bills to accompany each mail, of the weight of the letters, and also of the printed matter, contained in such closed mails, forwarded to the United States for transmission to either of the above named countries and colonies ; and the accounts arising between the two offices on this class of correspondence shall be stated, adjusted, and settled quarterly, and the amounts of United States transit charges found due on such closed mails shall be promptly paid over by the New Zealand Post Office to the United States Post Office, in such manner as the Postmaster-General of the United States shall prescribe. Article V. Pre-paid letters from foreign countries, received in and forwarded from the United States to New Zealand, shall be delivered in said Colony free of all charges whatsoever ; and letters received in New Zealand from the United States, addressed to New South Wales or Australia, will be forwarded to destination, subject to the same conditions as are applicable to correspondence originating in New Zealand and addressed to those countries. Article VI. In the event of any of the Australian Colonies not agreeing with New Zealand to contribute to the maintenance of any line of mail packets plying between New Zealand and the United States of America, and subsidized by New Zealand, the New Zealand Post Office may require the United States Post Office not to forward by such subsidized packets any mails, letters, newspapers, or other articles addressed to such Colony ; and the New Zealand Post Office may refuse to transmit to their destination all mails, letters, newspapers, or other printed matter, addressed to such Colony and received in New Zealand from the United States by such subsidized packets ; and may refuse to forward to their destination by such subsidized packets all mails, letters, newspapers, or other printed matter, received in New Zealand from such Colony, and addressed to the United States of America or elsewhere. Article VII. The two Post Departments may, by mutual agreement, provide for the transmission of registered articles in the mails exchanged between the two countries. The register fee for each article shall be ten cents in the United States, and sixpence in New Zealand. Article VIII. The two Post Departments shall settle by agreement between them all measures of detail and arrangement required to carry this convention into execution, and may modify the same in like manner from time to time, as the exigencies of the service may require. Article IX. Every fully pre-paid letter despatched from one country to the other, shall be plainly stamped with the words " Paid all," in red ink, on the right-hand upper corner of the address, in addition to the date stamp of the office at which it was posted; and on insufficiently paid letters, the amount of the deficient postage shall be inscribed in black ink. Article X. Dead-letters, which cannot be delivered, from whatever cause, shall be mutually returned, without charge, monthly, or as frequently as the regulations of the respective offices will permit. Article XI. This convention shall come into operation on the day of , 1870, and shall be terminable at any time on a notice by either office of six months. Done in duplicate, and signed in Washington the day of , one thousand eight hundred and seventy, and in Wellington, New Zealand, on the day of in the same year. Postmaster-General of the United States. Postmaster-General of New Zealand.



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No. 25. The Hon. J. Vogel to the Hon. J. A. Crkswell. Postmaster-General, Washington. Sir,— General Post Office, Wellington, 3rd August, IS7O. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 2Sth May, No. 22.257, enclosing an informal draft of Articles for a Postal Convention, establishing and regulating a direct exchange of correspondence between the United States and New Zealand, by means of the line of Colonial Mail Packets recently placed upon the route from Auckland to San Francisco via Honolulu. As requested by you, I have caused the Articles to be prepared for formal execution, and forward them herewith for your signature on behalf of your Government. The Articles are precisely the same as those in the draft you were good enough to forward for my consideration, with the exception of clause 6, which has been inserted, for the purpose of enabling this Department to refuse to convey mails by the line of packets referred to, from or to any Australian Colony which may refuse to contribute to the maintenance of the lino. Should the Articles as amended meet with your approval, I will feel obliged if you will cause one of the copies, duly signed, to be returned to mo at your earliest convenience. I would also suggest the establishment of a Money Order system between the United States and this Colony, and will be glad to have your views on the subject. lam aware that the fluctuation of your currency might be regarded as an obstacle, but this may be obviated by establishing the fixed value of your gold dollar for this purpose at four shillings and twopence sterling. The Hon. the Postmaster-General, J. Vogel. Washington.

No. 26. The Postmaster-General, Queensland, to the Hon. J. Vogel. Sic, — Queensland, 23rd June, 1870. I have the honor to inform you that I have directed mails to be made up for the United Kingdom, the United States of America, &c, for transmission via New Zealand and San Francisco, and have caused the same to be sent under cover addressed to you; and, in taking this action, have the honor to request you will be good enough to inform me what charge will be made by the New Zealand Government to non-contracting Colonies for the transit of their correspondence by the above route. Requesting the favour of your kind assistance in facilitating the due transmission of the mail now under reference, and of an early reply to this communication, I have, &c, Thos. L. Mueeay Peice, The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington, N.Z. Postmaster-General.

