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E.—No. 4a,


No. 1. Mr. Gr. A. "Woods to the Hon. J. Vogel. Sir,— Marine Survey Office, 9th May, 1870. In obedience to your instructions, I herewith enclose for your information the work of oceanic distances on the great circles, together with the local distances between certain ports in Pacific Waters; and a chart showing the routes suggested by yourself, and those proposed by Fowler, of H.M.S. " Challenger." ' I hare, &c, To the Hon. Julius Yogel, G-. A. "Woods, Postmaster-General, &c. Colonial Marine Surveyor.

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Memorandum of Distances of San Fbancisco Boute via Honolulu. Assumed Positions. Latitude. Longitude. Sydney ... ... ... ... ... 33° 51' 42" S. 151° 14' E. San Francisco ... ... ... ... 37° 4830" X 122° 24' W. Cape Palliser ... ... ... ... 41° 37' S. 175° 17' E. Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 36° 50' S. 174° 49' E. Cape Farewell ... ... ... ... 40° 30' S. 172° 44' E. Manukau Heads ... ... ... ... 37° 3'S. 174° 32' E. Honolulu ... ... ... ... ... 21°18']Sr. 157° 55' W. East Capo Island ... ... ... ... 37° 40' S. 178° 36' E. Levuka, Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... 17° 41' S. 178° 49' E.

On Great Circle fob Distance. —San Francisco to Honolulu. San Francisco, Lat. 37° 48' 30" N., Long. 122° 24' "W. Honolulu ...Lat. 21° 18' X, Long. 157° 55' W. Lat. 37° 48' = 52° 12' Co. Lat., and Lat. 21° IS' = 68° 42' Co. Lat. Long. 122° 24' W., Long. 157° 55' = * diff. Long. 17° 45' i diff. Long. 17° 45' == Sine 9-4841066 Sine 3 18-9682132 Co. Lat. Sine 9-8977123 Co. Lat. Sine 9-9692720 2)38-8351975 19-4175987 19-4175987 -1 diff. Co. Lat. Sine ... 9-1568296 61° 15' S" Tang. ... 102607691 ... Sine 9-9428735 17° 2130" ... Sine 94747252 Distance, 2,083 miles = 34° 43. 00"

Honolulu to Auckland. Honolulu, Lat. 21° 18' N, Long. 157° 55' W. Auckland, Lat. 36° 50' S., Long. 174° 49' E. Lat. 21° 18' = 111 0 18' Co. Lafc., and Lat. 36° 50' = 53° 10' Co. Lat. Long. 157° 55' "W., to Long. 174° 49' E. = j diff. Long. 13° 38. i diff. Long. 13° 38' = Sine 93723735 Sine 3 187447470 Co. Lat. Sine 99692720 Co. Lat. Sine 9-9032977 38-6173167 19-3086583 ... 19-3086583 | diff. Co. Lat. Sine ... 9-6864816 22° 4355" Tang. ... 9-6221767 ... Sine 9-5870600 31° 478" ... Sine 9-7215983 Distance, 3,81414 miles = 63° 34' 16"