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E.—No. 4a


No. 2. The Hon. W. Gisboene to the Hon. the Chief Secretaet, Victoria, (No. 99.) Sib, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 20th May, IS7O. Adverting to the letter dated 11th January last, addressed to you by the Hon. Mr. Vogel from Sydney, I have the honor to call your attention to the fact that you have not informed this Government whether you are prepared to contribute £6,000 annually to the California!! Mail Service. It is important to the success of the service that the contractor should receive the subsidy which it was presumed Victoria would not hesitate to give to the service. I have, &c, The Hon. the Chief Secretary, Victoria. W. Gisborne.

No. 3. Mr. E. Pearce to the Hon. W. Gisboene. Sir,— Wellington, 17th May, 1870. I have the honor to forward you copies of the Resolutions passed at the public meeting held at the Odd Fellows' Hall in this City on the 10th instant, with reference to the Mail Steam Service between California, this Colony, and Australia. In doing so, I wish to state that I do so at the request of the Committee appointed at the public meeting, for the information and consideration of His Excellency's Ministers. I have, &c, Edward Pearce, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Chairman of the Committee.

Copies of Resolutions passed at a Public Meeting held at the Odd Fellows' Hal], Wellington, Monday, 10th May, 1870—W. Waking- Taylob, Esq., M.H.R., in the Chair. Ist Resolution. —Moved by Edward Pearce, Esq., seconded by George Hunter, Esq. : — That it is of the greatest importance to the Colony of New Zealand, that a regular monthly mail steam service should be established between San Erancisco and Melbourne, the vessels to call at Wellington and Honolulu. The service to be performed by vessels of large size and sufficient power, having proper accommodation for a considerable number of passengers, and ample room for cargo. The contract to be entered into with parties who are known to have suitable steamers under their control, and able to give a guarantee that the service will be efficiently carried out. 2nd Resolution. —Moved by Robert Hart, Esq., seconded by W. B. Rhodes, Esq. : — That a Committee bo appointed to take the most energetic steps for the promotion of the object; to adopt the best means of communicating with all the Legislatures, Governments, and other bodies or individuals likely to concur in its attainment; to procure and diffuse the fullest possible information on the subject; to collect funds for defraying the preliminary expenses ; and generally to employ the most expedient methods available for agitating public opinion in favour of the plan. The Committee to consist of Messrs. W. W. Taylor, E. Pearce, G. Hunter, Robert Hart, M. S. Grace, W. Turnbull, A. P. Halcombe, E. Gifford, E. J. Wakefiekl, R. J. Duncan, J. Plimmer, C. J. Pharazyn, W. B. Rhodes, W. H. Palmer, E. T. Gillon, J. Dransfield, E. A. Krull, D. Mclntyre, J. E. Nathan, E. W. Mills, W. Johnston ; with power to add to their number. Brd Resolution —Moved by Thos. McKenzic, Esq., seconded by R. Port, Esq. : — That, as it is highly desirable that the co-operation of the Victorian Government should be secured in any contract for the establishment of an Australian-American Mail Service, the Hon. William Fitzherbert, the Hon. C. J. Pharazyn, and W. B. Rhodes, Esq., be appointed a deputation to wait on the Chamber of Commerce in Melbourne, to urge the Government of Victoria to join this Colony in initiating and supporting such a service. Edward Peaece, Chairman of the Committee.

No. 4. Mr. Gr. Eliott Eliott to Mr. E. Peaece. Sir,— Genera] Post Office, Wellington, 18th May, 1870. I am directed to convey to you the thanks of the Postmaster-General for your letter of the 17th instant, enclosing copies of Resolutions passed at a public meeting held at the Odd Eellows' Hall here on the 10th instant, with reference to the Mail Service between California, New Zealand, and Australia, and to inform you these Resolutions will be duly considered by the Government. 1 have, &c, Edward Pearce, Esq., Chairman of the Committee, G. Eliott Eliott, Wellington. Secretary.

No. 5. PROSPECTUS. Steam Communication between England and Australia in 49 days, via New York and San Eeancisco. The great "Western Eailway across the American Continent from San Erancisco to New York, having been in successful operation for the past seven months, we deem the present time opportune to address 3