No. 27. The Hon. J. Vogel to the Postmastee-Genekal, Queensland. Sir,— General Post; Office, Wellington, 29th July, 1870. I have the honor to acknowledge your letter of date and number as per margin in which you inform me that you have directed mails from your Department to be made up for the United Kingdom, the United States of America, &c, for transmission by way of New Zealand and San Francisco, and desire to bo informed what charge will be made by the New Zealand Government to non-contracting Colonies for the transit of their correspondence by that route. In reply, I have to inform you that this Government invited that of New South Wales to cooperate in subsidizing the steamers employed in this service, and and asked a contribution of £10,000 a year, which sum was to include the contribution from your Government. The Government of New South Wales have not accepted the proposal. Should your Government desire to make a separate arrangement for the Colony of Queensland, I will, on your informing me to that effect, consult the Contractor, to whom belong all moneys received on account of carriage of mails. I have, &c, The Postmaster-General, Queensland. J. Vogel.

No. 28. Mr. F. IT. Tkouton to the Hon. the Colonial Teeasceeb. Sic, — S.S. " Claud Hamilton," Wellington, I7tli June, 1870. Since our last interview on the postal arrangement of your Colony I have given the subject much consideration, and am anxious to state, before leaving here to-night, my opinion relative to the Ocean Mail Steamer continuing her voyage from Honolulu down your East Coast as far as Otago. I do not pei'ceive any grave objection to such course, provided your Government secure to my Company the speedy means of refitting their vessels at that port, or lease to them the Government Docks there, on favourable terms, and on such conditions as will prove convenient to the public requirements and to the despatch of the vessels of my Company. The necessary engineering plant to be provided by your Government or my Company as may be hereafter arranged. Till such requirements be provided, the mail to Otago to be carried by a branch mail steamer from Auckland. Should you favourably entertain these suggestions, I will lay the matter before my Board of Directors on the earliest moment after your intimating the same to me. I have, &c, Feed. H. Tboutom", The Hon. Julius Yogel, Colonial Treasurer. Manager A.S.N. Co. 7

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No. 29. The Hon. J. McCclloch, Chief Secretary, Melbourne, to the Hon. W. GrlßßOsmK, Wellington. Victoria. Chief Secretary's Office, Sic, — Melbourne, 29th June. 1870. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 20th ultimo, in which you advert to a communication by the Hon. Mr. Vogel, dated the 11th January, on the subject of the recently established mail line between Sydney and San Francisco, via Auckland and Honoltilu, and request to be informed whether the Government of this Colony is prepared to contribute six thousand pounds annually towards the support of the service in question. In reply, I beg to inform you that this Government having attentively considered the subject, has arrived at the conclusion that it must decline to pay a subsidy for a second monthly mail communication. The route via Gralle and Suez is far more advantageous to this Colony than the service by New Zealand and California, and therefore the offer of participation in the contract on the terms proposed cannot be entertained. At the same time it should be stated that, pending this decision being arrived at, mails from this Colony have been placed on board the steamers leaving Sydney under contract with the New Zealand G-overnment for Honolulu, on the assumption that this would be sanctioned by some such arrangement as that under which the Victorian mails were conveyed by the Panama Mail Steamers from Sydney, New South Wales, and Wellington, New Zealand ; and I should be glad to be favoured with the views of your Government on this subject at your earliest convenience. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. James McCtjllocii.

No. 30. The Hon. J. Vogel to the Hon. the Postmastee-Gisneeal, Melbourne. Sir, — General Post Office, Wellington, Ist August, 1870. With reference to the letter from the Chief Secretary, of the 29th June last, No. 1,575, addressed to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington, in which he states that the mail route via G-alle and Suez being far more advantageous to the Colony of Victoria than the service by New Zealand and California, the proposal made by mo in a letter dated the 11th January last cannot be entertained; also that, pending this decision being arrived at, mails from your Colony have been placed on board the steamers leaving Sydney under contract with the New Zealand G-overnment for Honolulu, on the assumption that such would bo sanctioned under some such arrangement as that under which your mails were conveyed by the Panama Mail Steamers from Wellington: I have the honor to inform you that I am of opinion that, until your Government are sufficiently impressed with the value of the service via San Francisco to be willing to make the small contribution of £0,000 per annum asked, your Department should abstain from using it. I hope, on consideration, your Government will recognize that it is in no unfriendly spirit that this Government is constrained to come to the conclusion that it cannot agree to convey mails or correspondence by this route to or from non-contributing Colonies on such arrangement as the Chief Secretary jjroposes. As to the use your Department have already made of the service, your Government can make such payment therefor as they think fit, —the money will go to the contractor. The impression haa prevailed that the Victorian Government were willing to pay towards the service at the rate of £6,000 per annum. If they consider any claim attaches to them, they may pay at that rate for the use they have already made of the service. I have, &c, The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Melbourne. JUXITTS Vogel.

No. 31. Mr. 11. 11. Hall, Sydney, to the Hon. J. Vogel. United States Consulate, Grafton Wharf, Deae Sic,— Sydney, 30th June, 1870. I had the honor of addressing you on the 20th instant, as per duplicate enclosed. I also enclose copy of a letter addressed to you on the 22nd instant, and which was handed to the Oriental Bank along with a draft I had to draw on my agents in Auckland. No doubt the draft will be dulyhonoured and said letter will then be cancelled. I find that my expenses with these large steamers, for rent, coals and wages, &c, amount to £0,000 per month, and I shall esteem it a favour if you will be good enough to instruct the Manager of the Bank of New Zealand, Auckland, to place to my credit with the Oriental Bank, in addition to the £250, the further sum of £750 per month, making in all, with the credit to the Australian Steam Navigation Company, £2,000 per month, in the event of the subsidies not being granted in the meantime from Melbourne and New South "Wales. At the end of six months you will then have paid me on account of postages from the Colonies not subsidizing, and passage money for the Mail Agents, the sum of £750, as follows : — The Oriental Bank has paid me and the Australian Steam Navigation Company the sum of ... ... £4,250 0 0 To pay in three months £2,000 per month ... ... 6,000 0 0 £10,250 0 0 Amount of subsidy for six months ... £7,500 0 0 Ditto of your letter of guarantee ... 2,000 0 0 9,500 0 0 Say seven hundred and fifty pounds ... £750 0 0


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Amount received towards the postages from non-subsidizing Colonies, and passage money for Mail Agents for six months. I hand you herewith copy of my Contract with the North Pacific Transportation Company, which I forward for your approval, and shall be glad to have confirmation of the same at your earliest convenience. I intend, on the departure of the " City of Melbourne," to visit Melbourne and the other Colonies, for the purpose of stirring up mv agents and putting them in the way of prosecuting more vigorously my agency, and shall report to you on my return. I may state to you that I have been credibly informed by several influential merchants here, that the subsidy from New South Wales of £10,000 will be granted. I have no doubt you will agree with me that on the whole the line promises very favourably, and I have every reason to believe that I shall in the course of a very short time be able to report that I can dispense with asking you for any further assistance in this undertaking. I have, &o. The Hon. J. Vogel, Postmaster-General, H. H. Hall, U.S.C. Auckland.

Enclosure in No. 31. This Agreement, made this ninth day of May, a.d. one thousand eight hundred and seventy, between the' North Pacific Transportation Company, of San Francisco, and H. 11. Hall, Esquire, of Sydney, is as follows :— The North Pacific Transportation Company will connect with one of their steamers, with the steamers of the said Hall (carrying the Australian mails) at Honolulu, and agree to transport the Australian Mails between Honolulu and San Francisco for the ordinary express charges for freight; also to charge the rates of passage fixed by the said Hall between the Australian ports and San Francisco; the North Pacific Transportation Company reserving for their portion of the fare to Honolulu— Sixty dollars for First Cabin, Forty-five dollars for Second Cabin, Thirty dollars for Steerage. The North Pacific Transportation Company will endeavour to make close connection with Hall's steamers at Honolulu, and with only such detention as will enable them to make their transfers of freight and passengers. This agreement to continue until it can be ascertained what the United States Government may do for the North Pacific Transportation Company in the way of mail subsidy, during the present Congress. In the event that the North Pacific Transportation Company shall obtain a mail subsidy from the United States Government, the North Pacific Transportation Company shall have the privilege of putting their mail subsidy at a pro rata rate of its value with the mail subsidy of the said Hall, and the expenses of new ships, charters, and all disbursements to be borne by each party, and the profits or losses to be divided with each party in pro rata rate to the value of the subsidy. In case the North Pacific Transportation Company should not get any subsidy from the United States Government, the said Hall agrees to enter into a contract with the said Company to connect at Honolulu with their steamers, on the same terms as now agreed upon; and the said Company shall have the privilege, at any time within six months after the adjournment of Congress, of participating to the extent of one half in all business between Australia and Honolulu, and between Honolulu and San Francisco; the receipts of mails, freights, and passengers of the entire route to be a common concern, each party to be entitled to one half of profits, and to pay one half of losses. In witness whereof the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. Noeth Pacific Tbanspoktation Company, In the presence of — by Holliday and Beenham, Agents. Thomas Darby. H. H. Hall.

No. 32. The Hon. J. Vogel to Mr. 11. H. Hall. Sib,— General Post Office, Wellington, 29th July, 1870. I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 30th ultimo, enclosing copy of a letter dated the 20th of the same month ; also copy of an agreement entered into by you with Messrs. Holliday and Brenham, of San Francisco. In reply, I have to inform you that I cannot approve of that agreement, inasmuch as it contains no provision as to the description or class of steamers to he employed in the service; and that, by entering into such agreement without my previous sanction, you have clearly infringed the terms of the contract. With reference to your application for the payment of £2,000 a month, I would point out to you that such payment would result in over-payment, for you are not entitled to the sum of £7,500 at the end of six months, but on the completion of six voyages. I would further direct your attention to the fact that I may elect to claim penalties for failure to perform the service in accordance with time table in. contract. With respect to passage money for Mail Agents, you can be paid regularly on each passage being taken. As you have completed three voyages, I will pay you another £500 on account of the guarantee, being, with £500 already received, half of the total guarantee. I have, &c, H. H. Hall, Esq., Sydney. Juinrs Vogel.

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Xo. 33. Mr. H. L. Hcrst to Mr. G. Elioii Elioit. (Xo. G75.) Sir,— General Post Office, Adelaide. 12th July, IS7O. Referring to my letter of the 17th May, requesting that you would state under what conditions correspondence from this Colony could be forwarded by the Pacific Mail Packets, and your reply thereto of the 3rd June, I am now directed by the Postmaster-General to request that you would kindly inform him as to whether there would be any objection on the part of your Department to letters intended for the packets in question, being forwarded to you for despatch, provided this office accounted to yours for the postage which would be charged on such letters in New Zealand. I have, &c, The Secretary, General Post Office, New Zealand. H. L. Htthst.

No. 34 Mr. G. Eliott Eliott to the Secretary, General Post Office, South Australia. Sir, — General Post Office, Wellington, Ist August, 1870. I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 12th instant, No. 675, requesting to be informed whether there would be any objection on the part of this Department to letters intended for the Pacific Mail Service being forwarded to New Zealand for despatch, providing your office accounted to this for a similar rate of postage to that charged by this Department on letters posted in this Colony. In reply, I would again refer you to the letter from the Hon. Mr. Gisborne to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, South Australia, on the 28th February last, in which your Government is offered full participation in the advantages of this service for the small annual subsidy of £1,500. I am also directed to inform you, that, as it would be manifestly unfair to the inhabitants of this Colony, to forward by this servicD correspondence to and from non-contracting Colonies on the terms you suggest, this Department cannot accept your proposition. The Postmaster-General is also of opinion, that until your Government are sufficiently impressed with the value of the service to be willing to make the small contribution asked, your Department should abstain from using it. With respect to the use you have already made of the service, your Department can make such payment as it may think fit. I have, &c., G. Eliott Eliott, Secretary, General Post Office, South Australia. Secretary.

No. 35. The Inspectoe of Post Offices, New Zealand, to the Hon. the Posthastes-General. Sir,— General Post Office, Wellington, 26th July, 1870. In continuation of my communication to you from San Francisco, of sth May last, I have the honor to inform you that I left that city with the mails on the following day at 6 a.m., and arrived at New York on the morning of the 13th. The mails for London were forwarded next day by the steamer " City of Brussels." While in New York I made inquiries for books and periodicals treating on subjects likely to bo of interest to this Colony, such as railways, mines, telegraphs, agriculture, geological surveys, &c. ; and, besides purchasing works on these subjects, I subscribed, on behalf of the Government, to several periodicals bearing especially on these interests in the United States, with instructions for them to be forwarded regularly to the Library of the General Assembly, at Wellington. After staying four days in New York I proceeded to Washington, where I had the honor of delivering the Despatch for the Secretary of State of which I was the bearer. I had several interviews with the Hon. the Postmaster-General and the Secretary to the General Post Office, respecting the territorial and ocean transit of mails between New Zealand and the United Kingdom, as also of mails to and from British Colonies and Foreign Countries the correspondence of which, when forwarded by this route, need not necessarily pass through the United Kingdom, the result of which is that mails from this Colony for England via San Francisco, and vice versa, will be conveyed through the United States territory in terms of a convention between the latter country and the United Kingdom, particulars of which are stated in a letter subsequently received from the London Office. Respecting correspondence between New Zealand and the United States, and British Colonies and Foreign Countries, as already referred to, the United States Department agreed to submit a draft convention for your consideration, fixing the transit rates to be accounted for by this Department to the United States Office, on correspondence from this Colony for these British Colonies and Foreign Countries. I also informed the Hon. the Postmaster-General that the New Zealand Government were desirous of having a Post Office Money Order system established between the two Departments, on the basis of that established between the New Zealand and the London Departments, but he regarded the fluctuating currency of the United States as an obstacle to such a scheme. I endeavoured to obviate this difficulty by submitting that the United States Department should, for the purpose of this scheme, accept four shillings and twopence sterling, as the fixed value of the gold dollar. This the PostmasterGeneral promised to consider, and to inform you of his decision thereon. I made application to the Hon. the Secretary of State for a file of the State documents, for the New Zealand Government, and received an order from him to Professor Henry, of the Smithsonian Institution, to whom the distribution of the State documents is intrusted, subject to regulations made by a Committee of the Legislature, in accordance with an Act passed some two years ago. Professor Henry very kindly promised to give me what he could, but, being busy at the time with his annual



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distribution, he promised to forward the works in a few weeks, together with the publications of the Institution for the year ; these may be expected by the next steamer or the one following. Professor Henry requests, in return, that the Smithsonian Institution may be furnished with copies of scientific works published in the Colony. I would also suggest that the Secretary of State's Department be furnished regularly with copies of such works as they are published, and with public documents, such as Statistics of the Colony, &c. And, as considerable ignorance prevails in the United States respecting New Zealand, I would further suggest that similar documents be regularly furnished to the State Governments of California, Nevada, and Oregon, and to the Chamber of Commerce and Merchants' Exchange at San Francisco, by which accurate and reliable information may be disseminated respecting the climate, resources, and capabilities, &c, of this Colony. As the London Office had intimated its intention to despatch the mails for New Zealand in separate portions —the first and main portion about twenty days before the date fixed for the departure of the mail steamer from San Francisco, the second and third by such opportunities thereafter as would, in ordinary circumstances, enable them to reach that place in time —it became necessary, in case of delays arising from accidents or bad weather, to make arrangements to obviate the steamer's leaving San Francisco without either of these mails. I requested the Postmaster at New York to telegraph to me at San Francisco the date on which the last of the mails should leave his office, so that I might be in a position to determine whether I should require the steamer to postpone its departure or not. The last of the mails arrived on the evening of the 9th at San Francisco, consequently there was no necessity for detaining the steamer; but I would submit that it is exceedingly desirable that you should possess the power of detaining, if necessary, the steamer at San Francisco for forty-eight hours beyond the fixed date for her departure, free of cost, as it is possible, for the reasons already stated, especially in the winter season, that one or more portions of the mail may be within twenty-four or forty-eight hours of San Francisco on that date. On my return to San Francisco I waited on the Superintendent of the Western Union Telegraph Company, and arranged with him that the General Manager of the Government Telegraph in New Zealand should act as agent in this Colony for the Western Union Telegraph Company for receiving and despatching telegrams by the Atlantic Cable, to any part of England and France, and to and from any part of the United States and Canada ; a tariff of charges on messages from San Francisco to these places was furnished to me in duplicate. The Superintendent desires that messages from New Zealand for transmission from San Francisco, may be enclosed in an envelope addressed to the Superintendent of the Western Union Telegraph Company, San Francisco, accompanied with a list or memorandum of the messages sent, the number of words in each, and the amounts collected therefor. Such amounts to be transmitted by the following mail, through the Bank of California at San Francisco, at the rate of four shillings and twopence per gold dollar. This arrangement I think, will prove very convenient to parties in the Colony desiring to use the cable, as it will obviate the necessity of employing agents in California, or of transmitting their messages by private hands. During my stay in California, I endeavoured to obtain a collection of animals, birds, plants, and seeds suitable to the climate of this Colony, but, unfortunately, it happened to be the close season, and I failed to obtain any, although I offered high prices for both animals and birds. I have however left instructions to forward, when the proper season arrives, 200 mountain quail, 100 pin-tailed grouse, 20 or 30 hares, and a hive of humble bees, the latter for distributing the pollen of the red clover to enable it to seed, which, lam led to understand, it has not yet done in New Zealand. Being midsummer, the season was also unfavourable for bringing trees or plants. I have however brought a few of several varieties, which were represented to me as good and useful sorts ; these, with an assortment of garden seeds, I have handed to Dr. Hector for distribution. Among the seeds are those of the various vegetables used in California. Some of them, such as the different varieties of the cabbage, are common here, but, being inexpensive, and an occasional change of seed being desirable, besides, the blight, which is so common here being unknown in California, I thought the introduction of healthy seeds into the Colony would be useful. As my stay in California was of necessity limited, according to your instructions I engaged Captain Baldwin, of Otago, who was a fellow-passenger in the " Wonga Wonga," and who contemplated remaining for some time in California, to make inquiries and gather every possible information respecting the mining and sericulture interests in that State, and to embody the result in a report for the information of the Government. This he has done ; and the report, which I think is a very good one, I have already handed to you. I left San Francisco, with a large mail, in the s.s. " Ajax," on the 10th of June, and arrived at Honolulu on the 20th, where I found the Flying Squadron at anchor oft' the harbour. Several letters for the officers and men on board had been found in our mail while it was being sorted; these were delivered, and receipts taken for them. The " Wonga Wonga " did not arrive until the evening of the 22nd; the mails were immediately transhipped. The " Ajax " left with the outward mails next morniug at 10 o'clock. The " Wonga Wonga," after taking in 260 tons of coal and a little cargo, left on the 24th at 5 p.m. for Auckland, and had fine weather throughout. When a few degrees south of the equator, it was discovered that there was not sufficient coal on board to take the vessel to Auckland. The captain, I believe, was misled by the engineer as to the quantity of coals on board when the steamer arrived at Honolulu. This quantity, with the 260 tons taken on board at Honolulu, was reported by the engineer as sufficient for eighteen days' full steam, instead of which, however, it turned out that there was scarcely sufficient for thirteen days. On this discovery being made, the consumption of coal was reduced to eighteen, and subsequently to ten tons a day; the wind, though light, was ahead, consequently we made but little progress. I need not say how thankful we all were when we sighted the North Cape, on the morning of the 13th, being the nineteenth day out, for had the wind been strong, as it generally is at this season of the year off the New Zealand coast, we could not have made the land. 8

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We arrived at the Bay of Islands at 5 p.m. on the same day, and after some vexatious delay succeeded in obtaining 60 tons of coal, and left on the 14th at 2 p.m.. and arrived in Auckland nest morning. The mails were sent immediately to the Post Office to be sealed, and as it was high water at Onehunga at 12 noon, I had them sent across and shipped by that hour. The " Phoebe" left a few minutes thereafter, but, as it is ebb-tide at the Manakau Heads much earlier than it is at the Onehunga, wharf, we were rather late, and grounded three times in crossing the bar, with a heavy sea running. "We arrived at Taranaki at daylight, and left again at 8.30 a.m., arriving at Nelson at 11 o'clock same night; landed the mails and passengers and left an hour and a half after; arrived at Picton at 9 a.m. on the 17th, and at Wellington at 3 p.m. same day, making the trip from the Manakau Heads to Wellington in less than forty-seven hours. To obviate some loss of time that occurs in connecting at Honolulu, I would suggest that the outward steamer leave Auckland on the 3rd or the 4th at the latest, instead of the 7th as at present. I have, &c, The Hon. Julius Vogel, Wellington. W. G-kay.

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FURTHER PAPERS RELATIVE TO THE SAN FRANCISCO MAIL SERVICE., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1870 Session I, E-04a

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FURTHER PAPERS RELATIVE TO THE SAN FRANCISCO MAIL SERVICE. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1870 Session I, E-04a

FURTHER PAPERS RELATIVE TO THE SAN FRANCISCO MAIL SERVICE. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1870 Session I, E-04a

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